How to write a thank you letter sample. Thank you letter to an employee for a job well done

Not only bonuses are a tool to stimulate employees. Methods of non-material incentives also successfully cope with the tasks of maintaining the working mood in the team and strengthen the positive attitude of specialists towards the company. A thank you note is one such tool. You can write it not only for the employee. In relations with an organization with which cooperation has been or is being carried out, this form of expressing gratitude for something will also be appropriate.

When is the right time to write a thank you letter?

Letters of thanks are designed to increase staff motivation to work and loyalty to the organization. As a rule, these are written and handed for any reason:

  • an event in the life of an employee: for example, an anniversary, length of service, high rates of labor activity;
  • a significant date for the organization: the birthday of the company, the achievement of a major victory in the activities of the entire company or its division;
  • professional holiday or some other solemn event.

A letter of thanks can be written for any employee of the enterprise. It is compiled on behalf of the head of the organization or the head of the department. It is allowed to express gratitude to companies in the same way: for cooperation, good work, participation in events, timely payment for goods and services, and so on. Issuing or sending a letter of thanks to a partner company will contribute to further mutually beneficial relationships.

Presentation of letters of thanks to addressees most often takes place in a solemn atmosphere.

How to properly express gratitude?

The text of the letter of thanks is written by hand, drawn up on the letterhead of the organization or printed on a special blank made of thick paper. The latter can be bought in a store or ordered in a printing services salon, taking into account the characteristics of the event.

The name of the sending company is indicated in the “header”, below (on the right) the surname, name, patronymic and position of the recipient are placed (if the recipient is an organization, then its name is indicated with or without the details of the director), then in the center of the sheet in large print is the inscription “ A letter of thanks”, followed by a direct appeal to the addressee, the main part of the text, the signature of the compiler with the seal of the company and the date.

  • Use a formal business style, except when the event dictates the possibility of using a playful tone of the letter (rare).
  • The employee must be contacted in the appropriate form. Most often, the word “dear (s)” is used, after which the name and patronymic of the addressee are mentioned. Calls "dear", "dear" and the like are unacceptable.
  • Avoid clichés and stamped phrases, show your imagination.
  • Try to proceed from the personality of the employee or the positive qualities of the partner company. Talk to the immediate supervisor of the specialist, find out about his skills, achievements, and then, based on the information received, formulate gratitude. For example: "The administration of Luzhayka LLC highly appreciates your abilities in the field of training and supporting new employees, the formation of a team spirit in the unit." The more specifics and facts in the letter, the more valuable it will be for a person.
  • Be sure to indicate the reason for which the letter is being delivered (“in connection with the overfulfillment of the department’s plan by 50%”, “on the occasion of the bank employee’s day”, and so on).
  • It is advisable to use not only words of gratitude, but also warm wishes for the employee or team of the partner company, as well as express hope for further successful relationships (if appropriate).
  • The award is supposed to be presented publicly, fully reading the written text.

Do not forget to check your writing for all sorts of errors (punctuation, spelling, and others). Pay special attention to the correctness of surnames, names, patronymics, positions and names of organizations.

How to write a thank you letter for an employee or organization: sample texts

For many years of work

Dear Vladimir Semyonovich!

The administration of LLC "Luchik" expresses its gratitude to you for many years of work and a significant contribution to the development of our company!

You have worked for the benefit of our company for 20 years. Over the years, you have implemented many successful projects and solved many of the most difficult tasks. You are a role model among colleagues and an experienced mentor for young employees. We sincerely wish you good spirits and health, as well as inspiration for new achievements and victories!

Director of Luchik LLC S.S. Ivanov

For good work

Dear Fedor Stepanovich!

We express our sincere gratitude for your invaluable contribution to the achievement of the set goals and active participation in the activities related to the implementation of the project!

Thanks to you, our company was able to reach a new level of its development. We are ready to conquer the next peaks together with you.

We wish you to keep the same tireless energy and excitement in your work!

Director of Flame LLC F.V. Snegiryov

For conscientious work

Dear Semyon Semyonovich!

