How to insulate the attic roof and how to prepare a roof of a private house for winter accommodation. If the roof is already covered: the insulation of the attic from the inside over all the rules insulation of the residential room in the attic room

The equipment of the roof insulation is one of the most important stages of the roof structure, which is designed for long-term operation.

Outdoor insulation

Such a process is not capable of complexity and is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Paramounts from the bottom laundled plywood or edging board.
  2. Thereafter conduct laying layer of thermal insulation. The surface of the layer and joints are sampled with the help of foil tape. It is very important to lay the laying of vapor barrier to lay on the faithful direction, because this material is capable of functioning in one direction.
  3. Next stacked insulating material. This should avoid free space, it is necessary that the insulation lying tightly.
  4. The next step is laying of the hydrobrilever on top of the rafter design. Bonding is also conducted by a specialized tape.
  5. Penultimate do ventilating clearances. Conduct this process using the rail, which is placed on top of the hydrober. The height of the rail is selected depending on the roofing parameters. If the roof of the wavy type, then the Rake Standard is 20-30 mm if the roof of a flat type, then 50 mm.
  6. Recently conduct the installation of the crate and put the roof.

Given the fact that the material for does not have protection against precipitation, then work should be carried out only with clear weather.

Outdoor insulation

Insulation of the attic roof from the inside

At first glance, it is possible to solve that such a method of insulation is more reliable and practical due to the fact that atmospheric precipitates do not fall into the material, because protected by roofing.

However, this method has drawbacks:

  • Installation of most of the material is very uncomfortable on the bottomside, and it is impossible to fix the roll materials in some places;
  • The rafter present elements in the system to enhance the design, the pairing locations are not protected by the heat insulating material.

Stages of the installation of the heat insulating layer in the internal way:

  1. Installation begins down the roof and the film with waterproofing properties is laid out, fasten with adhesive tape. In places located near the walls, the coating should have a greater margin that is adjusted after the completion of the entire process.
  2. Equip the design with the help of counterbagswhich are attached to the rafter system with nails. It is necessary to provide ventilation gap and tight fit of the layers to each other.
  3. Thereafter conduct laying insulation.
  4. The last step is equipment of vapor insulation membranewhich is fixed by the construction brackets of the brackets.


It is not recommended to carry out the sealing of gaps and gaps using a construction foam. In order to avoid unnecessary distance between sheets, it is best to lay them with a reserve of 5 m.

Inner insulation


What installation method choose to arrange the heat insulating structure for the attic roof depends largely on the individual parameters of the structure. It should be initially examined all the nuances and conditions.

Useful video

In this, you will learn how to warm the roof as well:

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The desire to live is better, have spacious homes, individual rooms for each family member and guests are a completely natural aspiration of our fellow citizens. Improving living conditions can be achieved in two ways: build big and expensive houses on traditional technology or use modern solutions and re-equip the attic rooms for residential. These are the so-called mansard rooms, this method allows you to achieve the tasks with minimal financial losses.

Due to the successful combination of the quality of housing, the comfort of living and the estimated cost of construction works, the attic premises are very popular among domestic developers. Currently, there are many technologies and special materials for insulation of such premises. In order to make the right and conscious choice, it is recommended to briefly familiarize yourself with their physical and operational characteristics.

Industry manufacturing a wide range of materials used for insulation of buildings. Regardless of production technology, they all must meet several universal requirements.

These are general requirements, and popular insulation in varying degrees meet the optimal indicators.

What materials can be used for the insulation of a naked roof

We will give a brief description of all possible options, and on the basis of objective characteristics to developers will make it easier to make the right choice.

