How to make a flexible skirting board for floor or ceiling. Types of flexible skirting boards and their installation How to install a skirting board on a round corner

They frame a rectangular room well. But what if you have a non-standard room: with columns, semicircular walls, or a complex stretch ceiling?

Floor and ceiling flexible skirting boards are suitable for you. With their help, you can hide minor flaws in the repair, uneven surfaces, as well as frame round structures.

You will learn about the types of flexible skirting boards, how to bend and fasten them from this article.

Flexible baguettes: their features

If the design of your apartment provides for semicircular or non-standard decorative elements, you will need a flexible ceiling skirting board. It will not only decorate the ceiling, but will perfectly decorate suspended round structures, hide defects and irregularities at the junction of the ceiling and walls.

Flexible skirting board for the ceiling will highlight all the advantages of the room

Sharp corners can cause anxiety and aggression. If you decide to create a calm atmosphere in the room, to give the room softness - use a semicircular skirting board in its design.

Curved plank options

How to bend floor and ceiling moldings correctly

During the renovation process, many people have a reasonable question: how to bend the skirting board to give it the shape of a circle? Depending on the material for making the baguette, you can bend it in several ways:

  • making several cuts on the back of the fillet. Then they try to see if the baguette bends. If necessary, make additional cuts to bend the product;
  • cutting into small pieces, and combining them on a semicircular profile;
  • by heat treatment. The product is heated with a building hair dryer, bent, and then cooled in cold water to secure the bend;
  • the formation of a semicircle by cutting off the stiffeners from the back of the product.
Advice: The easiest ways to bend the planks are the first and fourth, the rest are more laborious and require special skills.

Radial semicircular skirting board in the interior

Materials for the manufacture of flexible fillets

For framing ceilings, polyurethane baguettes are most often used. Flexible polyurethane skirting board can bend in any direction. The product can be tried on several times, decorated with semicircular elements - columns, arches, bay windows.

Flexible polyurethane skirting board will beautifully decorate ceilings in a semicircle

Remember: polyurethane products bend better than polystyrene products.

How to round a wooden skirting board so that it does not crack? To do this, it must first be steamed. Within half an hour of being above the hot steam, the wooden baguette will become malleable for transformation. When the product bends and takes the required shape, it must be fixed until completely dry. This can be done by imposing a load, or by making a special form.

Rounding a timber plank - bending along a radius

How to bend a plastic skirting board? Using heating with a hairdryer or hot water, you can also bend a PVC baguette. Under the influence of temperatures above 80 degrees, it will become pliable and soft, capable of taking any shape.

Fasten the curved PVC floor baguette with glue or self-tapping screws in a circle, install plastic components at the corner and joints.

PVC product, an example of how to make a skirting board in a semicircle

Advice: when heating the fillet with a hair dryer, be careful not to overheat the product so that it does not deform.

Special flexible fillets for ceiling and floor

The simplest type of semicircular frame is flexible PVC tape. It is self-adhesive and can be folded in half to form an even corner.

Tape products are available in different colors, this is the ideal skirting board for a round wall

If you are looking for a quality flexible skirting board, a wood-filled composite edging is a good solution. It is manufactured using the latest technologies by injection molding and pressing.

Flexible plinth for wood-filled flooring

An innovative product for decorating round elements - flexible PVC skirting board. It is not exposed to ultraviolet radiation, moisture, solvents, does not burn and comes in different colors. These baguettes bend perfectly and therefore are suitable for columns, framing semicircular podiums, bay windows.

Soft plastic baguette bends smoothly

To form a curved shape, the product is heated to 70 degrees, and then they begin to bend smoothly along the required radius. If it hardens, it is heated in hot water and the semicircular edging is continued.

Flexible cork edging will help to embody non-standard design solutions. Fastening to the walls is carried out with glue, which makes it possible to bend around even round columns.

