How to glue a ceiling plinth step by step instructions. How to glue the ceiling plinth correctly with your own hands. With decorative corners

Do you want to cut and paste the skirting board on the ceiling correctly, but don't know how to do it? At first glance, this does not seem difficult, but if we consider everything in more detail, then everything is not so simple. The photo below shows how to properly cut and glue the inner and outer corner of the ceiling plinths (fillets) made of foam or polyurethane. All instructions are written step by step in an understandable form with examples.

Ceiling plinths are usually made when it is necessary to close the gaps between the ceilings and the finishing materials on the wall. For example, you have decided, and the farther along the wall, the larger and wider the gap between the ceiling and the wallpaper becomes. I know one person with whom such a situation happened, he did not listen to experienced people and the end result was what he least wanted. And he had to run to the nearest store and buy fillets.

How to glue the ceiling plinth

So let's get started. First, measure the footage of the perimeter of the room and determine how many fillets you need. The length usually goes according to the standard 2 meters. But it is best to buy with a margin, just in case. Also decide on the width that suits you. They can be glued to the wall in different ways.

Before installing the ceiling plinth, it is necessary to prepare the ceiling or wall - their evenness is checked. If there are defects, then level and putty, with a mandatory surface primer. If there are small irregularities, for such a case, fillets with soft edges can be used, which will not create very noticeable drops.

The first way: on a special putty or acrylic (before wallpapering). And the second: immediately on the wallpaper and on the sealant.

Most prefer to mount directly on the wallpaper. We advise as an option to glue on silicone sealant, it is perfect for this job. The manufacturer does not play much importance here. Everything will hold up great. But this method is even suitable for those who have curved walls, since gaps can form between the wall and the fillets, they will need to be covered with the same sealant. It is white, so it will turn out more or less normal.

It is desirable to align the walls. Masters advises to glue the ceiling skirting boards on the putty, that is, before pasting the wallpaper. Thus, the cracks are sealed with putty. And accordingly adjust the wallpaper to the fillets themselves. This option is for the more experienced.

In general, craftsmen prefer to glue the foam baseboard on acrylic white sealant, it can be easily applied, it holds well and dries quickly. Its main property is that they can close cracks, corners and it colors well. The cost of acrylic sealant is within 100 rubles. and it makes little sense to buy an expensive one.

In general, everyone decides for himself which method to use.

How to make a montage

You need to start from the corner of the room. And this is where the problems can start. At first glance, it seems that making the corner of the ceiling plinth is simple, believe me, it is not. You can buy ready-made corners in the store, they are sold together with fillets. If you can't find it, you'll have to cut the corners yourself.

You need to cut using the following tools: miter box, hacksaw, sharp knife. Insert a piece of material into the miter box at an angle of 45 degrees and press firmly. Now it remains at the right angle and cut the ceiling plinth from the right side.

Take your time to glue the cornices along straight sections. First take care of the corners - in this case, you can trim them if necessary, or sand them until a good joint is obtained.

Now we will understand in more detail how the installation of the ceiling plinth is done with photo examples.

How to cut the corner of the ceiling fillet internal and external with a photo

Thus, we cut the plinth, if you need to get an external corner.

As a result, these are the edges of the fillet.

Then the inside corner. Pay your attention, but at what angle and from which side of the miter box you need to cut the ceiling plinth.

Tip: When cutting any of these materials, you should use a fine-toothed hacksaw. Otherwise, an uneven end of the part may result. The large tooth of the tool will bite the material.

This is what happened in the end, after cutting and gluing to the wall ...

The site advises to start practicing on pieces, if everything works out, then go ahead, cut out the inner and outer corners.

If you did everything right, then cut the first corner turned out. You can glue two corner skirting boards to the wall. If you have chosen the method of gluing on the wallpaper, then coat the fillets with glue and attach them more tightly to the wall. Residual adhesive can be removed with a soft cloth. Also cover the gaps between the wall with glue.

If you have chosen a way to fix the ceiling plinth before wallpapering, then they need to be fixed with putty. Apply putty to the fillet with a spatula. And attach it tightly to the wall. Remove residue with a spatula or a damp cloth. Cracks can also be covered with putty.

Tips for facilitating the installation of ceiling dumbbells:

  • To measure correctly, the bar is measured between two corners. At the same time, for internal corners, the length is measured from internal elements, and the distance from external corners is measured from a point that is at a distance from the internal one equal to the width of the plinth deep into the room.
  • When installing foam plinths at the junction between the wall and the stretch ceiling, the glue is applied to the part of the plinth in contact with the wall, and not with the canvas.
  • The final fixation of the skirting board is carried out after adjusting the angle of the adjacent plank to it.
  • If the wall, ceiling and floor have a right angle, it is easier to adjust the planks below by laying out the parts on the floor or on a prepared table.
  • Small gaps remaining in the corners are puttied.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the installation of ceiling plinths made of rare wood. In this case, puttying the gaps will most likely not give the expected result. A bright spot will appear on the background of the texture.

