How to understand that you are an energy vampire. Who are energy vampires? How does an energy vampire behave?

Energy vampires are people who by nature have an underestimated energy potential, and therefore are accustomed to consuming other people's energy. To do this, they use different methods: scandals, humiliations, complaints and other psychological manipulations, the main purpose of which is to provoke you to emotions.

In this article, we will tell you how to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth using a simple test.

According to this doctrine, all people are represented by the following types:

  • vampires;
  • donors;
  • neutrals;
  • white magicians;
  • black magicians.

And to find out which of the categories you personally belong to, we suggest you resort to a simple calculation. You should add up all the numbers of your date of birth. If you get a two-digit number as a result, you will need to add the received values ​​\u200b\u200bagain to end up with a single-digit number.

Let's look at this with a specific example:

Date of birth - 05/25/1994.

2+5+5+1+9+9+4 =35.

Based on the resulting value, we can conclude what kind of person you are in terms of energy. Next, we will consider which numbers correspond to which category of people.

Energy Vampires: Ones and Twos

But one should not immediately try to accuse such a person of all mortal sins, because for the most part the vampire takes away the energy of those around him completely unconsciously, because such is his essence, and he is not able to change it. If it so happened that your close relative acts as an energy vampire, whom you cannot not communicate with, talk about this topic and offer alternative energy sources.

For example, a pet would be an excellent donor. In addition, nature, sports, good music will fill you with energy.

Energy donors: fives and sevens

You are lucky if, as a result of mathematical manipulations, such numbers are obtained. They characterize the typical donor. But you can recognize him not only by calculations - you need to find the most cheerful, noisy person, near whom life is always in full swing - this is the standard donor.

And if you look even more closely, then next to the donor you will always find a couple of "bloodsuckers" who, like fish-stickers, do not want to leave the walking storehouse of energy and are fed by life force from it.

But if the donor is strong, he may well cope with several energy pumps, the main thing is that their number does not exceed all permissible limits.

Neutrals: threes, sixes, eights

In some cases, neutrals can be fueled by the energy of others, but this is more of an exception to the rule. It turns out that neutrals refer to ordinary people, who are now the most.

White magicians: representatives of the number nine

It should be noted that nine is a rather rare number in the date of birth. In terms of its energy potential, it is stronger than even the most powerful donor, because in this case, not a single vampire can take your energy without obtaining your consent.

It is also noteworthy that the representatives of white magicians themselves generously give away their vitality to others. It is the “nines” who become psychics, healers, brilliant doctors, these are all white magicians who managed to reach their full potential.

Black magicians: four

And the last category of people is a group of black magicians who have the number four in their date of birth. Along with their white opponents, they also control energy flows, so they never experience a lack of energy. But if the black magician wishes to suck strength out of someone, he will not need to resort to any specific methods at the same time - scandal, complain or talk a lot - just come up, take as much energy as you need and leave.

Note that black magicians are not a very common category, and those who were able to fully develop this potential in themselves can be easily counted on the fingers.

Energy vampire signs by date of birth

There is another method for calculating an energy vampire by date of birth. The amount of one's own energy is a constantly changing indicator, which depends on many factors (state of health, emotions experienced, and so on).

Next, we offer you a second way to interpret the meaning of your personal number. Its calculation is carried out in exactly the same way as in the first case - just sum up all the numbers of your date of birth and reduce it to a single digit.

And then we turn to this interpretation:

  • if the final result is less than five, the person has low energy, he constantly needs energy replenishment;
  • if the final number varies from five to seven - your energy is normal, you do not need to vampire others in order to take their energy;
  • and if the final result exceeds seven, you have so much energy that you can share it with others without loss for yourself.

Which of the described methods to believe, it is up to you to decide. And we offer you effective recommendations on how to restore your energy after communicating with a vampire.

Ways to replenish your energy

If you yourself are an energy vampire or have suffered from the actions of such a person, you need to restore the disturbed energy balance as soon as possible.

