How to cook a very soft and juicy duck in the oven. What can be cooked from wild duck: recipes for all occasions

- the duck should not have an unpleasant and pungent odor inside, and there should not be any mucus on its surface. Otherwise, you are purchasing a low-quality product that can poison you.

- frozen duck should be thawed gradually.

- a young duck weighs no more than 2.5 kilograms. Larger individuals may differ in fatty and old meat;

- so that the duck does not turn out raw, you can boil it for 20 minutes;

- best of all, it turns out, to cook a young duck, immediately after purchase.

If you decide to bake a duck in the oven, then you need to know a few tricks for its preparation. It also matters which duck you buy domestic or wild. Here are some features of the preparation of duck meat.

How to cook domestic and wild duck

It needs to be marinated longer than usual, as wild duck may have a specific smell that not everyone likes. You can marinate it for ducks or for at least 5 hours. If an ordinary duck is marinated for 3 hours, then a wild duck needs to be marinated much longer. To make the meat soft, you need to properly prepare the marinade. Here's how to cook wild duck at home so that the meat is tender:

- before cooking, be sure to pluck it, remove the hairs with tweezers and even ignite it over the tile. Be sure to remove the insides. Of course, the tenderness of the meat depends on the age of the bird, but you can make it softer by using a special marinade. You can also keep domestic duck in it. The simplest recipe is to dilute a ready-made bag of spices in dry white wine, pour meat over it and marinate for a day.

Wild duck can be marinated with the following composition of products:

- lemon sauce. To do this, mix a small amount of lemon juice and vinegar with water, pour duck over it and cook in the morning;

- in pomegranate and blackberry juice mixed with red wine and spices. This duck is very tender and tasty.

And how to marinate a duck for baking in the oven, if it is homemade? To do this, you can use one of the following recipes:

- a bag of ready-made marinade, which is mixed with vinegar and lemon juice and marinated meat for 3 hours. However, you may not always like the taste, and the aroma of spices can kill the smell of natural duck meat;

- in lime-apple sauce with a little mint. To do this, you need to cut 4 limes into halves, the same number of sour apples and marinate the duck. Then the duck is washed, apples with prunes are placed in the middle and baked in the oven or on the grill. However, if you are cooking the duck on the grill, then you need to put a tray underneath, as the fat will drain;

- in pomegranate juice. The meat will turn out very tender;

- in sour orange juice with the addition of lemon juice, basil and vinegar in a small amount. The meat will also turn out very soft and tasty.

- in a plum sauce of very sour plums and lemon halves. They will not only remove the unpleasant duck aroma, but also make the meat softer and more palatable.

How to soak duck before roasting and cook

It is best to bake it in foil or in a sleeve. Then the meat will turn out to be very juicy and tender, soft due to the fact that excess fat will not flow beyond its limits. If you cook duck on a dish in an open form, it must be poured with fat. Here's how to cook duck in the oven so it's soft and delicious.

Wild duck with lemons and sour plums

To prepare duck according to this recipe, you need to take very sour plums. During cooking, excess acid will go away, and the meat will become very soft and pleasant. Optionally, you can add a little boiled rice to the main components of this recipe. Here's how to cook wild duck with this recipe. So, you need to take:

- 300 grams of sour plums;

- 2 large lemons;

- 2 tablespoons of sugar;

- red and black pepper, salt to taste;

- seasoning with Provence herbs;

- lemon juice.

The duck must be boiled before cooking for 20 minutes. Then mix lemon juice with spices, pepper and salt and marinate the duck for a day. Even if you come across a drake baked later in this marinade, it will turn out soft and very tasty.

Before cooking, the duck must be wiped with a towel, stuffed with pitted plums, lemon halves, cut into quarters. Then the hole is sewn up and the duck is placed on a baking sheet and fried until tender. At the end of cooking, the meat should be pierced closer to the middle. Then the duck is served with fat on the table.

Game lovers will love this recipe. And here's how to bake homemade duck with tangerines, plums and oranges. It is made whole in the oven, but for cooking it is better to bake it in foil.

