How to properly attach hinges to a door. Installation of furniture hinges on the cabinet. Video - Attaching hinges

Card door hinges appeared not so long ago, but have already won recognition from both door buyers and installers. This is due to the fact that butterfly loops do not require insertion into installation sites, which makes installation easy and simple. You just need to attach and fix the included screws. From the article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the product, as well as the installation method.

It is believed that overhead door hinges are unreliable and are only suitable for light interior canvases. However, today the most advanced and reliable materials are used in their manufacture: steel alloys, brass, stainless steel, which expand the scope of their application. In order to achieve smooth opening of the web, as well as to increase the service life, the product can have from two to four ball bearings.

The butterfly loop is treated with a high-quality galvanized coating. Available in the following colors: bronze, copper, chrome, matt. After installation, they take the form of ordinary loops. But still, some serious professionals are wary of such innovations and prefer traditional overhead hinges with a door frame.

Completion of interior doors is not complete without appropriate fittings. Along with handles, chains, eyes and various inserts, manufacturers attach loops to the kits. Perhaps this is the main element of the door kit, on which the quality of fixing the leaf in the opening depends. Traditional hinge models are usually used, the device of which involves insertion into an array - for this a special groove is formed.

The development of technological methods for the manufacture and installation of doors has led to the development of a “butterfly” hinge, which does not require a tie-in. The new hardware has other fundamental differences, which are characterized by both pluses and minuses. Proper installation will preserve the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of the finished door structure.

The external ease of the installation process and in particular the absence of the need to create niches in the array captivates many. But all the advantages that butterfly door hinges have end there. Only after installation can one appreciate how ambiguous such fittings are.

The fact is that it is possible to obtain the proper effect from the use of hinges without tie-in only if the installation is impeccable. Compared to traditional models, "butterflies" do not provide a wide field for refinement. Firstly, the sides must fold perfectly, otherwise an unevenness will form - the door will spring or, at least, not fit snugly.

Secondly, you will have to put up with a small gap, which, naturally, is formed from protruding looped cards. And one more unpleasant moment, which also characterizes the “butterfly” door hinges and the design without a tie-in as such, is the impossibility of removing the door leaf without unscrewing the screws.

Today we will talk about hinges for interior doors: we will analyze their types, functionality, attractiveness and installation methods.

Interroom wooden doors are practically the only type to which it is possible to independently select fittings. As a rule, with aluminum, plastic and steel, all hardware is already included.

A door hinge is a small but very necessary element in a modern interior. It is due to this mechanism that the process of opening and closing occurs.

It also performs an important function - it holds the door. Naturally, the quality of the performance of this product depends on how long the interior door will serve you.

Installation of hinges on interior doors or entrance doors depends on the type of fittings chosen. The differences in the work algorithm are small, but it’s worth dwelling on them in order to know how to install the loops with your own hands.

This is the easiest, affordable canopy for self-installation. It does not require special skills, devices. It is necessary to prepare:

  • canvas;
  • door frame;
  • set of hinges (self-tapping screws are provided by the manufacturer);
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • level.

Overhead loops are detachable or solid. This must be taken into account during installation. It is easier to install a detachable loop by making the correct markup. The main thing is not to confuse the upper and lower parts of the canopy. Otherwise, the canvas will not be able to stay on the box, it will fly down. Check the operation of the hinge before installation.

It is more difficult to install a solid loop - it is necessary to combine the canvas and the box parallel to each other, at the same level.

  1. If the hinges are not universal, check the possibility of opening the canvas in the right direction.
  2. Next, drill holes so that the beam does not crack if the door is made of solid wood.
  3. Screw the screws into the holes using a screwdriver with a special nozzle.
  4. Check the operation of the door unit. If there is any imbalance, correct the defects.

Mortise hinges require more time, skill, tools to install. A mortise hinge, like a consignment note, can be detachable or solid, universal or on a specific side. Insertion can be carried out only to the thickness of the applied strip or set deep (hidden loops).

With your own hands, you can install a mortise loop of the first type. It is better to entrust secret loops to specialists if there is no special equipment for excavating a deep groove. This is done with a milling machine.

Ordinary mortise hinges require a chisel, chisel, hammer to install to make a small indentation in the product.

  1. Take a tape measure and measure the required distance to install the hinge on the door with your own hands. According to the standard, 200–250 mm must be retreated from the upper and lower edges. If you need to place a third loop, make a marking in the middle or slightly lifting it up. Look at the scheme for installing hinges on the door according to the standard:
  2. Attach the canopy with a bar to the marking place and circle the outline with a simple pencil.
  3. Do the same with the second part of the loop.
  4. Now it is necessary, using a chisel, a hammer, a chisel, to make a recess along the circled contour to the size of the thickness of the bar. Do this step slowly and carefully. If you remove more, the hinge will warp, the operation of the door will be disrupted. So take your time.
  5. Attach the bar to the resulting recess. If the loop lies flush with the surface, you can proceed to screwing it on.
  6. Drill holes for self-tapping screws in the right places.
  7. Tighten the screws, tightly pulling the hinges.
  8. Do the same for the rest of the awnings.
  9. Connect the box to the canvas and check the progress of the interior door.

