How to put a bed along a fanish. Bed on Feng Shui: Basics of the right location and the best examples of modern projects (115 photos)

Bed accommodation on Feng Shui

Only the organization of the bedroom according to the teachings of five elements will make sleep with healthy, beneficial, filling energy and effective. Each person requires a certain number of hours to get a full rest. And here everything is individually. One you need only four hours, another little and ten. This affects the features of the body and sleep hygiene. From a European point of view, it is necessary to sleep at a measure of a comfortable bed, the middle rigidity of the mattress, in a well-burnt bedroom. Such things are known to each of us. But from the point of view of the science of Feng Shui, it matters not only and not even so much. It is all important: from how to sleep, in what position, before putting a bed on a hairdryer Shui. In the process of organizing the bedroom and our holiday there are so many subtleties that they should be considered separately.

Bedroom on Feng Shui


If it is intended for a pair, then it is necessary to use one large mattress, since the "splitting" into separate parts gives a violation of the energy flow of q. It comes out for a reasonable thought that it is impossible to replace one solid bed with two compiled together, since there will still be separation and disunity. It seems to people sleep together, but in fact - separately. And such a division will accompany them in everyday life, causing disputes, disagreements and problems.

Position of the Bed

If it is located between the window and the door, the energy flow from the window to the door and back passes through the sleeping. From this there are various disorders in the body, problems in relationships.

If there is inclined ceilings in the house, it also adversely affects the energy of the bedroom. The position of the bed in a similar room should be so as not to fall under the beser. In addition, the bedroom needs to be issued in the colors of the fire element, as well as maintain good lighting, which will make it psychologically less overwhelming.

If children sleep their heads at the inclined wall, it can lead to disobedience or bad estimates at school.


On a hairdryer Shui, bed feet to the door makes energy unbalanced. You will sense yourself in the morning broken, as if did not resist. And all because of the "leakage" of a favorable energy.


It is best if they are not in the bedroom at all, since this is a magic attribute that attribute the properties of doors to other worlds. And there is a justification. Mirrors have hidden properties, imperceptible to us in everyday life. There are certain rites to communicate with the other world, in which these items play an important role. Sleeping vulnerable to many irregular effects, and when it reflects in the mirror, there is always the likelihood of a stream of energy. This is especially dangerous for couples reflected in the mirror. It is a symbol of pursuit of marriage, and leads to the appearance of third parties.

It is important to choose the correct position of the bed in so that Qi streams most positively affected by a person, strengthening health, and brought success in life. There are a number of belief regarding the orientation of the beds that do not have a solid foundation, but we will give them to know what delusions should be avoided:

  • The orientation of the bed to the north gives excellent intuition.
  • Northeast - favors the work related to science and experiments.
  • East is a wonderful calm dream.
  • Southeast - gives strength and perseverance in work, perseverance in achieving goals.
  • South is a great reputation.
  • Southwest - favors love affairs.
  • To the West - you will have excellent offspring.
  • North-West - good luck in friendship.

But all this, as already mentioned, just believed. In fact, it is mistakenly believed that it matters what position a person occupies during sleep according to the parties of light. In fact, it is important when he was born, and not as sleeping. The main problem here is that married couples usually have a different date of birth, but sleep on the same bed. But there is a way to settle this disagreement - if you put a sleeping bed in such a place where a strong stream of energy qi is running. In addition, people often do not know how connected the geomantic effect with the orientation of the bed itself or with the position of the body of sleeping. According to the generally accepted opinion of Feng Shui masters, it is believed that geomantic influence turns out to be on the sleeper, and not on the bed.

