How to fine lawn grass in the country. How to sow lawn grass yourself: seed seed, landing and care. The role of lawns in the country

Lawn always looks beautifully on the household plot. Soft and fresh grass gives the territory of a well-kept view. Sometimes without a lawn, the landscape design of the territory looks unfinished, incomplete.

Let's talk about how to choose the planting material and how to plant the lawn grass on your own site.

As soon as the gardener is determined with the type of Garden Lawn, he can already begin sowing grass. But it should be borne in mind that even the best place for landing will not be able to show successful results without proper preparation of the site to sowing the lawn. This moment is key on the way to a beautiful and well-kept plot, seeded green grass.

Preparation of the site

Now there will be some rules and recommendations for preparation of a plot for sowing lawnAs well as to prepare for laying a rolled type of lawn.

First of all, you need to remove absolutely all trash from the site, remove the roots of trees and stumps, as well as all root system of shrubs. The remains of the trees and bushes left in the soil can provoke the appearance of a leaf on a plot with grass.

It is necessary to remove the upper turf soil layer With the help of an ordinary shovel or special machine. The way with a shovel will require the gardener of the Snorge and physical forces. It is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. The cutting of the delicate layer is a faster and less energy-intensive way. Yes, and thus you can prepare the soil better.

If there are many weeds on the site, then it is necessary to use herbicides, for example, a roundup. After applying the drug, the dead plants should be completely removed. It should be borne in mind that such plants like a dandelion or clover have a developed root system and even with manual weeding, the remaining part of the rhizoma will eventually grow early or later goes out.

Stone leveling

This is an important stage on the way to a successful landing of lawn. The plot should be smooth As much as possible. Experts on the landing of the English lawn during the alignment of the soil use even the construction level. This is justified, because it is possible to obtain the ideal surface of the lawn as a result.

It is necessary to study the relief layout solely in dry and clear weather. The bias can not be removed at the same time, its presence will even help in rainy days to drain excess water. But such a bias must have perfectly flat relief.

Snaps and irregularities on the ground can be aligned in two ways:

  • remove the soil layer from the bumps and move it into the recesses and pits,
  • fill the nizenas of fertile soil taken from other sites.

If there is no fertile soil, it may well be replaced by purchased soil or a torphrount. If the soil is on the plot of clay and heavy, then in order to make it more permeable for water and air, you need to mix it with river sand.

Ideal soil parameters for growing lawn grass, per 100 grams of soil:

  • acidity 5.5-6.5 pH;
  • humus - 2.5 - 3.5%;
  • nitrogen and nitrogen compounds - 10 milligrams;
  • phosphorus - 15-25 milligrams;
  • potassium: 20-30 milligrams;
  • copper and zinc.


If necessary in the soil should be present drainage layer. This is an optional stage, but necessary in some cases.

Any instruction on landing lawn states that it is necessary to make drainage correctly. If the place of sowing is not flooded and is not exposed to spring floods, then in this case there will be quite ordinary pepage and fertilizer. In other cases, it is necessary to create a drainage system. This process must be combined with soil alignment.

If the ground on the site is often poured with water or it stands on it, then in this case, without drainage, it's just not to do.

When leveling the relief of the site you need put the soil reservoir on top of drainageeliminated in two layers. The lower layer consists of large-scale gravel, and the top of sand or small rubble. So, a three-layer base will appear on the site of the green carpet. It looks like this:

  • the upper 15-20 centimeters of the layer - fertile soil,
  • below is 15 centimeters of sand or rubble,
  • next, 15 gravel centimeters.

In this case, each layer needs to be thoroughly tamped.

The drainage type directly depends on the size of the site, the location of the groundwater and other factors that should be said separately.

There are cases when the lawn is located near the foundation, then you need to lay a French drainage, which can be done with your own hands. This is especially true in small areas.

Soil Processing and Final Cleaning

In a small area, the soil can be processed with the help of a shovel or forks. You need to drag the earth for 20 centimeters in depth. If the humus layer is thin, then the depth can be less. Prost, it is necessary to feed the soil with organic fertilizers and add river sand to it. Lawn grass does not like exhausted primer and simply will not grow on it.

The lumps of the Earth must necessarily break, otherwise the soil will fall unevenly and it will not allow correctly align the relief of the site. You can break lumps with robbles, shovel or forks. During this, it is necessary to parallel to the land from the stones, garbage, weeds, as well as the remains of the root of plants.

If the landing site is large, it is best to use the motor-cultivator.

If sowing is planned in spring time, Cooking the site is recommended in autumn. Then earth lumps can be left to the very sowing period. This will improve drainage. It is necessary to smooth and break the lumps before the direct fit.

Before proceeding with the trim, and this is the next stage of the preparation of the site, you need to drive the stakes around the perimeter and pull the rope on them. Next, you need to perfectly adjust the level of the rope, the straight line of which should be 180 °. For accuracy, you can use the construction level.


Tamping soil - This is a very important stage in the preparation of the site. Using it from the stratum of the soil, possible emptiness is removed and the irregularities of the green carpet are prevented.

Tampering the soil can be both legs and a special roller. Any smooth rounded item is perfectly suitable as a roller, the radius of which will be at least twenty centimeters. For example, it can be a large diameter metal pipe.

Turn the soil is only needed in dry and clear weather. After the tillamp of the soil feet, you need to remove the traces of the boot with the help of robble.

Need during the whole process control level, and if it seems that somewhere there is irregularities, then you need to correct it right away. To do this, you can shine a layer of soil or remove it.

Parking site

This stage is ignored and missed, because for its execution you need a lot of physical strength and time. But he has a number of advantages.

