How to fry potatoes in a pan with a crust. How to cook potatoes with a golden crust in a pan, in the oven and deep-fried

Both children and adults equally love fried potatoes, thanks to their delicate and juicy taste, as well as a crispy crust, which is sure to be obtained when potatoes are properly cooked in a pan.

How delicious to fry potatoes in a pan with a crust - we will reveal all the secrets of the cooking process.

We fry potatoes with a delicious golden brown crust.

Sometimes even a housewife with extensive culinary experience is not able to fry potatoes deliciously in a frying pan with a crust - when frying potatoes, they turn into unappetizing mashed potatoes.

How to fry potatoes in a pan so that it turns out with a crust?

Cooking method:

  • Remove skin from potatoes and rinse under water. Let the water drain and cut the potatoes the way you like - circles or cubes.
  • Important!!! When slicing, try to make cubes or circles of the same thickness - so the potatoes will be fried more evenly.
  • Pour the prepared potatoes with water and let stand for about 30 minutes - this is necessary so that excess starch comes out of the vegetable.
  • Drain the water and place the potatoes on a paper towel to remove the moisture.

With an abundance of moisture, it is impossible to fry potatoes in a frying pan with a crust.

  • Put the pan on the fire, pour the oil into it and let it warm up well over medium heat.
  • When the oil is hot enough, put the potatoes in the pan. Potatoes should be laid out evenly and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the pan.
  • Increase the heat and fry the potatoes always on the maximum heat setting.
  • An important point - you need to constantly stir the potatoes during the frying process, but you should not do this all the time - let the golden crust form on the lower layers and only then mix the potatoes in the pan.

If you stir the potatoes every five minutes, they will quickly become soft and turn into a puree.

  • Keep the lid off of the potato pan until all the potato cubes are golden brown.
  • Then salt the dish and cover with a lid.
  • Reduce heat slightly and cook until potatoes are soft.
  • Remove the lid as soon as the potatoes are done, otherwise the steam will soften the crust and not be nicely crunchy.

Fried potatoes are served hot, served with fresh vegetables and herbs.

A crispy golden crust on a potato is a temptation that even the most staunch advocates of a healthy lifestyle are hard to resist, but novice housewives do not always manage to get an appetizing appearance. There are several options for preparing a tasty and beautiful dish at the same time: in a pan, in the oven, or deep-fried in oil.

Advice. Harder potatoes with pink skin and firm flesh that do not absorb oil are better suited. For example, "American", and everyone's favorite "Sineglazka" can only be fried until January, until the tubers begin to dry out.

Cooking golden potatoes in a pan

Suitable for both vegetable and butter or animal fat. But it should be noted that a dish on lard is quite high in calories, and on butter it burns.

To fry 1 kg of potatoes (for 3-4 servings), you will need about 100 ml of odorless refined vegetable oil. The tubers are cut into strips (bars 4–6 mm thick) or slices 2–3 mm thick. Pieces are soaked in cold water for 10-15 minutes to get rid of excess starch. If this is not done, the slices in the pan will stick together.

Spread the pieces on a paper towel and blot moisture. Then the potatoes are poured into a wide frying pan with already heated vegetable oil. The fire under the pan must be strong so that a crust forms on the slices before the flesh is saturated with fat.

The first mixing - not earlier than after 5-7 minutes: during this time, the lower pieces will already have time to brown a little. Mixing is easier with two spatulas. The second mixing - after another 5-7 minutes.

The pan must not be covered with a lid, otherwise it will turn out not crispy fried, but soft stewed potatoes.

The onion is cut into half rings and poured into the pan on top of the potato slices when they begin to brown. At the same time, 50–70 g of butter can be added to the pan to improve the taste. The dish is mixed only after 4-5 minutes after that (the onion must first be saturated with hot potato vapors and become softer).

