How to disassemble the corrugation from the toilet. Installing corrugations on the toilet: subtleties and alternatives. Common causes of breakdowns and how to prevent them

Many years ago, installing a toilet was complicated by fitting the socket to the outlet of the sewer system. The cramped area of ​​the bathroom and heavy cast-iron pipes turned the work into a long and laborious work of a whole team of workers. Thanks to such a connecting element as a corrugation, the situation has changed radically. Now the introduction of new technologies and available materials has greatly facilitated the connection of this device. Today we will talk about how the corrugations are installed on the toilet with our own hands.

Definition and classification

The corrugation is a kind of connecting element, which is made of plastic with "accordion" walls. It is thanks to this design that it can be stretched to the size you need. That is, the corrugation serves to connect the toilet outlet to the sewer system. With its appearance, you can install the toilet at the desired distance from the riser without further changing the floor level.

Today you can find a variety of corrugations, which differ in material and appearance. Now we will consider the main characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing this device.

According to the degree of elasticity:

  • Soft. This option is the easiest to install due to the fact that the soft corrugation is suitable for toilets with different outlets.
  • Rigid. The product is not mounted on all toilets, but only on those that are ideal.

Important! Rigid corrugation has increased wear resistance.

By the presence of reinforcing elements:

  • Without reinforcing insert inside the structure. They are most often used because of the low pricing policy.
  • With thin metal wire. A product with this configuration will serve you for many years. Of course, reinforcement will cost you dearly, but your expenses will be justified.

By lenght:

  • Small. In a compressed state 212 mm, and in a stretched state - 320 mm.
  • Big. Compressed 285 mm, stretched 500 mm.

Important! The choice of product will depend on the interval between the riser and the toilet. In any case, you need to take the corrugation with a margin.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, we come to a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the corrugation. Now we will consider everything separately.


  • The ability to connect the device in absolutely any conditions (with a small area, non-standard location of the toilet bowl).
  • Easy installation. Anyone can handle the installation of corrugations without special plumbing skills.
  • The ability to disconnect the device at any time. In case of an emergency or just out of necessity, you can easily remove the toilet and then reconnect it to the same corrugation.
  • The diameter of the corrugation fits any toilet bowl socket.

Important! Do not get lost in the variety of prices for corrugation. In any case, you need to pay attention to the highest quality plumbing element. By purchasing a plastic model at a low price, you risk getting a product of poor quality, which will shorten its life.


  • Thin material, the integrity of which is easily damaged.
  • Unattractive appearance.
  • If the pipe is too stretched and incorrectly installed, the product may sag, which will lead to clogging of the corrugations.
  • A short service life of a plastic plumbing element compared to metal counterparts.

Do-it-yourself toilet corrugation replacement

So, we have come to the most important thing - how to put the corrugation on the toilet without the involvement of outside help. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  • We clean the outlet and socket of the toilet bowl. We get the cleanest and most even surface of the socket.
  • We cut down the remains of cement and the previous release with a chisel.
  • Wipe the inside of the bell and the outlet surface with a clean, dry cloth. There should be no residue of runoff, mucus, cement dust and other small debris.
  • Now we set the toilet bowl to its working position for applying fastening marks, taking into account the corrugations.
  • We put the corrugation on the toilet, pulling it well to stretch the rubber seal.

Important! You must understand that the less the corrugation is stretched, the less likely it is to sag. Otherwise, debris will accumulate in it and stagnation of water will form.

  • We drill the previously marked places for fasteners. If there is a tile on the floor, first we drill it with a drill through the tile, and then we drill the existing ceilings in the concrete with a puncher. We put in place suitable plastic dowels.
  • We seal all the cracks around the sewer pipes with sealant. We apply sealant in a circle to the outlet, stretch the corrugation, which we do not displace until the protective composition hardens. The most important thing is that the sealant is inside the toilet bowl socket. Now the pipes won't leak.
  • We put the toilet in place, tighten the screws well until the product stops staggering.
  • To check well-sealed cracks, pour a bucket of water into the toilet. If the outer pipe remains dry, the job is done correctly.
  • We smear a little cement mortar around the circumference of the bottom of the toilet. To do this, you can use a sealant.
  • We remove the remnants of the protective coating with a knife.

Work is ready! Now you know how to install the corrugation on the toilet.

How to choose a corrugation for the toilet?

