What is the correct name of the analysis. Blood test: types, decoding with indicators. A urologist-venereologist will work with you

All kinds of diseases make their own changes in the state of the body, and this will necessarily affect the blood counts.

Its qualitative and quantitative composition is determined by capillary blood, such an analysis is called a hemogram. Blood sampling is carried out by puncturing the soft surface of the terminal phalanx of the ring, middle or index finger. For this, scarifiers are used - sterile disposable needles and sterile individual pipettes.

The skin on the finger is pretreated with a 70% alcohol solution. The first drop of blood is removed with a cotton ball, and the next drop is drawn into a glass capillary and a pipette, which can then be used for preparing smears, determining ESR and evaluating other indicators. Venous blood is used for biochemical analyzes.

After taking material from the vein, the patient should bend his arm at the elbow and hold it in this position for 10-15 minutes. This will prevent the formation of a hematoma where the needle enters the vein.

General clinical blood test, what are the prerequisites?

The most common method in medicine. It includes the determination of the hemoglobin index, the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), leukocyte formula (each type of leukocytes is counted), platelets (platelets), determination of ESR.

The changes that occur in the peripheral blood are not specific; they reflect the general changes in the body. Without this analysis, it is impossible to diagnose blood diseases, infectious and inflammatory diseases, whatever they may be.

However, there are changes that have occurred in the leukocyte formula are not characteristic of a particular disease, they can be similar in different pathological processes. Or, conversely, the same disease in different patients may be accompanied by changes that differ from each other.

The leukocyte formula changes with the age of a person, therefore, it is necessary to take into account its shifts from the position of the age norm (special attention should be paid to it when examining children). Blood for analysis is taken from a finger, at least 8 hours should elapse between the last meal and blood sampling. You do not need to knead your fingers before taking the material, this may increase the level of leukocytes.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

It is a special pregnancy hormone that is produced by the cells of the embryonic membrane (chorion). Human chorionic gonadotropin makes it possible to determine pregnancy at the earliest stages (analysis at 6-10 weeks after conception gives a positive result). You can diagnose pregnancy using special tests at home. These tests are based on the analysis of CTC. The hormone is excreted from the body in the urine.

Polymerase chain reaction

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a modern diagnostic method at the molecular level. With the help of it, gynecological and urological diseases are diagnosed. This method is considered to be the most accurate one in existence today. For PCR analysis, venous blood, vaginal or urethral smears are used. The analysis results demonstrate the presence of all kinds of bacteria and viruses in the body. PCR will never miss a disease if it exists, but it can give false positives in the absence of disease. An error can occur because the sample may be contaminated with foreign DNA. You don't need much for this, just one molecule is enough.

Tests for tumor markers

These studies allow doctors to identify proteins that are produced by cells of all kinds of tumors. Proteins of neoplasms in their functions are very different from the natural substances of the body or are produced in an amount significantly exceeding the norm. The cells of the embryo produce tumor markers and this is considered the norm. But the content of tumor markers in the blood of an adult is a signal of cancer.

Many men often wonder what the semen analysis is called and what it is for. Usually people are faced with the need to conduct such a study with infertility, but it is still used for other studies. Today we will talk about who and when it is better to do such an analysis, and how to properly prepare for it in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

How to properly prepare for a semen analysis

This analysis is usually prepared within 3-5 days before delivery. As for alcoholic beverages, it should be said right away that it is generally advisable not to consume them for a week. No smoking for about 4 days before check-in. It is very important to exclude visits to the sauna, bath or other similar institutions. It is also worth excluding sex and masturbation. Even accidental ejaculation (such as wet dreams) significantly affects the reliability of the study.

Medication has its meaning in this analysis. If a man is currently taking antibiotics, then sperm can be donated for research at least 2 weeks after stopping the intake. It is advisable not to take any medication at all at this time.

Before surrender, you must completely calm down and try not to get nervous and have a good rest. The analysis is called a spermogram.

What is spermogram assigned for?

The analysis is usually prescribed for infertility. This study must be carried out if the couple has not become pregnant for a year. It is not always the man who is infertile, but doctors most often recommend that the man be tested first.

Many people do this research themselves before conceiving a child. They check the material for fertility, that is, for the presence of infertility.

A sperm reproductive test is often prescribed for various diseases of the male reproductive system.

For example, with prostatitis, varicocele, as well as metabolic disorders. It is recommended to conduct this analysis for various sensations of pain in the groin area, as well as for impotence (lack of erection).