Salt the dish at the end, about a minute before readiness. At the same time, crushed garlic, pepper and other seasonings are added to the resulting golden potatoes in a pan.

Cooking golden potatoes in the oven

Rustic potatoes are another famous dish from the McDonald's menu. It is easy to prepare at home or in the country. If you want to bake potatoes with a peel, then the tubers must be thoroughly washed with a brush. Closer to spring, when the potatoes wither, it is better to peel them.

crispy potato wedge recipe

Peeled or just thoroughly washed tubers with peel (1 kg) cut into slices.

Dip the slices into a saucepan with cold salted water (2 tsp of salt per liter of water) and bring to a boil over high heat.

As soon as the water begins to boil, immediately drain the potatoes in a colander.

Prepare the spice mix. For example, take a teaspoon of paprika, dried herbs (dill, parsley), add salt and black pepper to taste. Paprika can be replaced with cumin or suneli hops.

In an empty pan, put undercooked potatoes, pour 3 tbsp. l. olive or corn oil, sprinkle with the spice mixture, cover and shake vigorously until the seasoning evenly coats the surface of the slices.

Cover a baking sheet with foil or baking paper, lay out the slices (in one layer) and put in the oven. Bake at 180°C.
The cooking time is 40-50 minutes. After 20-25 minutes, the potatoes are mixed.

Potatoes prepared in this way are often served according to the fondue principle: the slices are laid out on plates, and a bowl of sauce is placed in the center of the table.

Recipe for potato "nuts"

If the tubers are small (the size of a walnut or a little more), then it is better not to cut them into slices, but to cook the whole golden potato in the oven. The potatoes are washed with a brush, then dipped in cold salted water and brought to a boil. Tubers cooked until half cooked are filtered.

The cooled potatoes are scratched with a fork. The deeper the grooves on the surface of the tubers, the thicker the ruddy crisp will turn out.

Processed potatoes, just like in the previous recipe, are rolled in spices, spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment or foil and baked at 180 ° C for 50–80 minutes. The tubers will be covered with a thick fried crust and will look like walnuts.

Scratches with a fork give a distinctive appearance

How to make golden fries

The easiest way to achieve a golden crust on potato slices is to deep-fry them. But here, too, there are tricks that allow you to cook the dish so that it tastes better than at McDonald's:

  • peeled potatoes are cut into cubes 8–10 mm thick. The bars should be as uniform as possible, otherwise some pieces will burn while others are fried;
  • McDonald's uses flavor enhancers when frying potatoes. A similar effect can be achieved without chemistry: it is enough to add a tablespoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt to 1 liter of water, and then lower the potato cubes into the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes;
  • put the soaked bars on a paper towel and carefully remove excess moisture. This is not necessary, but due to contact with cold water, hot oil begins to splatter and can burn the hands or face of the cook;
  • the sticks are ready to be toasted, but if there is time, they are kept in the freezer for about an hour. Then, when frying, the potatoes will harden only on the outside, and the flesh will remain airy and slightly moist. This is how french fries are made at McDonald's.
  • only refined deodorized vegetable oil is suitable for frying, which is completely odorless;
  • pour enough oil into a deep frying pan (stewpan) or deep fryer to completely cover the potatoes. If there are a lot of potatoes, it is more convenient to fry in portions;
  • so that the potatoes do not burn, the oil should be hot, but not smoking. A piece of potato is pierced with a fork and lowered into the pan. If bubbles begin to actively rise from the bar, it means that the oil has warmed up to the desired temperature;
  • the fire under the fryer is adjusted so that the sticks are browned in 5-8 minutes. If you fry longer, then the potatoes will become saturated with fat;
  • Lay the fritters out on paper towels to soak up excess oil. If necessary, sprinkle with additional salt and spices.

French fries have two drawbacks: they are too high in calories, and when they are fried, a lot of vegetable oil disappears, which cannot be reused.

