How to divide into zones. The best ideas for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room. Bedroom and work area in one room

The problem of comfortable own housing has always come to the fore, especially among young families. Often, the purchase of even a one-room separate apartment is considered a great happiness, and therefore new settlers have questions about how the living room and bedroom can be accommodated in one room. This problem also becomes relevant in the case when, even having two rooms in an apartment, caring parents arrange a nursery in one of them, deciding to divide the living room remaining at their disposal into two zones.

If desired and correctly calculated, in principle, any room can be arranged in such a way that there is a place in it for a zone of night rest and reception of guests. Much in this distribution of space depends on the layout of the apartment and the location of the windows, as well as on the desire of the owner to deal with the difficult and dreary task of updating technical documents for the dwelling. This operation will have to be done if it is decided to install a capital partition in the room.

Registration of documents for redevelopment of the room

The installation of a capital partition in the room is already considered a fact of redevelopment, which should be reflected in the passport for the living space. Therefore, before proceeding to work, it is recommended to perform a number of activities that will help to avoid troubles in the future. These actions include the development of a project, its coordination and approval of certain types of work.

Permission will need to be obtained to conduct the following redevelopment processes:

  • Combining a balcony or loggia with a room - this is often done, wishing to increase the living area, planning in the future to divide one room into two.
  • Transfer or enlargement of doorways arranged in the main walls of the supporting structure.
  • Any work related to changing the capital walls.
  • An increase in the living room due to the corridor, even if non-capital walls are demolished.
  • Installation of a capital partition in the room.

The legislation does not clearly define the list of works carried out during the redevelopment that are not related to the change in the supporting structures, but in any case, starting large alterations, you should go through the approval process.

For this, a package of documents is collected, which includes the following papers:

  • Owner's application for redevelopment.
  • Prepared sketch or plan-drawing of a room with redevelopment - in duplicate.
  • A copy of the home owner's passport.
  • A copy of the certificate of ownership - this document must be certified by a notary.
  • A copy of the technical passport of the apartment and its original.
  • The consent of all co-owners of housing (if any) for the planned alteration.
  • Help form No. 3 - about the number and personal data of people registered in the living space.
  • If alterations are made in a communal apartment, then the consent of the neighbors, certified by a notary, will be required.
  • If the house is considered a cultural heritage site, then it will be necessary to obtain permission from an architectural organization engaged in the preservation and restoration of objects of such value.

With these documents it is necessary to go to the BTI district. Further, a representative of this organization must make measurements and assess the possibility of carrying out work, reflecting them in the drawn up inspection report. Then, the documents must be considered by the commission, which will issue permission for redevelopment or make a reasoned refusal.

After the completion of construction work, all the changes made will need to be reflected in the documents for the apartment. For this, a technician from the BTI is again invited, who will take measurements and new documents with a modified apartment plan. After that, it is recommended, immediately after receiving them, to legalize them in the Unified State Register and obtain a new certificate of ownership.

All these actions must be done if a capital partition is to be installed made of brick, gypsum boards or other material that can increase the load on the supporting structures or weaken them. When installing a plasterboard partition, it is also recommended to seek advice from the BTI in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of fines and requirements for the demolition of such an unauthorized structure.

Documentary support for the redevelopment of housing is a responsible task!

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for penalties against homeowners who have arbitrarily performed certain alterations in an apartment without coordinating them with the relevant authorities. How to do the right thing if necessary - read in a separate publication of our portal.

Ways to divide a room into two zones - a bedroom and a living room

So, there are several ways to divide one room into two zones. One is chosen that, first of all, is suitable for financial costs and planning. Much also depends on the number and location of windows in the room and the presence of various niches, which can also be used to expand the area and allocate space.

You can divide a room into zones in the following ways:

  • Construction of a capital partition, upon receipt of permission to carry out such work.
  • Installation of a light plasterboard partition, with the approval of its installation in the BTI.
  • Using a loggia or balcony to expand the area and arrange one of the zones in this area. This process also requires coordination with regulatory organizations, since part of the load-bearing wall will be affected.
  • Installation of a sliding system of light partition walls.
  • Dividing a room using tall furniture (cabinets).
  • Separation of the room with curtains.
  • A built-in installation, which for the daytime is disguised as one of the cabinets or retracts into a niche specially prepared for it.
  • Distribution of zones using the installation of a podium, where the bed is moved in the daytime.
  • Tiered division of the room - naturally, if there are sufficiently high ceilings.

All of these options will be considered in detail in the article, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each of them and with illustrative examples.

Capital partition

To install a solid partition wall, in addition to a work permit, other favorable conditions are also needed - this is a sufficiently large area of \u200b\u200bthe room and, preferably, the presence of two or more windows.

Capital partitions are usually mounted in apartments located on the ground floors without damage to the entire structure. For their construction, gypsum slabs, bricks or blocks of foam concrete are used, which are installed on the base of the floor freed from decorative coating, that is, on a cleaned concrete surface. In this case, a special assembly glue or sand-cement mortar is used.

In addition, the partition is fixed to the main walls of the building with the help of metal corners, reinforcing pieces or suspensions, which are embedded between the masonry elements.

If it is possible to install a door in the partition, then as a result you can get two, albeit small in area, but full-fledged soundproofed rooms, which are designed as a living room and a bedroom.

The door in the partition can be installed traditional, that is, swing, or sliding, which will also help save space, since a certain area will not be needed for the path of movement of its sash.

Sliding doors are very convenient!

Installation of sliding doors immediately solves a lot of problems, especially in small rooms. How they are arranged, and how to install them on your own - in a separate article on the portal.

We can safely say that this option for dividing a room has no drawbacks, except for one - you need to run a lot to get permission to install a partition.