Domestic duck with plums

This homemade recipe will appeal to those who love grilled or smoky dishes. To make a duck you need to take:

- 300 grams of sour plums or prunes;

- 2 large oranges;

- anise and spices;

- 4 tangerines;

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- some black raisins;

- boiled rice to taste;

- liquid smoke;

- salt and pepper to taste.

The duck must be washed, wiped dry with a towel. Then prepare the filling of pitted plums, cut them in half, cut oranges into circles, add tangerine slices, red pepper, anise, spices, boiled rice, mix everything and stuff the duck. Then rub the top with salt and pepper. After that, put it on a baking sheet, lightly pour liquid smoke so that the meat has a hot smoked taste, and put it on the bake, periodically pouring fat on the carcass. When the meat becomes soft and easily detaches from the fork, the duck is ready and ready to be served.

It turns out even tastier if you cook it on a grill over coals or over a fire. In this case, the use of liquid smoke is not necessary. However, you need to put a tray under the duck and periodically pour it with fat. Then it will turn out soft and tasty.

Well, here is a classic duck recipe with apples, lemons and Provence herbs.

Duck with apples, lemons and herbs de Provence

They make it in the oven, and it turns out very tender and pleasant to the taste. To prepare it, you need to take:

- a small carcass of a young duck;

- 300 grams of green sour apples;

- a bag of Provence herbs;

- 2 small lemons or one large;

- salt and pepper to taste.

Duck must be marinated overnight in a small amount of lemon juice with red chili peppers. Then in the morning wipe it with a towel, salt and pepper the outside, and add the filling from a mixture of lemon and apple quarters and Provence herbs inside. Put the duck on a baking sheet. Periodically, the carcass should be watered with fat so as not to overstew the meat. Serve with soy sauce and main course. Thus, the cooked duck is very tender, soft and slightly spicy due to red pepper. Apples together with lemons make the meat softer, tender, with a pleasant aroma.

Champagne, white and red wine go well with duck meat. It is best served warm, so that a fresh and fragrant crust is well felt.

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Duck baked in the oven is delicious and very beautiful. A ruddy bird will become a real table decoration if you cook it according to all the rules.

Here are the best step-by-step recipes for homemade duck in the oven with detailed descriptions, tips and little secrets.

Homemade duck in the oven - general principles of cooking

Many do not like duck, but in fact, the bird can be very tasty and incredibly tender. It is important to prepare it correctly. The carcass must be cleaned of feathers. If there is dirt on the duck, then they need to be cut off or scrubbed with a brush. Excess fat that hangs from the cut abdomen can also be cut off immediately. It is advisable to marinate the domestic duck in advance. Let it lie in the sauce or spices for 5-6 hours, even better all night.

Basic cooking principles:

1. The rump must be cut off before baking. It is he who gives the bird a specific smell.

2. It is undesirable to cook the duck immediately in the form, it is better first in the foil or in the sleeve so that the meat is steamed. You can pre-boil the bird or use a special duckling.

3. Duck baking time is rarely less than 1.5 hours. Therefore, apples, potatoes and other products that will be added to it must be cut into large pieces.

4. There should be no large spices, dried herbs on the skin of the bird. They will burn, spoil the look.

The baking time of a domestic duck will directly depend on the size, but it is better not to take a bird over 2 kg. If it starts to burn faster than it cooks inside, then you can grease the top with sour cream and cover with foil, parchment. On average, the duck roasting temperature is 180-200 degrees.

Homemade duck in the oven: a step by step recipe with apples in a bag

One of the most popular additions to duck is apples. The bird goes well with them, it turns out fragrant and juicy. In a step-by-step recipe for domestic duck, it is better to use sour apples or additionally pour slices with lemon.


Duck 1 pc.;

4 cloves of garlic;

Salt, ground pepper and peas;

2 bay leaves;

2 tablespoons of oil;

10 apples;

Additionally, you will need a baking sleeve or a bag. If a ready-made bag is to be used, then it must be suitable in size and be long enough.


1. Dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt in three liters of water, add ten peppercorns, you can crush. Chop the bay leaf. We take water at room temperature or cold.

2. Remove the zest from the lemon or immediately cut the citrus in half, squeeze the juice, and crumble the crusts and throw them into the water. They will give the duck a pleasant aroma, remove the specific smell.

