How to divide a narrow room into two zones. Simple tips for dividing a room into two zones. Two zones in one room

Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to place zones for sweet dreams or relaxation and a living room in one living room. How correctly can one room be divided into two spaces, which, it would seem, are not quite compatible? Probably, one of the important methods for dividing the design of an apartment or house is the division into zones of a room. For example, from one bedroom you can make a living room and a bedroom.

The division into functional zones in this case will allow you to place several places in one room where you can relax, as well as a workplace.

You can see photos of ideal zoning in the bedroom in any magazine with interior designs. Visual division is also done in order to create an optical illusion (a visual increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room), as well as to increase the attractiveness of the interior.

Two zones in one room

For the correct zoning of the bedroom into two parts, you need to know the general rules for dividing into zones, and also do not forget about the style of the entire room.

How can a room be divided into many zones? To do this, you can use the best bedroom zoning ideas, namely, use the following techniques:

  • arches;
  • false partition;
  • sliding doors.

Separation when using arches is considered a classic. Thanks to this design, each of the zones can be made private. The arch has a non-bulky design. If you use drywall constructions, you can make quite interesting visual effects.

If the room and funds allow, you can use decorative structures for zoning the space. To do this, the builders will definitely install niches, drywall shelves, glass partitions. There are sometimes quite attractive options when a fireplace or an aquarium is used instead of partitions.

The podium is a fairly practical solution for zoning space. Inside the design of the podium, they often equip a place to store various things. Occasionally there are storage options for a small bed inside the podium. Its height can be about 20 centimeters. In order to clearly delineate the podium from another space, a lighting solution is used - backlighting.

False partitions - the ideal solution for a studio apartment. Using such a partition, you can visually create the illusion of a wall that gives privacy and secrecy.

Sliding doors are the best helpers in dividing a room into several functional areas. Using correctly selected furniture, you can also organize several separate zones in the room. In the kitchen, the most common option for organizing different areas in the room is the bar counter.

The bedroom can be zoned from the living space and with the help of the most ordinary curtains. Thanks to their use, you can quickly and easily organize a cozy corner for relaxation.

When is the visual division of the room used?

Dividing a room into several zones is necessary in order to divide the space into zones that have different purposes: the visual separation of a sleeping place from a worker, for example.

Zoning helps to cope with the problem of a one-room apartment - when one room needs to be divided into a common area and an individual one.

The space can be divided so that at different times of the day the room is used for its intended purpose, for example, during the day the room is used as a dining room, and at night it is used as a room for sleeping.

With zoning, you can create an optical illusion that can make the interior more attractive, and can also add or reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room itself.

If you have decided for yourself at the stage of construction or repair that you will separate the bedroom using separation, try to think right away how to perform zoning and at the same time take care of lighting in different areas.

Let's say that in the sleeping part you planned to divide into two completely different zones (according to functions) - do not lay one overhead lighting (meaning one chandelier on the ceiling). An ideal solution to this problem can be the installation of a floor lamp, sconce.

For a small room, it is not recommended to use a very bright finish on the floor or walls. Avoid painting the floor in different colors. For example, if the floor is painted with a single color paint, this will help to visually make the room larger in size. Forget about monochrome contrasting drawings on the walls.

A light solid color on the wall will help to enlarge the room. Ceiling - it is better to install a multi-level or stretch.

If you have a combined sleeping room and living room, this is an ideal option for converting it into a studio bedroom. To do this, you need to remove absolutely all partitions in the room. Zoning is necessary only with the help of a variety of furniture and different wall designs.

For example, the kitchen area must be decorated using tiles. Dining and living areas should be separated using plastered and painted walls in colors that will harmonize with the color of the kitchen area tiles.

We recommend placing a round table in the center of the room. It is best to hang a hanging lamp above the table. In the corner you can comfortably place a TV and a corner sofa. Thus, you immediately get a relaxation area and a bedroom.

A transforming bedroom is when the room itself is quite small in size, but you want to place several zones there at once. Furniture with transformation mechanisms will come to your aid. That is, the bed in the morning will become a closet, and in the evening it will again turn into a place to sleep.

Such items are usually designed in a specially equipped podium, which is quite easy to turn into the furniture you need. If you want to visually highlight the living area, place a small table for magazines in the corner. Soft chairs will not be superfluous.

The transforming bedroom option is ideal for young people - bachelors or couples without children. Older people are unlikely to fold and unfold furniture with such mechanisms every day.