Table. Types of insulation for mansard

Name of insulationPhysical and operational characteristics
The most advertified material for warming roofs. It has good heat resistant indicators, technologically, it is easy to cut and stacked. Minvata does not secrete any harmful chemical compounds into the air, it is not lit, allowed to use without restrictions. These are positive material quality, but there are also negative. Minvata is very hygroscopic, can absorb a large amount of moisture. As a result, thermal conductivity increases sharply, all the wooden structures of the rafter system are rapidly rotated next to the wet wool. To protect against moisture penetration, it is necessary to use special membranes, and this is an additional increase in the estimated cost of construction. In addition, the price of Minvata is the largest among all existing insulation.
Very sought-after material. In many important performance indicators, he surpasses the characteristics of mineral wool: has low thermal conductivity indicators (better than the Minvati), it perfectly cuts out, it is easy to install in the rafter niches, has a minimum weight. He does not absorb moisture, for him there is no need to mount moisture and steam protection, which has a positive effect on the cost of indoors. In addition, it is one of the cheapest roofing materials. As for the flammability, modern species have special additives, now the material does not support open burning. This means that a short circuit cannot set fire to foam. The amount of evaporation of chemical compounds does not exceed the established norms, and the insulation itself is additionally closed with finishing materials, which further reduces the likelihood of negative consequences. Another advantage - foam can be insulated with roofs not only from the inside, but also outside, laying it under roofing.
As well as the foam, it is recommended to apply if the roof insulation is necessary outside. In physical parameters, it does not differ from the foam, except for increased mechanical strength values. But for the insulation of the roof, the strength does not have a decisive value. Disadvantages - high cost.
During the insulation of the structures, it blends with special equipment. During the frost, polyurethane foam increases in volume and harden. The most unsuccessful material from all points of view. To achieve a thickness of 10-15 cm, it is necessary to repeat the processing three times, it is expensive, long and ineffective economically. Experienced builders are generally not recommended.
Pretty new and small aspired insulation, is made of cellulose or waste waste. Benefits include only one thing - the absence of harmful compounds. All actual performance characteristics are much worse than the insulation described in the table.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Heat insulation materials

Before making a decision on the choice of insulation, it is recommended to carefully compare the objective characteristics of the materials, while not paying much attention to the marketing moves of manufacturers, but to trust independent information.

And one more very important point: if the thickness of the insulation does not correspond to the climatic zone, then it is not worth waiting for such insulation of a large effect. No need to save, it is better to make a thickness with a margin about five centimeters.

The competent insulation of the attic from the inside allows you to use the room all year round, moreover, it helps to significantly save on heating and electricity costs to heat the structure as a whole.

Options for insulation of the attic depends on what stage of house construction. In the article we will deal with how to properly perform heat insulation, the better to insulate the premises, and offer step-by-step instructions, how to make the insulation of the attic from the inside with their own hands.

How to insulate the field of mansard

How to warm the floor by reinforced concrete floor

To insulate the floor, first we clean the slab from the garbage and dust, close the slit and irregularities of cement-sandy solution. Next, we carry out the waterproofing of the plate, the cooler method of bitumen mastic on 2 layers, or filling the runneroid, joints should be a mustache and tightly glued by a soldering lamp - it will protect the insulation from condensate.

We put the insulation on the floor, it may be mineral or basalt wool, claymzite, foam, PPU, polystyrene foam, etc. The insulation is stacked, then the reinforcing mesh with a cell 600 * 600 mm and more, from the reinforcement with a cross section of up to 6 mm.

The reinforcement is poured by a cement screed, then you can begin to finish the floor, the material is selected depending on the design of the attic.

Stock Foto Floor insulation on attic, layer of insulation should fit tightly to lagas

How to make heat insulation by wooden overlapping

Before insulationing the wooden floor on the attic, be sure to treat the old refractory coating and antiseptics. Next, lags from a bar 100 * 100 mm are stuffed for insulation, with a step of 500-600 mm. Lags are squeezed by a waterproofing membrane, and on top of it, the insulation is very tightly fit between the beams, all the gaps should be sealed with mounting foam. The insulation is covered with vapor barrier, be sure to benched 150 mm. On top it can be attached to the sheet material: Phaneur, chipboard, OSB, on which finishing finish is stacked, or to be caught up with a seeding board.

How to insulate the ceiling on the attic

It is extremely rare, as it is without that low room. But if such a need arose, in view of strong frosts, or this requires a feature, then, first of all, on the perimeter of the future ceiling it is necessary to pull the vapor insulation membrane. Next, we set the crate of wooden bars or metal profiles, with a cell 600 * 600 mm. Inside the crates put insulation, mineral wool. The lamp is sewn another layer of vapor barrier, then you can grab the ceiling with facing materials.

Dooming for insulation of an attic ceiling

Tip: If the attic is planned to be insulated with slaughter materials, then they are attached over the crate. The frame should be enhanced by rigidity ribs so that the lamp does not resist the insulation from the weight.