Exposure under the ferry eliminates the soil from the roots and seeds of weeds. This stage is obligatory for the sowing lawn, when laying a rolled parring, you can not do.

Wrap a plot needed for two months. The method consists in constant removal of weed grass and processing by drugs - herbicides.

Currently, sewage seeds are used instead of watering. They are sowed on the site for a month and a half before the landing of the lawn, and before the disembarkation, the plot with plants praise. It has been proven that it has a beneficial effect on the soil and enriches it.

Prepaiming training

A week before the alleged sowing need scatter on the mineral fertilizer And close them with rakes to a depth of five centimeters.

When the soil loans, the lumps of the earth should be no more than the size of the wheat grain.

Before sowing herbs you need to choose the most favorable day in terms of weather. It should be clear and dry. The top layer of the soil should be ideally dry, and the lower humid.

Spring sowing is better to produce in April - June. With summer sowing, abundant irrigation will need, since the lawn grass is very demanding to moisture and can fall asleep.

How to sow lawn grass in the spring on its site?

So, now let's talk about direct sowing. The horseman has already been purchased and now remains to start the most important thing.


First Polish.

The lawn grass is usually for 7-20 days after sowing. If it is not rainy weather, the lawn must be regularly water. But it is necessary to do it with extreme caution, watering can with a spray or special installation for a lawn, which spray water jets.

As soon as the green carpet grows up to 10 centimeters - haircut time comes.


We dealt with how to put the lawn grass in the spring in our territory. It is worth saying that if you follow all recommendations for the preparation of a plot to sowing lawn grass, as well as landing and care rules, it is quite possible to become the owner of an ideal lawn cover on a plot that will be a highlight and decoration of the territory.

For those who wish to have a beautiful and well-groomed territory near the country house, the useful will be information on how to sow lawn grass with their own hands. A competently planted and beautiful lawn will be a great place to relax the whole family and an integral detail of the landscape.

Selection of seeds

How to grow a beautiful green lawn? First you need to choose a suitable sowing material. Manufacturers offer a wide range of ready-made compositions for sowing lawns. For example, it may be a lawn sports or for family holidays.

Deciding, how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the lawn mixture. Seeds should be adapted for the local climate, otherwise you can expect an unpleasant surprise in the form of a pennate after winter. It is wiser to select frost-resistant graces of herbs, which differ not only in durability, but also the thickness of the cover. Such herbs include the hairdryer Red and Mattik meadow. The optimal version of the lawn mixture is an association in an equal proportion of 2 of these types of herbs.

An important criterion for getting a thick landing is an accurate measure of seeds to evry. After the choice is made, you should adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations on the consumption of material.

Another criterion is the choice of suitable time for landing. In any season, it is necessary to clearly comply with the recommendations on the number of seeds for planting lawn grass. If sowing is carried out in summer or in spring, it is worth adding half of the norm to the specified parameter. This is due to the fact that spring floods and autumn rains take part of seeds with water flow.

In the summer, for the landing, the grass also take a few more seeds than is indicated by the manufacturer. The hot sun is detrimental for young shoots, so it is desirable to increase the number of shoots so that some of them are guaranteed to grow further.

The most tight in the thickness of the lawn in the country will grow on a flat land. Lawnies that go under the slope or are irregularity, it is worth falling by seeds more tightly than the manufacturer requires.


After the landing time is defined, the perfect seed grade is selected, you can begin sowing lawn grass. Lawn planting technology is as follows:

  1. The removal of weeds on the household plot is carried out. Those who want to know how to plant lawn grass correctly, it should be remembered that the site should be thoroughly cleaned from weeds. To achieve the goal, you can use all known methods: cultivation, mulching, watering the stretch by herbicides, manual canopy. Most effective can be considered irrigated by herbicides. These solutions remove the smallest weeds of any kind. Two weeks after processing, there is a complete destruction of all weeds.
  2. It is necessary to damage the soil so that the lawn landing is more successful. Before falling down the lawn, the land must open, remove the stones and dried roots. Large earth kids should be broken by a shovel. Prepared soil should be homogeneous, sufficiently loose and saturated oxygen. At the same time, the land plot also align. The pits are plundered by the earth, and the soil is crushed from the bugs.
  3. Without fertilizers, a thick lawn will not grow. If the type of soil is alkaline, then it is fertile to peat, and if sour - lime. Before planting lawn grass on the plot, the soil must be fertilized by mineral or organic additives. The optimal option will be compost or biohumus. If the soil is very poor, it will help to improve its composition to replace the upper layer of soil. For this, the area where the landing of lawn grass is planned, is drunk, the top layer of the soil is removed with a depth of up to 40 cm. Exhausted ground is taken out, and fertile soil is laid in its place.
  4. Alignment and sealing plot is a responsible stage of work. Before sowing the lawn grass with your own hands, the soil must be aligned with robbles and compact. High-quality seal is carried out using a garden rink or a small barrel with water. The plot prepared for landing should be compacted to such an extent that the person passing on it is not drowning in the ground.
  5. How to sneeze the lawn grass on the plot? To begin with, you will have to make shallow grooves on the rammed surface of the earth. The depth of the seeding site should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise small seeds will not go. Lawn landing lines first make horizontally, and then the vertical site. It is necessary to remember the seed flow rate recommended by the manufacturer. After the seeds are planted, all the grooves must be carefully filled with the ground and roll with a roller or barrel.

Caring for lawn

It is not enough to know how to sing a lawn with your own hands, - you need to understand how to care for it after disembarking. For friendly shoots, it is important to organize the correct first watering. The optimal option is to use special sprayers with the function of small irrigation, then puddles will not be formed on the surface, and the seeds will not pop up. If the seeds are planted on rainy days, then the first watering can not be done.

