How to cook steamed vegetable cutlets. Delicious vegetable cutlets: a selection of the best recipes. Cooking vegetable cutlets in a frying pan, in the oven, or steaming. How to cook cabbage cutlets

Vegetable cutlets are one of the simplest and healthiest dishes with which you can diversify your diet and children's menus. They will also be an excellent addition to meat dishes. There are a lot of options for such cutlets; they can be made from almost any vegetable.

Diet recipe

This low-calorie vegetable cutlet recipe is suitable for those on a diet. These cutlets can be safely given to children.

The egg is boiled and shelled. Carrots and onions are peeled, washed and cut. The egg is also cut into cubes. Place the egg, carrots and onions in a blender container and blend until pureed.

Also in a blender, but separately from other vegetables, chop the cabbage (but you can just chop it very finely with a knife so as not to overdo the chopping).

The cabbage is mixed with the rest of the rolled vegetables, and small cutlets are formed from the vegetable mass with your hands. Fry them in a frying pan (it is better to choose dishes with a non-stick coating so as not to use oil) in turn on each side. The stove needs to be turned on at a low temperature. The readiness of the cutlet is determined by the cabbage - it will become soft.

The dish can be sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Cutlets with cabbage, carrots and semolina

Another recipe for a low-calorie dish is cutlets made from vegetables and cereals.


  • 200 g white cabbage leaves;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g plant. oils;
  • 60 g semolina;
  • 3 g each of salt and pepper;
  • 3 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs for breading.

Production time: 1 hour.

Calorie content per 100 g: 187 kcal.

Cabbage leaves are washed and cut into thin strips. The carrots are peeled, washed and coarsely grated. Turn on the stove (the temperature is set to medium), put a pan of water on it (about 1.5 cups), add oil, add carrots and cabbage. Close the lid and wait until the cabbage becomes completely soft. You need to stir the vegetables periodically. It usually takes 20 minutes for the cabbage to be ready.

After the cabbage is ready, gradually add semolina to the vegetables, while constantly stirring the liquid with a spoon. Reduce the temperature and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Cook over low heat for about 10-15 minutes, so that the semolina is completely boiled. After the semolina is ready, cool the mixture, break eggs into it, add salt and pepper. Form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs.

Then fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil on each side until a light brown crust is obtained.

Cutlets with rice and vegetables

This recipe is interesting because it uses a harmonious combination of mushrooms and vegetables. Rice makes the dish very filling.


  • 100 g canned champignons;
  • 1 piece of onion, carrot, zucchini;
  • 1 tbsp. rice (white, long or round grains);
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. volume. pasta and low-fat sour cream;
  • salt to taste.

Time required for cooking: 1 hour.

Calorie content per 100 g: 89 kcal.

Mushrooms, onions, zucchini are finely chopped. You can also grate carrots using a fine grater. Rice is mixed with mushrooms and vegetables, egg and salt are added, and everything is mixed again. A small amount of water is boiled in a saucepan and balls made from rice and vegetables are placed in it.

Add sour cream and tomato paste there and stir the water. Simmer the cutlets under the lid for 10-15 minutes.

Beet cutlets with carrots

Beets contain many useful substances that are perfectly preserved in cutlets made from them.


  • 2 pcs. beets (take not very large ones);
  • 1 piece each carrots, onions, eggs;
  • 2/3 tbsp. crushed crackers;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • rast. any oil for frying;
  • salt and pepper.

Cooking time: 2 hours.

Calorie content for 100 g: 90 kcal.

Boil the beets until tender. Onions and carrots are chopped with a knife or using a grater, garlic is crushed or grated finely. Carrots with onions and garlic are fried in oil for 5 minutes. Allow the boiled beets to cool, remove the skin and grate.

Beets, carrots with onions, egg, semolina (raw) and salt and pepper are mixed in a bowl. Set aside for 10 minutes, then roll vegetable cutlets made of carrots and beets on all sides in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan for 5 minutes on each side.

Vegetable cutlets

The oven preserves the beneficial properties of vegetables well, and cutlets cooked in it turn out to be less caloric.


  • 200 g each of cabbage and carrots;
  • 300 g potatoes;
  • 100 g onion;
  • 70 g sifted wheat flour;
  • 150 g long grain or round rice;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. rast. oils;
  • 2 g salt.

Time it takes to cook: 1.5 hours.

Calorie content per 100 g: 121 kcal.

Chop the onion and carrots, fry a little in oil. Mix onions, carrots, finely chopped cabbage and grated coarsely raw potatoes. Add rice (not cooked, but washed), then stir.