Potatoes are a favorite food of many. Someone prefers it boiled, someone baked, but true connoisseurs know that fried potatoes are the most delicious. Not all housewives know how to properly fry potatoes in a pan with a crust. However, it is worth just remembering a few secrets. To cook the perfect potato with a golden crust, you need to remember simple rules.

How to choose potatoes

Culinary experts believe that pink and yellow potatoes are the most suitable varieties for frying.

When choosing potatoes, pay attention to their tubers. They should be firm-skinned and fresh. Old tubers can adversely affect the taste of potatoes.

How to choose the oil in which to fry potatoes

It is worth choosing refined sunflower oil for cooking fried potatoes. You should not even try to fry a vegetable on Deodorized Unrefined. From it only an unpleasant aroma, smoke and plaque on the potatoes will appear.

You can also use lard for frying. However, it should be borne in mind that such an ingredient will add a significant portion of calories to your dish. Many housewives use butter, on which the potatoes turn out tender and soft. The disadvantage of cooking with such oil is that you will have to carefully monitor the pan so that the product does not burn out for minutes.

To make the potatoes really tasty and have a golden crust, it is best to use a mixture of vegetable and butter.

For 1 kilogram you need only 125 mg. vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. butter spoons.

What pan to fry potatoes

When you have picked up all the products, you can start choosing a pan. Immediately it is necessary to abandon the aluminum options with a thin coating. Cast iron and aluminum pans with a thick bottom are most suitable for cooking potatoes.

A prerequisite is a wide bottom. Since you have to constantly stir the potatoes.

Do not allow the layering of the dish. In order for the potatoes to be completely fried, they must be located directly on the heated bottom of the pan.

How to properly cut potatoes before frying

Slices of 5-7 mm are considered the optimal size. Such pieces can be well-fried both inside and out.

The vegetable cutter will simplify the task. With its help, you can cope with the task in a couple of minutes.

golden brown fried potato recipe

You will need:

  • pink potato
  • butter
  • vegetable oil

Finally, when you have chosen all the ingredients, picked up the pan and cut the vegetables, you can start frying.

The main secret of delicious fried potatoes is a minimum of starch. The less it is in a vegetable, the easier it is to achieve a golden crust.

To reduce the percentage of starch in potatoes, it must be poured with cold water for 20 minutes. After the vegetable, rinse under running water and spread on a towel to dry.

It is necessary to pour the potatoes into a well-heated pan to prevent the vegetable from sticking to the surface. Only after heating the pan, coat its bottom with a mixture of two oils and let them warm up. If you do not have one of the components - it does not matter. You can only use vegetable oil. To make sure your pan is hot enough, place just one slice of chopped potatoes on top of the pan.

When the oil begins to sizzle and sizzle, this is a sign that the pan is ready for frying. You can pour all the chopped potatoes into it. Spread the slices evenly over the entire surface of the pan so that they warm up well. Stir the vegetable regularly to prevent sticking and sticking of the potatoes.

Pause for 3-5 minutes to let the potatoes bake. Since by stirring it, you lower the temperature of the dish. After a couple of minutes, turn all the slices on the other side. Use a wooden spatula. Potatoes should turn over as a whole layer, and not in separate parts. This moment will let you know if you did everything right. Fry the dish on the other side for the same time. Repeat this manipulation a couple more times so that the potatoes are completely baked.

How long does it take to fully cook potatoes

It will take you about 20 minutes to cook fried potatoes with a golden crust. You need to fry potatoes without a lid. If you cover the dish, then start the stewing process. Such potatoes will be loose and soft, falling apart when mixed.

You can salt and pepper potatoes only at the end of cooking. Then the dish must be thoroughly mixed. Cooks recommend adding grated garlic when serving potatoes. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then blot the whole potato with a paper towel. In this way, you will remove excess oil from the slices and reduce the percentage of fat.