3. Put the bird in a saucepan, in a bucket or in a large container, fill it with prepared brine, leave to marinate in heat for at least 5 hours. Or we put it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, you can keep the bird for a day, it will only get better.

4. Mix black pepper with two tablespoons of oil, add a little salt, you can pour in a spoonful of lemon juice. Grind until smooth.

5. Remove the duck from the brine. Put on a wire rack or in a large sieve, colander. Leave for half an hour, let the bird dry, all excess water should drain.

6. Rub the outside of the duck with vegetable oil.

7. Take a couple or three apples, wash, cut into quarters. They can also be sprinkled with spices or grated zest, sprinkled with lemon juice, or put just as it is. We put the carcass inside, do not touch the rest of the apples yet.

8. We shift the duck into a baking bag, we tie the edges. With a toothpick or a simple needle, we make a couple of punctures on top. We install the package in a small baking sheet with sides or in a shape larger than a duck, since we will then place apples along the edges.

9. Turn on the oven in advance, let it warm up to 200 degrees.

10. We send the duck with apples to bake in the oven, cook for 80-100 minutes, depending on the size and age of the bird. The older she is, the longer we keep.

11. The apples that remain must be thoroughly washed, cut out the middle, you can do this with a special recess. Sprinkle with lemon juice and put in a bowl, let them wait in the wings.

12. We take out the duck, which has reached half readiness. At the bottom of the package there will be a lot of liquid with fat, carefully cut it off from above, unfold it.

13. We collect the liquid with a spoon, pour over the apples in a bowl, stir.

14. We also collect fat with a spoon and pour duck on top so that a beautiful crust appears.

15. Arrange the apples from the bowl around the duck.

16. Re-send the bird to the oven, bake for about half an hour. It is advisable to pour over the carcass with secreted juices every ten minutes.

Homemade duck in the oven: a step by step recipe with potatoes

Another step-by-step recipe for whole homemade duck in the oven. Supplement everyone's favorite potatoes. This is the perfect side dish for fatty poultry, but it also needs to be cooked right.


Duck 2.5 kg;

A couple of spoons of soy sauce;

Four cloves of garlic;

8-10 identical potatoes;

100 g sour cream or mayonnaise;

Spices to taste.

You can also cook this duck in a bag, as in the previous recipe, but here the option with a piece of foil and a shape is also very successful.


1. We will marinate the bird in mayonnaise or in sour cream, as you like. We pre-wash the carcass, cut off all the excess, remove the remnants of the feathers and soak for an hour in cold water, you can add spices to it. Then we rinse the duck and leave it on the wire rack to dry.

2. Mix sour cream or mayonnaise with chopped garlic, put salt, soy sauce, pepper. We rub the prepared bird first inside, then outside.

3. For pickling, you can use any convenient dish with a lid. An excellent option is a package. But we take a tight one, we tie it well.

4. We leave the bird for five hours or for a full night, but in the second case we put it in the refrigerator.

5. For baking, use a small baking sheet. If desired, it can be lined with foil from the inside to make it easier to wash later. Lubricate with oil, one spoon is enough.

6. We take the bird out of the refrigerator, rub the marinade over the carcass again with our hands, transfer it to the prepared form.

7. Pull the foil on top. You can make it so that it does not touch the bird. To do this, put a piece of cut fat or lard on the duck. We cover the form, send it to the oven for an hour. The oven should be warmed up to two hundred degrees.

8. Peel the potatoes, do not need to season with anything. If the tubers are very large, then cut in half.

9. We take out the duck, carefully lift the foil. We scoop fat with a spoon and pour a little over the potatoes. Add extra salt. Cover the bowl and shake vigorously.

10. We also water the duck with the juice that has stood out.

11. We shift the potatoes into a mold, lay them around the bird and cover again with foil. We put in the oven for another 40-50 minutes.

12. Remove the foil. We turn the tubers over to the other side, since the bottom of the potato has already been saturated with fat, and the top has dried up a little.

13. Immediately pour duck fat and juices from the bottom of the mold.

14. Now you can not cover the bird with foil, just put it in the oven and bake until a beautiful crust appears for up to half an hour.