How to care for sowing? If everyone is competent, then the first sprouts can be seen two weeks after disembarking. The grass rides and develops unevenly, so it is not necessary to panic, if at first the lawn looks somewhat bald. The real picture of the future lawn can be seen only four weeks after planting lawn grass.

In the hot season, the lawn should water every day.

Massacing the collapsing blades are necessary if their length reached 10 cm. Haircut is needed for aestheticism, and to stimulate the growth of new grass.

  1. The soil must have a prepared minimum of 10-14 days before the seeds fall into the ground. During this time, the soil can settle down.
  2. In the spring, the grass is boiled for 20 days, and in the summer this period is reduced to 7 days.
  3. To minimize the number of weeds that spare together with the grass, it is better to carry out the fall.
  4. Fertile land is not worth digging deep, so you can avoid excessive shrinkage of the site.
  5. In order for the site to be even uniform, it is distributed in advance to squares.
  6. The first 7 days after seva watered a lawn with watering can or autonomous spray. So you can save the access of the air to the eldest ends yet through the thickness of the earth.
  7. Purchase seed material with a reserve, because with a weak germination will have to fill empty places.
  8. If there is very hot weather on the street (over + 30 ° C), it is not recommended to fertilize, otherwise the root system will burn.

Only when complying with all the rules, it turns out to grow a beautiful lawn without weeds and properins.

Photo Gallery

Here you can see in the photo, how can you decorate the landscaped design of any site using the lawn.

In order to properly put the lawn grass with their own hands, do not need any special knowledge.

It is enough just to watch the learning video and read this article, so that there would be a beautiful green grass on your cottage.

In the country, the lawn sold in the seeds is usually sown less frequently buy rolled.

To do everything correctly, carefully read everything that is written on packaging with the seeds of lawn grass, there, as a rule, all the necessary information about the type of plant and sowing standards is presented.

Consider the features of the place where you plan to break the lawn. Choose a mixture correctly - the first step to a beautiful landscape on your cottage. Lawn loves the sun.

A permanent shadow will not bear any shepherd.

In a thick shadow, it is better to smash the flower bed or come up with another landscaped solution.

However, if the sun is at least a couple of hours a day on the site, then the situation is solved by choosing a tenestable mixture of lawn grasses. They prevailing meadows meadow.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the name, but also on the composition of the sowing material when you buy it in the store. The mixtures can enter up to eight different grained grasses.

Usually this:

  • fescue,
  • rags
  • mettle
  • bluegrass.

The herbs are selected in such a way that the overall covering evenly sprout, looked harmonious and aesthetic.

In certain conditions, some kind of seed variety can die when sowing, but then the rest of the varieties will make these gaps. Properly composed mixtures give excellent results.

Another criterion for choice is the goal for which the lawn will be used.

There are the following types of mixtures of lawns, which are put on their own hands:

  • Sport lawn. Sustainable to mechanical effects is not pulled out, it is easily restored after damage. The perfect option for sitting in the playgrounds. Even the most active walks on this covering it nipochem. But there is also their own "but" - the composition of this mixture includes a rags plant, which takes a cold winter very badly. In the northern regions of the country there will be such a mixture at the beginning of each season;
  • Decorative lawn. A mixture of herbs specifically selected so that your lawn is covered with a smooth layer of soft emerald grass. This is the optimal option for use in the nursery;
  • Parter's grass. The cottages are extremely rare. This is not a grasshose, but one type of plant, extremely sensitive to any effects. It is impossible to walk on it, but it is difficult to care for him. Therefore, they use it exclusively in decorative purposes;
  • Moorish lawn. This type is significantly different from the familiar smooth green carpets and looks more like a flowerbed with different colors. The average height of plants and the timing of their flowering in these mixtures is selected in such a way that the overall composition looks harmonious.

The popular type of herbal coating is Liliput. It is carried in a separate group and called the lawn for the lazy. Its main advantage is slow growth.

Liliput is popular among novice gardeners.

When should I plant lawn grass?

There is no strict docking of the lawn. It is possible to plant it in the middle lane in the period from May to October.

You can do it when it is convenient for you, and then, in the process of germination of the lawn, it is possible to set it up within the whole warm season.

In the southern regions of the country, it is better not to do this in the hottest months - from mid-June to mid-august - because of the heat of grass can be bad to germinate.

On average, the soil preparation, disembarking and germination of seeds requires 4-6 weeks.

Therefore, the first stages of work - clearing and fertilizer of the soil - you can begin in the spring with the onset of the first warm spring days, then by the summer you will have beautiful green shoots on the site.

Stages of landing

Soil preparation and fertilizer

The first stage is the creation of a future beautiful lawn - preparation of a plot, its markup and alignment. At this stage, the final design of the land landscape occurs.

To redo it when it is ready for a beautiful lawn, it is impossible. Indicate the boundaries of the place where the lawn grass will be sown.

If possible, do these works in the fall, after which you turn the plot and make fertilizers.

In such a form, the earth will break, and in the spring you already start directly to leveling the site and sowing it with seeds.

If you do this work in the fall, it did not work out, nothing terrible, then proceed to her as soon as the Earth fatters.

Purchase the land is properly owned with a gluke at 25-30 cm. After that, the Earth needs to be cleaned of plants, stones and garbage roots.

The removal of weeds is a very important stage, as we struggle with weeds when grass Liliput will already go, extremely difficult.

From how carefully you remove them from the soil will depend on the appearance of the whole of your garden.

There are several ways to get rid of unnecessary vegetation on the plot:

  • Manually in front of the sowing several times we regret all weeds, remove all the roots;
  • In the fall to treat land with chemicals (herbicides), which destroy weeds. You can do it even several times with short periods of time. Do not regret the efforts to prepare for the sowing lawn, it is better to make a qualitatively qualitatively than several times;
  • Some experts recommend breaking the ground with robbles before planting, and then cover the land with a film for 2 months. During this time, all the remaining weeds rewind and die.