Partition sliding doors prices

Partition sliding doors

Plasterboard partition

Drywall is extremely popular as a material that is excellent for carrying out all kinds of interior work, including for creating various types of partitions. From it, you can install a full-fledged wall that will block all the necessary space, or a partition that covers part of the width or length of the room, thereby dividing it into separate zones.

This material allows you to create structures of various shapes, with arches and shelves, or a solid surface with a built-in door. A plasterboard wall, if desired, can be soundproofed by installing a porous sound-absorbing material between its sheets, which will make the separated room quieter and more peaceful.

A plasterboard partition is a feasible task for any owner!

Working with drywall is not so difficult and quite intuitive. The main thing is accuracy, accurate calculation and adherence to technology requirements. How - is described in detail in a separate publication of our portal.

The advantages of this method of dividing a room into zones include the fact that the plasterboard structure can be combined with other materials, for example, glass or plastic, and its thickness opens up the possibility of inserting original lighting fixtures into it or arranging additional shelves.

"Transparent" plasterboard partition with comfortable shelves

In addition, all the materials used for such partitions are relatively lightweight, which allows the structure to be installed on any floor, since it will not weigh down the load-bearing interfloor floors.

A solid plasterboard wall is usually installed if two or more windows are installed in the room so that each room has natural light. If a room with a standard layout and one window is divided, it makes sense to install a transparent sliding door in combination with a plasterboard wall, or to block only part of the space with this light structure.

The configuration of such partitions is so diverse that it is quite possible to choose the one suitable for a particular room. And if you wish, you can come up with its shape yourself, since drywall makes it possible to make any curly elements from it.

If it is necessary to hide only a sleeping place and create a secluded corner, plasterboard construction comes to the rescue again. It will not take up a large area and will not make the interior look heavy. Quite often, plasterboard partitions are erected in the form of a furniture wall with a place provided in it for installing a TV, decorative elements, books and other items.

The convenience of such structures also lies in the fact that their design can be tailored to any interior style solution. Sometimes the partitioning structure is combined with a podium that plays the role of the bed itself. This option is especially optimal for young families who have not had time to acquire all the necessary furniture.

Minimalist, of course, the style, but still comfortable - the partition goes into the podium bed

Therefore, for apartment owners in which redevelopment is needed, drywall will become a "godsend" that will solve a large number of problems. Moreover, both the material itself and all the components necessary for the construction have a completely affordable price.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Using a loggia to separate zones

If you purchased an apartment with a loggia or a reliable balcony, then dividing the room into a living room and a bedroom will be much easier.

First option

A loggia that has a large enough area such that it is possible to install a bed on it can be an excellent bedroom. Of course, the room needs to be well insulated before finishing, the number of windows can be reduced, electric heating can be organized - it can be energy-saving infrared film, cable underfloor heating or convectors. After that, decorative finishing is carried out - and the bedroom is ready for use.

The insulated loggia is an additional useful area!

It is unreasonable to ignore the possibility of expanding the usable area of \u200b\u200byour apartment due to the existing spacious loggia. How to carry out according to all the rules - read in the special publication of the portal.

Second option

If the layout of the apartment allows, then the option shown in the photo can be implemented. To arrange a bedroom on a loggia in this way, it is necessary that the room has an additional window. The work begins with the fact that the wall separating the loggia from the room is carefully dismantled, and then another is installed, moving it into the depths of the main room so that a doorway can be made in its side part. In this case, the main room will become slightly smaller, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia-bedroom will significantly expand, so much so that you can easily install a double bed in it.

You can slightly expand the loggia - and you get two good rooms from one

If the layout of the apartment is suitable for this option, then you will only need to obtain permission to combine the loggia with the room.

Third option

The third option for using the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia for zoning can be its complete integration with the room, which will increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe latter. After that, the room is divided into two zones or separate rooms. The room can be divided by a solid partition if, in addition to the loggia, another window is arranged on another wall in the room.

Full integration of the loggia with the room is another option for expanding the space of the room for further division into a living room and a bedroom

If natural light comes only from the side of the loggia, then the space can be zoned by installing a bed on the loggia. The combination of two rooms, in this case, is necessary in order to be able to take out the heating batteries to the loggia, of course, having previously reliably insulated it, and installing energy-saving windows. It should be noted that for the reinstallation of heating radiators it is also necessary to obtain an appropriate permit.

To make the bedroom in this room secluded, it is quite possible to use blackout curtains or sliding doors that are not airtight.

The disadvantage of this option is that it will not be possible to completely soundproof the bedroom.

Sliding partition

Separating the bedroom area with a sliding partition is not difficult at all. It only needs to be ordered from a company that produces similar accessories for interior decoration of rooms. Usually, when ordering, the manufacturer provides a catalog from which you can select the shutters of the desired design.

By installing this divider for the room, in the area reserved for the living room, you will have to significantly increase the lighting, since even the transparent sashes of the partition will block off part of the daylight coming from the window.

It can have a structure that covers the space from ceiling to floor, or be located below the ceiling surface by 200 ÷ 300 mm.

The manufacturer of sliding structures usually provides services for their installation, as well as maintenance. Therefore, the task of the owner of the apartment will only be to place an order and wait for the master to take measurements, and after manufacturing the structure, install the guides and sashes to a pre-selected place.

Zoning with tall furniture

It is quite possible to divide a room into two zones, even when carrying out any construction work, but by installing a cabinet, part of a furniture wall or a rack as a partition. One way or another, no family can do without these pieces of furniture, so it is worth using them with maximum benefit.

You can install them in different ways, depending on the room plan. If the width of the room from the front door to the wall allows you to place a bed and a partition in the form of a rack, as shown in the first photo, then most of the space for arranging the living room will be saved. This fenced-off area will become a cozy and closed corner for sleeping, and the books on the shelves will always be at hand.