Several bed installation rules:

Additional rules:

  1. The bed must have the right dimensions. Height is not significant. Usually on the market you can find beds 1400 by 1200 mm, but from the point of view of Feng Shui it is not good. Sizes are considered to be favorable: 1500 per 2200 mm, 2200 per 2200 mm, 2200 per 2400 and 1900 per 2200 mm.
  2. In the legs of the bed should not put something or hang.
  3. Also, you should not hang a fan over the bed on Feng Shui (or any other talismans).
  4. If there are lamps in this place, they need to decorate the pattern.
  5. If the newlyweds strive for the emergence of children, it is better to put the amulet in their feet.
  6. Move the bed during the pregnancy of his wife can not.
  7. Round shape of the bed is undesirable.
  8. Be sure to put five happy items under the bed. In ancient times, Japanese and Chinese emperors have buried during the construction of the palaces of "five happy items". On the mortal Odra, the sacrament of the ritual was transmitted to the heir. It was done in the strictest mystery, since these items had excellent properties:
  • attracted positive qi into the house;
  • aligned its current so that it does not move too quickly or slowly;
  • Qi in the house where there are these items becomes special: a radiant capable of neutralizing negative Sha;
  • time acts on these items only positively. The effect of them is enhanced.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, these items can be anywhere, if only possessed the properties of the five major elements of Feng Shui: Fire, water, land, air and metal.

Bunk beds

Bedroom for two children

Special attention should be paid to children's beds in two tiers. Hairdryer Shui and two-ties beds are incompatible things. That is, you can not sleep over another child. And that's why:

  1. Sleeping at thenime will be influenced by the plane above it, which gives not only energy, but also psychologically. Such a child will always feel oppressed. Behavior it may also change.
  2. Ultrasound is usually a more viable and strong child who has an impact on who is on the first floor, and it is not good.
  3. Qi flows differently on various tiers. It is better to put beds in a nursery in a row.

Science Feng Shui is rich and diverse. If you follow its recommendations, your life will be much better!

Put the bed along the Feng Shui - a difficult thing. Especially if you live in a rented or yours, but small, housing.

Or if you have a big family, and you need to take into account the interests and desires of everyone. It happens that someone cannot afford to buy a good bed, and someone used to sleep on the sofa.

Does this mean that you need a lot of space and the most implanted and fashionable bed model to correctly put it on Feng Shui?

Not at all.

One of the principles of Chinese metaphysics reads "Go on a downtown in search of a horse." That is, do what you can do to significantly change the situation for the better. And then new opportunities will appear!

So even in the most problematic and close accommodation, you can use the principles of Feng Shui in order to properly place your bed.

bed value on Feng Shui

Why is the location of the bed in Feng Shui, is particular importance? The fact is that the most time is affected on you where you spend a lot of time.

In a dream, we spend an average of eight hours, that is, a third of the day, which is why put the bed correctly on the Feng Shui is very important.

The position of the bed is very significant and because it is a resting place, a place where you must feel comfortable and safe. Otherwise it will not be possible to sleep normally!

Influence of the position of the bed on the spheres of life

You may be surprised how strongly affects the position of the bed on Feng Shui to different areas of life.

Adversely located on a hairdry shui bed can lead to the following:

  • money come, but they can't hold them, they all the time disappear somewhere;
  • failures at work, conflicts with a team and bosses;
  • it is difficult to attract and hold customers, although the competitors are all right;
  • constant struggle with lack of money, loans and debts;
  • a limited influx of money, that is, the money goes, but income is not growing;
  • family disputes and troubles;
  • problems in learning and learning information;
  • poor well-being, frequent diseases.

That is why it is correct to put a bed on a hairdry shui more important than buy the most modern and fashionable bed model.

Typical error when choosing a place for a bed on a hairdry shui

Often even the enthusiasts Feng Shui occurs such a mistake: all the rules of the Feng Shui are forgotten, so as not to break the designed design and no longer rearrange.

Often they say that it will be ugly or inconvenient if the bed is different.

However, think about what is more important: boasting "beauty" before friends and close or keeping and multiplying goodness and well-being?

Feng Shui is conservative, as it is very ancient knowledge, but it gives excellent results! Unlike a new-fashioned design, which will endure next year.

And now let's figure it out on the steps, how to put a bed along a hairdry shui.

Step 1. Inisk and Yanskie housing

The bed is a silence, rest and relax. Therefore, it should be located in the Yinskie part of the dwelling, more relaxed.

Analyze where more activity. Usually it is a sector next to the entrance door, a kitchen, room, the windows of which go on a more noisy side of the street.

Yin and Yang are the basic concept in Feng Shui, and even using knowledge only about them, you can already avoid critical errors that others make.

