How to make a beautiful window sill with your own hands. How to install a PVC window sill correctly? The workpiece width is calculated by summing

At first glance, this is a simple task.

But hundreds of people are looking for information not only how to cut a plastic window sill across, but also how to cut it lengthwise. And people also ask if this can be done without removing it from the window, that is, in place.

In this article, we will share our experience and answer all questions.


Let's draw a line along which we will cut. Be careful, if the film comes off the plastic, it is better to remove it completely. And glue masking tape on the windowsill, along which it is convenient to draw a line.

The native factory film is slippery. It's hard to draw a line along it.

A pencil is not suitable for this purpose at all. The line from him is barely visible. The gel pen leaves a clear marking, but it is erased at the time of the saw. A ballpoint pen is better - it does not wear off, but such markings will not be visible to people of the older generation.

Draw the markings with an alcohol marker. The line will be visible and will not smudge.

How to cut?

There are only 3 tools for our work.


You can cut with different files. Let's see how each of them works.

Saw with coarse teeth and set (when the teeth point slightly in different directions). When cutting, the jigsaw twitches, chips will be visible on the plastic. With due experience, the quality of work can be acceptable, but still such a file is not well suited for plastics.

Medium toothed and unset. The cut is smooth, the jigsaw twitches less. Little chipping.

Metal saw with fine teeth and small set. It takes a long time to cut. The cut is shaggy, with small notches. They can be corrected, but it will take time.

The conclusion is this: take a blade with medium teeth and without setting. This is the best option.

Grinder (angle grinder) for cutting window sills

If you don't have a jigsaw, you can cut it off with a small clipper that you can hold with one hand.

Take a thin disc for the grinder: 1 - 1.6 mm.

Cutting with this tool is easy. The cut is high-quality, smooth. You can also remove extra millimeters with a grinder to fit two windowsills one to one. You can't do this with a jigsaw.

But there are also disadvantages: you can not crawl everywhere and the tool creates a lot of fine dust.

Renovator for cutting window sills

If the window sill is already installed and there is a wall on the edge, but it is necessary to cut off 8-10 mm, it will not work to do this with a jigsaw or angle grinder.

There is a need to make a square or complex hole in an already installed window sill. It is impossible to do this with a jigsaw and a grinder.

For such cases, you will need a universal cutter (in the common people, a rotor). With it we use only two blades: 25 mm with medium teeth and a small 10 mm file for metal.

A larger file gives a fairly fast cut of good quality. It will not be convenient everywhere to work with a large file, so a small one is also useful for cutting out squares.

Careful with overlays

All window sills have vertical stiffeners and a hollow space inside. When installed from the edges of the sill, end caps are attached to hide the stiffeners.

At first glance, the escutcheon can be correctly positioned. But if you look closely, you will see a gap between the surface and the end plate.

When buying plastic, you also need to keep track of which linings you buy. For products with a straight bend of the spout, you need a separate overlay of 90 degrees. For a window sill with a nose angle of 95 degrees, you need your own.

Then the end face will stand evenly and you will not have to cover the gap with a sealant.

How to cut along without removing from the window

Let's imagine that we are dealing with a kitchen window. You bought a new refrigerator. When you open the refrigerator door, it constantly knocks against the spout of the windowsill.

There is a desire to saw off a piece of plastic along the front side. Unfortunately, this is difficult to do.

You can cut it lengthwise, but only from the part that goes under the window.

You need to pull it out, cut it off from the inside and put it back. This is often a difficult task.

If you still need to saw off the nose, or cut out such a squiggle as in the photo.

You can use the end plates 60 cm long. You need to cut off the ends of the plate and you will get a strip slightly less than 60 cm long. If you can cut the strip neatly enough, you can assemble the conceived design from several pieces without dismantling.

This method is complex, requires a lot of care and experience, so it cannot be called successful.

September 14, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, decoration of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

In this review, we will figure out how to install a window sill on a balcony without the involvement of outside experts. The workflow is simple, but requires some knowledge, so please read all the information below carefully and choose the option that best suits your situation.

