How to properly install a plastic window. Self-assembly of a plastic window on anchor plates How plastic windows are attached

The coziness and comfortable microclimate of the house is created primarily not by interior items, furniture and textiles, but by well-installed windows. Correct installation eliminates the occurrence of drafts, moisture accumulation and the appearance of fungus on slopes and walls.

The choice of fasteners is based on the material of the walls and the construction of the window opening. These can be construction screws, anchor bolts, expansion metal or plastic dowels, anchor plates.

Anchor plate options

Anchor plates are used for the installation of both metal-plastic windows and wooden insulating glass units. Any window installation technology pursues the main goal - the redirection of all force effects (wind, window weight, building load) from the plane of the glass unit to the wall.

The plate is a metal strip 25-30 mm wide with guide notches along which it bends during installation. The bar has several holes for anchoring (screws, self-tapping screws) in the desired position. Plates are stamped from sheet steel with a thickness of 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm, 2 mm in various modifications and processed with an anti-corrosion zinc coating. It is important to select the size of the anchor plate for each profile.

Features of the use of plates and their types

Fastening to an anchor plate has no alternative when installing a window profile in an opening with a “loose” wall component - these are three-layer walls, adobe blocks, wooden beams, hollow bricks.

Anchor plates are of two types:

  • swivel;
  • non-reversible.

Plates with a pivot assembly are used if fastening in the opening itself is impossible. Installation on a pivot anchor is used for arched, trapezoidal and polygonal windows.

A conventional non-swivel anchor is designed for fixing a window in an opening, but the angle of attachment can also vary.

Anchor plate advantages

The ability to quickly create a strong and, at the same time, elastic connection of the window to the wall with the help of a plate is the main advantage of this type of fastening. Seasonal and daily temperature deformations of the window do not affect the durability of the anchor plate installation.

Other advantages of anchoring a window to a plate:

  • There is no need to disassemble the profile and drill through it;
  • the ability to select an attachment point;
  • ease of alignment of the window on a plumb line or level;
  • lack of large mounting holes;
  • exclusion of the ingress of natural moisture into the profile and seam;
  • when dismantling the window, the plates are easily unscrewed, in contrast to the anchor bolts;
  • the window can be reinstalled again;
  • low cost of fastening;
  • window installation time is halved compared to bolting.

The advantages of installing windows on anchor plates are so tangible that they are used everywhere when working with any wall materials.

The only case where this type of installation may not be acceptable is when installing very heavy balcony sections to the full height of the wall, or placing several rows of windows directly on top of each other. In this case, the planned load on the fasteners may be too great and the anchor plates should be noted on the anchor bolts.

Installation of PVC windows on anchor plates

Installation of PVC windows or balcony blocks begins with the calculation of the operational load. The type of opening and closing of windows affects the support force, the total traction effect on the hinge mechanism and determines the required number of plates for installation. Having prepared all the consumables, we proceed with the installation:

  1. Remove the shipping film from the outside of the window frame;
  2. Place the toothed “lugs” of the anchor plate in the special protruding parts on the profile. Use a self-tapping window screw as an additional fixture.
  3. Screw the plates along the perimeter of the entire profile, observing the distance from the corners of the frame 150-200 mm. Further distribution step of plates is 500-700 mm.
  4. Bend the plates at the notches in such a way that the first fold is at the point of abutment to the frame, and the second - at the point of attachment to the window opening.
  5. Place the frame on rigid supports. They should be not only in the corners, but also under each section of the window. Use wedges to secure the frame vertically.
  6. Using a level, precisely adjust the frame in all planes and firmly fix the plates in the opening using two anchors.
  7. Moisten the installation joint with water using a spray.
  8. Insulate the inside of the assembly joint with polyurethane foam. Consider its expanding properties so that it does not protrude onto the profile itself. The following materials are also suitable for internal insulation: building sealant (mastic), vapor barrier sealing tapes based on butyl material.
  9. Creation of an external insulating layer: finishing of slopes with plaster or cladding with dense protective materials (stone tiles, facade bricks).

