How to clean a blockage in the bathroom: various methods and folk remedies. Moydodyr, come back, or how to clean the blockage in the bathroom and sink

If water does not flow well into the drain and an unpleasant odor appears in the room, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate blockage in the sewer opening. Alternatively, you can use the services of a specialist or solve the problem yourself. Want to save money and do everything on your own? No question, because after reading our article, you will learn how to eliminate blockage in the bathroom and cope with the task as quickly as possible.

The main "culprits" of blockages

First you need to figure out for what reasons there is a clogged pipe in the bathroom? Most often, this problem arises as a result of the life of people. The bottom line is that a person can not keep track of what gets into the drain, because we are talking about long hair, animal hair, pieces of rags. All this garbage is compactly packed in a sewer and forms a lump that blocks the passage of water.

And then stagnation of water arises, with which it is necessary to start the fight in time, without postponing this process for later.

It is better to prevent pipe clogging than to look for a way out of the situation.

By the way, in a multi-story building, the blockage can be local, that is, in one apartment, or common if the central sewage of the building is clogged. To determine the type of clogging, you should turn on the water in the kitchen and in the bathroom: if the problem is only in one place, the clog is local and it can be eliminated on your own.

Speaking about the causes of blockage, one can not fail to mention such factors: fat deposits in the pipes, deterioration of the sewer system. In a word, there are several reasons, so the question of how to clean a blockage in the bathroom is extremely relevant.

The use of plunger - a traditional method

Punching a blockage with a plunger in a bathroom is much more difficult than in a sink, because draining the water complicates this process. The problem is that when the water begins to pour over the edge, air enters the opening, and a vacuum is needed to work with the plunger.

The plunger must be selected taking into account the size of the drain hole

How to clean a blockage in the bathroom with a plunger? First, the aforementioned water overflow hole is tightly closed with a stopper, and then the plunger previously lubricated with petroleum jelly is pressed tightly to the drain and 10 sharp reciprocating movements are performed.

This is important to know: instead of a cork, to create the greatest tightness, you can use a second plunger, but then another person will need help.

If there is no result, you can try to push the blockage not with air, but with water. To do this, pour hot water into the bathroom (approximately half the height of the rubber bowl) and immerse the plunger into the water at an angle. With the last swing, the plunger should be pulled out of the water sharply. In the case when the blockage is not eliminated the first time, the procedure is repeated several times.

Plumbing cable - a more serious way to clean

Everyone understands that with the help of a plunger only small clogs can be cleaned, so it is necessary to consider other methods of dealing with this nuisance.

The plumbing cable must be taut while cleaning the blockage.

If the blockage is far away in the pipe or it is highly compressed, they resort to cleaning with the use of a cable. The essence of this method is that you need to hook the garbage with a plumbing cable, pulling it out or pushing it into a wider highway.

This procedure is as follows:

  • the cable is inserted into the drain hole;
  • one person pushes the cable, and the other carries out its rotation;
  • after passing through the clogged place, you need to make a couple of sharp jerks back and forth, then open the hot water tap and carefully pulling out the cable, wash off the dirt that has formed in the sewer pipe.

It is worth paying attention: the rotation of the cable contributes to the better destruction of the blockage.

A plumbing cable is sold in a hardware store, but it can also be made independently. To do this, you need to take a piece of a sufficiently flexible metal cable, bend it and slightly fluff the tip. Thanks to this manipulation, the cable will move well along the bends of the pipe and will not rest against the knee.

This is important to know: for the convenience of gripping, the cable should be wrapped with something stiff to get a kind of handle.

It is also necessary to mention the fact that the plumbing cable can not be categorically used to clean plastic, chrome pipes - then their inner surface can be damaged.

Chemicals are faithful helpers

And how to remove blockage in the bathroom with the help of sewage cleaning products and which drug should be preferred? As for the first point, there is nothing complicated: I bought a cleaning product in a specialty store, carefully read the instructions and did everything in accordance with the written information.

This is important to know: the product is poured or poured into the sewer hole, left there for a while, and then thoroughly washed off with running water.

In addition, we want to focus your attention on the fact that chemicals must be used correctly, since even the safest preparations with prolonged use cause deformation of the material from which the pipes are made.

