How to cook red borscht. Borscht with fresh cabbage and beets

Recipe Information


  • beef bone with meat - 400 g
  • cabbage - 300 g
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • green onion, parsley, salt, bay leaf, cumin, red pepper, tomato paste.

Borscht cooking

  1. We take a beef bone with meat. Rinse well, fill with three liters of cold water. We put on a large fire, as soon as it boils, we drain the water. This is necessary to wash off all the dirt, get rid of foam and the smallest bones that could remain after cutting. Pour the meat again with three liters of cold water, add the peeled onion and half the carrots. After boiling, cook over low heat, maintaining a slight boil, until the meat is cooked. Salt at the very end of cooking or already in the process of preparing borscht. If you cook the broth in this way, it will turn out transparent, and there is no need to remove the scale, it simply will not. The finished broth should be about 2 liters.
  2. While the beef broth is cooking, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Grate the remaining half of the carrots on a coarse grater. We also do with beets.

  3. Fry vegetables in vegetable or ghee until half cooked. Add 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste. We take 1/3 of a bunch of green onions, cut it into pieces 2-3 cm long. We heat the dressing, stirring, for about a minute and turn off the fire.

  4. Finely shred the cabbage. The thinner, the tastier it will be in borscht, and the faster it will cook.

  5. Peeled potatoes cut into slices of medium thickness. If the meat broth is not yet ready, then we lower it into the water so that it does not darken.

  6. We put the cabbage in the prepared boiling broth, after boiling, cook it until half cooked, it will take about 20 minutes. Next, put our vegetable dressing and potatoes, bay leaf, 1/3 tsp. cumin. We cut a few sprigs of parsley coarsely and also throw them into the borscht.

  7. After boiling, make a small fire and cook until the potatoes are fully cooked. At the end, salt to taste, add red pepper, cut thinly 2-3 circles of lemon. We put it in a saucepan. With this culinary technique, you can slightly acidify borscht, while preserving the natural taste and color of other products. And the zest adds a pleasant, but barely noticeable aftertaste of citrus.
  8. Cook borscht with fresh cabbage and beets for about two minutes and remove from heat. It is important not to overcook the vegetables, otherwise they will overcook and the taste of the dish will change. Another important point is that all first courses must be cooked without closing the lid, then they will turn out beautiful and transparent. If you let red borscht from fresh cabbage on beef broth brew for about half an hour under the lid, it will become even richer and tastier. After the borsch with green onions has cooled, put it in the refrigerator, as dishes with fresh herbs spoil very quickly. And it’s even better to add greens directly to the plate if the borscht is cooked more than once. I recommend cooking for borscht

Borscht includes such sections as the required ingredients, the necessary inventory, the method of processing products, heat treatment and serving. It is these points that we will adhere to in the description of the following recipes.

We make delicious and beetroot

Many housewives are accustomed to the fact that borscht should be made exclusively from sauerkraut. But when young heads of this vegetable ripen in the beds, it is quite difficult to resist and not use them as an additional ingredient.

That is why in this article we decided to tell you about how to quickly cook borscht with fresh cabbage and beets. For this we need:

  • beef on the bone - about 650 g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • citric acid - 1/5 dessert spoon;
  • medium carrot - 2 pcs.;

Required inventory

To cook borsch with fresh cabbage and beets as quickly as possible, you should take care of the necessary equipment in advance:

  • large saucepan;
  • ladle;
  • cutting board;
  • sharp knife;
  • grater.

Processing ingredients for making red soup

How to cook delicious homemade borscht, the photo of which is presented in this article? To begin with, all the ingredients are processed. Beef on the bone is thoroughly washed and all tough veins and films are removed. Then proceed to the preparation of fresh vegetables. They are cleaned of peel, husk and surface leaves. After that, they begin to grind the products. Carrots and fresh beets are rubbed on a large grater, cabbage is chopped into thin strips, and potatoes and onions are cut into cubes. The greens are also rinsed separately and simply chopped with a knife.

Heat treatment process on the stove

How to cook For this you need to use a large pot. Place the beef on the bone in it and fill it with water. Then put the dishes on a strong fire and bring the water to a boil. After removing the foam from the surface of the broth, it is salted, covered with a lid and boiled for about 90 minutes. During this time, the meat should become soft and tender.

After the beef is cooked, it is taken out and cooled. Then the pulp is separated from the bones and cut into large cubes. As for the broth, beets, cabbage and lavrushka are laid out in it. These ingredients are boiled for 25 minutes, after which carrots, potatoes and onions are added to them.

After additionally salting and peppering the products, mix them well, cover with a lid and cook for another 25 minutes. During this time, all vegetables should become as soft as possible.

Final stage

At the very end of cooking, citric acid, fresh herbs and previously chopped meat are added to it. After mixing the ingredients, the broth is again brought to a boil and boiled for about five minutes. Then the closed pan is removed from the stove and left aside for ¼ hour.