Step 2. Windows, headboard and bed approach

The room with overly large windows is not very good for the bedroom. The windows give a feeling of insecurity, noise can penetrate them, which prevents rest and sleep.

If the bed is on the line between the outdoor door and the window, if the door is not visible from the bed, then it is a bad hairdry shui.

The headboard should have a wall in such a way that one of the basic principles of Feng Shui is respected - the principle of four animals. To four animals, also called heavenly defenders, belongs to the turtle, dragon, tiger and phoenix.

Especially important in the bedroom black turtle responsible for reliable rear. The role of the turtle plays a solid wall. It is desirable that the wall was Ying, that is, the inner, not an external, and the bed stood headboard to her.

It is also desirable to provide a bed approach from two sides, especially if we are talking about a bed for a couple.

Step 3. Consider your number gua

The number of GUA is an individual energy number of a person, which is determined by the date of his birth. The number of Gua or a personal trigram can relate to the Eastern or Western group, and helps determine the favorable and unfavorable directions for you.

Choose a good sector of space to accommodate the bed, while the headboard should be placed so that it looks in the direction of your favorable direction.

For people of the Eastern Group, the following sectors and directions are favorable: East, South-East, North and South. And the West, North-West, South-West and Northeast are suitable for people of the Western Group.

Step 4. Take into account the effect of time and flying stars

It may be so that your best place to accommodate the bed is the northeast, but in the northeast sector in the year of the fiery monkeys there is a dangerous flying star - yellow five. Consequently, this year you have to find another place for your bed, also favorable.

There is one of the classical directions of Feng Shui, which takes into account the time factor. These are flying stars San Yuan. Unlike the directions and locations by the number of Gua, which are one of the tools of the Bazhai method, flying stars act faster, and can bring both favorable and unfavorable influences in your life.

Therefore, if you all placed right, but favorable changes does not occur, a deeper analysis is required.

So, summarize all the main points of choice of place for bed:

  • We choose to accommodate the bedroom and the bed the most inisk place in the housing.
  • Check, is there too large windows in the selected room, it is not worth the bed on the line between the entrance to the room and the window.
  • It is important that the person lying on the bed could see the front door.
  • When installing the bed, track so that the approach to it was on both sides.
  • We place the bed headboard to the wall so that it serves as a black turtle, protecting us during sleep.
  • We calculate the number of Gua and, depending on it, choose the optimal sector of the space and direction of the bed headboard for us. For people of eastern and western groups, these will be different directions and locations.
  • Consider annual influences, since the sector favorable for you can be affected by the unfavorable star, for example, a dangerous yellow five.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation on consultation, read more about which you.

Excellent Feng Shui!

With respect and wishes of good luck,

Feng Shui is not only science on how to live in harmony with the outside world. Feng Shui is this science that covers all aspects of human life. It is associated with psychology, physiology, geophysics, architecture, cosmology, climatology and astrology.

And in this topic we will talk about the interpretation of dreams along Feng Shui and how with the help of the science of Feng Shui we can normalize and improve your sleep. After all, we all know well that we spend a third of your life in a dream. And so that we can rest well and sleep at night we need to make the situation in the bedroom to be positive, harmonious and protected from external factors that can interfere with healthy sleep and our dreams.

Therefore, we propose first to talk about how to position the bed in the bedroom on Feng Shui.

How to put a bed on Feng Shui

Perhaps everyone knows that in no case should there be a bed opposite the mirror. Otherwise, people who sleep on this bed may have health problems. But there is still a whole set of recommendations, as you need to put the bed.

Many Masters Feng Shui claim: the bed must be put so that her headboard is turned in your personal favorable direction. In other words, when you learn on the bed, your head must be turned in a favorable direction for you. This rule can be found anywhere: on the Internet, ladies' magazines or books on Feng Shui, but almost anywhere they do not write that this rule is not the only one who needs to follow when you have a bed in your bedroom. In addition, there are other rules of Feng Shui, which must be taken into account to avoid negative pressure at you while you sleep.

What should I avoid?

  • You can not put a bed headboard or legs to the window or to the front door.
  • Do not place the bed headboard to the wall in which there is a door.