It is advisable to carry out a spermogram when the color of the ejaculate changes, as well as when blood is found in it.

How to properly donate sperm for analysis

The ejaculate is submitted for examination by masturbation. There are a number of specific rules in order to successfully pass the analysis.

First of all, it should be noted that the analysis for reproductive performance should definitely be carried out in a medical institution, since the material must be examined within an hour.

Of course, you can bring ejaculate to the clinic within an hour, but in a medical institution it will be more reliable and correct to do this, since it is not always possible to get to the hospital in time, often the sterility is violated and so on.

In a medical institution, the ejaculant is collected in a separate room and in a special sterile container. This container is usually issued by a laboratory assistant who is obliged to consult. It is important to maintain sterility, and not to open this container in advance. Also, various touches to the inner surface of this container should be excluded.

Before taking the analysis, a man must thoroughly wash his hands with soap and water, as well as the penis and, preferably, the entire groin area. Naturally, before passing such an analysis, you need to go to the toilet and empty the bladder.

Sometimes people think that it would be safer to drain the ejaculate from the condom, but this method should not be used, as this can significantly distort the test material.

In addition, all the sperm secreted must enter the container. It is forbidden to donate material by interrupted intercourse. It is worth taking care that various particles (for example, drops of sweat) do not get into the semen.

What are the contraindications to spermogram

Despite the fact that, as we said, there are certain rules for preparing for the delivery of such an analysis, there are also a number of contraindications for which this procedure cannot be performed:

  • Various types of intoxication with diseases or with alcohol intoxication. This leads to a decrease in the quality of the ejaculate.
  • Nutrition. With various types of nutritional deficiencies or various avitaminosis (vitamin deficiencies). This leads to disruption of the process of birth of germ cells in the body.
  • Temperature. Elevated body temperature also reduces quality, as sperm production usually occurs at 3 degrees below body temperature. Therefore, men should generally refuse to ride in cars with heated seats turned on, as this significantly disrupts the process of spermatogenesis and leads to infertility.
  • After a prostate massage, it is also forbidden to take ejaculate for analysis.
  • Physical fatigue. This condition reduces the quality of sperm, and also badly affects the erection.
What they look at with a spermogram

When examining the ejaculate of a man, two main research methods are used:

  • Macroscopic. With this method, higher quality characteristics are investigated, such as viscosity, odor, color, acidity, volume. Normally, the color should be milky gray. A lot can be said about color. For example, if the color is pink, then you can judge the appearance of blood in the material. Yellow color indicates possible inflammation. The semen should be viscous for the first 10 minutes. The pH value (acidity) must be in the range 7.2–8, that is, alkaline. The volume of ejaculate should normally be more than 2 milliliters. The smell is normally very similar to that of chestnuts. This is the characteristic smell of ejaculate normal. Chlorine odor may sometimes be present, but this is also normal. Other specific odors indicate a possible illness.
  • Microscopic. For this method, a special microscope is used, with the help of which the number of germ cells, as well as their lability and shape, are counted. The normal sperm count should be between 20 and 200 million in 1 ml of ejaculate. A microscope can also detect sperm agglutination (sticking together). If they stick together, then this indicates pathology.

What foods improve sperm quality

In the absence of suspicion of pathology, usually men are advised to consume certain foods that increase the quality for conceiving a child.

First of all, it should be said that it is advisable not to take alcohol for three months before conception, because sperm cells in the body are renewed every 72 days. Alcohol negatively affects the quality and the possible fertilization. It causes various congenital diseases in children.

Alcohol also often leads to infertility.

And now about the products. It has been proven time and again that after reviewing the diet and changing it, improvements in human conditions are often observed. This is very clearly manifested in the quality of the ejaculate and in conception.

Here is a list of foods that should be consumed in larger quantities during conception:

  • vegetables and fruits (bananas, garlic, herbs, nuts, asparagus, apples, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, pomegranates);
  • fish (oysters, red fish and various seafood);
  • meat (chicken, veal). It is better to eat lean meat;
  • dairy products (cheese, low-fat milk, cottage cheese);
  • chicken eggs;
  • vitamin complexes. They are the most effective. It is advisable to select complexes with vitamins C, E, B9 (folic acid).

The modern woman knows many ways to determine whether she is pregnant or not. Much is now available - rapid tests can be bought at any pharmacy. And there are many such women who determine the "interesting position" using popular and already proven methods.