Chemicals are effective, but using them too often destroys pipes

Solving the question of how to break the blockage in the bathroom, a modern person is faced with yet another problem, because a wide range of cleaning products is available on the market. Therefore, the most popular drugs should be named in order to facilitate the choice for our readers:

  • "Mole" - an effective tool that can not be applied to plastic pipes;
  • "Mr. Muscle" - a tool suitable for all types of pipes. It is available in the form of a gel or foam. "Mr. Muscle" cleans the pipes of dirt, penetrating all the nooks and crannies. It also kills bacteria, thereby helping to eliminate odor;
  • “Tiret” - eliminates clogging quickly and efficiently. It has no smell of ammonia and according to user reviews it copes with its task;
  • "Pothan" is a substance that quickly and without residue dissolves a variety of contaminants. It has a sharp chemical smell, but breaks even the most severe blockages.

Using means for cleaning blockages, you need to remember safety precautions, that is, when working with alkalis and acids, you should equip yourself properly.

This means wearing rubber gloves, goggles and an oilcloth apron.

Better to prevent a problem than to deal with it.

Yes, if a person will regularly prevent blockages, he will avoid many troubles. What needs to be done for this? Firstly, it is necessary to install a protective mesh on the drain hole of the water: it will protect the pipes from the ingress of dirt, animal hair, hair. Secondly, chemicals are considered a good preventive measure - the main thing is to use them in accordance with the instructions so as not to damage the pipes. In general, proper operation and timely preventive measures extend the service life of communications, ensure their reliability and prevent the occurrence of blockages.

We hope that the information presented in this publication will help you solve the problem of how to remove blockage in the bathroom. And also, remember that preventive measures are the best way to eliminate blockage. Performing them, you can be sure that the bathroom will not be created unnecessary discomfort and do not have to use a plunger and plumbing cable.

Sewer systems are equally clogged in both private homes and apartment buildings. Soap deposits, greasy deposits and other debris that impede the passage of water accumulate on the inside of the pipes. Therefore, it is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to clean the blockage in the bathroom or in the kitchen, as well as how to minimize the risk of such a problem in the future.

Pipes can become clogged for a number of reasons:

  • errors at the stage of laying the sewer system. With insufficient slope of the pipe, lumps of garbage will form on an ongoing basis. In this case, the solution to the problem is to completely replace the sewer;
  • long-term operation of pipes - even plumbing products made of high-quality materials begin to cope worse with their functions, pipes become loose, and their inner surface is covered with various growths;
  • primary choice of materials - so, on cast-iron pipes, deposits will form faster than on plastic counterparts;
  • ingress of foreign objects through the drain;
  • lack or inadequate care of domestic sewage.

Hair is the main cause of clogging in pipes

What causes a blockage in the pipes

Cleaning methods

If the pipe is clogged, you can use one of the proposed methods:

  • thermal - they influence the blockage by the pressure of hot water;
  • chemical - the resulting plugs are dissolved by special means;
  • mechanical - garbage is removed by means of a plumbing cable or by disassembling a siphon;
  • pressure cleaning - a classic plunger is used.

This or that method is chosen taking into account the materials from which the pipes are made. So, plastic products can be damaged by a cable or boiling water, and the use of chemicals should be carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

A plunger remains a popular, affordable and easy-to-use tool when it becomes necessary to figure out how to clean a blockage in a bathroom, sink or toilet. The device has the form of a handle (wooden or plastic), one side of which is supplemented with a rubber nozzle. The principle of operation of the plunger is that under the influence of strong pressure, the resulting debris begins to collapse and move through the pipe. Often, the waste goes out freely and is easily disposed of.

But even such a simple device must be used correctly:

  • if the pipeline is supplemented with an overflow hole, it is recommended to close it tightly (a rag or a cover will do), while the pressure on the resulting plug will be reduced;
  • the rubber part of the plunger is pressed tightly to the drain hole, after which the execution of translational rhythmic movements begins. In this case, the rubber element does not come off the surface of the shell;
  • sharp movement plunger tear off the drain.

Vent Clogging Clogging Technique

When working on a clogged plunger drain, it is important that the water level in the bathtub or sink exceeds the height of the rubber valve. Repeating the procedure will achieve the best result and completely eliminate stagnant water.

Means of household chemicals

When garbage is clogged in the pipe, various chemicals will help to quickly and efficiently cope with the difficulties encountered. Their use is good because there is no need for any physical effort - the active substance of the drug will independently remove the existing problem.