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Greetings my dears! Who doesn't love a delicious fried potato with a crust? Today I will tell you how to fry potatoes in a frying pan deliciously. It would seem such a simple question, but how many options for answering it ... 🙂

I just love this dish! From early childhood. When parents were “conjuring” in the kitchen and the smell of fried potatoes was spreading around the house, it was a holiday! And each family has its own ways and recipes of cooking. But to achieve a golden crust - the rules are the same. I'll start in order. And to make it clearer, I'll add pictures.

Which potato is best?

Two varieties are best suited for frying - pink and yellow. Choose firm-skinned, fresh tubers. Old tubers may not turn out to be potatoes in a crispy shell and the dish will not taste the same.

Fried potatoes are great for a hearty lunch. 100 g fried potatoes 300 kcal. More with fat. But if you eat in moderation and do not fry too much, then it will also retain useful substances!

Oil selection

Take refined sunflower. Deodorized unrefined is definitely not suitable. It will smoke, foam and interrupt the taste of the dish.

Still fried in lard. Then there will be so many calories in food, oh-oh-oh! If you are on a diet, then it is better to refuse eating with potatoes. You can cook with butter too. Then your dish will come out especially tender. But the potatoes will need to be very carefully monitored. In this oil, the slices burn very quickly. Here experience is needed.

The ideal option is a mixture of vegetable and butter. The amount depends on the serving. On average, for 1 kilogram of potatoes you need 125 ml of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. butter spoons

What pan to cook in?

You can also use a deep fryer, but for me, it’s so soulless somehow. Delicious potatoes “like in childhood” are still better in a frying pan.

From aluminum cookware and with a thin bottom, give up immediately. Two ideal options: cast iron and aluminum with a thick bottom. The dishes should be wide so that it is convenient to mix and not lay the potatoes in several layers. For example, this would work:

Frying pan Vitesse "Le Splendour" with a lid, with a marble coating, with a removable handle, color: burgundy. Diameter 26 cm. VS-2269

To the store

Perfect cut

Straws 5-7 mm thick. Then the dish will come out fried on the outside and soft inside. To save time, I advise you to use a vegetable cutter. This is what I really like:

It turns out much faster than cutting on the board. Especially when you need to cook for a large family or guests will soon catch up. And so I cut it, quickly fried potatoes, made a salad and everyone is happy 🙂

How to fry with a golden crust

The secret to a perfectly cooked dish is to get rid of excess starch. Then it will be easier to get potatoes with a crust. Pour the slices with cold water until they are just covered. Leave on for approximately 15-20 minutes. Next, drain the water and lightly rinse the straw again. Lay the slices on a towel and blot all the pieces.

A very important rule: raw potatoes cannot be sent to a cold frying pan, in unheated oil. It does not fry, but sticks and does not turn out delicious. Therefore, first turn on a strong fire, put the pan and pour the oil. Let it warm up well.

I wrote about the perfect combination of butter and vegetable oil above. You can cook only on vegetable. Everything to your taste 🙂

To check if the pan is hot, add one potato wedge. If the oil sizzles, then you can cook.

Put the pieces on a hot surface and let them fry. We put the fire on medium. You don’t need to mix, check, and generally touch it in any other way. Let it cook for 3-5 minutes. Then, with a deft movement of the spatula, turn the potatoes over. It should roll over with a whole layer. It will work if you did everything right. Fry the dish on the other side for the same time. And do this 1-2 more times.

How long to fry potatoes in a pan in total time - about 20 minutes

The whole process takes place without a lid. Cover - you get not fried, but stewed potatoes, loose and falling apart. Salt, pepper only at the end before the last mixing. You can also add grated garlic “under the curtain” - it turns out very tasty!

To reduce calories, place the potatoes on a paper towel. Excess oil will be absorbed and reduce the fat content of the dish. By the way, .

Now you know the secrets of how to cook fried potatoes in a pan very tasty and with a golden crust. It's time to start experimenting with different flavors. Garlic or onion plus herbs are great options.