Homemade duck in the oven: a step by step recipe with oranges (pieces)

An incredibly simple step-by-step recipe for homemade duck in the oven. The bird turns out to be amazingly tender and fragrant, it does not cook for very long, as pieces are used. We chop any parts of the carcass in the right amount, it is desirable to immediately discard bare bones with a low meat content.


1 kg duck;

2 oranges;

10 ml soy sauce;

Two cloves of garlic;

1 tsp mustard;

40 g cl. oils.


1. Wash the pieces of duck, dry with a towel or paper napkins.

2. Heat the butter in a frying pan. You can take part of the vegetable. Put the duck and fry over high heat on both sides. Put in a bowl for now.

3. Remove the zest from one orange, chop and squeeze the juice into it. You can pre-mash the citrus with your hands or roll it on the table with pressure so that the juice comes out better, it turns out more.

4. Add soy sauce to the juice with zest, salt, put a spoonful of mustard, but more if you like spicy food.

5. Peel the garlic cloves, chop and sprinkle with orange juice. Mix thoroughly. Put pepper to taste.

6. The second orange is simply peeled, cut into circles. Along the way, we select all the bones, as they will give the dish a not very pleasant taste.

7. Lubricate the form with a drop of oil. Lay the duck in a dense layer slightly overlapping.

8. Put oranges between pieces of bird, try to distribute at the same distance.

9. Pour the contents of the mold on top with the prepared juice and spice sauce. We distribute evenly.

10. We stretch a piece of foil over the form, fix the edges so that the coating does not fall off.

11. We cook an hour at 190 degrees.

12. Serve orange duck with fresh vegetables, side dishes of white or brown rice, supplement with herbs.

So that the foil does not stick and does not touch the bird, you need to put a piece of lard on the most protruding part of the duck carcass.

It is not necessary to add a lot of lemon juice or other acid to the bird when marinating. This will make the meat tough.

Did the crust burn, burst, or did it have another defect? You can paint the bird with sauce from a bag, or just drip a little and stick dill leaves, parsley.

You should not use marinades with honey, ketchup, an abundance of soy sauce for duck, which are often added to chicken. This bird cooks for a long time, the skin with such ingredients will simply burn.

Duck dishes undeservedly rarely appear on the daily menu, more often it is cooked on the festive table. Many neglect this bird, fearing its specific smell and complex recipe, besides, the duck is not a frequent visitor to store shelves. However, duck meat dishes cooked in compliance with all the rules are always tasty, refined and healthy. Knowing how to properly cook a duck, you can easily win over relatives and guests with unusual duck meat dishes, which they will probably try for the first time.

Pros and cons of duck dishes

Like all products, duck meat has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

Duck Benefits:

  • it is a source of high-quality protein, amino acids, useful substances and vitamins;
  • positively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • such parts of the duck carcass as skinless breast and leg are recommended for use in various health-improving diets;
  • despite the fact that duck fat has a high calorie content, it is much more beneficial than butter or beef fat in terms of nutrition. Omega-3 fats, which are found in duck skin, are needed by the body for the normal functioning of the heart and brain.


  • this meat is quite high-calorie and has a very high fat content, so it is not recommended to use it for overweight people;
  • duck meat consists of hard fibers and is difficult to digest, so it can be consumed by people who do not have problems with the stomach and digestive system;
  • duck fat is a source of cholesterol, which the body needs in very small doses.

Duck in cooking

In different countries of the world, duck is traditionally cooked for Easter and Christmas. Tender and delicate duck meat is quite difficult to cook, but there are recipes that are easy to handle at home.

The most popular recipe is roasted duck. Usually it is stuffed with various fillings: buckwheat, rice, mushrooms, apples and oranges. Be sure to serve this duck with sauce: cranberry, lingonberry or orange. For an everyday menu, it is ideal to bake duck legs or breast with vegetables, fruits and aromatic herbs.

With the right cooking technique, the fat that is released from the duck soaks the side dish, which turns out to be juicy and very tasty.

Duck is very popular in Chinese cuisine. Everyone has heard of such a recipe as Peking Duck. Also in China they prepare duck soup, warm salad with duck breast, duck with various sauces.