Hidden hinges are more difficult to install, but we will describe the sequence of actions in case you decide to install the hinges on the door yourself. The sequence of actions differs little from the installation of simple mortise hinges.

It is only necessary to have a milling machine to make a groove to the desired depth. The peculiarity of the hidden loops is the difference between the composite slats. The canvas-mounted part is larger than the rack-mounted part of the box. Therefore, do not confuse the elements in places.

  1. Mark out according to the sizing information above. Install the router in place of the hinge and make a recess.
  2. Check the depth of the groove by inserting a hinge element into it. Trim the excess with a chisel. The bar must be completely recessed into the canvas.
  3. Perform the same manipulations on the door frame.
  4. Fasten the elements with the screws included in the kit.

The use of card hinges when installing interior doors in our country is the most popular. Card hinges consist of two plates, called wings or cards, in which there are special holes through which the products are fastened with self-tapping screws to the door.

The choice of hinge depends on the size and weight of the door.

The Russian production of this type of loops has been debugged since Soviet times. This type of product is rather ordinary, although its sizes are completely different. This type of hinge is no longer used when installing interior doors, since they are best suited for street fences or premises that are not residential.

Five-inch products have 5 holes for screws on each of the cards, and four-inch products have 4 holes, so they are popularly called fours and fives. It is required to choose the necessary product of a certain size, taking into account the weight of the door. Heavier doors are hung on large hinges, and lighter doors are hung on smaller ones. For very heavy ones, the use of three loops is suitable, as for light ones, which will put their performance properties on a higher level.

Marking for loops with dimensions.

There are two ways to make markings for attaching loops. The first is connected with applying the hinge to the door leaf, with its subsequent stroke with a pencil. Usually doors are strengthened by two products, which are located at the bottom and at the top, and the distance between them should be the same.

When installing the third hinge, it can be placed in the center or moved up. Before installation, special marks are made with a pencil, which is well sharpened. This can be done not only on the door frame, but also on the door leaf. You can make marks in the second way from above and below, stepping back from the edge of the canvas by 15 - 25 cm. After that, the attachment points are marked.

When marking the places of the holes, one should not confuse where the door has the bottom and where the top is, given how it will stand after it is attached to the hinges. If there are glasses at the door, special attention should be paid to their location.

In this case, the edge of the hinges is combined with the edge of the door leaf. If the fittings are secret, then the execution of the seats must be carried out with the utmost accuracy and accuracy, since distortions cannot be allowed when installing the mechanism.

Today, mortise models are still the most in demand. This choice should be made if the doors are too massive and a more durable and reliable design is required, while decorativeness is not important. Nevertheless, the clumsy work during the introduction of such hinges is not comparable with the thin and delicate lining of the hinges without damaging the wood.

Danilko Stepan Igorevich

Other types

Not as often as the models described above use screw-in and Italian hinges. How to be in this case? Italian models are installed in the same way as card models, the only difference is the location of the hinges, unlike the standard ones, they are not installed at the ends of the door system, but from above and below.

Screwed hinges can be easily distinguished by their appearance, instead of plates on the sides they have threaded pins, with their help the part is fixed in the door frame and leaf, this is ideal for pretend models of structures. In addition, another advantage is the possibility of adjustment with a hexagon. To hide the metal part of the loops, they can be masked with decorative caps.

Screw-in model only suitable for lightweight door leaves

Plain metal doors are usually welded to the hinges, but it takes some skill to weld the hinges onto an iron door. It should also be noted that the hinge mechanism must initially be welded to the mounting plates. Work is carried out only with a continuous seam. Thanks to the mounting plates, it is possible to facilitate the task and easily weld the parts into place.

Hinges of metal doors most often have a welded structure


So, consider how to adjust the card hinges on an interior or metal door? If the structure is loosened, it is necessary to tighten the screws. Modern products have in their design a mechanism that is adjusted with a hex key, and allows you to tighten the door to the required level.

Now let's look at how to adjust hidden door hinges. This can only be done in the open position. It is necessary to first remove the decorative trims, then tighten the screw with a hex wrench. Due to the design features, the position of the door can be adjusted in three planes.

Inserting door hinges is a rather troublesome task, but nevertheless it is quite simple to do it yourself. Following our recommendations, each of you will be able to properly fix and adjust any kind of door hinges.

How to fix errors?

It is impossible to get rid of all the listed consequences of using such original hinges, however, it is possible to minimize their impact on ease of use. Among the most important tasks that the masters solve during the installation of butterfly loops is to ensure uniformity when the cards converge. Usually inconsistencies are eliminated by creating linings.

