How to install water meters yourself: installation and connection diagram of a typical meter. Water meters: types, installation and legal side of the issue. Reviews of people Correct installation of counters

After the publication of the law dated 1.07.2013, each consumer is obliged to install a device that takes into account the water consumption in the premises belonging to him. The sooner the landlord mounts a meter in it, the less he will have to overpay for water, the cheaper the installation procedure will cost him. And the overpayment turns out to be significant: the minimum average consumption set by the water utility is 5.5 cubic meters per person per month, but in reality a maximum of three cubic meters are used. And the installation of a meter by a licensed contractor is becoming more expensive before our eyes, because the demand for such work is growing. Currently, the "issue price" is from 5-6 to 9 thousand rubles for two meters (hot and cold water) and their installation. After installing the meter, the costs are paid off within one to one and a half years. In some cases, costs can be reduced by self-installing water meters, if allowed by the water supply organization.

  1. Obtain permission from the housing organization for self-installation; then take a written specification and a list of models that can be purchased. If you are unable to obtain permission, you can review the information on licensed contractors and select one of them.
  2. Buy water meters and all the necessary equipment.
  3. Independently or with the help of hired specialists, install them into the water supply system of an apartment or house.
  4. Call a representative of the water utility to seal them.
  5. Obtain an act of commissioning, a technical passport and a certificate of inspection of devices.
  6. Conclude an act of payment for the meters with the housing organization.

Cutaway water meter

Purchase of water meters

  • The number of meters depends on the number of risers in the room. In houses where heating is carried out with the help of columns, one device is enough on the pipe supplying water to the house. Most often, a city apartment needs at least two devices: one for a riser with cold water and one for hot. And in an apartment with a Soviet layout: two risers to the bathroom; two - to the kitchen, one - to the toilet - you will need 5 appliances. These expenses will not pay off in a few years! Therefore, you can wait with the installation of a meter in such an apartment.
  • Water meters for cold water are distinguished by a blue stripe and operate in the temperature range from +5 to +40 degrees. Appliances for hot water are marked in red and can withstand temperatures up to 130 degrees.
  • The purchased devices, along with the technical passport, must be checked in to the instrumentation of a water utility or city to make sure that the meter winds correctly. This procedure is free of charge, it is marked with an instrumentation seal and a stamp in the passport. The serial number of the product must match the data in the passport, otherwise there will be problems with the acceptance of the work by the water supplier.
  • For domestic use, you can choose inexpensive mechanical water meters of the single-line and multi-jet type. It is better to choose counters made according to the "dry scheme", they are a little more expensive, but will not allow contamination of the device with water impurities. The most popular models are ETKETW-15.2 (Modularis-safemag), Teplouchet-1, Siemens devices (more expensive). There are models with a reed insert for automatic transmission of readings, which is not yet relevant and only increases costs.
  • For installation, you need more details: shut-off valve; adapter sleeve; cleaning filter; check valve; rubber gaskets; union nuts - "American", fittings, sealant and plumbing paste.

Installation diagram of water meters

  1. Choosing a place. General principle: the tie-in is carried out no further than 20 cm from the entrance of the pipe into the room (from the floor or wall). This rule excludes water drainage to the side without taking it into account. In a city apartment with one riser, the meter crashes into the toilet next to the toilet. You can install it in the bathroom if the pipes go through the floor to the toilet.

In private houses, water meters are installed at the place where the pipes enter the room. The water well, if any, must be fitted with a sealed cover.

System mounting elements
  1. The order of the component parts

Before starting work, lay out all the parts in the order required for assembly:

  1. Stopcock he must hold the pressure of water, cut off its supply to the room. Therefore, it is better to have a brass version; for modern pipes, you can take a plastic lock.

  1. Check valve... It is bought independently, water suppliers pay special attention to its availability and do not accept water meters without it. This valve prevents the measurement system from being rewound. In the absence of liquid in the water supply, if the taps are open, air is sucked in and presses on the system from the back side.
  1. Assembling parts
    • The filter must be screwed onto the shut-off valve, counting the turns and noting when the position of the filter will be with the lid down. After determining the required number of turns, the filter is unscrewed back, a linen tow cord is wound around the thread so as to close the groove. The wound tow is covered with plumbing paste and the filter is screwed onto the tap. If you choose silicone sealant as a heater, then, when it dries, it can lose its plasticity and burst from the inside,
    • An "American" with a seal is screwed onto the filter, after which a counter is built in. On this side, the connection is sealed with a rubber ring, and it is better not to use tow and other improvised seals for a hot water device - you need to choose a harder and more inflexible paronite gasket, matched to size.
    • The meter on the other side is connected to the check valve using a second pipe and a nut with a gasket. Pay attention: with the filter "American" are connected to the filter from the tip of the arrow, and with the check valve - from the end of the arrow.
  1. Cutting the assembled structure into the pipe

Particular difficulties are caused by pipes made of metal; they require a metal saw and a thread-cutting device. To facilitate the work, you can replace the piece of pipe on which the meter is mounted with metal-plastic or polypropylene.

Connection to risers
  • Block the flow of water to the riser.
  • Measure the resulting structure from the tap to the check valve. Lay this segment on the main pipe, starting from the old tap into the room downstream.
  • Cut off this section of the pipe, substituting a container under the cut site in order to glass the liquid. Unscrew the old tap, and if this fails, cut it out and make a new thread. When replacing a metal fragment with propylene, the cuts at the transition from metal to plastic are connected with fittings.
  • The structure is screwed to the supply pipe, then the check valve is unscrewed from the water meter and inserted into the thread of the receiving pipe. The "American" valve is again connected to the water measuring device. Installation is complete.
  • It remains to check the mounted system. This must be done carefully, gradually opening the tap, so as not to damage the meter with strong water pressure. An inspection is carried out: is there a leak, and whether the device is working. We must once again pay attention to the arrows: on all details, they should look away from the stopcock.
  • If everything is in order, you can invite a specialist to seal the meter.