Flexible cork skirting board


If the interior of the room contains columns, bay windows, semicircular projections, then you can use ready-made bendable skirting boards to frame them, or bend the floor and ceiling edging yourself. Flexible framing will add style and softness to the room, making it more cozy, individual, and comfortable.

In modern apartments and houses, corners are often not straight, but rounded. This makes the installation of the plinth somewhat difficult. However, there are special technologies by which you can bend both a wooden and a rigid plastic or even foam model.

In addition, a flexible floor or ceiling skirting board made of soft plastic, polyurethane and even rubber is being sold today. If you don't want to bother with bending the planks, you can purchase just such an option or order a radius one.

How to bend a skirting board?

So, you do not want to use flexible polyurethane floor skirting boards or a model made of some other similar elastic material, but prefer to install a regular wooden or plastic one. In this case, the manufacture of a semicircular version for the floor is usually entrusted to a specialist. However, you can try to round off the desired bar yourself.

Rounded decor is used for installation on curved walls

How to round wood planks

In order to bend a wooden strip, it is pre-steamed. Water is poured into a basin and put on fire. The plank should be warmed up and steamed over a stream of steam for half an hour. How to bend wood skirting boards:

  1. You can round off the bar by hanging it and securing some kind of load on both sides;
  2. Sometimes a special device is used:

You can round off the element using a special device.

  1. You can also attach two blocks to the floor at a certain distance from each other and insert a strip of wood between them.
Important: Use the utmost care when using this method. If one of the ends of the element slides out of the support, it will fly off and could injure you.

How to round off a very hard wood skirting board? In this case, the plank will most likely have to be cut into several pieces, fix them on the wall and mount transitions between them.

If you cannot bend the skirting board, cut it into pieces.

How to round a hard plastic model

Now let's see how to bend a plastic skirting board. You can round it off using the technology described above for a tree. Sometimes they also use a slightly different method. In this case, notches are made on the reverse side of the bar. Then it is warmed up with a construction hairdryer.

The plastic model can be rounded in the same way as the wooden one.

Important: The heated strip must be rounded off and immediately put in place, without waiting for the material to cool. In doing so, be careful not to break it.

How to bend a fillet for a ceiling

If you do not want to use flexible ceiling skirting boards, you can try to bend the foam or polystyrene foam.

The semicircular ceiling plinth also has to be used quite often.

The foam baguette does not really need to be bent, but very carefully rounded, squeezing in small areas. After the non-flexible, fragile fillet takes the desired shape, it is coated with glue and pressed tightly to the wall surface, securing it with small nails for reliability.

You can bend the foam model by gently crushing along the length

In order to make it clearer how to round off the foam, we suggest you watch this video:

How to make a plinth in a semicircle if the bending arc has a too small radius? At the same time, a fillet made of foam plastic, like a wooden one, is cut into several pieces, which are mounted at a curved angle.

Pieces of foam fillet

Important: The joints between the pieces must be covered with putty or white silicone sealant. Next, the seams are carefully sanded. The resulting radius skirting board can be painted with white or colored paint.

Flexible floor and ceiling decor

It is still quite difficult to round off the plinth at home, without having a certain experience. It is easier to complement the floor finish using a flexible skirting board.

The flexible skirting board, floor or ceiling, is easy to bend

There are several varieties of them:

  1. Rubber. May have very bright colors;
  2. Cork flexible;
  3. Soft flexible PVC skirting board. It will work very well for a round wall. It is sold wound on a bobbin;
  4. Liquid tree. After some time after installation on a curved surface, it hardens, retaining the resulting shape.
  5. Flexible polyurethane skirting board. It can have a variety of colors. A flexible paintable polyurethane version is also available.

Flexible polyurethane ceiling skirting board is very easy to bend

How exactly to mount the plinth at a corner, if it is rounded, or on a column, of course, you decide. If you are confident in your abilities, buy a regular hard decor and try to bend it. If you don't have enough experience, get flexible skirting boards for the floor or ceiling.

