How to make a folding table on the balcony yourself? Folding table to the balcony: ergonomics in the room Hanging table to the balcony samples

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Table on the balcony - 5 simple manufacturing options

A good owner always strives to equip every corner of his home beautifully and, equally importantly, functionally. A balcony or loggia has long been transformed from a spare storage room into a useful room. In modern design, there is even a separate direction responsible for this sector of the apartment. In this article I will talk about how to choose, or make a table on the balcony or loggia myself.

The problem of choice or the torment of creativity

At one time, I set out to bring my loggia into proper form. And as it turned out, insulation, exterior and interior decoration is only part of the overall process. It is equally important to correctly furnish the room.

You can install a wardrobe or a standard desktop on the P44T loggia without any problems. For those who are not in the know, P44T is a marking of the project of modern houses with a free layout. But my apartment, like most of the people who lived in our country, was built according to a standard design back in Soviet times.

Almost everyone knows that the dimensions of such a loggia are quite modest, so a standard tabletop, even from a small table, will look like an elephant in a china shop. Required a small, compact and preferably somewhere retractable table. Of course, any furniture can now be ordered, but I am used to making such small things myself, I have such a hobby.

Oddly enough it sounds, but the first problem I encountered was the choice of model. It seems to be a small thing, but there are many options. Here you immediately need to decide for what purposes you need such a table. And on which balcony are you going to put it.

  • I examined in detail many options and came to the conclusion that the hinged option is best for an open balcony. A retractable table can be installed as maximum, but here you already need to look at what it is made of. Indeed, in fact, the product will be on the street all year round and not every material is able to withstand this;
  • The pedestal table is more suitable as a working option for those who like to tinker with something.... Its beauty is that such a compact design can be easily transferred wherever you want. Plus, as you understand, there is additional space for storing many useful things;
  • A computer desk, in essence, is the same working one, but for some reason it is generally accepted that on the balcony it should be based in some corner. And be, if not completely stationary, then at least folding;

  • But the most popular in this niche is the small folding table on the balcony.... The secret of such popular love is that it is quite simple to manufacture, and most importantly, when folded, it practically does not take up space.

Common options for balcony tables

When I announced to my household that I was going to make a folding desktop for myself at the end of the loggia, it immediately became clear that it was in this very place that my son needed a computer desk, and my wife had long dreamed of having a neat folding table for conversations with friends.

Therefore, after a short family council, I was forced to agree to the construction of two tables. But there are many more options for such structures, so I will continue to talk about everything I know and in the construction of which I, one way or another, had to participate.

A few words about materials and tools

To make any, even the most elementary folding table for the balcony with your own hands, you need to have some kind of minimum set of tools.

  • You will not be able to do without a drill, but better than a hammer drill;
  • In principle, the product is not large, which means that there are not so many mounts. Therefore, you can get by with an ordinary screwdriver, but of course it is better to have a screwdriver;
  • When making a tabletop, it is very desirable to have a jigsaw. You, of course, can use a hand saw with a narrow blade, but take my word for it, hand-loosening thick plywood, laminated chipboard or MDF is not rewarding and very laborious;
  • In addition, you will need a standard set of small tools that every normal owner should have. This includes a hammer, a hacksaw, a tape measure, a level, emery, in our case, clamps will not be superfluous.

With materials, everything is a little more complicated:

  • When I began to take an interest, almost half of the sources indicated that the countertop is best made of chipboard. Fortunately, I met an experienced furniture maker. So he explained that even for a warmed balcony or loggia, it is undesirable to mount chipboard in its pure form under the countertop. If you really like this material, then it is better to take laminated chipboard;

  • MDF boards are much better suited here. The material is denser and more durable, and most importantly, MDF does not delaminate over time, since chipboard;
  • It is impossible not to remember the good old plywood. Specifically, the table top is made of plywood with a thickness of at least 16 mm. Auxiliary elements such as stops, drawers, etc. can be made from sheets with a thickness of about 10 mm;

If you decide to work with plywood, then for an open balcony you need to take a waterproof material. Most often they buy "FSF", but ideally it should be the "FB" brand. On a glazed and insulated balcony, you can safely buy an inexpensive folk brand "FK", which, by the way, is the most environmentally friendly among all.