The mass is mixed, salted and set aside for half an hour. Then cutlets are made from vegetables with rice, rolled in flour and laid out on a baking sheet, which should be greased with oil. You need to cook cutlets with vegetables in the oven for half an hour (at 180 degrees).

Cutlets with zucchini, onions and meat

You can also add more vegetables to meat cutlets. Then the taste of a familiar dish is revealed in a new way.


  • 450g mixed pork and beef mince (not too fatty);
  • 1 zucchini;
  • 100 g onion
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of any plant. oils;
  • 1 tbsp. decoys.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Calorie content for 100 g: 200 kcal.

Wash the zucchini, cut off the peel, and grate it (removing large seeds first). Grind the onion in a blender or meat grinder. Add zucchini, semolina (raw), salt, and onion to the minced meat. Make meat cutlets with vegetables and fry them for 5-7 minutes with vegetable oil, turning them over to the other side in the middle of the process.

Making Delicious Steam Balls

Steamed vegetables turn out very tender and retain more beneficial properties than when fried. And the meat will not be so heavy on the stomach. Therefore, we suggest you prepare chicken cutlets with steamed vegetables.


  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 pcs. onions and zucchini;
  • 0.5 pcs. sweet pepper;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 stalks of green onions.

Time to make cutlets: 1 hour.

Calorie content for 100 g: 90.5 kcal.

Onions, zucchini, peppers are peeled and cut into small cubes. Green onions are also finely chopped. The meat is mixed with onions in a blender. Then combine with the rest of the products (the egg is added raw). Roll the resulting minced meat into balls and place them on the grill of a multicooker or steamer. Cooking time depends on the machine model. Usually it does not exceed 40 minutes.

Vegetable cutlets are easy to prepare, and there should be no difficulties in making them. All products used in the preparation of this dish must be fresh and not spoiled. Vegetables must be washed thoroughly and, if necessary, peeled.

To make it easier to roll balls of minced vegetables and to prevent them from sticking to their hands, housewives usually moisten them with cold water. Cutlets that are too large can fall apart and collapse during frying or boiling, so it’s better to make them medium.

The crispy crust makes the cutlets more beautiful. For it to appear, you need to roll them in breadcrumbs and semolina. Flour is suitable for these purposes when baking a dish in the oven.

Interesting flavor combinations can be achieved by using fresh herbs when preparing cutlets. Don't be afraid to try different combinations of vegetables to create a new and interesting dish. For cutlets, in addition to those already indicated in the above recipes, you can use vegetables such as turnips, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin and many others.

When serving, you can decorate vegetable cutlets with herbs, serve them with sour cream, yogurt, nut or mustard sauces.

Do you agree that any diet program must be tasty? And it is right. After all, constant infringement of oneself in all taste preferences can lead to depression. Today we will talk about vegetable cutlets. This is a healthy and tasty vegetarian dish, which is quite often found in the kitchens of many housewives.

Vegetable cutlets, recipes

In fact, the number of recipes for preparing this original dish is growing every day. And this is not surprising. Vegetable cutlets are prepared very quickly and do not require special expenses. Almost always, you can easily find the main ingredients for lean cutlets in your kitchen. Let's look at the recipe for the most popular versions of this dish.

Steamed vegetable cutlets made from peas

Product composition:

  • 500 grams of peas;
  • 100 grams of semolina;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of premium wheat flour;
  • spices to taste;
  • 2 eggs.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Boil semolina porridge and peas until tender.
  2. Mix the peas and semolina thoroughly and mash with a fork until smooth.
  3. Chop the onion, fry and add to the resulting mixture.
  4. Add flour, spices, eggs and mix everything.
  5. Form medium patties and carefully place them in the steamer. Cooking time is approximately 20–30 minutes.

It is best to serve pea cutlets hot with herbs and sour cream. They turn out aromatic and very tasty. This recipe is also suitable for baking in the oven and frying in a pan.

Vegetable cutlets in the oven from cauliflower

You will need:

  • cauliflower, 1 medium head;
  • chicken egg, 1 piece;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • spices.


  1. Disassemble the cabbage into small inflorescences and boil in salted water until half cooked, let cool.
  2. Chop the cabbage and add the egg, flour, and spices. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Form cutlets from the resulting mixture, rolling each one in breadcrumbs.
  4. Place the cutlets on a baking sheet heated with oil and bake until done. Don't forget to turn the cutlets on both sides sometimes.

Vegetable cauliflower cutlets go well with fresh salads and various white sauces.

