How to paint stingrays for flowers. Crazy hands: flowerbeds of tires in my country house. The choice of tires for making a flower garden

A little imagination, favorite paints and colors - and the old tire is no longer garbage, but an important part of the decor or artistic image. If desired, with the help of a flower bed made of tires with your own hands, you can change the entire appearance of the garden.

The dream of making your garden beautiful and cozy leads its owner from the beds to the design of flower beds and various flower beds.

Flowers are planted:

  • in a pots;
  • on a flower bed;
  • into a container;
  • in hanging baskets.

Simple plastic containers or flower pots look rather uninteresting and monotonous. The flowerbed seems unfinished without a border and border decoration. Creativity must be realized, because the gardener wants to express his fantasies in interesting ways.

Sometimes the money question arises, and the owner of the garden has to make a choice between buying interesting specimens of plants for the collection, a rose garden, a flower garden and purchasing ready-made forms for planting them.

In this case, ideas about creation will come to the rescue. Even if there are no such materials on or near the site, at any tire station or service station, workers will be happy to get rid of unnecessary and used old tires of any size.

Old tires become soft from time to time and can be processed quite easily. The sides of such a flower bed look better when the tire is turned inside out. In this case, they resemble flower petals or carved leaf edges. Difficulty may arise at this stage, but fantasy or masculine strength will help to cope with it.

Let's summarize all the advantages:

  • cheapness;
  • availability;
  • the opportunity to show creativity;
  • a large number of manufacturing options.

And one drawback in the form of little physical effort is unlikely to outweigh them.

Converting an old car tire

Each garden, be it a summer cottage or a manor, is decorated in the same style.

The gardener's artistic preferences will tell you which style direction to choose when making a flower bed.

Animal-shaped pots filled with flowers will decorate a country-style garden.

A multi-tiered flower bed made of tires, in which ampelous petunia or surfinia of the same color is planted, will become a wonderful flower cloud and complement any color composition, giving it lightness.

Suspended tire pots filled with bacopa and calibrachoa add flavor to the Provence style.

What tires are better to take

Any work in the garden, especially creative work, should be enjoyable. It depends on the degree of preparation for it. To create an exquisite element of landscape design, you need to understand in detail how to make a flower bed from tires with your own hands, choose wheels and prepare them for work.

The softest for cutting curly parts and creating shapes is considered to be old imported rubber intended for use in winter. The older the tire, the easier it will be to handle.

The treads on such a tire are almost worn out. When painted, they will be completely painted over, and you will get a smooth surface, on which it will be difficult to determine the source of inspiration.

There are a lot of ways to implement fantasy ideas:

  • just a flower bed from an old tire;
  • ladybug;
  • cup and saucer;
  • dog;
  • a donkey made of tires, harnessed to a cart with a tire-flower bed;
  • multi-level flower bed made of tires of different diameters.

Preparatory process

Before making such a flower bed with your own hands, you need to go through several stages. The role of a visual aid is best played by a similar sculptural composition of neighbors. But!

Every gardener dreams of creating his own garden. To do this, it makes sense to watch a video about creating a flower bed from old tires, and make adjustments for the individual taste and style of the garden.

There are several options for flower beds, photos of which it is advisable to see before starting work:

  • just a flower bed made of tires without turning it inside out and any decorative experiments;

  • a flower bed with a removed upper part and a decorative design of the top;
  • intricate design with inverted tire and beautifully cut edges;

  • a very complex design, for which it is necessary to dissolve the tire into narrow strips.

The gardener's artistic intention has already been put into words, an approximate plan of the masterpiece has been drawn. The next stage is preparation for the fulfillment of desires.

Successful implementation is guaranteed if available:

  1. Old car tire.
  2. Sharp knife.
  3. Gloves.
  4. Paints.
  5. A wish.

There are other variations of this formula. Instead of a knife, you can use a jigsaw. This tool will facilitate the process of cutting out the design and help to make more intricate curls, which are rather difficult to make with a knife.

To all of the above, you can add an electric sander. With its help, the old tire will take on a new look, bumps and scuffs will disappear.

Purchased tires must be washed from dirt, dust and stones stuck in the treads. This is necessary for a better application of paint and decorative elements for the future work of landscape art.

