How to advertise a group in VK: from free to paid. How to advertise "VKontakte" and how much it costs

You can also select the "Advertising" section in the left menu. Before us opens a page with four types for launching ads. If you don't have an advertising account yet, then for the first setup you can choose any type and register with filling in all the necessary data by clicking on the "Next" button.

After creating an advertising account in VK, we proceed to the choice of the format of the future ad and its subsequent configuration. To do this, click on the "Create Ad" button. In the window that opens, we need to select the type of advertising, based on what we will be promoting.

The main goal of the course is to help you advance, so the focus will be on advertising in contact to get traffic to your site. To do this, you can place ads on Vkontakte in three ways:

We use the second promotion method to advertise an external site directly. Choose as shown in the image below:

Enter the address of our site. Click "Continue".

We go down below to create the advertisement itself and customize its appearance. This is an important point: to be successful, you need an ad with a high CTR. These ads will be shown under the left menu on each page of the Vkontakte user.

Let's create a service ad to show you the basics.

Creating an ad for VKontakte advertising

1. Ad Format: Select Image and Text. Both the first ad type and the second one will both be shown under the left menu. However, headline ads are more effective.

2. Title: Let's write an attractive title for our future announcement.

Select an image file with a minimum size of 145 by 85 pixels. If we had chosen the second type of ad for an ad for an external site, we would have been able to add an image with a size of 145 by 165 pixels. Choose the clearest and most eye-catching image. Once downloaded, you will have the option to select a specific area on it, as shown below:

3. Subject of the announcement. Not a particularly important point in this case.

4. Age marking. We do not select it by default, however, sometimes during the moderation of the ad, you may be asked to specify an age limit for display.

Setting who to show ads to

1. Geography. Specify the country and city where the ad is displayed. Add exceptions if necessary.

2. Demography. Important point, specify the required values.

3. Age. We also indicate depending on the audience. This item is required to be completed in the case when payment is made for impressions, and not for clicks on an ad.

4. Birthday. An effective way to offer the purchase of your products for a promotion to future birthdays.

5. Family status. You can specify if you have a good enough idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe portrait of your consumer.

6.Interests. This item can be skipped, since in the future we will, and not rely on the correctness of filling out VKontakte profiles and its algorithms.

7. Communities. We choose those in which, in your opinion, the target audience for the advertised product or service is concentrated. For example, let's choose the Vkontakte for Business community. At the top right, the approximate number of the audience that will be shown the advertisement is immediately displayed:

You can specify multiple communities. The more you choose, the larger the final audience will be: all items are indicated with the “and” condition, but within each of them the “or” condition applies. How to choose the right communities, cut off groups with a large number of bots, look for exactly those in which your target audience lives - you can study in detail in our article "".

8. With the exception of. By analogy, you can specify those communities whose audience should not see your ads.

9. Education and work. Not a required item unless you are trying to target ads to people with a specific profession.

Specify the maximum cost per click or 1000 impressions

We have a choice: "". We pay for clicks when we have a large target audience; It is advisable to pay for impressions in the presence of a narrow target audience. This tactic will help you save your budget and get the traffic you want to your website.

When choosing a value for pay per click, indicate the maximum cost per click that you are willing to pay. It is worth paying special attention to the numbers on the right in the corner:

If you choose a value from the recommended price range, you will get 100% coverage, or as close as possible to one hundred percent. For our clients, we recommend starting with a price 2-3 times less than indicated in the "Recommended price" field. Further, the rate is adjusted depending on the number of clicks. We are also working with the ad type itself: we are testing images and title calls.

When paying for impressions for a narrow selected audience, you can set the lowest possible cost, even if it is 1 ruble. In any case, your ad will be shown to the target audience. With this choice of payment method, it is important to devote enough time to testing advertisements in order to optimize the ratio of costs and targeted traffic to the site as much as possible. The more your ad is able to attract clicks, the more profitable you can use ads when paying for impressions.

In our course, we'll be using the pay-per-impression setup more often as we create and test different ads. You can choose the type of payment at your discretion and in accordance with the existing strategy.

