How to draw wheat with a pencil. Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Wheat field. Spikelets are golden. Bread. Didactic game "What is gone"

Department of General Education

Rtishchevsky district of the Saratov region

Municipal preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 12 Zvezdochka. G. Rtischevo, Saratov region "

Abstract drawing

Topic; "Bread is the head of everything"

Educator: Kolomiets V.E.


Abstract drawing "Bread is the head of everything"

Target: Teach children non-traditional ways of drawing a wheat ear.

Expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the ear of wheat, its appearance.

to consolidate your drawing skills with a bristle brush.

- to increase the motivation of visual activity through the awareness of its moral significance; improve general and fine motor skills.

Activate adjectives in the speech of children (yellow, prickly, golden).

Educational tasks:to educate independence and purposefulness in work, the ability to bring the work started to the end, accuracy when working with paints. To cultivate a respect for bread.

Course of the lesson

The teacher tells an ancient legend about an ear of bread:

In ancient times, when God himself walked the earth, the life of people was easy and well-fed. It was summer all year round. When it needed to rain, when needed - the sun was shining. Fruit trees grew in the forests. The animals were meek, and everyone was feeding on grass. People knew neither disease, nor misfortune, nor hunger. The ear of corn was very large - there was almost no stalk, the grains started from the ground itself, and each grain was the size of a bean. There was so much bread that no one appreciated it. Once God walked the earth and saw how the mother wiped the stained child with the edge of the freshly baked bread and at the same time refused food to the stranger. God got angry, ascended to heaven and deprived people of bread. The earth became like stone, the rivers dried up, the grass wilted. Hunger set in. Then the cat and the dog went to God to ask for bread. He took pity and allocated a small ear on a long stem for the cat and dog shares. God made it so that the summer began to take only half a year. Winter is for people, and summer is for animals. People, baking fresh bread, gave the first piece to cats and dogs. Now tell me, what does the legend teach?

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle, "a house has grown up in the field, the house is full of grain" (ear). Here is a spikelet as our guest today, let's tell you what we know about it. Where does the spikelet grow? What other plants grow in the field that have spikelets?

Children: wheat, rye, barley.

Educator: guys, let's look at the picture showing a wheat field. What's on a spikelet?

Children: grains (the teacher demonstrates a natural wheat ear)

Physical education

A grain got into the ground (children squat),

It began to germinate in the sun (hands above the head).

The rain watered the ground, and the sprout grew (children slowly get up).

He reached for the light and warmth, and turned around handsomely.

Educator: children, let's sit down at the table and try to draw a wheat field (at the beginning we draw a stalk, and then by blotting the nap of a brush.

The teacher asks the children to imagine that he is a spikelet, and they are grains. Children slowly gather in a circle on the carpet, in the center is the teacher.

Guys, tell me what is made from wheat grains? (different types of flour)

The lesson is dedicated to all nerds and gluttons. You will see how to draw wheat with a pencil step by step. Naturally, I'm not going to draw the whole, but I will show several spikelets:

Wheat is an edible herb. Many goodies are made from it: bread, pasta, sweets, beer and other noble drinks. So both adults and children love her. True, no one likes to grow, grind, and process, but this is a completely different conversation. To depict a spikelet of wheat requires a lot of patience and care. There is no special image technique here, all the more you do not need to observe proportions. There are so many types and varieties of wheat that she herself does not even know which one will grow. On the other hand, it must be done beautifully, repeat after me.

How to draw wheat with a pencil step by step

Step one. We make a sketch in the form of a reed. Step two. Add round shapes similar to. Step three. Correct the contours, add antennae. Step four. Let's add shading and large tendrils. Ready: Try to depict more such plants.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten №15 "Yolochka"

C onspect OD

Topic: "Unconventional drawing technique: poking with a cotton swab"

Teacher: E.E. Kotlyarova


2016 year

Software content


to introduce students to non-traditional poke drawing techniques.



    to form the ability to draw with gouache using a poke (cotton swab);

    continue to develop the ability to apply a pattern over the entire surface;

    to convey in the drawing the features of the appearance of a wheat spike;

    expand the understanding of cereals

    help in the assimilation and application of this technique in their own creativity;

    expand the stock of knowledge about the variety of color shades.