The next step is to make fertilizer. In winter, only fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium should be made. Nitrogen-containing is better to leave for spring, as they reduce the frost resistance of the soil.

Sowing seeds

The reinforced land should be aligned with robbles. If possible, it is possible to start an additional vegetable-fertile soil and distribute it in a segment with a thickness of 8-10 cm.

In composition, the soil must be a peat-sand mixture with an admixture of the turf. This mixture is quite fertile and can not fertilize it in the first year.

After alignment, the rake follows the striking the land rink. Manual roller - a convenient tool for alignment of a loosened land with their own hands.

If there is no rink, instead you can use an empty barrel. Redeechnology can be viewed on the video in the article.

And after the Radin, you can proceed directly with the sickness of the seeds of the lawn herbs. It is done manually or with a seeder. The volume of seeds per 1 sq.m. Earth points the manufacturer on the packaging.

The average landing rate is 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bper hundred. Some experienced gardeners recommend mixing the seed material with a small amount of sand so that the seeds are distributed on the surface of the earth evenly.

Others prefer to sow as it is. Both of these methods bring good results. Classic reception: Pour first along, and then across.

It is believed that this is the easiest and most convenient way to distribute lawninia evenly on the surface.

And for the optimal result, the seeds are additionally climbing into the soil with a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

After that, you can use the mulching method - sprinkle the sowing material from above with a small layer of land.

It will help the seeds during watering it is better to gain and save moisture and grow faster. And still protect them from birds and possible erosion of the rain.

More detailed sowing technology can be viewed in the video below.

Survey care

The first thing to be done after sowing is to pour out the land. It is important to ensure regular watering, but not to allow the formation of puddles.

With the right crop, shoots are formed in a week. If it is not very warm, then the seeds will need longer.

On average, the seed can lie in the ground from 7 to 21 days, depending on air temperature, land and grasses.

The first haircut is usually produced 3 weeks after the appearance of young shoots.

Further care for lawn

The belief that the lawn is "planted and forgot" no more than the myth.

If you want to always have a smooth green lawn on your site, you will have to carefully follow it and correctly care.

It is necessary to cut it in the summer once every two weeks, fertilize preferably once a month, and in the spring and autumn you can visit the seeds in those areas where the grass is growing badly.

The intensity of watering depends on the region and weather conditions, usually once every two or three days. The lack of water will make your lawn uneven and pale.

Basic errors made by inexperienced gardeners

In order to prevent annoying misses, when growing lawn, Liliput do it yourself, which will continue to negatively affect the quality of your landscape design, consider the following points.

When cutting at a time you need to cut no more than 1/3 of the height of the grass. Otherwise, you risks too much injured the piglet.

That is why the systematic haircut is very important so that the lawn does not have time to turn too much.

In front of the winter, the lawn should be taken, excess grass and leaves can be removed as possible.

Carefully choose which grasshose you need to use so that the sun-billed varieties are not in the shaded areas. This may make it difficult to grow a beautiful smooth lawn.

Creating a beautiful, smooth lawn with your own hands - the task is painstaking. However, well-groomed lawn grass on the country looks very impressive, and is the basis for any landscape design.

- This is a plot of land with artificial herbal cover. For his sowing, specially selected seeds are used. In addition to the decorative function, lawns perform and a practical role - they are pleased to carry out active rest and play sports. To decide which lawn to plant in the country and find out how to sow grass for lawn, you can, having studied our instructions.

How to sow lawn with your own hands - video

What types of lawns exist

1. Artificial - since the lawn device from the present grass requires high time costs, the practice of creating coatings from polymeric materials appeared.

  • Moorish lawn - sowing from flowering and cereal plants.
  • Parterial - homogeneous in color, height of grass and thickness, is created in the most press places.
  • Difficult - allows arbitrary height of plants.
  • Meadow is a natural herbal cover, which is taking no more than 1 time per year (the so-called lawn for lazy).

3. Sports lawn - a dense elastic turden choke from cereal, resistant to pulling. Classic example is a football lawn.

4. Special gasons - prevent soil erosion on roads, slopes, river banks and channels. For this, geotextiles and rolled lawn are used.

What lawn is better to plant? Classic option - partner. It looks carefully and does not require special care conditions. Recently, Moorish lawns and dissemination are popular - they attach the site of originality. Some use a rolled lawn (lawn in rolls), but most, nevertheless, prefers to sow a lawn from scratch.

How to plant lawn with your own hands


How to make a lawn on an unblocked area? To start, draw it a scheme. Consider the location of trees, flower, tracks and other landscape objects in such a way that they do not interfere with haircut grass. Lenten the distance from the lawn to the tracks at least 1 meter - it will be more convenient to work with a lawn mower. How to plant lawn under the trees? Use soil plants, such as clover, wood chip or mineral crumb.

Preparation of a plot under the lawn, the choice of herbs

  • Garbage collection.
  • Pumping pin.
  • Deleting weeds with herbicides.
  • Dropping the plot of the cultivator, adding fertilizers, creation of drainage.
  • Alignment and surface sealing. How to align a plot under the lawn? To do this, apply a special tool, such as a rink and rotary moth. The rink for the lawn can be made with your own hands - use a heavy log, a metal pipe or a barrel with sand for this.
  • Locking land with rakes for lawn.

After the site is prepared, it is left for 1-2 months under steam. At this time, seeds for the lawn are selected. To do this, take into account the climate, the composition of the soil, illumination. For shaded areas, the shadowless mixture of herbs is chosen. To put the car on the lawn, buy a variety, resistant to physical exertion or use speciallawn grille.