Vegetable cutlets in a slow cooker made from potatoes and rice

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • one multi-cup of rice;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • one medium carrot;
  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices to taste;
  • greenery;
  • 1 egg.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the washed rice into a multi-cooker pan and fill with 5 multi-cups of water.
  2. At the same time, place the steamer on top of the rice and evenly place the quartered potatoes there.
  3. Select the "Steam" function and wait until the program finishes (approximately 30 minutes).
  4. Mash the steamed potatoes with a fork and add rice to it, mix everything very thoroughly.
  5. Using the "Frying" program, sauté the onions and carrots until golden brown and combine the frying with the previously obtained minced meat.
  6. Add herbs, egg, spices.
  7. Turn on "Fry" and when the oil is hot enough, place small cutlets in a multi-cooker frying pan with a tablespoon.
  8. Frying time is approximately 10 minutes.

Vegetable cutlets made from potatoes and rice are tender and very juicy. Prepare tomato sauce for them according to your taste and serve as a separate dish slightly cooled.

Vegetable cutlets, reviews

This wonderful dish has two undeniable advantages - speed of preparation and low calorie content. Therefore, vegetable cutlets, recipes with photos of which are countless in world wide web, will appeal to everyone who wants to lose weight or reduce the content of meat in their diet. But before you start preparing these wonderful delicacies, check out a few tips from housewives experienced in this matter.

Recipes for vegetable cutlets can diversify the daily menu, making it balanced, nutritious and extremely tasty. To prepare the main dish, you can use zucchini, cauliflower and white cabbage, beets, carrots, beans, and peas. Cutlets made from ordinary onions are delicious and completely unusual - they attract with an appetizing golden crust and a pleasant aroma. Lentil cutlets add variety to your diet and are very healthy for men.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Nobody can refuse classic potato balls stuffed with fried mushrooms! Preparing vegetable cutlets couldn't be easier. They can be the basis for veggie burgers. Children love them for their light and pleasant taste and appetizing aroma, and adults love them for their low calorie content and ease of preparation. Vegetable cutlets are an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes, hot dishes and cereal porridges. This is a suitable food during fasting and dieting.

The pace of modern life is accelerating, and for people striving for a healthy lifestyle and paying attention to healthy eating, the ability to cook food in a slow cooker has become a salvation. There are many recipes that promote proper nutrition, and steamed diet cutlets cooked in a slow cooker occupy an important place among them.

What types of steamed cutlets are there?

To ensure that the cutlets are not only tasty, but also healthy, they are cooked by steaming or in the oven. However, recently a wonderful way to cook healthy cutlets has appeared - steamed in a slow cooker. A simple device helps you cook delicious food and at the same time mind your own business.

Steamed cutlets can be eaten as a separate dish or served with a side dish. Mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables or salad can serve as a side dish. Delicious steamed cutlets in a slow cooker will be well complemented by your favorite sauce.

When you decide to please your family with a delicious dish, you have to decide on the main ingredient. A classic option would be chicken, veal or pork cutlets in a slow cooker, and minced vegetables and fish will help add variety to your daily diet.

Properly prepared steamed chicken or beef cutlets in a slow cooker will be most suitable for dietary nutrition, as well as for children. It’s even better if the minced meat is made from poultry fillet or lean veal.

Those who are not particularly concerned about their figure and prefer fattier varieties of meat will like steamed pork cutlets in a slow cooker. However, you should add a little oatmeal instead of bread to this minced meat.

There are also several ways to make minced meat for cutlets - sometimes minced meat is prepared in a meat grinder or chopped with a knife, and then the cutlets are called “chopped”. Cooking steamed chopped cutlets in a slow cooker is as easy as cutlets made from traditional minced meat.

Recipes for cooking steamed cutlets in a slow cooker

Many housewives are wondering how to cook steamed cutlets in a slow cooker; recipes with photos will help you choose the best recipe. Each dish can be varied with new spices and unexpected variations of ingredients.

Juicy and tasty chicken fillet cutlets are obtained if you add a little kefir to the minced meat. The dish also includes onions, carrots, eggs and spices. Having spent a little more than 20 minutes on preparing the minced meat and forming the cutlets, and the same amount on cooking in a slow cooker, the housewife will receive a wonderful dish for the whole family.

To know how long to steam cutlets in the Polaris multicooker, you need to focus on the main ingredient. So, chicken cutlets will need 25 minutes, and pork cutlets will need about 40.