  • Do not put the bed in such a way that something hung over your head. It is also not recommended to put it under the beam or niche.
  • Do not put the bed between the window and the entrance. The end-to-end stream should not "walk" above the bed.
  • No sockets and other sources of electricity near the bed should not be placed. The distance from the outlet to the person who is located in bed must be at least 1.5 meters.
  • Do not hang chandeliers over the bed and large lamps.
  • It is not recommended to hang over the headboard, shelves and massive lamps.
  • Do not place a lot of plants in the bedroom, then your bedroom can turn into a greenhouse, and this will not lead to a healthy and calm sleep.

  • Fireplaces, fountains and aquariums in the same bedrooms are prohibited.
  • If the bedroom serves not only the place of rest, but also the working office, then try to put the bed so that it is not visible to the workplace.
  • If there is an entrance to the bathroom or toilet in the bedroom, then put the bed so that it does not "watched" headboard or legs on the door.
  • Do not place the bed in the center of the room. The bed should stand so that from one side to be a support and protection in the form of a wall.
  • Do not put different boxes and unnecessary things under the bed. The space under the bed should be clean and free.
  • Distribute furniture in your bedroom so that sharp angles are not directed to the bed.

Bed location in bedroom

  • Bed is better to put on the far corner from the entrance to the bedroom.
  • The bedroom should be seen from the bed.
  • The space above the bed should not be cluttered.
  • If there is a computer or a TV in the bedroom, then it is better to remove them into the closet or closed by cape or shirma.
  • Bed size Choose based on the size of the bedroom. In the big bedroom should not put a small bed and vice versa.
  • If the redevelopment is made in your apartment, then place the bed so that it does not stand in the place in which you will have a kitchen, bathroom or toilet.

But if you fulfilled all the rules, but still feel that you have a bad sleep, they suffer insomnia or sick, then it is possible in the energy of your home. In this case, you need to seek advice from a specialist in Feng Shui. There are cases that with a thorough analysis of Feng Shui it turns out that the bed must not be put in the wall, but in the middle of the room or headboard to the wall where the door is located. But such situations are extremely rare, so all the above rules still need to take into account when placing a bed.

And another important point. When you arrange your housing along a hairdry shui, then the correctness and incorrectness of your changes you can check only one way. You need to learn to experiment. Try to experiment and with the location of the bed. If you feel that you are uncomfortable and uncomfortable, I feel free to rearrange the bed until you experience pleasant feelings and you will not see that joyful events began to happen in your life. But then you can assume that your bed is in the right direction.

Personal directions

And finally, I want to say a few words about personal destinations.

The above rules have such a thing that the bed should be headboard in your personal favorable direction. However, hard to follow this rule is not worth it. First, if you are married and your spouse belongs to another group, then your favorable and unfavorable directions will not coincide, therefore, the complexity will arise in placement of the bed. In this case, it is worth putting a bed in a good direction of my wife, but only if the entrance door to the bedroom is located in a good direction of her husband. Secondly, it is very important what energy in your bedroom. If the energy in the bedroom is favorable for sleep, then the bed can not be headboard in the right direction, because Energy dominates personal directions.

Now that you learned the basics of Feng Shui for a good sleep, we want to tell you about the interpretation and the types of dreams on Feng Shui. After all, dreams are sent to us so that we can improve your life, health, and live in harmony with you and the environment.

And now we will tell you about the amazing Language of dreams, which existed at all times, but they knew his few. And only with the advent of Feng Shui, the dream language became accessible to more people, and now you can study this language and you.

Dream on Feng Shui

Sleep is what happens in our subconscious when the brain is disabled. As a rule, in humans, the first dream appears after he slept 90 minutes and it continues this dream from 5 to 15 minutes. For one night, a person can see from 4 to 6 dreams, but we remember only what is really important and what can help us in everyday life.

If you dreamed of a terrible dream - we fear cheating. If the patient dreamed of a terrible dream - to death. A young woman see a nightmare - to the love of a spouse, to well-being and fast replenishment in the family.

As mentioned above, a person almost does not remember his dreams. This is because, firstly, the dreams are very short, and secondly, they want to forget bad events that happen to them in a dream.