Another advantage of this option is that the partition will not block the daylight from the window, so there is no need to increase the lighting.

Another option for the partition is a cabinet installed across the room, which forms a kind of wall. When installing the cabinet in this way, it must be securely fixed to the wall and floor in order to avoid unpleasant and even dangerous situations.

It should also be taken into account that if the wardrobe will block the only window in the room, then it is better to choose a furniture partition in light colors, since it will be quite dark in the impromptu living room. In any case, additional lighting will have to be provided.

In this version, the interior is decorated in light colors, and a through rack is installed as a partition, which almost does not block the streams of light, but separates the sleeping place from the common room. Such zoning does not spoil the overall look of the interior and looks quite stylish and modern.

The separation method using furniture is affordable and easy to implement, but its main drawback is the complete absence of any kind of sound insulation. What to do - in the case of one window in the room, one way or another you have to choose between daylight and separate rooms, since the latter can only be equipped with a solid partition, which will make one of the rooms completely dark.

Zoning with curtains

Zoning a room with curtains can be called the most budgetary option that every family can afford. Of course, the curtains will not be able to soundproof the areas of the room from each other, but they are able to close the sleeping place from the bright light coming from the living area.

One of the most affordable options is the separation of room zones with curtains.

There are a lot of options to divide the zones with curtains, but the only thing that is recommended to be observed in the case when there is only one window in the room is to choose only light colors for the interior, including fabrics for curtains.

In this case, the room plan made it possible to allocate a corner for a sleeping place, located far from the window opening. Therefore, the curtains do not block the light from entering the room, but it was still decided to use only light colors for the interior, which visually expand the space.

Warm, sunny shades of curtains make the room more "airy", despite the low ceilings

This interior is divided into two zones using tightly packed curtains. The bedroom is also located away from the window, so the curtain will not interfere with the flow of light into the living area. However, the designer prudently chose a sunny yellow color for the improvised partition, which does not visually narrow the space. The disadvantage of this option is the very low ceiling in the room.

Another option for dividing the room into zones - it is perfect not only for zoning the bedroom and living room, but also for decorating the sleeping and play area in the children's room. True, such zoning is acceptable only for large rooms, since the bedroom takes up a lot of space. The advantage of this design is double curtains that work for day and night. So, in the daytime, in order not to block the light from the window opening, white transparent curtains are used, while at night dense blue curtains are shifted.

Two-level zoning

It is possible to divide the room into two zones using the device of a sleeping place on the second tier, which will help to completely preserve the area of \u200b\u200bthe room for the living room. A two-story structure can be made in different ways, for example, it can be a flooring made of thick boards that is fixed on massive racks or on sturdy cabinets or shelves. Usually it is possible to purchase ready-made structures or place an order for their manufacture.

When self-manufacturing, it is necessary to purchase guaranteed high-quality materials and make accurate calculations, since the design must be as reliable as possible.

You need to foresee all the nuances by making neat sides and a ladder convenient for climbing, as well as a sufficiently thick, but comfortable mattress for resting.

A separate area is formed under the structure, where a work desk and various wardrobes, including for clothes, can perfectly fit. If you install such a bed in a room of a standard apartment, then it is best to use a corner for it on one side of the entrance door to the room.

The deck should be lowered from the standard ceiling, usually 2700 mm high, by about 700 ÷ 750 mm, so that even a tall person can easily walk under it. The size of such a structure should also be approximately 1500 × 2000 mm, the exact length of the bed is calculated taking into account the height of the person who will sleep on it.

Such a place will become a favorite for all family members, since it will be possible to relax there not only at night, but also during the day, without disturbing anyone, listening to music, wearing headphones, or reading your favorite book.

Bed with a lifting mechanism - for the daytime the bed rises to the ceiling

On sale you can find designs of hanging beds that have a special mechanism that raises the sleeping places to the ceiling during the daytime, and lowers them to the floor at night. This is a great option for small rooms in apartments with a standard layout.

Using a similar design, you can save every centimeter of space, since such a bed can also accommodate a workplace or install chairs. At night, the bed is lowered to the floor, so you need to provide a folding table, the back of which, after folding and after lowering the mattress, will serve as a back. The control of raising and lowering the bed can be carried out using the remote control, which is very convenient and does not require much effort.

You can choose a model that has a backlight on its lower side, which will provide the necessary lighting for the space when the bed is raised to the ceiling. It should be noted that the only drawback of such a design is its rather high price, but it is still easier to purchase such a bed than to think about buying an apartment of a larger area untimely at the moment.

Furniture transformer

The solution to the problem of dividing a small room into zones can be the so-called "transforming furniture", which is removed for the daytime in a special niche or wardrobe and can be easily unfolded at night.

Another interesting option is the beds hiding in the walls or cabinets for the day - transformers

Such a structure can be built into the wall or securely attached to it. When folded, the bed looks like a wardrobe, sometimes with a mirror mounted in it or just with imitation of doors.

In some models, the entire structure of the bed is removed for the day in a special niche located behind the sofa. At night, the bed and legs for it are pulled out and installed on the floor, and the sofa serves as a support for the middle part of the bed.

The mattress is fixed on the panel of the structure permanently and is removed with it into the niche intended for it. In the evening, when preparing for bed, the bed is easily removed from the closet, and the living room very quickly turns into a bedroom.

During the day - a comfortable sofa, and at night - a spacious bed

Another design combines a whole complex that will help divide the room into zones. It includes a podium which is hollow inside and has a height of approximately 500 × 600 mm. A sofa or wardrobes can be installed on the podium, a workplace equipped, or this area can be used for other needs. For convenience, one or two steps are attached to the side of the podium, and a wide bed with a mattress laid on it is pushed into the space under it for a day. Its side part, visible in the retracted form, can simulate wardrobes with handles fixed to them, for which it will be convenient to pull out the bed before preparing for bed.