In both cases, when setting up, be sure to check the “Limit the number of impressions to 100 per person” checkbox in order to cover as much of the selected target audience as possible. This is especially true for long-term advertisements.

Let's get back to the setup. We set the price to one ruble when paying for impressions, select the "Limit to 100 impressions per person" checkbox and title our advertising campaign and click on the "Create ad" button:

Ready! You have just made your first advertising campaign for VKontakte. To see exactly how the ad will look on the user's page, click on the "View ad example on the page" button.

We check all our ads and if you are completely satisfied with it, we send it for moderation:

Check the balance of your personal account: to launch an advertising campaign, you need to have 100 rubles for each ad.

In the next series of articles, you can learn more about setting up ads on Vkontakte: how to create different ad formats and test them in the future, how to set them up, and much more.

05.03.2018 Tatiana Chushenko

Users are attracted by a convenient and multifunctional interface. VKontakte is a promising social network for monetization and promotion of goods or services via the Internet. One of the main ways to attract potential customers is advertising. Let's talk about how to organize it and how to make money on it.

The main types of platforms for advertising in VK

Let's take a closer look at what each platform is.

Personal page

The user himself decides what personal information about him friends, subscribers and third-party profiles see, and also chooses who is allowed to write private messages to him, invite him to groups, view and comment on his personal photos, and so on.


A group is created to bring together people with similar interests. It is either open or closed. A participant joins an open group at will, and to join a closed one, you need to submit an application, which is considered by the administrator.

The public wall can also be opened or closed for entries. Any of its members is allowed to invite friends, and only the administrator can remove them from it.

Public page

A public page is almost the same as a group, but there are a number of differences. Only administrators are allowed to post information on the wall. Ordinary users offer news, the page manager himself decides whether to post it or not.

The public page is not closed and everyone can see the information. It's also less intrusive because you can't invite friends into it.


An event is a community of people who are united by some kind of event. They are one-time and regular.

A one-time event announces a future event that will occur once. After the event ends, the event becomes irrelevant and the creator closes it.

Regular events inform about events that will occur several times.

The event indicates the date, time and place of the event, as well as the conditions for getting into it.

How to advertise on VK - proven methods

Many users here promote their products, services or websites. Let's figure out how to place an advertisement on VKontakte for free.

Method 1. Post on a personal page

Method 2: Create a group or community

The second way is to create a thematic community. You create a group, invite your friends to it and develop it. Your friends won't invite new members if the community is boring. Don't just post advertisements.

For example, if you are promoting your coaching services, then post interesting facts about sports, useful information about nutrition, or a training program.

Thus, users will be interested in reading your news, they will invite their friends and the number of potential customers will increase.

Method 3. Place an ad in an existing group

VKontakte is full of groups on any topic. Many of them are popular with users. If the community rules do not state that the placement of advertisements is paid, then publish your advertising post on the wall of this public or click on the button suggest news. In the second case, the decision to publish will be made by the administrator.

For the administrator to accurately approve your publication, format it correctly. Make sure that your ad is native, that is, suitable for the content of the group and without intrusive phrases.

How much does it cost

In addition to free methods, VKontakte also has paid advertising. It can be of two types: a post in a popular community and targeted advertising.

An image is added to this ad. In the settings you choose its size and format. Make sure the image is clear and bright. In this case, the advertisement will be teaser, that is, causing a desire to look at it.

Contextual advertising is paid in two ways: for the number of impressions or for the number of clicks on the link. When forming an advertisement, the recommended price for one impression or one transition is indicated. The customer also has the right to edit it.

How you can make money on advertising in VK - schemes that work

The main way to make money on VKontakte advertising is to have a popular community. Advertisers are willing to pay big bucks to advertise their product to a group of over 10,000 subscribers. So if you want to sell space on your community wall, promote it.

Another way to earn money that does not require a large number of friends and subscribers is to connect a special service. Advertisers publish tasks on them, and performers complete them and receive a profit for this.