The working process

From the title it is clear that I will talk about three mounting options, they have their own differences and are suitable for different designs. I note right away that the technology is suitable for plastic, wood, and other structures, you just need to choose the solution that will provide the greatest reliability of the fastening.

Method number 1 - installation on polyurethane foam

This is undoubtedly the most common and simplest option, which is used in the vast majority of cases. It is simple, but not suitable for all situations. I recommend using this technology for small-width window sills that protrude slightly beyond the surface.

For work we need the following materials:

Polyurethane foam It is best to use the professional version, which is precisely dispensed with a pistol and has a fine pore structure. But you can also use ordinary household cylinders with a straw, the main thing is that the composition has a low coefficient of expansion, otherwise it can raise your windowsill during polymerization. From manufacturers I use Soudal and Baumaster, there are other excellent options, but personally I use these
Window sill stands To fix the element in the position we need at the required angle, we need to put it on supports, which should be two rows - one near the window frame itself, and the second near the edge of the wall. If the wall thickness under the windowsill is small, then one row of linings will be enough
Metal corners They are necessary if there is no normal base under the window, for example, if the wall is finished with plasterboard and there is a gap between it and the wall. In this case, you can attach yourself with the help of corners, they will act as supports and determine the position of the structure. But they can also be used in conjunction with stands, if you attach small corners after foaming, then you will fix the position of the structure, and the foam will not lift it
Silicone With its help, all joints and cracks are sealed, the end of the window sill is smeared to seal the joint. Simply put - if you see a gap, then seal it, this will eliminate the penetration of moisture

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • If there was an old window sill on the balcony, then it must be dismantled, this process can proceed in different ways, depending on the method of fastening the structure. If this is the Soviet period, then, most likely, you will have to pull out huge nails;
  • Cleaning the surface of debris and carefully examining the structure is an important part of the job. If there are voids on the sides or under the window frame, then they must be sealed with polyurethane foam. If this is not done, then cold air will be drawn from under the windowsill, believe my experience and do not save foam for good insulation of all voids;

  • On the prepared base, two rows of pads of the required height are laid out; for this, the easiest way is to use pieces of wooden blocks or plastic elements. It is imperative to check the position of the window sill by placing it on the lining and attaching a level on top, so you can immediately figure out if everything is normal. The angle should be 93-95 degrees, a slight tilt towards the room will not allow condensation to accumulate on the surface;

  • Then you should apply the polyurethane foam to the surface. It is not necessary to fill the entire area under the structure, the main thing is that the foam covers the joints to the outer wall and interior decoration and covers the space near the slopes. An example of quality work is shown in the photo below;

  • Installing a window sill on a balcony using wedges is even easier, because you will use a very simple and convenient system. The design consists of two long wedges that are connected to each other using teeth on the surface. You can reposition the top element up or down to find the optimal position for the window sill, everything quickly and accurately;

  • The fixing is done on a layer of foam, which you must apply as recommended above. The composition is applied taking into account the fact that it will expand, after its distribution, the window sill is carefully wound under the window frame and fixed with heavy objects for a couple of hours, most often containers with water or weights, if you have them, are placed. And do not forget to coat the junction of the window sill and frame with silicone sealant;

  • As an option, I can advise another way of fixing the window sill, two suspensions are screwed to its lower part along the edges, which are then fixed in the wall in the desired position of the structure. There is one nuance: if the walls are concrete or brick, then, before fixing the window sill, you need to drill a hole in the wall and insert a dowel so that there is where to screw the self-tapping screw.

  • In the last turn, the excess foam is cut off, if any, the gaps are closed with a sealant and the end strips are put on, which simply snap into place and hold without additional fixation.