  1. Spending time in nature will help a lot: walk barefoot on the grass more often, lean against tree trunks, bask in the sun and feel that the forces of nature fill every cell of your body with vital energy.
  2. Contact more often with animals or plants - they also bestow vitality.
  3. Turn on your favorite musical compositions, with their help you will eliminate the source of irritation and negative thoughts.
  4. Shown to take a shower. Water perfectly eliminates all negative energy.
  5. Fill yourself with joyful emotions and positive experiences as much as possible - for this, communicate with friends, have fun and concentrate on the positive.

Now you know how to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth and how to restore energy after communicating with him. Finally, watch the informative video:

Incredible Facts

When we feel down, our self-confidence drops markedly and it is very difficult for us to cheer up again. Few of us understand that energy vampires skillfully disguised.

They deplete all our reserves of positive and settle the negative in our minds. These are people who can completely control our lives if we are not careful.

Just like vampires in history and fiction, these people often hide their identity and gain our trust by making us consider ourselves friends.

Scary, isn't it? Do not be afraid, below you will read the most real guide on what energy vampires are and how to calculate them by date of birth.

Types of Energy Vampires

There are only four types of energy vampires.

1. "I'm right no matter what you think or feel"

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It doesn't matter how much you will grovel, expressing your opinion about a situation or problem. They do not care. Only what they say is right, and you can't do anything about it.

Even if they are wrong, and they understand it, they will become that person who will constantly be silent. This childish behavior shows that you can never beat them, which means that your communication is a one-sided game.

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Try not to build a close relationship with such a person, and if he is a friend or potential partner, realize that such behavior will undoubtedly affect your future.

How to recognize an energy vampire

2. "I really love drama and I love to dramatize everything"

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This person feels best when the drama unfolds around him, and he becomes the center of the universe. If something suddenly goes wrong in life, they react too strongly.

Of course, we all need to discuss the negative things that sometimes happen, and we find the strength to do so in order to turn the page in the future. However, this person is completely different.

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Have you ever had a friend who didn't show up to your birthday party because he had a fight with his partner? This is exactly him, a vampire - a lover of dramas. If something suddenly happens to them, they easily forget all the promises made to another person.

It is important to know that vampires of this type come in many varieties. There are those who can create drama for no particular reason. When in a group of friends, they will gossip and talk about things that never happened.

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They can easily make someone feel disgusting just to boost their self-esteem. If you have a friend or partner who does not know what it means to say something nice to someone, then most likely this person belongs to this type of energy vampire.

It is important to stop this relationship in time, and not try to fix something, waiting for the flames to break out.

Signs of an energy vampire

© Alexander Kichigin

When you need a friendly shoulder, you need someone you can trust and open up to. Unfortunately, this type of vampire doesn't care what happens in your life and what negative things affect you.

They are too busy, too wrapped up in their own world, to think about yours as well. Such a person is very easy to spot, because it is he who will change plans at the last minute, despite the fact that you have not provided for a fallback for this weekend.

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It is better to have less contact with such people, as they never think about the feelings of others and will sleep well at night, knowing that someone is upset because of them, or they let someone down.

Whatever you do, never rely on these people for serious things. If you have such a friend, do not agree to move into the same apartment with him or go on vacation with him, because he will let you down at the last moment.

How to identify an energy vampire

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This type of energy vampire is the most destructive, because such a vampire will lie to get his way. If such a person wants to climb the career ladder, he will use everyone around, moving towards his goal, without a twinge of conscience at all.

When a problem arises, such people quickly find someone to point the finger at, refusing to take any responsibility for their actions. In conversations, they dwell on how much they do to make their life more interesting.

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However, often small white lies turn into big ones, so such people are very unreliable. If they suddenly borrow something from you and the thing gets damaged, they are more likely to pretend they have no idea what might have happened. Never lend money to such people.

Energy vampire by date of birth

Now we can talk about how to find out what type of person you are using your date of birth. In total there are five types of people in terms of vampirism: white and black magicians, neutral personalities, donors (victims) and energy vampires.

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To calculate who this or that person is, you only need to know his full date of birth. Take a pen and paper, write the full date on it. For example, 10/18/2016. After that, you need to add up all the numbers that are in front of you (1+8+1+0+2+0+1+6=19).

The final result must not be a two-digit number, so add up the numbers (1+9=10; 1+0=1). The result is one number. In our example, this is the number 1. Now we look at the decoding of the numbers.