How to sow lawn: instruction

When to sow a lawn? There are almost no restrictions in this - you can do it from mid-April and before September. Mineral fertilizers for lawn are brought before sowing. The surface is once again rubbing. When planting a lawn in the spring with their own hands, take into account the weather: it must be dry and windless, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a uniform sever. Special seeder or seed distributor improves the quality of sowing.

How to plant a lawn if these tools are not? Calm the plot manually first along, and then across. Approximate consumption of seeds - 30-40 g / m 2.

How to make a lawn in the country, if there is a peat or mulch? Equally distribute the material on the surface, so that the thickness is 1.5 cm. After that, pass on the ground with a roller - it complies with the soil and will help the seeds to quickly germinate.

How to grow a good quality lawn? One of the secrets of success is a rich and timely watering. Pour sowing with a small rain and in the future do it every day - small drops will not wash the soil and wash the barely strengthened sprouts.

How to sneeze the lawn? Watch that the top layer of the soil has always been moistened. If everything is done correctly, the grass will give shoots in a week. If the grass has not made itself on some sections, they produce subturs.

How to care for lawn

1. Watering a lawn - In hot weather is carried out daily. It is best to organize a fleet of lawn. This is the secret of how to put the lawn in a dry summer.

2. A haircut - It is carried out when the grass will grow by 8-10 cm. Only tips are cut off (1-2 cm) - due to this the root system develops, new shoots grow, the herbal pillow is growing. The further frequency and nature of the defects depends on the type of grass, weather and season. Lawn haircut is carried out once a week. Its intensity is reduced in spring and autumn, because at this time the growth intensity of shoots is reduced. The first spring haircut is carried out when the grass will grow by 10 cm. Ending such a lawn for 1/3 - this will allow him to quickly recover after winter. In order not to damage the grass, make sure that the knives of the lawn mower are sharpened.

3. Aerification of the Lawn - Another important event. It is performed to improve access of oxygen, water and useful substances to the root system. For this, the holes are done in the turne. The event is carried out once a year for a normal herbal coating. In moderate latitudes, the lawn are aerated in the fall, in warm - spring.

How to make a lawn on a plot that is very pulled out? Hold aeration a special role - make it more than two times a year. Thanks to this, you can organize even parking on the lawn. In this case, a special tile or mesh for the lawn is applied. Since some lawns have a large area, aeration is not easy. Depending on the size of the site, the appropriate aerator for the lawn is chosen. It can be sandals for aeration of lawn. Great performance will provide a turntable verticutter.

4. Undercaming lawn - Periodically put mineral fertilizers in the soil using the spreader. If you give feeding on time, worry about how to put the lawn, do not have to.

What depends on the cost of the lawn seed

  • Plant species - Moorish lawn is more expensive than classic herbal.
  • Sort Seeds - Sowing lawn with special properties, for example, with stability to shadow or pulling, more expensive.
  • Composition of the mix - The more difficult it is, the higher the price.
  • Producing country - The grass for the lawn of the domestic firm will cost the cheaper lawn from the foreign manufacturer.

How to make a lawn: haircut frequency

Timely haircut ensures the bottom of the plants with sunlight. If this is not done on time, there will be spots on the lawn. The regularity of the event depends on the time of year, weather and the type of lawn. Determine the optimal height of the grass - when the length of the leaves exceeds the desired value by 1-2 cm, it means it is time to mow it.

How to make a beautiful lawn with your own hands? Just cut it once a week, the lawn is allowed twice during the period of active growth of grass. Photos of lawns in the country with their own hands look no worse than those made by experts. In fact, they are also no worse than professional.

We summarize: how to make a lawn in the country with your own hands

Adhere to our instructions, regularly take care of the lawn after the winter (spring), use watering and aeration on time, do not forget to trim the grass.

Which grass is better for the lawn? Think over this moment, taking into account the conditions of the site and its purpose. Responsibly approaching the case and applying all our tips, you will get a beautiful green lawn.

If you want to more clearly see how to sow lawn correctly, look at our video.


Well-groomed green lawn around the house allows you to significantly improve the landscape design. In addition, it emphasizes the exterior of the structure, helps to create a special aesthetic attractiveness of the plot. But for the sowing of any lawn grass, careful training is needed. Subsequent cover care will also require a lot of time and effort from the owners. To learn more about how to plant a lawn with your own hands and what kind of disintegration is better to choose, you can in our detailed article. We also told all about the rules for the preparation of the site to sowing lawn grass, the requirements for the subsequent watering, cleaning and fertilizing the Earth. Following simple recommendations, you can grow a beautiful and healthy lawn on the household ground. Do not forget about the useful advances in the care of it at different times of the year and you can achieve the perfect type of your garden and yard.

Benefits and flaws of lawn

A beautiful lawn near the house will not just help improve the landscape, but will be really useful. The presence of a lawn will warn the erosion of the Earth (both wind and aqueous). Therefore, the planted platform will maintain its form throughout the entire period of growing lawn grass. Green plantings will also contribute to the purification of air. It is important that the constant haircut warns the appearance of flowers on the lawn and accordingly eliminates the formation of pollen. Therefore, the rest on the lawn lawn will be completely safe for allergies. As for the minuses of lawn, they include the need for frequent trimming and irrigation. The absence of timely irrigation will dry up the cover and the need to replace it. Therefore, before landing the lawn, it is worth assessing its care opportunities for growing up.