Bedroom zoning photo

Redevelopment of a dwelling, in which one room is divided into two, is a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes households need a little more personal space. When a family lives in a one-room apartment, parents try to give the child a separate corner. Some are only interested in the design aspect or functionality. There are several ways of zoning, depending on the goal pursued by the owners of the house. In this article, we will share ideas on how to make two rooms out of one.


Pros and cons of the solution

The most obvious way of zoning space. It is used in studio apartments, modern "odnushki". Usually the rooms there are of such an area that one overall easily turns into two comfortable, albeit more modest ones. Most often, a wall separates the kitchen area from the living room, or the bedroom from the guest area. An obvious plus of the option is getting two full-fledged, isolated rooms. Minus - sometimes the rooms turn out to be cramped, dark, since in one of the zones, most likely, there will be no window.

Partition types

There are several options for partitions. Their material and shape depend on the style of the interior, the taste of the owner, the needs of the household, and the dimensions of the room.


If there is no need to periodically combine the room, a monolithic wall is installed. Options - durable drywall, brick, special building blocks. Such redevelopment does not require legalization in the BTI. A full-fledged doorway, a decorative window can be mounted in the wall. The monolithic barrier perfectly soundproofs. It is relevant for the separation of the bedroom, kitchen, nursery. An interesting method is to use tempered glass as a wall. Matte translucent surface does not interfere with the penetration of light. This is especially important when the room is zoned in such a way that there is no window in one of the rooms. A glass partition separates the bedroom, office, dining area.

stationary partition


Partition-coupe looks stylish and original. When it is installed on the ceiling and floor, guides are mounted. They are joined by doors with a system on rollers. Profiles are aluminum, wooden, made of PVC. Metal is more durable, resistant to corrosion. Wood and PVC are not recommended for installation in rooms with high humidity.

sliding partition


A portable partition is ideal for small spaces. With its help, you can place an interior accent. The most common PVC screens on rails. They fit into any design decision. Classic, modern, Japanese style - the screen will be appropriate everywhere. However, to a greater extent, it plays the role of a decorative element, since it practically does not soundproof. Only visually zones the space.

mobile partition

Figured opening

Arches, columns, any architectural whimsical elements are suitable for partial separation. This is a great option for a room with one window. Light freely penetrates from one part of the room to another, but the separation is visible, tangible. The solution is not suitable for those who are looking for privacy and soundproofing.

figured opening


The podium is installed in apartments with high ceilings. This is a way of visual zoning of space. On a hill there is a bed, a sofa for relaxation. Often the podium is fenced off with a screen or curtain, combining the methods of zoning the room. This method is considered functional. The space below the level can be used for storage. You can put seasonal or travel accessories there.


Decoration Materials

If the owners do not want to sacrifice a single square meter of the apartment, you can work on the color scheme. Various shades of paint, patterns on the walls, combinations of finishing materials can visually create two isolated rooms. This method will successfully hide the flaws in the layout. Designers do not recommend getting carried away with excessive contrast. This style looks tasteless, clumsy. Maintain harmonious color combinations. Combination options:

  • paint with wallpaper;
  • plain wallpaper and canvas with an ornament;
  • decorative plaster and paint;
  • wood panels and tiles.

The disadvantage of this solution is obvious - the room remains the same. This option is suitable only for those who are not looking for privacy, but want to breathe a fresh note into the interior, or divert the attention of guests from the bed to neutral objects.

Decoration Materials

Association with a loggia

Attaching a balcony is a complete redevelopment. It will need to be coordinated with various state authorities. However, if permission to merge is obtained, then by dismantling the wall separating the loggia from the main room and insulating the balcony, you can equip a full-fledged warm office or a small recreation area. Place a soft sofa or chair with a table there, hang a few shelves, a TV. Curtains, translucent sliding doors, a bookcase can serve as a separator. They do not prevent the penetration of sunlight into the home. The arrangement of the bar on the loggia is an option for courageous owners who like to receive guests, or a bachelor. For this purpose, the concrete block does not need to be completely dismantled, you can leave the ledge, using it as a bar counter. Place a couple of high chairs near it, mount original lighting, bottle shelves. So in your house there will be a cozy mini-bar.



