How to make birch kvass at home? - The best recipes. Recipe for kvass from birch sap with barley

On hot summer days, a soft drink instead of soda is the best solution. Especially delicious with raisins. This drink is a good thirst quencher and has many beneficial properties. It is prepared very simply even with your own hands. The basis for such a drink can be not only flour and malt, but also berries, fruits and other natural ingredients.

Useful properties of kvass

Kvass on birch sap with raisins refreshes well in the heat and has a beneficial effect on the body. The drink is good for the digestive tract, removes toxins and has a diuretic effect. Kvass is able to prevent the development of many diseases. contains:

  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium salts;
  • trace elements and a whole range of vitamins.

Birch sap helps to restore immunity after winter and improves blood circulation. During fermentation, the beneficial properties of the drink are not lost. Birch sap brings down the temperature well and helps with headaches. Nectar has proven itself in the treatment of bronchitis, tonsillitis and tuberculosis and has a healing effect. Birch sap is very useful for kidney disorders and urinary tract diseases.

Nectar speeds up metabolism. Birch sap helps to heal joints and removes puffiness, has a beneficial effect on the skin. When making kvass from nectar, many of the listed properties are preserved. But only if the ingredient is collected far from the city, and the prepared drink is stored only in the refrigerator.

What birches can be used to sap?

In order to make with raisins without preservatives, the ingredients must be collected by hand. Birch sap is best taken in forest areas located far from the city. Older trees are selected to collect nectar. But at night there is no juice movement, so he gathers in the morning. A birch with a circumference of approximately 25 cm is selected.

To collect the juice, a small incision is made in the bark, slightly affecting the trunk. The excavation should be done at a height of half a meter from the ground. A small groove or tube is then inserted into the incision. After collecting the juice, the recess must be covered with mud, clay, moss or other (but preferably only natural) substances.

Classic with raisins

To prepare classic birch kvass with raisins, you will need:

  • 10 liters of natural nectar collected from the forest;
  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 pcs. dried raisins.

Cooking method

The collected birch nectar is cleared of microscopic pieces of wood. To do this, the juice is filtered through cheesecloth folded in several rows. Then the raisins are washed and dried. Birch nectar is mixed with granulated sugar. It is stirred until it is completely dissolved. Then raisins are added. The container in which kvass is prepared is torn with a rag lid and removed to a room with a temperature of about 22 degrees.

The drink should ferment for three days. After that, it is filtered again. Poured into bottles and put into the refrigerator.

Kvass recipe with honey

The recipe for birch kvass with raisins and honey is very simple. The resulting drink helps prevent colds and has antibacterial agents. For cooking you will need:

  • 10 liters of birch sap;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 4 raisins;
  • 50 g live fresh yeast;
  • 40 g of liquid honey.


The birch sap is cleaned and filtered through cheesecloth. Lemons are squeezed and added to the nectar. Then yeast, honey and raisins are poured out. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into cans or bottles. The container is tightly sealed and stored in a cold place. The leaven lasts four days.

Kvass recipe with coffee beans

Birch kvass with raisins can be prepared with coffee beans. This will require:

  • 2.5 liters of birch sap;
  • 3 pieces of stale;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • a small handful of raisins;
  • the same portion of coffee beans.


A frying pan is placed on the fire. Oil does not fill. Coffee beans are roasted. The bread is cut into pieces and dried a little in the oven. The raisins are washed and dried. A three-liter jar is used for starter culture. All the ingredients are placed in it and filled with birch sap. To determine the fermentation of the drink, a medical glove is pulled over the neck and pierced with a needle. The container is kept warm. Kvass begins fermentation in 2-3 days. This inflates the glove. When it subsides, the drink is filtered and placed in the refrigerator. It is better not to touch the kvass for several days, as it should be infused.

How else can you make birch kvass?

Birch kvass with raisins can be prepared with orange slices. For this, classic ingredients are used with the addition of sprigs of mint, lemon balm and 10 g of yeast. They are ground with granulated sugar. Then the remaining ingredients are added, mixed and fermented for two days.

Birch kvass, which is prepared with the addition of dried fruits, turns out to be very tasty, nutritious and rich in vitamins. And for a more interesting taste, you can add a little barberry. All ingredients are mixed and the drink ferments for four days.

In order to make high-quality kvass, birch nectar must be thoroughly cleaned of wood debris. To do this, the juice is filtered through cheesecloth. Kvass on birch nectar should be made only from nectar collected in the forest outside the city. As exhaust fumes and smog are reflected in the raw materials from the trees.