The science is known three types of dreams - these are subjective dreams, physical and spiritual. These dreams are connected with our past, present or future.

In a dream, a person can very clearly see his future and intuitively recognize the signs that he sees in a dream. After all, sleep in its essence is our desire to know the future, this is the desire of the soul to achieve complete perfection. Those events that occur in a person's life contribute to its development in the spiritual plan. And spiritual development contributes to our well-being and welfare. And if the two of these forces cannot harmoniously affect each other, then there will be no incarnation of fate in humans.

We never see the same dream several times. A person can see similar dreams, but the same dream can not repeat several times, even just as a person can not equally live a few days.

When we stay dreams, be it dangerous, prosperous and incredible - we wake up and want to know what one or another dream means. What do we want to say? From what to warn. Rich people sleep badly, because they are afraid to lose their money and power. Poor people hope that dreams will bring them a happy and bright future. They want dreams to tell them how to change their lives for the better.

The basis of this ancient science is the balance and harmony. Eight sides of the light combined with traditional materials, symbolically help to reveal the secrets of the teachings. Simply put, it is a landscape and interior design, taking into account the energies.

Design dream space

Today we will discuss the applied aspect - the bedroom location on Feng Shui and its features of its furniture. But at first, we will stop briefly on the fundamental principles.

First, we need a room plan, a compass and such a table (Bagua grid), as in the figure.

It is noteworthy that the North are compatible with the entrance. That is, in the image of the south - on top.

So, if everything is ready, we combine the geographical position of the bedroom with a grid and proceed.

Bed location

The right bedroom on Feng Shui creates not only strong relationships inside the family, but also affects all spheres of life. Let's start with the bed. The sacrament of love is happening here, we rest on it and restore. This is the territory of comfort and safety.

The bed is best to put the headboard to the wall. Pockets and tables are desirable to acquire without sharp corners and in height - below the mattress level.

It is important to remember several rules.
. The position "kicks to the door" is unacceptable, it is the causing of the dead man.
. Access should be free on both sides so that the spouses can safely come up.
. Put the bed on the way of the flow from the door to the window is bad, but if it is the only option, then you need to put the crystal on the way. It will help in scattering energy around the room. It is best to have it on the windowsill.
. Also try to the restroom to be on the side, and not in the legs or head.

So, in the task of arrangement you have given: "Bedroom, Feng Shui, bed location." In this case, the latter will play a primary role. Therefore, you should not neglect simple rules. Curly plants can also help create the necessary branches in Qi streams.

The bed, according to tradition, is better wooden than metallic. The latter will prevent the free flow of positive vibrations.

Pick the backs as follows:
. wave - for creative professions;
. oval - business;
. Rectangular - the rest of the spheres.

The color of the bedroom on the Feng Shui should be made in the shades of Yin, then let's talk about it in more detail.

We design harmony

After it was decided on the design of the bed and its approximate location, we will begin directly to the organization of the room. Here you will need to take a few steps.

First, they advise you to endure everything. If you seriously decided that you had a bedroom on Feng Shui, the rules will be the following:

  • We are determined with the choice of color, combinations of shades (we carry out painting works or glue wallpaper).
  • Decide with flooring (linoleum, carpet, and maybe there will be a large fluffy carpet).
  • The next step - we have a large furniture on the plan (bed, wardrobe).
  • Then select smaller items (table, bedside tables). They can go bundled if you buy a headset, or you will create the interior based on your tastes.
  • The final step is the selection of accessories, souvenirs and other cute things to revive the space. Remember: according to Feng Shui, the mirror in the bedroom is prohibited, because several restrictions are associated with it. Next, we will deal with this and learn to work with the data of the taboo.

Getting to work

Ideally begin the organization with an empty box - floor, walls, ceiling. Or, if you do not want such a cardinal approach, make the master cleaning. All trash should be mercilessly thrown. Our task is to create the most spacious room.

And now we will walk around the palette. The color of the bedroom on Feng Shui is selected, based on several points of view (decide how closer to you).

According to the number of Human Bagua.
. Planning for the future (we want to bring something).