  • You can use the OSB sheet that is now widespread, but you will need to decorate it with something, I will tell you about one of the convenient finishing options later;
  • As for all kinds of plastic, I personally do not recommend contacting thick polymer sheets. The fact is that the price of high-quality materials that do not exfoliate, are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, which is important for balconies, and most importantly, they do not emit any chemistry, is quite high. And a cheap product will quickly lose its appearance and cause you more harm;
  • But whatever you say, but for the countertop, wherever it is mounted, natural wood remains the best material to this day. If you have the means, you can take glued furniture board. A tongue-and-groove board for a type-setting table top will cost about half the price. In addition, all reinforcing and intermediate elements are assembled from wooden blocks.

If you want to have a really high-quality and durable countertop, then it is best to order laminated MDF or chipboard by your size from some furniture company. Believe me, you yourself will not achieve this quality.

Option number 1. Table with awnings

This option is most suitable for an open balcony. The bottom line is that the tabletop is screwed to two metal profiles, which in turn hook onto the parapet of the balcony or loggia with hooks.

I will not tell you how to make such awnings with your own hands from a metal corner or a regular profiled pipe, since you cannot do without a good pipe bender and a welding machine. If you do not take into account the purchased models, that is, the path is a little easier.

One of my acquaintances built such awnings from elements of commercial shelving. Such adjustable shelving is available in any store. You may have noticed that it is based on a metal profiled pipe with a number of holes of a special configuration. Holders for shelves are inserted into these holes.

So, he took two such profile pipes, cut them off according to the height of the parapet and attached them with clamps to the metal lattice of the balcony parapet. After he screwed the tabletop to the two holders. He got an adjustable, hanging and, moreover, a collapsible table.

In winter, when this table is not needed, the table top can be removed and hidden in a couple of seconds. The racks themselves are painted in the color of the parapet and are practically invisible from the street. The upper sections of the pipes are closed with plastic plugs, so everything looks quite decent.

In favor of this option is the fact that there are points for the sale of collapsible commercial equipment in any whiter - smaller city. And the cost of a pair of pipes with holders and clamps will be relatively low. The most expensive order for my friend was the order of the laminated MDF countertop.

Option number 2. Small ladies' table

Ladies' I called him purely conditionally, since his wife declared him her fiefdom. From what I've seen, people choose between three basic models. Personally, I chose the easiest option to perform.

  • For a long time I had a sheet of thick plywood in the bins of my homeland, measuring half a meter by one meter. It was left from the construction of the summer cottage. So I first dismissed it with a jigsaw clearly in half. I got 2 squares with a side of 500x500 mm;
  • After that, I pulled these squares with clamps and rounded off those pair of corners that should be on the outside of the countertop so that I got 2 absolutely identical segments;
  • Along the flat side of one of the squares (the side with not rounded corners), I cut out a neat segment inside, as shown in the diagram. This segment later became an emphasis under the countertop;

  • I fastened the segment cut from the square to the rest of the plane using a couple of ordinary canopies. It turned out to be such a kind of door;
  • I screwed the outer part of the segment with the opening door to the wall with four anchors;
  • Next, I fastened with two canopies the outer part of the cut segment attached to the wall with a door, with a solid square segment, which is actually the table top;

  • When folded, these are two plywood sheets hanging along the wall. When I need to unfold the table, I raise the table top and half open that makeshift door that is attached to the lower segment. It turned out compact, not expensive and pretty decent.

Option number 3. Table with a support

In the case when a person has only a table top and everything, you can do otherwise. Suppose you made yourself a decorative countertop with dimensions of 500x500 mm based on OSB board 12 mm thick.

In total, you got the thickness of the entire product 20 mm (OSB plate, plus decor). We need to hang it on the wall somehow. Moreover, make sure that it folds and holds securely.