To develop in children a sense of beauty, artistic taste, creativity;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Correctional and developmental:

To develop memory, attention, eyes, imagination and perception of the surrounding world, aesthetic taste.

Material :

    Cotton swab

    thick gouache;

    sheets of paper of any color and size;

    thin, squirrel brush;

    a small sheet of paper;

    stand for brushes;

    a jar of water;


    simple pencil;

    oilcloth for the table.


Hello guys! At the beginning of the lesson, let's guess the riddle:

A house grew up in a field,

The house is full of grain.

The walls are gilded

The shutters are boarded up.

The house is shaking

On a pillar of gold.

(That's right, this is a spikelet)

Let's remember what we know about an ear of wheat.

Children's answers.

Wheat is a genus of herbaceous, mainly annuals, plants of the Cereals family, or Meatlikovye, the leading grain crop in many countries.

The flour obtained from wheat grains is used for baking bread, making pasta and confectionery. Wheat is also used as a forage crop.

Today I suggest you draw a spikelet of wheat in a drawing technique that is new to us. And it is called the poke method. Before drawing, let's do some exercises.

Physical culture minute "A grain fell into the ground" (to the music of the musical director):

1. A grain got into the ground.

(Children squat down, press their head to their knees and cover it with their hands)

2. It began to germinate in the sun.

(Children raise their hands up above their heads, saying:

“Golden sun, you warm us a grain! "

“Rain, rain, water! There will be a harvest of bread! "

(Children stretch their arms forward, palms up and "spray" water on themselves.)

3. The rain watered the ground, and the sprout grew!

(Children get up slowly).

4. Stretched towards the light and warmth (arms to the sides)

5. And he turned around handsomely (hands forward).

6. Golden spikelets sway in the wind,

(Children stand on tiptoes, raise straight arms up, hands down).

7. Lean low.

Children wave their hands raised up and say:

“The harvest is ripe! Come take it away!

(Tilts down)

Explanation of the way of working.

Look at your branches drawn on the leaves, but these are not spikelets yet to get spikelets you need to draw the grains, take a cotton swab with three fingers, like a brush. Let's dip it in gouache. (The teacher shows). Look, I have very little paint on my stick, you need a little of it. And now we attach the stick to the paper, keep it tilted a little. Please note that we do not dip the stick into the water. This is how we will draw the seeds on one and the other side.

How to draw correctly in this technique? I will show, and you repeat after me, first without paint. First, we poke along the line to the left, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then on the right.

Now our lesson has come to an end. Let's admire the work done, see what kind of wheat field we got.

Wheat is an annual cereal that is grown in most parts of the world. It is used to make flour, cereals, pasta and confectionery, even beer, and this is not a complete list. And drawing wheat is not difficult at all. Below we will look at ways how to do this.

How to draw wheat with a pencil: materials

Before you start drawing wheat, prepare the necessary materials. These are simple pencils (it is best to take one hard and one soft), a sheet of paper, an eraser and colored pencils (yellow, light orange, green, brown) if you want to color in the drawing.

The first way

First, let's look at one of the easiest methods to draw wheat in stages, which is suitable for drawing with a child.

  1. Draw several slightly curved vertical lines on a sheet of paper with a simple pencil. Their number depends on how many spikelets you want to draw.
  2. Draw nine circles around the top of one of the stems.
  3. Now make grains out of the circles that look like droplets in shape. Draw the grains on the rest of the stems in the same way.
  4. Draw several antennae on each spikelet. There should be a few of them, 4-5 pieces on each spikelet. Draw long and narrow leaves from the bottom of the stems.

Now that you know how to draw wheat in a simple way, you can try a more complex method. Finally, color the wheat using orange and yellow crayons for the spikelets and green for the leaves.

Second way

How to draw wheat in another easy way? This will also require a piece of paper, a simple pencil, and an eraser.

We draw thin, slightly slanted lines. Draw spikelets at the top of each line. We draw several grains on each side and one at the very top. The grains can be either in the form of droplets or in the form of small ovals.