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Whatever accuracy the manufacturers of modern testers guarantee, there is always a chance of error. Therefore, those who want to find out the situation, timing with an accuracy of the day, can always use such an option as a blood test for pregnancy.

Someone is sent to him by specialists, many are surprised. This test is done for early diagnosis. The study shows whether conception occurred or not, already on the sixth day after fertilization.

The need for research

This analysis is based on the fact that women who are pregnant have increased hormones, also called the pregnancy hormone. After the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity, the woman's body increases the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Its production occurs from the shell of the embryo, so if conception has occurred, then the hormone will necessarily be displayed. And depending on the period, its quantity will be displayed.

How to take

Tests usually do not show pregnancy in the early stages, since the hCG rate, which is necessary for a sensitive tester, has not yet been reached. Therefore, a blood test for pregnancy is the most accurate and reliable in the early stages.

A specialist may prescribe such a test for the following purposes:

  • determine the degree of development of pregnancy, whether the fetus is developing correctly at a certain time;
  • exclude the development of an ectopic, frozen pregnancy;
  • determine the risk of miscarriage.

Sometimes it happens that such a study is prescribed not only for non-pregnant women, but even for men. Because hCG can increase if a person has hormone-producing tumors.

The analysis is usually carried out after a week of delayed menstruation in a special laboratory. To do this, take blood from a vein on an empty stomach - before that, you cannot eat for at least eight hours. Also, a woman can independently conduct such a blood test for pregnancy at home, simply by purchasing it at a pharmacy. But the accuracy will be several times lower than laboratory tests.

A specialist can prescribe many different studies, it is difficult to say exactly which one will give a positive result. The hCG hormone is composed of several particles - alpha and beta. The hormone beta-hCG increases during pregnancy.

When beta-hCG is in an amount of at least 15 mU / ml, this is the norm for both men and women:

  • in the first week of pregnancy, the level is exceeded several times;
  • in the fifth to sixth week, the analysis can show from 50 to 200 t mU / ml;
  • tenth-eleventh week - the concentration of the hormone shows its limit, and then it begins to gradually subside.

Before childbirth, the level of hCG will be 6-10 t honey / ml. Also we have and?

The reasons for the deviation from the norm of the hCG hormone when a blood test is done:

  • when the level of the hormone exceeds the norm - this indicates a problem in how the pregnancy goes, for example, with toxicosis;
  • when diabetes mellitus;
  • the level may increase if there is more than one fetus in the womb;
  • incorrectly determined the gestational age;
  • insufficient amount of hormone - this indicates the pathology of the fetus;
  • ectopic, frozen pregnancy;
  • fetal death;
  • premature birth;
  • placental insufficiency.

Therefore, this analysis is very important for pregnant women, thanks to it, it is possible to determine the pathology and prescribe the necessary treatment in time.

Still pregnancy can be determined.

  1. Using a regular pharmacy test using urine. Determines after two, three days of delay. Tests can be of the following types: regular test strip, inkjet, tablet, electronic.
  2. Measurement of basal temperature - it should be above 37 degrees, but such a test can be carried out only in the first days of the delay.

Determining pregnancy using a test

Antibody tests

When such a blood test is performed to determine pregnancy, the following infections can be detected:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • herpes viruses;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • chlamydia;
  • leptospirosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • clostridial infection (tetanus)
  • diphtheria;
  • whooping cough;
  • syphilis;

In the presence of autoantibodies, a decisive factor for the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease can be made. In the presence of antisperm, antiovarian antibodies, they can diagnose infertility. In total, such an analysis can be performed up to four times during the entire pregnancy.

Antibody test

The value of the biochemical method

In order to have a complete picture of the work of a specific organ of the body (in this case, the female genital organs), a biochemical blood test is performed during pregnancy. This method is one of the most accurate. It not only shows a complete picture of the functioning of organs, but also tells whether the organ has any deficiencies in vitamins and trace elements. With any change in the chemical composition of the blood, the readings indicate that intervention is necessary.

To do it, take five milliliters of blood from the cubital vein. They study its composition and enter it into a special form, where the main components that are in the blood and their content are displayed.

Before passing the analysis, you must not eat for at least twelve hours, and it is advisable not to drink so that the data are not distorted. When the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the biochemical analysis is done twice, at registration and at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

All indicators of a biochemical blood test usually do not have a certain norm and clear values, they are determined relative to each parameter (they have a frame from and to). Often, the same analyzes are interpreted in completely different ways - this is due to the fact that the specifics in each clinic establish certain criteria in different ways.