Such funds have a different consistency: liquid, powder, gel or foam. The principle of their use is as simple as possible: the amount of cleaning agent recommended by the manufacturer is poured or poured into the drain and left for the time indicated on the label. After the expiration of the allotted time, water is included, which will ensure a thorough washing of the pipes.

The use of any chemicals requires special attention. They are not allowed to get on the skin or mucous membranes (work is carried out in protective gloves). In addition, it is undesirable to hit the product on a chrome surface.

You should not wait for the moment when the pipes begin to clog, because such chemistry is great for preventive purposes: a small amount of a chemical gel or liquid is poured into the drain hole for just a few minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed with hot water.


Folk remedies

Folk remedies are also good when fighting for clean sewer pipes. This procedure for eliminating blockages is environmentally friendly, easy to implement and does not require financial expenses, since the main active ingredient is ordinary soda.

Folk remedies

The work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • soda and table vinegar are taken in the same volume (not more than one glass of each product);
  • first, soda is poured into the drain hole, over which vinegar is poured;
  • the drain is closed with a stopper and left for about 3 hours;
  • after this time, the pipes are washed thoroughly with boiling water.

An effective folk remedy is a fragrant lemon. To eliminate impurities in the pipe, several large citrus fruits are taken and squeezed into the drain hole (the main thing is that the seeds do not get there). The exposure time to the accumulated debris is at least one hour, after which you can start using the sink or bathtub.

First, soda is poured into the drain, and then vinegar is poured

Siphon cleaning

To cope with the problem of how to eliminate blockage, cleaning the siphon is often a sufficient measure. With this procedure, the procedure will be as follows:

  • the floor under the siphon is covered with a rag that absorbs water well. So that subsequent cleaning of the room does not take much time, it is better to place a bowl under the sink where dirty water will merge;
  • after the lock nut is loosened, the bulb is carefully removed. After removing the flask, water, which previously served as a water seal, drains into a well-placed bowl in advance;
  • then the clogged siphon is thoroughly washed with water, and plaque is removed from its walls (chemical agents are used for this);
  • after completion of the procedure, the assembly is reassembled. It is important to ensure that the drain pipe does not focus on the siphon flask, as this will violate the water seal;
  • to check the tightness of the connections, it is enough to turn on a strong pressure of water.

Siphon Cleaning Instructions

Such cleaning will be useful as a preventative measure. Flushing the siphon no more than once every 2-3 months will minimize the appearance of a stinking coating on its inner walls that causes an unpleasant odor in the room.

Using boiling water

If the blockage in the sink suddenly comes to its senses when there is simply no time to fix it, you can use a simple and often effective way - cleaning pipes with boiling water. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that under the influence of high temperatures, fat will dissolve, which is often the cause of most blockages.

First you need to determine the extent of the problem: if water accumulated in one place (say, in the wash basin), then such a blockage is local in nature, and when water is in all the drains, such a blockage is considered global. In this case, the solution to the problem is to clean all sewer paths, while with local pollution it will be enough to clean one pipe.

Boiling water is allowed to be used only on condition that the plumbing system is made using metal pipes. The principle of action is as simple as possible: they heat up to 4 liters of water and pour it into the drain. If necessary, brushing is repeated. To achieve maximum effect, you can use a ruff or plunger.

It is better to refuse boiling water if water collects on the surface of a sink or bath and does not leave. It is important to remember that boiling water in this case simply will not affect a non-problematic place. In addition, you must be careful when using a plunger, so as not to injure the skin with hot spray. For plastic pipes, hot (but not boiling) water is suitable, into which washing powder is added in a proportion of 200 g of the mixture to 5 liters of water. The resulting solution is gradually poured into a clogged pipe.

Using a cable

It is unlikely that debris accumulated deep in the pipes can be removed using chemicals, boiling water or a plunger. Then you can resort to a plumbing cable for help. Such a cable has the form of a thick twisted wire, one side of which is supplemented with a drill, and the other with a handle. The cable length is not more than 10 meters, which is enough to remove the blockage in the bathroom of an apartment or a private house. It must be remembered that such a device is suitable for controlling pollution of metal pipes.