In some photos showing how to make a flower bed out of tires with your own hands, sometimes the used tire is not cleaned of dirt and dust. It is unpleasant to work with such material.

Having decided on the appearance of the future masterpiece, a drawing of future flowers or petals that must be cut out is applied to a clean surface with chalk. Clear markings in the future will get rid of flaws, and it will be much easier to work.

You need to think about how to make a flower bed out of tires with your own hands and fill it with beautiful plants on long snowy evenings. It is in winter that petunia and viola are sown on seedlings. Phlox Drummond for seedlings should be sown in March. Having landed it in the ground in May, you can admire the blooming oasis all summer long.

Almost any plants are suitable for the design of such a flower garden. The general rules of flower beds are also suitable for a rubber miracle:

  • the composition should be attractive from any point of view;
  • taller plants are planted in the background or in the case of a round flower bed in the middle;
  • at the feet of a tall and beautiful, but ankle flower, it is necessary to plant groundcover, which will disguise an ugly bare stem;
  • the number of species should correspond to the size of the flower bed;
  • three different plants are enough for a small flower garden;
  • Harmonious color combinations of plants of the same species look more interesting than a mixture of different plants of different colors.

For a large flower bed, you can even pick up a coniferous set of dwarf forms of juniper and spruce.

We plant on a flower bed

After all the preparatory and decoration work, plants are planted in the flowerbed. For planting, a mixture of fertile soil, sand and humus is prepared in a ratio of 2: 1: 2. At the bottom of the flower bed, if any, drainage is poured with a layer of about 5 cm.

If the flower bed lies directly on the ground, then drainage is not needed. In this case, excess liquid will be absorbed into the ground.

A small flower bed made of tires requires a more careful approach. A small volume of soil picks up moisture more easily and partitions faster with it. Plants suffer from such fluctuations in moisture. This can be avoided by adding vermiculite to the soil mixture for the flower bed.

Work wonders for your garden!

The problem of recycling used tires has been of concern to ecologists since the late 70s of the last century. This is especially true in our country, where there is still not a sufficient number of enterprises capable of using them as recyclable materials. As they say, in such a situation, everyone is saved as best he can, so we can only welcome those craftsmen who are trying to free landfills from these non-decomposable waste and, for example, make flower beds from tires with their own hands. They can be very different, from just worn tires dug into the ground, in which flowers are planted, to complex flowerpots in the form of swans with a bright pattern. If you are interested in this idea and want a beautiful tire to decorate the plot in front of your house, how to make one with your own hands, you can read below.

Which to use

If you have a choice, then a complex flowerbed of tires, made by hand, the production of which involves cutting out figures, will look better if you use foreign-made products, since they have thinner and more pliable rubber. In addition, it makes sense to give preference to winter tires, as they are more textured, and worn tires. The fact is that the shabby proctor is softer, so the turning process is easier and does not require much effort.


To make original ones with your own hands, you just need to take 4 any tires, preferably the same size. You will need to remove the rubber from the metal rim and cut it so that you get two identical halves. This should be done with three tires, and for one, leave the rubber shell intact, since it will be used as the core of the flower. Then the halves and the whole tire must be painted in different colors and dug 5-6 cm into the ground, laying out a flower from them that has 6 petals with a round center. The composition will look more interesting if the core is planted with flowers of one type, and the petals of another.


This very simple and beautiful version of a flower bed made of tires, made by hand, is suitable for plots or yards with a small area. For its implementation, you will need 6 tires, which need to be painted in bright colors and laid in 3 rows, in which there will be 3, 2 and 1 tires. If the summer cottage is quite spacious, then you can make the design more complicated by laying out a flower of 5-6 tires in the bottom row, on the second - of 3 and crowning it with one. Such a pyramid will look especially impressive if you choose a plant with large leaves for the upper "flowerpot".

Flowerbeds of car tires do it yourself in the form of a vase

There is also a more complex option, the implementation of which will require a lot of patience. However, the result is usually just excellent.