Types of lawn

Choosing a suitable look of the lawn, you need to take into account many factors: whether people will walk on it, it will be located in the shade or in the sun. There are the following types of lawn coatings:

  • garden-park (standard, ordinary): It has good resistance to pulling, shadowness and frost resistance; True, in spring time will require the most frequent haircuts; forms a dense dark green cover;
  • parquet: It is more expensive than usual and does not tolerate the sweep; slowly germinates, but after the completion of growth, it forms a dense low bright green cover;
  • meadow: Includes herbs, and low-spirited plants (for example, clover); Suitable for landing on the sunny area, it is not bad to carry infrequent sweeping;
  • mauritanian: represents cover from a variety of low colors and herbs, creates a beautiful colorful cover, but needs frequent watering and poorly tolerates shadow, unsuitable for sweeping;
  • sports: forms low tight cover, which is resistant to pulling out; It needs permanent (usually weekly) haircuts to preserve their characteristics.

The rolled lawn can be attributed to a separate form. It may include a variety of herbs (not low colors!). Stands out for simplicity styling.

The composition of the lawn mixes

From the peculiarities of plants included in the lawn mixture directly depends on the resistance to the covertivation and the possibility of the growth of the cover in the shade or in the sun. Selecting the desired composition of the mixture, we recommend using the following hint:

  1. For landing on sports sites or as a tracks: Mattik meadow, red-haired, rags are long-term.
  2. For playgrounds and game zones: a long-term rickets, a meadow mint, a hairy and a thin field.
  3. For a shaded plot: Rypsum Perennial, Forest Mattik.
  4. For a plot with an infrequent irrigation: sheep's sheep and oatmeal red, meadow, meadow.
  5. For plots with high humidity of the soil: a giant wilderness, parester sandy.

It is also worth considering the simplified classification of mixtures. Road (airfield) includes plants with a powerful root system that are well resistant to pulling out. The universal mixture is suitable for sowing on open areas where people will not walk. The Mauritanian mixture additionally includes a difference that allows you to get a variety of shears from grass and colors.

Selection and calculation of seeds

After studying information about various grassresses and types of lawn, you can proceed to buying seeds. It is possible to determine the desired amount of grass of grass according to the following scheme:

  1. Measure the sowing site.
  2. Calculate its area.
  3. For light soil (with a large percentage of sand), about 30-40 g of seeds per square meter will be required. For heavy soil (with the prevailing clay), 40-50 g of seeds for each sq will be required. meter. Accordingly, each weave may take 3-4 or 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof grass mixture.

Additionally, it should be borne in mind that small (dimensional lungs) seeds of low colors come into the Moorish mixture. Therefore, for such a lawn, the mixture is recommended to take on a critical low mark (for light soil - 30 g per square meter, for heavy - 40 g). For universal and road mixtures, you can take seeds at the top mark (40 or 50 g per 1 sq. M).

An increase in the number of seeds will not allow you to get more beautiful or tight cover. On the contrary, a similar approach will lead to uneven growth of plants and problems with the germination.

Methods of landing lawn

There are several ways to plant lawn grass, allowing you to choose the optimal sowing option for your site. You can carry out work in such technologies:

  • Using a seeder.

To begin with, you will need to fall asleep in the seeder itself the right amount of grass mixture and go with it at the prepared area. Take into account that for simplicity and uniformity of the sowing, you need to break the planted area into separate squares and take sowing, using a previously defined Norma of therash.

  • Manually.

Does not guarantee uniformity of sewage, but is the easiest option. Before working, the plot is divided into squares, the norm of grass mixtures is mixed with sand 1 to 1 (40 g of seeds - 40 g of sand). Sowing is carried out along the selected area, then across. Therefore, the prepared combination of sand and grassmes will be rationally divided into 2 parts.

  • Using tin cans.

Superior to manual sowing. To work, it will be necessary in a tin bank to do small holes (slightly more than the seed used). The work is carried out similarly to manual sowing (including the addition of sand and passage along the site along and across).

Features of seasonal landing

It is important when crops take into account the season when seeds are found. Depending on weather conditions, the requirements for sowing may differ significantly. So, if the work is carried out:

  • spring;

Sowing the lawn should be carried out after the normalization of the temperature and absence of frosts. The gentle spring sun will provide a good germination and exclude the death of plants due to heat. But you need to be very attentive: obligatory is the cleaning of the site from the external weeds, which also germinate well in the spring.

  • in summer;

Summer landing is attractable to pre-complete soil cleaning from weeds. True, the landing should be put into good land and after 6-7 in the evening (when the sun will not fill shoots).

  • autumn.

Autumn landing is carried out 1.5-2 months before frosts, when the temperature still remains high enough. Before boarding the lawn, the sector from the old grass, weeds, the obligatory requirement is to make fertilizers that will help strengthen gear. The advantage of the autumn landing of the lawn is the possibility of rooting herbs in the winter and the maximum increase in germination.

Preparation of a plot and soil to landing

It is not easy to grow the lawn, but with the exact consequence of the recommendations of specialists to achieve a good germination of seeds and creating a beautiful cover is quite real. First of all, it is necessary to fully clean the site from any stones, barriers, make a lawn disembarking scheme. For example, if the lawn grass is framed by a flowerbed or trees in the garden, then pegs should be put, mark the face of the cover. It is also necessary to consider it to be close to the lawn to the tracks and borders or burglars and shrubs and shrubs between it and fences. Additionally, to prepare the site, you will need to purchase all the necessary materials: the coating canvas or pipes for drainage, forks, rake, manual roller and seeder. Such training will help immediately solve all the questions and not distracted from the process of planting the lawn cover.