Video about installing a window on anchor plates

Installing plastic windows is not a very time consuming job. Therefore, each person can independently start the installation of plastic windows. But who nevertheless decided to occupy himself with installing windows with his own hands, then he is faced with the problems of choosing fasteners. Indeed, there are many types of fasteners on the product market. And every novice builder asks a question.

What fasteners are best for window installation? In order to answer this question unambiguously, let's understand this issue thoroughly. And we will consider the types of fasteners for plastic windows, as well as installation rules and characteristics.

Types of fasteners for the window

  • Anchor dowel
  • Anchor plates
  • Nog

Now let's pay attention to their features.

Anchor dowel

This type of fastening for plastic windows is very reliable. The principle of operation is designed so that when the screw is tightened, the sleeve expands the walls of the sleeve and the element is securely fixed.

The size. There are a huge number of dowel sizes from 100 to 200 mm, and their thickness is from 7-12 mm. To calculate your dowel length, you need to measure the thickness of the window and opening from the frame and slope.

Usually the thickness of the frame varies about 4-6 cm, and the dowel should enter the wall at a distance of 4 cm.If you have a distance from the wall to the window of about 3-4 cm, then you need a dowel 110 mm, if 8-10, then 160- 190 mm.

Disadvantages. The disadvantage of which fastening is that by installing the dowel it is no longer possible to dismantle it. Therefore, you need to be very serious about the alignment of the window, because correcting your mistakes will cost you a lot and take a lot of time.

Also, if you hit the reinforcement with a drill, then you can break the drill and you will have to drill a new hole.

Important. Before installing a plastic window in an apartment block building, you need to find out its type and structure of the wall. Because, in many panel houses, builders lay insulation inside the walls. Therefore, during installation, you can get into the insulation and the dowel may fall out. Also, do not mount the dowel in soft building materials.

The depth of drilling inward for the dowel depends on the material from which the wall is made. In a concrete wall, the depth is 4 cm, and in a brick wall 7-8 cm.


A dowel is a simple screw that is screwed into the wall to secure the window. This type of fastener is also very reliable. Unlike a dowel, the dowel can be easily unscrewed in any case.

Dimensions. There are a huge number of sizes of dowels from 100 to 250 mm, and the thickness is from 5-12 mm. To calculate the length of the dowel, you need to measure the width of the window and opening from the frame and slope. If your distance from the wall to the window is about 3-4 cm, then you need a 110 mm dowel, if 8-10, then 170-200 mm.

Disadvantages. Before installing a plastic window in an apartment block building, you need to find out its type and structure of the wall. Because, in many panel houses, builders lay insulation inside the walls. Therefore, during installation, you can get into the insulation and the dowel can fall out.

Also, do not mount the dowel in soft building materials.

Important. The depth of drilling inward under the dowel depends on the material from which the wall is made. In a concrete wall, the depth is 6 cm, and in a brick wall 7-8 cm.

Anchor plates

This type of window fastening is suitable for panel houses in which there is insulation and the use of an anchor and a dowel is impossible. It is also perfect for wooden houses and baths, where it is not possible to fix windows in the wall. Filling the free space with polyurethane foam, such a design will be very reliable and warm.

Dimensions. The length of this fastening element varies from 150-200 cm. One edge of the plate is fixed with a self-tapping screw to the frame from the outside, and the other is attached to any supporting structure with two self-tapping screws. The length of the second part should be around 10 cm.

Disadvantages. This type of fastening is not the most reliable.

Important. This method of fastening is the most common, because it is the simplest one. It is mainly used by novice builders. Anchor plates should be 15-20 cm from the corners of the window opening and 60 cm from each other.

What type of fastening of plastic windows is the best, I cannot say. Each type has its own disadvantages and advantages. You must choose the type of fastening yourself, depending on the technical features of your home.

Photo of fasteners for plastic windows

7 minutes to read.

More recently, only wooden window frames were used in the glazing of residential buildings and industrial buildings. Today, many consider them to be relics of the past and are in a hurry to replace them with modern metal-plastic structures. Indeed, in addition to high performance, they are much cheaper than wooden frames. To install plastic windows with your own hands, you do not need to have superpowers. Almost anyone who can handle a tool can handle such a task.

However, do not forget that each job requires certain skills and craftsmanship. Lack of experience in installing windows can lead to a number of troubles. These are systematic breakdowns, a loose fit and high street air throughput into the apartment.

