How to make a vote on VKontakte (open and anonymous). Why do we need polls. How to quickly create a poll in a VKontakte group - step by step instructions

Are you planning to register on the VKontakte social network in order to create a community on this site and actively promote your business or promote your own resource? Perhaps you already have an account and even a group here, but you are still a novice Internet user and have not had time to figure out some of the features of the interface of this "social".

In any case, you need to know how to vote on VKontakte and what benefits it can bring. After reading this article, you will be convinced of the effectiveness of surveys. So, first things first.

How to make a vote on VKontakte?

In the first case, any respondent will be able to obtain information about other participants by visiting their page on this social network. In the second case, this will not be possible.

    open your page and write a message on the wall describing the problem or the purpose of the survey;

    below you will see the "Attach" button, click on it and select the "Other" item;

    select the "Poll" option, write a subject in the appropriate field and indicate the answer options.

If you do not know how to make anonymous voting on VKontakte, then in fact everything is extremely simple - check the corresponding option with the checkbox. You can find it under the answer options.

Why create polls?

Imagine a situation where your blog traffic starts to drop. However, you do not know why this is happening. It seems that you write interesting articles, add a high-quality video, adhere to the rules of SEO optimization, but visitors scatter.

Perhaps the whole point is that you need to communicate more with your readers, at least sometimes ask their opinion about your resource. Perhaps the reason for the drop in traffic lies, for example, in a boring blog design. This is where polls come in handy. You already know how to make a vote on VKontakte, so be sure to use this opportunity.

At the same time, you must correctly compose the answer options, taking into account the interests of your audience, age and gender. Remember that ideally the interviewee should give a clear answer, not something like, "I can't decide." It is also recommended that you attach an image to your survey.


So, now that you know how to vote on VKontakte, be sure to use this opportunity in practice. And do not expect a drop in attendance or loss of members in the group. Create an interesting or useful survey right now. However, do not forget that voting can be made anonymous, if necessary.

It is better to regularly ask about the point of view of your visitors (readers) regarding certain problems. Trust me, they will be pleased to know that their opinion is very important to you.

updated 2 year. back

How to make a poll in VK on your page or group, how to wind up a poll on Olike and why you need it. Complete instructions with step-by-step instructions.

A poll on VKontakte can be posted on your page or in a group (community).

You will have to write the poll title and answer options and decide on whether other participants will see who voted how. This is the hardest part. If the goal of the survey is to find out which show your friends prefer, there will be no problems with creative inspiration. If you need to involve the audience of the community in the discussion, you will have to think about how to catch the attention of visitors with a provocative headline and interesting answer options.

How to make a poll in VK on the page

Click in the status bar (on Anything new?), press YetSurvey... Set the survey topic and answer options. Specify who can vote: all visitors to the page or just friends. If you are creating a survey for friends, click the lock to the left of the button send... If you want to hide the identity of the respondents, then check the box Anonymous voting.

How to make a poll in VK in a group

Poll in group status

Click in the group status (on Add a note...), press YetSurvey... Set the survey topic and answer options, check / uncheck the box Anonymous voting to hide or, conversely, show the identity of the respondents. Vote as a group or post as an administrator.

Poll in discussion

The poll in the discussions is interesting because the community administrator has the opportunity to pin it in the group header, where it will better attract the attention of visitors. To create such a poll, create a new topic in the discussions ( DiscussionsCreate a topic), specify the title and text of the topic, click the icon below Survey and fill in the fields that appear with the survey topic and answer options, click Save... Click on Edit theme, and in the dialog box that appears, specify additional settings - Pin the topic or Pin poll... If you pin a poll, it will appear on the group's main page right below the description.

Everything is clear with how to create a poll in VK. Now about why they wind up polls on Olike and how to do it.

Cheat polls to win beauty contests, cuties, diapers and baby swimming

Log in to Olike with your VKontakte account. In the service menu, click Polls... Fill in the fields How many votes do you need to wind up, How many Points will be debited from the balance, Link to the poll on VKontakte and Which option should you vote for?... It is possible to select the age, gender and country of the voters (this will reduce the speed of the task execution, because the system will wait for the appearance of online people with the necessary parameters).