Usually, the creators of groups act as advertisers, and the essence of the assignment is to subscribe, like or repost. To work on such an exchange, you need to register on the appropriate website or download the application on your gadget.

Popular platforms for making money on advertising in VK - an overview of the TOP-3 exchanges

As mentioned above, there are a lot of services that will pay you for using social networks.

I have selected for you the 3 most popular projects.


The Plibber service is designed to promote social networks. The advertiser places his orders here, which are executed by users, referred to as "agents of influence".

To become an influencer, your page must meet the following requirements:

  • at least 5 personal photos;
  • the number of friends 80 or more;
  • the number of posts on the wall is at least 45;
  • the profile is open and does not look like a fake page.

If you are going to make money with your group, then make sure that it meets the specified criteria:

  1. Over 950 subscribers.
  2. The community is open.
  3. There are at least 90 posts on the wall, which only the administrator is allowed to leave.
  4. At least 70% of participants must be real.

To withdraw the earned money, you will need an electronic wallet. Payment is received on it from two to five days. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles.


The VK Target exchange is also aimed at promoting social networks. All users who need to promote a group or profile post a task in the project with the requirement to like, repost, write a review or join the community. For each of these actions, the performer will receive money.

The average cost of one such task is 50 kopecks. The amount is small, but if you devote at least an hour a day to the project, then you will earn money to pay for mobile communications without much effort.

The funds received here are also withdrawn to an electronic wallet or to the balance of a mobile phone. The minimum withdrawal amount is 25 rubles.


The Sociate service is the official VK advertising exchange. Only popular publics earn here. To get into the number of performers, the number of subscribers must be at least 1000. Advertisers are ready to buy a publication on the community wall of their advertising post. The more participants in the public, the higher the cost of advertising.

Today, the social network VKontakte is not only a platform for communication, but also a resource that combines the capabilities of video hosting and a search engine. It is convenient and beneficial for business representatives and consumers of their business results. The service allows you to place offers and select the appropriate solution to problems in the form of purchases of goods, products or services.

Consumers have the opportunity to get acquainted with the opinions and recommendations of already established customers, and business representatives constantly monitor the demand for their offers and accurately determine the target audience, whose representatives are more likely to need to purchase the proposed service. Competently composed and designed advertising on a social network is much more effective than its classic version, but in order for it to work, you need to choose the right customer acquisition strategy. How to make an advertisement in the VK group so that it is effective?

Types of advertising in a social network

Visually, advertising in a social network can be placed in the news feed in the form of posts available to users when viewing the news, as well as in the left corner of the site in the form of ads. Each of its types has several formats used for a particular type of advertising.

On VKontakte, a business entity can declare itself and the product of its labor in groups and through targeted advertising. Target advertising is usually made in the form of a small teaser containing an image and short text. It is placed on the user's personal page, in the lower left corner, under the menu section. Informing in communities is carried out by posting in them information designed to attract potential customers.

Target or group?

The advertiser agrees with the community administrator about the parameters of advertising and the time of its placement. To publish it, you do not need to wait for moderation, since the text part of the ad is agreed in advance with the creator of the group and, if necessary, is corrected. The right choice of community is a guarantee of large-scale coverage of the target audience.

Targeted advertising is subject to strict moderation of the displayed information. It does not allow headlines and images of a provocative nature. The text size and image format are limited. An advertiser is not allowed to provide a different advertising strategy than that provided by the standards.

Statistical information

Group for advertising, how to choose?

When choosing a group for advertising, you must configure the search filter in such a way as to find users that best meet the parameters of the target audience. The community should be active, and its pages should be regularly updated with new members and posts. Before contacting the group administrator, you need to make sure that the service is not cheated. To do this, evaluate:

  • the ratio of real and fake users;
  • the frequency of unique visitors;
  • community activity and its renewal;
  • the presence of likes and comments.

When choosing a community, you should focus on the statistics of the main indicators. In active, ever-evolving groups of up to 20,000 members, each post must get more than 100 likes. For a group with cheats, the number of posts tagged rarely exceeds 10, which indicates its unpopularity.

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Where to begin?