In addition, hinges for butterfly doors, due to structural features, do not provide a high degree of reliability. Of course, it all depends on the product, but they lose significantly to mortise-type hinges. Therefore, it is important to perform the fixation with screws as efficiently as possible - the absence of peeking hats and slopes during insertion will be reflected in reliability.

Another dubious feature is the location of the screws on the map. On one side they are closely spaced, and on the other side they are far apart from each other. The configuration cannot be corrected, but it is possible to exclude the possibility of damage to the door on which the butterfly hinges are planned to be attached. Installation is carried out on solid and reliable areas - that is, suitable for screwing.

What kind of doors are suitable?

It is possible to determine the segment of optimally suitable doors for the design of butterfly hinges based on the strength of the fastening. This nuance has already been considered, and it is quite natural that it is undesirable to supplement heavy models with such systems. Still, the operation of inserting into the array adds reliability to the fastening, while external fixation without insurance seems very risky when mounting a 40-kilogram web.

Conversely, butterfly hinges, which are installed as smoothly and cleanly as possible, are ideal for lightweight doors that require little effort to install. In particular, representatives of the veneered category are combined with "butterflies" not only technically, but also visually. Models made of solid wood are recommended to be equipped with mortise fittings - the complexity of installation is compensated by their reliability.

decorative effect

The overhead system for attaching the butterfly loop is also due to aesthetic considerations. No matter how neat the tie-in is, the master will not be able to maintain the integrity and decorative completeness of the door to the same extent. Bypassing all the difficulties of installing such loops, you can achieve an unsurpassed result. Since there is no need to interfere with the whimsical laminated surface, doors with butterfly hinges should be considered as the best option for living rooms, bedrooms, offices and other rooms where stylistic harmony is important.

Overhead hinges are hardly the best choice for amateurs and beginners who can count on simple installation without creating a tie-in. Some risks are eliminated, but others arise. Nevertheless, subject to strict marking and verified convergence of the cards, butterfly hinges will provide the result in the form of aesthetic interior doors with an original mounting configuration.

Finally, it is worth turning to mortise models, which still remain the most popular solution for fixing doors. This choice is worth making if you need a solid and reliable design, however, you will have to sacrifice decorativeness. Nevertheless, the clumsy principle of introducing such loops is incomparable with a delicate overlay without damaging the wood.

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Screw-in hinges for rebated doors

Screwed, as well as card corners, are designed for doors that have a feigned quarter.

Instead of flat bars, they have two pins on each hinge part. One of them is carved. It is with the help of these pins that she crashes into the canvas and the box.

Screw hinges on interior doors

The advantage of screw-in is that they can be adjusted with a hex wrench. They are closed with decorative caps of different shades.

If you have no idea how to embed the hinges (see How to install interior doors correctly), then it’s better not to take them on your own. Their installation requires great precision and accuracy. Very often, if they are inserted incorrectly, cracking of the door leaf occurs.

Hidden, most recently began to be used for installation in interior doors.

Despite this, they have already managed to gain confidence in themselves. Why are they so good?

  • The features of their device allow you to hide all the hinged parts with the door closed. This means that it is very difficult to crack such a door.
  • Due to the design features, the door leaf can be adjusted in three planes.
  • Also interior doors with hidden hinges have an attractive and complete appearance.

The design of hidden loops differs from the rest of the "colleagues". The hinge itself is attached to the door frame. It is hidden in a metal case. The connection of the door leaf and the hinge is achieved by a lever, which has the shape of the letter P.

The lever consists of two parts, which are fastened together with a screw. When closing, the lever itself hides inside the recess (loot).

Let's take a closer look at how they are mounted:

  • The niche is required deep. Therefore, we discard the thought of a chisel and pick up an electric mill.
  • We use it to make recesses in the door and in the box beam.
  • We make a selection for mounting strips.
  • We separate the components into two parts. To do this, unscrew the fixing screw on the lever.
  • We insert the hinged parts into their places: the smaller one - into the door, the larger one - into the box. We fasten them with screws.
  • We connect the two parts of the lever and tighten the fixing screw.
  • We adjust the door with screws and close the hinges with decorative inserts.

Italian loops

They don't stick like everyone else. Usually, the hinge parts are located at the side end of the door leaf, and the “Italian hinges” are mounted on the top and bottom of the door.

As a rule, when buying a door, you get it ready-made with hinges already hung. But if you purchased the structure in disassembly, then you will have to embed them yourself. If you embed the hinges incorrectly and allow at least a slight distortion, then this will lead to unnecessary consequences in operation: the door will not close tightly or the lock dog will not reach its place.

In order to carry out the replacement work correctly, you need to know in what sequence the door hinges should be installed with your own hands, in the future this will help you avoid problems in operation.

Loop selection

Before buying hinges, you need to decide which of them will fit exactly to your door, they are conventionally divided into three types.