Parents of all countries strive to give the best to their children. They choose the best schools, beautiful things and healthy products. Of all the variety offered by shops and markets, parents are increasingly leaning toward turkey meat. It is low in calories and low in fat. Contains many vitamins, microelements and amino acids. Turkey meat contains low cholesterol and is rightfully considered dietary. That is why it is recommended to cook it for children. A simple recipe will tell you how to cook steamed cutlets in a Panasonic multicooker from this meat.

Steamed fish cutlets in a slow cooker for a child (with kefir)

Another very important product in the diet of both children and adults is fish. It can be prepared in many interesting ways, but the most delicious fish will be if you steam minced meat cutlets in a slow cooker. Fish contains phosphorus, protein and vitamins much needed by the body. However, not all children love fish. And then adults try to disguise it in cutlets by adding carrots or potatoes to the recipe. Many children do not like to eat fish for fear of the bone. It’s so unpleasant and painful when it gets stuck in the throat. You can solve this problem by cooking steamed cutlets in a slow cooker, recipes with photos of which are presented below.

A dish prepared according to this recipe will be tender and melt in your mouth due to the kefir added to the minced meat. And the added greens will give the cutlets a beautiful pattern.

Dietary steamed veal cutlets

Boiled veal is recommended for use in any type of diet, for children and nursing mothers. Of all the variety of “red” meats, beef has become the absolute leader. It happens that novice housewives wonder why steamed cutlets are pink. This happens when the cutlets are not cooked enough - you need to steam the cutlets a little longer.

A surprising fact is that veal is a hypoallergenic product. In order to preserve all the vitamins, microelements and nutrients present in beef, and at the same time keep the meat dietary, steam cutlets are prepared from it. Meat prepared in this way remains very tasty and is easily digestible. To find out how to cook steamed cutlets in a Redmond multicooker, you need to refer to the following recipe.


  • Minced veal - 500 grams;
  • Potatoes - 1 piece;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time - 50 minutes.

Yield: 20 cutlets.

Cooking diet steamed cutlets

To prepare such a dish, you can use purchased minced meat or prepare it yourself. For this purpose, you should purchase veal and pass it through a meat grinder. In this case, there will be absolute confidence in the high quality of the minced meat. Answering the question of how to make steamed cutlets in a slow cooker juicy, add the rest of the ingredients to the container with the minced meat.

Onions should be finely chopped or minced in a meat grinder. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater. Add egg, flour and spices. In addition to standard salt and pepper, gourmets can add other spices to the minced meat, for example, Italian herbs or a mixture of herbs.

The resulting minced meat must be thoroughly kneaded. Using hands dipped in water, carefully form cutlets and place in the slow cooker. Thanks to such a simple recipe and the “cooking” mode, you will get delicious steamed cutlets in a slow cooker, the cooking time of which will be about 30 minutes. The finished dish remains to be placed on a beautiful plate. You can serve the cutlets with stewed vegetables or salad.

Excellent mixed minced meat cutlets

Caring about their children's and their own health, parents agree that the most delicious, soft and juicy are homemade steamed cutlets in a slow cooker, made from mixed minced meat. The most successful symbiosis was minced chicken and beef. It is best to use chicken loin and steamed veal. And an unexpected ingredient in such a dish will be oatmeal.


  • Minced meat - 500 grams;
  • Onions - 2 pcs (small size);
  • Oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt, pepper to taste;
  • Greenery.

Cooking excellent cutlets from mixed minced meat in a steamed slow cooker

Minced meat is quite easy to prepare; you can also buy it in the store. Add chopped onion to the meat and add an egg. Often, the recipe for steamed cutlets in a slow cooker includes bread crumb. This way you get more cutlets, and they turn out very tender. The downside of bread crumb is its calorie content.

You can replace this product with oatmeal. It's better if they are small. Then the gluten will be released and help the cutlets keep their shape. Flakes should be taken intended for quick cooking. Another undeniable advantage of the flakes is the rich taste they add to the dish. Sometimes guests are perplexed why steamed cutlets fall apart right on the plate. The answer is simple - there was not enough egg in the minced meat.

To make the dish especially aromatic and very beautiful, add greens to it. Greens should be chosen at your own discretion. Some people prefer dill, others like parsley, and some people don’t see their life without cilantro.

All that remains is to form the cutlets and place them on the bottom of the multicooker greased with vegetable oil. Cooking time for cutlets is 30 minutes.

Steamed rabbit cutlets in a slow cooker

Rabbit meat is completely devoid of fat and therefore useful for both adults and children. To please your loved ones with a delicious dish you will need very little.