So. Let's answer the question on the correct selection of corrugations for the toilet. Here are some tips for you:

  • As mentioned earlier, you should not buy cheap corrugation of dubious quality. Give preference to a more expensive plumbing element that will serve you for decades.
  • It is better to buy products not domestic, but imported.
  • It is advisable to purchase a corrugation with reinforced wire in the middle of the structure, since it is such products that will be able to maintain their original wear resistance.
  • Calculate in advance the interval from the socket of the sewer pipes to the outlet of the toilet bowl so that the elastic element does not stretch or sag.
  • It is worth giving preference to a product with thick and rigid walls so that they perform their main function longer.

Important! If the corrugation is exposed to chemical toilet cleaners, it may leak. To do this, you do not need to dismantle the toilet. It is enough just to replace the old element with a new one by removing the damaged pipe, cleaning it and removing the old layer of sealant

Lightweight but durable plastic plumbing fittings have greatly simplified the installation of many appliances. In particular, the corrugation for the toilet bowl allows you to connect the outlet of this type of plumbing to the sewer outlet much faster and without much difficulty.

Do you want to install a corrugation with your own hands? We will tell you how to do this - the article discusses the installation of corrugations and options for connecting toilets with different types of outlet. Installation tips and recommendations for choosing the best corrugation are also given.

Thanks to a detailed analysis of the important nuances, the connection procedure is quite accessible even to a non-professional.

Corrugation belongs to the class of spillway fittings. This is a strong, stretchable adapter made of polymeric materials and shaped like an accordion. Its properties remain unchanged even when it is heated and stretched.

The corrugated pipe has the shape of a sleeve with a plastic cuff, which has a rubber seal inside. With its help, toilet bowls with different types of flush are connected to the sewer - oblique and horizontal.

Its dimensions are in the range of 21.2 - 50 cm. The end of the pipe with the outlet has a cross section of 11 cm, and the one connected to the outlet is 7.5 cm inside and 13.4 on the outer surface.

Varieties of corrugated pipe

Corrugations are sold unreinforced or soft, reinforced with walls reinforced with stainless wire, rigid. The first are relatively cheap and have not very high strength characteristics.

Such property as flexibility is very important. It allows you to securely connect the toilet to the sewer receiving pipe, even if it is located on a different level.

Soft corrugation fits any design and is easier to install. The bad thing is that after a few years of operation, difficulties may arise with draining due to sagging of the corrugated adapter.

The reinforced pipe has much higher characteristics, it is more reliable and durable, but also more expensive. These corrugated pipes have a rigid branch pipe with a turn, and the corrugation is its continuation. They are indispensable when you need to connect a toilet bowl with an oblique outlet to the drain.

Detailed information about the types of toilet bowls and types of release is discussed in another.

We must not forget about plumbing standards when choosing a slope. It is impossible to turn the reinforced pipe at a right angle. If the device occupies a non-standard position, a connecting element with an offset is used.

Before starting work, make sure that the corrugation is suitable for the parameters. It also needs to be checked for cracks. If, together with the corrugated pipe, it is also planned to replace the toilet bowl, then it is put on even before the installation of plumbing

The corrugation can compensate for a fairly significant displacement. Thanks to it, the device can be moved by a maximum of 200 mm. And also it can be deployed to any angle. To do this, use such an option as a serial connection of two corrugated pipes.

Pay special attention to the angle at which the corrugation is bent. With a large pinch, draining cannot be carried out efficiently. In addition to everything, the corrugation can crack at the pinch point.

Connection without the use of corrugations

If the outlet shapes of the toilet bowl and the sewer pipe match, you can do without corrugations. Connecting the toilet without the use of corrugations‚ follow certain rules. At the same time, an adapter is used, which is also called a pipe.

The installation method is chosen depending on the shape of the outlet of the toilet bowl: in the case of an oblique outlet, they are installed on the floor; with a vertical outlet, the toilet bowl is mounted into the wall at an angle of 90⁰; while horizontal - also into the wall, but at an angle of 30 to 40⁰.

Option #1 - Vertical Outlet Toilet

The model of such a toilet bowl is equipped with a siphon having an outlet pipe. Under this design, first mark the place, then install the flange with the lock.

The sewer pipe is mounted in its center and a plumbing fixture is installed. The toilet is rotated until it is fully fixed. The pipe takes its place automatically.