Well, are the inner and outer corners ready? So you are doing the installation of the fillet correctly. Now take the next bar and attach it to the wall to the glued plinth in the same way and do not forget to coat the corner joint. When you get to the next corner, carefully measure the distance that is left, and cut off the missing part, everything should be very accurate. The side that goes butt to butt with the plinth will remain unchanged. So cut out each corner. When everything is glued, they can be painted under. Good luck gentlemen and remember that you need to cut after determining the exact size.

Seam masking and painting

If, after gluing the ceiling plinth, there are small gaps between the planks, this is absolutely not a problem, because they can be easily eliminated by rubbing in white sealant. If you have not yet whitewashed and painted the ceiling, then the next one will be the best option.

With a light putty, you need to walk along all the glued planks, smearing them with a coloring composition, and after drying, remove the excess with a fine sandpaper or a special sanding sponge for plastering work. After such a final finish, the ceiling and moldings will become one, and you, in turn, will not find a single gap.

After you have glued the ceiling plinth and eliminated all the flaws, you can start painting the plinth. The process of painting the baseboard is considered optional, but if you want to give your ceiling a finished and more attractive look, then you still need to paint the baseboard.

way, guess

A simple "collective farm" option is to cut "by eye" at 45 °. For this, a joined part is taken, which is adjusted to the previous angle in fact.

You can try on the design on weight, this is a rather long and painstaking business. Need maximum precision!

When fitting, constantly try on the resulting pairing in place. Only after a few fittings can you achieve a good result, and then glue the baseboard on the base. In short, you can't do without experience :)

A way to fit a skirting board without using a miter box

Video tips to help you glue the ceiling plinth

November 23, 2016
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Today you will learn how to glue the ceiling plinth correctly. Many mistakenly believe that the plinth on the ceiling is very easy to stick. And the result of such a delusion is crookedly located, poorly docked and sometimes falling off elements. All these troubles can be avoided if you follow a few simple recommendations, which will be discussed later.

Description of 2 workflow options

Let's figure out how to glue foam and polyurethane skirting boards, since these options are used in 90% of modern houses and apartments. The technology is based on your own experience, so you just need to repeat all the steps, especially since gluing is a simple process, it does not require building skills, accuracy and accuracy are much more important.

Option 1 - fastening to putty composition

This option is suitable if you have not yet pasted the wallpaper, I consider it the most preferable, as the result is of high quality and reliable. Thus, it is possible to fix both foam and polyurethane, and gypsum elements.

First, let's figure out what materials are needed.

Material Selection Guide
plinth You yourself choose the specific option, it is important to remember a simple rule: for low ceilings and small rooms it is better to take narrow planks, and wide elements are more suitable for high rooms.

Foam plastic products are most often used, they are distinguished by low price, a large range of possible options and minimal weight.

putty Many do not know what to glue the elements on and buy special glue, while the remnants of putty disappear at hand. There are no special requirements, the main thing is that the mixture is suitable for work and with a normal shelf life (it is not worth using fossils from bags that have stood in the basement for several years)
Primer To fix the elements on the base as firmly as possible, you need to prepare the surface. An acrylic-based primer is best suited for this.

You can also use a gypsum adhesive, but I do not recommend it for the simple reason that the mixture sets very quickly, and there is not very much time to set all the elements perfectly.

Now let's figure out what tool is used to glue and prepare the plinth:

  • Cutting is best done with a hacksaw with a fine tooth size, a metal tool is best. I recommend using a construction knife only for elements up to 20 mm wide, since it is impossible to cut wide planks in such a way with high quality and evenness;

  • For perfect cutting corners, you will need a special device, it is called a miter box;

  • Putty is applied with a spatula up to 100 mm wide;
  • A brush is needed to apply the primer;
  • If roughness remains on the surface, it is easiest to remove them with fine sandpaper.