  1. Brass. Such hinges are widely used, because brass, due to its plasticity, is easily processed: chrome plated or polished.
  2. Brass-plated. As a rule, such hinges are made of various alloys, and covered with brass coating, as well as other compositions that imitate in similarity: chrome, bronze or gold.
  3. Steel. These are the most reliable and high-quality hinges, because unlike brass, the hinges of which are grinded over time, steel ones are not subject to such a process, and therefore they can be considered eternal.

When choosing loops, you need to take into account some factors that affect the duration of their work.

First, the weight of the door. Usually, two hinges are enough for one door, but if the door is made of solid wood, then it is heavier, and therefore it is better to insert three hinges.

Secondly, bearings in loops. This design of the hinges will not creak after prolonged use.

Secondly, depending on the side of the door opening, the hinges can be left-hand opening and vice versa.

What you need for self-installation

  1. Loops.
  2. Chisel and hammer.
  3. Screws and screwdriver.
  4. Marking pencil.
  5. Wooden wedges.
  6. Level.

Marking and cutting out seats

It is necessary to correctly install the hinges with an indent of 20 or 25 cm from the bottom and top of the door. But at the same time, carefully inspect the surface so that there are no knots or chips in the places of the intended installation. If you screw in a screw in such a place, it can split the box or go awry, which will not allow you to fix the hinge well. If there are such places, then the fasteners need to be moved a few centimeters up or down.

First, we make markings with a pencil on the door. We apply the loops to the places of the intended fastening and circle them. Then we apply the chisel to the markup and carefully tap it with a hammer over the entire markup to cut out the outline of the loop. After that, you need to make several cuts along the length and, by knocking with a chisel on the side, make a recess.

If you make a recess greater than the thickness of the hinge, then when closing the door, the second half will rest against the box, which will subsequently lead to deformation and upholstering of the door.

The same procedure must be done with the second seat. Then, we apply a loop and fix it with screws. Everything, the door is ready, now you need to cut the hinges into the box.

How to mark up a box

Here it will be a little more difficult for you to mark the place. To do this, we install the door in the box and with the help of wedges we fix it in the intended place of closure. If a lock is embedded on the door, it will greatly facilitate the work, it can be closed and the door adjusted. We substitute the wedges under the bottom and use the level to bring it to the line.

It is necessary to adjust the door in the frame both in a horizontal and vertical position. If it is incorrectly set horizontally, then the door will be set upside down and will not close well. And an incorrectly installed vertical door will open on its own.

Having aligned all the corners, we make notes with a pencil in places where the hinges are in contact with the box. It will not be possible to completely mark here and therefore it is better to unscrew the hinges from the door again, outline their outline on the box and screw them into place.

After that, you need to cut recesses for them in the same way as you did on the door. The rules are the same - the main thing is not to overdo it with depth. When you have everything ready, we again substitute the wedges under the bottom, bring the door to the box and fix it in place with self-tapping screws. Everything is ready, we check it for the quality of opening and rejoice at the result.

So that the door leaf does not crack during fastening with screws, you need to make holes in the places where you screw in with a thin drill.

If you do not have the necessary tools or you do not have the skills for such work, then you can purchase butterfly loops. They belong to the class of "insertless" and anyone can install them. The principle of operation lies in the fact that in the closed state the cards (sides of the loops) enter one into the other. Due to this, such hinges do not require tie-in, and the gap in the closed position is small.


Many furniture is equipped with doors. The correct location of the hinges implies convenient use and a long service life of the door. Sometimes it happens that the door does not open well or mows a little. Such moments cause unpleasant emotions when using the closet. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer and more serious attitude to the fact that when furniture hinges are mounted, the installation of the markup should be carried out taking into account all the rules.

Do-it-yourself installation of loops begins with the analysis of the part itself. In the manufacture of furniture, various hinges on the cabinet are used. The most popular loops are overhead. They are used when fastening facades to the body. There are also semi-overhead, internal, corner, using a closer and spring. The question of how to install overhead furniture hinges will be considered in more detail. In particular, the well-known four-hinged model. These loops vary in size. The most common with a diameter of 35 mm. The canopy consists of the following parts:

  • cup;
  • mounting plate;
  • shoulder.

The cup is fixed on the facade, and the mounting plate is fixed on the cabinet body. The shoulder is involved in the bridge connection of these two elements. To properly install furniture hinges with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • ruler;
  • construction level;
  • cutter;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws.

The cutter diameter is 35 mm. When all the tools and materials are ready, the next stage begins.



Do-it-yourself furniture hinge installation involves precise marking. Having made a bad markup, you can get flaws when opening the door. The marking process for furniture hinges involves finding the center of the hole for them. It should retreat 7-12 cm from the edge of the facade. The number of hinges installed on the door may vary. But you need to observe a certain distance between the canopies, equal to 50 cm. There is a certain dependence of the number of canopies on the parameters of the door.