Soil processing: grinding and cleaning of weeds

In order for the sowned lawn grass well, it quickly grew quickly, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it and achieve the correct composition of the soil. So, the first stage of the preparation of the site to plant the lawn will be the removal of weeds. They need to be out with the root, eliminating the subsequent possibility of growth. Special attention at this stage should be given to weeds with a large root system or an expaning process on the surface of the Earth: they all need to be removed. Next, the deposition of the site is carried out. It is recommended to dig a soil to a depth of no more than 25 cm. In the process of loosening, it is also important to remove previously hidden pieces of rhizomes, both from cultivated plants and weeds. In the process of loosening, it is important to get a good ground to create proper air access to the upper layer.

The presence of a drainage system under the lawn is a guarantee of the rapid removal of melt and rainwater. You can organize the correct removal of moisture in several ways:

  • Multi-layered soil (natural drainage).

The top layer of the soil (about 20 cm) is removed, the layer of rubbank and the sand layer is placed (5 cm). The ground is falling asleep top. Such an arrangement of the site will ensure timely removal of water.

  • Laying drainage pipes (optimal option for wetlands).

In the perimeter of the country area, where the lawn will grow, as well as inside this perimeter at a distance of 40-60 cm, asbestos drenne is swapped from each other. Under they should be made a pillow of sand and rubble with a thickness of about 30 cm. Over the drains, another 10 cm rubble is falling asleep. Next, the sand layer is 10 cm, laying geotextiles is carried out. Next, the soil itself is poured (thickness of about 20-25 cm).

When laying a drada, you need to take into account the slope of the site and equip the correct water removal.

After completion of the preparatory work, you should start aligning the soil, where the lawn will be attached. Work can be done with their own hands, but the owners of the Earth must be followed by our step-by-step instruction:

  1. Conduct a breakdown of the site into separate sites: it will provide the ease of achieving the evenness of the entire soil without sudden drops.
  2. Large lumps of land (which could form after installing drainage or in the process of loosening) need to be spawned.
  3. Between the selected parts of the site you need to install pegs and pull the rope, which will serve as a land cover indicator.
  4. With the help of Rabel to carry out the primary leveling of the Earth. For large sites, it is recommended to use a manual cultivator. Extremely popular method of "smoothing" surface of the board. In this case, the rope is tied to the board and the board itself is stretched along the surface, thus allowing it quickly and simply align the top layer of the Earth.

Fertilizer and Tumbler

Guarantee a good growth of the lawn near the giving house or a residential building will help the correct "feeding" of plants. To do this, compost or manure can be made to the top layer of the soil. They will enrich the soil and allow lawn grass to grow rapidly. For clay (heavy) soil, a good solution will be the introduction of a small amount of sand. But in the sandy (light) ground, on the contrary, you should add a little clay or chernozema. After saturation of the soil, the land of the earth under the lawn is carried out. You can carry out the work in the following ways:

  • Manual roller (its weight should not exceed 150 kg).

Rolling should be carried out without effort: the soil falls a little under the weight of the rink itself.

  • Board.

The board is laid on the edge of the site, which will disembark, and the owner passes through this board. Then the other board puts in front of it and crosses it. The work is repeated until all the soil is tamped. The main thing is not to go from the boards to the soil to avoid the appearance of deepening and the creation of drops in the lawn itself.

Hot storage - what it is and how to spend

To fully get rid of weeds and normalization of the soil spend steering. In agrotechnology, couples is an unpersonal field that "recruits". That is, it is plowing and leave unpersonal. For the lawns, the steering procedure will take not a whole season, but only 1-2 months. Therefore, it will be a faithful decision to start work at the end of March to be able to take seed sowing. During the polling period, you need to constantly remove appearing weeds. Answer sleeping seeds will help periodic tillage with fan robbles. They will help to saturate the upper layer of soil with air and thereby speed up the process of germination of weeds. Next remains only manually to remove malicious plants. Alternative steering can be considered sowing Sideratov. For example, for 1.5 months before the sowing of the lawn, a donon and lupine landing is carried out. After this period, the area is praised. Thus, the grown shoots will be "discharges" in the soil. They will help enrich the Earth and create favorable conditions for the growth of lawn grass.

Sowing and its features

After completing all the preparatory work by selecting the appropriate grass and having calculated the optimal method of its distribution on the plot, you can sow a lawn. Independently carry out such a procedure will not be difficult. The following step by step instructions will help:

  1. Located on separate squares all the plot and prepare for each square the desired number of grass mixes.
  2. To sow a lawn along and across each square, trying not to leave empty sites and at the same time not "overpopulate" individual parts of the soil.
  3. Gently walk with rakes along the seedy areas: it will help slightly deepen the seeds into the ground. It is desirable not just to clean the soil with robbles, but also to pour them to the ground.
  4. To walk the roller for tamping seeds and leveling the top layer.
  5. Pour a plot with a small amount of water using a special nozzle with the "fog" for the watering hose.

Benefits of laying a rolled lawn

Unlike the ordinary lawn, the roll does not require sowing. It is usually sold in small rolls of 0.8-1 m per 2 m. But under such a lawn, it is necessary to specifically prepare the soil. In general, organizational procedures for all types of lawn covers are the same and include: cleaning the site, removal of weeds and alignment of the soil, drainage arrangement, fertilizer, tamping. Next, the rolled lawn only unfolds and stacked on the prepared land. Such technology saves time significantly. In addition, immediately after laying the lawn, you can enjoy a luxurious landscape design. Due to the fact that the rolled lawn is not needed, to update the view of the garden or the yard of the household site literally in a couple of days. Another advantage is the uniformity of the cover and the lack of "propershin" on it as a result of the poor germination of seeds. True, after receiving rolls, immediately begin to lay them and the primary watering. Otherwise, the grass will begin to dry and may be partly abyss.