Now let's figure out how to properly glue the ceiling plinth:

  • First of all, it is necessary to check the junction of the ceiling and the wall, if there are irregularities on the surface, then they must be eliminated;
  • The place where the frame will be attached must be treated with a primer, just go over with a brush to strengthen the surface. The soil must be mixed before use (if you have a ready-made composition) or diluted (if you have a concentrate);
  • It is best to pre-mark the plinth placement line, you can simply take the element and draw its position. This will allow you to see clear guidelines when working, you will control the process and do not fix the product crookedly;

  • Measuring the exact length of the elements is a very important process, if you make a mistake even by a couple of millimeters, then there will be gaps at the joints that will have to be sealed. Therefore, do everything with maximum accuracy and measure the dimensions to the millimeter in order to join all the components as tightly as possible;

  • After the dimensions are determined, it is necessary to mark the lines on the plinth and cut. It is important here to install the plinth in the miter box as it should be, if you mix something up that will ruin the product. The diagram below shows how to set the planks correctly when cutting the joints of internal and external corners, use the drawing as a hint when working;

  • When the preparation of the elements is completed, you can prepare the glue for the ceiling plinth. To do this, we just need to dilute the putty with water in the same way as for finishing work, the mixture should be moderately thick and well mixed so that there are no lumps in it;
  • Now you need to apply the composition to those sides of the baseboard that will be pressed against the base. The layer should be uniform, but not very thick, otherwise, after pressing, a lot of excess will come out from all sides, which you will have to remove. It is not necessary to apply the mixture on surfaces that do not come into contact with the wall and ceiling, there is no use in this;

  • How to glue the ceiling plinth? It's simple: work starts from the corner in the most prominent place, the element is attached to the surface and pressed tightly against it. Most likely, excess composition will come out from under the element, they should be carefully removed while the composition is fresh, and this is easy to do;

  • When the excess is removed, the gaps at the joints, if any, are closed at the same time. That is, you carefully align the connection, giving it a perfect look, this putty is better than glue. Even if there are irregularities on the wall, you immediately cover them up and thereby achieve the perfect result;

  • The next element is attached in the same way. But, before sticking the plinth to be joined, you need to put putty on the end joint, so you can immediately close the joint and fasten the planks in this place. The most important thing is to clearly combine the products so that the overall geometry is perfect, any displacement will be very striking;

  • If, after drying, there are irregularities at the joints, then they should be carefully removed with sandpaper. After that, the surface is painted in the desired color, everything is simple here. The only thing worth mentioning is that if you need to protect the walls or ceiling from paint, then masking tape is pre-glued so that the work goes quickly and efficiently.

When pressing the foam plinth, do not press on it with your fingers, as the material is soft and there may be traces on the surface that will either have to be puttied or left as is. The easiest way to press the elements is with the back of your hand.

Option 2 - use of adhesive composition

This type of work can be used both on bare walls and on surfaces that are already covered with wallpaper. The only thing I want to draw your attention to is that the wallpaper must be glued securely, if they start to fall off later, then the plinth will also come off.

First of all, let's figure out which glue is better to glue the plinth on:

  • Universal mounting compounds are a transparent mass that hardens slowly and is used for different types of materials. The most popular option is "Titanium", it is often called polystyrene glue, although it is for this material, and not from it. I rarely use this composition, since working with it is inconvenient: the surface is smeared, left for a while, then pressed and held;

  • An excellent solution is liquid nails, they are available both in special cylinders for a gun and in tubes. There are special options for polystyrene foam products, they are the best to use;

  • How to quickly glue the skirting board if there is no glue at hand? Acrylic sealant is perfect, it has the right viscosity and very securely fixes the elements. Personally, I use this option most often, as it has another important advantage, which I will discuss in the description of the work below.

It makes no sense to consider the list of necessary tools, since it is similar to the section described above, with the only difference being that in this case a spatula is not needed and there is no need to prepare the composition. Therefore, I will immediately begin to explain how to properly stick the elements.

The do-it-yourself work scheme consists of the following points:

  • First of all, the surface must be checked for irregularities, if any, then it is desirable to eliminate them so that the planks are pressed as tightly as possible;
  • Then the length of the required elements is measured, you can also mark the wall to see the location of the plinth, these operations have already been described above;
  • Cutting is done with a miter box;

If it turned out that this device is not there, then you can make it on a sheet of paper or cardboard, the main thing is to correctly set aside the corners. It is more difficult to work with such a device, but as a way out of the situation it will work perfectly.

  • We discussed above how to glue the elements with glue, and if you have an option in a bottle, then do not forget to purchase a gun to simplify the application process. The composition is distributed by a line on those surfaces that will be glued. Sometimes the elements are attached only to the wall, in this case the glue is applied only on one side;

  • The elements are neatly placed at the point of gluing and fastened as indicated in the instructions for use of the composition. Some options need to be held, some pressed, then removed for a while to set the glue, but it's easier to use those that set quickly: pressed, held for a few seconds - and that's it (sealant is just right for this);

  • The plinth is left until the glue dries (the time is indicated on the packages with the composition), after which it is necessary to close the gaps that may occur at the joints or in places of irregularities on the walls. Acrylic sealant is used for work (that's why I wrote above that it is most convenient to use it), it is applied in the necessary places, after which its excess is removed with a rubber spatula or even a finger to make the joint neat and even;

  • If necessary, the skirting board is painted, but before that it is desirable to prime it. If you do everything carefully, then the frame will look great anyway, because both the planks and the sealant are white, and if there are no irregularities on the surface, then the joints will be almost invisible against the general background.