Facade weight, kg Front length, cm
Up to 50 50-100 100-150 150-200 Over 200
Number of awnings
4-5 2
6-9 2
10-13 3
14-18 5
Over 19 5

When the number of canopies is determined, the center holes are marked relative to the width of the door. Moreover, the indent from the side of the door should be 2.1-2.2 cm. And it should also be borne in mind that the mount should not lie on the location of the shelves.

Thus, having measured the required distance from the top and bottom of the door, a mark is made. Further, observing the indentation relative to the width, the point of the future location is also marked. At the intersection of the measured marks, a notch should be made with a self-tapping screw or a nail. With a facade height of more than 100 cm, marks must be made every 50 cm.

Hole preparation

To understand how to properly install and hang hinges, it is important to follow all the required steps. The next installation step is how to embed furniture hinges? Using a drill or screwdriver, you need to drill holes. In this case, you need to use a cutter. The facade is laid on a solid surface. Drilling is carried out in the place of the markup.

Installation of a furniture hinge is carried out subject to the following conditions:

  • the hole depth is 12-13 mm. The insert should not be deeper to avoid cracks on the front side of the door;
  • the use of a sharpened cutter helps to eliminate chips or damage to the surface of the facade;
  • the drill or screwdriver follows vertically, corresponding to the drilling axis, to avoid damaging the surface;
  • do not drill in a hurry, otherwise the hole will be sloppy as a result.

After drilling for one hole, the next slots are drilled. When all the holes are made, the stage of laying the loop cups in them follows.

Hinge attachment

Hinges are placed in the holes and, using a ruler or level, adjust their position relative to the height of the facade. Each canopy should tightly touch the surface of the facade. If you do not adjust the location of the canopies, the door may take an oblique position. When the hinges are aligned, you should make marks for the screws. This can be done with a pencil or the screw itself. Next, use a screwdriver to screw the furniture hinges to the door.

Facade hanging

When the marking and installation of the furniture hinge is completed, the most difficult stage begins - fastening the door to be installed to the cabinet body. Door hanging progress:

  • mark the places of installation of mounting sites for hinges;
  • attaching a platform for fixing hinges that are installed on the facade;
  • hang the door to the side of the cabinet;
  • connection of two parts of the loop;
  • adjusting the cabinet door relative to the cabinet with a screwdriver.

Hanging the door is best done on a flat surface. In this case, the side of the locker, on which the canopy bar is attached, must be in a horizontal position. This creates a certain convenience when trying on and screwing the facade to the sidewall. After screwing to the body, you can put the cabinet in a vertical position and adjust it relative to the body.


The final step in the installation of furniture canopies is regulation. After the door is attached to the body, it is necessary to make adjustments in three planes. Of course, you will have to unscrew and tighten the screw several times, but a favorable outcome is guaranteed. Three planes are vertical, horizontal and relative to the fixation depth:

  • depth adjustment helps to press the front closer to the body or loosen it. Using a screwdriver, an oval hole is twisted. This type of adjustment is widely used in rooms where the floors have some kind of unevenness;
  • vertical adjustment helps to move the facade in a vertical position. Adjustment is carried out by twisting the oval holes. After some time, the door may sag. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out adjustment of canopies sometimes;
  • Horizontal adjustment involves moving the door from left to right or vice versa. Its purpose is to avoid gaps between the door and the cabinet body. Let's apply this method even in rooms with uneven walls and floors.

The adjustment step can be carried out when the cabinet is not yet hung. But, in order to immediately orient with respect to the walls and ceiling, it is best to hang the cabinet on the wall.

It turns out that to fasten the loops, you do not need to have special knowledge or skills. Installing a furniture hinge is not difficult at all. The main thing is that when installing the furniture hinge, the marking and installation were carried out taking into account all the rules. This avoids the appearance of cracks on the facade, gaps between the body and the door, friction when opening. Moreover, the work done by one's own hands brings a lot of positive emotions.

The installation of the door frame is accompanied by the work of mounting the door on the hinges. It is quite possible to perform this process on your own, however, if you become familiar with the technology for its implementation. There are several methods for installing a door on hinges. About how to embed the hinges in the door and how to remove the door from the hinges, we will consider further.

How to hang a door on hinges: features of a professional method

This method of installing the door on hinges is easy to perform. It is most often used by professional workers, because of the speed of work. Therefore, in the process of work, you will need a special tool. First of all, for inserting loops, you will need to use a manual milling machine. With its help, it is possible to perform work on the arrangement of a clean cut. Also, you should prepare a tool with which you can cut the loops.

This device has the form of an overlay, which prevents damage to the door leaf by mechanical damage. In addition, with the help of some professional tools, it is possible to completely set the dimensions of the hinge hole on the door leaf. In this case, it is possible to greatly facilitate the process of installing the door on the hinges.

Please note that there is equipment with which it turns out to build a groove both on the surface of the leaf and on the door frame. With its help, the two parts of the door frame are connected together, so the process of combining the groove joints disappears on its own. It is with the help of this equipment that it is possible to accelerate the speed of installing hinges on the door.