Putting the meter into operation

The summoned representative of the water utility must appear within three days. He checks that the counter is installed correctly; its certification and instrumentation stamp in the technical passport. Then he put a seal on the entire water meter assembly. An act on the acceptance of the system into operation is drawn up and the primary indications are entered into it.

The technical documentation of water measuring devices consists of the following documents:

  1. Instrument installation contract.
  2. Technical passport (it is better to make a photocopy for the water utility and for the owner of the apartment).
  3. Certificate of conformity.
  4. Commissioning certificate (drawn up on site at the time the seal is placed)
  5. Verification certificate (by the time of sealing, two verifications are noted in the data sheet: one factory and one instrumentation)
  6. Contract for payment of water supply by meter (drawn up in a housing organization).

After all the formalities, the owner of the meter has the right to pay for the actual consumption of the water resource and recoup the costs of installing water measuring devices

Rules for the operation of water meters

  1. Do not remove the seal to repair and clean the device. It is necessary to call a specialist who is obliged to do this for free.
  2. If the seal is broken - immediately inform the water supply office and call a specialist: you will have to pay for the secondary filling. But it is better to choose such expenses than a fine or payment for all the time since the last check.
  3. The cold water meter is checked once every four years, and hot water - once every six years. These scheduled checks are mandatory; at this time, payment is made at the average statistical minimum consumption.

Many people try to save on utility bills. Water meters (hot and cold) operating in the apartment can become effective helpers in this. You can install such counters on your own.

The massive installation of gas, water and electricity meters in the housing stock is caused by the regular increase in tariffs for these resources. Counters allow users not only to monitor the consumption of a natural resource, but also to seriously reduce the payment for its use.

Consumption rates, for example, of water, do not correspond to the amount of fluid consumed in real life. Without a meter, each resident must pay monthly for 5.5 cubic meters of theoretically consumed water. However, having installed a water meter, you can analyze and notice that the actual water consumption by one person, who does not limit himself, is about 3 cubic meters. For those who intend to strictly save and consume this natural resource in a minimum amount, the monthly consumption will not exceed 2 cubic meters.

And this indicator differs significantly from the standards. In this state of affairs, the installation of a water meter is very useful, since it will lead to a rational management of the family budget. If you plan to do the work yourself, then you should first find out how to properly install a water meter .

The sequence of installing a water meter can be conditionally divided into two phases: the installation of all its components and, in fact, the installation.

We mount the water meter

For high-quality work, in addition to the meter, it is necessary to install a coarse water filter that filters out all mechanical impurities from the water, for example, sand or rust. The check valve must be installed based on the technical conditions developed by the enterprises of Vodokanal. Thus, it is intended to prevent counter fraud. These components should be mounted in one unit, which will perform the functions of controlling water consumption. It is necessary to screw nuts (union) to the filter and the non-return valve so that there is no difficulty in dismantling the meter.

For the successful operation of the meter, it is important to choose the correct direction for installing the accessories. The manufacturer always puts specific marks on the device in the form of arrows, they set the direction of water flow through the device. Having connected your imagination, you need to imagine the process of water movement through the meter, which will significantly help to rationally mount the device.

The union nuts are connected to the filter from the point of the arrow, to the check valve, on the contrary, from the side of the end of the arrow. Tow, like other similar reels, cannot be used. It is necessary to use paronite gaskets, selected strictly in size.

The full operation of the meter depends on the direction of water flow. The manufacturer also put an arrow on it to facilitate the installation process. The arrow should point towards the shut-off valve located on the riser.

With strict observance of the direction of the arrows, it is necessary to fasten the meter with the filter and the non-return valve by means of union nuts and paronite gaskets. Violation of the sequence of the arrows will lead to incorrect operation of the counter. This may manifest itself in the fact that the meter will turn in the opposite direction, or water will not flow through the meter to the taps at all. Not a single employee of Vodokanal will allow such a meter to be put into operation and will not install seals on it.

Counter insert

The difficulty of inserting a water meter into the system depends on the technical characteristics of water pipes. The most difficult process will be tapping if the water pipes are metal. In this case, a metal saw and a threading machine will come in handy. A shut-off valve with a ready-made thread can be used as the first connection point; the second counter thread must be made additionally.

In the event that the water pipes are propylene or metal-plastic, it will be much easier to embed the meter. You can cut such pipes with an ordinary knife. A specific soldering iron and the ability to solder may come in handy if the pipes are made of polypropylene.

To insert the water meter, the pipe must be cut, using tow to attach the fully assembled water meter block to the shut-off valve located on the riser. Then you should firmly attach the meter to the tap, determine the point for making the mating thread, cut off the excess pipe. At the selected point, a thread is made or a metal-plastic system fitting is soldered (attached).

Then the check valve and the union nut are unscrewed from the mounted meter, by means of tow, the valve is connected to the newly made thread.

Next, you need to fasten the union nut with the counter, open the shut-off valve and carefully examine all the connections made for no leaks. If necessary, eliminate the existing leaks, after which the water meter can be put into operation.

It is advisable to carefully trace the direction of the arrows on the device again, they should all look in the direction opposite to the shut-off valve. Then you need to invite a specialist to seal the water meter.


For instructions on installing water meters, see the following video below:

DIY water meter installation - step by step instructions

Despite the fact that the cost of housing and communal services in different regions of the country may differ, the fact that the price is constantly growing is beyond doubt. And if a few years ago people were willing to pay the "average" cost, now it does not suit them, they want to give money only for the water that was used. For this, they are installed on underwater mains. They must be sealed by the employees of the management company, otherwise the indicators of the water meters will not be valid.

You may be interested in information on how

An additional incentive to buy water meters is that soon the government intends to supply them to every user of the water supply (of course, at the expense of the buyer). In a word, sooner or later, you will have to install a water meter. We have already talked about that, and today we will focus on its installation.

Feasibility of installing a counter

If you doubt whether a water meter will help you save money or, on the contrary, will lead to unnecessary waste, then first, weigh the pros and cons of installing measuring equipment.