It is better not to use plastic containers for starter culture. Glass containers (can be made in 3- or 5-liter jars) or enamel containers work best. You can store cooked birch kvass with raisins no longer than 120 days. Large dark raisins are best suited for the drink. And it's better to make a drink in early spring so that it is infused by the summer. Birch kvass is great for okroshka.

A drink with the addition of honey is best done in the fall. Such kvass helps to maintain immunity in the winter. For this, medicinal herbs can be added to a drink prepared at any time of the year. Kvass should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Traditionally, kvass is considered a bread drink. In fact, since the time of Ancient Russia, there are a large number of recipes where birch sap is the basis. Such kvass will decorate any table and fill the body with vitamins.

Whatever recipe is the basis for making a drink, you need to carefully select the ingredients for its creation. After all, kvass must be fermented in moderation, otherwise it is impossible to drink it. If it contains unpleasant odors due to spoiled products, all the work will be in vain.

Kvass is able to protect against scurvy and other problems associated with lack of vitamins. He also:

  • eliminates the state of thirst;
  • improves digestion;
  • enhances appetite;
  • saturates with carbohydrates.

You need to use the present kvass within 4-5 days. In this case, it should be placed in a refrigerator or cellar. If the recipe includes birch sap, then strain it. For this, ordinary gauze is suitable. The birch should be taken fresh, because it infuses faster.

The ambient temperature is important for the fermentation of the beverage. Too warm or cool air can ruin the drink. The kvass product should be infused in 3 days. Exceeding the terms indicates a violation of the technology. This drink is worth pouring out.

Drink with dried fruits and birch juice

On birch juice, kvass is infused longer. The process takes about 2 weeks. It is better to check the degree of readiness by taking a sample. Adding yeast to any recipe will shorten the brewing time.

To get kvass from birch sap with dried fruits, you will need:

  • strained birch sap - 2 liters;
  • dried fruits (raisins, prunes, or dried apricots) - 100g .;
  • the container in which the drink will be infused.

It is allowed to use one type of dried fruit or a mixture thereof. In the latter case, the drink will become more aromatic. The color of kvass will also be unusual, about which guests should be warned before serving.

The product creation process looks like this:

  • wash and dry the container for future kvass;
  • put clean dried fruits on the bottom of the selected dish, you do not need to remove the bones from them;
  • pour birch juice;
  • cover the container with thick gauze or a lid that allows air to circulate;
  • put the composition in a place where the temperature will be at least 25 degrees, avoiding direct sunlight;
  • after 9-12 days we filter the resulting product and pour it into a bottle;
  • we place the finished drink in a cool place.

If there is no special cover, then you can always make it yourself. It is enough to pierce the standard in several places with a knife.

Birch kvass with yeast

The yeast-brewed beverage causes excessive gas formation. This must be taken into account when choosing a similar recipe.

At home, adding yeast speeds up the process significantly. Those who have not previously prepared a kvass drink should first try this recipe.

You will need:

  • birch juice - 3 l.;
  • dried fruits of cherries, apricots, grapes - 200 g;
  • dry yeast - 10g;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l.

The sugar rate can be changed at your discretion. It is permissible to add it when the kvass is already infused.

The process of preparing birch sap and containers looks the same as in the previous version.

When dried fruits are poured with birch, dry yeast should be added. The drink should be infused for 2-3 days in a warm place. Don't forget about good ventilation. After all, the yeast product "runs" even more intensively, so the air should circulate easily.

If preference is given to raw yeast, then their quantity should be increased to 20 g. Some housewives believe that such a drink is more natural and lively.

Birch kvass on bread crusts

Those who are not ready to get away from the traditional bready flavor of the drink can use the crust recipe.

To create such kvass, you need to prepare:

  • raisins -200g;
  • birch juice - 2.5 l.;
  • rye bread crusts - 80g;
  • dry yeast - 5g.

Raisins can be replaced with prunes or dried apricots, but cherries or apples should not be used. Otherwise, it will be too sweet.

Place dried fruits and mold-free bread crusts in a clean jar. If the crusts are preliminarily brought to a rich brown color in the oven, the color of the drink will be brighter. Pour birch sap over them, which must not be forgotten to strain beforehand. Add dry yeast.

Kvass from dried fruits should ripen no more than 2 days in a warm place. In winter, you can put the jar on the battery. If the kvass does not have time to brew, extend the time for another day. Then pour the resulting drink through cheesecloth into another container.

If you plan to use kvass as a product, sugar should not be added. To prepare dishes based on it, you can put 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. It will set off the taste of bread and dried fruits.