We bend the foam molding. Molding is an overhead convex strip with cross-sections. It is used to decorate various surfaces: walls, ceilings, doors, fireplaces, arches, giving them a more expressive, complete and neat look.

How to bend a skirting board to a semicircle?

Curly moldings that imitate stucco molding and woodcarving become a real highlight of the interior. Moldings make furnishings more expressive and neat, and the interior itself - noble and harmonious. Share the video with your friends. program, connect and earn. on the channel in contact ReDECORation ======================================= ¬ == Like it? LIKE and comment so that I know your opinion and can make the video even better. And don't forget to SUBSCRIBE the channel to be the first to see the new releases:

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Those who have used skirting boards at least once know that they are connected at right angles. Skirting boards perfectly help to hide some surface defects or simply emphasize the interior, however, right angles are sometimes a significant problem: if the room has decorative columns, custom stretch ceilings or rounded walls, then it is at least unwise to use such connections. Flexible skirting boards of two types (floor and ceiling) will come to the rescue, which can be bent, thereby repeating the curves of your interior. Their varieties, correct shaping and fastening will be discussed in this article.


If your ceiling has semicircular or round elements, as well as flaws at the joints with the walls, then you need flexible skirting boards for the ceiling. They will help to beautifully emphasize rounded structures on the ceiling and mask small defects.

It is also proven that sharp corners contribute to the emergence of aggression, therefore, in order to bring softness and comfort to the home, it is useful to use these skirting boards to create rounded joints. The atmosphere in this case will become calmer and more pleasant for perception.

How to bend

It often happens that, without following the instructions, people break the skirting board during the repair instead of bending it. This is due to the wrong way of bending.

The correct method depends on the type of baguette (individual strips of skirting boards are called baguettes):
1. The back side is cut in several places, and then trying to bend. If the degree of flexion is insufficient, additional incisions are made. The procedure is repeated several times over several incisions, but professionals can find the right amount the first time.
2. The skirting board is cut into small pieces and laid out in a semicircle shape. The more pieces you get, the more round the design you get.
3. With the help of a building hair dryer or other heat treatment, the product is heated, and then it is gently bent to the desired shape and cooled to secure the shape.
4. Stiffening ribs are cut from the back of the skirting board, and then the product is gradually bent.

The simplest are the first and fourth methods, since the rest require too much time and perseverance.

Manufacturing materials

The first type is polyurethane products, because they bend well, they can be reused and given almost any shape. In addition, they are more severely damaged, which means that you can not be afraid to spoil such a plinth with sloppy movements.

Foam skirting boards bend well only to a certain shape, after which they crack. They are less durable and cannot be reused.

An interesting solution is the use of wooden skirting boards. They can also bend, for this they are placed in hot steam, and after half an hour they are transformed into the desired shape.

How to bend the ceiling foam?

To fix the effect, the plinths are fixed in the same position so that they do not deform.

Plastic is also suitable for rounded shapes. With the help of a building hair dryer, it heats up to 70-90 degrees, after which it becomes soft and pliable, which means that it can be given any shape. It is worth noting that it is undesirable to heat too much plastic skirting boards, because they can deform, and it is also worth protecting the skin surface from direct contact in order to avoid injury.


If you have no time or are too lazy to tinker with skirting boards, then you can use PVC tape.

It is flexible, easy to stick and difficult to damage. The only drawback is that it requires careful gluing so as not to fall off. There are floor and ceiling options.

There are also other materials for the tape that have greater strength, however, the method of bending and fastening them does not differ from ordinary skirting boards.


Skirting boards are fastened either with glue or with self-tapping screws, depending on the material of production. In the case of self-tapping screws, the more there are, the stronger the plinth will hold, but after installation it is recommended to mask them.

The use of bending skirting boards can solve two problems at once: emphasizing the circles of the decor and hiding minor imperfections, the main thing is to carefully adjust the shape.