The bed for the daytime moves into the podium, which, in turn, serves as a kind of "highlight" of the living room interior

In order for the bed to slide out easily, rollers are fixed to it. Depending on the size of the area and the layout of the room, the bed can be pulled out in width or length.

The only drawback of this design is that stationary heavy pieces of furniture cannot be installed on the area where the bed will be pulled out. In this area, you can place a coffee table or a couple of armchairs that easily and quickly move to the side before unfolding the sleeping places.

Prices for various types of transformable furniture

Furniture transformer

In summary, it must be said that when choosing premises for the living room and bedroom, you need to rely on the plan and the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe room, using every opportunity to save every centimeter. To do this, you need to turn on imagination, add your abilities to it and act by applying color solutions in the interior that will visually expand the space.

As a bonus to the article - a small video selection with interesting design solutions for placing the living room and bedroom in the same room.

Video: Options for the location of the living room and bedroom in the same room

In apartments with small squares, literally every centimeter of precious space takes on meaning. In this regard, it is often irrational to install additional walls. But for many of us, it is important to have a little privacy of our own (to relax, read or work, close the bedroom from the eyes of guests, etc.).

Here are ten of the most common methods in the field of small housing design. Of course, you can always find negative and positive aspects, so before starting work, find out more information.

No. 1: Screen

It will not take up much space either when unfolded or folded, and its size cannot be compared to a wall. There are many types, from various materials, with drawings and ornaments, as well as with rollers that allow you to move it as needed to different parts of the room. The structure can be completely weightless from papyrus paper or bamboo, or very massive metal or wood.

No. 2: Different wallpapers

The method is not only effective, interesting, but also economical. If you have a roll of coating or even less left from the last repair, then they can decorate one of the vertical surfaces or part of it. This will create a certain border. Combine plain-color wallpapers with those that have an interesting pattern, floral or ethnic ornament, etc. and don't forget to keep everything in contrast.

No. 3: Roomy rack

Let this piece of furniture be large and occupy an area from floor to ceiling, but at the same time no more than 50 cm in width. The embodiment can be anything. Whether the rack will be open and easily letting in light, partially closed with beautiful doors or drawers, or mounted on both sides of the door - it's up to you. Each individual living space requires an individual approach.

# 4: Catwalk

If the horizontal area is very limited or you have no desire to put screens and partitions, then go to the vertical plane of the room. The floor of different heights will help you organize a special podium, for example, for a sleeping place or a kitchen. The main advantage of this approach is the additional storage space.

No. 5: Niche

By its nature and embodiment, the idea is simply amazing, allowing you to create a unique design. It is best to place a bedroom or workplace in a niche. The project with a window in it is doubly interesting, the place turns out to be cozy and bright. However, do not forget about auxiliary lighting, neat, sconces, built-in lamps will do.

If necessary, the space in the wall can be easily masked with decorative curtains, or in general you can make doors with a rail mechanism, they will allow you to hide your personal corner from prying eyes.

No. 6: Curtains

The method, which, apparently, was known to our grandmothers. Remember the old houses in the village, consisting of one large room, it was there that this technique found its historical embodiment. It does not lose its relevance now, just add modern materials and designs.

No. 7: Large mirror

The reflective surface will help to visually enlarge the room. Choose the most suitable place and size, do not overdo it with decor, it is best not to use it at all. Let the surface be flat, without frames and edging.

No. 8: Miniature partition

A great way to divide a room into separate zones, while it will allow light and air to pass through. In the kitchen, the element can function as a bar counter with additional storage space.

No. 9: Headboard

In fact, this is the same small partition, with the only difference - it is mounted directly to the furniture. Sizes can be any, for example, full height of the ceiling or less widow. Comfortable, stylish and modern.

No. 10: Houseplants

Our "green" friends are able to bring a completely indescribable atmosphere into the house. With the right choice of colors, it is easy to make whole compositions in beautiful flowerpots or boxes, which can also be unusual in shape, material or size. A hedge can help transform your home into a colorful garden.

How to divide a room into two zones - this question is often asked by the owners of studio apartments and apartments with a free layout, but it is also relevant for small apartments where you need to combine 2 completely different zones in one room.

If the interior of the room is designed in the same style, then it is quite difficult to place 2 zones in it with different purposes. But designers advise not to give up, because even in a small room, you can create an interior that will harmoniously combine, for example, and.

A radical way to divide into two zones

You can divide the room with a partition. It is not necessary to make a brick wall (unless you need additional soundproofing between rooms), you can divide one room into two using drywall installed on a metal frame.

However, you should consider that this solution is not suitable for small rooms. A small area, divided into 2 even smaller parts, will deprive your rooms of functionality, make them uncomfortable and more reminiscent of technical rooms than a residential part of an apartment.

Such a solution will not work for most studio apartments, since the charm of such apartments is precisely in the absence of additional walls. You will "steal" valuable square meters from yourself, but you will not achieve positive results.

The main ways of zoning an apartment

If you want to install a partition in a large room, then pay attention to the windows. It is advisable to install the partition so that at least one window remains in both zones.

In some situations, such a solution is impossible, and one of the rooms is left without natural light. In this case, it is best to make a partition of colored or frosted glass, which can isolate the room, but will allow light to pass through.

Mobile partitions for zoning

The advantage of this method of zoning space is that you can always make redevelopment in accordance with your wishes and needs. Partitions are different. So, for example, partitions on an aluminum frame can completely delimit the space from floor to ceiling (while they are not “firmly attached” to the base, which allows them to be carried or removed). You can choose the design of the partition yourself, making it more transparent - glass or "dull" made of plastic and even laminate. Partitions with photographs will be an excellent interior solution. This stylish design element will not only help zone the space, but also give your room an unusual look.