I am often asked if there is a self-adhesive skirting board for ceilings? But so far I have not seen such options, there are flexible elements for the floor and bathroom, so the ceiling structures will have to be fixed with traditional options.


From the article you learned what is better to glue skirting boards on. All the options I have considered are reliable and durable, it’s just that some technologies are simpler and some are more difficult. The video in this article will tell you more information and visually show some important points of the workflow. If you have questions and clarifications on the topic - write them in the comments under this review, we will analyze them in the most detailed way.

You do not always know which ceiling plinth to choose in the store. However, installation raises even more questions for owners of apartments and houses. By our own example and guided by personal experience, we will tell you how to glue the ceiling plinth and how to attach it securely.

Before you glue the ceiling plinth, you need to decide for yourself what kind of material will be used. Products made of polystyrene, plastic and polyurethane differ in their structure, so the gluing will be different. When choosing how to glue the ceiling plinth, the type of surface is also taken into account, since the ceiling and walls are often finished with completely different materials.

Ceiling fillet can be attached in two main ways. The first is when the ceiling plinth is fixed after the final surface finish. For example, you managed to stick wallpaper, began to install decorative plaster. Such a do-it-yourself installation of a ceiling plinth is considered the simplest. However, in this case, when replacing one wallpaper with another, it will be necessary to dismantle and glue the fillets again.

The second way is the answer to the question of how to properly glue the ceiling plinth even before the wall is finished. On the one hand, it is easier to attach a ceiling plinth, and on the other hand, you will have to adjust the plaster and wallpaper to avoid joints. This installation of the ceiling plinth is good because when refinishing you will not need to remove it. If expensive ceiling plinths are used, it is best suited.

Popular bonding technologies

At first glance, how to glue baguettes to the ceiling should not be difficult. But as practice shows, this is not so. Much depends on what kind of glue to glue the ceiling plinth, which do-it-yourself ceiling plinth is used (made of plastic, polyurethane or foam).

How to properly stick a ceiling plinth in a house where all the walls are crooked, and the ceilings are also uneven? What to glue ceiling plinths on when the coating starts to crumble at one touch? This is what most modern apartments look like, and there is no fault of yours. How to be in such a situation and how to glue baguettes on the ceiling?

Below you will find detailed instructions on how to stick a polystyrene or polystyrene ceiling plinth:

  • We begin the fastening of the ceiling plinth with a thorough surface treatment. If there is a layer or smudges glued 10 years ago on the wall, before making the ceiling plinth, these smudges are removed with a spatula. As an additional tool, you can use sandpaper or a grid designed specifically for grouting. If you observe a glued or puttied joint between the ceiling and the wall, it is too early to glue the skirting boards on the ceiling. First, this joint must be primed.
  • If you are also interested in how to properly glue baguettes to the ceiling, start by attaching each corner. Only after that it will be possible to customize the remaining parts. The corners to install the ceiling elements are cut with a miter box. The installation of ceiling moldings made of foam plastic involves the use of a form that forms 45 and 90 degrees.
    You need to know in detail how to fix the ceiling plinth and how even the walls in the apartment are. If this is not the case, working with the miter box will be problematic. You will have to make a template yourself that will help you cut the ceiling baguette and join the corners.
  • When the corners are cut, you can think about what to glue the ceiling plinth to. It is very convenient to glue the ceiling plinth with Moment Installation glue. To glue the ceiling skirting boards with high quality, apply the liquid pointwise and in a small amount. Otherwise, the adhesive may seep out and get on the stucco molding. The glued layer will be extremely difficult to remove, because household chemicals cannot be used. Therefore, when we glue the ceiling plinth, the substance is applied to the middle of the product. When the ceiling plinth is successfully fixed, the resulting technological gap is sealed with sealant. There is one simple rule, how to choose a ceiling plinth and a sealant for it. They must have the same color.
  • You already have general information on how to properly install a ceiling plinth. It remains to find out in more detail how to properly glue the fillets to the wall. Before installing the ceiling plinth, it is tried on and carefully cut off in the right place. The ceiling baguette with the applied composition is applied to the surface and pressed very gently. Keep in mind that the name "styrofoam" is fully consistent with the properties of this plastic material. Just one careless move can lead to a crack or a serious dent. How to glue the skirting board on the ceiling if a defect appears on it is still that problem. Baguette for the ceiling will look unpresentable. You may need to pick up another element, and this is an additional cost.
  • How to glue baguettes to the ceiling with an alternative adhesive? Indeed, you can cook it yourself. Immediately before gluing the plinth to the ceiling, PVA glue, finishing putty and water are mixed in one container. Do you know the name of the ceiling plinth that was glued in this way? That's right, dead! Because it is very strong and reliable. For ceilings, such a mixture should have the consistency of porridge.