On behalf of the entire team and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude for the quality work. We know very well how much soul and talent you put into your work. You work not only during working hours, but also on weekends in order to achieve the planned indicators on time. We appreciate the huge contribution that you make to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the company.

We congratulate you on the Machine Builder's Day and sincerely wish you prosperity, further career success and personal well-being!

Director of Iskorka LLC A.A. Petrov

For contribution to development

Dear Veniamin Prokhorovich!

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the plant, the administration of Forward LLC expresses its endless gratitude for the contribution you have made to the development of our company!

Your high professionalism and serious approach to our common cause cause great respect. You are a wise mentor to colleagues and an incomparable expert in your field.

May you be accompanied by good luck, further professional growth and joy in all spheres of life!

Director of Forward LLC S.I. Plakhov

For cooperation

For hosting an event

Dear Anna Ivanovna!

Factor LLC expresses its sincere gratitude to the team of consultants of Assistance LLC for conducting a training session on sales. The acquired knowledge and skills allowed our employees to reach a new qualitative level of work and attract a large number of customers. Your professionalism has become a powerful impetus for the development of our business!

We look forward to new trainings and wish further growth and prosperity to the whole team.

Director of Factor LLC I.L. lasers

Do not neglect the use of such an effective tool for motivating staff or partner organizations as a letter of thanks. The expenditure of finances and time for the preparation, execution and presentation of such a useful award, which can become the key to further long and fruitful cooperation, is minimal.

A person should be able to thank beautifully for kindness, for love, for services rendered. After all, it helps to make our life positive.

The leader in the workplace plays a big role in the lives of his subordinates. It helps to achieve goals, enjoy success and learn great interaction between colleagues.

Before expressing gratitude to the leader, you need to think carefully. You must choose the right speech and intonation to express gratitude for the help and create a friendly atmosphere in the team. We must speak from the heart, we must speak from the heart.

Tip: Get a creative person to make a thank you book. It is possible to single out the merits of the director in a beautiful poetic form.

Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose are an expression of gratitude that can be timed to coincide with any holiday, for example, a professional or birthday.

Words of gratitude do not have to be spoken in verse. This can be done in prose or in your own words:

“You know how to properly treat your subordinates – we appreciate it. We always know that your wise advice helps us in our work. You listen carefully to everyone, and we respect you for it. We consider you the best director. On your holiday, we want to say many words of gratitude. May luck always accompany you through life, and fortune smiles.

“I would like to express my gratitude for your excellent attitude towards subordinates. May only good people meet on your path, and may only good news surprise you.

“We are in a hurry to work, as if to a holiday. You always greet us with a smile. With deep respect, we express our gratitude and wish you a happy birthday. Bring a lot of benefits to our company, and we will always help you with this. We wish you good patience, professional endurance and great willpower in leadership.”

“There are few good leaders in the world, like in our company. We are ready to dedicate songs and poems to our boss. You will always listen and help solve any problem. A person spends most of his time at work, so you want to feel comfortable here. You help us in this, and we want to thank you for it. We wish you that your cherished dream come true and good luck always accompanies you through life.

The headmaster can be thanked by the teachers who work with him. This can be done with such beautiful words:

Everyone spends a lot of time with colleagues. All people who work together try to help and support each other. For this I want to say “Thank you” to my colleague, especially if he has a birthday or a professional holiday.

Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues help set a person up for positive and add a good mood to the holiday atmosphere. Psychologists say that in a team in which colleagues are grateful to each other for communication and work, there are fewer conflicts. So feel free to say kind words.

Expressing gratitude to colleagues at work, it can be noted that it is comfortable to work with these people, and each of them is a special and amazing personality. You can also say something like this:

“Thanks to you, we were able to create a friendly team, people in which are hardworking, kind and cheerful. Thank you for the fact that even in the most difficult stressful situations, you do not lose heart and remain optimistic and self-confident. All this is necessary for effective work. Thank you for the fact that everyday life is not a routine and routine, and every new morning is a bright and original working time.»

“Dear colleagues, I am happy that you work with me in the same company. For each of you I have words of gratitude, to someone for kind words, smiles, to others for comments, help and support. All this helps me to work hard and improve. We are one team and one whole. Thank you for making me feel comfortable around you.”