So, in order to create original flower beds from tires with your own hands in the form of large vases, resembling opened flowers, you must:

  • Place the tire on a flat surface and with chalk draw petals of the desired shape around the entire circumference. Moreover, the size of each petal should not exceed 12 cm.
  • Cut the workpiece with a sharp knife or jigsaw along the marked contour. To facilitate this task, you can apply a little liquid soap to the knife from time to time.
  • Make longitudinal cuts along the grooves of the tread at a distance of about 10 cm.
  • Using a grinder, make several cuts on the outside and smoothly cut the rubber with an indent of 15 cm. If everything is done correctly and the grinder touches the metal cord, white smoke should be emitted.
  • Turn the tire inside out so that you get a kind of flower on the leg.
  • Decorate using enamel, oil or nitro paints.

To make a do-it-yourself tire flower bed even more beautiful, over the base layer of paint, you can apply an ornament using a stencil or stick various decorative elements.

Pyramid slide

If you have 3 tires of different sizes, or at least two and one plastic bucket with a capacity of 0.5 liters, then you can make a pyramid according to the principle of a well-known children's toy. To create it, the tires must be stacked on top of each other in decreasing order of diameter, filling each with earth. Above you need to install a bucket and, plant climbing plants in it and in the tires from the lower layers, so that they hang down from the slide as they grow, covering it all.

Flowerbed - "cup"

A flower bed made of tires, made in the form of a cup, will also look original. Moreover, if space allows, then even a whole tea set can be installed on your site.

For such a craft, first of all, you need to make the lower part, which will represent the saucer. You will need a tire from the truck, with which you need to cut the sidewall with an electric jigsaw (to make the work easier, it is recommended to cool the jigsaw blade in soapy water from time to time). Having finished with this work, they take the R13 tire and cut off the sidewall with a well-sharpened, or even better with a boot knife, lubricating the blade with liquid soap. After that, the tire is turned inside out so that the tread is inside, and you get a bowl without a bottom. The next stage is the manufacture of the upper part of the mug, for which you will need a tire of a slightly larger diameter, for example, from an UAZ. Both sides are cut off from it. In this case, on the one hand, it should be done so that the resulting hole in size is no larger than the diameter of the "bowl". In addition, a strip for the handle is cut from the scraps of the largest tire.

When all the details are ready, you should start painting and assembling the flower bed. To do this, the "saucer" and the handle are painted in one color, and parts of the mug in another. Further, at the place where they are going to install the flower bed, lay a piece of cellophane and put a "saucer" on top, and first a "bowl" is installed in its hole, and then the upper part of the mug. Then, using self-tapping screws, the handle is fixed and, with the help of a stencil, circles are applied to the mug in the color of the "saucer". Everything! Now you know how to make a flower bed out of a tire with your own hands in the form of a cup. It remains to fill it with earth and plant flowers.

"Piglet" and "Ladybug"

If you are interested in the question of how to make it easier with your own hands, but so that it looks original, you can use your imagination. To do this, you can simply remove the "elastic" from the rim, turn it inside out and paint it accordingly. For example, if you want a ladybug to appear on the site, you can paint the tire red, apply black dots using a stencil and depict a muzzle with eyes. You can also make a funny pig by painting an inverted tire bright pink and attaching a spiral tail cut from a plastic bottle. After the earth is filled up in such a flower bed and the plants are planted, you need to cut out a head with ears and a patch from a piece of rubber from another tire and insert it inside the tire circle, between the flowers.

Flowerbed - "frog"

A flowerbed of tires, made with your own hands, can be of very different shapes, for example, resemble a frog. For such a craft you will need:

  • three used car tires;
  • two lids from kilogram buckets of ice cream or ghee;
  • enamel PF green, yellow or red;
  • self-adhesive colored paper;
  • hose;
  • awl;
  • sponge;
  • wire.

How to make a "frog" flower bed

The manufacturing process is very simple: the tires need to be painted green and, if desired, yellow rims applied on top. Then install two tires in the selected place, and on top, between them, a third. From the hose, also painted with green paint, it is necessary to cut two segments about 1 m long, and from another tire - 4 legs and lay two in front of the lower tires, and two between them, having previously attached "hoses" to them. When the frog's body is ready, you need to move on to the design of its head. To do this, on the lids of ice cream buckets, you need to draw eyes, and on the top tire - a mouth with red paint. After that, it remains just to cover the ground and plant flowers. If you wish, you can turn the frog into an enchanted princess by making her a crown from a plastic bottle painted with yellow paint.

"The sun"

Many summer residents are interested in doing it with their own hands in the form of the sun. For such a craft, you will need one tire, bright yellow paint and several plastic bottles. The tire must be removed from the metal wheel and buried in the ground so that only a semicircle remains above the surface.