With foam, we figured it out - plastic is next in line. If we discuss this material and what to glue the ceiling plinth to, you will have two options - their polyurethane and PVC. How to choose a ceiling plinth, taking into account the pros and cons of each of them? We will talk about this now.

A ceiling plinth made of polyvinyl chloride (aka PVC) attracts attention in that it has its own special box for laying wires during the fastening process. How to glue this type correctly?

It turns out that the installation also starts from the corners. They cut correctly thanks to the miter box, although you can just go to the store and buy new ones. By choosing the “buy now” option, you will make your life much easier. But you need to do this before you start attaching aluminum rails or plastic panels. The plastic is installed on the mounting plate - it is fixed with self-tapping screws.

How to glue a fillet, albeit less reliable, but in a simple way? Liquid nails or sealant will help you with this. Acrylic composition is always applied quickly. Before doing this, it is advisable to wet your hands with water.

The hardest thing to work with is polyurethane. It has a decent weight. It is glued in the same way as foam plastic, but choosing an adhesive composition is more difficult. Most homeowners opt for liquid nails. They can be called "Moment" or something else - it doesn't matter. But with their help it is quite possible to glue the polyurethane fillet to absolutely any surface.

After preparing the surface and removing the remaining adhesive, you proceed to fixing. For 10-15 minutes, a layer of soil is applied to the surface. The corners are glued on their own, but the main layer of work is best done by two or even three. This will allow you to perform fasteners not only faster, but also many times better. Don't overlook this little tip!

After the laying is completed, the resulting joints are treated with silicone or acrylic sealant. This work can be considered completed.

Congratulations! You have just learned how to properly glue the skirting board on the ceiling, and perhaps even managed to finish the job and are just enjoying the result. One way or another, but we sincerely wish you only first-class repairs, and our step-by-step instructions will help you with this!

Experienced craftsmen recommend thinking before gluing. This decor allows you to give the walls a beautiful look, smoothing the transition to the ceiling. A common option is foam parts, but a huge number of different products are offered in construction hypermarkets.


The main task is to choose the right material, prepare the room and make a fine finish,. Before you glue the foam ceiling plate, you need to purchase the following tools:

  • tape measure for measuring the room;
  • construction knife;
  • large brush for glue;
  • pencil;
  • miter box.

Apartment owners who have never done it are wondering how to properly glue the ceiling plinth and whether it can be done on their own.


Related article:

: what it is, advantages and disadvantages, what it consists of, what types there are, how to choose, step-by-step installation of a baguette, painting, restoration methods, average cost - in our publication.

Room preparation

Before going to the store, be sure to measure and write down the parameters of the room, for example: ceiling 3 m, wall 1.5 m. The standard skirting board length is 2 m.

First, the walls are completely prepared, leveled and, and only then proceed to install the baseboard. It is important to start gluing from the corner from the wall, which is located opposite the entrance.


How to glue a ceiling plinth with your own hands

Before gluing fillets, you must select the type of skirting boards, as well as the appropriate material. The most common options are PVC and polystyrene foam.


The next step is to fit the details. A corner is cut off from each fillet, connecting it with other elements. You can buy ready-made parts if you are not sure that the master probably knows how to properly glue the foam ceiling plinth.

Polyurethane skirting boards are considered the highest quality. They are durable, lightweight and water resistant. The second option is polystyrene foam. Such skirting boards are not only comfortable, but also have soundproofing properties. There is only one minus - with the constant use of artificial light lamps, the baseboards darken over time.



In order not to leave dirty stains, wipe all fillets with a soft cloth before starting work.

Related article:

: what is it, what are the advantages and disadvantages, main types, composition, manufacturers, main selection criteria, self-assembly steps, application options with photos and cost.

Adhesive for ceiling plinth: how to choose and apply

The main question: what to glue the skirting boards on is actually not difficult. You should pay attention to the texture of the adhesive composition and the method of application declared on the package.

Before sticking the foam ceiling plinth, you need to decide how best to fix the plinth. Polymer-based glue is a universal option. The most common and proven brands are "Titan" and "Moment". These tools quickly grab and securely fix the surface.

A more convenient and gentle option is liquid nails. The fixation is so strong that you can not worry about the panels for 10 years. When choosing liquid nails, you need to consider that they come in two types; acrylic and neopropylene. Acrylic adhesives do not affect human health. There is only one minus - acrylic nails do not hold well in rooms with.