For example, if two people live in an apartment, and five are registered, then the payment will be based on the "average" consumption per month for each registered tenant. This is unprofitable, because if you consumed, say, six cubes, then you will have to pay for all twenty. Then it will really help you to significantly reduce your water costs.

If in fact the same number of people live as are registered, then installing a water meter will save up to 30%.

Are there any cases when it is not profitable to install a counter? Yes, they are. We are talking about situations when more people live in the apartment than are registered. For obvious reasons, such people are better off paying for “average” consumption.

Legal side of the issue

There are no clear prohibitions in the legislation on self-installation of water meters, so if you have the desire and ability, then why not? True, there are several important nuances here:

Consider all these points before proceeding with the installation.

Rules for installing a water meter yourself

Installation of the meter begins with contacting the local water utility, where you will be given the technical requirements for the water meter. This is followed directly, certified and stamped on the seal.

Important! Be sure to check the meter after purchase by contacting a private licensed company, a water utility or a housing office!

The meter should be checked at the instrumentation department of the local water utility, or a similar department of the ZhEK. It can also be done in a private licensed company. The meter is handed over together with the registration certificate, in which, after the end of the check, the corresponding department stamp will appear and all the necessary fields will be filled in. Here you will also be assigned a sealing date.

Important! It is forbidden to damage the instrumentation seal. Such a meter will not be accepted by the water utility. If the factory seal is damaged, the device can be accepted into the instrumentation, and if there is no instrumentation seal, then the meter data will be invalid.

Choosing a place for a water meter

You need to install the meter as close as possible to the place where the line enters the room. There are no specific figures here, since the places of entry in different buildings may differ, moreover, significantly. The inspection will be carried out by an inspector, but you can do this earlier. The best option for a city apartment is a place near. It happens that pipes pass along the floor through the toilet, then you cannot hide the installation traces, and the meter will have to be installed in the bathroom.

Private houses, for which the inspection requirements are much stricter, is a different matter. The water meter is installed no further than 20 centimeters from the pipeline outlet. If there is a well in the yard, then it must necessarily be capital and be locked with a reliable lid (it will also be sealed). Only an inspector has the right to break the seal, an exception can only be in the event of a fire or emergency at the water utility itself.

What accessories are required for installation

If you install the meter according to the scheme, then no difficulties will arise. But in order to understand this, you need to clearly understand the purpose of each node.

Important! The half-open position for a ball valve is a sure way to early failure. It should only work in the "Open" and "Closed" positions. Install a valve if partial water shutoff is required.

Prices for water meters

water meters

Water meter installation technology

When you have purchased everything you need, read the instructions for each item. The meter's data sheet must indicate what distance the straight segment should be in front of and before the device. The installation procedure consists of the following steps.

Stage 1. First, lay out all the parts in a line so as not to get confused later: a check valve, a water meter, a filter and a shut-off valve. There are arrows on each detail, pay attention to them - they should all point in the same direction.

Stage 2... Next, make a "dry" connection, necessary in order to correctly calculate the turns. Twist the filter onto the tap and count the turns, usually there are no more than five of them. Pay attention to which of the turns the sump is at the bottom - for example, on the fourth. Unscrew everything, take the sealant (you can use ordinary linseed tow) and wind it on the filter of the shut-off valve.

In addition to tow, as a sealant for polyamide threads "Tangit Unilok", which additionally contain silicone grease, as well as sealing pastes "Multipack" and "Unipak".

Do it like this:

  • take one strand of tow, level it and make an even cord no more than 1 millimeter thick out of it;
  • wind it on the thread so that all the grooves are closed;
  • apply plumbing paste on top and turn on the shut-off valve (the main thing is not to overdo it, so that the connection does not burst).

Stage 3. Often, American women and sealing rings are included with water meters. American women (special pipes with union nuts used to connect pipes) will do, but buy new rings. If the meter is installed for, then it is better to use paronite gaskets, and if for cold, then rubber. Wrap the pipe on the filter using the same linseed tow, then the counter. Connect the other branch pipe to the check valve.

Attach the entire structure to the water meter. You will get the following:

  • shut-off valve switch "looks" up;
  • the counter dial is also up;
  • filter sump - the same;
  • impeller - down.

Stage 4. All the elements are connected, now they need to be cut into the pipeline, having previously shut off the water.

Important! If the house is an apartment building, then you cannot do it yourself - you need to call a representative of the water utility.

Measure how long the structure is. Measure the same distance on the pipe from the joint. Cut off the required area by first substituting a basin (perhaps the water will flow, although not under pressure).

Stage 5. Fix the structure to the supply pipe. Some problems may arise here. If the pipeline is metal, you will need to cut threads, but that's not all. The most important thing is to correctly measure the distance, because this is not plastic and will not bend. It is advisable to replace the entire section with polypropylene pipes, then special fittings will be required to connect plastic to metal.

System check

After completing the installation, you must check how efficient the system is. To do this, turn on the water and slowly unscrew the ball valve. See if there is a leak. If the system is in order, the meter measures correctly, there are no problems, then the question arises, feel free to call a representative of the water utility. He will examine everything, make the necessary entries in the data sheet and put a seal. In some cases, a seal can also be placed on the filter, but this is done just like that, just in case, there is no special need for this. How are installed You can read in our article.

As a result, you receive a registration certificate and a document certifying that the device is sealed and put into operation. From now on, you will pay for water supply services in accordance with the readings of the device.

As a conclusion

As we can see, self-installation of a water meter does not require much time or effort. The main problem is bureaucratic twists and turns, receiving and approving various papers, submitting applications and so on. Do not forget that periodically you have to take the water meter for inspection, because it can count incorrectly and then it is produced. If the water meter is for hot water, then this should be done every six years, and if for cold water, then every four years.

The installation of water meters, which will record the used water, both for the whole house and for one apartment, saves a lot of money. The amount indicated in the receipt will depend on how you will use cold and hot water and in what volumes. In addition, by installing such a water meter, you will not pay for water losses due to the deterioration of pipes and systems, which the water utility employees are very fond of attributing to ordinary people.