What insulation to choose for attic

The question is, the better to insulate the attic from the inside, it is very acute, and the knife, the reviews on the forums will drastically differ, each material has its undoubted advantages, as well as flaws.


The insulation of the monster foam is the most budget option to maintain heat indoors. For insulation of the attic room, a layer of polyfoam is a thickness of at least 100 mm. It is almost weightless material, easy to install, suitable for insulation and. But he burns, infected with mold, in addition, rodents use it to organize their moves throughout the house. Despite the fact that this method of insulation has been checking the time, the question of whether the insulation of the attic of the attic of the foam is, the reviews are diverted from "in no case," to "only foam", remains open. We invite you to see the instruction, where it is described in detail how to perform the insulation of the attic of the foam, the video clearly demonstrates all the advantages and disadvantages of working with this material.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

The insulation of the attic floor with extruded polystyrene foam, as a rule, is performed outside the building. Despite the fact that many consider this material with foam, their chemical composition is very different. The polystyrene foam is well tolerates chemical impacts, it has thermal conductivity lower than that of the foam, it practically does not miss moisture. Even if the water penetrated the surface of the insulation, the material during freezing and thawing will retain its thermal insulation characteristics. The polystyrene foams have different density, the higher this indicator, the difficult insulation, the smaller the density, the better heat and sound insulation properties. But extruded polystyrene foam during contact with complex carbohydrates is destroyed, it is also deformed by ultraviolet rays, therefore, it is not recommended to use paints on nitroosna.

Look at the video how to insulate the attic with your own hands extruded polystyrene foam


The insulation of the attic of the mansard foam is financially expensive, relative to the foam. This is a new rolled insulation, which is a competitor for mineral wool. It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, good heat insolound, resistant to moisture. The huge advantage of foamophole - it protects the room from the effects of radioactive substances, but it does not tolerate mechanical loads, and requires skills when laying the heat insulating layer, the violation of the technology leads to a deterioration in the thermal insulation characteristics of the insulation.

Polyurethane foam spraying

The thermal insulation made by spraying polyurethane foam does not have joints, and, consequently, the besels of the cold. Such insulation does not require the cost of preliminary attachment of attic to thermal insulation, the material is poured on the thickness of the attic of the attic and more. The insulation is sprayed directly not a wall, floor, ceiling with special equipment. PUP is resistant to fungi, and practically does not let moisture, but poorly transfers the effects of ethers and concentrated acids


Equata is 80% composed of cellulose, and by 20% of antiseptics and supplements of flames. Applying this material for the insulation of the attic one must take into account the volume, since the insulation is very loose. To perform the high-quality insulation of the attic of the attic of an emotory, you should apply a layer with a thickness of about 200 mm. This is an eco-friendly insulation, falls on the surface by the type of papier-mache, manually or by a mechanized way, does not forms the joints. It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, a resistant to fungi and bacteria, is practically not lit. For the installation of the heat-insulating layer requires knowledge of application technology and professional skills.

Eco-weather insulation, such a method of heat-shields requires skills and knowledge of the technology of applying material on the surface

Mineral wool

The use of mineral wool for insulation is the most popular way to maintain heat on the attic. Depending on the composition and density of the wool, it can be laid in the strut or in a special framework. Mineral wool does not rot, but absorbs moisture, due to this, its thermal insulation characteristics are reduced, as well as the insulation, the insulation is noticeable with moisture, which gives significant loads on the rafter and the roof of the attic. With the insulation of the Minvat, there is practically no waste, it is easy to cut. For insulation of the attic floor, a layer is 100-200 mm thick, depending on the structural features of the structure. When working with the Minvat, we should wear a protective suit and glasses.

Mansard insulation, video instructions, how to properly lay the heat-insulating layer from Minvati


I would like to leave the old Dedovsky and almost free way of insulation. The device of heat-insulating cake with sawdust. This is an eco-friendly insulation method, tested by time. The sawdust is mixed with lime and laid the insulating layer with a thickness of 100 mm. Such thermal insulation is several times inferior to modern insulation, in addition, it is a fire-hazard method of insulation. But if this is a cottage house, and on the project of the attic a cold unheated premises, then this method of insulation is quite acquitted.