How to serve red soup to the dinner table?

Now you know how homemade borscht is prepared. After it is infused under the lid, it is poured into plates. Moreover, not only red and rich broth with vegetables, but also pieces of tender beef are added to each serving.

In addition to this dish, they serve fresh sour cream or mayonnaise. They eat delicious borscht along with a slice of bread and fresh herbs.

Cooking chicken borscht: photo, cooking method

Almost all housewives prepare red beet and cabbage soup using beef. But if you don’t have such a product, then we suggest making dinner from ordinary chicken. By the way, for such purposes, we recommend purchasing not a broiler bird, but a soup one. After all, this is the only way you will get a rich and fragrant broth that will make the first dish hearty and nutritious.

The technological map of borscht requires you to tell you what ingredients for its preparation should be purchased.

To do this we need:

  • fresh beets - a couple of medium tubers;
  • soup chicken - a small carcass;
  • fresh white cabbage - ½ medium elastic fork;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • 6% - 2 large spoons;
  • medium carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 5 large spoons;
  • green onions, parsley, lavrushka, dill - add at your discretion;
  • spices, including salt - to taste.

Required inventory

To deliciously cook borscht with fresh cabbage and beets, you need to stock up on the following inventory in advance:

  • large saucepan;
  • ladle;
  • cutting board;
  • with a sharp knife;
  • frying pan;
  • grater.

Preparation of ingredients

Real borscht is prepared only from fresh and natural ingredients. Before you start cooking such a dish, you should process all the components.

The chicken carcass is thoroughly washed inside and out, removing all unwanted elements. Then proceed to the processing of vegetables. They are peeled and crushed. Carrots are grated, potatoes and onions are cut into cubes, cabbage - into strips, and beets - into cubes.

At the very end, fresh greens are thoroughly washed and chopped with a knife.

Heat treatment

Having prepared meat and vegetables, proceed to their heat treatment. To do this, take a large saucepan and put the carcass of the bird in it. After salting the meat product and filling it with water, the dishes are put on a strong fire. After bringing the ingredients to a boil, they are covered with a lid and boiled for an hour. Then the soft and tender bird is taken out, cooled and divided into portions (if desired, the skin and bones can be removed).

As for the broth, cabbage, carrots, parsley and onions are laid out in it. In this form, the products are cooked for 20 minutes. After that, potatoes are lowered into the broth and cooked for a similar amount of time.

Stew beets

To prepare a more fragrant and rich soup, fresh beets should be stewed separately. To do this, take a frying pan, add oil and vegetable sticks to it. After mixing the components, pour a little water (about ½ cup) into them and cover with a lid. In this form, beets are cooked for about 25 minutes. Then spices and table vinegar are added to it. The last ingredient is necessary to give the dish a little sourness.

Final stage

After keeping the beets on the fire for a few more minutes, they are removed from the stove and laid out in a common pan. Together with it, chopped greens and previously chopped poultry are placed in the broth.

After bringing the ingredients to a boil, they are boiled for about three minutes and immediately removed from the stove.

Serving red soup for family dinner

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in cooking chicken borscht from fresh cabbage. After the heat treatment of the ingredients, the dish is distributed on plates and immediately presented to family members.

To make such a dinner even more satisfying and nutritious, mayonnaise, fresh sour cream and white bread (lavash can be used) are sure to be served with it.

Summing up

Soup from fresh cabbage turns out no worse than the dish that is made using a pickled product. But in order to give this dinner a slight sourness, one of such components as or table vinegar is necessarily added to it. With the help of such seasonings, red soup will become more fragrant and rich. Otherwise, you need to add a small amount of sauerkraut to it (together with fresh).

Borsch is a classic Slavic dish. It contains the simplest and most affordable ingredients, and the taste and nutritional properties are wonderfully good! Every housewife should know how to cook borsch with beets and fresh cabbage so that it turns out perfect: moderately thick, tasty and rich in color.

Any traditional borsch includes vegetables such as carrots, onions, fresh cabbage, beets, potatoes. This combination of ingredients is not accidental and has health benefits. So, cabbage improves the tone of the body, beets cleanse the intestines well, other vegetables are also rich in vitamins and minerals and go well with each other.

Borscht with beets and fresh cabbage

A step-by-step recipe will help you cook "real" borscht. It's no secret that many housewives do not like to cook it just because the bright red color of the dish is lost in the process. But there are a few basic rules, following which you will keep a rich shade.


  • 300 g pork;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 400 g cabbage;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt pepper.