You can install such a counter yourself or with the help of a wizard. After the procedure for its installation is completed, the water meter must be sealed and registered. How to register a water meter, install it and where to go, we will tell you in this article.

Self-installation of the counter

Before installing the meter on the pipe, you should prepare it. To do this, you need to attach a cleaning filter to it, which will protect the device from debris. It is also necessary to install a non-return valve. It will prevent the meter from rewinding the reading. If installed, the water utility inspector will not allow you to register it. In addition, you will need tow or FUM tape, which will ensure the tightness of the nuts.

Next, the procedure for direct installation of a meter begins, taking into account the amount of water consumed. The easiest way to do this is on pipes made of metal-plastic or polypropylene, which can be easily cut even with a kitchen knife. It will be possible to connect the pipeline using a compact soldering iron.

The procedure for installing the meter is as follows:

If you have metal pipes, then it will be very difficult to install the meter yourself and you cannot do without the help of masters.

Choosing a company for installation

If you do not want to bother with installing the counter or are afraid to get confused in the order and do something wrong, then you can invite a special wizard who will do it for you. When choosing a company to install water meters, you need to take this seriously. Good companies are different:

If the water utility inspectorate refuses to register such a measuring device, then the company will bear responsibility for all the shortcomings. The specialists will do all the necessary work correctly and as soon as possible, after which they will give you documents, with which you will later apply to the management company for registering and sealing it.

What you need to register

Before registering a meter with a management company or with the Unified Information and Settlement Center (EIRTS), you will need to obtain documents from the company that installed it. The list of required securities will include the following:

If you installed the meter yourself, then you still have to contact the service company that installs them in order for them to check whether the water meter was installed correctly and the procedure for connecting it. If there are no problems, then it will be sealed and you will be given all the papers that are necessary for registering the water meter.

Where to register the meter

The registration of metering devices for the amount of consumed water is handled by the EIRC and the management company, which you will have to visit personally with a package of necessary documents. It is impossible to register a meter via the Internet or by mail. However, you will be able to report its indicators in the future using your phone or online service.

After you submit the documents, EIRTS will check them and certify them with seals. Data from them will be entered into the information base.

When registering water meters, the following will be recorded:

  • Water meter serial number;
  • The year in which this device was manufactured;
  • Counter installation date;
  • The amount of water passed through it.

After the registration of water meters is completed, it will be put into operation. Every month, the user must report his indicators to the management company or to the EIRTs, which in the future will issue a receipt to the person for payment of the consumed water.

Availability of benefits

If the family or one of its members is entitled to benefits related to the payment of utilities, then information about this must be indicated in the contract that was concluded by the company supplying the services. At the same time, in order for the benefits to begin to accrue, you will need to write an appropriate application and attach to it papers confirming the right to the benefit.

Control over the accounting of resource consumption by the state has tightened. Payment for water consumption with a surcharge of 10 or 20% of the cost of the calculated rate leads to the conclusion that water meters must be installed without fail. It is better to pay for an accurately used resource, especially since the prices for utilities are regularly growing.

The homeowner, in order to avoid troubles in the future, needs to know certain rules, procedures and water meters in the apartment.

Rules for installing water meters in an apartment

Resolutions regulating the use and installation of metering devices are mandatory for all participants - users, resource providers and service companies.

Requirements for metering devices. Devices manufactured in accordance with GOST R 50601 and 50193, entered in the register of measuring instruments, are allowed for installation. The diameters of the device nozzles must correspond to those common in the territory of the Russian Federation. The design of the device should exclude the technical or physical possibility of changing the readings.

Technical requirements for the operation and installation of water meters in the apartment. The rules prescribe:

  • where to install water meters - the location of the devices should be available to both the resource supplier and the user himself, and the room temperature should not fall below 5 ° C;
  • sealing the device, the procedure is free for the consumer;
  • registration of the installed device;
  • regular transmission of testimony to regulatory authorities;
  • verification, repair or replacement of the meter by the homeowner;
  • for organizations that carry out water supply systems, the obligation to install, replace and calibrate water meters at the request of the consumer and at his expense, but with a possible payment by installments;
  • service companies to carry out work on the installation of metering devices have an appropriate license.

The homeowner should be aware that neither the water supply organization nor the condominium management can enforce any metering model or service delivery. If the housing is recognized as dilapidated, the project for installing a water meter must be approved by the responsible organizations.

Water meter installation procedure

Information on how to install water meters in an apartment can be found faster in Moscow than in small towns. From a huge number of capital firms offering all types of work and full service, you can get confused. But, in any city, the installation of water meters is divided into two stages:

  • installation work;
  • registration of devices.

Water meters in an apartment or private house

Work begins with drawing up a project for installing water meters in an apartment. It is necessary to determine how many supply pipes (risers) there are in the dwelling. The number of devices to be installed also depends on their number. Further, the optimal installation site for the devices is selected in accordance with the current regulations.

The device is installed at the branch of the apartment water supply system from the riser, at a distance from it - 20 cm. In private households, no further than 0.2 meters from the central heating main. Installation sequence:

  • check the reliability of the connections and the integrity of the plumbing devices for possible leaks;
  • turn off the water supply in the serviced area;
  • installation - filtration of the water flow entering the meter from debris and rust will extend the time of reliable operation of the device;
  • connection of the metering device - it is recommended to install it with rubber gaskets and so that the direction of flow through the device follows the marks on the body;
  • for hot water meters operating at temperatures up to 90 ° C, it is necessary to take seals and sealants that can withstand a similar regime;
  • installation is an optional element of the design, but it will prevent unmotivated inspections of devices by regulatory authorities, since it eliminates unauthorized interference with the operation of the device.

Specialists perform such work in 1-2 hours, if there are no difficult moments in the apartment water supply system. For individual housing, the installation of a water meter can be complicated by the arrangement of a special well for placing devices.


Registration and commissioning can be carried out by the service departments who installed the meters. But, in most cases, the consumer independently notifies his HOA about this and submits an application for sealing the devices. The responsible organization must complete the application within three days. Commissioning is carried out from the beginning of the next month and from that time you can already pay according to the meter shown.