  • Here we will need to buy a regular planed wooden block with a section of 40x40 mm. This size is considered the most appropriate. A thinner bar will be more difficult to work with, and a thick bar looks rough;
  • First, we cut off a 50 cm long bar from this bar and firmly fix it on the wall with a pair of anchors. Moreover, the heads of the anchors must be recessed into the bar;
  • Now our tabletop needs to be attached to a wooden block on the wall with piano or regular hinges so that the tabletop folds along the wall;
  • Then it's time to attach the support. We will make it from the same 40x40 mm bar. If you look in profile, then in the unfolded state the tabletop, the wall and the support will form a triangle. The end of the support that touches the countertop is attached to it with a door hinge;

  • On the other side of the support in the form of the letter "T", a bar 80 mm long is screwed into the end;
  • Further, an important point: in order for our wooden support to rest against the wall, two pieces of timber must be fixed on the wall at a distance of 45 - 50 mm from each other;
  • When the table is folded, that is, the table top hangs freely along the wall, the support also hangs along the wall and is located between two bars;
  • In order to bring the table into working order, we need to raise the table top and support our T-shaped support on two bars fixed to the wall.

Option number 4. Folding table for work

Whatever one may say, but a small table 50 cm in size is suitable only for tea drinking or to put a laptop. I needed a more comfortable place for a home mini-workshop. At the end of the loggia I have a homemade one with many shelves, I took it as a basis.

At 90 cm from the floor, there is a solid wooden horizontal shelf in the closet. She then became a support for the table top. More precisely, in working order, this shelf was a continuation of the table top.

The width of the worktop is equal to the width of the cabinet. At first I wanted to make the tabletop 1m long. But then I decided that it would be inconvenient to get the tool lying and hanging on the shelves of the cabinet. As a result, it stopped at 70 cm.

I ended up with a wardrobe consisting of three sections. The lower section was traditionally closed with two doors. The middle section was covered when the table top was lifted. When folded, it played the role of a monolithic door.

And on top, a mezzanine was made, bordering on the ceiling, which was also covered with two ordinary doors.

The instruction is simple. The tabletop itself is attached to the horizontal shelf with hinges. When the plate rises, it rests against a similar shelf, on which, so that the plate does not fall back, I put several furniture magnets.

In order to bring my desk into working order, I need to open the two lower doors of the cabinet and lower the tabletop on them. The lower doors act as supports. And so that they would not be distorted by constant pressure, I put furniture rollers on each of them below, which rest on the floor.

Option number 5. Crossbar

In general, this option seems to me the simplest. I saw him at one of my friends. The man was not going to make a mini-workshop out of his balcony, but he liked the idea of ​​a mobile computer desk.

The balcony itself is made completely transparent. Plastic double-glazed windows are installed along the entire perimeter from bottom to top. People call this option "French balcony".

If you start to "fence" any homemade wooden props, you can ruin the whole interior. Stationary cabinets, tables and other furniture will also nullify all the efforts of designers.

But in the design of this balcony, a decorative parapet made of nickel-plated metal pipes is provided along the perimeter. On the spacious loggia of a multi-storey building, relying on the windows themselves is not beautiful, and not safe, but the light metal parapet turned out to be just in place.

The facade wall on the balcony was sheathed with MDF panels, decorated with a natural wood look. The man ordered a MDF tabletop that clearly repeats the pattern of the panels and fixed its end to the wall using two hinges. In this case, the hinges are at the bottom, at the level of the horizontal pipe of the metal parapet, and the tabletop went up.

When assembled, the tabletop was firmly in contact with the wall. And since the pattern and color were the same, it almost completely merged with the interior. When the owner threw it away from the wall, the countertop rested with the opposite edge on the nickel-plated parapet. That's actually all the wisdom.

The original version of the countertop decor

Countertop decor is of course a matter of taste. Here, as they say, who is in what is much.

Most often, the tree is tinted and covered with some kind of varnish. To be honest, I don't really like this option. After all, in order for the varnish to look decent, you need to apply up to 5 - 7 layers, and this is long and troublesome.

If a person does not want to mess around, then he simply orders a tabletop laminated for a certain ornament and installs it. Craquelure, applique, brushing (artificial aging), let's just say it to the amateur.

I liked the ceramic mosaic option. By the way, when I made such a tabletop for my wife's tea table, she was delighted. The instruction is elementary.

First, of course, you will need to choose and buy a mosaic. The most affordable option for money is tiles. In essence, these are ordinary tiles of only a small size, on average about 20 mm.

Mosaic is not sold in boxes, like ordinary tiles, but on canvas. I cut the canvas first and separated each tile. Then he glued each element to the countertop. The final touch was grouting, that is, filling the gaps between the tiles with a special compound.

Later, one master told me that I started to cut the canvas and separate the mosaic in vain, it was possible to glue it with such a solid canvas. It would be much faster and smoother.