  • Rabbit meat - 500 grams;
  • Onion - 1 piece (small size);
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Steaming rabbit meat cutlets in a slow cooker

Grind the rabbit meat in a blender or pass through a meat grinder, chop the onion and add to the meat. Add the remaining ingredients to the minced meat and mix well. Form small balls, place in a slow cooker and cook for 20 minutes. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Steamed vegetable cutlets

Is fasting coming, a fasting day is approaching, or do you just want to treat yourself to something tasty and low-calorie? Then it’s time to cook steamed vegetable cutlets in a slow cooker.

The main ingredients can be: carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, zucchini, turnips, broccoli, beets, cabbage, zucchini and even cauliflower. In addition, fried onions, cereals or herbs are added to the minced meat.

Whatever vegetable is preferred, all cutlets will have something in common - for minced meat, the vegetables should be finely chopped. Vegetables can be used either raw or boiled and, depending on this, cooking steamed cutlets in a multicooker will take slightly more or less time.

Carrot cutlets - a step towards a healthy intestine

Carrots in themselves are very useful, they improve vision, take care of the intestines and have an analgesic effect. However, not everyone can eat raw carrots. After reading the recipe below, you will understand how to cook steamed cutlets in a slow cooker so that they retain all the beneficial properties of carrots.


  • Carrots - 3 pieces (large);
  • Oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Steaming carrot cutlets:

Pre-peeled carrots should be chopped on a grater or in a blender. It is better to drain the resulting juice. You can add a little sugar to it or mix it with apple juice and drink it as a very tasty drink.

Add the remaining ingredients to the carrots and mix well. You can add an egg to the minced meat, but such cutlets are not suitable for Lent.

From the resulting minced meat, form cutlets and place them in a double boiler. Cooking time will be about 20 minutes. It is better to serve the cutlets warm, with sour cream or honey.

Steamed cabbage cutlets in a slow cooker

White cabbage is rich in minerals and trace elements, fructose and glucose, which are so necessary for a person at any time of the year, and in particular in winter, when there is not much choice of vitamins. Steaming cutlets in a slow cooker will help preserve everything healthy and imbue the dish with excellent taste.


  • White cabbage - 600 grams;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp. l.

Preparing steamed cabbage cutlets:

The cabbage must be chopped and simmered for 10 minutes in a frying pan. Transfer the cooled cabbage into a container where the minced meat will be mixed. Add the remaining ingredients there and mix well. The resulting mixture should be left for 15-20 minutes for the semolina to swell.

After the specified time has passed, cutlets should be formed and steamed for 20 minutes. The instructions for the device will help you find out how long to steam cutlets in a multicooker.

Cabbage cutlets can be eaten either warm or cooled. They go well with buckwheat or rice. And the best way to serve these cutlets is to serve them with fresh herbs and sour cream.

Vegetable cutlets made from zucchini and potatoes

You can prepare separate steamed zucchini cutlets in a slow cooker and steamed potato cutlets, or you can make mixed minced meat. With the help of simple mixing, an amazing result is achieved - a tasty and very healthy dish.

Zucchini contains mineral salts, and potatoes are rich in amino acids. The resulting tandem helps normalize metabolism and remove excess fluid from the body.


  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


Potatoes should be grated on a fine grater, and zucchini on a coarse grater. Salt the vegetables and give them time to release their juice, which should then be drained. You need to add the remaining ingredients to the vegetables and knead well. You can also add grated hard cheese and finely chopped herbs to the recipe. Steam for 20 minutes.

Using the same recipe, you can steam pumpkin cutlets in a slow cooker. All ingredients and their quantities will remain the same as in the recipe if you take 500 grams of pumpkin. Those with a sweet tooth will love the sweet pumpkin cutlets served with sour cream.

Steamed squid cutlets in a slow cooker

In addition to minced meat and vegetables, there are also fish ones. The method of preparing fish cutlets differs little from meat cutlets. The minced meat is also prepared and cutlets are formed. The main difference is in the spices, because fish goes well with thyme and nutmeg.

In addition to fish, seafood is often used for cutlets. Squid cutlets will surprise even the most picky person.


  • Squid - 500 grams;
  • Onions - 1 pc. (small);
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • White bread - 2 pieces;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Steaming squid cutlets in a slow cooker:

When answering the question of how to make steamed cutlets in a slow cooker, you need to start by preparing the squid. Whether fresh or frozen squid carcasses, they should be cleaned by removing chords and membrane. Dry on a paper towel and chop.

Soak the bread crumb in milk or water for 10 minutes. Finely chop the onion and fry in a frying pan until browned. Combine all ingredients, squeeze out bread and place in minced meat. All ingredients should be mixed well, future cutlets should be formed and dipped a little in breadcrumbs. Preparing the dish will take no more than 25 minutes. Serve with soy sauce, potatoes or vegetables.