Such a scheme is good in that the wiring becomes invisible. pipes are hidden in the floor. This saves space. The downside is that to eliminate the leakage that has arisen, you will have to crack the floor covering.

Option #2 - horizontal release type

This release is directed back into the wall. Here you can not do without a sealing cuff. First, the toilet bowl is fixed to the floor with dowels. We recommend more on the best methods for attaching a toilet to the floor.

Not every apartment can have a toilet of this design. The use of the scheme is possible only if there is a vertical sewer riser

Option # 3 - oblique toilet outlet

To connect using a plastic pipe, minium is mixed with drying oil and smeared with this toilet outlet. From above, a seal is made in the form of a resin strand. The seal is coated with red lead. The outlet is inserted into the sewer pipe and the toilet is mounted.

A sealing collar can also be used here. Having dressed it for release, the latter is placed in the socket of the sewer. Be sure to seal the connection.

Corrugation - a pipe that is used as air ducts. The products of evaporation or combustion pass through it. It is installed between the equipment. Thanks to the corrugations, clean air always remains in the room, as ventilation occurs when connected to a kitchen hood. As for the appearance, it can be rectangular or round. The first of these is usually operated in manufacturing plants. Another model can be found in residential premises. Possible composition: plastic, galvanized or stainless steel, textiles are the least common. Installing corrugated hoods is a sure way to keep your kitchen fresh.


What are the diameters of the corrugations for the hood

There are to take the most popular corrugations, then the value is 100 mm, 125 mm and 150 mm (for a kitchen hood). In industrial ones, it can also reach 200 mm, 250 mm, 300 mm. The choice depends directly on the power of the device. The diameter of the hood itself should be taken into account, respectively, they must match. If you want a large diameter, then you should look for an adapter at the same time to dock with the neck. The dimensions of the corrugations for the hood have several classic parameters. You can always find the minimum value in the instructions for the kitchen hood. The most commonly used are 100 mm and 120 mm. If you still couldn’t find the size, then use a larger one, this is especially good for the kitchen: the noise will decrease due to the low flow rate. With a reduced diameter, air will be pushed through, experiencing difficulties.


How to install corrugation on the hood in the kitchen yourself and why? In order for the air to be updated regardless of whether the hood is turned on or not, it is worth attaching the corrugation through the grill to the vent. Because in the hole there is a compartment for the air duct and for the removal of air. When installing, it is also necessary to take into account the technical characteristics - the size and length of the pipe, otherwise all the work done will be inappropriate. Remember the quality and reliability of the material you choose. In addition, it is better when everything is done in the same style, for the interior. It should be understood that the cost does not guarantee the proper execution of the installation, so study the collation. It also says how to install an exhaust duct in the kitchen.

How to choose the size

It is necessary to measure the entire length with a tape measure. And take into account the route along which the duct will pass. For example, its possible path lies through the closet, along the walls or along the ceiling. After calculations, it is worth adding another 10 to 15 percent to the total length. This is an important point before connecting the corrugation to the hood.

IMPORTANT! Specify the size of the corrugation in a stretched form. It is worth taking the length with a margin. Ideally, it is 3 meters, but even if it turns out to be a completely extra length, then it will not hurt.

In the reverse situation, with a shortage of material, you can attach the missing piece with adhesive tape, but this option will reduce the duct's patency. This should be done only in extreme cases. With the smallest number of angles, but with a larger degree, the hood is able to work much more smoothly.

How to fix the corrugation on the hood

In order to somehow connect the corrugation with the hood, you will need:

  • corrugated pipe
  • self-tapping screws
  • hose clamps or soft wire
  • ventilation grate or adapter
  • silicone sealant
  • adapters, there was no corrugation of a suitable size

How to attach the corrugation to the hood, after all the tools are ready:

  1. Before work, clean the ventilation in the apartment
  2. First, stretch the corrugation along its length, check the constituent elements. Avoid kinks, then the air draft will remain good.
  3. Lubricate the neck of the hood with sealant
  4. Put on the corrugation and secure with a clamp, if it is not there, then wrap it with wire.
  5. It is necessary to lay this way to the end of the ventilation hole
  6. Fix the ventilation grate with self-tapping screws
  7. Then put on the corrugation with sealant
  8. Fasten the work with a clamp
  9. Check the exhaust system by connecting the hood to the mains. This is done as follows: turn on the hood at maximum power, now take a sheet of paper and bring it from below to the grate. A sign of proper mounting is the retention of the sheet - which means that air is sucked in. Everything, the problem of how to put the corrugation on the hood is solved.