We will immediately figure out how to fix the window sill on the balcony, if there is no base under it, but there is a gap between the outer finish and the wall. In this case, we need to create stops for the structure ourselves.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • To begin with, a window sill is inserted under the window so that you can determine in what position it will be placed; if possible, you need to make marks from below so that there is a reference point for further work;
  • Then the corners are attached to the wall, their size depends on the width of the structure and can be from 35 mm or more. It is best to use options with stiffeners, since they withstand loads much better, which means they will ensure the strength of your window sill;
  • The structure is inserted so you can make sure everything is tight and level... If everything is fine, then the window sill needs to be removed, and a layer of foam should be blown into the cavity around it, it is sticky, so it will not fall down, but will close the space, and it will not blow from under the structure;

  • After the lining layer has hardened, the foam is applied so that you can glue the window sill on it so that it does not rise, it can be additionally fixed with self-tapping screws to the corners. Silicone sealant is applied to the joint between the frame and the sill board so that moisture does not penetrate in this place. After the foam hardens, its excess is cut off, and the surface is putty.

In order not to be mistaken with the amount of foam, you can apply it along the window in a small amount to glue the element, and then add composition from below if necessary.

Method number 2 - mounting on clips or mounting strips

This option is very similar to the one described above, but it seems more reliable to me, especially if you are a beginner. Using a special mount, you can ensure the ideal position of the window sill and its excellent adhesion to the frame, even without the use of silicone sealant.

Do-it-yourself installation is done according to the following algorithm:

  • First you need to clean the surface of dust and debris, if there are protruding areas of foam that remained after the installation of the window, then they should be cut off. It is important that our plastic or wooden sill fits snugly to the surface;

  • Next, you need to fix the brackets to the structure, they can be plastic or steel, to ensure the best reliability, the step between them should be 150-200 mm. If you have a special profile, then you need to cut off the piece you need and attach it to the plastic structure using self-tapping screws;

  • If the width of the sill is more than 15 cm, then a series of external stops or wedges must be laid to ensure reliability. Sometimes the surface is flat and you don't need to put anything, in this case, check its plane, and if everything is fine, then this stage can be skipped;
  • Then foam is applied to the surface, which will ensure a reliable fixation of our window sill over the entire surface. Remember to apply it sparingly and that it will expand afterwards;

In order for the polyurethane foam to adhere better to the surface, before applying it, you must clean the base from dust and debris and moisten it with a spray bottle.

  • Lastly, the window sill is put in place and snaps into the profile or latches until it stops, if everything is done correctly, then the elements will ideally adjoin each other and be located exactly.

Method number 3 - using brackets

Now I will tell you how to properly install a wide window sill on a loggia. This option is becoming more and more popular for the simple reason that you can place flowers, balcony vegetables, or even use the surface as a table on a wide structure. The large width design can even be used as a bar counter, that is, you create an excellent place to relax, and all you need is to install a wide window sill.

This version of the work is very different from the above, but I will not call it very difficult. All the accessories we need are on sale in order to securely fix a large-width structure. The instructions for carrying out the work are as follows:

  • First you need to purchase everything you need. In addition to the window sill itself of the required width, we will need latches or a profile to fix it on the window structure and mounting foam to fill the voids and glue the element. Brackets require special attention, it is easier and cheaper to use furniture options, which can be of different sizes and colors, their photo and size plate are shown below, you need to choose the optimal one;

  • The work begins with the fact that our clamps are attached to the window sill, after which the window sill is inserted into them, do the work with an assistant so that he holds the structure while you carry out all the necessary measurements. If there is space, then stops are placed so that the structure is located at the angle we need. After that, the brackets are applied and the points of their attachment on the wall and window sill are marked;

If the window sill will be used as a bar counter or as a growing area, it is best to place the brackets in half-meter increments for the best reliability.

  • Holes are made in the wall at the marked points and dowels are inserted. Next, the brackets are taken and attached to the wall. We get a ready-made structure that will hold the window sill;
  • Foam is applied to the surface, this process is carried out in the same way as in the above cases, so it makes no sense to dwell on it in detail;
  • Next, the window sill is taken and snaps into the clips, after which it must be attached to our brackets from the bottom side. For this, special self-tapping screws with a length of 16-20 mm are used, it is best and easiest to screw them with a screwdriver. You do not need to pre-drill any holes, the hardware is perfectly included in the material.