For those who like to experiment in the kitchen and surprise guests, the creation of such kvass masterpieces will become a favorite pastime. The main thing is to prepare birch sap on time.

- the pride of the national brewery. The recipe was invented by the Slavs. Since ancient times, the valuable tree was worshiped, and the wood elixir was added not only to kvass, but also to wine and honey. On its basis, the legendary Scythian birch tree was cooked.

How to make kvass from birch sap at home? The secrets of cooking have survived to this day, I will tell you about them in the article. Natural birch sap is an excellent preparation for kvass, as it does not lose its beneficial properties and qualities during the fermentation process. Birch "tears" are a natural preservative given to us by nature, more useful and natural in comparison with food products.

Let's move on to the cooking technology. Several recipes are available.

Classic kvass on birch sap with barley

Kvass on birch sap with barley is a source of nutrients and vitamins. It tastes like ordinary yeast kvass. The cooking process is simple and takes a minimum of time.


  • Juice - 3 l,
  • Barley - 100 g.


  1. I carefully filter fresh birch sap from chips, bark and other extraneous natural "gifts". For this I use cheesecloth folded in several layers. I set it to cool for two days.
  2. I dry the barley in a pan. The taste of the drink directly depends on the roasting time. If the unpeeled grains are kept longer, then the future kvass will have a bitter taste. For a delicate taste, I lightly fry the barley so that the grains have a golden color.
  3. Pour grains wrapped in gauze into the purified and chilled juice for convenience.
  4. I insist kvass in a warm place. During ripening, I stir it 2 times a day. After 3-4 days, the kvass will darken and acquire a pronounced taste of cereals.
  5. I filter, bottle it.

Video recipe

Kvass from birch sap with dried fruits


  • Birch sap - 2.5 l,
  • Dried fruits - 150 g.


  1. I wash the dried fruits in running water several times. I don't soak it, but immediately put it in a pre-prepared jar.
  2. I pour over birch sap, cover it with a towel or multilayer gauze.
  3. Fermentation requires warmth.

Birch sap kvass with honey


  • "Tears" of birch - 5 l,
  • Fresh yeast - 50 g,
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Honey - 100 g
  • Raisins - 3 things.


  1. I filter kvass through cheesecloth. I fill in the yeast with a small volume of water - 40-50 ml.
  2. I squeeze the juice out of a fresh lemon.
  3. I mix liquids, add honey, add yeast.
  4. I take a 5-liter bottle, mine, and put a few pieces of dried grapes on the bottom.
  5. I pour the drink, close the lid loosely. I put the birch-honey mixture in a cool place.
  6. After 3 days, the kvass is ready for use.

How to make bread kvass on birch "tears"


  • Juice - 3 l,
  • Dry yeast - 1 g,
  • Rye croutons - 300 g,
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. I pour the pre-strained juice into a saucepan, add sugar and mix thoroughly. I add yeast for a pungent taste. To make the drink softer and less vigorous, you can put only rye croutons. I use both baked goods and yeast.
  2. I leave it to infuse during the day. I put it in a warm place.
  3. I pour the drink into cans or bottles, carefully draining it. I put it in the refrigerator.

I use it as a refreshing and invigorating drink and okroshechnaya base. Use the recipe for health!

Cooking birch kvass with orange


  • Birch "tears" - 2.5 l,
  • Orange - 1 piece,
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Raisins - 25 grams,
  • Melissa and mint - a few bunches,
  • Yeast - 10 g.


  1. I peel an orange, cut it into slices. I mix the yeast with a little sugar. I send the mixture to a jar, toss in bunches of fresh grass, a chopped orange and the remaining granulated sugar.
  2. I stir, pour in the juice. I put it in a warm place. It will take 2 to 4 days to cook, depending on the temperature.
  3. I pour the finished product into bottles. I use 0.5 liter containers. I pour a few raisins into each one for flavor. I send it to the refrigerator for storage.
  4. In a day, birch kvass "ripens" and can be used as a soft drink or an unusual base for okroshka.

Video recipe

The benefits and harms of kvass from birch sap

Beneficial features

The classic bread drink contains a large amount of probiotic bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and the body's immunity. Using birch sap instead of filtered water only enhances the positive effect. The content of salts of magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, aluminum and other useful components has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

The drink invigorates, refreshes and tones, is used as a prophylactic against colds, in the spring of vitamin deficiency, etc.

The “tears” of the primordial Russian tree contain natural defenders of immunity - phytoncides. These are active substances that inhibit the development of bacteria, naturally produced by plants.