If you do not have such tools, you should not give up, since with the help of one milling machine, you can also do the work of mounting the door on the hinges. This tool, if you have the skills to work with it, allows you to build a groove connection for hinges, both on the door and on the door frame. However, the disadvantage of its use is the low quality of the result obtained and more time for insertion.

Also, with a careless attitude to the mechanism, there is a risk of scratching the door and spoiling the attractiveness of their appearance. Therefore, the heel of the milling machine must be covered with a protective material such as felt.

How to put a door on hinges in an artisanal way

This method is characterized by a lower quality of the result obtained than the previous version. To carry it out, a chisel and a hammer are enough. The popularity of this method is primarily due to the availability of materials for its implementation.

If the door has a laminated finish, then as a result, the edges of the hinge groove will be sloppy and aesthetically unattractive. Instructions on how to install the hinges on the door with your own hands are given below:

1. At the beginning of work, markup should be made for installing the groove. To do this, install the canopy on the end of the canvas, circle it with a pencil. Please note that at this stage special seriousness should be taken, since the hinges must be installed in proportion to the door leaf. Incorrectly installed hinges will not be able to rationally distribute the load and will lead to premature failure of the door.

2. The following is the process of edging the groove connection. For these purposes, a hammer and a chisel are used. The chisel should be installed inside the door leaf by a few millimeters. This edging should be done in relation to the previously made markup.

3. This is followed by the process of sampling the groove joint itself using a chisel. In this case, the chisel is installed with a slight slope. The grooved connection is knocked out with a hammer. At this stage, special care must be taken to avoid damaging the front surface.

This method of installing hinges is suitable for a wooden door, which is subject to further painting. Since after its implementation, inaccurate chips and samples are formed. Coloring will help to eliminate and improve their appearance.

How to put hinges on a door: features and process technology

If you do not have experience in installing doors on hinges, then it is best to use this option. The use of a certain type of canopies allows you not to cut them into special grooves. There are two ways to do this work:

1. The use of loops without tie-ins. To install this kind of hinged mechanisms, it will not be necessary to cut grooves either on the door or on the box. Their design is quite simple, and allows them to be mounted directly on the door. After the door is closed, they are installed into each other, since the thickness of one part of the hinge is no more than 0.25 cm, a technological gap is formed between them. To install this hinge, it is enough to screw it on the door and on the door frame. Among the disadvantages of using this method is, first of all, the unaesthetic appearance of the door after installation.

2. The use of screw-in hinges is also relevant for beginners. In this case, the grooves on which ordinary hinges are attached are replaced with holes. To install such a hinge, you will need two holes in the door frame and one in the door itself. To install the canopy, it is enough to screw it into the previously prepared holes. Please note that the holes must be in the correct order with respect to each other. The appearance of such loops is more attractive than the previous version.

In addition, another alternative option for installing a door is to use trunnion hinges. Their tie-in is carried out directly in the canvas. However, a certain design of such a hinge hides the place from the tie-in, so the aesthetic side of the issue remains at the proper level.

This loop consists of two plates, the rotation of which is carried out around an axis. Installation of this device is carried out at the bottom and top of the door. In some cases, the top hinge is still visible, but only if the door is left open.

How to weld hinges on a door made of metal

Electric arc welding is used to perform these works. At the same time, it is necessary to have skills in working with these tools. Properly installed and welded hinges on the door will ensure their high-quality and silent opening.

In addition, in the process of work, you will need to have:

  • steel door hinges;
  • records;
  • welding;
  • electrodes;
  • locksmith type hammer;
  • grinders;
  • special clothing, masks and protective gloves.

Most often, the hinges are in the form of a cylinder or are distinguished by the presence of hexagons. The first version of the hinge is simpler in execution and easier to weld to the door. For welding loops, special plastics are used.

All work is carried out on the street, the surface for laying the door must be strictly horizontal. handkerchiefs must be welded to the loops using a continuous seam. Otherwise, the quality and reliability of the connection will be impaired.

In addition, the plate must be selected in relation to the size of the loop. Also, you should take into account the load from the door, its weight and dimensions. With the help of these elements, it is possible to equip the so-called work site on which welding work will be carried out. In addition, they will serve as a support between the door and the hinge.

Before installing the hinges on the door and before welding, the doors are set in a vertical position. Next, their position in relation to the loops is checked. After checking and marking the places of welding, the process of welding on the door frame follows. It is with the help of plates that it is possible to facilitate the welding process, for people who did not have experience in performing these works.

Use a laser level to check if the door is installed correctly. It is he who will help determine the installation location of the second of the loops, after welding the first. This is followed by baiting the loop, pressing the door to the canvas and continuing to work. After the welding of the loops is completed, the seams are processed using a grinder.