Contraindications and instructions for the use of steam cutlets

Every person who cares about their health periodically tries to figure out what to eat and what to avoid. Here are a few questions about how and what kind of steamed cutlets to eat, and the answers to them:

Is it possible to steam cutlets for ulcers?

Peptic ulcer disease is directly related to the quality of nutrition. Because of this, diet is the main prescription. The diet should contain a maximum of vitamins and minerals, but not so many foods that can be consumed. And to make fractional meals tasty, you have to resort to tricks. So, to make the porridge tastier, they are served with paired cutlets from white fish, veal or chicken fillet.

Is it possible to steam cutlets while breastfeeding?

In the first months of a child’s life, his health directly depends on the mother’s nutrition. To exclude allergies, you should avoid fish, eggs, flour, semolina and brightly colored vegetables. Turkey, chicken or beef cutlets are suitable for a nursing mother. It is important to replace the flour with oatmeal and steam the cutlets without eggs.

Is it possible to steam cutlets for pancreatitis?

Inflammation of the pancreas makes adjustments to a person’s diet. You have to make meals more frequent and lighter, and replace fatty pork with veal or chicken. Chicken meat helps support the patient’s immune system with the help of the macro and microelements it contains. Steam cutlets made from mixed minced meat, such as veal and poultry, are juicy and tender.

When answering the question whether it is possible to steam cutlets for pancreatic cancer, one should say not only possible, but also necessary. However, you need to know moderation in everything and use only the “right” products for cooking, avoiding fatty foods. And shaping each meal so that it slightly exceeds one tablespoon in quantity.

Is it possible to steam cutlets for gastritis?

This dish is allowed to be consumed if the disease is not in its acute stage. You need to cook steamed cutlets from dietary meat with a small amount of salt and no spices at all. It is recommended to use steamed cutlets from river and sea fish of low-fat varieties. Pike perch or pollock are ideal. You can add a little carrots or greens to the minced meat, so the color will become more attractive, the taste will be more interesting, and the food will be more digestible for the stomach.

Is it possible to steam cutlets for diabetes?

With this disease, the main thing is to exclude quickly digestible carbohydrates such as flour, pork and sugar from the diet. Vegetable steamed cutlets, as well as cutlets made from lean meat, are perfect for diabetics.

Despite all of the above, for every disease you must strictly adhere to the diet prescribed by your doctor.

Little tricks for cooking steamed cutlets in a slow cooker

  1. In order for the cutlets to remain tasty and at the same time help to take care of your figure, you should replace white bread and flour with oatmeal.
  2. So that the cutlets are beautiful and the minced meat comes off easily. Hands should be wetted with cold water.
  3. It happens that a dish prepared according to a recipe is not very tasty, and the hostess is perplexed as to why the steamed cutlets turned out dry. Adding a tablespoon of sour cream or kefir to the minced meat will help avoid such a sad result. Another little secret in preparing this dish is semolina. If you replace the flour with semolina, the cutlets will be more tender.
  4. Trying to find out why the steamed cutlets are hard, housewives begin to complain about the meat supplier, which is not entirely true. Any minced meat, meat or fish, should be thoroughly beaten before adding the remaining ingredients. To do this, the minced meat is formed into a large ball and hit quite hard on the table. To reduce the likelihood that the minced meat will scatter throughout the kitchen, you can pre-fold it in a plastic bag.
  5. It is also interesting that you can make sweet cutlets from carrots or pumpkin. And to please yourself with fresh cutlets, you should prepare them for future use. Steaming frozen cutlets in a slow cooker is as easy as cooking fresh ones.
  6. If you want to prepare a delicious dish the first time, you need to specify in the instructions for your electronic assistant how long it takes to steam cutlets in a multicooker of this brand. And, of course, for the cutlets to be appetizing, they need to be properly served on a beautiful platter with sauce or side dish.

    See other step-by-step recipes with photos

  • How to cook julienne with mushrooms and chicken at home
    Apple pancakes with semolina on kefir without oil with oat flakes and bran

For many, vegetable cutlets seem something unusual and not entirely appropriate in everyday nutrition.

However, this is a decent dish.

Based at least on the fact that vegetable cutlets are excellent for children's and dietary nutrition.

They will help solve the problem of what to cook during Lent or how to diversify the vegetarian table.