I would like to tell you about another interesting option. If you do not always need a wide window sill, but only on occasion, then you can use special folding brackets. They allow you to lower the structure when it is not needed and quickly install it if necessary, this solution is ideal for creating a mobile workplace or bar counter when receiving guests.

A window in an apartment, be it plastic or wooden, without such an element as a window sill, looks unattractive and bad. Therefore, in every house this element is provided by architects. When replacing a window, the board underneath is always replaced.

As a rule, the installation of the window sill is carried out by specialists, but the work can be done by yourself. The main thing is to do everything according to the rules. Before installing the plastic window sill, you should read the instructions for the entire process.

Preparatory work

First you need to prepare the tool and material. Here's what you need to have:

  • A hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • Building level;
  • Roulette and pencil;
  • Perforator with a set of drills and chisels;
  • Assembly foam.
Pads ensure a snug fit of the window sill to the frame

In addition, wooden blocks or special PVC linings, as well as a gun for polyurethane foam, can be useful. Based on the state of the window opening, these elements may not be enough. In this case, the perforated plates for fixing the window sill should be saved.

Fit to size

When all the tools and materials are prepared, you can proceed to the next stage of work. It consists in taking measurements with the transfer of the markings to the PVC board. To do this, add 10 cm to the length of the opening. This measure is needed to create an attractive appearance for the entire window opening.

At the first stage, measurements of the window sill are performed

As soon as the marking is done, you need to cut out the PVC window sill. This process is easily done with a jigsaw, but if you don't have one, you can use a regular hacksaw. But the slopes require a lot of effort. Where the installation of the plastic window sill will be carried out, it is necessary to make grooves. Their depth should be 5 mm more than the length of the part to be installed.

To insert the window sill, grooves are made in the slopes

Slots in the slopes are best done with a chisel, which we install in a rock drill. They should have an even shape that will not interfere with the entry of window sills. After chiselling, the opening must be cleaned of debris. And then proceed to the next stage.

Installation of a window sill board by level

The base and slopes are prepared, which means you can proceed to fitting. This requires a building level. Before properly installing the plastic window sill, put spacers on the base. On small windows, two props will be enough, and for a balcony one should use at least three. This operation is easy to perform on your own.

Plastic panel is installed on pads

The linings should lie strictly at the level of the window, which will allow you to properly expose the plastic window sill before changing it... When everything is ready, you should try on the part in a new place. To do this, we insert a plastic board into the slopes of the slopes. Next, we move it all the way. Nothing should interfere with this process.

Further, the installation of the window sill continues to set the optimal slope. This is necessary to naturally remove condensation. It should not accumulate at the base of plastic windows. To do this, you need to lower the edge of the slab, looking inside the room, a couple of degrees. The building level will show how much the slope has changed. To keep the opening even, you need to check the position at the edges and in the middle.

The slope of the front edge of the window sill is 2-3 mm

Level adjustment is made with shims. Without them, the installation of a new window sill will be very problematic. It is recommended to purchase special plastic parts, but they can be replaced with wooden linings. For work, you should use an ax or chisel.

You need to install a plastic window sill with your own hands so that there is no gap between it and the window frame. This is a very important point that should be paid close attention. The gap is filled with chips placed under the product. In this case, it is recommended to fix the edges of the panel when the position corresponds to the desired one. Each change must be checked with a building level so that the PVC window sill does not change its position.

Fastening the structure in place

After trying on, when the correct position is reached, proceed to the attachment stage. This action is carried out with polyurethane foam that evenly fills the space. But before installing the window sill, the cylinder needs to be heated a little. Temperature increases the effectiveness of the foam, which fills up empty spaces better.

The best way to heat a cylinder is to put it in warm water. But you can also use the heating system if the installation of the plastic window sill takes place from autumn to spring. Shake the heated balloon well, stirring its contents. Next, filling the space under the stove begins. There shouldn't be any voids.

The space under the windowsill is carefully blown out with foam

The work doesn't end there. The fact is that polyurethane foam has a huge expansion. This circumstance has a negative impact on the position of the board between the slopes. In order not to spoil the work, it is necessary to strengthen the element. Many people use ordinary bricks for this purpose, which are installed on the surface of the slab.