In order to decorate the ends of the tabletop, I used an aluminum edging. This is such an overlay that is attached to the base with self-tapping screws. The video in this article shows the process of such a countertop arrangement.

The balcony has long ceased to be a pantry for storing unused items or seasonal items. Today, even small balconies are used as a functional space, and in spacious counterparts they create real rooms. A table on the balcony becomes a necessity when the room is used often, and the types of this piece of furniture are very diverse both in their structure and in design and purpose.



Depending on the size of the balcony and the type of its glazing, one or another zone can be placed on the balcony: a work room, a recreation room for adults or children, a gym, a dining room and something else, for example, a combination of several. In any case, there are some features of equipping the balcony with furniture - a folding, dining or other small table.

  • The table in the loggia should not interfere with the free entrance and exit from the room, as well as free movement around it. If the loggia does not allow you to install a large table, place a compact or folding analogue;
  • You can place any furniture on the insulated loggia - neither in winter nor in summer it will not suffer from changes in temperature or moisture. An uninsulated balcony requires the installation of such furniture that will be resistant to temperature changes, otherwise, during the cold season, it is better to remove the table from the balcony to one of the rooms.
  • Folding furniture will be a real salvation for any size of a loggia, because it is so easy to "hide" and unfold again if necessary. Folding furniture is installed "for centuries", that is, even in a "cold" balcony, this furniture will remain on it for a long time.
  • It is easy to make a table on the loggia with your own hands, armed with an interesting idea, sketch, materials and tools.
  • A balcony or a separate loggia combined with the room also affects the arrangement of furniture. If the kitchen or living room is combined with a loggia, then the latter becomes an addition to the room; with a separate balcony, you should not despair, even it can and should be used as your heart desires. Just imagine which zone is missing for you and implement it in a balcony space.


Folding table

This piece of furniture will be an excellent choice for a balcony of any size. There are several ways to use it: as a dining room, as a table for work or hobby, for family and friendly meetings over a cup of coffee or board games. The main advantage will be functionality, followed by practicality, ease of use; in addition, the folding table takes up little space.

A folding piece of furniture is installed in the window area of ​​the balcony because more sunlight enters there, and after installation, even on the smallest balconies, a small passage remains. Traditionally, a folding structure appears on small balconies, the area of ​​which you want to use to the maximum. It's easy to make such a table yourself, armed with knowledge and materials.

A folding table of a round or square shape is attached to strong elements, you can diversify the table with hinged shelves, which will become an additional place for storage or decor. Make the balcony even more comfortable - place wooden folding or soft chairs no more than 2-3 pieces in a small space so as not to clutter it up.

A hanging table will become an alternative to a folding table, it is easier to make it yourself, purchase a small tabletop and mount it in part of the loggia room. Hanging a tabletop is much easier than installing a mechanism for raising and lowering furniture, and this method is less expensive, but very effective.

We create with our own hands

First of all, it is worth deciding on the size of the folding structure: take about one third of the balcony's width as the base of the table, provided that the balcony is small or has a long, narrow shape. For spacious balconies, choose the dimensions of the furniture yourself, provided that the future structure will not interfere with movement on the balcony when unfolded.

Draw a sketch of the future table in advance, indicating the dimensions from thickness to width, the place of attachment of the fittings and the folding mechanism. Then it is worth purchasing or finding the necessary materials and getting to work. Stock up on the following materials:

  • Pattern of a table top: depict it in full size on a thick sheet of paper, this will simplify the task of cutting out a piece of furniture.
  • Wooden base for the table;
  • Perforator;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Sandpaper for sanding countertops;
  • An extension cord may be useful for connecting a hammer drill;
  • Finishing material: paint, varnish and paint brush.

After transferring the tabletop pattern to a wooden base, the element is cut out using a hacksaw or other tool. After the part is processed with sandpaper, pay special attention to the corners and cuts of the product. The table top is decorated before installation: paint it with paint or apply varnish, you can use stencils for drawing; then let the structure dry for a day.

Next, collect the details of the future table - attach the hinges to the tabletop using a screwdriver; make holes in the wall as required in shape and size. Attach the structure and enjoy using it. Additionally, you can make a reclining chair or several chairs.