Step-by-step recipe with photo of frying potatoes with onions

Potatoes prepared this way are often cooked in my family. The combination of spices with onions makes for a simple yet tasty and nutritious dish.

  • 5 large or 10 small potatoes;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/3 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 1/3 tsp sweet paprika;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • frying oil.

Wash and clean tubers. Cut potatoes into slices or slices like chips.

In a deep bowl, add spices to the chopped slices. If you will be cooking from frozen potatoes, follow the same step-by-step steps.

Break the bay leaf into small pieces. Mix everything together thoroughly.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Pour oil into a frying pan and place it over medium heat. When the oil is hot, put the potatoes in the pan.

Toss with a spatula until each potato wedge is coated with oil. Turn the slices several times while frying to brown on all sides. When you see that the potatoes are half soft, add the onion cubes. Do not do this before, otherwise the onion will burn and there will be coals.

Stir and cover the pan with a lid. Let everything sweat in the pan.

When you see that the onions have softened and the potatoes have become crispy, then the dish is ready. Using a spatula, put everything on a plate. Taste for salt and add spices if needed.

Delicious and fast with mushrooms

To eat the whole family, we take half a kilogram of tubers, 300 g of fresh champignons (well, or any other mushrooms that you like), 4 medium cloves of garlic, 1 medium onion, and herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare the potatoes (see above for how to do this). We cut into strips, wash and so on. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry separately in oil. Finely chop the greens.

Mushrooms cut into slices and fry separately. You can in the same pan where you fried onions and garlic. Brown the mushrooms until crispy. This usually takes about 10 minutes.

Put the potatoes in a very well-heated frying pan and fry according to all the rules approximately. When the potatoes are almost ready, add mushrooms, onion with garlic and greens to it. Salt, pepper, stir and remove from heat. Traditional Russian dish is ready! Serve it to the table with vegetable salad, sour cream.

How to cook with meat

To prepare the dish quickly, let's deal with the meat first. Boil it or bake it in the oven. We will add ready-made meat to the potatoes.

For 4 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4-5 tubers;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3-4 medium cloves;
  • ready-made meat - 300 g (beef, lean pork or bacon slices are suitable).
  • your favorite spices, salt, pepper and herbs to taste.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, send the chopped tubers and fry on one side for 3-5 minutes over high heat. Flip over and add onion. Reduce fire to medium. Stirring occasionally, cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Cut the cooked meat into small cubes. When the potatoes are almost "reached" - add the garlic. Fry for another minute and add the meat. If it comes out dry, add a little water - half a cup. Stir again. While the water is evaporating, salt and pepper. When the water has evaporated, add the chopped herbs. Everyone, food is served! Crispy golden potatoes with meat - a hearty lunch.

Crispy potatoes with lard

This recipe is from my dad. It has one secret ingredient.

Required Ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of tubers;
  • salsa with meat layer - 100 g;
  • bow - 1 pc.;
  • spices to taste;
  • the secret ingredient is half an apple without a core and skin.

Cut the onion as you like, and the apple into thin strips. Salo should be cut into small strips. Heat the frying pan well and add a little vegetable oil so that it does not turn out too greasy. After all, the fat will melt. Already on a very hot frying pan spread the fat. Reduce fire to medium. When you notice that the layers of meat on the fat have turned white - add potatoes. Turn over after 5-7 minutes. We wait another 4-5 minutes and turn over again.

Then add the chopped apple and onion at the same time. Fry for another 10-15 minutes, stirring. Add spices at the end. You can sprinkle with coriander. Salt, pepper, mix. The addition of apple makes the taste awesome! Try it.

Boiled potatoes with onions

The option is unusual in that we will fry the potatoes already cooked in their skins 🙂

Required Ingredients:

  • 900 g potatoes in a peel;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 teaspoons spoons of dried herbs;
  • salt and pepper.