To avoid the above points, in this article we will provide step-by-step instructions that will help you install your windows correctly and efficiently. If you do decide to trust the professionals, you should know that some of them are not really like that, and for a number of reasons, they frankly neglect certain stages of proper installation (some save time, others - money). Having an idea of ​​the work being carried out, you can easily exercise independent control over the entire process. And later you will enjoy high-quality operation of your windows, which will bring joy to all family members.

The main stages of installing new windows:

  • taking measurements;
  • dismantling of old windows;
  • preparation of openings;
  • installation of a metal-plastic structure.

Not everyone knows that the manufacturer does not give absolutely any guarantee for their services in the case of installing windows on their own. Therefore, if various troubles arise during the installation process, do not rely on a refund or replacement. All metal-plastic structures are made strictly according to the previously agreed dimensions. In case of your mistake, the window may not fit in the opening or turn out to be much smaller. And it will only be your fault. The company's employees are solely responsible for the implementation of each stage of the installation of the product.

Also, any inaccuracy made when installing a metal-plastic window will deprive you and your loved ones of all the advantages of a modern design and the expected level of comfort.

Measurements of windows

Carrying out the necessary measurements, you need to pay attention to the fact that window openings exist with a quarter and without. Accordingly, they have different formulas for calculating sizes.

For the first case, we must measure the width of the opening between the existing quarters, this is done at the narrowest point. And then add 3-4 cm to the obtained figures - this will be the width of our plastic frame. In addition, it is important to check that the largest distance between vertical quarters should not exceed the calculated block width.

Read also: "Karcher" for cleaning windows: features of use and advantages

The height is determined by measuring between the upper quarter and the lower surface of the window opening.

If the window opening is without a quarter, the desired values ​​can be obtained by subtracting 5 cm from the vertical dimension (to put the window sill) and 3 cm from the horizontal one.

When determining the size of the window sill and low tide, it is worth considering the following details:

  1. Often the size of the window sill is chosen based on its functionality. It should cover the heating batteries and house flowers should be placed on it;
  2. Along the length of the window sill, they take the window opening that is 8-10 cm higher, its edges should be drowned in the slope cavity by about 4-5 cm;
  3. The dimensions of the low tide are calculated taking into account the planned insulation. It is recommended to leave it protruding 5-10 cm from the wall.

Features of measurements of balcony windows

When calculating the width of the balcony windows, the length of the parapet is taken as a basis, it is on it that the entire structure will lean. Also, on both sides, it is necessary to subtract 6-7 cm, which will be needed for the installation of the corner profile, with the help of it the window blocks of the front and side parts are connected. The distance from the roof to the railing, with the exception of a difference of 2.5-3 cm, which is important to set aside for the clearances for fastening, will be the height.

With regard to the side balcony frames, their dimensions are determined in the same way. The only thing is that you need to subtract 6-7 cm from the width for the installation of the corner profile, as well as 2.5-3 cm for the gap from the wall to the window.

Features of measurements of windows in private houses and buildings of the old fund

When measuring windows in private houses and buildings of the old fund, it is recommended to first beat off part of the slopes on both sides (at the measurement sites). This is done in order to see what the space occupied by the window opening is. It often happens that there are dilapidated cement mortar and various insulation materials that can crumble in the process of disassembling the existing window. On the positive side, the new plastic structure can be slightly enlarged by expanding the cleaned window opening.

Ordering a metal-plastic window

Before contacting a company with an order, you should think about what type of glass unit is right for you. It can be one-, two- or three-chambered. As for the fittings and fasteners, you can also choose them yourself.

With the technical characteristics of plastic windows, which will be preferable for your home, the consultants of the manufacturer's company will help you figure it out at the time of ordering.

Some important points during installation

When installing windows on your own, you should pay attention to the following:

  • the metal-plastic structure must be well fixed;
  • the mounting foam, with which the windows were fixed, must be plastered on both sides (this will prevent its subsidence and deformation of the frame in the future);
  • it is very important to align the structure vertically and horizontally using a level (this will help to avoid skewing).