To do this, you will have to analyze more than one VKontakte group. To simplify the procedure, analytical exchanges are convenient. Sociate and Hollypast services are popular.

Sociate allows you to quickly find sites for advertising at the appropriate price, which, after publication, will become available to all members of the community, most of whom can be categorized as an active target audience. To make an advertisement in the VKontakte group, you must select a text message suitable for the advertising campaign and a picture that complements it. Prepared elements should be transferred to a special resource field and a task should be created. The second way to design it is to manually select the site of the target audience for the designed advertising. To implement the task, a search filter with settings is used.

When placing an order for advertising, it is important to additionally monitor community members in terms of their age, gender and activity. To gain access to advanced group statistics, you need to install the SMM Assistant service. It will help identify the number of banned participants and compile statistical information on individual parameters. Placement of advertising is possible after the design of the advertiser block, which displays data on the number of selected communities, the number of unique subscribers and the amount of payment for the service of providing space for publication.

An alternative service is Hollypasta. With the help of its convenient tools, you can select groups of a suitable category through the community search option. To do this, you must fill in the appropriate fields with information identifiable characteristics of potential customers. They are determined by age, gender and geolocation parameters. The system allows you to estimate the number of participants in the community and their activity, expressed in the number of likes, reposts and comments. To save time on searching, groups that match the parameters can be added to the "favorites" section.

How to advertise in the VKontakte news feed

Advertising in the news feed of a social network is used to inform the user about current promotions and discounts on products or services. It is also used in situations where you need to remind readers of a brand or notify them of a new product release or event.

The advantage of this type of advertising lies in the reach of an audience that does not visit the group to get acquainted with its news publications. Advertising posts harmoniously fit into the user feed, diluted with ordinary entertainment-type publications, since the marketing department of the social network controls the subject of publications and shows advertising information no more than once every 25 posts.

When composing an ad, you don't have to worry about adapting it to different devices. The software of the social network is configured in such a way that posts are interpreted in the same way on a computer device, as well as on a tablet and on a smartphone.

Community owners can set up showing posts not only to group members, but also to users outside of the group. Using targeting allows you to promote only published posts and create new posts, provided that you have administrator rights.

To place ads in the news feed, you need to go to the advertising menu and select the "create an ad" option. The link to the post to be promoted is placed in the "community post" section. When choosing a publication group, information about the number of the target audience and the cost of the service becomes available. It may be charged for clicks or impressions.

Hello to all readers and visitors to my blog site. Here comes the New Year 2017. I hope you met him well and are now full of energy for new achievements.

Today we’ll talk about how to advertise in communities in contact. In the past, I talked about how to properly set up targeted advertising in contact.

Advertising in communities is suitable for those who definitely cannot make targeted advertising, since you will not pass moderation in VK. In principle, public advertising is suitable for almost everything that does not contradict the rules of advertising and the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is enough to choose the right community and know your target audience.

Before ordering an advertisement, you need to prepare a post for publication, write a good selling text, design an image suitable for the post, indicate the necessary link in it, and preferably with a UTM tag, in order to track the effectiveness of the advertising channel.

Usually, posts are placed in their groups and order repost advertising, this allows you to attract users both to your community and to the product that is advertised in this post.

The next task is to choose the right community for advertising.

1. Through the official exchange in contact

3. You can negotiate directly with community administrators

We go to, click on advertising posts in communities. After that, a window opens, and in it you need to click enter the office.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

We will open a huge number of sites, we can filter them by parameters, topics, price per advertising post, number of participants, daily user coverage, and others.

For example, we need to make an advertisement for our group in the automotive theme, the sale of auto parts. We indicate several parameters, topics, ad price, number of participants, preferably at least 50,000 people. It is better to choose the age of the main audience of the group at least 24 years old, as this is a more solvent audience.

And a sea of ​​​​options opens up for us, we can immediately see the price, the average daily reach of users who view community posts. It is this parameter that needs to be evaluated, the coverage should be at least 40-50% of the total number of participants, if it is significantly less, then this group is not suitable.

This means that the participants in it are inactive, and there are a large number of bots, they should be no more than 5%.