  1. The main secret of delicious borscht is rich broth. To make it just like that, cook the meat in a whole piece for 1.5 hours, pouring it with cold water. After this time, the piece is removed from the broth, the flesh is cut off from the bone, again lowered into the pan and the vegetables are reported.
  2. The potatoes are sent first. It will cook for about half an hour, so it is better to cut it into large slices so that it does not turn into mashed potatoes.
  3. 10 minutes after the potatoes, lay the shredded cabbage.
  4. Grate the raw beets on a coarse grater and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes, sprinkling with citric acid or vinegar to preserve the color.
  5. Place the beets in borscht 10 minutes after cabbage, about 10 minutes before the end of cooking.
  6. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and sauté. Melt the butter in a frying pan and simmer the vegetables over the smallest fire until the carrots are soft and the onions are transparent. Thanks to this, they retain their taste and aroma. Zazharka is put in borscht along with beets.

  7. Salt, pepper, spices and garlic (it is best to grind it in a mortar with salt) are laid in the first 5 minutes before readiness.
  8. Ideally, the finished dish should be allowed to brew for about 2 hours. If you do not intend to wait that long, then let it stand for at least 20-30 minutes so that it becomes more saturated in taste.

Read also:

  • Dressing for borscht
  • How to cook cold borscht?

Borscht in Ukrainian

If you add a little bacon with garlic to the first, it will turn out to be rich, satisfying and surprisingly tasty.


  • 500 g of pork or beef meat on the bone;
  • 400 g cabbage;
  • 300 g potatoes;
  • 250 g of beets;
  • 2-3 medium tomatoes;
  • 100 g of tomato paste;
  • 50 g of salted lard;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Pour a whole piece of meat with cold water, wait until it boils, reduce the burner flame to a minimum and cook for 1.5 hours, periodically removing the resulting foam.
  2. After 1.5 hours, remove the bone with meat, strain the broth if necessary. Separate the pulp from the bones, cut and put back into the broth.
  3. Put chopped potatoes, cabbage (vegetables should be cut coarsely) to the meat pulp and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. While potatoes and cabbage are cooking, take care of the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Prepare the beets: cut them into medium strips, pour 1 tbsp. broth, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar or 1 tsp. lemon juice and tomato paste. Simmer everything together over low heat for 30 minutes, covering the saucepan with a lid.
  6. Chop the onion and fry until transparent over low heat in butter. At the end of frying, add flour diluted in 0.5 tbsp. broth. Bring everything to a boil and turn off the heat.
  7. After 20 minutes, lay the beets, onions, spices and cook until the potatoes are fully cooked.
  8. At the very end of cooking, literally 3-5 minutes before the finish, put peeled and sliced ​​​​tomatoes into borscht, mashed with garlic and salt lard.
  9. Bring all the ingredients to a boil, turn off the heat and be sure to let the dish stand for at least half an hour so that the aroma of spices and lard fully reveals.
  10. Real borscht is always served with sour cream and chopped herbs.

Delicious borscht with ribs

In this recipe, be sure to use only beef ribs to make the dish hearty, especially tasty and rich.


  • ½ kg of beef ribs;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 beet;
  • 600 g cabbage;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. wine vinegar (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar);
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • spices;
  • salt.


  1. Cover the ribs with cold water and boil them for 5 minutes.
  2. Drain the resulting broth, rinse the meat from the remaining foam. Pour 2 liters of fresh cold water, bring to a boil, add finely chopped onion and simmer, reducing heat to a minimum, 40 minutes. Don't worry about the onion overcooking, that's how it should be in this recipe.
  3. After 40 minutes, start laying the vegetables in the following sequence with an interval of 5 minutes: first, potatoes cut rather large, then grated carrots, then peppers and spices cut into medium strips, and at the very end, beets cut into the same strips as peppers. Pour in the vinegar immediately.
  4. Cook all the ingredients on the smallest fire for exactly 5 minutes, then put the chopped cabbage and boil for another 10 minutes.
  5. If foam appears on the surface after adding cabbage to the soup, be sure to collect it.
  6. Next, add salt. If you think the dish is too sour, add sugar to get the desired taste.
  7. At the very end of cooking, put garlic and herbs in borscht, stir, boil for literally 2 minutes and turn off the stove.
  8. The main highlight of the traditional dish is rich bright color and crispy cabbage with beets.

You need to know how to cook borscht with beets in order to get an appetizing dish with a rich red color as a result. And for this it is necessary to perform several necessary nuances.

How to cook borscht with beets: learning to keep the color


Vegetable oil 2 tbsp Lemon juice 1 tsp tomato paste 1 tbsp Garlic 2 cloves Onion 2 pieces) Carrot 2 pieces) Beet 2 pieces) white cabbage 500 grams Potato 5 piece(s) meat 800 grams

  • Servings: 6
  • Time for preparing: 3 minutes

How to cook beetroot borsch deliciously: a classic recipe

Delicious borscht is cooked on rich meat broth. Often beef is used for this, but you can take other types of meat - choose according to your taste. It is better to use meat on the bone - the broth will turn out to be more saturated.