Kvass based on birch sap is used as a substitute for expensive cosmetics. An anti-aging mask is made from it. The product is applied to the face steamed after the bath and left for half an hour. Then the natural mask is washed off with water. Kvass is used to make a hair strengthening product that is suitable for normal and oily curls.


In moderate doses, the drink is harmless. Gastritis and other inflammations of the mucous membrane are a contraindication to frequent use. A ban on consumption is an allergy to birch pollen, which is rare.

A very interesting and unusual drink is obtained if you take yeast, prunes, dry apples and pears as a basis. And kvass from birch sap with dried fruits will not only be unusually tasty, sparkling and aromatic, but also very useful. On any table, for children or adults, at any holiday, it will become the "highlight of the program", so we recommend you prepare it with a reserve!

First, let's make a drink according to the basic recipe. It is the longest to prepare but contains the fewest ingredients.

Dried fruits are suitable for any of your choice, but especially tasty and aromatic kvass is obtained with the addition of prunes and pears. It's best to take one part at a time and add one third of the dried apples.


  • Birch sap - 2.5 l
  • Dried fruits - 150 g


  1. We take a 3-liter jar, rinse the dried fruits well and put them in it without soaking. If prunes with seeds, leave them, so the taste will be even richer.
  2. Fill everything with juice, filling the jar almost to the brim, and cover it either with gauze in several layers or with a plastic lid with several holes to let air out. You can make them with a hot knife or awl.
  3. We put the jar in a warm place, but avoiding direct sunlight. Remember that the lower the temperature in the room where the kvass is, the longer it will take to cook. On average, cooking time takes from 9 - 10 days to two weeks.
  4. We filter the finished kvass and bottle it, cool it and either serve it to the table, or drink a glass 3 times a day, since it is very useful in itself.

Kvass with dried fruits on yeast

To speed up the fermentation process, because it is not always possible to withstand the drink for ten days, we add ordinary dry yeast to it.

  • We take a mix of dried fruits, for example, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, cherries and cranberries - only 200 g, put in a jar or pan.
  • Pour 10 g of yeast into the same place and fill in all 3 liters of birch sap.
  • Add sugar to taste if necessary.
  • Cover with a napkin or gauze - it is important, as in the previous recipe, to provide ventilation.

We withstand kvass, depending on the room temperature, from one and a half to 3 days. We try it, controlling the fermentation process, so that during the strain and serve the drink on the table. Otherwise, he will stop.

In this recipe for birch kvass, it is good to use honey instead of sugar as a sweetener for dried fruits.

By adding rye bread to the main composition, we will get a taste similar to the traditional kvass, but sweeter, even without sugar, and, of course, more summer. In addition, such a drink is also made quite quickly, you will not have to withstand it for 2 weeks.

  1. We combine your favorite dried fruits or take a mixture of raisins and prunes in equal proportions in the amount of 180 g. We wash everything and put it in a saucepan or jar, put a crust of black bread (60 - 80 g) there.
  2. If you want the drink to ripen faster, add 5 g of yeast and fill the jar with birch sap (2.5 - 3 l) until it is full.
  3. We stand for at least 2 days in a warm place away from the direct sun, try and, if necessary, leave for another day or filter and bottle.

Whatever recipe for birch kvass with dried fruits we choose, fast or longer-lasting, it is always worth remembering the pleasant need to try the drink. Only in this way will we be able to control the fermentation process and interrupt it during the time so that the kvass does not overripe.

Try it, friends, and share in the comments your miracle recipes for this healing, unusually tasty drink!

What can you add to your homemade birch drink?

The most common additive is raisins, or other dried fruits, for example, dried apples, and this is the recipe I will give. Excellent conditions for fermentation are created by barley and bread. The taste of kvass will be enriched, and citrus fruits, coffee beans, mint, rose hips, honey and various herbs will be filled with vitamins.

Kvass from birch sap - a classic recipe

The classic version of cooking on bread - this is how the drink was prepared in the old days. It will take a minimum of effort, and the technology has been worked out for centuries by 100 percent.


  • Juice - 10 liters.
  • Rye crackers - 200 gr.
  • Oak bark - ½ cup.
  • Dried berries - 300 gr.

How to do:

Pour 10 liters of juice into an oak barrel. Dip 200 grams of rye breadcrumbs in a cloth bag. The bag should have a long rope so that it can be easily pulled out later. After two days, when fermentation begins, add 300 g to the barrel. dry cherries, half a glass of oak bark and a few stalks of dill. After two weeks, the drink is ready.

Recipe for kvass with raisins at home

The next homemade recipe, my mom loved it.