Roast duck goes well with cabbage, carrots and potatoes. And if you add a little dry wine during the cooking process, you can make the taste of the dish a little spicier.

Salads with duck meat are very tasty and refined, in which fruits are added, such as pears and pineapples, lettuce, arugula, oranges, mushrooms, raspberries and rice. Dressed with balsamic vinegar, olive oil or mustard dressing.

Duck soups or broths are often prepared for the daily menu.

On the duck broth, you can cook borscht and other first courses. But they will be much fatter than those cooked in chicken broth, and besides, duck meat takes longer to cook.

The most popular type of cold appetizer is duck pâté, a delicacy that can be prepared at home. Here is his "basic" recipe:

  1. Boil the duck for about 50 minutes in water without spices.
  2. Scroll the cooled meat in a meat grinder twice.
  3. Add 100 grams of fat (per 0.5 kg of duck) and an onion fried in vegetable oil. Mix everything until an air mass is obtained.
  4. Season with salt, pepper and orange juice (2 tablespoons).

A very tasty and nutritious dish!

Ways to cook duck

The basic methods of preparing a duck are no different from the methods of preparing another bird. It:

  • baking whole or in pieces in the oven, air grill, duckling, foil or sleeve;
  • stewing, frying on the stove, in a frying pan, cauldron, slow cooker;
  • cooking soups, broths.

In the oven

When roasting, the whole duck is rubbed with fragrant spices, as a rule, thyme, garlic, basil and cumin are used. Some people like to treat the carcass with mayonnaise, but the bird is already oily, so it is better to use honey, which will help you get a crispy fragrant crust.

The carcass must be pierced in the places of the largest accumulation of fat with a fork or knife.

The duck is cooked from 2 to 3 hours, at the beginning of cooking, the temperature is set to 250 degrees, after 20 minutes it drops to 180. When cooking, it is better to use a roaster, a deep frying pan and foil.

On the stove

The whole duck is usually not cooked on the stove, it must be cut into pieces weighing about 100 grams. They are rubbed with spices and fried in butter, you can just use fat.

Add a little more oil with flour and stew until soft in its own juice or with a little water and wine. Served with herbs, potatoes and vegetables.

Preparing duck and other ingredients for cooking

If you properly prepare the duck, then it will turn out tender, without a characteristic specific smell.

  1. Remove giblets from a whole duck, scald and clean from the remnants of feathers, singe over a fire. Be sure to remove the fat near the tail and abdomen, this is the main source of unpleasant odor, and you need to get rid of it.
  2. Frozen duck cannot be thawed in water and a microwave; for this, the bottom shelf of the refrigerator is used, otherwise the meat will turn out dry.
  3. The butchered duck should be rubbed with spices and preferably left in this form for several hours or all night.
  4. To speed up the cooking process, the duck can be pre-marinated or soaked in water for about 12 hours. Marinate for at least 4 hours, then the marinade will give the meat a piquant taste and aroma. Suitable marinades:
    • citrus, from oranges and lemons, olive oil, salt and pepper;
    • spicy, from garlic, pepper, vegetable oil and paprika;
    • mustard.
  5. Vinegar for marinade is not used so as not to overdry the poultry meat.

Duck Cooking Secrets

In order for the duck to be guaranteed to turn out soft and fragrant, tender and juicy, you need to know some of the subtleties of cooking this capricious bird.

  1. The right choice of duck. You need to choose a young bird, with a rich red color of meat, odorless and with a shiny hard skin.
  2. For cooking a whole carcass, the time is calculated based on the calculation of 45 minutes per 1 kg of meat plus 25 minutes for browning.
  3. Cooking in pieces will take about 90 minutes.
  4. Duck is served with dry red wine, berry sauce and lots of greens.
  5. Wild duck takes longer to cook than domestic duck.
  6. Be sure to cut off the butt of the duck and the lower part of the abdomen.
  7. To get juicy meat, it is desirable to stuff the carcass with juicy fruits and vegetables.
  8. If a sleeve or foil is used, they must be removed 25 minutes before cooking to get a crispy crust.
  9. Water the duck with fat during the cooking process every 15-20 minutes.
  10. In order not to overdry the breast, you first need to quickly fry it over high heat, and then stew it in your own juice.
  11. To ensure that the duck does not turn out raw, it is boiled for 20 minutes before baking.
  12. The finished meat has a pleasant pink color in the cut, without blood and with a subtle pleasant aroma.