If you want to enclose a part of the room so as not to reduce its size, then use a screen. Since the screens come in different heights, you can choose one that will cover the second area (usually the sleeping area), but at the same time leave free space from the end of the screen to the ceiling. Thus, it is this uncovered part that will allow the room to look solid.

You can make a suitable screen with your own hands, it is not difficult at all. The caracas of the screen must be made of slats of suitable length, fastening them together with nails and corners. Paint the slats and connect them together into a screen, fastening with hinged loops. You can pull absolutely any fabric on the frame: plain or patterned, silk or linen. The choice of fabric, color and pattern depends on the interior of the main room. Don't forget the legs for your screen.

Rack for room zoning

This method of zoning rooms is very popular among designers. Installation of shelving helps not only to clearly distinguish between different zones, but also adds functionality to the room. On the shelves of the rack you can place books and flowers, vinyl records and your favorite magazines. There is a place here for photographs and souvenirs brought by you from different countries. Try to choose an unusual shape, then the border between the zones will not seem so sharp.

Color for dividing a room into two zones

Zoning a space with color is perhaps one of the simplest and at the same time complex techniques. It is available at the stage of apartment renovation. The main problem faced by owners is the selection of suitable colors. Do not forget that colors should be not only contrasting, but also well combined with each other. If you have chosen 2 colors from cold and warm colors, then you will need more effort to achieve harmony between them.

To prevent the zones from looking too "detached" from each other, you can use various accessories. So, for example, choosing a warm orange for the dining area and a cold sky blue for the living room, try to achieve the perfect combination between them. Place accessories in orange tones in your living room. It could be sofa cushions or a large fluffy rug, a table lamp with a lampshade, or even a painting with beautiful orange flowers. It is worth doing the same when designing the interior of the dining area. A blue tablecloth or dishes, a chandelier located directly above the table, chair seats - all these elements will connect two different zones into one beautiful room.

Room height zoning

Space can be zoned not only with the help of flowers, visual zoning is also possible with the height of the interiors. This method is also available exclusively at the stage of renovation of the premises, as it requires thorough work. You can make two-level ceilings, each of which will correspond to a specific area. Also draw a section on the floor along the border of the zones. This can be done quite simply by combining different materials (tiles in the kitchen and laminate flooring in the dining area, for example). A more costly, but also much more effective way is to create catwalks. Such drywall constructions can transform a room beyond recognition.

But be careful, do not use podiums in apartments with low ceilings, as they take away the height, and you risk making the room very "short".

How to divide a room into zones without building additional walls? We know several ways that successfully cope with this task, without depriving the fenced off space of natural light, which is so important. The issue of zoning the premises is relevant both for small apartments and for large rooms that serve simultaneously as a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom - depending on the layout and wishes of the owners. Mobile partitions, which can be moved and rearranged, give residents the opportunity to change the interior at any time. Let's look at what methods of dividing space exist.

How to divide a room into zones: shelving

A simple and practical way is to set up a large shelving unit and fill it with books, vases, plants and other essentials that are always looking for space in the house. The rack can be high and reach right up to the ceiling, as was done, for example, in a 40-meter loft on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, where we went to visit.


Screens, as an interior item, appeared a long time ago. They were invented in the east and were actively used there, and fashion came to Europe only in the seventeenth century. The screens in the bedrooms served as partitions for changing clothes. Nowadays, mobile partitions are increasingly being moved from bedrooms to living rooms and serve not only as a practical, but also as a decorative element.

There are even screens with hooks and hangers for clothes, which solves the always topical issue of storage.

Well, most of all we liked the mirror screen. This is what will truly visually expand the space.

Quartblog digest

We study the most popular tricks on how to zone an apartment using the example of real houses from our reports. Interesting ideas with photo examples!

We will analyze with an expert using specific examples how to properly zone a room into a bedroom and a living room, and what methods are best for this.

We select "bright" corners in the house. Functional zoning of rooms with light - practical ideas for every room from Quartblog.

Interesting ways to visually separate the bed from the rest of the space.

In one-room apartments, adults and children have one bedroom for all. We will tell you how to correctly distribute the space.


Owning your own home is everyone's dream. Many people dream of large, spacious cottages. But quite often you have to start small. A small one-room apartment is already the first step towards a dream, albeit a small one, but a fortress. It can be very difficult to create comfort in it and skillfully combine several functional zones at once. A small number of square meters significantly narrows the range of interior solutions, but this is not a reason to give up! With the right approach, creating a comfortable environment even in a one-room apartment is not so difficult. We decided to collect the most popular zoning options for small spaces to make the process of home improvement as simple and enjoyable as possible.

Before proceeding with the zoning methods themselves and their examples in the interior, it is worth talking about the main rules that will help make a room visually spacious and more comfortable. Here are the main ones:

1. Light colors for finishing. Pastel, light shades add volume and airiness. A great illusion of spaciousness can be created by making the walls slightly darker than the ceiling and using ceiling lights.

2. Practical building materials and ready-made options. Arches, screens, podiums, sliding partitions, shelves will be a wonderful choice for dividing into functional zones.

3. Functional furniture. In conditions of limited square meters, it is best to use functional, mobile and compact furniture. Useful hidden containers for things, pull-out beds, armchairs and sofas with a folding mechanism, preferably equipped with niches for storing bed linen.

4. Mirrors. In a small room, mirrors will create an optical illusion of mirroring and visual expansion of the room.

5. Loggias and balconies, if any, can be easily used to create various functional areas or to expand living space.

A series of sections will be devoted to the zoning of a one-room apartment. In each, we will consider different options for combining various functional areas in one room, which will allow you to choose the optimal interior for each owner of a one-room apartment.