We draw thick stripes on both sides of the ear, and on top we draw several short lines. We finish drawing a couple of leaves next to the stems. Erase unnecessary lines - and the drawing is ready. You can add a few more spikelets and color the picture with paints or pencils using yellow and brown.

Third way

If you want to know how to draw wheat a little more realistically, then this method is for you.

In this way, you can draw both one spikelet and a whole sheaf or even a field. In addition, the spikelets can be slightly modified by placing, for example, the grains at a slightly greater distance from each other, or by drawing an additional row of grains on the side.

Irina Sergeevna Panova

Integration of all educational areas.

Children's age: 5-6 years old.

Target: To consolidate knowledge of the landscape painting genre. Learn to select the appropriate color scheme.



Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing;

Learn to harmoniously position the image on a piece of paper;

Consolidate knowledge of the landscape painting genre.


Develop skill draw background depicting heaven and earth;

Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in the landscape.


To educate the ability to work with paints accurately.

Preliminary work:View presentation: "From where to our table bread has come Consideration and drawing on the points of the ear, grain, sheaf of ears.

Equipment and materials:

Reproductions of paintings with images wheat fields, wheat ears.

Album sheets of A4 format, gouache, brushes, brush holders, cans of water, cloths.

Course of the lesson


Poems about wheat

Have wheat way special,

So that the grains become baking

You need to fill up with the sun

To drink rain water

Stand under heaven

Golden spikelets,

Sway in the wind

And one day in the morning

Collected in sheaves wheat,

They will be taken to the village, to the village

At the winged mill

the grains are grinded

someone's kind hand

The grains will become flour.

Educator: What do you think we are going to talk about today occupations? (children's answers) Right about bread.

Educator: Look at the pictures in front of you, what can you say about them (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, it's a landscape. What is depicted in the landscape?

Let's remember what a landscape is? Landscape is a genre of art that depicts nature or a location. (forest, grove, field, etc.)

What genres of art do you still know?

Right: Still life and portrait.

Educator: Let's look at our landscape, what's on it drawn?

(children's answers).

Children: Field. Wheat field... Sky.

How the artist depicted field, sky?

Children: Yellow field.

Educator: Why yellow field?

Children: Because it consists of spikelets, and they are yellow.

Educator: It seems that light is coming from the painting. Guys, let us be artists and draw a landscape, but to start paint we need to stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

The flour is kneaded into the dough, fingers are squeezed and unclenched.

And from the dough we blinded: Clap with their palms, "Mold".

Pies and buns, alternately unbend fingers

Cheesecakes starting with the little finger.

Buns and rolls -

We will bake everything in the oven. Turning both palms up.

Very tasty! Stroke the stomach.

Educator: At first prepare the background for the picture... What background do you think we will depict? (Answers of children).

Educator: Yes, guys, the background will be the blue sky and yellow wheat field... Let me remind you that the sky must be transparent for this we apply clean water to the paper with a brush and add a drop of paint: the top of the sheet is blue paint, the bottom of the sheet is yellow. And we disperse the paint with a wet brush on the wet surface of a sheet of paper. (teacher show) Let's wait a bit until the leaf dries.

Physical education.

Bulka spike grew, Children put their hands up, wiggle

They are left and right.

Grain under the millstone was, Vol. Control. "Feeding the birds".

And they baked it in the oven. They slap one palm on the other.

Kind master - baker! Issue Control. "Tray".

Raise thumbs up.

Well done, now let's start draw a spikelet. (Teacher show)

We paint yellow on the brush and draw the stem ears, then we again draw the paint and, by wetting the pile of the brush, draw the grains in ear.

I draw the attention of children to the fact that the main background is field and in field a great many are growing spikelets... Therefore it is possible draw spikelets as much as they want!

At the end drawing considering the drawings.


What genre of art did we talk about today? (landscape)

What's on lessons we drew? (wheat field and spikelets)

It was difficult paint, what exactly? (children's answers)

Did you like your drawings? (YES)

Do you like doing drawing? (YES)

Educator: You are so great! Very beautiful you have wheat fields and ears, and the sky is real blue and blue!

We design an exhibition of children's works.

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