Then on the tire you need to make holes with a diameter equal to the size of the necks of plastic bottles, and, lubricating them with glue, screw them into the tires. After that, the entire structure must be painted yellow and flowers must be planted.

Flowerbed-pool for aquatic plants

Water lilies can be an excellent decoration for a summer cottage. However, what if there is no way to equip even a small pond or pool? In such cases, it is enough to make a "water" flower bed from a tire. To do this, at the tire, you must cut off the upper part and dig it into the ground up to half. Then it is necessary to lay on top a round piece of a special waterproofing film, which is designed for arranging swimming pools, with a diameter of 1 m larger than the diameter of the tire. The edges of the film protruding above the tire bead must be wrapped outward, secured and overlaid with small round stones or broken bricks. It remains to put a small mesh basket with earth on the bottom of the reservoir, into which the roots of the water lily are planted.

You can even make an interesting flower bed with your own hands from a car tire. Crafts from tires have long been a success for decorating a garden, and today we will tell you how to make a simple mini-flower bed from an old tire.

DIY tire flower bed

The easiest option is when you use the tires entirely, placing them in the chosen place and filling them with earth. But before that, a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay or organic mulch must be laid under the rubber.

Such a mini-flower bed looks good from large tires when the usable area is wide enough and allows you to place several rows of different plants, creating an interesting composition. It is advisable to choose for landing unpretentious flowers- tall zinnias in the center; marigolds, ageratum or cineraria - along the edge.

If you make the flower bed higher, putting the tires one on top of the other, this will create additional convenience when caring for it. In this case, you can plant an ampelous petunia or lobelia along the edges to close the view of the cracked cord.

If you are using small car tires, cut off the top with an electric saw or a special knife to increase the area of ​​the mini-flower bed.

However, the black tires themselves look gloomy and trite. Take it one step further and paint them a bright color. And you will see the flower beds, and the whole garden will become much more comfortable and fun.

How to paint tires for a flower bed

In order for the old and cracked tire to take on a bright color well, degrease the rubber with acetone or white spirit, paint it first with white or yellow paint, and only then apply a bright one. Then the color will not fade and will last for a long time.

Good advice: do not put a thick layer of paint - under the influence of rain and frost, it will fall off in pieces.

What brand of paint< использовать, в принципе, не имеет значения.

Special paint for rubber does not crack in the cold and closes cracks and grooves well, but it is quite expensive. Feel free to use old enamel or oil paint left over from the last repair.

Paint in spray cans will also work - it is even preferable, since it penetrates well into the cracks and is applied in a thin layer. With such a can, you can make any pattern on the painted surface, and easily get a multi-colored base for the flower bed.

Paint the tires in different colors and place them side by side or one on top of the other, or arrange them in a random order throughout the garden, or group them in one place - and your garden will noticeably liven up.

For those who know how to create crafts from tires using a special knife or saw, you can cut flower beds in, figurines of animals, birds or flowers with your own hands. If you need ideas and ways to make beautiful and complex flower beds out of tires, I recommend reading another one.

Used photos by rlibunao, Jules.

To create an expressive look, a flower bed needs a border designed to clearly mark the boundaries of the structure. An unusual solution in this situation is old car tires, which car owners throw into a landfill as unnecessary, simply polluting the environment. A hand-made product from a waste tire will not only help in protecting the environment, but will also become an effective decoration for a flower bed in your garden.


Used tire beds have a lot of advantages:

  • Even a consumer with an average income can afford to break a flower bed in his summer cottage or under the windows of a house, because tires that have served their time do not represent any material value. The used material can probably be found from friends-car owners who dream of getting rid of old tires. For them it is rubbish, but for an amateur landscape designer it is the basis of a future masterpiece.

  • Waste tires no longer have their original stiffness, so they are easily amenable to any treatment. When decorating, a small set of tools is used: chalk, a sharp knife or jigsaw, a can of paint. The simplest garden structure does not require any processing - the tire is placed on the ground and filled with soil.

  • The rubber garden accessory is known for its durability: it is not afraid of moisture, does not rot, it is not afraid of bacteria and fungi. The likelihood that it will crack from mechanical shock or severe frost is too small. But even in this case, the situation can be solved - the old tire can be easily replaced with another.