Roast duck is one of the signature dishes served in many families for the New Year and Christmas holidays. Many housewives love to please their households with dietary duck meat even on a weekday. Therefore, we decided to reveal the secrets of cooking duck so that its meat is very soft and juicy.

Soft and juicy duck: cooking secrets

Like any other dish, the duck cooking process has its secrets. Therefore, before you start cooking dishes using this bird, familiarize yourself with the main ones.

  1. A carcass of 2–2.5 kg is the best option for baking. A dish from such a duck will turn out moderately fried, low-fat and not dry.
  2. The minimum time for marinating duck should not be less than 3 hours. Pickling is considered optimal throughout the day.
  3. Be sure to remove the tail gland (tail), which, when cooked, exudes a specific aroma and flavor.
  4. If you work with a frozen carcass, then you need to defrost it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Defrosting in the microwave or on the counter in the kitchen can result in dry meat at the end of the cooking process.
  5. To prevent the whole duck from drying out during cooking, you need to use a culinary sleeve or foil. To brown the crust, 20–25 minutes before readiness, the carcass must be opened.
  6. Cooking stuffed duck (whole)? You should not stuff it very tightly, as the duck may not be cooked, and the filling will remain raw.
  7. If you are unsure that the duck will have time to cook, then boil it before placing it in the oven. Lower the carcass into boiling salt water for 20 minutes. Pat dry with paper towels and cook as usual.

Marinades for soft and juicy duck

80% of the success of a tasty and juicy duck is the right marinade. It is thanks to him that the meat becomes tender and melts in the mouth. We bring to your attention the best marinades for duck:

  • Egg yolk, fat sour cream, garlic, salt and black pepper.
  • Honey, orange juice, soy sauce, sweet and sour white wine, garlic, salt.
  • Olive oil, ginger root, curry (powder), salt, lemon juice.
  • Shop mustard, mayonnaise, garlic, salt.
  • Honey, sweet and sour white wine, soy sauce, garlic, lemon juice, salt.
  • Vinegar (apple), spices, mayonnaise, garlic, pepper, salt.

Cooking the whole duck. Classic soft, juicy duck with apples

It is known that duck meat has its own specific flavor, and apples give it a delicate sweet and sour taste. For duck with apples, we cook:

  • A carcass weighing 2–2.5 kg.
  • Apples, hard, sweet and sour - 1 kg.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves.
  • Spices: pepper, salt, rosemary, curry (optional).

Cooking duck:

  1. A day before cooking, rub the carcass with spices and garlic passed through a press.
  2. Cooking apples. Remove the core and stuff the duck with them. Cut apples in half if desired.
  3. There are several ways to cook duck:
    - put in a duck bowl, pour 2-3 tablespoons of water;
    - pack in food foil;
    - put in a baking sleeve.
  4. Place the duck in an oven preheated to 200 C. On average, the baking time is 2-3 hours.
  5. 25–30 minutes before readiness, open the carcass (cut the sleeve, unfold the foil, remove the lid from the duckling).
  6. Check the readiness of the meat with a toothpick or a wooden shelf. When punctured, clear juice should come out.

Experiment with marinades and fillings for duck, and then you will get the perfect combination that will become a signature dish on a festive and everyday table.

Roasted duck with apples or oranges served with a delicious side dish is the perfect option for a festive dinner with the family. There are many subtleties regarding how to bake a duck in the oven and what is the best way to serve it.

How to cook duck in the oven

Experienced chefs know how to deliciously cook a bird in the oven so that it turns out juicy, tasty, with fried skin. By following tried and tested recipes, you'll end up with a sumptuous dish that looks like a cookbook photo.

How much to cook

Roasting time is an important factor that must be taken into account when cooking poultry. It depends on the size and weight of the carcass, the baking technology (whole or in pieces). For example, fillets or individual parts are baked for an hour and a half at a temperature of 200 degrees. A whole duck is cooked from two hours (1.5-2 kg) to three hours (2-3 kg). The bird is cooked either in foil or in a special sleeve, which helps the meat to quickly bake from the inside.