How to hang hinges on the door: features of the choice of hinges

When it becomes necessary to hang hinges on the door, people who have never done this turn to specialists and spend pretty decent money to complete this process. However, before attaching the hinges to the door, we recommend that you read the recommendations that will help even beginners complete this process.

First of all, the installation of loops begins with their choice. You should also determine the number and direction of the hinges on the door, if they did not go to it in the configuration. If the door is double-leaf, then for its installation you will need two hinges for each of the wings.

There are several options for hinges for doors:

  • card;
  • mortise;
  • hidden;
  • screw type hinges.

Each of these loop options has individual advantages and disadvantages. Card loops are both removable and non-removable. The second version of the hinges provides a double-sided opening of the door. However, if you need to remove the door, it is best to use removable hinges.

The mortise version of the hinge is used if the total weight of the door leaf is more than twenty kilograms.

To install hinges on a single-leaf door, you should determine the type of its opening. The number of hinges is determined based on the weight of the door, the material from which it is made and the operational load that is placed on it. To fix a door consisting of one leaf, two hinges are enough; if it is an entrance door, then it is better to use three hinges.

Tip: When shopping for hinges in a store, ask the salesperson to open them for you. Since quite often come across mechanisms with deformed rods inside.

In addition, make sure that the color of the hinges is in harmony with the overall tone of the door, fittings in the form of handles and a lock. Self-tapping screws must also match the color of the hinges. To perform work on hanging the door on the hinges, you will need:

  • plumb;
  • level;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • chisels;
  • hammer;
  • measuring tape;
  • carpenter's pencil.

The hinges are installed in relation to the upper and lower parts of the door by 20-30 cm. If there is a third hinge, its installation is carried out directly in the center of the door leaf. If you plan to install four hinges, then the total length of the door should be divided into five parts and mark the installation site of each canopy.

One part of the hinge is installed on the door leaf, without rods. The second part of the hinge is installed directly on the door frame.

In order to fix the hinge on the canvas, follow the instructions on how to install the hinges on the door:

1. Place the hinge on the surface of the door and circle it with a pencil.

2. Using a chisel, remove the hinge installation outline. The depth of the removed layer should be equal to the thickness of the loop itself.

3. Using an electric drill or a screwdriver, fix the loop using previously purchased self-tapping screws.

4. When choosing a drill diameter, stop at an element that is half a centimeter smaller than the self-tapping screw itself. Thus, it will be possible to increase the reliability of fastening.

6. In these areas, you should also remove the top layer with a chisel. In these recesses, fix the second part of the canopy. Keep track of the horizontal position of the rods. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve a smooth opening of the door.

It is possible to change the order of actions. In some cases, the hinges are first fixed on the box, and then on the door.

If a creak is observed when checking the door for operability, then use engine oil, technical petroleum jelly or grease to lubricate them. If the loops are too deep, special linings based on rubber or thick cardboard are installed under them.

If there is a problem with the door leaf being too low, then in order to raise it, it is necessary to install a washer between the canopies. If during the installation of the hinges you have a screw stuck that cannot be pulled out in any way, then use a drill to remove it. The place where the screw was installed should be sealed with a wooden dowel, which was previously moistened with glue.

Installing hinges on the door video:

Mounting fasteners on the doors and sides of cabinets is not an easy process. The balance of the leaves depends on the correct installation of the hinges, their trouble-free operation for a long time. How to install hinges on a cabinet with your own hands can be found in this material.

Mounts installed on a large furniture , are semi-mechanical elements , which are responsible for opening the valves. Much depends on the material and thickness of the doors, so what the hinges are made of is also important.

The hinges must withstand standard loads.

For installation most often used overhead devices with four hinges, the so-called frogs. Such mounts convenient for any design involving hinged doors - wardrobe or kitchen cabinet, other types furniture.

Metal parts are made of durable alloys that are resistant to corrosion and mechanical deformation.

Furniture hinges are divided into several types, depending on how they are attached:

  • H overlays;
  • P half overhead;
  • In deposit;
  • And inverted;
  • Royal;
  • Patch;
  • Sh tolnye, etc.

Types of furniture hinges.

for closet often used overhead structures with cup bases, which are connected to the panel using self-tapping screws. Mechanical liners with a "shoulder" are inserted into these bases and fixed on the door and side panel.

Such fasteners are quite reliable and durable, because they have a reinforced connection with the planes.

Depending on the type closet and its dimensions, as well as the material, choose the appropriate type of connecting parts. Some elements used exclusively for classic furniture, where all the details must match the style. For ordinary wardrobes choose standard overhead and semi-overhead mounts.

For installation on sashes, it is necessary to use certified industrial products - this is a guarantee of durability and long service life of furniture and its individual parts.

Preparing for installation

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools and materials for furniture . Be sure to have a screwdriver on hand, a drill with the appropriate nozzles, a simple pencil, crayon, ruler or tape measure. You will also need screws of the right size (usually sold with hinges) and self-tapping screws of a certain section.