And for a regular breakfast, lunch, dinner, vegetable cutlets are great, becoming an alternative or addition to the usual dishes of meat, fish, and cereals. Moreover, a great variety of different options for tasty and healthy vegetable cutlets have been invented.

Basic principles of cooking vegetable cutlets

1. Cutlets can be made from various vegetables. The most beloved and common are potato and cabbage. Vegetable cutlets are also prepared from carrots, beets, onions, beans and peas, eggplants and zucchini, pumpkin and other gifts of nature.

2. The most rich in taste characteristics are cutlets fried in oil. At the same time, they are prepared both in the oven and steamed; these options will be more dietary.

3. Preparation principle - vegetables are chopped, mixed with salt, spices, raw eggs. Flour, semolina or breadcrumbs are added to strengthen it. Next they are fried or baked.

4. Vegetables can be used both raw and pre-cooked - this applies to eggplant, cabbage, and beets.

5. Vegetable cutlets can be prepared either based on one ingredient or by mixing different products.

Potato vegetable cutlets, or what to do with the remaining mashed potatoes?

These cutlets are made from mashed potatoes. A good solution if there was an excess of this dish and it was left over from a lunch or holiday table. To use ready-made puree for cutlets, you need to warm it up with a small amount of milk and knead it well. You can also specially prepare puree for the cutlets; with a fresh base, they will be more fluffy and lighter.


4 large potatoes


Half a glass of milk

3 spoons of flour

Greens to taste

Oil for frying.

Cooking method

Boil the potatoes in salted water, make a puree from them with the addition of milk.

To make the cutlets more durable and not fall apart during frying, add an egg.

Add chopped herbs to chalk.

The onion can be put raw, finely chopped, or fried in oil.

Add two tablespoons of flour and knead the potato mixture. Try to make a cutlet. If the mass is too soft, add a little flour.

Fry the cutlets in a frying pan with butter, first rolling them in flour.

These cutlets are best eaten hot. Sour cream will go well with them, but the best seasoning option is mushroom sauce.

Vegetable cutlets from cabbage with semolina: tenderness in a golden brown crust

Cabbage cutlets have a pleasant, rather bright taste, a delicate texture, and can be enjoyed both cold and hot.


500 g fresh white cabbage

3 tablespoons semolina

3 tablespoons milk

Black pepper, cumin

Oil for frying.

Cooking method

Shred the cabbage thinly. It is better if it is young white or Chinese cabbage.

Place in a frying pan with oil and simmer over low heat.

When the cabbage has softened, add salt and pour in the milk.

It is enough to simmer young tender cabbage for about ten minutes, if it is tougher, longer.

The moisture should not completely evaporate.

Turn off the stove and add semolina, mix well.

Cool until warm, beat in eggs, add spices.

Form cutlets and roll in semolina and fry in oil.

Carrot and beet cutlets: simple vegetable joys

Carrot cutlets, and even more so beets, seem like a confusing dish. On the one hand, this is not a dessert, on the other hand, vegetables are initially sweet. In fact, carrots and beets make delicious cutlets that can be used as an independent dish, or as a side dish for meat or fish.


500 g beets or carrots or both vegetables in any proportion

1 onion

2 tablespoons semolina or flour

2 cloves garlic

A teaspoon of lemon juice - optional

Black pepper

Oil for frying.

Cooking method

Boil beets and carrots whole and grate them or chop them in another way.

Add chopped onion and garlic, ground black pepper.

Add salt and sprinkle with lemon juice so that the cutlets are not too bland. However, you can do without this.

Add semolina or flour and let stand.

Make round, flattened cutlets and fry in hot oil, first rolling them in semolina or flour.

Vegetable cutlets “prefabricated”

This recipe combines several different vegetables. Together they give a pleasant taste to a slightly crispy vegetable dish with different shades. If desired, you can introduce some other vegetables or replace some with others. The recipe is basic and leaves room for creativity.


200 g zucchini - preferably young with tender skin

200 g eggplants

2 large potatoes

1 onion or green onion

Black pepper


Vegetable oil.

Cooking method

First you need to prepare the vegetables. Eggplants require the most time. They need to be baked in the oven with the skin on. Then peel and chop - mash with a fork or chop in a blender.

Boil the potatoes until fully cooked, drain the water, reserving a couple of spoons. Pound with a masher or use a blender assistant.

Grate the zucchini. If you choose a small one, you will have a more homogeneous mass. If you rub on a large one, you will feel pieces of vegetables. You can also grind it in a blender.

Finely chop the onion. You can fry it a little with a little oil. If you need a more dietary option, then put it raw. If you have green onions, just chop them finely.