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Ceiling foam plinth: main characteristics and gluing technology

In this article, we will show you how to cut correctly, how to bend a Styrofoam ceiling skirting board and how to install it. Until recently, there were no lightweight and comfortable-to-use foam-based finishing materials. Therefore, most compatriots used paper panels to decorate the transitions of walls to the ceiling, and only a few lucky ones could afford the use of plaster moldings.

With the advent of moldings made of extruded polystyrene foam, the situation has changed radically, since a high-quality and aesthetically attractive design of ceilings has become available to everyone.

An example of decorative design of the junction of walls and ceiling

Before you find out how to install foam ceiling skirting boards with your own hands, consider the main characteristics of this finishing material.

Main characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam baguette

In the photo, an assortment of foam baguettes

Ceiling skirting boards made of expanded polystyrene differ from similar products made of other materials, such as:

  • light weight and the ability to install on glue;
  • simplicity of mechanical processing and, as a result, the possibility of cutting with a sharp knife and other equally accessible tools;
  • smooth white surface of the product, no need for additional coloring;
  • low price in comparison with polyurethane analogs of skirting boards and gypsum stucco molding;
  • wide range of standard sizes;
  • a wide range of textured designs.

By purchasing foam ceiling skirting boards, you can choose products with both a perfectly flat and embossed surface. Thus, you can choose a decorative material that fits perfectly into both modern minimalist and classic interiors.

The abundance of standard sizes is another significant advantage characteristic of baguettes made of expanded polystyrene.

All of these products can be classified into three categories:

  • wide (up to 20 cm thick) - an excellent choice for classically decorated interiors and for rooms with high ceilings;
  • medium (thickness up to 10 cm) - a universal option that can be used for its intended purpose in any room;
  • narrow (less than 3 cm thick) preferred choice for rooms with low ceilings.

The standard length of a polystyrene ceiling plinth is 2 meters, which is very convenient when decorating rooms with not only small but also large perimeters.

Important: In order to make the installation of baguettes easier and even a non-specialist could handle it, in addition to straight strips, corners for a foam ceiling plinth are on sale.
The advantage in this case is that the inexperienced installer does not have to cut adjacent planks at an angle of 45 degrees, since everything is ready.
As a result, the corner joining of the baguette will be neat and reliable.

Now that we have learned the main characteristics and dimensions of the polystyrene ceiling plinth, we will proceed with the installation work.

What you need to pay attention to when installing foam baguettes

Filling the gaps with glue

How to install polystyrene foam baguettes with your own hands so that the result looks attractive and at the same time is durable?

The quality of the finished result in this case depends on factors such as:

  • the degree of preparation of the mounting surfaces;
  • the correct selection of glue;
  • compliance with the instructions for performing installation work.

In the course of gluing baguettes, you need to understand that on curved walls and on a curved ceiling, accurate installation will not work, since small gaps will be noticeable.

Of course, these defects can be repaired, for example, with the same glue that will be used during installation. But the overall impression of the carelessly done work will still remain.

The only effective solution in this situation is the preliminary preparation of the mounting surfaces. Sticking baguettes is the final stage in the repair.

How to bend a ceiling plinth

That is, the plinth should be installed when the walls and ceiling are perfectly flat.

Important: If skirting boards are installed before wallpapering or before painting the walls, the mounting surfaces must be primed.
In this way, you will ensure optimal adhesion of the finishing material to the plastered surfaces and, as a result, it will be possible to reduce the amount of adhesive used without compromising the quality of the installation.

Tubes with glue and assembly "guns"

The next item is the choice of glue.

Currently, the following types of adhesives are especially popular:

  • glue "Titanium universal frost-resistant" - has a toxic odor, excessive fluidity and long setting times;
  • glue "Baguette" is an environmentally friendly composition based on acrylic resins, it sets for a long time, and therefore baguettes need to be held for a long time so that they do not slip.