Guided by the rules and procedures for installing water meters in an apartment, you can avoid many troubles, not succumb to provocative offers and not run into unscrupulous performers. Know how to protect yourself.

Federal Law No. 261 of 23.11.2009 imposes on the owners of residential premises the obligation to install energy metering devices, including hot and cold water. At the same time, the consumer of energy resources purchases and installs meters at his own expense. Here are the main provisions of this law:

Article 11. Ensuring the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures

9. ..., the owners of premises in apartment buildings are obliged to ensure that ..., apartment buildings comply with the established energy efficiency requirements and the requirements for their equipping with metering devices for the energy resources used ... throughout their service life by organizing their proper operation and timely elimination of the identified inconsistencies.

Article 13. Ensuring the accounting of the energy resources used and the use of metering devices for the energy resources used when making payments for energy resources

1.… consumed energy resources are subject to mandatory accounting using metering devices for energy resources used. ...

2. Calculations for energy resources should be carried out on the basis of data on the quantitative value of energy resources, ..., consumed, determined using metering devices for energy resources used.

FZ-261 of 23.11.2009

Nobody has developed the rules for installing a water meter in an apartment or residential building. But still, you need to know some of the nuances.

A water meter must be certified as a measuring instrument and have a typographical passport. The passport must contain a stamp from the manufacturer indicating the verification period. The serial number of the device is also indicated there, which must match the serial number on the meter body. A strainer and a non-return valve must be installed with the meter. The check valve will prevent cold water from flowing into the hot water supply pipeline and will avoid unnecessary overpayments for hot water. Therefore, you should not trust the sellers in the markets, but you need to buy the device in specialized stores. When the meter is installed by the specialists of the "ReadVoda" service, you will receive a certified device with all the necessary components.

Another important point: the counter must be zeroed and have a factory seal. It is also necessary to consider what kind of counter and where to put it. As a rule, meters for hot and cold water have different designs and differ in color: red for hot and blue for cold water, respectively. An incorrectly selected device will not be commissioned.

In order for the meter to work longer, a coarse mesh filter must be installed along the water flow in front of the meter, while taking into account the length of the straight pipe sections before and after the meter. The direction of the arrows on the filter housing and on the device housing must match during installation. The scale of indications of the device should be easily accessible and visible to the naked eye. The installation diagram in the passport of the device will help to eliminate doubts.

If you decide to install a water meter yourself, you need to take these points into account and take care of overcoming bureaucratic formalities when putting the meter into operation yourself. Or you can contact the company "Count Water" and get an installed reliable turnkey meter with sealing and a full package of documents for registration.

Which is better, decide for yourself!

You can choose a suitable metering device, you can learn more about the conditions for the provision of services for the installation of water meters.

Do-it-yourself installation of water meters is a current issue. On July 1, 2013, a law on the compulsory installation of water meters came into force in Russia, and now, like it or not, every consumer will have to acquire metering devices for the consumption of cold and hot water. True, many have already installed them long ago - the savings are immediately visible and tangible in the budget.

Those who hoped for luck and did not know how or did not want to work with their hands will now have to fork out: plumbing firms and individual craftsmen immediately inflated prices for work, referring to the large flow and urgency of orders; there is nothing to object. So it makes perfect sense to learn how to install water meters yourself. Putting the meter on the water yourself is a simple matter, walking through the authorities takes more time.

How to choose counters?

The best option: turbine (with impeller) mechanical - cheap and cheerful. An electronic meter is, perhaps, "cool", but only electronics tend to break, and replacing water meters in an apartment means, apart from costs, a new circle of overcoming bureaucratic formalities.

Meters for cold and hot water are needed in different designs. This is immediately apparent upon purchase: they are marked with belts in blue and red, respectively. If you put a "hot" meter on a cold pipe, there will be no trouble, but a "hot" one is more expensive. It is pointless to guess what will happen if you put a meter for cold water on hot water, this option will simply not be allowed for operation.

You need to buy ordinary apartment water meters, without chasing something exceptional. Water control meters are subject to mandatory certification. Once it is on sale, it means that it has passed the certification. And after checking and sealing, you are no longer responsible for it, unless you accidentally broke it.

When buying a meter, make sure that it is fully equipped: the kit must include a strainer, two connectors with nipples, union nuts and gaskets, and a check valve. Unscrupulous sellers (this is often the fault of individual traders in the "iron" markets) happens to dismantle meters and sell components separately, so it is better to buy meters in a specialized store.

The next important point when buying a meter is its passport. It must be printed using a typographic method, sealed with a factory stamp, and the serial numbers in the passport and on the product must match. A counter with a xeroxed piece of paper, even if you have not been lent a substandard, will in fact be accepted, but you still have to pay.

Shut-off valves

The water meter is most often equipped with a special shut-off valve. It has a special feature: an eyelet with a hole on the outgoing branch pipe for sealing. Without this, you can turn off the tap, disconnect the pipe, collect the water tank, then reconnect the pipe, and the meter will show zero flow. If the pipeline is plastic at welded joints, it is allowed to install a shut-off valve without sealing. But decides whether it is possible or not, the inspector of the city water utility is on site. Further, of course, does not require explanation.

If the shut-off valve is complete, make sure that it does not turn out to be silumin. Silumin taps are susceptible to sudden destruction from intergranular corrosion, and the nearest point where it will be possible to shut off the water pouring into the house will, at best, be in the basement, or even in a well on another street. The metal-plastic shut-off valve is quite usable.

It is also recommended to immediately purchase a second, ordinary, shut-off valve. It is installed immediately after the drain on the cistern. If you start renovating your bathroom or kitchen, you can use the toilet as usual.