In such an important matter as a competition, time is critical, therefore, submit tasks to cheat polls on Olik during the daytime on weekdays. (The task is performed by real people. In their free time from Olayk, they sometimes sleep, walk, go to work and to the institute.) For paid orders from 2990 rubles. we have the opportunity to increase the execution speed up to 3 times (with the cancellation of insurance). Before making a paid order to cheat polls, we recommend trying to cheat your version for free to make sure that this type of poll works.

Boost polls for community administrators

The growth of group indicators is influenced by the activity of subscribers. Such a technique, how to make a poll in VK on the community page, is a good way to involve the audience in the discussion. The more relevant the topic is for readers, the more people will vote. The more provocative the responses are, the higher the likelihood that you will receive comments or likes on your post as a bonus. (We just need more of this here!) Considering that the poll results can be managed with the help of Olike, the current discussion can be skillfully nudged in the right direction.

Vkontakte voting is a very convenient tool to ask users their opinion on any issue: which phone model they prefer, what they do in their free time, how long they spend on social networks, etc. People like it and the group / public admins can get useful information. Recently, you can even share polls on your wall, which can have a positive effect on group attendance. Here are some sample polls:

How to make a vote on VKontakte

You will see a form for creating a survey, where you can enter: Subject, answer options and enable the anonymous survey mode:

By the way, you can attach pictures, music, video, graffiti, map, document or timer to polls using the "Attach" button.

Voting efficiency

  • Relevant topic. If the group is about colors, users will not be interested in discussing cars, and gamers will not think to participate in a survey about dog breeds.
  • Registration. If necessary, add pictures, draw the attention of your visitors to the survey, carefully think over the answer options.
  • Anonymity. Some polls (on intimate topics, etc.) should be made anonymous (just tick the appropriate box)

Polls in VKontakte groups can increase the involvement of community members. Using this tool, you can find out the opinion of the target audience about the quality of the published content and the topics they are most interested in. Not everyone knows how to make a survey in a VK group, or not everyone understands their significance... The most important advantage is lost - you do not know what your users like - articles, pictures or videos.

Also, surveys can increase the number of sales. One example of the smart use of surveys is the backpack selling community.

Store administrators posted photos of their products. The main focus was on travel backpacks. The group was actively promoted through targeted advertising. People engaged in outdoor activities were selected as the target audience.

Over the course of several months, the promotion revealed that the sales revenue was struggling to cover the advertising costs. To find out the reason for such a low conversion rate, a survey was created, the purpose of which was to find out which type of backpack is more in demand among the target audience.

The following types of backpacks participated in it:

  • tourist
  • expeditionary
  • tactical
  • sports

All of these types of goods were available in the online store. The poll lasted 2 weeks. New members also took an active part in it.

Based on this data, the community completely changed the direction of their content. In the public, posts began to be published with an offer to buy expeditionary backpacks. The result was not long in coming, sales increased 3 times within a month of changing the promotion strategy.

Creating polls on VKontakte

How to make a survey in a VK group? To do this, go to your VK community. In the section for creating a post, click on the "More" button.

Select Poll from the pop-up menu.

This will open a template for creating your survey.

Enter a name for the topic. As an example, let's ask the question of which operating system is the best.

Below are the sections for creating answer choices. Let's enter the OS names there: Windows, Linux, MacOS.

After that, the entry will appear on the wall of your VKontakte group.

  1. Show voices from only one country: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc. This parameter depends on the geography of the people who took part in the vote.
  2. Sort people by age.
  3. Show only female and male voices.

A small window with the code will open in front of you.

Paste it into any part of your site and voting will be available on it. All data will also be recorded in your group. This feature is very useful for the need to scale your votes and get more opinions from the target audience.

To create this kind of publications from mobile devices, you need:

  1. Go to the mobile version of VK.
  2. Open your community.

In the section for creating records, click on the paperclip icon, which is responsible for attaching additional files and functions to published records.

In the new window, select the "Poll" item.

Start creating it by writing the name of the topic and the answer options.