"Competent zoning in a room for interior design is often no less important than the actual planning solution. I would divide all zoning techniques into two conditional groups - physical and non-physical. Physical - this is the simplest technique in which zoning is achieved by dividing zones with some partitions, shelving, decorative slats, screens, etc. As a rule, this technique is most appropriate in large rooms, where it is not essential to “waste” space on such a “partition”. In small rooms, the physical separation of zones can be useful, for example, when there is no planning opportunity to create a separate bedroom, but there is a need to separate the bed zone from the rest of the apartment. Non-physical zoning is often a more difficult technique from a professional point of view. This type of zoning implies a visual, semantic division of zones. The architect has many techniques to achieve this effect. Most often, accentuation of zones is achieved through color, texture, materials, changes in scale, rhythm, etc. The use of lighting elements gives endless possibilities for zoning. Often, in large rooms, where there is no way to "disperse" in the application of the entire "palette" of techniques - it is the alternation of lighting elements that is a universal means for visual accentuation of various zones. When choosing techniques and principles of zoning a small room, it is especially important to remember that the main thing is not overdo. It is necessary to understand that, despite the accentuation of all zones, the interior of the room must remain unified, and the space must remain integral. "

Several works by Sergei Altunin using zoning techniques

Physical zoning is achieved by separating the bed area from the sofa area with decorative wooden shelving slats.

Not physical zoning. The bed area is separated from the TV area by changing the tone and material of the walls.

Zoning with lighting elements. The sofa area is separated from the kitchen area using spotlights.

Zoning with lighting elements. The walk-through of the living room is separated from the sofa area using various lighting elements.

Living room and bedroom 2 in 1? Easily!

There are quite a few options for creating a harmonious and comfortable bedroom-living room in a one-room apartment. The easiest and most affordable way is with furniture. So, the sofa can be placed not traditionally near the wall, but across, thus fencing the bedroom from the living room. A bed, coffee table or any other pieces of furniture that need to be placed in the room are also good for these purposes.

Partitions - a simple solution for dividing a room into two zones

Another popular and simple way to divide a room into two functional zones is to use partitions. These can be full-fledged walls, or small structures made of plasterboard, wood, and even brick.

The forged partition will look refined and original. It will fit perfectly into the classic interior and will allow you to separate the bedroom and living room without taking up a lot of space. If desired, this design can be easily supplemented with climbing indoor plants. This will add zest to the room. If, at the same time, zoning with the help of color and a combination of several objects of the same color in different zones are used, the result will be as harmonious and stylish as possible.

Creative individuals looking for inspiration in the little things can use a stone wall to zoning a room. Its casual look and raw building material fits perfectly into the now popular loft style.

Lightness, airiness of the living room-bedroom will be given by walls made of frosted glass. They can be either monochromatic or with different patterns - depending on the wishes of the owners of the house. This solution allows you to keep the room spacious and light, while creating a clear boundary between the sitting area and the bedroom. In this case, the bedroom area, if possible, is best placed in a niche.

A good option for dividing a room into a bedroom and a kitchen would be to use small walls decorated with frosted glass inserts. Such designs look stylish and original, while perfectly performing their main function.

A thin plasterboard partition or a fiberboard structure will also help to separate the bedroom from the living room. Such a building material is inexpensive, and during zoning it can play an important role, especially if it is interesting to beat it with other interior items.

Shelves and shelves - functional partitions

Regular zoning walls and partitions can be easily replaced with shelving. The wall with shelves, complemented by frosted glass, looks practical and unusual. You can place various figurines and favorite books on it, which will make the atmosphere more comfortable. A wall to the ceiling, in the middle of which there are shelves, will also be a good solution.

Classic shelving with large shelves is also great for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room. You can order models that have a large shelf in the middle on which to place a TV turned towards the living room area or a beautiful vase with flowers.

Shelves with various interesting decor items that reflect the hobbies and hobbies of the owners will add special intimacy and comfort to the interior.

A casual partition made of boards, which can also be used as shelves, will help to add a zest to the loft interior and separate two functional zones in a one-room apartment. You can also separate the bedroom using a rack, while placing the bed on a small pedestal, emphasizing the delimitation of zones in a completely different color. 18.19.

Sliding doors - a convenient zoning technique

If the main room in which it is planned to place the bedroom and living room is quite large, then sliding doors will be an excellent choice for zoning. Their design can be very different. For example, frosted glass sliding doors are the most popular.

Sliding doors with a pattern will help to add sophistication to the interior and separate two zones of different functional loading. Preference should be given to a light solution with an abstract pattern.

Beautiful doors, complemented by glass and elegant partitions, will help to separate the bedroom from the living room. They will perfectly fit into the classic interior and will be an interesting addition.

Curtains - a simple technique for dividing a room into zones

One of the most inexpensive and easy-to-use techniques for dividing a room into a bedroom and a living room is curtains. At the same time, the ideal option is when the sleeping place is located in a niche and can be closed at night and open during the day.

With the help of curtains, you can decorate not only the entrance to the bedroom area, but also the entire territory. This solution looks unusual and stylish.

Do you want to add zest to your apartment? Then pay attention to zoning with curtains, ropes or classic gathered designs. Such approaches look impressive and unusual. The color of the curtains can be either to match the main palette of the interior, or as a contrast option.

A pedestal - a sophisticated solution for a spectacular result

Perhaps one of the most difficult techniques for separating the bedroom from the living room is the construction of a pedestal. As a rule, a sleeping place is placed on a hill. The use of two different levels creates a visual separation of the room. Moreover, the threshold, with a skillful approach, can be turned into an additional area for storing a variety of things. It is not only stylish and comfortable, but also practical.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for placing a living room and a bedroom in one room. Each type of partitions has many variations, which allows you to choose the most suitable one for a particular layout, taking into account the wishes of the owners and the peculiarities of their life.