How to install plastic windows with your own hands

Before starting the installation, prepare everything you need for work:

  1. Window frame with fasteners;
  2. Building level;
  3. Polyurethane foam;
  4. A pry bar;
  5. Grinder;
  6. Windowsill.

Window block preparation process

The preparation of the window is an important step in the installation work that you carry out with your own hands. If necessary, the double-glazed windows and hinged sashes themselves are dismantled from the window structure. To release the glass unit, a chisel is used, it is very carefully necessary to pry out the glazing bead (fastener) with it, and after a light blow on the tool, it will come out of the grooves. Then the vertical fasteners are removed, top and bottom. The freed glazing beads will need to be marked, sometimes their sizes can differ significantly, which will lead to the formation of gaps of several millimeters. The double-glazed window will come out of the grooves on its own if the frame is tilted slightly. Lean it gently against the wall, creating a small angle.

Plastic window constructions are rapidly replacing their wooden counterparts from the market. If you also decided to replace the old windows with more modern designs, it would not hurt to familiarize yourself with the instructions for self-installation of new PVC windows. Professional installers charge quite a lot of money for such work. Does it make sense to overpay if you can handle all the tasks yourself?

It is assumed that before starting installation, you have already decided what size of windows will suit you, what configuration new systems should have, what accessories you will order, etc. Deal with the solution of these issues on your own or with the help of a consultant of the company to which you have decided to entrust the production of plastic windows.

Immediately before starting the installation, you need to decide whether you will fasten the windows through the frame or use the method that provides for the use of special fastening "ears".

The first option is more common. However, it may seem inconvenient to you for the reason that before starting the installation, you will need to remove the swing doors from the frame, and get double-glazed windows from the blind doors.

The second option is more convenient for self-installation - you don't have to disassemble anything, therefore, the risk of damage to the structure and violation of its tightness is minimized.

When choosing the second method, find yourself an intelligent assistant in advance. The assembled window weighs a lot, and it is incredibly difficult to install it yourself.

Preparatory work

Immediately before the installation of PVC windows, you have to complete a number of important preparatory work.

Site preparation

When ordering windows, specify when they will be delivered to you. Start preparing the site shortly before the delivery of the windows.

First step. Move all furniture and appliances away from the window opening.

Second step. Cover the floor and radiators with a protective film or thick cloth.

Step three. Organize your workplace so that nothing bothers you, and everything you need to complete the installation of the window is at hand.

First step. Remove the sashes and dismantle the double-glazed windows if you prefer the fixing method through the frame.

To remove the glass unit, gently pry the fastening glazing bead using a simple chisel and carefully hit the same chisel with the fasteners out of the groove. Take out the vertical fixing glazing beads first. Then, in the same order, get rid of the horizontal fasteners.

To avoid confusion in the future, be sure to label the fasteners. Their size may differ slightly, but even a fraction of a millimeter difference will be enough for gaps to appear.

Second step. Tilt the window frame. The glass unit will independently come out of the fastening grooves. Carefully place the removed glass unit against a wall or other stable surface at a certain angle.

Step three. Remove the plugs from the sash canopies and unscrew the fastening bolts. Next, you need to free the upper part of the hinged casement. To do this, turn the knob "for ventilation". Remove the hook located in the lower canopy.

As a result, you will end up with a “bare” frame with jumpers.

Fourth step. Prepare anchor holes from the inside of the window frame. Place the holes along the perimeter of the product so that there are at least 3 attachment points on each side, and at least two at the bottom and top.

The diameter of the window anchors is 0.8-1 cm. Use a drill of the same diameter to create the holes.

If the plastic window will be fixed using special "ears", the disassembly of the structure can be ignored. In such a situation, all preparation comes down to fixing the fasteners from the kit to the frame using screws.

Video - How to remove glass from a PVC window

Window dismantling instructions

First step. Remove or tear out the sashes, depending on the design of the window.

Second step. File the box and frame at several points.

Step three. Pry each part of the structure with a crowbar and remove the frame from the opening. In some situations, it is more convenient to immediately find two hundred nails, due to which the window is held, and pull them out.

Fourth step. Remove any insulation and sealing materials that appear under the box.

Fifth step. Dismantle old slopes with a hammer drill. If the slopes are in good condition, you can leave them alone. At this point, be guided by your plans for the further design of the slopes.