A similar piece of furniture will come in handy on any balcony, and takes up little storage space. Furniture stores offer many options for folding products for the balcony: from MDF and chipboard, solid wood, plastic, it is worth choosing a solid structure for a specific interior. The folding table does not require installation - this is its additional advantage, and the price on the market for a simple model is quite low.


For spacious loggias, you can develop a whole design project for the dining room, where there is room for a large dining table. The dining table looks laconic on a large balcony area with panoramic windows, however, if the apartment simply has a spacious loggia, then it will be quite suitable for continuing the kitchen and dining area.


Choose a dining table in accordance with the dimensions of the room and especially pay attention to the temperature regime: if the balcony is not insulated, then remove high-quality expensive furniture into the room so as not to spoil it. The shape of the dining table is different - choose a round table for a spacious room, and a square or rectangular table for a small one.

Other options

In the conditions of a loggia, you can create a whole entertaining or secluded space, for example, build a small library, a recreation area, a work area - an office.

A computer desk will become appropriate in the office: select it in accordance with the size of the balcony and place it where the table will not interfere with easy access. Such furniture, corner or rectangular, is more often installed in a niche of the room, shelves are hung from above and the necessary hanging structures are installed for working and storing things, documents, decor.

To create an office with a table on the loggia, take care of sockets, lighting, so that the work is not at the expense of health.

The dressing table on the balcony is useful for women who have allocated this space for their own use. It is especially important to create a "beauty zone" in the bedroom with an exit to the balcony: this will unload the room and use the balcony room as functionally as possible. In one part of the room, you can install a wardrobe, and in the opposite, a dressing table with ladies' accessories and a large mirror.

A sideboard or chest of drawers will be an excellent replacement for a traditional table, perhaps they will become even more rational furniture for storage and use.

The balcony often protrudes additional place to relax in a small apartment. You can turn it into cosy corner with a couple of chairs and table.

To save space furniture make for the balcony folding. Such a table can be bought in a store or made on one's own. Having made a table with your own hands, you can decorate him any way, which you like.

Table models

Balconies and loggias are different: with a deaf concrete fencing and through metal, glazed and unglazed. With this in mind, furniture is also selected. Coffee tables for balconies are divided into several basic types:

    1. Folding. The most practical option for small balconies. When needed, it is raised, then it performs the function of an ordinary table. When it is no longer needed, it is lowered, it is pressed against the wall and does not take up extra space.
    1. Hinged. Such a table is put on a railing or a specially constructed rack. Its disadvantage is additional storage space. Also, to install it, you definitely need a railing or a rack, with which it will be held.
    1. Built in. The advantage of such a table is its size - you can install a computer or other things on it, it is stable and does not need to be constantly assembled / disassembled. The disadvantage of such a table is its bulkiness. To free up space, it will need to be dismantled.

    1. Folding. A freestanding table that can be folded / unfolded, rearranged to any place. Such a table can be used not only for a balcony, but also as a portable surface (for example, for going out into nature).

What can you make a table for a balcony

For the manufacture of folding tables, the following are most often used materials:

  • wood;
  • Chipboard, Chipboard, MDF;
  • plywood;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • plastic.

Attention! The table on the balcony should be made of moisture-resistant material. The wood must be treated with antifungal agents.

Materials and tools

To do a table for a balcony of any model, the following materials are required and instruments:

  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • emery paper;
  • simple or electric jigsaw;
  • file;
  • brushes;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • impregnation for
  • paint or varnish for the final coating.

Folding table

Our folding table will semicircular, no corners to avoid accidental injury on a narrow balcony.

Except already listed to make this model you will need the following materials and fittings:

  • sheet Chipboard or MDF;
  • butterfly loops piano;
  • long screws.

Stages of work:

Step 1. To begin with, we draw everything on a sheet of furniture board details.

Draw a semicircle with rulers, nail and pencil. By diameter the resulting semicircle cut out a rectangle (about 10 cm wide). This strip will be a countertop mount.

Next, a rectangular is cut plate for fixing the table to the wall. The sizes are selected individually. Four are made in the slab holes under the screws. The support for the countertop will be truncated triangle. Its length is equal to the length of the slab. Triangle can be optional decorate.

Step 2. We clean the edges of all wooden parts with sandpaper and cover impregnation.

Step 3. We paint or varnishing. We dry it.

Step 4. With help loops we attach the tabletop to a small rectangle.