Dense curtains or weightless tulle - an original solution for zoning. This is an easy to install and fairly cheap way to make two rooms out of one. Of course, they will not protect you from sounds coming from another part of the apartment. But they will hide a sleeping place from prying eyes or fence off a quiet corner for relaxation. Curtains can be easily changed when you want to refresh the interior. Curtains can move apart in different directions, rise like a Roman blind. At the peak of Kisei's popularity. These are curtains made from individual threads of various widths. They give the design a touch of airiness, lightness. Perfectly fit into the interior of the apartments of young girls.




Most often, a wardrobe is installed, separating the living room and bedroom. On the side of the bed, it is better to place wardrobe doors. On the back of the cabinet, "looking" into the recreation area, there are functional shelves for accessories, books, magazines. This method of zoning is mainly used in small apartments.



Unlike a wardrobe, a through rack looks airy. It transmits sunlight well, takes up less space. This is a great option for separating a recreation area, office or bedroom. Souvenirs, books, potted flowers are placed on the shelves.


Transformer blocks

Increasingly popular, modern method. Furniture-transformer relatively recently appeared on the market. It is a combination of different blocks, rearranging which, get different configurations of a sofa, bed or shelving. For example, a dimensional sofa easily turns into two armchairs and a table and vice versa. Change the arrangement of the modules as you wish, and turn the second room into a living room or bedroom.


portable screen

Great for temporary division of space. If a young couple lives alone, but guests drop in from time to time, a portable screen will help separate the bed from the kitchen and dining room. It is easy to dismantle when there is no need for zoning.

portable screen


If there is very little space in the room, but you want to visually delimit it, try using different lighting. For example, place pendant lights above the dining table area, place a sconce or floor lamp near the bed, accent the kitchen or relaxation area with LED strip. Choose from different lamp intensities to enhance the effect.


How to zone different types of premises?

If the owner lives alone

The modern real estate market is rich in studio apartments and "odnushki". They are often acquired by young people who are not ready to enter into long-term relationships and build a family in the near future. For such owners, any of the above methods of dividing a room is suitable, depending on the needs. Translucent partitions, columns or shelving separate the office. A bed is placed on the podium. The kitchen is isolated from the bedroom with a plasterboard construction with niches and recesses. Frosted glass walls, limiting the seating area, fit perfectly into the modern interior. They are complemented by blinds, curtains.

for one person

If a family lives in an apartment

It often happens that 40-50 sq. There is a family with a child and even two children. In order for all household members to be comfortable, and the room not to lose its prestigious look, to remain functional, it is necessary to carefully consider the idea of ​​zoning. Give preference to partitions of light colors, weightless textures. They visually expand the room. While the children are small, you can limit yourself to zoning with the help of a rack, a screen, a figured opening, a partial wall (not up to the ceiling). If the task is to soundproof the nursery, you will have to mount a monolithic plasterboard structure. However, if this option assumes that there will be no window in the children's area, discard it in favor of a frosted glass partition.

Sometimes parents are faced with the task of creating two isolated nurseries. We recommend considering the option of a compartment partition or a plasterboard wall. These are ideal solutions for children of different sexes or children of different ages. Each of them will have their own space.

for a family with a child

Separation of a small apartment

Which solution to choose if you value every square meter, but want to divide the room into separate functional areas?

Living room and kitchen

The most acceptable option is zoning using glass partitions with photo printing. They can be sliding and monolithic. A sliding wall is preferable, it looks lighter, more stylish. The second most popular option is a partial wall as high as a person. If you are not worried about the problem of smell penetration from the kitchen into the recreation area, place the sofa on the podium.

partition between living room and kitchen

zoning by finishing the floor, ceiling and lighting

Bedroom and living room

If you are not faced with the task of soundproofing a place to sleep, separate it with furniture. Use transformer partitions, racks, cabinets. The option with curtains looks stylish and weightless. Ropes, ropes, flowing threads, curtains on rings - choose to your taste. Drywall niches look interesting. A bed is placed there, sconces, shelves are mounted. For those who do not care about the problem of hiding a bed from prying eyes, a podium solution is suitable. A room with a bed placed on a pedestal looks stylish and impressive.

textile curtains between bedroom and living room

string curtains between living room and bedroom

Office and recreation area

The ideal option is to move the workplace to an insulated loggia by breaking the concrete block between the balcony and the wall, replacing it with a partial partition or a sliding structure. In this case, you will work in a perfectly lit space. But this option is not for everyone. If you have problems coordinating such a redevelopment, separate the workplace from the main room with a screen, a rack with bookshelves, a metal shaped structure, and frosted glass with blinds. Do not forget to organize a competent illumination of the zone.

a partition with shelves separates the workplace from the recreation area

shelving - a partition between a place of rest and an office

Making two from one room is not so difficult. Choose any of the options offered by us.