There are times when you need to say beautiful words of gratitude to a colleague who quits of his own free will or for health reasons:

“You helped run our business. We trusted you with professional secrets and personal secrets. It is safe to call you a life partner. Therefore, let you be respected everywhere as well as in our company, and be happy also in any other team. Thank you!"

“I would like to say “thank you” to you, dear colleague, on behalf of the entire team. You always found kind words for us, you could always listen and understand. May life love you, and fate be beautiful, so that you never feel sad and always smile. May the good that you do to people multiply and return to you like a boomerang.”

“It’s not enough to just say “thank you”, I want to say what a good person you are. Thank you for the kindness that has always flowed from you. May the sun shine on you and illuminate your path, and may people give you their smiles billions of times.”

Help can be different: charitable, help in matters at work, at home, in treatment, study, and so on. I always want to express gratitude for the help in a special way, so that the person would be pleased and he would remember these words for a long time.

Words of gratitude for the help can be expressed in your own words from the bottom of your heart. But it will be more effective to write them and creatively arrange them in the form of a letter.

Tip: Ask a creative person for a beautiful picture related to the cause you got help with. You can put the photo in a frame and write words of gratitude, for example, for the fact that this person helped the child to recover and become the same as everyone else.

In a letter of thanks, in addition to your words from the heart, you can write the following words:

Often, teachers do not know how to express gratitude to active parents who participate in the life of a kindergarten or school. This can be done with these words:

Sometimes people are thanked simply for their kindness, because it is also considered a help in difficult times when problems arise.

Words of gratitude for the help, expressed from the heart, will cause a reaction that is touching to tears. Grace and inspiration, the desire to be better and kinder to the world - all this will be felt by the surrounding people who will hear the words of gratitude for the help.

“Thank you, dear man, for your help. Thank you for being you, because you can make many people happy who need your help. Responsive, sensitive, understanding and kind - all the words of our Russian language are not enough to tell about your good qualities. Thank you for helping me through difficult times. May you be lucky in life."

Tip: If you will be expressing gratitude to a certain person, do not just say the word "Thank you." Say “Thank you”, because this word carries a certain energy and delivers completely different sensations.

Tip: Do not thank out of a sense of duty - it will be immediately noticeable. Speak grateful words from the heart, and the heart itself will tell you what and how to say.

In the life of every person, there may be times when you need to say “thank you” to a person who did a certain job. Gratitude for work can be expressed in poetry or prose.

“Thank you for your efforts and hard work. I want to wish inspiration - you deserve gratitude! May your life be happy. I wish you new victories and not give up before a new difficult task.”

“I wish you to love your work from the bottom of your heart, so that you always help people. You perform it flawlessly, which makes you want to shout "Bravo". Let work be only a joy, and let the path of life lead you to success.

“Everything turned out great, you know how to do your job perfectly. You did your best, for which you are praised. May fate be favorable to you, and bring only joy and success.

“I would like to bow low to you for being such a professional in your field. You as a worker are invaluable, not lazy and skillful. We will tell the whole world about you so that orders flow like a river. A simple Russian thank you for the high quality of work and for a wonderful result.”

We also need to thank the teachers for their invaluable work in raising children. It is better to write the words on a large beautiful postcard so that it can be handed to the teacher as a keepsake.

Thanks in SMS

Thanks in SMS

Words of gratitude can be expressed not only orally or in the form of a letter, but also in SMS. Thanks in SMS should be expressed in the form of a quatrain or a few words:

I say "thank you" to you

And in a dream I will repeat it.

Let everyone know about it

You are the best person in the world!

For a kind gesture, I want to say "thank you"

You spared no expense to help hurried

You are kind - people told me about it,

I want to wish you happiness, joy and many smiles.

Thank people for good deeds, for any help. After all, gratitude is of great importance in our lives. Let's learn to say "thank you" correctly, because this is a step towards goodness and peace.

Video: Perhaps the most touching gratitude to parents

Letter #1

Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for the fruitful cooperation. Thanks to your efforts, our company has acquired new customers and expanded the range of its activities.