Living room and kitchen - combining not combining

A one-room apartment requires a special approach to the arrangement, because the lack of square meters is acutely felt and in one room it is necessary to combine several zones of different functionality at once. If the layout is such that the kitchen occupies 8-9 square meters, then it is most often taken to the bedroom and the question arises of combining the living room and kitchen in one room.

This problem is so urgent that many designers offer a number of solutions, from which everyone can choose the most optimal one. When deciding to combine a kitchen and a living room, it is best to use multifunctional furniture:

  • sliding chairs and tables;
  • retractable planes;
  • folding sofas;
  • rotary storage systems;
  • powerful hood.

All this will allow you to cook and relax in comfort with a minimum of space.

Sliding doors are the most practical zoning technique

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe main room allows, then the most convenient and practical way to separate the kitchen from the living room will be sliding doors. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain thin, easy-to-use models that do not take up much space. The easiest and most inexpensive option is frosted glass doors. They will not interfere with the penetration of daylight, at the same time they will allow you to protect the cooking process from the rest area.

Multilevel structures and wooden doors will look stylish and effective. They take up a lot of space, so they are well suited for spacious rooms.

Furniture - a simple option for separating the living room from the kitchen

If the budget is rather limited, and you still need to divide the room into two functional zones, the easiest way is to use furniture for this. A sofa, dining table or armchairs will be great delimiters in this case.

Sometimes, color zoning is enough to divide a room into a kitchen and living room. It is important to take into account that in each zone there are at least several objects of the same color.

Original arches between kitchen and living room

You can divide one room into a recreation area and a kitchen using an arch. This zoning technique is considered a classic and is great even for small spaces. At the same time, arched openings can have a variety of shapes: arched, rectilinear, ornate. But it is important that their style is in harmony with the overall style of the house.

Partition-table - benefit and functionality

If the room is small, then the best delimiter of the recreation area and the kitchen will be a low wall, which simultaneously serves as a table. For families of two, this option will be an excellent solution.

A wine shelf placed between the living room and the kitchen or a wall on which you can put various decorative items, for example, figurines, candles, photo frames, can also be a good delimiter.

Screen - a convenient technique in zoning

Practical, easy to install and, at the same time, the original screen will be an excellent solution when zoning a room into the kitchen and living room. You can choose both monochrome models of pastel colors and bright variations that will become an interesting highlight of the interior.

Screens with landscapes, still lifes and interesting paintings look original. They are able to create their own special atmosphere in the room.

Zoning with light

Lamps will help to visually divide the room into two different functional zones. In this case, it is worth using several lighting fixtures made in the same style so that the composition looks harmonious. So, the recreation area can be distinguished with the help of a floor lamp, the dining table can be illuminated with suspensions, and the kitchen part with spotlights or spots.

It's so simple and easy to solve the problem of zoning a room into the kitchen and living room in a one-room apartment!

Living room and study in one room - stylish symbiosis

Today, more and more active people prefer to work from home or often work after the main work. In this case, it is important to provide comfort and convenience. The problem arises, where to place the home office? If the apartment is large, you can easily allocate a separate room for it and equip it according to all the rules, but what to do in case of limitation of square meters? In such a situation, a good solution would be to combine the living room and the workplace. How to do it wisely, read on.

Zoning without separators

When zoning a room, it is important to understand which functional area will prevail. In this case, the living room plays the main role, and very little space is needed for the office. To distinguish between these two areas, sometimes no special devices are needed at all, separation by color or light is enough. In small rooms, even a window sill can play the role of a desk top. This is not only a significant saving in space, but also a good place, because in this case the table will be well lit by natural light.

Classic shelving for space division

The easiest and most practical way to separate the workplace from the rest area is to use a shelving unit. On the one hand, it will divide the room into two functional areas, and on the other hand, all the necessary books, papers and accessories for work can be easily placed on the shelves. If only a computer is needed for work, then various decorative items can be placed on the shelves. This will add comfort to the living room.

Original rhombus shelves are the highlight of the entire interior

If you want not only to zone the room, but also to add zest to it, then the original diamond shelves will be the best choice as a delimiter. Their end-to-end design will create a sense of lightness and harmony between two different zones, and at the same time will be an excellent delimiter. On such shelves, both books and small decor look equally aesthetically pleasing.

False walls for zoning

Classic false walls are also great for dividing a room into a recreation area and an office. They can be solid, but options with shelves or frosted glass inserts look much more elegant.

Elegant pedestals

If the height of the room allows, an elegant solution to dividing the room into a living room and a study will be to place the latter on a small pedestal. The color scheme of the two parts of the room should be the same so that there is no imbalance.

Living room and nursery - a complex duet

Combining a living room and a nursery in one room is a difficult task, since these two zones are very different in functionality. First of all, I would like to give advice. If there is an opportunity to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room due to the neighboring ones: pantry, corridor, loggia, then this is worth doing. After that, you should go directly to zoning.

Children's place: a bed, a chest of drawers, a box with toys should not only be separated, but insulated as much as possible. That is why it is best to place the children's area near the window, and then use various delimiters to separate it and form the living room.

Small partitions are a convenient way of zoning

Small partitions will become a good separator of two functional areas: recreation and nursery. They can be made in the form of classic false walls or original arches, which allows you to create an elegant and interesting interior.

A good practical solution would be a wall with shelves. On them you can place toys or things necessary for the crumbs. When the child grows up, this place can be used for decoration, placing figurines, photo frames and other little things on the shelves.