Mix all the vegetables, add salt and pepper. Break the eggs there. Using breadcrumbs, bring the mixture to a soft minced state.

Make cutlets of any shape, and then, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in a frying pan with hot oil.

Cutlets from different vegetables: a delicious mix in the oven

Vegetable cutlets can be cooked not in a frying pan, but in the oven. This will make them more dietary. Cutlets in muffin tins or the like will be especially attractive to children. And the healthy ingredients will make them a dish of proper nutrition.


Half a medium zucchini

Large potatoes

2 carrots

1 onion

1 piece bell pepper

1 clove of garlic

50 g hard cheese

2-3 tablespoons flour

Dill and black pepper to taste

Cooking method

Grate potatoes, carrots, and zucchini on a fine grater. Add salt and place in a sieve or colander to drain excess moisture.

Finely chop the onion and bell pepper, crush the garlic.

Grate the cheese also on a fine grater.

Mix all ingredients.

Divide the mixture into molds and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Let cool slightly and remove from the molds.

You can use a large baking sheet, then you just need to spread the mass evenly and bake, after cooling, cut.

These vegetable cutlets-muffins can easily be frozen and stored in the freezer. You can prepare them for future use and take them out as needed.

Vegetable, hearty, protein: recipe for pea cutlets

Legumes are also classified as vegetables. You can make delicious cutlets from them. Their advantage is their satiety and high protein content. Therefore, such a dish can successfully replace meat in the diet of adults and children. For cutlets, soybeans, lentils, beans, and peas are used. Let's talk about pea cutlets.


300 g dry peas

50 g dry semolina

2 medium onions

Black pepper

Oil for frying

Flour or breadcrumbs.

Cooking method

Wash the peas and cook until tender without pre-soaking.

To speed up the process, add cold water little by little.

At the end of cooking, add salt.

Five minutes before the end, carefully add semolina, stirring constantly, as when preparing semolina porridge.

Fry the chopped onion in oil and add to the porridge.

When the mass becomes warm, add a little flour or breadcrumbs and mix well.

Roll in flour or breadcrumbs, fry on both sides in oil.

You can place this mixture on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10 minutes instead of frying.

Steamed vegetable cutlets

Vegetable cutlets are steamed. It's quick and easy. This dish is suitable for people with digestive problems, when oil and other methods of cooking are excluded. Steamed vegetable cutlets are suitable for feeding small children. Prunes will add a piquant taste, but this product can be omitted if desired.


1 carrot

1 medium beet

1 onion

1 large or 2 medium potatoes

Several prunes

2 tablespoons semolina

Greens optional.

Cooking method

Bake potatoes in the oven or boil them in their skins. Peel, crush.

Soak prunes in hot water, dry and chop.

Grate carrots and beets on a fine grater.

Cut the onion into small cubes.

Mix the ingredients, add semolina, salt, add chopped herbs, leave for 15 minutes for the semolina to swell.

Form cutlets and place on a greased steamer rack. Cook for 20-30 minutes.

Secrets and tricks of cooking vegetable cutlets

Unusual at first, vegetable cutlets, after cooking, often become a regular dish in the family. A real lifesaver in times of economy, which is important for many. Vegetable cutlets will be tasty, healthy, and easy to prepare if you follow certain tricks.

    To prevent the vegetable cutlets from falling apart when frying, add an egg to them. However, this is not enough. It is important to mix the minced meat very well. Form the cutlets with wet hands, squeezing the pieces of minced meat well.

    If you want a golden brown crust, be sure to roll the cutlets in semolina or breadcrumbs.

    To prevent the cutlets from becoming saturated with excess oil when frying, it must be well heated. However, not in excess, otherwise the semolina or flour will start to burn. There is a simple way to determine the condition of the oil. Add a tiny pinch of flour to the hot oil. If it sinks, the oil has not yet warmed up. If it starts smoking, it's overheating. If the flour sizzles and seems to foam, it’s time to put the cutlets in the frying pan.

    The less time vegetable cutlets are cooked, the more vitamins are retained in them. In addition, carrots, cabbage, and beets are edible raw, so it’s better to almost overcook them than to overcook them in a frying pan and kill all the beneficial substances of the original vegetables.

    It’s better to make small vegetable cutlets - it’s easier to turn them over in the pan, and there’s less chance of breaking them.

    Sour cream sauce and herbs are a great addition to any vegetable cutlets. You can use various other sauces and seasonings.

    Almost all vegetable cutlets can be eaten both hot and cold. They do not contain fat, so they do not have an unpleasant greasiness when cooling.

Bon appetit!