For insulation of the attic, you can use both traditional materials and modern insulation, the main thing is to correctly calculate the thickness of the heat insulating layer

Now the market is represented by a huge selection of insulation: stone wool Rockvul, slab polyplex, backfills, plates, mats, etc. Which insulation is better for the attic, it depends on what room should be inspired: if it is a warm attic, then the benefits have basalt wools, PPU, And if the cold - foam and sawdust. The second criterion for selecting the insulation is how much willing to spend on thermal insulation. It is believed that universal insulation cannot be in principle, each of them has their advantages and disadvantages. We tried to choose the most useful tips for you, how to insulate the attic, video materials will help you understand the intricacies of thermal insulation device with each specific material.

Sounds of insulation and hydraulic insulation of the attic

How to put the insulation?

Thinking about how to insulate the attic floor, we often miss important things from the type. For example, a large role in the effectiveness of insulation is played by how correctly the material was laid.

  • The material should be laid in two layers, where the second overlaps the seams and joints of the first.
  • The thickness of the rafter legs and the first layer of the insulation should be the same. Otherwise, the slabs of the second layer will receive bends, which leads to the loss of the density of the joints.
  • The width of the insulation should be equal to the distance between the rapid legs. So the plates will fall at exactly, with a full adjoint, the insulation of the attic floor from the inside will be fully complete.

The second layer of the insulation does not hold on the spot, what to do?

With the insulation of the attic of the attic placle materials, it usually does not occur - they get up between the Rakes of the counter of the Mospus. The rolled types are soft, they savage and, as a result, fall out from their own place. There is a natural question: how to insulate the attic of the attic with their own hands, so that everything is reliably fixed? The problem is solved using nails and a synthetic cord:

  • At the edges of the regches, the counter of the crates are shaking small nails.
  • The cord is tied to the uppermost nail.
  • The material is invested in place and fixed with a cord, in a minute from one rail to another.

We work so until we finish the insulation of the attic of the attic with their own hands.

How to perform insulation of walls under the scenes of the roof?

If the inner walls of the residential attic under the broken roof are made by vertical, in front of you in addition to the selection than the insulation of the walls of the attic from the inside there is another task: the placement of the insulation material. You do not need to be done directly on the beams of the roof. The insulation is placed on the shields that will serve as the walls of the future room. And so that the material does not fall into space under the roof, on the reverse side of the shields are muted by the cutting boards. Wall insulation from the inside, whose photo you see below are performed in this way.

Is it possible to replace the pair of the floor with moisture protection?

Usually, the cake of insulation of the floor of the attic on the cottage consists of a layer of waterproofing, insulation and vaporizolation. The idea of \u200b\u200binstalling moisture protection instead of steamosistrates seems logical - protection of the floor from spilled water. Not so simple. The insulation works as long as it is dry. Indicators of thermal insulation decrease with increasing humidity level.

If we hill the floor with vapor barrier, water will evaporate sooner or later, and the insulation will restore its properties. When there is a moisture protection, and water somehow falls inside the overlap, there will be no moisture output. We get: no floor insulation in the attic floor and the presence, over time, mold under it.

How to install vapor barrier?

The insulation of the attic floor from the inside never costs without the installation of vapor insulation membranes. This process has its own nuances:

  • Foil membranes are installed shiny side into the room.
  • The positioning of conventional fiberglass canvases is determined on the touch - a smooth side to the insulation, Schellova - to the room.
  • Installation of any vapor insulation cloths is conducted by strips, in a horizontal direction, bottom-up.

These rules relate to the insulation of the attic floor in both the roofs, and in front of the roof.

What width should be the ventilation gap between the roof and insulation cake?

The width of the ventilation depends on the type of roofing material, and not from the fact that the attic of the attic from the inside you are going to:

  • Bituminous tile, rolled materials, asbestos-cement sheets, galvanized steel - under them should be at least 50 mm.
  • Any wavy sheets of the type of metal tile, profiled galvanized steel - from the roofing material to the layer of insulation of the attic from the inside, we leave the gap from 25 mm.

How to avoid mistakes during the insulation of the mansard foam?

  • You can not use dowel mushrooms during the insulation of the attic of the indigestion by foam. Reviews usually do not reflect this, but the multiple bridges of the cold, resulting in the process, increase the loss of heat.
  • Thinking how to insulate the attic to the foam, remember that for wooden surfaces this material does not fit.
  • Applying a mounting foam should be avoided to eliminate gaps between foam plates. It is better to choose a material having a combination-groove combination. If you need to make cut-off parts together - just pon them with a knife.