    Tools for installing hinges.

  2. When installing fasteners, you must consider the material you are dealing with and its structure. For loose or fibrous wood panels, different types of fasteners and fixing methods are used. Glass surfaces also require a special approach. Two are mainly used mounts - above and below. If the sash weighs a lot or exceeds a meter in length, then for reinforcement, you can add another part in the center. When exceeding 9 kg, the door is equipped with additional hinges - they are added for every 5 kg of weight. For kitchen cabinets, two hinges are usually used, for large items - from three.

    The maximum number of fasteners that can be placed on the door with a large length and weight of 20 kg is 5 pieces.

  3. At least 10 cm must be measured from the upper and lower inner corners of the door, otherwise the leaf may “loose” over time, and the screws will come out of the grooves.

    You can not place the hinges at the level of the shelves - the door will not close.

  4. Before starting installation fasteners must be marked. This will help connect elements much more accurate.

    Use a pencil or thin crayon.

  5. The average length of the indent from the edge of the sash closet to the center of the loop is 2.2 cm.

    This distance is for standard mounts.

  6. Before installing the hinges on the door closet wipe surfaces. Mark the places of future connections with a sharp nail or awl.

    Preparing furniture for the installation of fasteners does not tolerate fuss. The correct operation of the doors depends on this.

Carefully check all parameters of the sashes closet , shelf arrangement, etc. You can make a preliminary sketch.

Installation of fasteners

cabinet doors pre-try on the sidewalls to make accurate markings. Initial installation stage loops - drilling holes for attaching cups.

It is not always convenient to make hinges in the vertical position of the door. This will potentially reduce the accuracy of the connection.

Lay the sash on a flat surface, fixing it. Drill holes for the cup with a drill and cutter. It is important not to make recesses too large, 1.2 cm is enough. Insert the cups into the holes and screw the screws into the door part of the fixture.

It is necessary that they enter the grooves evenly, without distortion, otherwise the door will not be fixed correctly.

For installation connecting parts, place the drill vertically - any tilt will make the work of poor quality, chips may appear, due to which the mount will not hold securely.The striker on the side of the product can also be installed in the vertical position of the panel, having previously marked the joints.

When drilling, the drill also needs to be kept very level.

If overhead parts are used, then they are made “deaf” so that they do not spread during connection and assembly. Such fasteners should not have gaps and distortions.When connecting the sash and side panel, use the help.

Together, the work process will be more convenient, better and more accurate.

Installing fittings on glass doors requires special care and caution. For such sashes, special fasteners are purchased. On the side of the sidewall you will need holes that are drilled with a drill.

The glass sheet is fixed with clamps.

Alignment and adjustment

Furniture fixtures need adjustment. For this, in the process installations check their fixation in depth and distance. You can do this with the horizontal or vertical position of the parts. closet. After assembling the furniture all preliminary calculations will turn into a result, so it is important to devote more time to the markup and connection parameters in advance.

When choosing, you must first pay attention to the strength of the product, it must serve throughout the entire life of the furniture.

After installing the fasteners on the cabinet doors it is necessary to carefully try on the sashes to the sidewalls so that they match exactly. Mark the joints with a pencil. Fix the door and do fixing work on both sides. It is important that the accuracy of all details closet was one hundred percent. Finish assembly and check the work.

When opening and closing for the first time, the sashes may move somewhat stiff if the hinges have not yet been lubricated and developed.

After attaching the hinges to the cabinet finished, it is recommended to drop a little machine oil inside the mechanism. Then wipe the surface with an absorbent cloth.

Check that all elements are working properly.

for closet from chipboard it is better to take wide loops, since the base material can crumble.

The better all the elements of the assembled furniture, the more reliable their operation will be.

Putting hinges on the door closet , do not forget that after a while the sashes can sag under their own weight, especially if they often remain open. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically strengthen the hinges by tightening the screws. In modern mounts, this is easy to do - there is an additional recess in the oval part.

Try to debug the parts carefully so as not to loosen the grooves.

It is also necessary to lubricate the hinges from time to time. closet so that they do not rust or creak. Adjusting fasteners , it is necessary to fix not only the screws connecting the cup or bar, but also the closer parts. The mechanical part can wear out from operation. Therefore, it is important to have 2-3 spare elements in order to replace a broken part with them. About the "drawdown" says a skew, a loose cover. Work is carried out more often in rooms with uneven floors and high humidity.

If the adjustment does not help, it is worth replacing the old parts with new ones.

When changing fixtures on used furniture, you need to look at how suitable they are for it. It may be necessary, due to the loosening of the grooves, to change the location of the new loops.

After adjustment, check for gaps, tightness of the doors when closing, overall mobility and evenness of the sash along the axis.

When installing several fasteners, it should be calculated so that their location does not fall on the internal elements of the furniture.

VIDEO: How to quickly and easily install furniture hinges.

VIDEO: How to adjust cabinet doors.