You will need:

  • Birch sap - 2.5 liters.
  • Sugar - ½ cup.
  • Coffee beans - a handful.
  • Black bread - 2 slices.

How to cook:

Pour 2.5 liters of juice into a three-liter jar. Add half a glass of sugar, a handful of raisins, a handful of coffee beans (you can fry them a little) and a couple of crusts of Borodino bread. Pull a rubber glove on top. And after a couple of days, when the glove says: "Hello everyone," we filter this drink and put it in the refrigerator. Take two days and you can drink!

How to make birch kvass with yeast and orange

We love this recipe for the drink with the whole family.


  • Birch sap - 2.5 liters.
  • Orange.
  • Live yeast - 10 gr.
  • Sugar.

Pour 2.5 liters of juice into a three-liter jar, add 1 chopped orange, 1 glass of sugar. Then 10 gr. Grate yeast with a little sugar and carefully pour into the jar. You can add mint, lemon balm. On the second day, when the kvass ferments, strain and bottle, adding a couple of raisins to each. Refrigerate.

Kvass with birch sap and barley is a good recipe

Barley perfectly replaces yeast, the fermentation process is fast, the taste of the homemade drink will not pump up.

You will need:

  • Juice - 3 liters.
  • Barley is a glass.

How to make kvass with barley:

  1. Clean the juice from impurities, pour into a container.
  2. Fry the barley grains in a dry frying pan, this will improve the taste of the birch drink - it will become soft and tender. Do not overcook, otherwise the kvass will acquire a bitterness.
  3. Pour the grains into juice (or toss in a gauze bag).
  4. Insist 3-4 days in a warm place, periodically stirring the contents.
  5. After a specified time, strain the kvass and pour into bottles.

Rosehip and Raisin Recipe

I pour the juice into bottles, add a little raisins, dried rose hips, sugar (at the rate of 2.5 liters - 3 tablespoons), and put it in the refrigerator.

Apple kvass with birch sap

You can make apple kvass for the summer. To do this, pour dried fruit - dried apples with birch, cork tightly and refrigerate. The drink will be ready in 2 months.

Yeast Kvass Recipe

Recently I found an interesting recipe for kvass: birch must be heated in a large saucepan to a temperature of 35 degrees. Put 40 grams on 2.5 liters. fresh yeast. Place in a cold place for four days, then pour into jars and roll up. The drink can be stored for six months.

Homemade kvass on birch juice with lemon

You can make a simple drink that I called lemonade as a kid. Cooking recipe: take 2.5 liters of birch wood, add half a glass of sugar, juice from 2 lemons (who likes sour, you can have three). Mix well, insist for two hours. You can add a mint leaf and ice cubes.

Herbal recipe

Herbal infusions on birch sap are incredibly useful for health. You can use St. John's wort, raspberry and currant leaves, mint - each of the herbs will add its own aroma and healing properties.

  • You can make infusions like this: Bring the birch to a boil, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of herbs per liter of juice, close tightly and leave for 8-10 hours. Then we filter the infusion and store it in the refrigerator. You can add lemon and honey.

Juice syrup

Syrup can be made from birch in an apartment. To cook, boil the juice in a wide-bottomed saucepan until about 1/3 evaporates. Then top up with fresh. Repeat the boiling process 2-4 times. Be sure to remove the foam. The resulting syrup is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

The benefits of birch kvass

A little bit about . Interested in more detailed information, follow the link and read.

  1. Connoisseurs of traditional medicine will tell you that after a long winter the body is especially weakened, but nature generously took care of it and presented a wonderful drink. The drink will increase the body's resistance to various infections, give vigor. The benefit of kvass is that with its help you cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  2. The magic drink is useful for tonic, vitamin, blood-purifying properties. It is irreplaceable for diseases with high fever: colds, bronchitis, tuberculosis.
  3. The action of the birch tree largely coincides with the healing properties of birch buds. The juice is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with low acidity, peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastritis during an exacerbation.
  4. Homemade kvass will also help the beauty of women: wipe your face with acne and other inflammatory skin problems.
  5. Birch drink is successfully used for various metabolic disorders, joint diseases, gout, rheumatism, arthritis. Excellent results are known with external application of the juice. Treat eczema, lichen, diathesis, fungal diseases. Birch buds will also help to cope with serious diseases, about the remedies prepared from them,
  6. Juice can treat kidney disease. It perfectly drives out sand, destroys some types of stones, is a good diuretic. Drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 glass per appointment.

Dear readers, you know the proven recipes for making kvass from birch sap at home, tell us about them in the comments, do not skimp. How to properly collect juice, you will learn from an amazingly interesting video.