We can open any community and look at some parameters, if we see dogs we immediately close it, such a community is not suitable.

If there are few comments, reposts in the group, then the group is probably inactive, of course, all this can be done artificially now, but all this will be inconsistent and therefore it is possible to see.

You can see the detailed statistics of the group, see the picture.

Here you can see the number of reposts, audience coverage, age of subscribers, their gender, their geographic location.

Advertising is usually placed 24 hours after it is removed, the first 2-3 hours it comes first. But it happens that the admins do not delete the advertising post, they immediately write about it on their site.

If you decide to use third-party advertising exchanges, you can consider the Forumok service. Here are the approximate prices for advertising in groups, here you can already choose suitable sites.

It is also worth considering the Sociate service, there are a lot of different communities here, you can select them by clicking on the sites and then filter by various parameters, mainly the number of participants, the price per post, topics.

The scheme of work is very simple, statistics are also available after the release of the advertisement.

The best time to publish an advertising post is on weekday mornings from 8 am to 10 am and in the evening from 7 pm to 10 pm local time or Moscow time, depending on what kind of audience you need.

Be sure to keep a special table where there will be a record of all the communities with which you work. There are a lot of them now, so choose carefully, and do not constantly advertise in the same communities, it is better to change them.

Keep track of your ads to make sure they come out on time.

You can also write directly to the administrator and ask how much it costs to advertise in his community, and there you will agree on payment and placement time yourself, and of course send him your ad so that he decides whether he will advertise it or not.

Many say that advertising in public will die soon, I think it will not be so fast, now it exists and works well.

I posted ads in groups and advertising in them works very well, the main thing is to choose the right community and know exactly what goal you are pursuing by posting an ad, and also what is your target audience, then the effect of such advertising will be good.

No need to order advertising in large communities where prices are very high. As a rule, such advertising campaigns are not justified, start testing with small communities, where there are 50,000-100,000 people.

Good luck to everyone, if you have any questions ask 🙂

There are many free ways to promote and promote groups and communities on social networks. Some of them are very effective, but they all require time and effort. Therefore, one day there comes a moment when you realize that in addition to all the available methods, it would be good to add one more, paid method - targeted ads. And if earlier there was no experience of submitting advertising, for example, in such a social network as VKontakte, then the next question arises quite quickly: how to make VKontakte advertising on your own, without asking for help from specialists.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. I think that with the help of my screenshots, you will be able to repeat all the steps, make an advertisement on VKontakte, and analyze the results.

Starting the first advertising campaign

The first thing to start with is to follow this link. to the VKontakte advertising page. We are interested in the first tab "Targeted Ads". I must say right away that targeted ads are a key feature of VKontakte advertising, and they imply the availability of tools with which you can customize the display of an ad according to various parameters.

  • Gender, age, marital status, country and city of residence.
  • University, faculty, school, year of higher education.
  • Positions, districts, metro stations and even streets.
  • Interests, hobbies, favorite movies, books, games, etc.

That is, we can customize our ad in such a way that the ad is shown to the target audience. If your target audience does not include schoolchildren, then you can independently set the desired age of the audience, and exclude ad impressions from the field of view of schoolchildren.

Click on the “Targeted Ads” tab and read carefully about the benefits of placing ads on VKontakte. Feel free to click "Create Ad". On the next page, we are asked what we want to advertise: our community (group, public or meetings), the VKontakte application, a video with a link to the advertiser's website or an external website. Community advertising is the most popular, so we choose this option as an example if it suits you.

Here, on this page, you will need to select your community, and you will find yourself on the ad placement page. Task: choose the accommodation option that you like best.

  • Title 25 characters + image 90x120px with pay-per-view
  • Headline 25 characters + image 90x65px + ad text 60 characters with pay per click
  • Promoting communities - the group logo is automatically shown.

In my opinion, the most difficult thing is to correctly write a 25-character title. In my case, it would be better to correct the title with two words “Tips box”.