Types of cables

To clean the drain with a plumbing cable, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • first of all, the sewer pipe is disconnected from the siphon, after which the end of the wire is carefully inserted into the drain hole. If you have to deal with a modern sewer system, which is supplemented with special fittings for cleaning pipes, the siphon is left untouched;
  • that the cleaning process was most effective, it would require 2 people to complete it - one of them will be responsible for the correct direction of the cable, and the second will do the direct cleaning of the clogged pipe;
  • when a place of contamination is detected, the mash is punched with a cable with neat jerking movements;
  • after that, the wire is removed, the pipe (if necessary) is collected and thoroughly washed with hot water.

If the cable gets stuck in the pipe during cleaning, it must be slowly rotated to the side until it can cope with the obstacle. The plumbing cable remains an effective solution to the problem of how to remove the blockage formed at the depth of the pipes on their own in a short time.

Cleaning scheme

Preventative measures

How often do we clean siphon or process pipes from plaque? In order not to wait for the moment when the pipes of your apartment or house become clogged, you should follow simple tips for preventing a similar problem:

  • each drain hole must be covered with a protective net, due to which the minimum amount of waste will fall into the pipes;
  • once a few months, treat home sewers with appropriate chemicals that can dissolve the accumulated debris, preventing it from forming plugs and impassable clogs;
  • an excellent substitute for such products is detergent. Once every 3 months, the drain holes of the bathroom and the kitchen are closed, after which several glasses of washing powder are poured, hot water is included, and plugs are removed;
  • so that the sink in the kitchen serves properly, it is enough to periodically wash its pipe with hot water for 1-2 minutes;
  • after each shampooing or showering, it is recommended to clean the drain pan in the bath from accumulated hair;
  • do not forget to clean the siphon, which will prevent the pipes from clogging.

Such simple actions do not allow dirt to accumulate on the inner surface of the pipes, therefore, you can not worry about blockages. Especially if you know how to eliminate blockage in the bathroom.


Sewer systems can clog not only in multi-apartment buildings, but also in private houses. The inside of the pipe accumulates body fat, soap deposits and other debris, which serves as a barrier to the passage of water. There are many ways to clear a blockage in the bathroom or kitchen, and to minimize the likelihood of such a problem in the future.

Causes of Clogging

Pipes can clog following reasons:

Effective Cleaning Methods

To eliminate clogging in the bathroom, you can use one of the existing methods:

  • Pressure cleaning - in this case, a classic plunger is used.
  • Mechanical - garbage is removed by disassembling the siphon or using a plumbing cable.
  • Chemical - plugs are dissolved with the help of industrial products, which include aggressive chemicals.
  • Thermal - blockage can be eliminated with the help of hot water pressure.

The choice of method depends on the material of the pipe.. Plastic products can be damaged by boiling water or a cable, and the use of chemicals can be carried out only with strict compliance with all manufacturer's recommendations.

Vent plunger cleaning

The plunger remains an easy-to-use, affordable and popular tool when it becomes necessary to resolve the issue of how to eliminate blockages in the bathroom, toilet or sink. This device is in the form of a handle (plastic or wooden), one side of which has a rubber nozzle. Under the influence of its pressure, the debris accumulated in the pipes begins to move along them and collapse. With the help of a plunger, as a rule, it is possible to get rid of blockages, they are freely brought out and removed.

But to clean the pipes with such a simple device, you need to use it correctly:

When using the plunger, it is imperative that the water level in the sink or bath does not exceed the rubber valve. Repeated procedure will allow to remove the remains of blockages and achieve the best result.

Household chemicals

There are many ways to clean the drain in the bathtub and sink, but one of the most popular is the use of household chemicals. With its help, it is possible to effectively break through all the blockages without replacing parts. The advantage of these tools is that they themselves do all the work, the person does not need to exert physical effort.

These products are characterized by a different consistency: foamy, gel, powdery and liquid, they can also cost in different ways. The principle of their application is simple: the required amount of cleaning agent is poured or poured into the drain and left for a certain time, which should be indicated on the label. After this time, you must turn on the water, which will ensure proper flushing of the pipes.

The use of any chemicals requires attention. It is unacceptable to get them on the skin or mucous membranes (all work should be carried out with protective gloves). In addition, it is not recommended to allow contact of the product with chrome surfaces.

In order not to remove blockages, preventive procedures should be carried out regularly using household chemicals: a small amount of a chemical liquid or gel is poured into the drain hole, after which hot water is turned on to wash pipes.