  • The waste tire bed is a compact mobile design that is not difficult to transport and easily changes its location. Nothing prevents you from transporting it even to another city, you just have to remove the old soil.

  • Tires are characterized by the ability to transform. Even unique flower beds, created with love with your own hands, can get bored over time. An easy way to remedy the situation is to repaint the product. With the help of cans of paint, you can endlessly vary the color scheme, constantly changing the surroundings of the garden area.

  • A flower bed made from a waste wheel is always a win-win option for landscape design. Such material allows you to show creativity, express yourself, show your artistic potential.

There are no significant disadvantages of the products. But the adherents of classicism do not like them: some require something more familiar and elegant, others do not want to waste time making decorative compositions.

The disadvantages include the flammability of the material, but if fire safety is observed, this fact is insignificant.

How can you do it?

To create the simplest flower bed from an old wheel, you do not need step-by-step instructions - just fill the soil with soil, and the flower bed is ready. But even such a trivial thing can be made beautiful, give it character and add some "flavor".

To create an elegant flowerpot from tires, it is enough to make leaves or petals of different sizes along the edge:

  • To do this, the inner edge of the rubber wheel is cut in a zigzag or wave-like shape, then the product is turned inside out, polished and coated with the desired paint.
  • But first, they mark the future shape of the flower bed, applying an ornament with chalk. At this stage, you should give free rein to imagination and draw any ornament you like.

How to cut?

After applying the pattern markings, it is required to cut the tire for the future flower bed. This is the most time consuming part of the job. To do this, you need a sharp knife, jigsaw or grinder. It takes a little longer to cut with a knife, but the grinder melts the rubber and adds an unpleasant aroma.

To increase the sliding of the knife blade, it can be lubricated with liquid soap during the cutting process. The use of a jigsaw will help greatly facilitate the process, which allows you to cut out even the most complex shapes.

When cutting, you can be injured, therefore, be sure to use special gloves and goggles. It is best to work on a hard, wide surface: a stable table or a piece of plywood on the ground.

A respirator will save you from the abundance of rubber dust for which Chinese tires are famous.

You need to cut the pattern strictly along the outlined line, then the product will turn out to be smooth and beautiful. The cut out part is not thrown away, it can be used as a base for a stand or a border for a miniature flower garden.

How to turn it out?

To turn the wheel out, lay it down with the cut side down, grab the cut edge and try to turn it inside out. It is important to at least start by manipulating a small part of the tire. Then the process will go easier - each part will enthrall the next one. This work requires a certain amount of physical strength, the girls will have a hard time here.

How to color?

The process of decorating a tire is the most enjoyable stage in manufacturing, it requires preliminary preparation. The surface of the future shape is carefully sanded to smooth out roughness and other defects. Then the rubber blank is washed from fine dirt and dust stuck in the treads, and degreased with a solvent or white spirit. Only after that they start painting.

You can paint wheel tires:

  • brush;
  • spray gun;
  • from a spray can.

The use of a brush allows you to paint even the most difficult-to-reach areas on the surface, including the gaps between the treads. This method is effective, but it takes a lot of time. With the help of a brush, they also create more subtle graceful patterns, emphasizing the details and shapes of the product.

The sprayer guarantees an even distribution of the coloring matter. The advantage of such staining is the absence of streaks and brush marks. The paint consumption in this case is slightly higher than in the previous version.

The most convenient way to do this is with a spray can, but this method is the most expensive.

Enamel, oil or nitro paints are used as coloring solutions. The paint is applied not only to the outer side, but also captures the upper 10-15 cm of the inner surface. It is better to use a layer of white as a primer and only after that apply a colored layer: this way the finish color will be brighter and smoother.

After painting, dry the workpiece in the sun for several days.

When painting car tires, there are a few rules to follow:

  • when choosing light shades for the border of the flower bed, the soil inside it will not overheat along with the roots of the plants;
  • no need to apply a thick layer of paint, otherwise it may crack, especially in frosty winters or scorching summer heat;
  • too motley ornament of the flowerpot can distract attention from the flower arrangements themselves.

The color palette is chosen according to the design concept of the garden:

  • metallic silver turns a rubber tire into a glamorous steel vase;
  • green will mask a decorative element on a green lawn;
  • bright spectacular shades will make accents on the garden plot.