In the interior design of the nursery, there are three basic methods of dividing into zones:

1. Parallel zoning. Each inhabitant of the room is allocated a place to sleep, study, leisure, store personal belongings. The space is divided using a partition or color into two "completed" parts.

In a narrow room with a door opposite the window, a sleeping and working place for everyone can be placed along the right and left walls. You can make a common closet for storing children's clothes, shoes, common things.

2. Diagonal zoning. A stylish solution for zoning a square spacious room. The space is divided with the help of interior items, colors, accessories, carpets. Such a division of the nursery in contrasting shades looks very modern.

3. Organization of common areas . The most popular and ergonomic way of zoning a room with an area of ​​​​10-15 square meters. meters. Can be placed in a children's bunk bed for sleeping and a desktop, for textbooks, personal items for each child. A sports corner can also be shared.

Where to study and where to sleep?

There are several universal tricks that you need to consider when zoning and choosing an interior. The nursery should have at least three zones:

1. Training. A modern teenager spends most of his time studying. A growing person spends a lot of time doing homework. The study area includes a working, writing or computer desk, a chair, modules for storing things, textbooks. The choice of children's furniture depends on the age, height of teenagers, interests and the number of things.

Today, manufacturers offer many design solutions for organizing the learning space in the children's room.

it modular systems with built-in table, cabinets, shelves, drawers. That is, the working area is part of the composition of the modules.

Another option is a separate study area. "Classic" - table, chair, rack, shelves. For a more rational filling of a small children's room, they are ideal transformer systems. For example, we move the bed - we put forward the table.

Our children spend a lot of time at the computer. When creating a children's learning space, you should consider the possibilities of lighting. Pay special attention to the selection of a table and chair in height, consider how to adjust these interior items for a growing person.

2. Sleeping area. For a room in which two teenage children live, bunk beds are relevant.

Keep in mind that your child is growing and needs to be comfortable. There should be enough space above the second tier so that the child can sit on the bed without touching the ceiling with his head.

If a person is calm and balanced, then the presence of red, orange, yellow shades will have an encouraging, stimulating effect on him.

3 more secrets to creating the perfect nursery

  • In the design project of any children's room, there should be a place to reflect the interests of children, their achievements. These can be shelves for drawings and crafts, awards, frames with drawings on the walls, mini-stands.
  • Interior stickers, photo wallpapers, drawings will help to highlight the individuality of each child in the room. Children will be happy if they are involved in the creation of such compositions.

  • With a small footage of the room, be sure to use the area above head level for storage. The market now offers a huge selection of modular systems with roomy drawers.

When deciding on a layout, always remember that children will live in this space, not you. When creating a design project for a children's room for two teenagers, taking into account fashion trends and designer's advice, first of all, rely on the needs and wishes of children.

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Many are familiar with such a problem when there is simply not enough free square meters in a dwelling, and therefore the question arises of what is needed divide the room into two zones. However, it is not premature to be sad because of such a problem. Any living space initially contains the potential for a cozy and comfortable arrangement in such a way that the lack of free space is not felt excessively.

To do this, you just need to divide the apartment into certain zones designed for your own purposes. Designers have long been using the principle of space zoning to make housing harmonious and as comfortable as possible for a person. There are many tricks to help expand an initially small room, and not only visually.

In any dwelling, the owner can find the so-called hidden zones, and then equip these meters correctly. If you are just moving into a new home, then perceive the empty space as an absolutely clean canvas. It is on it that you have to embody your personal ideas of fantasy. From practical experience it often follows that even a completely empty apartment has a lot of superfluous stuff. An example of this is a capital partition separating a room from a balcony. If you thoroughly insulate the balcony, and then demolish such a partition, then the room will become an order of magnitude larger.

The balcony often serves as a place where people store things they don’t really need, clogging valuable space with all sorts of rubbish. Meanwhile, it can be turned into a mini-dining room or a small office, where you can work at the computer in complete peace of mind or let your child do their homework. The boundary between the balcony and the room after the demolition of the partition can be marked with a closet.