REFERENCE! Do not wipe the outer surface, this will save you from extraneous unwanted odors.

You need to know that a vent hole is required. You can not close the mine completely.

If you do not want the corrugation to be on public display, then there is the possibility of hiding it. How to insert the corrugation into the hood inside so that it is invisible? This is easy to do with the help of wall cabinet doors, a decorative box, or other elements. To disguise it, you need to choose a color to match the furniture. To give harmony, try to arrange everything based on the style of the kitchen. Another option is to install overlays. It can be formed along the contour of the cabinet, thereby ensuring the secrecy of ventilation. It will not be difficult to lay inside kitchen sets. However, this will lose a lot of the necessary space, as well as add holes that will need to be cut.

If you don’t want to figure out how the corrugation is attached to the hood, then you can simply order a professional installation. Especially if the kitchen was made together with a custom-made hood. Then, the installation of the corrugation for the hood may not go according to the standard scheme.

Why you need to install corrugations on the hood

The use of corrugated pipes is good because they have many advantages. For example, most can afford to install them, and installation, as it turned out, is quite simple. In addition, they have a wide range of types and sizes and low weight in a compressed state. Hardy at high temperatures, thereby do not undergo combustion. It is possible to install both indoors and outdoors, which indicates functionality. They are placed in different planes, used in different parts of the systems. It is only worth taking care of once, as the freshness in the room is guaranteed for a long time.

Gone are the days when heavy and clumsy cast-iron pipes were used to connect plumbing to the sewer. Today they are being replaced by light, comfortable and, what is also important, cheap plastic.

With the use of plastic corrugations, the installation or replacement of the toilet becomes accessible even to novice masters. It is enough to have the necessary set of tools and strictly follow the recommended sequence of actions.

In fact, the corrugation is a wide and flexible sleeve with a cuff that drains waste from the outlet of the toilet bowl to the sewer pipe. Such an adapter is manufactured industrially from a special thermoplastic that can bend at any angle, stretch and shrink without loss of strength.

The standard product has the following dimensions:

  • length - 231-500 mm;
  • diameter at the end suitable for the sewer riser - 110 mm;
  • diameter on the side attached directly to the outlet of the toilet - 134 mm.

Modern industry offers consumers various types of corrugated pipes for connecting a domestic toilet:

  • Soft plastic corrugation. Due to the ease of installation and versatility, it is the most popular.
  • Rigid corrugation. More durable and reliable. Installing such a corrugation is somewhat more complicated.

By the presence of reinforcing elements:

  • Unreinforced. It has no additional elements in the design. Inexpensive, but also less durable.
  • Reinforced. Additional rigidity is given to the product by a thin wire that runs in a spiral along the walls of the corrugation. It has excellent indicators of reliability and durability, although it costs a little more.

In addition, the corrugation may vary in length. The length is always selected individually, depending on the location of the toilet.

Important rule! The length must be calculated with some margin. The corrugation should not connect the plumbing to the sewer pipe tightly. In this case, there will be a high risk of leakage.

Pros and cons of corrugated pipes for the toilet

The popularity of corrugations can be easily explained by its many advantages in comparison with other methods of connecting plumbing devices to the sewerage system:

  • The most cost effective installation method.
  • Simple installation technology that any homeowner can easily handle.
  • There is no need to use special tools.
  • Ideal for temporary installation of a toilet bowl, for example, during repairs in the bathroom.
  • A good solution for cases where the overall dimensions of the outlet of the toilet bowl and the sewer socket do not match.

The work of replacing or installing a toilet bowl 20 years ago was accompanied by a difficult adjustment of its outlet to the sewer outlet. Heavy and clumsy cast-iron pipes made plumbing installation inconvenient and time-consuming, using the efforts of several workers. After the advent of plastic sanitary ware, they were replaced by universal corrugated connectors. So today we will tell you how to install the corrugation on the toilet yourself.


Flexible and hygienic designs are very easy to install. However, do not forget when working with modern products about the observance of some rules. But, first you need to deal with the design of the drain slope in the toilet, which you decide to attach to.

The release angle can be:

  • straight;
  • oblique;
  • vertical.

In the first two cases, the installation of a flexible connecting sleeve is not difficult. However, with a vertical slope, its installation becomes impossible. In this case, the toilet neck must be rigidly connected to the vertical drain system.