The form can be left monochromatic or applied with a stencil, decorated with a strip or pattern imitating brickwork, checkerboard - a variety of ornaments provides great opportunities and scope for the imagination of landscape designers.

Where to locate?

Regardless of the location of the structure, a flower bed made of an old wheel always looks impressive and attracts attention. Fancy figures from car tires can be made to decorate the yard, placing them in the front garden at the entrance or on the playground, they look good in the yard of a private house or in the country.

Flowerbeds are installed directly on the ground or on special stands, hung on walls and trees as pots, pyramids and other complex structures are folded from them.

If there is a strong fence or a blank wall near the house, the flower garden can be arranged on them by hanging the tires on cables or chains. The space inside is filled with earth, suitable flowering plants are planted. Holes are made in the rubber so that there is where to drain excess water. The bottom of the flowerpot is covered with drainage - there are enough small pebbles and sand.

This version of the flower bed is relevant for verandas or walls of gazebos.

Design examples

There are a lot of original ideas on how to make your own flower bed out of old tires. Anything that you have enough of your creative imagination in creating a flower garden has a right to exist.

The main thing in the landscape design of a personal plot is to arrange everything in one style:

  • A flowerbed can be tires installed on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern. Such a hedge will not only become a wonderful decoration for the yard, but will also allow you to zone the space around the house.

  • The composition in the form of a children's pyramid consists of several wheels of different diameters. The top is often a miniature decorative wheel or flower pot.

  • A lot of old tires make a structure in the form of a "flower mountain" well. For the composition, you do not need to cut and turn the tires, you just need to paint and assemble them in a specific order. At the base of the mountain there are 6 wheels, on them - 5, then - 3 pieces, the composition is crowned with one small tire.

  • The car tire can be used in an upright position. To do this, it is screwed with a screwdriver to a wooden wall like a mailbox. Climbing plants or flowering nasturtium and petunia will look spectacular in it.

  • Old tires are able to take the form of any animals and birds, insects and other fauna. The theme can be dishes or household items, cartoon characters, architectural monuments, floral motifs.

A flower bed in the shape of a ladybug or a cup of coffee, funny Minions or the Leaning Tower of Pisa - nothing is impossible for a flexible rubber material.


If the space of the personal plot permits, you can make a flower bed in the form of a flower. The construction requires 4 tires, of which 3 must be cut across into two parts - they will become the petals of the future chamomile. The whole tire will be the center of the flower, around which you need to lay the petals.

The tires are dug into the ground by 5-6 cm. Previously, all the blanks are painted in bright positive shades. The petals can be either in the same color scheme or alternate with each other in 2-3 colors.

Glued glass pebbles can be an extraordinary addition to the pattern; on a flowerbed in the form of a flower, such decorative elements will resemble frozen dew drops, which will greatly revitalize the structure.

Decorative well

Even those who do not have special artistic skills and rich imagination will be able to design such a flower garden. A well made of tires does not require much time and special costs, but it will look spectacular in landscape design.

Such a decorative object will harmoniously complement the cozy atmosphere of the courtyard of a private house, and the bright design of the structure will emphasize the beauty of garden flowers.

For the construction, you will need three old tires of the same size. In each of them, from opposite sides, cuts are made with a sharp knife in order to insert further support posts for the roof. The posts can be installed on the outside of the tires, which greatly simplifies the work.

Spring, flowers, the beginning of the dacha season ... What do you want to do in the very first days of your arrival at the dacha? Decorate it, of course. The best decoration of all suburban areas has always been flower arrangements.

To do this, you can simply buy stereotypical flowerpots and plant them with flowers. But you can put in a little effort and make your site individual and different from everyone else.

Old tires are great stuff for this kind of creativity. Instead of throwing them to the sidelines, you can give them a second chance. Free time, a little imagination - and old car tires will turn your suburban area into a fairy tale!

What can be made from old wheels

The simplest flower bed is a wheel in its original form, laid on the ground and painted with paint. This is a long-boring option for the lazy.

By connecting desire and imagination, you can make such flowerpots and flower beds that no one will even think of what they are made of.