Or you can not fence off this area at all, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Quite a lot of free zones can appear if a small apartment is supplemented with all sorts of niches. Niches may well cope with the role of a full-fledged closet or dressing room. You will have the opportunity to save not only space, but also money, which you can then spend on purchasing the wardrobe you want for all small apartments. In general, do not be too afraid of the prospect of destruction of the walls.

But this, of course, does not apply to load-bearing structures. By breaking non-permanent walls in a number of places in the apartment, you can significantly increase the usable area. Having made one spacious room out of two small-sized rooms, you can then, skillfully using design techniques, competently equip the vacated space. Instead of a non-capital wall, you can make a decorative partition equipped with many shelves. Your apartment will immediately acquire a more modern look.

And any centimeter of free space will get a chance for competent practical use. Many do not dare to reorganize their apartment, believing that for such purposes it is necessary to first collect many different documents and obtain the appropriate permission. But it is possible to skillfully divide a dwelling into zones without coordination with the relevant authorities. How to divide a room into zones? Everyone can divide his apartment into sectors without vain and completely unnecessary hassle.

It should be noted that the so-called studio apartments are very popular today. The kitchen is separated from the dining room with different floor finishes. Of course, it is optimal to use tiling for the floor in the kitchen. But in the dining room you can lay linoleum. Keep in mind, if you are going to combine zones in an apartment that initially had different purposes, then you definitely need to think about a way to soundproof them with high quality.

If you have children, they will bother you with their noise. Noise isolation can be ensured by using and properly placing the same closet, which will completely replace part of the wall. Or you can build a partition with many small cabinets and shelves. It is not at all necessary to make a partition or cabinets to order. You can think over in detail the future plan for the arrangement of furniture, accurately measure all the parameters and send out the number of meters that you will not be sorry to allocate for the corresponding zone.

But even here there are certain recommendations. If you plan to combine work and leisure areas with each other, then it is better to make the workspace a little smaller in terms of footage. Division rooms in two zones is unthinkable without installing or moving switches and sockets. Zones in the room Ideally, they should have their own light source. When arranging the space, it is better to refrain from using such types of furniture that seem to support the walls.

In general, in conditions of limited space, various purely decorative attributes that serve exclusively aesthetic purposes should be kept to a minimum. Sofas, cabinets, shelves and, of course, cabinets, in the first place, must meet the functions of a competent division into zones. It is possible to single out zones in a limited area without setting clear boundaries.

The difference and contrast in color, texture, as well as the construction of a podium or different levels on the floor will perfectly cope with this task. Within the framework of one apartment, the division into zones should not be very assertive. In the area divided into zones, in the future, a harmonious interior should be provided for, if possible, of a single stylistic orientation. You can divide an apartment if you use the techniques described below and the appropriate tool. First, pay attention to the furniture.

Its individual components must cope with the divisor function. For example, you can select zones using several low shelves or racks. It is enough to fix them to the wall at a certain angle. By simply adding a tabletop to such a rack on one side, the child will get the perfect place to do homework.

The role of a conditional boundary between the working area of ​​the kitchen and the dining space can also be performed by a countertop, supported on one side by a metal "trunk". Perfectly delimits the necessary areas in the apartment corner sofa. You can isolate the sleeping place from the living area with the help of a closet. Along with partitions, such an attribute as a screen will cope with the task of creating a conditional border.

Such a piece of furniture today again received a wide demand. The screen can be chosen in accordance with the general design criteria of your apartment. But there are also so-called universal screens that harmoniously fit into absolutely any interior. Partitions, installed only on the sides of the main "entrance" to the selected area, are great for highlighting the bedroom. The partition is easy to build from gypsum board.

A partition based on plexiglass will look no less elegant. However, when choosing a material, take into account the fact that, for example, gypsum cardboard will inevitably hide light rays, making the space separated by such a darker one. In this regard, it is recommended to install a gypsum board partition near the window opening.

Organic frosted glass in this sense will be more preferable. In addition, any space with his participation acquires a certain zest. The role of a kind of non-capital partition can also be played by curtains or dense material of curtains.

If you remember, in Russian houses it was the curtains that were hung in the rooms and other rooms in order to hide the bed or other areas that did not need to be seen from prying eyes. Curtains and curtains, as an element of space decor, and not just windows, are becoming fashionable again today. Textiles in any case will make your apartment more comfortable and homely pleasant. If you decide to use a sliding door mechanism to highlight certain areas, then the feeling that the apartment consists of only one room will disappear altogether.

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