The Chinese tradition divides people not only on the Eastern Zodiac, they have their own numerology. If it is interesting to understand your digit, you can find a bunch of information on the Internet.

It is not recommended to emphasize this attention. It is difficult to organize harmony in the future, for you bring it everywhere. It is better to create comfort, everything is finally done, and after compare. You will be surprised how intuitive everything will be done! And the number just confirms it.

So, the colors are divided into Yin and Yang. The first more muted, pastel, calm. They form a seating area, cut off from the bustle and daily routine. From the room in such tones I do not want to go out and dip in the whirlwind of worries. The second is aggressive, active, exciting. They are directed more on the creation of accents than on the overall picture.

To establish the energy of Feng Shui in the bedroom, it recommends sticking to quiet colors - terracotta, ultramarin, dark greens or gold shades will be quite acceptable. Such a selection helps to create a comfort and exhaust from everyday routine.

Important accents notes

It is possible to bring brightness not only to the fact that make the wall of the acid color or put a rim plant in an incredible pot. Properly arranged and ravines are well coped with this task.

Pictures in the bedroom can help here. Feng Shui on this occasion limits only their content. Sad and lonely images are not recommended. Better paired, sparkling positive, or calm, neutral.

By the way, if you bring the image of the head of an elephant in the store souvenirs from the east, it hangs it only trunk up. That is, if it is lowered down, the canvas you just need to turn over.

Sansevieria, Geranium, Begonia, Spatifylum and chlorophytum. No, it is not cursing in Latin. This is the names of the plants that are allowed in Feng Shui. Flowers in the bedroom are generally strictly prohibited. First, this is the energy of Yang, they grow, make a fancy in peace. In addition, at night most of the representatives of the flora absorb oxygen. The list of permitted is mainly represented only by inconsistency to this rule. They slowly develop and produce oxygen.

It is important to remind you that the dirt in all the senses in this room is unacceptable. Therefore, wipe the leaves will have more often. The number of flowers is no more than two.

Hunting trophies, images and figures of wild animals also contain active energy. Therefore, we remove similar things to other rooms.

Factors, streams, aquarium and other manifestations of the aquatic environment, up to pictures, is not a place in our recreation area. It is believed that it leads to insomnia and health disorder. You can only decanter or a glass with water at night.

Also, according to Feng Shui, the mirror in the bedroom is unacceptable in several cases:

It should not reflect the bed (this can lead to treason).
. If it is opposite the window or door is bad. It turns out that the energy Qi is fought back from it, without benefiting the room.
. If the mirror is part of furniture, it is better to learn it overnight or put a bed with curtains.

Only in one case, this item is acceptable in this room - if the door is hidden from the lying man. It should always be visible according to tradition.

Bedroom on Feng Shui: zone activation rules

Let's start with the fact that you should not put all the eggs in one basket. Starting this science, you will learn that the Bagua grid is superimposed both the entire apartment and every individual room. So, in both cases, act on the basis of the situation, and not strive to squeeze the maximum. No need to activate all zones in all rooms. Each of them has its own functions, so repel only from them.

The bedroom is designed for what? Rest, sleep, restoration, intimate relationship, trust, proximity, harmony and peace. This is the personal space of one person or pair, nest.

Now, based on this data, we will deal with primary and irrelevant areas. Do I need to activate the career zone here? Unlikely. Her energy is Yang, aggressive. Strengthening only will make chaos in your life and relationships.

What kind of zones activate? This is such a family, love, health, wealth and creativity. Only should take this minimalist. And in general, the fewer things collect dust in your apartment, the better.

Actual little things

So, let's start with the first - family sphere. It is located in the east, and therefore it is all wooden. In particular, the talisman is bamboo. Green colour. Here you can put or hang photos of loved ones and native people. It is important that in the picture there must be only living and now healthy people. Those who we want to keep memory, belong to another area of \u200b\u200blife. The picture of the forest or a figurine from the tree will fully come to activate. Just never put here are sharp, metal or dead objects (herbarium, stuffed and so on)

Love is the feeling to which many seek, but it eludes that the bird is good luck. Let's see if it is difficult to make friends with him. The talisman of this zone is clarified-mandarinks, a couple of geese, doves or butterflies will also be suitable. The color is preferably yellow. To activate, you can accommodate your wedding photo or a captive moment of happy family life. The side of the world - South-West, here you can also put a bedside table, where things associated with love joy will be stored; Linen, toys, magazines.