An experienced specialist, based on your results, will easily identify the symptoms and make a definite diagnosis.

Basic norms:

  • total protein - 63 - 83 g / l;
  • lipids - 6.0 - 6.02 mmol / l;
  • glucose - 3.5 - 4 mmol / l;
  • alkaline phosphatase - up to 240 U / l;
  • pancreatic amylase - at an elevated level, pathologies are possible (up to 50 U / l);
  • urea - 2.5 - 6.3 mmol / l;
  • creatine - 53 - 97 mmol / l.
Determination of coagulability

A blood clotting test (coagulogram) is an ongoing study of blood clotting. Take the analysis on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours), you can only drink water. Such an analysis is prescribed once per trimester, that is, three times during the entire pregnancy. But if there are pathologies, it can be prescribed additionally.

Clotting test

What they pay attention to when processing the results:

  • the concentration of fibrinogen is a protein, which is a blood clot, its norm is 2.0 - 4.0 g / l, the required value is 6.0 before childbirth;
  • APTT - norm 24 - 35, coagulation time;
  • lupus anticoagulant - a pregnant woman should not have it;
  • prothrombin, norm - 78 - 143%: an important element, if the rate rises, placental abruption may have occurred;
  • endometritis - inflammation of the lining of the uterus.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Dear Doctor! I am writing to you with the following question: My husband and I were found to have chlamydia during PCR analysis, we have been married for 4 years. For treatment, we want to take tests on the tank. Sowing for the effective use of medicinal products. The question is what is the correct name for such an analysis. Did you read a lot about analysis, but nowhere did you find its correct designation? Thanks for the answer.

Christina, Zmeinogorsk

ANSWERED: 01/28/2016

Hello! Tank. sowing on chlamydia is practically not used anywhere (sometimes in research institutes). It does not matter. Mainly used are aithromycin (preferably sumamed), wilprafen, avelox, doxycycline. Special organizations are constantly studying the resistance of chlamydia to drugs. Therefore, these drugs are considered highly effective.

Clarifying question

ANSWERED: 01/28/2016

Hello! Tank. sowing on chlamydia is practically not used anywhere (sometimes in research institutes). It does not matter. They mainly use azithromycin (preferably sumamayed), wilprafen, avelox, doxycycline. Special organizations are constantly studying the resistance of chlamydia to drugs. Therefore, these drugs are considered highly effective.

Clarifying question

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Many diseases are asymptomatic and difficult to identify. One of these diseases is. To diagnose it, a blood sugar test is taken. If an ailment is detected at the initial stage, possible consequences can be prevented.

  • Food should not be eaten 8-10 hours before the procedure. It is allowed to use clean water without gases, dyes and other additives. It is important to exclude alcoholic beverages the day before the study.
  • On the day of blood sampling, it is undesirable to brush your teeth or use chewing gum.
  • In case of illness and the use of certain drugs, it is necessary to notify the doctor about this.

It should be remembered that the study is not carried out for colds, inflammatory and infectious diseases, as well as for exacerbation of chronic processes in the body.During pregnancy, blood sugar is taken at registration and in the third trimester. For certain indications, tests may be prescribed more often.

Useful video - Diagnosing blood sugar levels:

Blood sampling for research is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.Blood is taken from a finger. Also, the study is carried out using venous blood. Then the indicators will differ.

Normal blood sugar:

  • The normal sugar level in a healthy person is in the range of 3.2 - 5.5 mmol / L. This is the norm for both children and adults.
  • When eating food, up to 7.8 mmol / l is considered an acceptable indicator. This concentration is normal only for blood taken from a finger.
  • If the indicator is about 5.5-6.0 mmol / l, then this is prediabetes. In this case, insulin is produced in smaller quantities.
  • If the material for research was taken from a vein, then the normal value should be no more than 6.1 mmol / l.
  • If a test was performed with a sugar load, then the sugar content should normally be no higher than 7.8 mmol / l.
  • In a pregnant woman, due to a change in the hormonal background, the glucose concentration has a different meaning: in the morning it can be in the range of 4-5.2 mmol / l, and after a meal after 2 hours, no higher than 6.7 mmol / l.

Average normal blood sugar ranges from 3.3 to 6.6 mmol / L. If the glucose concentration deviates slightly from the norm, then this is normal. During pregnancy, you may not be able to cope with the load, which leads to an increase in sugar.Normally, the level of glycated hemoglobin should be 4-5.9%.