Duck in the oven - recipe with photo

Since roasted duck (wild or domestic) is a traditional element of the festive table, a great variety of cooking methods were invented. First of all, the carcass must be thoroughly cleaned of feathers, washed and dried. For a richer flavor and softness, the meat can be marinated in wine, lemon juice or vinegar with spices / spices.

with apples

This recipe is recognized as a classic - apples perfectly emphasize the taste of duck meat.Fruits should be taken hard varieties, late, green, sour in taste. Poultry is best used chilled rather than frozen.


  • duck carcass - 1 pc. for 2 kg;
  • apples - 500 g;
  • spices (cinnamon, ginger, pepper) - to taste;
  • lemon / lime - 0.5 pcs.;
  • oil (olive) - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:


There are many recipes on how to cook a baked bird in its entirety deliciously. This is a standard method that requires almost no additional ingredients. The recipe is very simple, but the result is a delicious holiday treat.


  • whole carcass - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • lime juice - 30 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • black / red pepper (ground), salt, paprika - a pinch each;
  • pure water - 200 g;
  • garlic - 1 head.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the bird, dry with paper towels.
  2. Mix all the spices with mayonnaise, rub the bird with a mass.
  3. Peel the onion from the husk, chop finely.
  4. Chop the garlic.
  5. Fill the inside with the garlic-onion mixture sprinkled with lime juice.
  6. Close the hole with toothpicks.
  7. Wrap the legs and wings with foil to prevent burning.
  8. Place the carcass in the roaster.
  9. Bake for 1.5-2 hours (190 degrees).

Up your sleeve

The baking sleeve is a very convenient device. The stewing of the bird will take place in its own juice, and the baking sheet will remain clean. And to get a golden crust, shortly before the end of cooking, the sleeve must be carefully cut.


  • indo - 2 kg;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • thyme - a couple of branches;
  • black pepper (ground), salt - to taste;
  • sour cream / mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the turkey, dry it, rub with pepper and salt, let it brew for about an hour and a half.
  2. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream.
  3. Scroll the garlic through a meat grinder (or use a blender).
  4. Thoroughly mix the sour cream-mayonnaise sauce with garlic.
  5. Wash apples, cut into slices.
  6. Rub the inside and outside of the indo with the prepared sauce.
  7. Stuff the bird with apples, sew up the hole.
  8. Put the duck in the sleeve, tie it, pierce it several times with a toothpick from different sides.
  9. Bake in the oven for two hours at 200 degrees.

with potatoes

You can stuff a bird for a festive dish with anything, experienced chefs assure. One of the frequently used ingredients is potatoes, which go well with meat. This dish can be served with sauerkraut, pickles, any vegetable salad.


  • gutted duck - 1 pc. (1.5 kg);
  • potatoes - 1 kg .;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse game from all sides, dry with paper towels.
  2. Mince the garlic as finely as possible.
  3. In a bowl, mix mayonnaise, garlic, salt, pepper until smooth.
  4. Start marinating - place the bird on a baking sheet / ducklings, rub the sauce on all sides.
  5. Leave for half an hour to soak.
  6. Peel potatoes, cut into medium pieces.
  7. Do the same with the apple.
  8. Stuff the carcass with a part of apples and potatoes, put a part around it, cover the bird with foil.
  9. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, cook for an hour.
  10. Remove the dish, remove the foil, send to bake for another half hour at least.

with buckwheat

Many chefs use cereals when cooking poultry, and buckwheat porridge is no exception.Duck stuffed with buckwheat in the oven is very easy to prepare. Groats must be boiled in advance in salted water (1 cup of buckwheat for 2.5 cups).


  • duck carcass - 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat - 1 cup;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • dry white wine - 50 g;
  • duck giblets - 1 set;
  • olive oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper, salt - 1 tsp each.