Siphon cleaning

Replacing parts is an extreme measure; in most cases, cleaning the siphon is sufficient. The action algorithm should be as follows:

A similar method of cleaning is recommended regularly for prevention. Flushing the siphon with a frequency of once every 2-3 months will minimize the formation of fetid raids on its inner surface, which cause an unpleasant odor in the room.

Use of boiling water

If the blockage in the sink is taken by surprise, then you can use a simple and often effective way to clean pipes - boiling water. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that under the influence of high temperatures dissolve fat, which is the cause of most blockages.

First of all, it is necessary to assume the extent of the problem: if water has accumulated in one place, then the blockage is local in nature, and when the water is in all the drains, then the blockage is considered to be global. The solution to this problem is to clean the entire sewage system, and if local, it is enough to clean one pipe.

You can use boiling water only if the plumbing system is made of metal pipes. The principle of operation is very simple: it is necessary to heat up to 4 liters of water, and then send it to the drain. If necessary, cleaning is repeated. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use a plunger or brush.

Refrain from boiling water should be if water accumulates on the surface of the bathtub or sink. It should be borne in mind that boiling water simply can not affect the problem place. In addition, it is worth being careful not to be scalded. For plastic pipes, you can use hot but not boiling water.

Metal cable

The garbage accumulated deep in the pipes is unlikely to be eliminated with the help of household chemicals, boiling water or a plunger. In this case, it is recommended to resort to the use of a plumbing cable. This cable is characterized by the appearance of a thick twisted wire, one side of which is equipped with a drill, and the other with a handle. The cable length reaches no more than 10 meters, which is quite enough to eliminate blockage. Please note that this device is suitable for controlling contamination of exclusively metal pipes.

To successfully carry out cleaning, you should use the following recommendations:

The use of folk remedies

Time-tested folk remedies will help to remove blockages in sewer pipes. Such procedures for eliminating blockages are simple to implement, environmentally friendly and do not require large financial costs, since the active ingredient is ordinary soda. Why not make sure the effectiveness of the product on your own experience if the bath is clogged.

Let's consider in more detail how to clean the clogs at home:

  • Table vinegar and soda should be prepared in 1: 1 proportions, but not more than one full glass of each component.
  • In the drain hole, you must first pour soda, and then pour over it with vinegar.
  • The drain is closed with a stopper and left at rest for at least 3 hours.
  • After this time, the pipes must be thoroughly washed with boiling water.

What to do if a pipe in the bathroom is clogged, many sources will tell. Based on reviews from households, an effective folk remedy is a fragrant lemon. To eliminate the blockage, you will need to purchase several large citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them into the drain hole (it is important that the seeds do not get there). Leave at rest for at least 1 hour, after which you can begin to use the bathtub or sink in the usual way.

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Moydodyr, come back, or how to clean the blockage in the bathroom and sink

No one is safe from petty troubles. Sewer clogging is a problem that everyone sooner or later faces. This article is about how to eliminate clogging in the bathroom, washbasin or kitchen sink.


Dear reader, we are adults and we understand that any, even the most simple work requires a clearly formulated technical task. In our case, before proceeding with the cleaning of the blockage, it is necessary:

  • If possible, find out what caused it. For example, sand and fat require a different approach;
  • Locate the clogging site. Agree that it makes no sense to disassemble the siphon under the kitchen sink if the comb (in-house sewage) in front of the tee or sewer riser is clogged.


As a rule, it is not difficult to identify the cause, remembering your last actions before blocking the sewer and interviewing family members. Deduction, Mr. Watson: if the bath water stopped leaving after a very dirty dog \u200b\u200bor wading boots were washed, it’s easy to guess.

In addition, there are typical causes of blockages:

  • In the release of the bath prevail hair, pet hair and thread. They assemble directly on the exhaust grill;

  • The bath siphon is often clogged by the notorious sand;
  • Food wastes are characteristic of a kitchen sink and body fat.

The grease from the plates, which settled on the walls of the sewer pipes, leads among the causes of blockages in general. As a rule, it is collected in areas of sewerage with a minimum slope and where hot water actively cools into the sink - in the knee of the sink and on the first meter of the comb from it.


If the water does not leave only one plumbing fixture and the sewer pipe with the siphon elbow removed from it is not overflowing with drains - obviously, the problem is outlet, knee or siphon. In the case of a bath, one will have to rely on indirect evidence - the work of the washbasin and the sink on. You hardly want to go deep under the bath and disconnect its harness from the comb.