Rinse the tubers and boil in their uniforms. Cook until tender about 10-15 minutes. When potatoes are cool, cut into cubes. If the tubers are fresh, then I do not peel them. And if the harvest is last season, then it is better to clean it.

Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into a heated frying pan. Fry chopped onion and garlic until golden brown. Transfer to a bowl. If you do not like garlic, then you can not add.

Fry the potato cubes in the second part of the oil. During cooking, add pepper and salt to your taste. When the cubes are already browned on all sides, add the fry. Cook for a few more minutes.

Remove from heat and sprinkle with fresh herbs or dried herbs. This side dish is best served immediately.

How to make delicious sauce

Potato dishes cannot be called exquisite. They are prepared as everyday food. But if you add here such a touch as sauce, then you can pleasantly surprise your family and friends. Colored sauce will be a great solution. There is a sauce recipe that fits all three dishes perfectly.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2-3 medium onions;
  • parsley root or celery root;
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • dry wine - 3 tablespoons (red or white - no difference);
  • 1 teaspoon honey. It must be liquid. If you have only candied, then it needs to be melted;
  • 1 pinch of ground red pepper;
  • salt.

Chop onion, parsley root (celery) very finely and put in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Take a glass of water (100 g) and add honey, tomato paste, lemon juice. Mix everything and pour into the pot with vegetables. Add wine to it.

We put the pan on a slow fire and simmer for 30-40 minutes. The mixture must be stirred periodically. Brought to readiness - salt, pepper, mix and remove from heat. Let the sauce cool and serve in a gravy boat.

Look also I found a small video as an instruction to make everything clearer.

If you are satisfied with the information received, do not forget to tell your friends about it on social networks. blog. I am always looking for delicious recipes for you. Fantasize and experiment in the kitchen. And you will succeed!

Everyone probably knows how to fry potatoes in a pan, but I want to tell you my recipe for fried potatoes. Just a couple of simple secrets, and the result is ... well, just lick your fingers: delicious, crispy, much tastier than fries.

And so, how tasty it is to fry potatoes with a crust.

We start with the most banal - we clean and wash the potatoes.

We cut, if possible, into identical sticks as in the photo.

The first secret of crispy potatoes: wash the cut potatoes 2-3 times. This is necessary in order to wash off the starch from the surface of the potato as much as possible and it does not stick together or stick. The last time we drain the water through a sieve, let it drain and, putting the chopped potatoes on a clean towel, blot, removing any remaining moisture.

By this time, the pan with sunflower oil should already be well calcined on the fire.

The second secret of crispy potatoes is hidden in the pan. If you want the tastiest, crunchiest potatoes, fry them in old cast iron pans. For example, we carefully store our grandmother's old frying pan for frying and crispy potatoes.

We put the potatoes in a pan and let them warm up and brown over the highest heat.

And now, the third secret of potatoes with a crust: there must be enough potatoes to lay in a single layer in a pan, otherwise the potatoes will never turn out crispy. It will undoubtedly be a delicious fried potato, but, alas, without a crispy crust and will not look like fries at all.

We begin to interfere only when we see that the bottom of the potato has begun to change color to light brown. Up to this point, only periodically shake the pan so that the sunflower oil comes into contact with the potato pieces as much as possible.

Well, now, how much to fry potatoes. The frying time depends on how hot your burner is. It takes me 15-20 minutes before the first mixing. Then gently mix 3-4 times, every 5-7 minutes.

When to salt fried potatoes? I only salt at the very end. I salted it, stirred it and ... immediately on the table. Yes, if there is fresh dill, then do not forget to finely chop and sprinkle the potatoes before serving.

More details in the video

Everyone, everyone, everyone - delicious crunch.

I also want to note that potatoes fried according to this recipe are perfect as a side dish for a festive hot dish and as a tasty and satisfying meal for every day. Now you know all the secrets of making delicious crispy potatoes.