You shouldn't worry about the product, as there are stiffening ribs inside the product. They can withstand heavy loads, allowing a grown man to stand freely on the window opening.

Installation of a window sill on the balcony

Modern loggias and balconies are actively glazed today. This is not surprising, because the additional usable area will not be superfluous for anyone. And how much such pleasure costs, everyone knows firsthand. Therefore, the window sill on the balcony is no longer a gimmick.

Basically, the installation of a plastic window sill on the balcony is carried out at the time of glazing. But if this was not done, then it is worth installing this element of the interior yourself.

Before replacing the window sill, you should prepare metal brackets. This is necessary provided it is not possible to bring it under the existing windows. In most cases, metal elements are required, which greatly simplifies the process. The brackets are attached to the parapet with anchors. They also allow you to strengthen the window sill, which contributes to an increase in payloads on it.

The fixed brackets should be at a distance of no more than 1 meter from each other.... The building level checks the horizontal slope. Tighten the thread before attaching the holders. This will allow you to achieve evenness along the horizon and simplify the work.

When the brackets are fully fixed, do-it-yourself installation of the PVC window sill begins. It is fixed with self-tapping screws, which are twisted at the bottom of the element. This operation is best done with a screwdriver, because it significantly speeds up the process.

Fix the window sill with self-tapping screws

After installation, the window sill on the balcony must be treated with a sealant. This measure is needed to get rid of a possible gap that forms due to irregularities in the edges. Unlike installation in a window opening, a balcony sill does not need to be reinforced with polyurethane foam.... All plastic elements quickly take their places, where they sit firmly, performing the assigned tasks.

Replacing a window sill in a wooden house

The installation scheme for a plastic window sill in a wooden house is very similar to the process performed in an apartment. First, the old wooden window sill is dismantled, the foundation is being prepared. The side slopes must be tidied up so that the plastic part can freely take its place.

In order not to cut and freely fasten the plastic window sill, it is better to cut the sides out of wood. For this work you will need a chisel, a hammer. This is how the grooves are obtained where the fastening will be made. It happens that they may already be ready and there was a wooden window sill in them.

The sill panel is installed in the grooves

Once the grooves are ready, linings are placed on the base of the opening. Do-it-yourself installation of a plastic window sill in the opening is done only on them. The position of the supports can be fixed so that they do not move under the mounted element. Before fixing the product, you need to check the position of the plate. After it is fixed and the voids under it are filled with polyurethane foam. Many people ask the question of how to put the windowsill in a different way. But foam is the best and most effective option.

Home renovation is a very, very expensive business. But if the owner has at least minimal construction skills, and there are a couple of smart assistants on hand, then most of all the work can be done on their own, spending only on building materials (and saving at the same time about the same amount that would have to be paid to hired craftsmen) ... For example, it is quite possible to cope with such a thing as a window sill on your own.

Advice: Before proceeding with the manufacture of the window sill, make careful measurements of the place in which it will be installed. Better yet, draw a sketch with all the fasteners and notches. This will give you a clearer picture and avoid potential mistakes.

How and from what materials to make a window sill

A window sill is not a thing that can change every five years, along with wallpaper. Once installed, it should last for decades. Therefore, a number of requirements are imposed on it:

  • reliability and durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to heat and sunlight;
  • attractive appearance and the ability to maintain it for a long time.

As a rule, three types of materials are used for window sills: plastic, stone and wood. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Plastic window sill

If you are faced with the question of how to make a window sill with your own hands, then plastic is not your option. You can't cast it in a home workshop, so those who decided to install a plastic window sill just buy a ready-made block of a suitable shape and color, cut it to the desired size and put plugs on the ends.

A plastic window sill is ideal for those who want to get decent quality for a small price. It is not afraid of water, does not fade in the sun, is durable, looks good in the room and easily fits into any interior. It has only two drawbacks: the unnaturalness of the material and not too much safety margin. Plastic is quite fragile, and can crack from a strong impact or heavy loads. Therefore, you need to handle such window sills carefully and carefully.