If the water drained into the sink or washbasin enters the bathtub through the outlet, while the toilet is functioning normally, it is clogged comb before tee. If the toilet does not work, while the drains of the upper apartments in the riser do not enter your sewer - it is clogged tee or crosspiece behind the toilet. This can happen if you slip a rag or paper towel into the toilet.

Finally, if the water level in the bathtub and toilet bowl rises even with closed taps - there is blockage of riser or bed. As a rule, to combat them, a locksmith is called from the organization serving your home during the day and from the city emergency service at night. Work is free.

Captain Evidence suggests: on the top floor, the water level will not rise without your participation, even with a clogged riser. Just because of the lack of neighbors on top.



How to clean a blockage in the bathroom if its siphon is clogged with sand?

The usual plunger.

In the photo - an ordinary plunger. The price is 150 rubles.

  1. Pour some water into the bath;
  2. Close the overflow tightly with a wet rag. If this is not done, the plunger will in vain chase air between the outlet and the overflow;
  3. Cover the outlet with a plunger and pump it in a few movements;
  4. Drain large amounts of water to rinse off any remaining clogs.

What to do if the bath becomes clogged and there is no plunger at your disposal?

Open the siphon for cleaning. In new harnesses, it is enough to unscrew one plastic cover, in old ones - remove the union nut connecting the outlet and the tubular siphon.

How to break a blockage in a bathroom with an old-style cast-iron piping? Obviously, it will not work to disassemble it for cleaning: after half a century of operation, it is not always possible to turn the outlet out of the cast-iron siphon even after annealing with a blowtorch.

Put a hose from the washing machine on the mixer and direct a strong stream of water into the outlet. The stream will easily pass through the metal grate and wash the sand that has clogged the siphon.


How to remove hair clogging the grate?

Option 1:

Option 2:

  1. With continuous rotation, we feed a thin plumbing cable through the exhaust grille;
  2. We take out and clean it of the coiled hair;
  3. If necessary, repeat several times.

Option 3:

  1. We substitute a low basin or any dishes of a suitable size for the bath siphon;
  2. We twist the release. The plastic grille is turned away by the open pliers inserted into it, the metal one is removed after loosening the fixing screw in the center;

  1. We clean the release grille from hair, wool and thread;
  2. We put the issue in place and check for leaks.

Food waste

What to do if the sink in the kitchen is clogged, while the rest of the plumbing fixtures are working properly?

Siphon cleaning

As a rule, small food waste is collected in a siphon sump. How to remove them from there?

  1. We substitute a bucket or basin under the siphon so as not to flood the floor or the cabinet by the foul-smelling drains;
  2. Unscrew the bottom of the siphon and carefully, so as not to lose the annular gasket, shake out its contents;

  1. We collect the siphon and check it for leaks.

What to do if the gasket has lost its elasticity and after assembly the siphon has leaked?

It is enough to wind the threads on the siphon body. For winding, you can use the FUM tape, ordinary electrical tape and even a strip of polyethylene cut off from an unnecessary package.

Household chemicals

A strong blockage, in which the water does not go away at all, can often be cleaned with specialized means for sewage. The most famous of them is the domestic Mole, a drug based on sodium hypochlorite.

Mole - a tool for cleaning blockages.

How to use this tool?

  1. Pour it into the outlet of the sink. Do not be lazy to pre-scoop water out of it: a decrease in concentration reduces the effectiveness of the Mole;
  2. We are waiting for 1 - 3 hours;
  3. We wash the sewer with water.

Any chemicals can only help with organic blockages. They will not dissolve sand or debris in your sewer. Mole and other means will be useless even with a large size of the fat plug in the pipes.

Chemicals at hand

Instead of specialized drugs to control blockages, you can use numerous improvised means - if only they included acid or alkali in sufficient concentration.

Here are some examples of such substances:

  • Ordinary or caustic soda;

Caustic soda, it is caustic soda NaOH.

  • Preparations for cleaning the sink from scale (Domestos, Sillit, etc.);
  • Electrolyte for batteries;
  • Hydrochloric and oxalic acids;
  • Citric acid sachets.

How to apply these folk remedies? In the same way as specialized household chemicals: pour them into the sink sink and leave for several hours to dissolve the organic cork. Dry preparations are previously diluted with water. Better - hot: so the blockage will be dissolved faster.