What conclusion can be drawn from the above? None of the popular adhesives are perfect. Therefore, if the installation of the skirting boards is carried out at the junction of the plastered walls and the plastered ceiling, we use the Liquid Nails glue.

What is the advantage of this solution?

  • "Liquid nails" are white. which means they will not stand out on the surface of the foam;
  • the glue sets quickly and after a minute of waiting the bar will not slide down;
  • the glue is durable. and you can be sure that the installed moldings will not move away from the walls and from the ceiling;
  • glue can be used to fill the gaps between baguettes and curved walls;
  • the glue is sold in convenient tubes. which are inserted into the assembly "gun";
  • the price of a tube of glue, as well as the cost of a "gun", is not high.

So, we found out what kind of glue you need to use so that the Styrofoam ceiling plinth is easy to install and the result is durable. Now we will find out what the instructions for installation work are.

Technology of gluing baguettes from expanded polystyrene

An example of how to bend a skirting board using cuts

As already mentioned, on sale, in addition to straight foam strips, additional elements are presented - corners that can facilitate installation work. Unfortunately, corners can not be purchased in every building materials store, and therefore we will consider what the instructions for gluing ordinary straight skirting boards without auxiliary corners are.

Angle shaping example

From the tool we need:

  • miter box;
  • a special hacksaw with a fine tooth;
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • measuring instruments;
  • assembly "gun" with a tube of glue;
  • a clean cloth moistened with water.

Scheme for trimming planks at the desired angle

  • we cut one strip from one end to an inner corner, as shown in the diagram;

  • apply glue with a dotted line to the upper and lateral back of the strip;
  • we apply the bar, starting from the corner of the room, press it and hold it for 1-2 minutes;

Removing glue excess

  • wipe the excess glue that protrudes along the edge line with a wet rag or finger;
  • from the straight end of the glued strip we measure the distance to the next corner, if the whole strip fits, we glue it, if not, then cut it off;
  • trimming the plinth strip is done in accordance with the previously proposed scheme, namely, the plinth is inserted into the miter box, the desired angle is selected and a neat cut is made.

Important: Styrofoam ceiling skirting boards get dirty quickly, so if you don't want to paint them later, so as not to leave stains, work with clean cloth gloves.


We learned what a polystyrene skirting board is and how it is installed. The details can be found by looking at this article, after which you can leave your comments about what you read.

More information

Sometimes curved walls in the room or the presence of columns does not allow using an ordinary straight skirting board, both for the floor and for the ceiling. And in this case, we have three ways to solve the problem: order semicircular wooden skirting boards, buy flexible plastic and bend ordinary, straight ones.

Next, we will tell you how to bend a plastic or wooden baseboard, and also touch on the topic of ready-made flexible moldings.

How to round a skirting board with your own hands

Perhaps the first time you will not be able to make a plinth for a round wall. This is normal, because in any business that requires skill, you first need to "fill your hand", to practice. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to bend the baseboard with your own hands, then be prepared to damage several moldings during the first tests.

Making a semicircular molding

The manufacturing method, which will be described later, is suitable for moldings made of polyurethane, PVC and duropolymer. From the tools you need to prepare a hacksaw and a building hairdryer - you can rent it in some cities. In principle, if the molding is thin, then an ordinary hair dryer with a power of 1500-2000W will make it flexible.

To bend, we need to make triangular cuts on the back of the molding. We make the distance between them from 2.5 to 5 cm, depending on how much you need to bend the molding. We make the cuts so that about 0.5 cm remains to the edge.

How to make a plinth in a semicircle: making cuts from the back side

  • We warm up the molding so that the lintels remaining in the cuts become flexible. We conduct heating carefully, from the back of the molding. We make sure that the outer side does not deform from high temperatures.
  • When the baguette is well warmed up and flexible, it should be folded gently but quickly. The plastic cools down rather quickly, so you shouldn't hesitate at this stage.