What is better, basalt wool or slag?

Many find it difficult in the question as to which insulation is better for the attic. This is especially true of slag and basalt minvati - are called in a word, look like. The latter is better because it has a smaller thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.12. At slagotov, this indicator is 0.48. Another advantage of basalt insulation is the lack of formaldehydes in the composition. Therefore, solving, the better to insulate the attic from the inside, it is preferable to stay on the basalt car.

What if the thickness of the insulation turned out to be greater than the height of the crate?

If making the insulation of the fronton of the attic of the attic from the inside, you found that the insulation is too fat and performs over the crate, in no case can it be frozen. The heat-powered properties of the material directly depend on its density: the smaller it is, the greater the effect of the insulation.

Commission, for example, slag, we compact it, worsening its properties. How to insulate the farming of the attic without rewinding the crate? Just increase its thickness, stinging on top of the rack of the desired section. Similarly, the roofs are also coming, increasing rafters in width.

Is it possible to do without insulation of the insulated floor of the attic?

I solve how to insulate the attic for winter accommodation, we often doubt whether it is necessary to take care of the hydro and vaporizolation of the floor. In theory, if the floor is well insulated and insulated on the walls and roof, this can not be done. However, you should not forget that the warm air has a property to climb up, and moisture rises with it. That is, half the last floor gets moisture from around the house. Therefore, in the winter version of the attic layers of the insulation must be enclosed in water and vaporizolation membranes.

Statistics says that more than 50% of residential subcoase premises in the Russian Federation is insulated with mineral wool. Is the popularity of material about its undeniable advantages? In this review, the insulation of the attic of the attic from the inside of the Ministry of Service with their own hands and analyzed the method with functional and technological points of view.

Plates, mats and rolled materials from basalt fibers used for the insulation of the attic from the inside, attract developers and builders with three important properties:

Mineral Wat - Effective and Popular Insuit In Russia

  • Fire safety. All brands Minvati are category NG.
  • Parry permeability.

    Thanks to the ability to absorb condensate and evaporate it with increasing the temperature of Minvat, it works fine in contact with wooden rafters. She protects them from the convergence, which is the cause of the development of fungus and rotting wood.

  • Good noise absorbing characteristics. Chaotic-oriented fibers most effectively reduce the level of high-frequency noise, which are at rain especially annoying and annoying.

The described characteristics are much greater than the cost, affect the selection of this type of insulation for the insulation of the attic. However, various basalt thermal insulation brands differ significantly from each other in a number of other parameters. The insulation of the attic from the inside of the room with their own hands requires a certain experience with the Minvata and imposes additional restrictions on the properties of the material: it becomes clear from the video posted in the "Algorithm of Independent Installation" section.

Among these additional qualities are allocated:

  1. Format material. For laying between rafting beams, the width of thermal insulation must be 600 - 610 mm.
  2. Density. When working alone, the smaller the stove or its cut, the better.
  3. Elasticity and high enough rigidity. This quality greatly simplifies the insulation of the mansard of Minvata.
  4. The presence of large thicknesses is 100, 150, 200 mm.

The misconception is common that the high density of basalt insulation indicates its increased energy efficiency, and the low-rigidity and inability to keep the form. However, the direct dependence of thermal conductivity and stiffness from density does not exist. Length, thickness of fibers, as well as the type of their orientation are determined value.

Minvata in the form of plates is convenient for mansard insulation alone

We compared the real parameters of mineral wool grades recommended by leading manufacturers for roof insulation. All four declared requirements are satisfied with only three names: Rockmin and Rockmin Plus (Rockwool Brand), as well as Rocklaight Tekhtonikol plates. Plates of these brands (format 1000 × 600 mm and 1200 × 600 mm) with a thickness of 100 mm weigh, respectively, 1.6 kg; 2.1 kg and 2.9 kg. At the same time, they are elastic and hold the form well.

There are many types of mineral wool insulation, which are superior to those recommended by thermal resistance or rigidity. But they all have an inapproprible format, or very severe or not enough elags, and therefore are uncomfortable to work alone.