Sixth step. Pry up and dismantle the old window sill.

Seventh step. Get rid of the cement backing under the windowsill and at the bottom of the window opening. A puncher will help you with this.

Eighth step. Collect the debris in suitable containers and dispose of in the trash can. Take the remains of the dismantled window there.

Ninth step. Align the ends of the opening, clean them from dirt. Prime the surfaces.

Tenth step. Relevant only for residents of old wooden houses. Lay waterproofing material around the opening. In some situations, it is required to additionally install a wooden reinforcing box.

If necessary, the dimensions of the opening can be reduced using a cement screed. In this moment, focus on the conditions of your specific situation.

Setting up and pinning a new window

Proceed with the installation of the pre-prepared window.

First step. Place special plastic underlays or wooden blocks on the bottom end of the opening. Select the dimensions of the substrates so that their upper edges are connected in a straight horizontal line.

The underlays are laid in the corners and in the center of the opening.

Second step. Install the “bare” or assembled frame on the substrates, depending on the method of window installation you have chosen. It is not necessary to dismantle the substrates, they will continue to perform their supporting function in the future.

Without substrates, the window can simply fall out. Anchors, no matter how often you check and tighten them, will still loosen under the weight of the structure. Therefore, for additional strengthening of the system, the substrates must be placed not only at the bottom, but also along the side faces, closer to the top of the opening.

Step three. Check the horizontal placement of the window structure using an ordinary water level.

If deviations are found, pick up the pegs or get rid of unnecessary elements of the substrate.

Fourth step. Check the vertical position of the window. The detected deviations are eliminated as in the previous step.

Fifth step. Proceed with anchoring the window according to the chosen fixing method.

Fastening by the method "through the frame"

First step. Take a punch and straight through the holes prepared in advance in the frame, drill similar holes for fasteners in the wall.

Second step. Secure the bottom of the structure on both sides. To do this, you need to insert and fix the anchor, but you do not need to complete the fastening immediately to the end.

Step three. Make sure the window is placed vertically. Correct the deviations immediately using the pattern you are already familiar with. If everything is ok, use a punch to drill holes in the center and top of the window frame. Insert and tighten the anchor. Information on the required number of fasteners was provided earlier.

Fourth step. Recheck the alignment of the window. Get rid of deviations immediately if they are found.

Fifth step. Tighten the anchor all the way. Do not overtighten them as the frame can be deformed from excessive tension.

Video - How to install a PVC window

Plate fixing

In this case, special plates will be used to fix the window. They are placed on one or two sides of the window block. The plates are made of thick metal and look like "ears". Holes for anchors are initially provided in such elements.

With this mounting method, you need to bend the mounting plate into a step. The “eyelet” of the plate should adhere as tightly as possible to the wall surface. The second part of the plate is bolted to the frame.

Fastening is done with the same anchors. The window is fixed in the same order: bottom first, then top and middle. At each stage of the installation, be sure to check the evenness of the placement of the structure. Without observing the vertical and horizontal levels, your window will simply deform over time.

Assembly and final check of the window

After fixing all the anchors, go to the assembly of the window, if you originally disassembled it. The process is carried out in the reverse order of disassembly.

First step. Insert double-glazed windows into the window frame and fix them with glazing beads, first at the top, then at the bottom, and finally at the sides. A rubber mallet will help you to snap the glazing beads.

Second step. Reattach and secure the swing leaves accordingly. Adhere to the reverse order of dismantling them.

Make sure that the flaps move normally. In its normal state, the sash does not make any unauthorized movements when it is opened at 45 degrees and 90 degrees.

Step three. Complete the test and seal any existing gaps between the walls and the newly installed window. Fill the gaps with special polyurethane foam in cylinders.

On this, the main work on the hand-made installation of PVC windows is considered complete. In the end, you just have to install a plumb line, a window sill, a mosquito net and make slopes at your discretion.

Installing a window sill (Read the article about installing a window sill with your own hands). Wetting with water. Dedusting

Installation of a window sill Laying out cement mortar

Installation of a window sill. Wetting with water. Dedusting

Installation of a window sill. Alignment. Grout

Installation of a window sill. Drying

Installation of a window sill. Finished work

Successful installation work!