Next, we hold the profile in a semicircular state until it cools down and ceases to be flexible. Now you can start installing the molding on the floor or ceiling.

Flexible skirting board. This effect is achieved by heating the plastic.

We make semicircular wooden baguettes

But here everything is more complicated. Cuts cannot be done, and the method that we propose to use will allow you to bend the profile quite a bit. However, if you only need to fit the skirting board to an uneven wall, then this option will do just fine.

First, we prepare the spacers for the wood profile. To do this, take a board, draw a semicircle of the future bend on it. Now on both sides of the line we fasten or nail the spacers themselves. Long nails, for example, can serve as them. You can also come up with some kind of your own version. The spacers repeat the future semicircle of the profile, and are staggered, as in the diagram below.

Spacers required to make the skirting board semi-circular

Now we need to steam the baguette to make the plinth for the ceiling or floor flexible and give it a semicircular shape. The easiest way is to boil a pot of water on the stove and hold the profile over it. How long it takes for the molding to become flexible depends on the type of wood. This moment can be determined by touch; when you try to bend the profile, it will begin to give in.

After the wood has steamed and becomes flexible, remove it from the steam and put it in the semicircle of the spacers that we prepared earlier. Here the profile should remain until the tree is completely dry. Ideally, we steam the planks in the evening and leave them bent in a semicircle until morning. After drying, the folded profile can be installed in the designated place.

We make a ceiling plinth from a wooden profile, flexible

Buying ready-made moldings

On sale you can find ready-made flexible skirting boards for floors and ceilings. They are made from different materials:

  • Flexible polyurethane skirting board.
  • Soft molding and PVC skirting strip.
  • Floor flexible skirting board made of cork, semicircular, bent.

Flexible polyurethane skirting board has an optimal combination of price and quality, it is used quite often. Skirting tape is relatively inexpensive, but it is capricious in installation and not every type of glue is suitable for it. It is more often used for the bathroom. Flexible floor plinth made of cork is the most expensive of these three types, but the naturalness of the material and excellent appearance speaks in its favor.

Flexible skirting board, floor, cork

The curved curved skirting board is made of natural wood. It is almost impossible to buy such moldings in finished form, since they are made along the radius of a certain bend of the wall or column. Therefore, this decor is purchased, as a rule, to order, and it cannot be attributed to cheap ones. However, bent semicircular wood moldings undoubtedly outperform plastic in appearance, so all the time and financial costs will be justified.

Radius skirting board, round, bent

More and more modern renovation deviates from the standards. The simple urban style is being replaced by sleeker and more flexible design solutions. Straight lines give way to curvilinear, smooth, rounded shapes, so there is a need for new technologies for interior decoration.

Facing materials can be very different, but it is difficult to imagine a renovated space without skirting boards; this decoration element is undoubtedly indispensable in any interior. In the article we will tell you what a flexible floor and ceiling skirting board is, and how to bend a skirting board made of different materials with your own hands.

Flexible ceiling skirting board allows you to finish complex rounded shapes


It should be noted that the market for finishing materials quickly responds to the needs of modern renovation. Now on sale there are different models of bendable skirting boards, and if the polystyrene strips are very fragile and hardly bend, then the polyurethane profile with the addition of rubber is very flexible and ductile.

Soft, flexible skirting boards are the best solution for tricky, curved areas with many curves. This is usually a vinyl or flexible polyurethane skirting board with a high percentage of rubber. The profile is very flexible and sold in rolls, it is easy for them to go around both the outer and inner radius corners.

For example, flexible plinths for the floor are used in rooms with complex shapes, for arches, columns, rounded podiums, etc., and flexible plinths for the ceiling are used for finishing curved plasterboard structures or tension systems.

In addition to flexible models, a wide assortment of curved radius skirting boards with different diameters and from different materials is on sale. As a rule, these are wooden and polyurethane segments for a round corner or column.