All these garden architectural forms (flowerpot, flower bed, flower garden) have some differences among themselves:

  • Flowerpot is a decorative outdoor flower vase where plants are planted. Made from an old wheel and decorated, for example, with mosaics, it will look much more interesting than its plastic counterpart from the store.
  • Flower garden- an area of ​​a garden or park planted with ornamental plants. Plants are selected so that they are in harmony with each other. Different periods and times of flowering ensure the decorative effect of the flower garden throughout the season.
  • Flower bed- this is one of the types of flower garden, a small area that has a frame and is planted with flowers in the form of a pattern. Usually a geometric shape, but you can create a flower bed from the wheels in the shape of a frog, turtle, swan and even a parrot.
  • Which tires are better to choose

    It's great if you have a lot to choose from. Choosing the right old tire will make the job much easier.

    Here are some conditions to consider when choosing:

  • Tread pattern, that is, the part of the tire that is most in contact with the road should be as worn out as possible. This tire is much easier to turn inside out.
  • If there is a choice between imported rubber and domestic, then the preference should be given to the first one. The rubber of imported tires is of higher quality and thinner.
  • Winter tires softer than summer therefore, it will be easier for you to cut it.
  • Car tire size - depends on your preferences and plans. Tires the same size suitable, for example, for creating chamomile flower beds with the same petals or small hanging pots.
  • Wheels different diameters can be used for multi-tiered flower beds and creating flower beds in the form of animals.
  • We make a flower bed from a wheel with our own hands

    Consider step by step instructions for making a flower bed from an old tire:

      1. Start with cleansing dust and dirt tires. This must be done for the simple reason that working with a dirty surface will blunt the tool much faster.
      2. Decide what look your product will have, i.e. what shape will be the edges of your flower bed. They can be rounded or wavy, even or with sharp teeth.
      3. The size of the cloves or petals of the flower bed should not be more than 12 cm, otherwise the rubber will not bend enough during the turning process and the edge of the flower bed will be uneven.
      4. Draw outlines on the side of the tire with chalk or felt-tip pen. To keep the lines even and the petals the same size, you can use a paper made stencil... A sharp one is suitable for cutting a tire. boot knife... It is even better if the house has jigsaw... With its help, it is much easier to cut out curly elements.
      5. After the curly cutting is finished, you can turn a tire inside out... This work is not easy. The dense rubber provides sufficient resistance. The hardest part is to turn the first section out. When this can be done, the further process of turning the tire in a circle will be much easier.

    Attention! If there are no assistants, press each turned out section with your foot so that the tire does not turn in the opposite direction and you do not have to start all over again.

    Flower bed decoration

    Agree that black flower beds and flowerpots do not look aesthetically pleasing at all. Pick up bright colors and take care of the design of your product. This is exactly the moment when you need to fully use your imagination. You can combine different colors and shades, as well as apply patterns or geometric patterns.

    Oil paint will adhere more firmly to the rubber surface if it is pre-primed. This will help smooth out unevenness and roughness in the rubber surface and also save paint. Primer GF-021 is quite suitable for a rubber surface, and if you add a little PVA glue to it, the coating will become even stronger.

    Advice! Your flower bed will be much more beautiful if you paint not only its outer side, but also the inner one.

    The primer is applied with a regular brush and after it dries, you can start painting. Paint in aerosol can will save you time and the whole painting process will take no more than half an hour.

    Various options for decorating flower beds from tires:

  • Flower bed frog
  • Flowerbed-turtle
  • Multi-tiered flower bed
  • Hanging pots

  • How to choose plants for a flower bed

    The flower bed is ready, it remains only to pour fertile soil into it and plant flowers. It can be ampelous(with flexible long shoots) and cascading plants such as pelargonium, petunia, or tumbelina. Their long shoots, decorated with flowers, will hang down spectacularly.

    You can create a whole composition consisting of high plants in the middle of the flower bed and undersized around the edges. Low-growing marigolds, petunias, pansies are great as background plants.

    As focal plants in the center, you can plant phlox, annual dahlias or flowers that attract attention due to their shape or unusual leaves.

    Having tried your hand at creating a flower bed or a vase, you can start creating more complex figures and crafts. From old tires, you can make flower beds in the shape of a swan, frog, cup, turtle, snail.

    In a word, your imagination and ingenuity will help transform the suburban area and make it more beautiful and interesting.

    You can see detailed instructions for making a flower bed from tires in our video.