Step 5. We fasten the triangle to the fastening rectangle also using piano loops.

Step 6. With help electric drills we make holes for fixing the table. We hang our table. Check the horizontalness of the table using level.

The table can be decorated using the technique mosaics, decoupage or just paint.

Folding table for the balcony

For this model of the table you will need the following materials:

  • plywood 60 x 70 cm;
  • bars(20 x 40 mm): 46 cm - 4 pieces, 32 cm - 2 pieces, 72 cm - 4 pieces;
  • bar or stalk(section diameter 24 mm, length 32 cm);
  • bolts, nuts, screws.

Stages of work:

Step 1. Saw down the edges of the countertop and round them off with sandpaper.

Step 2. We round off both corners on one side of the 46 cm bars. On the other hand, we round off only one corner with sandpaper.

Step 3. We make the inner surface. In two bars of 46 cm (which were rounded off earlier), we drill holes using a special Fortsner drill. DO NOT DRILL DEPTHS!

Step 4. Since the legs of the table will fold, let's call them internal and external. We round off all the corners of the 72 cm bars and grind them down with sandpaper. We make saws for cross bars, which will fasten 2 bars together. Distance - 16 cm from the bottom. The second cuts are made on another pair of legs, 5 cm higher from the first cuts. Bars of 32 cm are inserted into the saws.

Step 5. We apply internal and external legs to each other, mark the places and make gash on external legs. The result is a compact design.

Step 6. We fasten legs bolted together X-shaped way. Distance - 50 cm from the bottom.

Step 7. We make holes for holders countertops at the top of the legs.

Step 8. Bars for fastening countertops(blanks for 46 cm) we place next to transverse bar. Distance - 5 mm.
Non-rounded we put part in the direction of the inner legs.

Step 9. Bolted neatly fasten procurement and internal table legs. Strongly tighten bolts are not necessary, all parts of the structure must free move.

Step 10. TO external attach the legs remaining two blanks for 46 cm.

Step 11. We put the tabletop facial side on the floor, lay out the structure on top. We do marks, by which we will anchor countertop to the legs.

Step 12. We turn the table over and fix the tabletop with self-tapping screws, which we screw into the front side.

Step 13. Sand the entire table with sandpaper and apply a layer of water-repellent and antifungal impregnation.

Step 14. We decorate the table or just paint or cover it acrylic varnish.

Product finishing

Basic methods decoration, which fit the balcony tables:

  • painting;
  • (application);
  • craquelure(aging);
  • mosaic;
  • decorating various objects (shells, beads, etc.);
  • pasting self-adhesive film.

Table on balcony gives it a certain charm, completeness and cosiness. Regardless of which model you choose, the main thing is not to violate the basic constructions, and table tops and legs can be absolutely any.

For more information on how to make a folding table on the balcony with your own hands, see video:

Not only a place for storing seasonal items and culinary preparations, but also a place for comfortable rest. If the view from the balcony or loggia is pleasing to the eye, then it is worth organizing this minimal area, a cozy place for work or rest. For the convenience of all family members, it is worth attaching a folding table to the balcony or installing folding furniture.

Convenience of folding and folding furniture on the balcony

If you look at the balcony from the side, then this is a small area of ​​the apartment, which, it seems, cannot be rationally used. But even the smallest area is a place that needs to be turned into a functional and comfortable part of an apartment. Sometimes you want to be alone or sit with friends and not disturb your household, but the only place where this can be done is a small or medium-sized balcony.

This article will show you how to equip a balcony and make its entire area useful.

Furniture on the balcony or loggia should not interfere with free movement, but at the same time it must be useful.

Folding furniture fully complies with these parameters, since in the folded version it does not at all pretend to have an abundance of free space.

Why might a folding table on the balcony be needed?

There are many uses for this piece of balcony interior design.:

  1. Dining table... In the case when you want to enjoy the morning coolness with a cup of coffee or tea - a table is a necessary part of the interior, as well as a useful stand for a mug and newspaper;
  2. Work zone... It is already rare to find a stationary computer in homes that occupies a large area in a room. Many people began to use portable devices for entertainment and work. You can read your correspondence in silence or work with documents outdoors, using a folding table on the balcony.
  3. Meeting with friends... In order not to distract family and friends, you should take care of a place to relax with friends, on the loggia you can drink coffee, play board games or have a chat over tea with a small cake;
  4. Hobbies and hobbies... In natural light, it is easy to assemble models, view your own collections, knit;
  5. Temporary stand... How are the workpieces put into the cabinet? They are brought from the kitchen and placed on the balcony floor, and then moved to the balcony cabinet. Of course, the slope behind each can is a certain exercise for the abdominal and waist muscles, but after such prolonged exercises, the back often hurts. Therefore, a folding table can become an irreplaceable place for temporary installation of cans.