In the photo - a plastic corrugated sanitary sleeve

If a higher connection level is set, it will not be possible to establish a free drain of the liquid. Therefore, today we will not consider the independent connection of the vertical outlet. In other cases, it is possible to produce even without the necessary qualifications and training.

When to change the corrugation

Most often this happens in two cases:

Tip: when repairs in a house or apartment include replacing the sewer, it is immediately better to bring the pipes under a certain type of toilet outlet.

What can be the disadvantages of the corrugation

  1. Thin wall that is easily damaged from the outside and inside, for example, by accidentally flushing a piece of glass into the toilet. For all its resistance to aggressive environments, any plastic has a tensile strength and therefore gradually becomes unusable under their influence. The thinner the wall, the faster it will happen.
  2. Aesthetics of the bathroom. The corrugated plastic sleeve looks, yet not as neat and beautiful as a pipe suitable for the toilet outlet. Also, deposits inside can be seen through its walls.
  3. The inevitable sagging of the corrugation when the distance from the toilet outlet to the sewer socket is large. Due to the unevenness of the walls, deposits will remain that will surely pull it down. After that, water will begin to accumulate in the place of sagging.

How to choose quality products

Understanding the principle of corrugation selection, you will be able to purchase the best product for work:

  1. A wide range of prices should not confuse the consumer when choosing the right plumbing fixtures. Also, when choosing a corrugation, it is necessary to pay attention to the highest quality product.
  2. The price of such connecting plastic products is low. Therefore, with a slight savings, the consumer risks buying a product of not very high quality, which subsequently complicates the operation of the plumbing fixture and shortens its service life.

Advice: alas, but so far our companies cannot compare in quality with foreign ones, so we recommend purchasing imported products.

  1. When choosing, also give preference to corrugation reinforced with metal wire or mesh. Such a product will be able to retain its original strength longer.

  1. Determine in advance the distance from the outlet of the toilet bowl to the socket of the sewer system, then the elastic partition will not sag or stretch excessively.
  2. Choose products with thick and rigid walls, then they will perform their function longer.
  3. The durability of the product is also affected by the thickness and rigidity of the pipe walls.

Installation of plastic corrugation

Below is a step-by-step instruction with recommendations that will help you do the repair yourself:

  1. Disconnect the toilet bowl from the water supply if the installation will be carried out on plumbing already installed in the bathroom.
  2. Thoroughly clean the outlet from the old seal, cement putty, mucus and dirt.

Tip: Strongly dried cement can be easily beaten off with a chisel. Do not leave even the slightest layer, as this will adversely affect the tightness.

  1. Apply a layer of sealant to the outside of the outlet. When you put on the pipe, it will tightly wrap around the neck of the plumbing fixture and the silicone will hide inside the joint.
  2. Put the corrugation on the outlet with a wide end, over the edge, stepping back at least 50 mm. Spread it in a circular motion, then you can avoid distortions between the inner membrane and the wall accordion.

Tip: if the corrugation is excessively dense, its installation may be difficult. Then use pressure.

  1. Wait for the sealant to dry.
  2. Install the toilet in a permanent place, carefully adjust the location of the components. Secure it with fixing screws.
  3. Insert the seal into the drain hole as far as it will go. Apply sealant to the inside.
  4. Check the tightness of the structure by pouring 10-12 liters of water into the toilet bowl. The outer part of the corrugation must remain dry.

We replace corrugations

From time to time it will have to be changed, the reception of the reasons may be different. This is easy to do, even when the toilet is slightly offset relative to the sewer outlet.

You need to know the exact size of the adapter:

  • short;
  • average;
  • long.

This will affect the installation and its lifespan.

So, how to change the corrugation on the toilet:

  • carry out a thorough cleaning of plumbing parts from the sealant applied before this layer, which will become a guarantee of quality in the future;
  • insert one end of the pipe all the way into the neck of the toilet;
  • put the other end on the outlet of the drain system;
  • check the tightness of the connections by pouring a large amount of water.

Now you know how to replace the corrugation on the toilet if the life of the old equipment has ended or a sewer leak has occurred. Even a person without experience in such work can change a plastic corrugated sleeve.


Installing and replacing plastic corrugations is not difficult even for a non-professional. It is only necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists and follow their instructions. You should also not save on quality parts and sealants.

The video in this article will provide an opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.