The composition of roofing pie

The insulation of the mineral wool residential attachment requires the mandatory compensation for the weaknesses of this material: the ability to absorb moisture coming from the room, as well as high impact and low resistance for atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, in the composition of roofing pie, provideding to the use of fibrous insulation, two, and sometimes three membranes are introduced. In the direction of the room outward layers are located in the following order:

Mountsard Hansard Warming Scheme

  1. Finish ceiling cladding. The warmest material for this layer is the drywall and a layer of putty (taken into account separately with thermal calculation).
  2. Aerial gap formed by a cladder for fastening the finishing cladding. It is equal to the thickness of the regions (or galvanized profiles) of the crate. For the operation of the heat insulating system, this clearance is not required.
  3. Far differed film. Protects the insulation from the vapor rising from the room.
  4. Main insulation (2 - 3 layers of mineral wool).
  5. High-thinged membrane (waterproofing). Its peculiarity lies in one-sided flow of water. Going from the bottom of the moisture (evaporated mineral wool) should be freely penetrated through the membrane, and the water falling on top (atmospheric precipitation and condensate) - flip under the roofing flooring down, on the street. Films of this type combine the functions of the hydrober and windproof. In domestic practice, the three-layer membranes of Izospan have proven well. It is better for the attic of the attic of the AQ PROFF isoospin, characterized by high strength and a good indicator of the passage of steam (1000 g / m2 per day). The gap between the isospan and the minvata is not needed.
  6. Ventilation gap between the membrane and roofing flooring. Frames are formed by crates located perpendicular to the rafters in the plan. The thickness of the crate is usually 4 - 6 cm.
  7. Roofing flooring.

Sufficient insulation thickness

To determine the required thickness of mineral wool, select one of the independent network heat engineering calculators (not belonging to a manufacturer of insulating materials). In the filters, you must specify the region and all the components of the roofing cake with the indication of materials and thicknesses. Each air clearance is also a significant insulation layer.

The thickness of the insulation for the attic must be exactly calculated

After that, the calculation will show the final temperature indoor. The method of consecutive approximations can be found to find the value of all parameters of thermal insulation, ensuring the necessary level of comfort in the attic.

In most regions of the European part of the Russian Federation, the required thickness of mineral wool with an internal insulation of the attic is 280 - 300 mm.

Often, developers are content with the values \u200b\u200bof 200 - 250 mm, for the reason that "this corresponds to the geometry of the rafter" and "it is verified by the practice." They simply ignore the fact that the heat compensation in the attic at the expense of heating systems located on the first floor. Money saved on the insulation of the attic is poured into a significant annual overrun of energy.

Table: Comparative characteristics of various insulation and required thickness depending on thermal conductivity

Independent Montage Technology Minvati

Initially, it is necessary to make sure that the outer elements of the roofing pie (or, at least, the waterproofing layer) are already mounted. It is necessary to protect the mineral wool from getting atmospheric moisture to install the outer membrane.

Mineral wool tightly labeled between the beams of overlapping or racks

Next, the width of the openings between rapid beams is checked. If the size ranges between 550 mm and 600 mm, then the insulation does not have to cut (you can use the factory width of the plates 600 - 610 mm). If the distance between the rafters is greater than 600 mm, it will be necessary to cut out of the mineral wool slabs the fragments of the required width from the calculation of the assembly compression 20 - 30 mm. For example, if the rafter niche has a width of 720 mm, then sections 700 × 600 mm are cut out of the plates 1200 × 600 mm. The remains of 500 × 600 are accumulated for use in the insulation of various contours (for the nurse's walls, around the window openings, for laying on top of the riglels, etc.)

The second method lies in the diagonal cutting of rectangular plates and relative displacement of halves along this diagonal. When displaced, the overall width increases, ensuring the stops of the wool to the vertical face of the rafter. However, in this case, the following plates of curvilinearly cut and from the outside will have to cut.

Installation of mineral wool and further operations are carried out alone using the following methods:

Fixing mineral wool by Kapron thread

  1. If there are no significant drops in the openings between the rafters in the width, you can install mineral wool slabs without preparatory work. Material for 20-30 mm allows you to lay out from the inside of the room into the slope of the roof all the elements of the insulation. Otherwise, a temporary (removable) lamp from slats, boards, or a caprony thread (non-removable), stretched along the lower edges of the zigzag stretched along the lower colors, is used. The layers of mineral wool are laid out in a checker order to overlapping the joints.
  2. From the bottom to the ends rafted the stapler fasten the vapor barrier film. It is necessary to dock it with a mustache, sinking the joints with a special scotch.
  3. Mounted doom for installing the finish ceiling lining.