What is the best way to clean the fat plug?

If the water at least slowly, but leaves, a simple instruction will help get rid of fat: open hot water and gradually increase its pressure. Water, however, must be really hot - at least 60C. In summer, when the hot water temperature barely reaches 40 degrees, the method will not work.

A sewer comb that is deadly clogged with grease is first cleaned with a plumbing cable; then the remaining fat is again washed off with hot water.

A plumbing cable is another inexpensive and very useful tool.

How to clean a blockage with a do-it-yourself cable?

This work is more convenient to do together, with an assistant. One person pulls the cable to prevent it from folding in loops, and rotates the handle, the second - feeds the cable into the sewer through the bell that is closest to the clogging site. The fat plug of the cable passes with noticeable resistance.

Finally, the most versatile and effective way to deal with fat plugs for owners of plastic sewers is to disassemble it and shake out the fat. In the same way, knee blockage under the sink is eliminated.


How to get rid of systematic blockages or at least minimize their number?

  • Replace cast iron drain with plastic. Its walls do not overgrow with deposits (except fat);
  • Eliminate counterclones. Any area with a negative slope is the place where garbage will accumulate, gradually reducing the clearance of the pipe;
  • Put in sinks and bathtub nets for issues. Hair, wool and small debris will remain on them, and not clog the sewer;

  • Wash dishes as hot as possible.. I have long noticed that the peak in the number of blockages in the internal sewerage system occurs in the summer, when the temperature of hot water decreases;
  • If the layout of your apartment allows it, install a washing machine in the kitchen, at the maximum distance from the sewer riser. At each discharge of hot water with the powder dissolved in it, the machine will flush the comb, removing the slightest traces of fat from it. Thanks to this simple recipe for 8 years of life in my last apartment, I have never encountered a blockage.

Not only sewage

Not only can the sewer pipe become clogged. The water supply also concerns this problem. What can be done if the pressure of cold or hot water suddenly drops?

Often a blockage can be cleaned without using a tool and without leaving the apartment:

  1. Unscrew the aerator from the gander (spout) of the mixer. It includes a filter - several small stainless screens that are easily clogged after blackouts. From six to eight grids, one or two can be left. The plastic aerator itself is cleaned of sand and scale using a pin or a sharpened match;

  1. If the pressure drops on one of the faucets (in the bathroom or in the kitchen), the second works fine - turn off the valve at the entrance to the apartment on the water with which there are problems. Then open the tap for the corresponding water on the normal pressure mixer. Use your finger to plug the gander of the failed mixer and open both taps or raise the pressure control lever.

With a high probability, debris from the narrowing of the water supply will be washed by the countercurrent created in this way and taken to the sewer.


I hope that my experience will help the esteemed reader in the fight against petty everyday hardships. To learn more about how to clean a blockage in the bathroom, see the video in this article. Waiting for your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

August 7, 2016

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A blockage in the bathroom is a problem that occurs at the most inopportune moment. Water does not go into the drain hole, an unpleasant odor appears, the implementation of hygiene procedures becomes impossible. In order to restore the functionality of the bathroom, it is not necessary to call the plumbing.

There are effective ways to independently clean the sewage system with improvised means. The reader is invited to familiarize themselves with the simplest and most affordable methods of cleaning sewers.

In most cases, the prerequisites for clogging the siphon are created by the people themselves. Clogging occurs due to violation of the rules for installation and operation of the sewer.

The most common causes of mud plugs in pipes are:

  • ingress of a drain pipe of mortars that solidify and form an obstacle to the movement of fluid;
  • retention of hair and wool on gratings, joints, siphon and pipe partitions;
  • fragments of clothing, trash and body fat when the bath is used for washing dishes.

If hard water enters the water supply system, then a calcareous deposit forms on the inner walls of the pipes.

Mechanical cleaning methods

At home, you can clean the drain using easy-to-use and inexpensive items that are in every home. Consider what to do when the bath is clogged.


This is a simple and cheap device that you can buy at every hardware store.

To eliminate blockage, you must perform the following actions:

  1. clean the neck of the drain from debris, draw 2000-2500 ml of water into the bath;
  2. install the plunger bowl in the center of the neck so that there are no gaps;
  3. apply a few strong pressures to create a hydrodynamic shock in order to push the plug further down the pipe.

If the pipe is clogged thoroughly, it is necessary to take more effective measures.