Flexible, semi-circular self-adhesive vinyl skirting board, easy to cut and bend to any radius

How to bend a skirting board with your own hands

Despite the huge selection of soft, flexible and radius profiles, it is not always advisable to use them. As a rule, it is sometimes easier to bend a regular flexible skirting board. Plastic, cork, MDF and wood skirting boards can be easily bent into gentle semicircular curves.

But in order to bend them along the radius of a small circle, you should know the secrets of technology. Since the physicochemical properties of materials vary significantly, hence the approach to the process of how to round off the plinth is very different.

Flexible polyurethane floor skirting board allows you to easily go around semicircular surfaces with a gentle radius

So a flexible floor plinth made of composite plastic can be easily bent in a semicircle using a household hair dryer with a power of 1 kW or more. It is enough to heat the profile in the right place, and carefully round it to the shape of a semicircular wall. Note that a plastic flexible composite plinth with wood-chip filling is difficult to distinguish from a veneer profile, so it is ideal for interiors with natural wood floors.

To bend a plastic skirting board with a cable channel onto a flat semicircular surface, you will need to cut off all the stiffeners, leaving only the decorative layer intact. Further, in order for the molding to become flexible, it is heated with a construction hairdryer, and gently bent at the installation site; during the process, grab the whip so that it "memorizes" the required round shape.

Advice: In order not to damage the decorative coating, and not to spoil the structure of the plastic, do not bring the hair dryer close to the profile, do not hold it at one point, but drive it back and forth, at a distance of about 300 mm from the whip, so the heating will be uniform.

Cork flexible floor skirting board can be easily bent, but for small round shapes you will have to bend around with steam

If the profile is not flexible enough and it is required to round the semicircular shapes with a plinth made of wood, foam, MDF, and some polyurethane models, then in this case it is necessary to format the fillet. For this, transverse cuts are made from the seamy side, almost in profile, leaving only the front layer of 3-5 mm intact. It is better to make the slots with a hacksaw for metal with a thick blade, every 5-7 mm.

Formatting flexible PVC profile

When profile formatting does not help, you will have to use a radical method to go around the surface. The non-flexible skirting board is cut into small pieces, and each piece is individually adjusted for the round wall. But this method of making a semicircular shape requires serious skills, so it is very difficult to install such a rounded segment on your own.

As a rule, the joining of several separate parts is used if the interior provides a wide polystyrene ceiling plinth for a round wall. After finishing, the bent section is carefully putty and the plinth is painted in several layers, so the joints become invisible.

The photo shows how to finish a rounded surface with an inflexible whip.

How to make a bent wood segment

Solid wood skirting boards are usually bent with steam. It is necessary to measure the round section and cut the required profile size with a margin of 50-75 mm on each side. Next, a large pot of water is placed on the stove, brought to a boil, when the steam becomes intense, a cut plinth is attached on top.

Depending on the type of wood, pine, for example, is more flexible; it takes 30-60 minutes to steam the profile, saying the words: "I am twisting, I want to bend the profile!" When the profile is well saturated with steam, it is applied at the place of fixation and folded over the required radius. In order for the tree to take the desired shape, it should be fixed in several places. But this method can easily lead to deformation of the baseboard after drying.

Curved wooden profile in the interior

Professionals, in order to correctly bend a wooden whip in a semicircle, make a special template, then make a template using it. The steamed whip is fixed on it with clamps, metal point and tape, so the bent semicircular shape turns out to be more even and accurate. Before making the plinth in a semicircle, it is recommended to impregnate the seamy part with PVA glue so that after drying, the bent segment retains its semicircular shape better.

We have also prepared a video for you on how to bend a plastic skirting board with your own hands in a semicircle. We hope our advice will help you with the renovation, remember, the guarantee of a beautiful interior is neatness and a creative approach to the process.