We sincerely hope that you will continue to be on the list of our partners next year. In turn, we promise to thank you with high-quality and decent work that meets the needs of all our customers.

We wish you and all your friendly team success in your professional field and prosperity!


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #2

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The Stroymaster administration sincerely thanks the team for their professionalism and decency during the joint work on the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center. We hope to maintain respectable partnerships in the work on new projects.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #3

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Our companies have been cooperating for the past five years, and during all this time there has not been a single case that would make us doubt your professionalism and integrity. We, as before, thank you for your services and partnership.

But, analyzing the results of work on our latest joint project - the construction

SEC "Grand Lux", we came to the conclusion that our company is obliged to express gratitude to all your team, and in particular to the senior administrator Anna Nikonenko. It was thanks to her prompt resolution of all organizational issues that we were able to complete the project on time.

We sincerely hope to cooperate with you in the future!


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #4

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

I, the General Director of LLC, together with my entire team, express my sincere gratitude to Stroy Master. Thanks to our joint efforts and a respectable approach to work, our joint project - the construction of the Grand Lux ​​shopping center - was completed successfully and became a worthy example of quality and professionalism.

We hope that in the future we will repeatedly cooperate with your team.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #5

Dear Victor Alexandrovich, LLC would like to thank you for your cooperation. We sincerely welcome the opportunity to work with you on joint projects. We are especially grateful to you and your team for decency, mutual assistance and serious attitude to work.

We will try to keep our partnership relations mutually beneficial and fruitful in the future.

We sincerely wish you and each of your employees professional growth, financial stability and reliable partners.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #6

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Individual entrepreneur Maxim Alekseevich Ivanov thanks LLC for integrity, efficiency and professionalism in work. In the process of our cooperation, I was pleasantly surprised not only by the acceptable pricing policy and the quality of your products, but also by the high communication culture of your staff.

I wish you new clients and rapid career development.


Maxim Ivanov.

Letter #7

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The company sincerely thanks the information publication Pravda for its cooperation. We would like to emphasize your high level of professionalism, efficiency and objectivity in covering events.

We hope that in the future our cooperation will become even more fruitful and long lasting.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #8

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The staff of the Pravda information publication sincerely thanks the entire administrative and teaching staff of the Patriot Lyceum. Thanks to your efforts, our team managed to organize a festival of youth creativity "Patriotic Autumn".

We believe that this project marked the beginning of an annual tradition of holding patriotic events among school-age children in our region.

We wish you grateful students and success in educating young people.


  1. Thank you text. Template phrases
  2. Download Thank You Letter Samples

Thank you (letter of gratitude) non-commercial business letter drawn up in any form, if possible on the letterhead of the organization. A letter expressing gratitude for business cooperation is addressed to partners or employees. A business letter, in addition to words of gratitude, must contain an appeal to the addressee and the signature of the person expressing gratitude. If necessary, the seal of the enterprise is put.

How to Write a Thank You Letter

There is no strict form and clear requirements for writing a letter of thanks, it is drawn up in an arbitrary form. It is advisable to issue it on the letterhead of the company.

When writing this type of business letter, the following details should be taken into account:

  • hat (to whom gratitude is expressed - indicated as needed);
  • appeal (full name of the person, if addressed to a specific person);
  • text of the letter;
  • signature of the person who expresses words of gratitude (position, full name, signature).

Thank you text. Template phrases

  1. We express gratitude…
  2. We express our deep gratitude…
  3. Company "E" expresses its sincere gratitude to...etc.

Thank You Letter Sample for Cooperation

Tait LLC expresses its deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to MebByt OJSC for the high-quality and timely delivery of furniture in 2002.

Stable shipments allowed us to carry out our activities smoothly and attract regular customers.

We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations and look forward to further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.

Sample thank you letter to an employee (in connection with the anniversary)

Dear Valery Valerievich!

We express our gratitude to you for the fact that you have been working with us for 15 years and making a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of our company! Thanks to your high level of professionalism, we jointly manage to fulfill such an important mission - to contribute to the successful development of the country's mechanical engineering!

On your 50th birthday, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, the fulfillment of all your undertakings and plans, success, good health, joy and happiness!