Video: how to insulate the roof of the attic floor of mineral wool (Isover pro 100 mm and URSA Pure One 50mm)

The overall heater thickness was 250 mm. The insulation fixation is carried out with a bar of 50 × 40mm. To eliminate the Saving Minvati, additionally the author of the video uses the twine that is fastened to the steplerel to the bar.

Warming Maurolat and walls

The insulation of the monsard walls should be a closed circuit with the insulation of the roofing rods. The thermal calculation for the walls is carried out separately. In most cases, it shows the necessary insulation thickness of 1.5 times smaller than for a roof.

Maurylalat is a log or bar serve to transmit and averaging pressure from the rafter beams to the top end of the wall. The insulation of Mauerlat is recommended to install the hydrobrier. Mauerlat is insulated from above and from the street. Then the membrane is installed.

Video to help: Why moisture is formed on the roof of the attic, insulated minvata


In addition to the high functional properties of mineral wool, used in residential subcoases, consumers attract the possibility of substantial savings. The main source is not the price of the material, but an independent performance of work. However, for installation, which is alone, a number of additional requirements are presented to the fibrous insulating material. Only their account when choosing a wool grade guarantees you calm, measured work.

Unlike the thermal insulation of conventional walls, the insulation of the attic is much more complicated, since it is partially roofing with it in part or entirely. It turns out that one and the same inclined design should perform several functions - to fencing against precipitation, wind and cold. Therefore, in how to warm the attic floor of a private house correctly, it is worth understanding thoroughly that every homeowner can do it with your own hands. The technology of thermal insulation works is described in this material.

The better to insulate the attic

Since we are talking about the insulation of the attic roof over residential premises, the choice of material will affect the method of work. In addition, various types of glass gamblers are immediately excluded from the list of possible insulation, it is prohibited to use from within residential buildings. The rest of the list is as follows:

  • mineral or eco-board in rolls and plates;
  • styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethan (PPU).

In fact, the technology of insulation of the inclined attic roof is only one and is to lay the insulation between the rafting boards. Another thing is how common pie will look like using a particular material, there are differences here. It is more difficult to produce the right insulation of the attic from the inside of the mineral wool, because it has an unpleasant property to absorb moisture. But because of its absolute nonopusity of Minvat continues to be popular.

Equata or basalt fiber in the stoves are convenient when installing, while roll materials need to cut into separate mats to insert them obligious between the rafter. But there is another point: from all the above insulation of Minvat, it has the worst heat-insulating properties, which automatically increases the thickness of its layer. But this parameter is limited to the width of the rafting board (sometimes from 100 to 250 mm). Then the result of the work looks like this:

For reference. Discussion of materials for the insulation of mansard walls is equally related to both wooden and brick houses with a scope roof.

While the Minvata, when insulation, needs to protect against moisture, foamed polymers like foam plane, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam practically impermeable for water vapor. If the polyfoam somehow absorbs moisture in small pieces, then the remaining listed polymers in this respect are sealed. It greatly simplifies the process of insulation of the attic floor, which is useful for people who want to do it alone. In addition, the foam and penurex longer retain their thermal insulation characteristics.

Of course, the best insulation is polyurethane foam, which is applied by spraying. It is absolutely not afraid of moisture, maybe for some time to withstand fire and has the highest thermal resistance. One bad thing: technology of application, although simple, but is made with the help of special machines, so insulate the attic PPU will not work independently. You have to pay considerable money to a specialized company. But about this material sounds only positive feedback.

For reference. Polystyrene foamed in various ways is a bad soundproofer, it must be considered when using it. At the same time, the mineral wool perfectly absorbs sounds and is more preferable in the conditions of the city.

Each of the materials have many supporters and opponents that compose many non-pieces, so the ingestive person is not easy to choose the best insulation on the roof of the residential attic. Therefore, it is worth examining how to correctly perform the process of insulation, then much will become understandable. More information can be obtained by reviewing the video:

How to calculate the thickness of the insulation

The roofing material of the attic does not protect against the cold and has almost zero thermal resistance. In addition, all the warmth of the house is going under the attitude of the attic floor, so the regulatory requirements for its insulation are as tough as the roof itself. For example, for the Moscow region of Russia, the roof thermal insulation should have heat transfer resistance not lower than 5 m2 · ° C / W.