Cut the meat into medium-sized bars, cover with water and simmer for about 2-2.5 hours. It is in the cooking time that the secret of the taste of the broth is hidden, so you should not remove it from the fire before the specified time.

At this time, prepare the beets. You can boil it, bake it or stew it.

To boil beets, cover them with water, add lemon juice and cook until soft. But it will be faster to put it out: coarsely grate the beetroot, mix it with lemon juice and simmer under the lid (after frying a little) until tender.

Chop onions and carrots, mix with tomato paste, salt and fry in oil until tender. Shred the cabbage.

When the broth is almost ready, cut the potatoes into cubes and lower them into the pan. Let it boil for 10 minutes, then put the roast in the broth, and after another 10 cabbage and beets and boil them for 3-4 minutes. Shortly before turning off the fire, add chopped garlic to the borscht. At the end, sprinkle the dish with herbs and let it brew for about 30 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

How to cook beetroot borscht: other options

By slightly changing the composition of the classic recipe, you can get completely different tastes of this dish. It is prepared, for example:

  • with sauerkraut and pickled beets - this dish has a pleasant sourness. Cabbage before laying should be stewed for 5 minutes with sugar;
  • without cabbage on pork ribs - a kind of rich beetroot.

And there is also a lean option - they use mushrooms instead of meat, boiling them for 20-30 minutes to get a broth.

If you want to get a more dietary meat broth, then cook it on chicken breast. It will be less caloric. If you need a richer borscht, then choose pieces of meat with fat.

Borscht with beets is the most correct recipe for borscht. Recipes without beets cannot be called red borscht - this is not borscht, but rather an ordinary soup with cabbage.

In the recipe for borscht with beets, the composition is important; to prepare a red real dish, you should choose the right beets - this is the main ingredient in borscht.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Before cooking borscht, special attention should be paid to the color of the root crop - its color should be dark red or burgundy.

How to cook borscht with beets? The recipe is simple, the dish is cooked in several ways: the beets are boiled in borscht as a whole, in a quick way in a separate pan to preserve the red color, or immediately cut into pieces.

Beetroot, cooked in pieces in broth or water, loses its red color, vegetables are boiled during the boil. To keep the red beetroot color during cooking, borscht is boiled with tomatoes, vinegar, lemon juice, acid.

The essential ingredients of home-cooked beetroot borscht are fresh or sauerkraut, potatoes, and meat.

Ingredients for red borscht with beets and tomatoes

  • meat on the bone (I had a brisket) - 300-400 g;
  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh cabbage - half a small head of cabbage;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • table vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • fresh tomatoes or - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • greenery.

Recipe for borscht with beets and cabbage

We cook borscht with beets and tomatoes in meat broth, so we start cooking the dish by boiling borscht broth.

Meat in borscht is better to use with a marrow bone, pieces of meat on the bone give the broth a rich meaty taste.

In addition to the sugar meat bone, borscht broth is made from pork ribs, neck and spinal part of pork, and beef.

How much to cook the broth (in time) depends on the freshness of the meat.

  1. Pour water into the pan, lower the washed piece of meat. To eliminate too strong beetroot smell during further cooking, you can put the whole parsley root peeled, which at the end will need to be thrown away with the onion.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, remove the resulting foam, cook over high heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Then we take out the meat, drain the water, rinse the pan. We do this step so that the broth turns out to be transparent and more useful.
  4. Put the pot of clean water on the stove again, after boiling, put the meat, peeled onion (parsley root) and cook until cooked over low heat. Do not close the pot with a lid.
  5. Next, add the peeled potatoes, cut into cubes or strips. We take out the onion and throw it away.
  6. After a few minutes, lower the thinly chopped cabbage. When the borscht boils, reduce the heat and continue to cook the mixture.
  7. Pour oil into a preheated frying pan and spread the carrots, previously grated on a coarse grater, on one half, and beets on the other. By the way, we can cut the beets into cubes, this will not affect the taste of the finished dish.
  8. Pour the beets with vinegar, mix, close the lid. Simmer vegetables over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Add more oil if necessary to keep the mixture from burning.
  9. After the vegetables become soft, add the chopped peeled tomatoes along with the juice. Stir and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  10. Then we shift the stewed vegetables into the broth, reduce the heat. Salt, pepper, mix. We warm up for 5-7 minutes.

Of the ingredients in the recipe for borscht with beets, we still have garlic and herbs, we chop them and add them to the almost ready dish.

The final touch is to cover the borscht with a lid and let it stand for a while, after which we pour it into plates, put sour cream in each plate of borscht with beets.

Borscht with beets and cabbage is a rich, fragrant first course, which becomes even tastier the next day, therefore, unlike cabbage soup, it is better to cook borscht at home for a few days in advance, providing the family with a hearty delicious homemade dinner.