Compact Zoning Racks

You can separate the nursery from the recreation area in a one-room apartment using ordinary shelving. Such items will allow you to delimit the space and at the same time become an excellent repository of a variety of things. 64.65.

Lightweight partitions between the living room and the nursery

A good solution for zoning a one-room apartment for a young family will be the use of light, practical partitions. They can be all kinds of screens or curtains. At the same time, it is important that the entire room is made in a single style direction. It is best to refuse color zoning.

With a minimum of space

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is very small, then it is worth abandoning any limiters altogether, because they will only take up precious space. The crib should be placed in the corner, and immediately behind it is the guest sofa. If desired, the distinction can be made by color.

An interesting way out can be the placement of the sofa, and therefore the recreation area in the center of the room, and place the desk, toys and the child's bed near the walls. Such an interior looks quite original and stylish, the truth about the logical division into functional zones in this case should be forgotten.

Living room and hallway - a logical combination

Sometimes the layout of a one-room apartment provides for a rather large corridor, and several functional zones must be accommodated in the living room at once. In this case, it would be quite logical to remove the partitions and expand the main room. But at the same time, do not forget that the entrance area will still have to be separated from the recreation area. How to do it correctly, we will tell you in this article.

Separation with furniture

The sofa can easily become an excellent delimiter of the corridor from the living room. This is the simplest and most budgetary zoning option. It should be placed not along the wall, but in the place where a kind of partition is needed. Another good solution might be to use a cabinet for this purpose. In this case, it is best to choose a wardrobe with sliding doors in order to save extra space.

A false wall with shelves is a convenient way of zoning

A false wall will help to perfectly separate the entrance area from the living room. Moreover, it can be either one-piece or consist of their shelves. The latter option is much more practical, because in this case there will be more space for storing small items.

Zoning without delimiters

It is not at all necessary to use any special delimiters to divide the room into an entrance hall and a recreation area. Sometimes a small partitions or an ordinary furniture set will become a simple zoning option. In this case, it is appropriate to use light for zoning. So, a wardrobe can be equipped with spotlights, and a chandelier and a floor lamp can be placed in the living room.

And finally, lightweight partitions, screens and curtains will also come in handy during zoning. They look stylish and interesting, creating not only a logical interior, but also being its original addition.

Working area and bedroom - how to combine harmoniously?

It is not easy to create a cozy and not burdened atmosphere in a one-room apartment, because in the minimum number of square meters it is necessary to fit several zones of different functionality at once. And if you can still do without a living room in such conditions, then nowhere without a bedroom. If at the same time the owner of the house is a freelancer, then it is important to worry about arranging a comfortable workplace. This is at least a computer desk and a few shelves.

How to place a bedroom and an office in one room? Read on!

Curtains - a simple and affordable zoning technique

The easiest way to separate the desk from the bedroom is with curtains. Despite their dissimilarity, both of these functional areas are quite quiet, so in this case, you can do without large partitions, especially in conditions of a minimum number of square meters.

Niche bed

If the layout of the room provides for a niche, then it is worth placing a bed in it. This is especially convenient when it comes to an apartment in which one person lives. You don't have to worry about other special delimiters in this case.

Classic partitions in zoning

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows, you can separate the workplace from the bedroom using traditional partitions. They can be up to the ceiling or small partitions.

In some cases, it is advisable to place the desk by the window, and in such a way that the window sill acts as a tabletop of the workplace. This will significantly save space. If there is a lot of it, the working area can be separated by a partition, a comfortable screen and even sliding doors made of frosted glass.

Several zones in one room at once

In a one-room apartment, it is often necessary to combine more than two functional areas. The bedroom, living room and workplace should miraculously fit into an area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 square meters. If we are talking about a young family with a child, it becomes necessary to create a children's area, a living room and a bedroom in the same room. What are the ways out of these situations offered by experienced designers?

First of all, experts emphasize, in conditions of combining more than two functional zones, it is not worth using two delimiters. This will only visually reduce the room. It is best to use one delimiter for two main zones that occupy approximately the same amount of space, and the third one can be organically attached to one of the two main ones, zoning with color or light.

Partitions to delimit the bedroom from the living room

Most often, the question arises of dividing a room into a bedroom, an office and a living room. In this case, it is best to use a partition to divide the room into a sleeping area and a recreation area, and place a desk in the sleeping area.

Small partitions will also help when separating the children's area from the bedroom and living room, especially if they organically fit into the overall interior. The color scheme in this case should be the same in order to create a holistic perception of the interior.

Racks and walls with shelves - convenient tricks for zoning

It is possible to separate the nursery from the study and the bedroom, or the living room from the workplace and the sleeping area with the help of shelves and false walls with shelves. You can place a lot of everyday things on them or effectively decorate with decorative items.

Curtain - a classic tool for dividing into functional zones

You can separate the sleeping place from other functional areas using original curtains. You can choose both the classic version and interesting solutions in the form of ropes.

To separate the kitchen from the living room and work area, you can use screens and all kinds of wooden partitions, as well as original models of non-standard designs.

If the room is quite large, you can install sliding doors between the living room and the bedroom, and place a work desk in the living room. Doors in this case can be made from a variety of materials. The frosted glass options look elegant and stylish.

In high rooms, the second tier can be used to separate the bedroom from the living room. In this case, the space under the stairs can be used to organize an office.

In some cases, different pieces of furniture can act as dividers. Moreover, the more functional the solution, the better.

Many of the described techniques are simple and do not require special monetary costs, therefore they can be used to zone a one-room apartment by everyone. Others require serious construction work and considerable funds. In any case, you can get an interesting and original interior. A variety of building materials and ready-made solutions allows you to easily implement the most daring design ideas. Which of the options to choose - the choice is yours!