When working with neopropylene liquid nails, it is recommended to wear a respirator. The composition is toxic, so it is recommended to protect yourself from inhalation of air and wear a mask.


The third option is acrylic putty. Before gluing the ceiling plinth in the corner with the help, it is necessary to dilute it correctly, using the instructions on the package. Skirting boards are glued instantly and hold well for a long time. Professional builders often prefer this option.

How to properly glue the ceiling plinth in the corner and intermediate joints

Before gluing the ceiling plinth in the corners, you should study the instructions and act correctly.

Illustration Action Description

We cut off a corner from one plinth and apply it to the ceiling, if it lies flat, then put it aside

We cut a few more skirting boards, try them on the floor, the corners should converge perfectly, without forming noticeable joints

Glue the edges of the plinth

We apply sealant in one strip and apply the part for several minutes

We wipe the baseboard with a damp cloth to brush away construction dust from it.

When the entire side is glued, and the last plinth remains, we measure the distance with a building meter and cut out the part so that it completely fits into the remaining opening

We coat the edges of the skirting board before attaching it so that the joints are securely glued

Until the glue is completely dry, using a board or a construction ruler, we check whether the skirting boards are glued evenly. Move them if necessary

Wallpaper is glued before fillets only if the master is able to carefully attach decorative elements in the future without staining the wall.

How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth

In order for the skirting boards to lie flat, you need to cut off the corners correctly. To do this, follow the instructions.

Illustration Action Description

We put the plinth in the miter box and use a hacksaw to cut out an even corner. The cutter must be installed in a special recess, then it will move easily

In the process of cutting, we make sure that the plinth remains in one position and does not slip off.

After the corner is cut off, we put the plinth back into the miter box and check how even the cut turned out. If necessary, you can make the line more even.

The second plinth, which will be joined with the first, is cut at a different angle

Checking how well the parts fit together

On the other side, cut off a small corner

Again, we check how well the corners fit together, and proceed to finish the ceiling

Before gluing the ceiling plinth to, you need to make sure that all the parts are cut out correctly and fit together, because peeling off an already dried plinth without harming the repair will not work.

How to glue skirting boards on the ceiling in the corners

  • they start working in the corners of the room, moving towards the middle;
  • putty is recommended to be applied in a thick layer, so that the material seizes;
  • ordinary glue is dotted onto the entire surface of the baseboard, but not smeared;
  • it is recommended to use large, two-meter fillets, without cutting them into small bars - the room will look neater;
  • if visible seams have formed, they must be covered with putty, and then painted over.

If the corners are difficult, you need to work slowly, sticking one piece after another. It is best to purchase more skirting boards than necessary to be able to remake a poorly glued corner.

Adhesive for styrofoam ceiling molding

To keep the skirting board well on the ceiling, it is recommended to give preference to liquid nails, applying them pointwise to the inside, or putty.

Also an ideal option is EcoNacet glue. It copes well with almost all types of surfaces.

For those who are concerned about the question of what kind of glue to glue foam ceiling plinths, it is worth exploring different options. Suitable and glue "Titan". It has a light texture and does not damage even expensive material.

How to glue skirting boards on a plasterboard ceiling

Gluing skirting boards to a drywall ceiling is not so easy for a person who does not work at a construction site. You will need the following inventory: liquid nails, drill, screwdriver, brackets.

The most reliable way is installation using internal clamps. To do this, you need to purchase standard clips or straps on which the part is fixed. First, clamps are attached to the wall at a distance of 5 cm from the edges of the plinth, and then the part is “fastened”. You have to press until it clicks.

What to glue first wallpaper or ceiling plinth

To make the room look beautiful, the work must be done consistently. First, the fillet is glued and the wall is leveled if necessary, then the baseboards are painted, and only then the wallpaper is glued.

In reverse order, you can only act if the walls are perfectly smooth, and the owner of the apartment can stick the skirting boards evenly, so that they do not have to be torn off.

Plinth ceiling photo samples

Skirting boards for the ceiling can have a different look. They are used in the decoration of apartments in different styles: classic, modern.




How to fix a ceiling plinth

Before gluing the baguettes, you need to choose a method for attaching the panels. There are several options: glue, putty,.

The most reliable and easiest method is liquid nails, but before using such glue, you need to read the instructions and make sure that the parts stick together securely.

How to glue skirting boards on the ceiling

To glue the fillet evenly, you first need to figure out how to properly cut the corner at the ceiling plinth and securely fix them with glue. If the part is not glued correctly, after a few days the decorative elements will begin to fall off. There is only one reason - installation errors.