Stone window sill

A natural stone window sill looks very beautiful, so it is chosen by those who want to create something unique. A stone window sill is not afraid of any loads, it perfectly tolerates contact with water and the sun. And the master builder is quite capable of making it with his own hands.

To make a stone window sill, you will need a special composition consisting of decorative cement and marble or granite chips. Such a mixture can be purchased at a hardware store or ordered directly from the manufacturer, especially if you need some kind of exclusive composition.

There are two ways to cast a window sill: in the workshop or directly in the window opening. In the first case, it will be easier for you to get identical blanks and process them better. The second method automatically removes the problem of how to install the window sill with your own hands, but it complicates grinding and polishing.

For the outflow of the window sill, formwork is needed from boards, chipboard, OSB or thick plywood. If the edge should be curly, use a profile of the desired shape. To increase the strength, the window sill is reinforced with a wire mesh with a thickness of 1-2 mm with cells of about 5x5 cm. When the plate hardens, it is sanded with an electric grinder. A "grinder" equipped with a special disc is also suitable. After that, the window sill is treated with impregnations that strengthen the surface.

Advice: If you need several small windowsills of the same size, make them in the workshop. And cast large massive blocks right on the spot. This way you will avoid the hassle of installation, and at the same time save on shipping costs.

Wooden window sill

Wooden window sills are usually installed so as not to break the uniform style (for example, in a log house). But remember that a tree is afraid of moisture, it can warp from heat, and woodworm beetles are very fond of it. To avoid these troubles, you need to very carefully process the wooden window sill with all kinds of compounds and protective impregnations.

For such window sills, only hard wood is used. At the factory, wooden window sills are made in the form of a type-setting glued plate of different types of wood, varnished or a thin layer of plastic.

It is unrealistic to make such a plate at home, so it can be replaced with a solid, well-dried board 4-6 cm thick.If you cannot find a board of the required width, you can connect two or three narrow boards together using glue and dowels.

Advice: So that the wooden window sill does not "lead" over time, connect the boards in such a way that the direction of the fibers in them is in different directions.

How to install a window sill

The window sill (window sill) is installed not only for beauty. Its main purpose is to drain and dump the condensation that occurs in the room so that moisture does not flow down the walls. This should be taken into account when installing the window sill with your own hands: it should protrude beyond the wall and have a slight slope (about 1 degree) towards the room. In addition, it is very important to give the correct shape to the edge of the board or to make a special groove (teardrop).

First of all, you need to prepare the place - dismantle the old slab (if the window sill is being replaced), align all corners and surfaces, and thoroughly clean them of debris and dust. After that, the window sill is installed in its place, leveled with a level and temporarily fixed with wooden wedges.

The final stage is consolidation. But each type of window sill has its own characteristics.

Easiest to mount plastic window sill... After it is leveled and fixed, the board and all empty places must be sprayed with water from a spray bottle and filled with polyurethane foam. So that in the process of foam hardening, the window sill does not deform and does not bend in an arc, a load is placed on top of it (for example, 5-liter bottles of water).

To securely fasten wooden window sill, you will need metal corners. With one edge they are fastened with screws to the window sill itself, and with the other - with dowels to the wall. One will need two or three mounts. The voids are filled with polyurethane foam and subsequently plastered.

The most difficult installation at stone windowsill... It is difficult to work with it not only because of its heavy weight, but also because of its fragility: due to an accidental blow, even not very strong, a mark or a scratch may remain on the polishing, or even a piece may fall off altogether.

To securely anchor your stone sill, you will need any cement-based adhesive. It is either pumped with a mounting syringe into the gap between the window and the window sill, or first they try on the plate, make the markings, apply the solution and install it overhauled.

If there is a niche for a radiator under the stone window sill or if it itself is large, it must be additionally reinforced with brackets. To do this, in the window sill, you should pre-drill the slots into which the fastening anchors will sit on the glue.

In this article, we told you how to make an ordinary, standard window sill with your own hands. But if you wish, you can turn it into a comfortable and wide desk, a roomy chest of drawers, or combine it with a sink. The main thing is to think over the design in advance.

Happy renovation!