Some technical features

  • If in the apartment where the installation of water meters is planned, a fire drainage system is provided, then you need to install a valve on the bypass pipe, which will subsequently be sealed by a water utility. Actually, this valve should be installed by firefighters, who should be notified in advance. But permission from the fire department is not required for its installation, so decide for yourself: declare and wait or give up and buy for your own.
  • The second point is if the DHW system is made according to a two-pipe scheme. In apartments, this occurs in exceptional cases, and the happy inhabitants of such people know what an elevator unit in a living room is. To install a hot water meter in such an apartment, you will need to additionally purchase a bypass valve for the circulation pipe, otherwise the meter will "wind" all the time and a lot.
  • And the third point is the air temperature in the room where the meters will be installed. According to the technical specifications for the meter, it should not be lower than +5 degrees Celsius. Because of this, problems do not arise in apartments, but if the meters are in an unheated basement of a private house, you will have to "resolve the issue" with the water utility. Perhaps it will be cheaper and easier to insulate and brick up the pipe in the basement, and put the meter, like everyone else, in the toilet.

Verification and first seal

The installation of a water meter begins with its verification. When buying, look out for all zeros on the meter and you do not need to require a performance check: the initial readings will be taken into account during commissioning, and if the device turns out to be faulty, you will receive an expert opinion, on the basis of which the seller will replace the device for you. In this case, there is usually no trouble, because the supplier will give the supplier a replacement in the same manner. Of course, if the counter was not purchased from the hands of a random person.

For verification, the meter is handed over either to the instrumentation (instrumentation) service of the water utility, or to the centralized city / district instrumentation, or to the instrumentation of the housing office, or to a private company operating under license. In any case, the verification is free, this is stipulated in the law on water and gas meters.

Where exactly to take the device - you need to find out in the housing office. If you hear something like "Not in the know" there, go directly to the chief engineer of the housing office: he must be aware of. This is written in black and white in his job description. And it is also written there that he is obliged to receive citizens. And he signed that he was familiar with the instructions, knows it and undertakes to follow it.

The meter for verification should be handed over with a factory passport: after verification, an instrumentation stamp will appear in it, and the corresponding columns of the passport will be filled in. In fact, they will take, and must take, and the device is "left", but then, most likely, you will have to pay for issuing a technical passport for it and drawing up a verification report: the law applies only to certified devices.

The instrumentation will tell you when the water meters provided by you will be sealed. Of course, you cannot break the KIP seal. A device with a broken factory seal will be taken to the instrumentation, but the water utility will not accept it without the instrumentation seal. There is no need to rush to take the device from the calibration: no penalties for delay by the subscriber are provided by law, except that it can get lost in the instrumentation warehouse.

There are, however, violations: the water utility is content with a factory seal. Vodokanal is not afraid of this: the average water consumption for subscribers will be normal even with unreliable meters. But to the consumer, i.e. you do not bother to make sure that the counter does not "shake" more than necessary.

Place for counter

According to the rules, the water meter should be installed as close as possible to the entry of the pipeline into the room. The concept of "as close as possible" is not specified, since in the arrangement of water inlets, especially in old houses, there is a huge discrepancy. During commissioning, the inspector looks: is it possible to somehow crash into the pipe before the meter. Take a closer look before installing and you, so that later it would be easier to "resolve the issue." Generally speaking, the installation of a water meter is much easier if you immediately conclude an agreement with a specialized organization. But this article is intended for those who decided to install the meter themselves, so you will have to deal with the authorities yourself.

In practice, inspectors do not have any questions when installing meters in a city apartment in a toilet next to the toilet, even if the shut-off valve is carried half a meter back along the pipe. Also, the installation in the bathroom "passes" if the pipes go through the toilet on the floor: in this case, it is almost impossible to hide the traces of work on them. But then you have to drag the cistern outlet through the wall back to the toilet.

In private houses, inspectors are stricter. Here you need to follow the rule: no more than 20 cm from the outlet of the supply pipe from the wall or floor. If there is a water well on your territory, then it must be of a permanent structure and with a lockable strong (metal) cover: it will also be sealed. In this case, in order to carry out work with a violation of the seal, except for the emergency of the water utility itself or extinguishing the fire, it will be necessary to call an inspector to unseal.

Installing the counter

The actual installation of the meter is not difficult and is done according to the diagram in the figure. There should be no water taps before the ball stop valve. If the pipes are metal, the first and last joints in the water flow are insulated with FUM or Unilok waterproofing; the rest are made on standard seals. Let's briefly explain the purpose of the node elements:

  • Shut-off ball valve - shuts off the water supply to the room. On a plastic welded water pipe, it can be carried back some distance (against the water flow).
  • The strainer collects fine particulate matter to prevent clogging of the meter. In city water supply systems, as a rule, it does not exist, but according to TU, a filter is still needed.
  • Check valve - does not allow the counter to "unwind". This is possible if there is no water in the water supply system and the taps are open, due to air suction. A non-return valve is also mandatory according to TU.

A small nuance: during installation, turn the drain pipe of the filter (which sticks out sideways at an angle) down if the meter assembly is horizontal, or sideways from the meter if the assembly is mounted vertically. Then, if you suddenly need to disassemble and clean the filter, the sludge will not flood the counter.


After completing the installation and making sure that it does not flow anywhere and the meter counts, you can use the water as before, but the flow rate will be counted as before, to the maximum. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately declare the installation in the water utility or the organization operating the water supply; for example, if you live in a cottage community - in its reign. If you are a sub-consumer, i.e. the water comes to you from someone else, you still need to declare to the operators of the water supply system.

An inspector or an authorized employee of the local operator should come to you within three working days. The passport for the meter and the certificate of its verification should be at the ready. Plumbers, as a rule, do not drag out the case - they are constantly teased “from above” for “free” subscribers. There is no need for any other documents: the water utility is not obliged to control the qualifications of the specialist who installed the device, so long as the meter is verified, not damaged and delivered correctly.

The inspector will write down the initial meter readings in the commissioning report, seal the entire meter assembly with his own seal and give you a service contract for signing. If the operator is "your own", then carefully read the terms of the contract (in general, in this case, it is advisable to do this before buying the meter): there are cases when the contracts were written in small print an exorbitant monthly fee for service, insurance against breaking the seal and clearly fictitious verification of the meter every quarter at the expense of the subscriber.