For reference. The regulatory values \u200b\u200bof thermal resistance are reference, it is easy to find in the relevant documentation or the Internet in relation to the region of residence.

For example, you wish to insulate the attic of the house in the suburbs of mineral wool. It is necessary to take its thermal conductivity coefficient (0.045 W / m2 · ° C) and substitute in the formula for calculating the thickness:

Δ \u003d R x λ, where:

  • δ - the thickness of the heat insulating layer, m;
  • λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation, W / m2 · ° C.

It turns out δ \u003d 5 x 0.045 \u003d 0.225 m or 225 mm. This is the minimum value, and it is better to lay the power of the minvate layer in 250 mm.

Warming technology

As we have already spoken, the insulation of the pitched roofing and the monster walls is carried out from the inside by filling the heat insulating material of the gaps between the rafters. To clearly imagine the scope of work, it is worth looking at the general scheme of the attic in the context:

Here, a mineral wool is used as a heater, which is cut into size, 2-3 cm greater than the distance between the rafting boards. This is done so that the plates are inserted tightly and kept themselves. But before they put them in place, you need to protect your wool from moisture from entering it from the outside, for which a special film should be laid under roofing coating - diffusion membrane. The general "insulation cake" is shown in the diagram:

What is the snag here. Between the waterproofing and roofing coating (in this case - metal tile), it is necessary to leave the ventilation opening - the product width of 30 to 50 mm wide. It passes under the entire surface of the roof of a wooden house and serves to circulate air that falls there below, from under the sink. It turns out the air from above, on the skate, as shown in the picture:

Tasks of the ventilation opening:

  • remove moisture and condensate from the underpants;
  • prevent the athletic premises overheating in the summer when the metal tile is heated by the sun.

Below the opening is a special waterproofing film - the diffusion membrane, nailed by the counter parameters to the rafters from the outside. Its peculiarity is that the film does not pass water, but at the same time vaporummate. That is, mineral wool in the event of a leakage is protected by a water membrane, but it may be moisture through it through the ventilation opening. The insulation is also protected from below, only an already impermeable film. Thus, wool will not choose from the room.

All these troublesome activities are needed so that the insulation of the attic of mineral wool, made by their own hands, could serve as longer and more efficiently. After all, in contrast to the ordinary roof, the state of the "cake" of thermal insulation will be difficult to track, because it is hidden behind the interior decoration.

The rest of the enclosure structures of the attic - the floors and vertical walls of the frontones are insulated by traditional ways. Fronteons of stone houses should be sewed insulation outside dry or wet method, and wooden can be inside, snapped on the walls of bars. Wat is laid between them on the same technology using protective films.

Council. Since the foam still has the property to absorb moisture in small quantities, then it will be put on the same technology as Minvatu. Although in practice it is often used without a vapor barrier, inserting the plates between the rafted and fixing the mounting foam.

Thermal insulation of the attic polystyolistol

Using the fact that the Penoplex and extruded polystyrene foam pushes water by 100%, with the insulation of the attic of the attic film or foil from the inside can not be used. Optimally laying insulation in 2 layers, for which they take plates ordinary and with a chosen quarter. The first is tightly inserted between the rafted flush with the inner surface of the board. The second is filling over, fixing to the rafters and the first layer with the help of self-sufficiency.

When installing the first layer of insulation, it should be remembered that you need to provide ventilation gap and pave the diffusion membrane. By the way, it is necessary in any case, even if the insulation is put on the poles of the attic, and the roof is not insulated at all. Waterproofing always protects the inner space from the bloating of the wind and the falling water.

Two layers of polystyrene foaming not only well insulate the attic, but also protect wooden structures from humidity occurring indoors. How best to do is shown in the video:


Carrying out the insulation of the attic floor, it is necessary to remember all the nuances and strictly observe the technology. It is especially important to scrupulously refer to the laying of hydro and vaporizolation, thoroughly sealing all the joints with bilateral construction scotch. Not only the service life of the insulation, but also all the wooden structures, which can also be affected by the constant impact of moisture.