Lonely advised in this part of the room laying valentine, soft toys, photos of couples in love. According to Feng Shui, in the bedroom you can create a future space of a family hearth.

Health zone is a center. It is inherent in the element Earth, yellow and golden color. Talisman - peaches. The only important condition is a lot of light. It is better if there is a chandelier with crystals, which will give us a lot of reflections. Wooden bed, if it partially captures this sector, perfectly suitable. Just do not litter space and maximize the lighting.

Wealth belongs to the southeast. Colors inherent in it - green and red. Only for the bedroom are not so many items that can be strengthened by this zone. Wallow's statuette is suitable with coins, decoration in the form of fish or accessories of precious stones. Not superfluous and here will be enough light during the daytime.

Creativity, here also include children, will help improve or resurrect feelings. The activated zone contributes to the introduction of diversity and new trends in family life. The color of this segment is white. And items, perfectly suitable for him - children's crafts, figures of deity-patrons, Netzke.

So it might look like a bedroom on Feng Shui. The photo shows a modern approach, harmonious tones and a lot of space.

Redevelopment or cosmetic repair?

In general, dealt with the bedroom, as with a separate room. Now let's give it to the apartment. If you relate to its plan with a grid of Bagua, then for our relaxation room, different zones will be required, depending on the needs of the owners.

  • The North contributes to relaxation, especially if you have insomnia or nervous work.
  • North-West - for those who have already implemented and who needs a good family life.
  • Northeast - for active people.
  • The West is suitable for romance lovers. However, for career it will be destructive.
  • In the bedroom in the south you will not rest perfectly, but the personal life will be at the height.
  • Southeast will help to rush to successes and achievements.
  • Southwest will give serenity and comfort.
  • East will be useful for a family device.

This data will help you if you do from scratch. Build a house or fully redeem the apartment. In this case you have to get out. In addition to the fact that we created thanks to Feng Shui in the bedroom, several additional advice will be available.


Neighborhood with kitchen,
. Places above the garage or direction, above, under or opposite the bathroom.

In case, after all, the situation has become unfavorable, Shirma will help you. Cut it down from unnecessary objects. She is also suitable in the apartment where the bedroom is combined with the living room. Just do not use the wardrobe for this - it will ask you in the energy sense.

Once again about the bed

When choosing this object of furniture, some specialists in the Feng Shui in the bedroom recommend responsibly approaching its size. The dimensions of 140 cm x 2 meters are considered unfavorable. Positive - 150 x 220, 190 x 220, 220 x 220 and 220 x 240 cm.

In addition, based on the circulation of the cycling energy under the bed, it must be on the legs. Under the lies always need cleanness, no boxes or things there should be. The only thing that could be in it is bedding.

It is also important that the mattress is suitable only one, double. Anyway. According to the standards of a hairdry shui, a bedroom, a bed is a zone of an intimate life of partners who make up one unit: a happy family, a cell of society. If this is a composed of a bed or a pair of mattresses on one, no one's unity of speech.

And if a person lives lonely, he also recommends that, oddly enough, to take place for the future second half. Even the shelf in the closet is advised to free.
So pools yourself, buy stunning, large, comfortable beds and enjoy them!

A few examples

As they say, it is better to see one day than hear a hundred times (or read). Let's see a couple of finished projects. Maybe you will be able to find interesting ideas for the interiors of your rooms.

So, the bedroom on Feng Shui. Photo 1.

The author of this composition created the space of love for a family who wants to have a child. A selection of colors and materials is designed to improve fertility.

Photo 2. Such an interior can help tune in to creativity, support, personal development. As you can see, a lot of space - the bedrooms are generally trying not to clutch.

Photo 3. Digid tones of land: red, yellow, orange. Health, well-being, calm.

Photo 4. Look at accessories, figurines, appreciate the combination of shades that make up the whole composition.

Maybe you are suitable for such a decision?