What type of voting to choose

As you have already noticed, there are two types of voting: public and anonymous. To make the right choice in favor of one type or another, you need to consider each of them.

Anonymous poll is used when you need to find out the opinion of your participants on a topic. The main advantage of this type is that the number of participants in anonymous voting will be many times greater than in a public one, because not all people want to "shine" their accounts in polls.

Possible problems with VKontakte polls

Low number of votes

A very common problem. Even in communities with thousands of subscribers, only 2-3% of the total number of users accept polls.

The main reason for this problem is that people are completely uninterested in answering any questions in the vote. To increase user engagement, you need to create truly interesting polls for your target audience.

There is no point in the women's group to vote on which spinning rod is best for winter fishing.

Create the feeling that the opinion of each participant is really important, that something will depend on their choice.


All in all, it's worth noting that surveys are a very effective way to increase user engagement in the “life” of the community, as well as a great method to get to know your target audience better.

Using this simple tool, you can find out what exactly is interesting to the members of your group, ask their opinion on the further development of the public. Thanks to the data obtained from the voting, you will either be convinced of the correctness of your promotion strategy, or completely change its direction.

You can create a poll on each VKontakte wall, and all your subscribers will be able to willingly participate in it. This method can increase activity in a group or public.

It may very well be that a person has just started his own group and now wants to create a poll on some topic. It seems at first glance that there will be no problems here. In fact, to create a poll, you only need to use a couple of buttons, after which the discussion will be published.

In this article, we'll show you how to properly design and place a survey in a group. This topic will be especially relevant for those who first opened their group and have not yet fully familiarized themselves with all the built-in functionality.

How to create a poll in a VKontakte group?

There are only 2 main ways to post a survey to a group. By the way, please note that you can add a poll both in your group and on someone else's page in the community where you are a subscriber. So, you can create a poll or vote in the community either on your own VKontakte page, and then pin it to the menu, or you can create a poll in the discussions, and only then add it to the group's main page.

Let's consider in more detail each of the proposed methods. First, to start creating a survey, you need to go to your own group. Or go to the group to which you are a subscriber.

How to create a survey correctly

Each VKontakte user has an idea of ​​how to correctly write on the wall through the "Write a message" button. To create a poll in the VKontakte group, you must click the "Attach" button in the right corner. Then you will need to choose a "poll" from the offered list. A window will appear in front of you where you will need to fill in the object of the survey of interest. And below you will be offered variations of answers, as in the test task.

How easy it is to create a public on Vkontakte

To prevent users from knowing who chose which answer, you can tick the “anonymous Internet voting” box. It is also possible to attach a photo to the vote. To do this, in the right corner of the record, you must select the item "fix", and then select the required photo from the list that opens. When all the steps are complete, select the "Create Poll" option.

After a while, a new Internet voting will appear on the community wall. Now all community members will be able to answer your question. But there are also disadvantages here.

As new posts appear on the wall, your poll may disappear from the first positions. To prevent this from happening, it just needs to be fixed in the menu. After that, all members of the group will be able to see it in the first place among all other posts on the wall. The poll will continue to rank first until deleted by a community administrator.

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To fix a poll on the wall, you need to click on its name, after which a new window will appear. Next, you need to click on the "pin" button under the record. Now this poll will be visible to everyone at the very top of the group.

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And if the administrator has his own website, then such a vote can be placed right there. To do this, you need to select the "get code" item, and in the window that appears, you will need to copy the HTML code, which must be inserted into your own website.

How a poll is added to group discussions

According to many admins, the questionnaires should be added to the discussion point. Here's how to do it right.

The downside is that this poll will only be in discussions.

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If the author wants his survey to immediately catch the eye, then it must be added to the home page. To carry out this action, you must select the sub-item "main" in the settings of the questionnaire. The survey will now appear on the home page. Also, subscribers and visitors of the page have the opportunity to repost your survey to their page.

If interesting and relevant polls are added to the group, this will make the group much brighter and more attractive.

You don't need to create new polls every day. As a rule, they need to be created about once a week. This will provide an opportunity for all subscribers to answer questions. It would be very good if this survey sparks controversy and comments. Then there will indeed be social benefits from the survey.