To avoid such errors, you need to do the following:

  • in order not to leave stains on the white plinth, you need to work with gloves;
  • before proceeding with the decoration, the wall without wallpaper is covered with a primer;
  • if the glue was made by hand, there may be a problem when gluing the skirting boards. It is important to hold the part for several minutes so that the composition grabs;
  • when buying glue, you should pay attention to the list of work surfaces. Not every composition is suitable for foam fillets;
  • it is not recommended to ventilate the room during repairs, as a draft can cause the skirting boards to peel off.

Due attention should be paid to the choice of glue, if the composition is not suitable, it will not be possible to achieve a positive result.

Finishing and lighting installation

After the skirting boards are glued around the entire perimeter of the ceiling, they must be painted or cleaned from dust and fingerprints. The next step is interior decoration and wallpapering, as well as ceiling repair. Under the plinth, you can hide the wires for the chandelier or lay the wire for lighting.



You do not need to have special skills to stick fillets to the ceiling. It is enough just to treat the matter with due attention and carefully measure the corners so that the decor looks beautiful.

Do you use fillets or do you prefer not to finish under the ceiling?

Ceiling plinth (baguette, fillet) - a finishing element that visually smoothes the transition from walls to ceiling with its shape, color and texture. Everyone who repairs the premises on their own should know how to glue the ceiling plinth. Only with careful fastening of the plinth, it will have a beautiful visually pleasing design and a finished look.

The purpose of the plinth

The obligatory placement of a ceiling plinth has always raised questions. On the one hand, it is an element of decor, it does not carry a practical load, on the other hand, it performs the following functions:

  • when an innocent marriage is detected in the corners of the room or the boundaries of the ceiling and walls, the fillet hides flaws;
  • if you need to align the angle between the planes, then the plinth is the best solution;
  • choosing the right color and size allows you to visually enlarge the space or give the room an original look;
  • installation errors of the stretch ceiling system are also covered with a fillet or a baguette;
  • when organizing the ceiling lighting of the room, the plinth hides the technical elements.

To install a skirting board or not is the individual choice of each owner of the premises. But if it is made in favor of this decorative element, then you should study what types exist, what to attach to and how to glue the skirting boards on the ceiling yourself.

Skirting board types

Skirting smooths the transition from walls to ceiling, so it is important to choose a material that harmoniously fits into the design in terms of shape and texture. The following options are available for sale:

  1. Wood. It has a natural beauty, its own texture. Matches with many styles. Restrictions are associated with the use of high humidity indoors (bath, open attic). Basic carpentry skills are required for proper installation.
  2. Gypsum. The presence of ready-made options and the ability to independently produce any texture, using purchased forms, makes the material universal. In the early times, it was the main material for modeling around chandeliers and corner structures.
  3. Polyurethane (cost 300 rubles / unit) - a flexible, wear-resistant product. It is used in the design of complex structures, such as the outer contours of columns, internal rounding curves of turns of stretch and multi-level ceilings.
  4. PVC (plastic) - 40.0 rubles / unit. For ease of installation of products from this material, manufacturers offer connecting strips, versatile corners. Used to complement plastic finishes. Mounting the product will not create difficulties even for a beginner in home repairs.
  5. Styrofoam products (cost 20 rubles / unit). Versatile, can be used for mounting on wallpaper, plastered walls, wood and plastic structures. It has a low coefficient of flexibility, but sufficient to eliminate irregularities.

On the presented photos you can get acquainted with all types of ceiling plinths and options for their use.

Advice! Before starting work, it is necessary to determine how to glue foam ceiling plinths, which compositions are suitable for other fillet options. The complexity of the work and the final result depend on this.

Features of adhesives

Before gluing the skirting boards, it is necessary to determine which of the adhesives to choose for installation:

  • polymer - securely fastens wood, foam and polymer baguettes, easy to use, does not require special knowledge when gluing;
  • liquid nails, produced on the basis of two bases of different chemical composition - acrylic and neopropylene, are recommended for fastening fillets made of wood, polymer, in structures where bends are required, complex profiling (stretch ceilings, multi-level structures);
  • adhesive putty, where the composition is prepared independently by mixing PVA glue, putties and water, the scope is convenient to stick gypsum cornices, eliminate mounting cracks.

Advice! For gluing light elements, you can use gypsum mixtures - the drying time is minimal, but you also need to work very quickly for this reason.

Skirting board installation

Before gluing the ceiling plinth, it is necessary to carry out a number of preliminary organizational measures, including:

  1. Defining the shape, texture, color of the plinth.
  2. Calculation and acquisition of necessary materials.
  3. Tool preparation and selection of accessories.

Preparatory activities

Based on information about the use of skirting boards made from different raw materials, the owner of the premises determines which one to choose. At the same time, the main role is given to the style of the design of the room, no less important is what elements of decor it is complemented with. A winning option if the texture or ornament of the ceiling plinth reflects the connection with other objects in the room. Conventional solutions are represented by a combination of plain walls with ornamental baguettes and vice versa.