A false result can be if the rules of preparation before blood sampling are not followed, with infectious diseases, or a stressful condition. In this case, a second study is carried out.

Increased sugar: causes and symptoms

If the glucose level exceeds the allowable value, then this indicates hyperglycemia. This is the beginning of the emergence of a serious disease - diabetes.

The main reason for the increase in blood glucose is unhealthy diet. With the abuse of flour products, jam, preserves and other sweet foods, the sugar level rises sharply in half an hour.

Taking certain medications can provoke the development of hyperglycemia: Glucagon, Prednisolone, glucocorticoids, diuretics.

Stressful situations, chronic and infectious diseases also contribute to an increase in glucose levels.

With hyperglycemia, the following symptoms are observed:

  • constant feeling of thirst
  • tiredness and weakness
  • dry and itchy skin
  • weight loss
  • frequent headaches
  • blurred vision

An increased concentration of sugar provokes the appearance of ketonuria. Often, against the background of hyperglycemia, malfunctions appear.

Treatment methods

With increased concentration, the patient should regularly measure its level throughout the day. It is important to control the amount of calories consumed per day.

Insulin is used to treat diabetes mellitus. If non-diabetic diseases are the reason for the increase in sugar, then endocrine diseases are treated.The patient should do moderate physical activity and drink fluids every 30 minutes.

To reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood, it is recommended to eat baked onions on an empty stomach. Mustard seeds have the same effect. They should be consumed in half a teaspoon.With diabetes mellitus, it is useful to take a decoction of dandelion, goat's rue, elecampane.

If the sugar index is more than 14 mmol / l, then insulin injections are given until the glucose level normalizes.

In this case, you must drink more fluids. In severe cases, acidosis develops and breathing is impaired. If you feel worse, you need to call an ambulance.

Low blood sugar: causes and symptoms

If the concentration of sugar in the blood is below normal, then this condition is called hypoglycemia. In this state, the cells of the brain and the body experience energy starvation, as a result of which their functions are disrupted.

There is true and false hypoglycemia. In the first case, the level is below 3.3 mmol / L. This decreases glucose and insulin action. With a false form, sugar levels may be normal or elevated.

Possible causes of hypoglycemia:

  • a long period without food
  • wrong diet
  • alcohol consumption

In addition, the use of certain drugs (Allopurinol, Aspirin, Probenecid, Warfarin, etc.) can also provoke a decrease in blood sugar concentration.

Hypoglycemia can develop with excessive production of insulin or impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

An overdose of insulin, which is used to treat diabetes, can also lead to the development of hypoglycemic syndrome.

Signs of hypoglycemia appear when the permissible indicator decreases. A patient with hypoglycemic syndrome has the following symptoms:

  • dizziness
  • hunger
  • headache
  • nervousness
  • sweating
  • pallor of the skin
  • also the patient's pulse quickens
  • coordination is impaired

With a moderate degree, consciousness worsens, vision is blurred, it hurts badly and dizzy. If the level is below 2.3 mmol / L, then this is severe hypoglycemia. In this case, an epileptic seizure is observed, convulsions appear. This can lead to loss of consciousness and coma.

Treatment features

Methods for normalizing blood sugar levels:

  • The patient should review the diet and adhere to a protein diet. It is necessary to take food in fractional portions several times a day.
  • At the first sign of hypoglycemic syndrome, you should eat cookies, dilute 2-3 tablespoons of sugar in a glass of water, or drink fruit juice.
  • For sugar to be maintained at a normal level, the following foods should prevail in the diet: rice, fish, dairy products, fruit juices, cabbage, nuts, honey, etc.
  • If the patient has lost consciousness, then he must be laid on his side and put 2 pieces of hard sugar in his mouth. The sugar will slowly dissolve and be absorbed into the bloodstream. At this time, you should call an ambulance.
  • If the patient is not able to drink sweet water (being unconscious), then 40% dextrose solution is injected intravenously in a volume of 40-60 ml. In the future, infusion is carried out with a dextrose solution of 5 or 10%.
  • With hypoglycemia, you can use traditional medicine recipes. It is useful to take an infusion of rose hips, decoctions based on the leaves of St. John's wort, plantain, oregano, yarrow, etc.
  • To avoid glycemic symptoms, the patient should always carry sweets, cookies, juice, and other complex carbohydrates with them.