Plumbing cable

The plumbing cable is a twisted wire, a handle and a set of nozzles. Nozzles are made in the form of peaks, hooks and screws.

Sewer pipe cleaning is carried out as follows:

  • bring the device to readiness for work by unwinding it and attaching the nozzle;
  • insert the tip into the neck, scrolling to feed it forward;
  • to break through the obstacle in the pipe with a strong and progressive movement;
  • pull out the cable, if necessary replace the nozzle and carry out the procedure again.

After finishing work, the cable must be cleaned of dirt, wiped dry and greased.

Vacuum cleaner

Use this device if the bath is clogged with inorganic objects. Against calcareous, greasy and hardened mortar, it will not help. You can use a washing and ordinary vacuum cleaner with an outlet pipe.

To remove the blockage with a vacuum cleaner you need to do this:

  1. prepare means for sealing the neck of the hose and bath;
  2. fit the hose and drain;
  3. turn on the vacuum cleaner at full power, wait a few minutes.

After the procedure, its result is checked by pouring water into the neck.

Chemical cleaning methods

Various solutions and powders are used in cases where it was not possible to clean the drains with mechanical devices, or they are not at hand.

Proprietary drugs from the store or food solutions are used. Consider the most popular and best tools for eliminating sewer blockages with your own hands.

Household chemicals

The most popular such tools for cleaning the drain:

  • "Tiret" - is available in the form of a gel, copes with fat and food debris;
  • "Bagi Pothan" - granules that remove hair, wool and limescale;
  • "Mr. Muscle" - has the appearance of a gel or foam, dissolves hair and lime deposits.

After acquiring the drug, the following should be done:

  1. drain the pipeline with a rag or vacuum cleaner;
  2. fill the channel with a solution or powder, followed by the addition of hot water;
  3. to pause in accordance with the instructions set out in the instructions;
  4. pour in the neck up to 1000 ml of boiling water.

If it was not possible to remove the blockage the first time, then you must try again or use one of the popular methods.

Folk remedies

Consider some of the time-tested ways to get rid of sewage blockages.

  • Salt and soda. Use one of these substances. The powder is poured into a drained drain, after which a glass of hot water is poured into it.
  • Boiling water. Under the influence of high temperature, fat deposits dissolve and the pipe deforms. This leads to delamination and destruction of solid deposits.
  • Vinegar. In large quantities, acid dissolves all organics. With vinegar, you can get rid of hair and hair.

You can count on a positive result if you pour Coca-Cola into the pipe. This drink decomposes both synthetics and organics.

Which way is better

There is no ready-made solution regarding the choice of one or another method of eliminating blockages in the bath. In each case, the decision is made individually, based on several factors.

The selection criteria are as follows:

  1. Hair and wool, which firmly cling to the reinforcement, it is better to remove the cable.
  2. It is advisable to dissolve fatty deposits with boiling water or salt (soda).
  3. Small debris is well removed by a vacuum cleaner or plunger.

You should always be prepared for the fact that you have to try several ways when the nature of the blockage is unknown.

How to avoid blockages

To prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant phenomenon is easy and simple.

It is enough to observe a few rules:

  • do not wash mortar-covered construction tools in the bath;
  • do not pour glue and similar solutions remaining after repair into the drain;
  • bathe pets in a separate container, drain the remaining water into the toilet or on the street;
  • do not wash heavily soiled shoes and other household items in the bath.

Equally important for the prevention of an emergency are preventive measures.

Preventative measures

  1. installation on the neck of the filter with a fine mesh, which will delay all debris;
  2. periodic pumping of the sewage system with a plunger or vacuum cleaner in order to remove accumulating deposits;
  3. preventive pouring (preferably day or night) into the neck of chemicals.

Sewer cleaning should be done immediately after detecting a deterioration in fluid flow.

  • To acquire and install high-quality and reliable plumbing from trusted manufacturers. On such products garbage is poorly retained, they will not collapse during cleaning.
  • Do not use excessive force during emergency operations with a clogged sewer, so as not to damage it.
  • Do not use motor fuel or concentrated acids for cleaning. These substances are toxic, corrode plastic, metal and rubber.

What to look for before cleaning the pipe

Before starting repair work, it is necessary to determine the place of blockage. In most cases, it forms in a siphon. This device has a narrow section, joints and bends. You can find the cork with a flashlight.