After deciding which and how baguettes will be glued, the required amount of material is determined. When calculating, it is taken into account that the standard length of one factory product is 2 linear meters. When creating the contour of the walls, docking will require cutting at an angle, but no one is immune from mistakes during work. Thus, one or two measured sizes of the plinth are added to the total length of the perimeter of the room.

Prepare in advance:

  • roulette or ruler construction;
  • thin marker or pencil;
  • miter box (devices for trimming the corners of the joints);
  • hacksaw for metal (you can use another cutting tool, but it is not guaranteed that it will be convenient to cut);
  • spatulas made of polypropylene or metal;
  • container for the preparation of the adhesive composition;
  • household sponges;
  • rag.

Forming the plinth: corners and joints

Before gluing the plinth to the ceiling, it is necessary to calculate the junction and the cutting angle. To do this, start working from the far corner from the entrance to the premises, filling with molding those areas where you can use the whole product, and then supplement the areas by trimming the excess.

It should be remembered that the external and internal angles when cutting a profile are different. The outer blunt, where the upper part of the workpiece is longer than the bottom, equals 1350, the inner one is an acute angle, the cut edge will be represented by an angle of 450.

Forming the corner of the plinth

A miter box helps to achieve maximum coincidence of surfaces when joining corners. It can be plastic, wood or metal. Visually represented by a product in the form of a channel with lateral oncoming grooves on both sides at the right angles. There are more complex designs of the miter box, where using the rotary part, you can set any trimming angles for external workpieces. But for the installation of a ceiling plinth in a room with right angles, the first, simple option is sufficient. Adjustment is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the plinth is tried on directly at the installation site;
  • if the distance to the next turn of the molding is less than the standard length, then the excess is cut off with a margin of 3-4 cm (it is better to make a margin than to subsequently join in pieces);
  • the workpiece is placed in the miter box and, holding, dissolve in the grooves at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • the operation is repeated for the "counter" profile.

Advice! For direct joining of the foam plinth, as a rule, cutting at an angle is not used. Combine evenly cut parts with a snug fit to each other. But when fitting wooden or polymer fillets, it is better to observe an angle for the joint of 450.

DIY glue

If it is not possible to purchase special glue for a foam or polymer baseboard, then it is prepared independently. Would need:

  • finishing putty;
  • water-based glue (PVA);
  • water;
  • container and accessories for mixing ingredients.

The preparation of the adhesive composition is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The finishing putty mixture and PVA are placed in a clean dish, in a ratio of 4/1, respectively.
  2. During mixing, water is added. Readiness is determined by a creamy consistency.
  3. Until ready, such an adhesive should be infused for at least 10-15 minutes.

Important! Use self-prepared glue should be within two hours. When lumps or clots form, they must be removed - kneading and applying will worsen the final result.

Skirting sticker

What to glue the ceiling plinth of foam or other materials on, and how to cut the elements is clear. Direct installation will not cause difficulties if you first apply the exact position of the profile to the wall plane with a simple pencil. Its technology is represented as follows:

  1. The field of trimming measured segments at the required angle, an adhesive composition is applied to them with a spatula. Moreover, when using putty with a continuous layer, glue - with two strips on the sides. To achieve the required consistency, 2-3 minutes are given to run the composition.
  2. On a dry, dust-free surface, the plinth must be attached to the wall and ceiling, ensuring the formation of the correct seam. A few seconds of hand pressure will allow the adhesive to ensure a good grip of the elements.
  3. Immediately after gluing the elements, remove excess adhesive with a rag or sponge. Do not be overzealous - the glue is not completely dry, and the structure may move.
  4. Straight segments are joined and glued in a similar way, but it is important to pay attention to the fact that, despite the errors in the walls and ceiling, they are visually even. If a textured border is used, then it is necessary to ensure that the patterns match.
  5. If, as a result of checking the work done, surface roughness is revealed, they should be eliminated with fine-grained sandpaper.
  6. After the adhesive has completely dried, the seams can be puttied, the baseboard can be painted. The use of construction tape will help to avoid unwanted paint on the walls.

Advice! Minor irregularities on the plane, they can be eliminated by applying an additional portion of putty to the surface during installation. But it is better to eliminate them at the initial stages of repair work.

A video tutorial on how to properly glue a ceiling plinth is presented by the following link:


Using tips on how to properly glue a ceiling plinth during self-repair will help you avoid common mistakes. It will allow you to work quickly and efficiently, as a result - to create a cozy interior, with elements that harmoniously complement each other, without involving a third-party master, whose services per linear meter will cost at least 350 rubles.

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