There are several ways to install plastic windows. Anchor plates for PVC windows are used quite often, you can fix them in different ways. Each method has certain positive aspects, but not without its drawbacks. We will illustrate them by letting the reader choose the most appropriate option for him on his own, since it is impossible to offer a universal solution.

Installation difficulties

Anchoring the frame, while it may seem like a simple exercise, can actually have many negative consequences, especially if the installation is done by a non-professional. Before deciding whether you need such a mount, you should carefully study the possible consequences of errors during operation.

  • In this case, the frame is secured with anchor bolts. In order to make such a mount, you will need to drill the frame. The downside of this action can be called immediately the depressurization of the chambers of the double-glazed unit.
  • Freezing of the structure can become another problem, since the reinforcement of the system is disturbed during drilling. If the glass unit freezes, you will encounter excessive moisture in the room, and mold may appear on the slopes over time.
  • Installation should be carried out by an experienced craftsman, since in case of inaccurate work, the plastic structure can stretch. If the geometry of the frame is disturbed, it will be difficult or even impossible to return it to its normal position.

However, despite all the disadvantages, this method of fastening has an important advantage: the window will be securely fixed, and it will be possible to dismantle it only by thoroughly disassembling it from the inside. Installation takes a little time, does not require alignment, as it happens with foam, after the installation is completed, the structure is immediately ready for use. The connection is considered to be the most reliable and durable. The bolts and plates themselves are inexpensive and sold in all hardware stores.

Types of window fastening

How to mount on plates?

Anchor plates help make the installation process quick and easy. One of the important advantages is that there is no need to pull the glass unit out of the frame. The profile system will not undergo drilling, which means that problems that arise when drilling through the frame will be avoided. Double-glazed windows will not depressurize, the structure will not lose rigidity, and will not freeze. The risk of skewing the frame is completely absent. However, it is also impossible to call the method perfect: one of the important drawbacks is its unattractive appearance, since part of the fastening after installation will be noticeable.

Advice: the anchor plate can be hidden under the slopes if they are correctly installed and masked with overhead elements.

The second significant drawback is the increased load on the structure with frequent opening of the shutters. The window can quickly fail, which is why experts recommend fixing only deaf structures in this way.

Other ways of attaching a plastic window

There is a method that combines several methods of fastening the frame, in this case, you can avoid some of the disadvantages of both of the above methods. In the combined method, the upper part of the frame is attached to window anchor plates and the lower part is secured with anchors. This allows you to avoid impacts on the frame when opening, as well as to adjust its height.

Fastening plates with a window on self-tapping screws

How are windows mounted on an anchor plate?

Mounting plates for PVC windows are produced differently, so before installation you need to choose the right one. There are only two types of designs: universal, suitable for any window frames, and special, which are made for non-standard windows. Such elements have special ears, with which they can be fixed with self-tapping screws, placing them in the groove of the window profile. The universal plate has no lugs and is bolted.

Advice: for mounting, you need to choose bolts 4.5x25 mm. Pay attention to the sting, it must have a drill for metal, otherwise it will be difficult to drill the structure.

Anchor fastening

Sequence of work when installing a window on anchor plates

If you are using standard windows, you will need about 5 anchor plates. One of them will be located in the center of the frame, the rest are placed, stepping back from the corner of about 20 cm.When installing, you do not need to remove the double-glazed windows or pull out the glazing beads: the plates will be attached to the outside of the window opening, in this case the fasteners are made through.

Places of installation of anchor plates on the window

Advice: if the structure is large, for example, more than 4 square meters. m, then it should not be attached to the plates, since the window will have a large mass. You can use a dowel joint, which can be combined with anchor plates.

The position of the plates on the wall is marked in advance so that the fastening is of better quality, a bed for the plate is knocked out in the wall with a chisel. The fastener must fit tightly into the recess, not protruding beyond its limits. After installing the structure, it is recommended to fill the slots with foam: this will help to avoid drafts, as well as more securely fix the window.

Output: mounting plates for PVC windows a quick and convenient way of fastening, although not without its drawbacks. With the right approach, it will become an affordable and quick solution for the reliable installation of a window structure.