As soon as you sign the contract, you pay for water by the meter. The second copy of the contract and the act of putting it into operation should immediately remain with you. As for the passport for the counter, if it is in a single copy, the inspector must take it with him for copying, and then return it. In order not to go for a passport again, make a high-quality photocopy or printout of a passport scan in advance: the inspector will only thank you.

Some use cases

Water does not flow well, but neighbors do well

The filter may be clogged. Then, under no circumstances disassemble or clean it yourself, breaking the seal - give an application to the operator. By law, in this case, calling a specialist, cleaning and re-sealing are free of charge.

The seal is accidentally broken

Do not try to "somehow correct": it is fraught with a considerable fine. Notify the operator immediately on the next working day; a specialist should come to you within 24 hours. You will have to pay a little for re-sealing, but do not waste time: if the torn seal is noticed by the inspector, you will have to pay for water "in full" since the last check, and this may be a year, plus a penalty for non-application is possible.

Works requiring unsealing

If the work is carried out by a third-party organization or a private master under a contract and a project, then, according to established practice, they pay for re-sealing. If, when concluding the contract, you missed this moment or started the work yourself - re-sealing at your expense.

Scheduled and unscheduled verification

If you are sure that the meter counts more than necessary (for example, a control attorney meter was included after it), then you have the right to an extraordinary free verification. The water consumption, while the meter is being verified, should be counted to you according to the average minimum for the region. As for the planned checks, plumbers do not bother themselves or people without complaints from subscribers.

"Complex" apartments

But what if the apartment has a fire hydrant or a two-pipe hot water supply? Alas, in this case, you cannot set the meter yourself. This must be done either by a vodokanal or by a licensed specialist from a contractor.
Although the installation of water meters is not so much laborious as it is troublesome, saving on water is quite justified. And since water becomes more expensive and no reduction in price is expected, the water meter is definitely beneficial. Plumbers in the matter of installing meters most often meet subscribers halfway: accurate metering of consumption makes it easier for them to report and receive premiums for savings.

Video: about self-installation of water meters

There are two options for saving personal funds: earning additional income or saving on available resources. An effective way to reduce utility bills is to install a cold and hot water meter.

Rules for installing water meters in an apartment

The procedure for obtaining an installation permit is specified in the relevant legal acts. The procedure for tapping into an existing plumbing system includes the following steps.

1. Application of the owner of the apartment to the appropriate organization through a personal application. Depending on the region of Russia, representatives of a water utility or a housing office (DEZ) are responsible for making a decision.

The document contains information from the main pages of the passport, contact details of the person and the type of premises (apartment). The prerequisites are:

  • presentation of a document allowing to establish ownership (with a copy);
  • a schematic diagram of a tie-in into the existing water supply system.

2. The party receiving the application verifies the data on the application with the information specified in the passport. Then he files a copy of the main document of a citizen of the country to the package and indicates the approximate water consumption (based on the established standards).

  • note:

The law determines the term for consideration of the application - no more than two weeks... In rare cases, when the technical characteristics of the object do not meet the standards, the consumer is refused, explaining the reasons. After elimination of discrepancies, the consumer has the right to apply again.

Can you install water meters yourself?

The law does not prohibit the owner of the apartment to carry out the installation on their own or with the help of a specialist. If they impose their services on you or “recommend” those who have to install water meters, know that it is illegal. The main condition is to deliver the device in compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Worth knowing:

After obtaining permission, you should buy a water meter. Again, you do not have to buy it from the firm you “recommended” at the service company. When buying a device, the consumer receives a product passport in his hands. Experts recommend making sure:

  • in accordance with the serial number indicated in the passport and on the water meter;
  • date of factory verification is available: the best option when there is a small gap between sale and verification.

In the technical passport, the seller is obliged to stamp the store and indicate the date of sale.

  • It is interesting:

How to install a water meter yourself

Before starting work, you must:

  • assess the condition of the pipeline and the wiring diagram;
  • choose a place, decide on the version: horizontal or vertical arrangement of the device;
  • measure the distances to the installation site;
  • draw a tie-in diagram for hot and cold water pipelines, compile a list of plumbing fixtures, purchase them in a store.

How to install everything yourself? Putting the meter on a plastic pipeline is not difficult. Before the tie-in, you need to turn off the water supply in the riser (the event is agreed with the representative of the DEZ).

  • Did you know:

The order of installation of the device is described in detail in the instruction manual. The arrangement of nodes in the direction from the riser to the wiring is as follows:

  1. ball valve with a squeegee;
  2. mechanical cleaning filter;
  3. non-return valve (required for regular filter cleaning or replacement of elements of the water supply system);
  4. water meter;
  5. internal shut-off valve.

The elements are connected to each other using adapters (nipples).


The final stage is a call to a specialist who must put a seal free of charge and draw up an act of commissioning. For this, after installing the water meter in the operating system, the consumer must write a statement. In addition to passport and contact information, he must indicate:

  • date and place of installation of the meter;
  • information about the installer (if the installation was carried out by a third-party organization);
  • indications of the device, its type and serial number (with a copy of the product passport attached);
  • date of next verification.

A convenient meeting time for the interested parties is set by mutual agreement. A specialist comes to the consumer's apartment, who is obliged to establish:

  1. the reliability of the data specified in the application and on the device;
  2. the performance of the water meter and its readings.

After the tests, the specialist must put a control seal and draw up an act of commissioning. In it, along with other information, new data from the water meter are indicated. The representative of the checking party and the consumer shall sign on two copies of the document.

Despite the fact that the cost of housing and communal services in different regions of the country may differ, the fact that the price is constantly growing is beyond doubt. And if a few years ago people were willing to pay the "average" cost, now it does not suit them, they want to give money only for the water that was used. For this, water meters are installed on the underwater mains. They must be sealed by the employees of the management company, otherwise the indicators of the water meters will not be valid.