Folding furniture is also very convenient, as it does not take up much space when assembled, and if necessary, a folding table can be quickly brought into the apartment and used for its intended purpose or taken with you to a picnic.

Folding table to the balcony (video)

How to make a folding table on the balcony

To implement this project with your own hands, you will first need to determine the location, the position of the folding table and its dimensions. When unfolded, it should not block the path to the far part of the balcony. Most often, the table is attached to the wall under the window, because more daylight falls on this part.

The table can be of any shape, but it is worth considering that the width of the balcony or loggia is not great, so the corners should be rounded to avoid all sorts of injuries and bruises.

After determining the shape and dimensions, it is necessary to draw all the details of the table on paper, for the subsequent transfer of the pattern to the material. Purchase the necessary parts, accessories and material from which it is supposed to make furniture with your own hands.

Prepare a range of tools:

  • Perforator;
  • Extension cord or surge protector;
  • Pattern;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Painting material or special varnish for wood;
  • Paint brush;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Pencil.

All the details of the pattern are transferred to a wooden base, then cut out with a tool. The edges are carefully sanded with sandpaper, then the staining process takes place. After the paint has dried, the parts are assembled on the carpentry hinges using a screwdriver and the table is directly attached to the place selected in advance. At the moment, it is worth remembering that when attaching the table to the main wall, it is necessary to check the correctness and evenness of the installation with the building level.

Folding chair to the balcony

A reclining chair for a balcony is as essential as a table. If you constantly take out home furniture for tea drinking or work, then it will most likely quickly deteriorate due to the temperature difference, as well as humidity and street dust.

The principle of making a folding chair is the same as for a table. If the table is made by hand, then making chairs on both sides of the table is not difficult. You can use the same pattern as for the table, slightly downsizing. In this case, you will get an original set of furniture for the balcony.

For convenience, you can make soft fabric pads stuffed with foam rubber by attaching a regular linen elastic band to them on one side, sewn crosswise.

This design will well allow you to attach a soft seat to the wooden base of the chair.

The only inconvenience of such furniture is its annual removal for the winter period. If you leave the table and chairs on the balcony for a frosty time, then their service life will be only one or two years. And the cost of self-made furniture will be an unnecessary waste of time, effort and money.

DIY folding table on the balcony

In addition to folding furniture, a folding version of tables and chairs can be placed on a balcony or loggia. A folding table on the balcony is easy to do with your own hands if you have the necessary material and tools.

The principle of making a folding table can be seen when unfolding the ironing board.

You will need four long legs for the legs, one small for the crossbar, and choose the countertop option. The table top can be made of chipboard or a set of bars. In the first case, you will get a perfectly flat table, in the second there are countertops for the summer cottage or in the form of a picnic table. If we consider the weight of the product, then the flat surface of the chipboard, as a tabletop, will be much heavier than a set of bars.

It all depends only on the choice of option, while you need to think about the possibility of using the table in the apartment and outdoors. You don't always want to take a heavy table with you on a trip.

Folding balcony furniture

Making a folding set with your own hands on the balcony is not only financially beneficial, but this furniture will warm your heart. Since any thing made with your own hands will become an exclusive option.

For the convenience of storing furniture on the balcony, you can make special fasteners that will reliably protect against unnecessary noise and as a way to prevent damage to tables and chairs during strong gusts of wind.

How to make a folding table with your own hands (video)

For fastening folding furniture that is not attached to the walls of the house or balcony crate, special cords are made from parachute lines or thick rubber. Such a mount is placed in two rows under the window, the bottom row is 40cm. from the floor and the top 20cm. from the outside window sill. Hooks are fixed on both sides, to which the edges of the lines cling. When pulling on all the hooks, the furniture will be properly installed under the window and will not allow the wind to drop it.