How to care for

Not only to sow, but also to care for the lawn is needed correctly and most importantly - on time. Of particular importance is its protection, fertilizer and other care at different times of the year. Following simple recommendations and step by step by performing each of them, you can avoid problems with the disappearance of lawn or its partial fading, freezing.

  • In summer and autumn.

After growing grass, it is necessary to organize the right watering. Also during the summer term, fertilizers may be required. In the autumn period, watering should be reduced (especially in the area with frequent rains). Mandatory will be the timely removal of appearing weeds. In November, you should spend the last haircut and remove the fallen leaves from the lawn.

  • In winter.

So that in the winter period the lawn does not disappear and could rise in spring again, it is necessary to stop watering. Loads are also not recommended (for sports type) - walking on plants it is better to exclude. If in your region the snow is rare, protect plants from frost will help their hiding in agricultural.

  • In the spring.

The preparation of lawn to the new season begins with the removal of old grass. But work should be carried out only on dry grass and in dry weather. Be sure to remove the old weeds. Next, soil aeration is carried out (for example, by piercing the soil with a pitchflower). It is necessary to exclude the accumulation of melt water, and after becoming a dry and warm weather, nitrogen fertilizers can be made.


In the process of germination of the lawn, you should take care of its moderate and careful watering. That is why the flow of water from the hose for young shoots should be excluded. It is necessary to use a special nozzle with the "fog" mode, which will help carefully spray grass. Watering a lawn in the spring and summer should be early in the morning or late in the evening. Young plants are recommended to water little, but often. But the rooted herbs can be watered abundantly once every 2-4 days (depending on the established weather and air temperature). In the autumn period, watering should be reduced: Choose the frequency of watering individually. The main task is to complete moisture absorption and good binding of plants. As for the autopolis (for example, when using an automatic sprinkler), the water from it should be supplied in small portions, excluding the formation of puddles on the lawn.


Making fertilizers on lawn should be carried out at different times of the year. In this case, the composition of the substances will vary depending on the season. The next tip will help you correctly choose the fertilizer for good lawn growth:

  • In the spring.

Immediately after the snow, there is a liquid fertilizer, which includes nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This combination will ensure the strengthening of the root system, healthy growth of lawn grass and its resistance to diseases.

  • In summer.

The constant effects of high temperatures, bright sunlight can lead to the depletion of the lawn. Support its healthy appearance and the state will help making nitroammofoski. It is recommended to use it at the end of June or early July. In mid-July and early mid-August, a potash salt should be made. But at the end of August, the introduction of potash phosphate mixtures is recommended. Such a saturation of the soil will provide a thick and dense growth of the cover, its resistance to diseases and negative impacts.

Properly cut the garden lawn is quite simple using modern trimmers and lawn mowers. The first haircut is carried out when the lawn grass rose by 7-8 cm. Re-haircut is carried out once a week. When performing this work, it is recommended to comply with some simple requirements:

  1. It is necessary to spend the haircut earlier than on the second day after watering in the evening. The lawn mower will be badly moved along the wet soil, also a lawn mower, and the trimmer will be unevenly mocked by wet sprouts. Grass cut into lunchtime can begin to "burn" and shut down.
  2. Each new strip band must be perpendicular to the previous one. This rule will make it possible to make neat cuts, get smooth and thick cover.
  3. After the haircut, it is recommended to carry out a slightly spraying of the lawn with water to maintain the forces of sprouts. Plant fertilizer is also allowed (unless of course, it has not been carried out in the last 1-2 weeks and will be appropriate).
  4. Sailing and aeration

    Sailing the lawn is to remove old plants and weeds, opening air access to the root system of herbs. Usually, swinging is performed in the fall after the last haircut of the lawn. But also this procedure is recommended to repeat the spring before starting the new season. Cleaning will help "revive" plants and will provide them with excellent conditions for growth. In the summer, it is impossible to spend the sinking, otherwise the whole cover will be broken. As for aeration, such a procedure is aimed at breaking the soil crust, which is formed in the process of watering and drying the Earth. Aeration is performed once in the season - in autumn after swinging. But it can also be carried out to other periods, if the lawn grass began to hurt, puddles and water remains in some sites. For aeration, you can use forks or a special tool - aerator. The depth of the holes created in the soil should be from 7 to 15 cm.

    Weeding and Wrestling

    In the first year after planting the lawn, the weeds do not need. Protect the lawn from weeding plants will help timely haircuts. They will warn the growing weeds (as well as the emergence of new units due to seeds and shoots), help the lawn grass to strengthen and "expel" such neighbors. In the second year and after it is necessary to carry out manual removal of weeds - weeding or their breaking down with the root. A new lawn is needed to sow a new lawn. For lawns, which grows more than 3-4 years, the use of pesticides is allowed. But it is necessary to use them very carefully: to score the right amount of pesticide into Spitz and put into the stem of weed. When MHA appears on the site it is allowed to carry out unscheduled aeration. If the moss rose on the lawn under the trees, it is recommended to trim the branches and provide solar access to the MSU.


    To plant your own hands, a beautiful home or country lawn is not easy. But if you follow the detailed prompts of specialists and to care for the lawn grass in time, then it will not be much difficult to care for the perfect green lawn around the house. Optionally, you can plant as an ordinary green lawn, which will complement the flower beds and create a tight cover, where you can walk. Such a lawn will not only decorate the site, but also will create original gaming zones for children and recreation areas for adults. Among the variety of grass seats, you can find original covers with different meadow flowers. Such an ensemble will unusually decorate the nuclear area and will help unconvently allocate artificial reservoirs or small garden forms. The main thing is not to forget to remove weeds on time, carry out fertilizers and, of course, water the lawn on time. Then he not only forms a thick cover, but also be able to become even brighter and dense in the following years.