An additional incentive to buy water meters is that soon the government intends to supply them to every user of the water supply (of course, at the expense of the buyer). In a word, sooner or later, you will have to install a water meter. We have already talked about that, and today we will focus on its installation.

Feasibility of installing a counter

If you doubt whether a water meter will help you save money or, on the contrary, will lead to unnecessary waste, then first, weigh the pros and cons of installing measuring equipment.

For example, if two people live in an apartment, and five are registered, then the payment will be based on the "average" consumption per month for each registered tenant. This is unprofitable, because if you consumed, say, six cubes, then you will have to pay for all twenty. Then the meter will really help you significantly reduce your water costs.

If in fact the same number of people live as are registered, then installing a water meter will save up to 30%.

Are there any cases when it is not profitable to install a counter? Yes, they are. We are talking about situations when more people live in the apartment than are registered. For obvious reasons, such people are better off paying for “average” consumption.

Legal side of the issue

There are no clear prohibitions in the legislation on self-installation of water meters, so if you have the desire and ability, then why not? True, there are several important nuances here:

Consider all these points before proceeding with the installation.

Rules for installing a water meter yourself

Installation of the meter begins with contacting the local water utility, where you will be given the technical requirements for the water meter. This is followed directly, certified and stamped on the seal.

Important! Be sure to check the meter after purchase by contacting a private licensed company, a water utility or a housing office!

The meter should be checked at the instrumentation department of the local water utility, or a similar department of the ZhEK. It can also be done in a private licensed company. The meter is handed over together with the registration certificate, in which, after the end of the check, the corresponding department stamp will appear and all the necessary fields will be filled in. Here you will also be assigned a sealing date.

Important! It is forbidden to damage the instrumentation seal. Such a meter will not be accepted by the water utility. If the factory seal is damaged, the device can be accepted into the instrumentation, and if there is no instrumentation seal, then the meter data will be invalid.

Choosing a place for a water meter

You need to install the meter as close as possible to the place where the line enters the room. There are no specific figures here, since the places of entry in different buildings may differ, moreover, significantly. The inspection will be carried out by an inspector, but you can do this earlier. The best option for a city apartment is a place near. It happens that pipes pass along the floor through the toilet, then you cannot hide the installation traces, and the meter will have to be installed in the bathroom.

Private houses, for which the inspection requirements are much stricter, is a different matter. The water meter is installed no further than 20 centimeters from the pipeline outlet. If there is a well in the yard, then it must necessarily be capital and be locked with a reliable lid (it will also be sealed). Only an inspector has the right to break the seal, an exception can only be in the event of a fire or emergency at the water utility itself.

What accessories are required for installation

If you install the meter according to the scheme, then no difficulties will arise. But in order to understand this, you need to clearly understand the purpose of each node.

Important! The half-open position for a ball valve is a sure way to early failure. It should only work in the "Open" and "Closed" positions. Install a valve if partial water shutoff is required.

Water meter installation technology

When you have purchased everything you need, read the instructions for each item. The meter's data sheet must indicate what distance the straight segment should be in front of and before the device. The installation procedure consists of the following steps.

Stage 1. First, lay out all the parts in a line so as not to get confused later: a check valve, a water meter, a filter and a shut-off valve. There are arrows on each detail, pay attention to them - they should all point in the same direction.

Stage 2... Next, make a "dry" connection, necessary in order to correctly calculate the turns. Twist the filter onto the tap and count the turns, usually there are no more than five of them. Pay attention to which of the turns the sump is at the bottom - for example, on the fourth. Unscrew everything, take the sealant (you can use ordinary linseed tow) and wind it on the filter of the shut-off valve.

In addition to tow, as a sealant for polyamide threads "Tangit Unilok", which additionally contain silicone grease, as well as sealing pastes "Multipack" and "Unipak".

Do it like this:

  • take one strand of tow, level it and make an even cord no more than 1 millimeter thick out of it;
  • wind it on the thread so that all the grooves are closed;
  • apply plumbing paste on top and turn on the shut-off valve (the main thing is not to overdo it, so that the connection does not burst).

Stage 3. Often, American women and sealing rings are included with water meters. American women (special pipes with union nuts used to connect pipes) will do, but buy new rings. If the meter is installed for, then it is better to use paronite gaskets, and if for cold, then rubber. Wrap the pipe on the filter using the same linseed tow, then the counter. Connect the other branch pipe to the check valve.

Attach the entire structure to the water meter. You will get the following:

  • shut-off valve switch "looks" up;
  • the counter dial is also up;
  • filter sump - the same;
  • impeller - down.

Stage 4. All the elements are connected, now they need to be cut into the pipeline, having previously shut off the water.

Important! If the house is an apartment building, then you cannot do it yourself - you need to call a representative of the water utility.

Measure how long the structure is. Measure the same distance on the pipe from the joint. Cut off the required area by first substituting a basin (perhaps the water will flow, although not under pressure).

Stage 5. Fix the structure to the supply pipe. Some problems may arise here. If the pipeline is metal, you will need to cut threads, but that's not all. The most important thing is to correctly measure the distance, because this is not plastic and will not bend. It is advisable to replace the entire section with polypropylene pipes, then special fittings will be required to connect plastic to metal.

System check

After completing the installation, you must check how efficient the system is. To do this, turn on the water and slowly unscrew the ball valve. See if there is a leak. If the system is in order, the meter measures correctly, there are no problems, then call a representative of the water utility. He will examine everything, make the necessary entries in the data sheet and put a seal. In some cases, a seal can also be placed on the filter, but this is done just like that, just in case, there is no special need for this.

As a result, you receive a registration certificate and a document certifying that the device is sealed and put into operation. From now on, you will pay for water supply services in accordance with the readings of the device.

As a conclusion

As we can see, self-installation of a water meter does not require much time or effort. The main problem is bureaucratic twists and turns, receiving and approving various papers, submitting applications and so on. Do not forget that periodically you must take the water meter for inspection, because it may count incorrectly. If the water meter is for hot water, then this should be done every six years, and if for cold water, then every four years.