These numbers indicate that the person is an energy vampire. Whether he understands it or not, he feeds on the energy of the people around him, using it to achieve his goals. However, you do not need to immediately push such a person away from you.

There is a possibility that he was a victim of circumstances, and that nature rewarded him with such a gift is not his fault. Try to understand whether the person understands that he is endowed with unusual abilities.

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If he is aware and not at all happy with this gift, wanting to get rid of it, then he definitely needs help. You can deal with vampirism if you cultivate willpower in yourself. Such a person must learn to control this process and not be led by his evil self.

However, you should be wary if an energy vampire lives under the same roof with you. In fact, many people can feed on someone else's energy. If this process occurs unconsciously, then it does not carry anything bad in itself.

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To protect yourself, you need to learn how to properly protect yourself and protect yourself even from unconscious attacks.

But if one of your acquaintances purposefully feeds on the energy of the people around you, then it would be better if you protect yourself from communicating with this person. There are several techniques that can help you put up a barrier against energy attacks and resist more serious methods.

People - carriers of these numbers should be very careful when choosing a social circle, because these are people - donors. They are the most susceptible to the destructive effects of vampires, because they are the easiest to attack.

Donor people should always carry a talisman with them, which can protect them from the influence of evil forces and which will be able to repel an attack. These people should learn how to build mirror barriers to help defend themselves against vampire attacks.

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Moreover, donors should think about regularly replenishing the vessel of vital energy, because it quickly dries up. For this, places of power are suitable. It is important to avoid cemeteries, because there you can easily become the prey of vampires and sorcerers.

These are places with positive energy, for example, churches. Frequent walks in the fresh air are vital for such people, because it is contact with nature that will help restore lost strength.

If, as a result of adding a two-digit number, you get one of these three numbers, then this indicates that you are very lucky. You do not have supernatural abilities, and you do not know what it is to feed on someone else's energy. At the same time, you are also too tough for energy vampires.

Surely you have repeatedly noticed that communication with some people causes a storm of positive emotions, it is easy and comfortable in their company. At the same time, after a fleeting conversation with others, you feel like you have been put through a meat grinder - a bad mood, headache, apathy, unwillingness to do anything, irritability completely unsettle. In society, such characters are called "energy vampires" and clearly outline the range of characteristic features. No, not the pallor of the skin and the intention of the ghoul to dig into your vein, but rather the desire to feed on the very energy that he himself lacks.

Is this a myth or reality?

While bioenergy experts advise making talismans and carrying anchovies and the eye of Fatima in your pocket, professional psychologists, among them Eric Berne, argue that there is no vampirism.

And everything that happens is just psychological games. The person is simply unpleasant, that's what infuriates.

It is not going to get into your prana and qi. Well, the conditional vampires themselves are unloved boys and girls, out of habit transferring children's problems to those around them.

All of them have a direct road to psychotherapists. So, we figure out how to identify the bloodsucker and how to deal with it.

We find out if energy vampires exist.

Signs of exposure to energy vampires

As you know, when a good and a bad person meet, the latter uses the good one, while there is something to use, and goes in search of a new victim.

The so-called conditional energy vampire cannot be considered directly bad - often people stick to other people's positive emotions unconsciously.

They just don't know how to do it any other way. Our task is either to explain to them what's what, or to distance ourselves as much as possible.

By the way, on the net you can find a nice formula for calculating personal vampirism.

To do this, add up all the numbers in the date of birth until you get a single digit.

If your number is less than four - you do not have energy, but sadness, the vampire has been detected.

From five to seven - you are within the normal range. Eight / nine - you are a voluntary donor and gladly give away part of the energy that you have, like pimples on polyethylene.

Understanding that you have become an energy donor is quite simple.

In fact, from time to time everyone can be an eater of someone else's positive - everyone has problems and a bad mood.

We are not always able to carry it in ourselves, and therefore we dump it on others.

Psychologists, by the way, advise exactly this: speak out and free yourself. It remains to find unoccupied consonant ears.

But some people manage to become almost real energy vampires, turning their dissatisfaction and whining into a field of activity.