Sometimes you just have to figure it out, think about it, and you can load a small balcony in one day, finding there a gorgeous place for the embodiment of interesting ideas. For example, turn a balcony into a place for warm conversations over a cup of coffee. And for this you need to make a table on the balcony.

If you have a glazed and insulated balcony, then the choice of material for the table is practically unlimited. On an open balcony or loggia, you can, of course, put a table only made of durable, wear-resistant material. Metal forged structures are often chosen.

One of the simplest and most popular ideas is a pallet table. Often they make a coffee table in the living room, but in the same way you can make a beautiful table on the balcony with your own hands. It is suitable as a place for tea drinking, as a book table, and as a table for family board games.

You can make a pretty table from one pallet on legs. Today, you can easily find it in companies that produce and sell pallets. New pallets are on sale, and already used ones.

You will also have to buy:

  • Wood tinting;
  • Spray paint of the desired color;
  • Primer;
  • Carved wooden legs.

The pallet will be the base of our table. The table is so simple that you probably won't need blueprints. So, take a pallet, it has both an upper and a lower plane, one of which needs to be made even. That is, there should be no gaps between the boards. From the pallet there should be an upper plane with six intermediate bars fixed on it.

Pallet table: next steps

Every three intermediate bars must be connected with a board. At this stage, the resulting countertop can be set aside. Prepare the carved legs. The legs need to be covered with a primer, and then painted with spray paint. Any color that you think is suitable.

Then you tint the countertop, that is, the top plane, and its side elements. And the installation of the legs ends. This is the simplest version, because the countertop can be decorated as you like. For example, decorate it with decoupage or paint it with acrylics. The finishing decor is sometimes thought of as one, and as a result, new ideas come up in the process of work.

How to make a folding folding table for the balcony

A folding table on the balcony can be very comfortable. It can be a wall option, there are many ways to use it. That is why it is convenient.

What is a folding table for on the balcony:

  • Dinner - in order to drink that very cup of coffee;
  • Workplace - put on a laptop, retire and work;
  • Gatherings with friends - sometimes it is more convenient to do this right on the balcony;
  • Needlework - in daylight it is convenient to do embroidery, knitting there, everything is clearly visible, and the table will serve as a place for placing the necessary materials;
  • As a temporary stand - for example, you have a seaming rack on the balcony, and when you carry them back and forth from the kitchen, such a transshipment base can be useful.

The table is removed in one motion, freeing up space on the balcony. But even in a disassembled state, it will not take up much space. Decide on the shape, dimensions, draw all the details of the table on paper, so that later this pattern can be transferred to the material. Buy directly parts, materials and accessories.

If the table is made of wood, then all the details of the pattern are transferred to the wood, and then cut out with a tool. Sand the edges with sandpaper, and then paint the table. When the paint has dried, the parts are collected on the joiner's hinges. This is done with a screwdriver. And then you need to attach the table to the intended place. Check the alignment with a level.

Convenient countertop to the balcony

The table on your balcony can be either folding or hanging, hinged, wall-mounted. You can buy a ready-made version, or you can make a table on your own. For example, it will be a wide table top on the windowsill, and next to it there will be side stools. And all this will take up so little space that other furniture will fit on the balcony, for example, a sofa, cabinet, armchair, etc.

You can decorate the tabletop with your own hands. Today, various stencils are sold, such that a person, even without any artistic skills, can make a chic pattern, image, etc. You can make a stained glass countertop by decorating it with pieces of colored glass or plastic.

You can decorate the countertop with decoupage. Find interesting motifs that match the style of the balcony design and glue them to the countertop, and then apply several coats of special varnish.

The table top can be:

  • Just white, like an extended window sill;
  • Made in marble;
  • Just wooden, varnished;
  • Multi-colored - simply glue thin strips of multi-colored tape to the countertop one by one.

Perhaps you just transform the coffee table a little. It will then become the perfect table for the balcony. You can always decorate the table, apply a new coating, paint, screw on new legs, etc. Today it is fashionable and interesting to give new life to old things.

Stylish table on the balcony (video)

A table on the balcony is always not such a big effort, but a good return on labor costs. You will not regret taking the time to set up a table. Let it serve for a long time and decorate such a cozy corner of the house as a balcony.

Good ideas!

The original folding table on the balcony with your own hands (photo examples)