Cooking method:

  1. Gut the bird, finely chop the offal, fry in olive oil until a crust forms.
  2. Boil buckwheat, and then pour the porridge into the pan to the offal, salt and pepper.
  3. Rub the carcass of the bird with spices, stuff with a mixture of porridge with offal, sew up the hole.
  4. Pour lemon juice on top, place on foil, and then on a baking sheet, pour wine over.
  5. Place in a well-heated oven (up to 190 degrees) for an hour and a half.
  6. Every 15 minutes, pour over the dish with the juice that forms during baking.

Duck fillet in the oven

For those who do not want to cut the carcass after cooking, you can cook a dish from pieces of duck breast. Duck fillet in the oven can be combined with any side dish, and you can bake it with ginger and honey - tasty and concise.


  • duck fillet - 250 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ginger - 30 g;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper, salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fillet into small medallion cakes (about 0.5 cm each).
  2. Pound the meat with a kitchen mallet.
  3. Rub the fillet with salt, pepper, and then fry on both sides for 1.5 minutes, transfer to a plate.
  4. Place chopped garlic and ginger in the pan. Roast lightly.
  5. Place all the ingredients in a baking dish, pour over honey and orange juice squeezed from an orange, soy sauce.
  6. Send the dish to cook in the oven at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

With oranges

A popular poultry recipe that comes from French cuisine is duck baked with oranges. The meat will turn out very tender and soft, and a crispy, golden crust will appear on top. You can optionally add apples or any side dish.


  • carcass - 1 pc.;
  • oranges - 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare dressing - mix mayonnaise with pepper and salt.
  2. Rub the mass of the carcass thoroughly.
  3. Wash oranges, peel, divide into slices.
  4. Stuff the chicken with oranges through the hole in the belly.
  5. Sew up the opening with kitchen string or secure with toothpicks.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the duck on a baking sheet, bake for about an hour.
  7. Periodically pour the dish with the juice secreted by the bird during the baking process.

Check out recipes like.

in Beijing

One of the most famous recipes is Peking Duck. For cooking, it will be necessary to prepare poultry fillet, honey and a special dressing. The sauce is called Hoisin, and it's easy to make it at home: you need to mix sesame oil, soy sauce, wine vinegar, chili pepper, Chinese seasonings from five spices.


  • duck (carcass) - 2.5 kg;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • hoisin - 100 g;
  • sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce (dark) - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the carcass with salt, let it soak for several hours.
  2. Dip the bird in boiling water, dry, spread with honey, sesame oil, soy sauce (outside and inside) and leave for an hour.
  3. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees, pour some water into a baking sheet, place a wire rack over it.
  4. Lay the bird on the grill, brushing it with oil.
  5. Fry for half an hour, and then reduce the degrees to 150 and bake for another hour.
  6. Then turn the bird over and cook for half an hour.
  7. After that, cut the meat into small pieces, serve with Hoisin sauce and pita bread.

stuffed with rice

An excellent product that you can stuff a bird with is ordinary long-grain rice, which will serve as a side dish.Duck with rice in the oven is very easy to prepare, and you will need a minimum of ingredients.


  • long grain rice - 400 g;
  • duck carcass - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil rice.
  2. Grate carrots on a medium grater.
  3. Finely chop the onion.
  4. Fry vegetables in a pan, add rice, salt, pepper, simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Start the duck, send to bake in the oven (200 degrees) for an hour.
  6. Periodically water with secreted juice.

With prunes

A variant of the dish for the festive table is a duck in the oven with apples and prunes. These ingredients will give the meat juiciness and softness. The best way is to use a roasting sleeve so the meat cooks in its own juices.


  • prunes - 300 g;
  • duck carcass - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • spices, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour prunes with boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash duck, pat dry with paper towels.
  3. Finely chop the garlic.
  4. Peel apples, cut into slices.
  5. Mix prunes and apples with garlic, sprinkle with coriander, ground pepper, salt.
  6. Stuff the duck, place it in the roasting sleeve.
  7. Cook in the oven for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.
  8. Then turn over and fry for an hour.

Marinade for duck before baking - cooking secrets

Some useful tips from professional chefs on how to marinate duck for roasting in the oven:

  1. Use a fruit marinade to keep the meat tender. For example, juice from an orange or apples.
  2. Adding honey to your marinade is a great way to sweeten the meat.
  3. From vegetable oils it is better to choose olive - it is devoid of a characteristic smell.