Scroll down and you will see the targeting settings. You can select a country, city, gender, indicate interests and education. If you see fit and check the necessary items, then in this way you will narrow your audience to the target audience, interested in your products and services.

The most important thing left is to set the cost of the advertising price. And for this, it is important to determine what you want to pay for - for impressions or clicks.

Here is how VKontakte describes the differences between ads for impressions and clicks:

“Pay-per-impression ads are a more static format than pay-per-click ads. They are suitable for advertisers who are interested in generating demand for a product or service of a particular brand or in image advertising. The main component of pay-per-impression ads is the image.
When paying for impressions, for each 1000 impressions, the amount that you set yourself is deducted from your budget (for example, 1 ruble = 1000 impressions).

When paying for clicks, only unique clicks on your ad are counted. If a VKontakte user has already clicked on this ad (from any computer), the click will not be counted. You also set the price for the transition yourself (for example, 1 transition = 1 ruble).»

It is worth considering only the fact that when paying for impressions, the image is noticeably larger due to the lack of ad text and, most importantly, there is no CTR in the CPM formula.

Since the effectiveness of advertising can only be determined through testing, I prefer to listen to the advice of more experienced people, and I will set the payment for clicks. That is, I will pay only for those people who clicked on my ad and clicked on it. For the first time, I recommend starting with a small cost of the transition - 3 rubles, even though VKontakte recommends paying me from 22 to 31 rubles per transition.

As an example, here are my results:

Having set the cost of the transition to 3 rubles, I replenished my account by 300 rubles. For 3 days, 36 transitions were made, and 5 of them became subscribers of the group. Small results, but to get the best, I need this experience today. As a result, 108 rubles out of 300 rubles were spent in 3 days. The cost of one subscriber was 21.6 rubles. Expensive to say the least. We still have to work on reducing the cost of a subscriber. It is difficult to achieve what you want the first time. This means that I have to test the increase in the cost of the transition, since the higher I set the bid, the more often my ad will be shown.

With experience, an understanding of the chips will come, which seem to lie on the surface, but the first time they are not amenable to awareness. By experimenting with the selection of target groups and improving the advertisement itself, you can achieve a smaller number of target audiences and a smaller, but more optimal cost per click.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the effectiveness of your ad will have to be constantly monitored, if you are not satisfied with the results, then there is always the opportunity to edit the ad and make changes to the settings.

Running ad

After you agree with the advertising policy of VKontakte, the ad must be launched in your personal account. Now that you have created your first advertising campaign, on the right side of the page you will see the link "advertisement", follow it at any time, and you will find yourself in your advertising account.

Replenishment of the budget

At the top, enter the amount of the total limit and the daily limit. That is, how much money would you spend on advertising per day, and for all time. Of course, beforehand, you need to replenish the balance of your personal account and transfer money in any way convenient for you: Visa and Master Card bank cards, using electronic payment systems Yandex.Money, WebMoney and Qiwi wallet. You can also replenish your account using a fairly large list of payment terminals .

After the money appears in your personal account, you need to set the daily and total limit at the top of the page and in the table, and launch an ad in the "status" section. After that, your ad is sent for moderation for about 2-3 hours. The moderation of VKontakte ads is serious: you can’t address the audience with “you” in an advertisement, indicate phone numbers in the text and in the image, you can’t advertise drugs, pornography, tobacco products, etc.

Should know! There must be at least 100 rubles left on the campaign account, otherwise you will see a warning:

"Could not run ad. For each ad you run, you must have at least $100 in your budget. You can replenish the budget or stop the ad. "

Do not be afraid to make changes to the ad settings during a running advertising campaign if you see that the result does not suit you. In some advertising campaigns, it will be more profitable to use payment for impressions, rather than for clicks. But you have to experience it for yourself.

Pay attention to the ads that are showing on your page right now. Evaluate whether the advertiser correctly took into account your interests, or preferred to waste the advertising budget. For example, if you are a mother on maternity leave, and you are shown an advertisement for the Elektrostal plant, then this is a clear sign that the advertiser has set up his ad incorrectly, and, accordingly, the effectiveness of his advertising campaign will be low.