How to make landscape lighting. Garden lighting: an independent approach to business. Design ways to decorate the garden

For garden decor the combination of plants is key, additional elements also play an important role, which contribute to the completion of the ideal image. But this condition is valid only for daytime, in the evening you will need additional lighting.

By equipping your plot with appliances, you will be able to enjoy a wonderful extravaganza that places accents in the right places and turns the courtyard into a fabulous country where you want to endlessly enjoy harmony and solitude. In this article, we have collected for you the most relevant ideas that will help you highlight the delightful flora.

A garden like a jewel shining with bright lights

Even if you have low voltage lamps at your disposal, you can use them to highlight the flower beds and create a unique atmosphere. Notice how the spotlights are placed under the trees and bushes, making them more visually appealing. And the illuminated pool will create the effect of an exotic lagoon.

Garden & Yard Design by QAL Surroundings

To your attention there is a cozy seating area. In addition to the elegant and luxurious headset, tall trees draw attention, which, with the help of the illumination, turn into a decorative wall, providing a relaxing background for a calm conversation.

Unique chic from Oak Leigh Manor

In a comfortable area, you can place not only upholstered furniture, but also a dining area. And believe me, dinner in such an enchanting environment will be unforgettable, especially if you have a romantic nature.

Multiple strategic flashes for a beautiful minimalist look

Wonderful displays with combinations of light and plants can be found in exhibitions from renowned landscape designers. The combination of shades and textures largely depends not only on the intensity of lighting, but also on the angle from which these streams come to the riot of greenery.

Light Positive (formerly Nancy Goldstein Design): the magic of a flower garden

Garden gazebo should be the star of the show. Outdoor luminaires are a good way to showcase a unique design that you can place furniture underneath. Also, do not ignore the selection of trees and other plants, so that the surroundings are no less spectacular.

Timeless classics enveloped in soft streams of light

Laconicism can become no less attractive
if supplemented with curly greenery and a lamp

The feeling of celebration will be present in your yard every evening!

Festive atmosphere, The Gardens at Great Oaks

A stunning option, designed in the best traditions of official style.

Below is an option when the direction of illumination can radically distinguish palms that are identical at first glance.

You can also get some ideas from nature reserves that lit their lights for visitors. Pay attention to the competent placement of accents, it is especially visible among the thickets of bamboo, where bright red flowers emerge among the stems. Welcome to Clearwater Outdoor Lighting that delivers these nuances, highlighting them in a way that makes them visible in the palm of your hand.

Exotic palms in the rays of monotonous lighting

Bamboo decorative wall

VOLT manufactures bespoke architectural grade lighting and they have some fantastic ideas on how to transform garden landscaping into a fairy-tale world after dusk.

Impressive Asian-style arch for a luxurious lot

Highlighting a chic fountain and decorative trees

Impeccable layout, highlighted by intense lighting

Cozy place to stay

Just imagine a quiet and peaceful evening in the garden, sitting in a comfortable armchair ... in front of the TV. Your Technology Advisor simply could not resist and combine the harmony of nature and modern technology.

Stunning terrace with all amenities

Shining bright light striking the trees gives them an original surreal look. S.A. Grows created a creative atmosphere in the garden not only with spotlights, but also unusual additions such as a restored cart.

The light emanating from the flowering shrubs can give amazing results. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Wilmington uses this technique quite effectively, as well as other tricks.

Sometimes an open living room needs an accent with lighting. The peripheral area of ​​light allows you to visually touch the garden.

Unique Gardens UK

Landscaping using colored lights can provide additional drama. For outdoor lighting, applying a blue tint, whites and muted greens are great ideas for expressing personality.

In New Zealand, the garden surrounding the road has been filled with colorful lanterns that transform the street into a fabulous action. The simply festive vision is complemented by multi-level floodlights that paint a stunning landscape. Just imagine how useful this solution will be for your site.

Wellington Botanical Night Street Creative Decoration

But Piedmont Park in Atlanta is decorated with lanterns twisted around the trees and bushes themselves. The various colors create an interesting effect that illustrates the very fairy tale that lives in our imaginations.

Complementary colors like red and green can be an effective way to dilute greens. Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens have thus turned exotic thickets into the unsurpassed masterpiece Garden Walk Garden Talk in the evening.

The tall trees stand out in white tones, and a subtle blue tone is used to initialize the pool. The perfect combination is the work of DIYFUSE representing this enchanting garden.

Features of reservoirs

Probably, few people will not be able to ignore the temptation of creating a small reservoir. But we will talk not only about ponds, but also about artificial waterfalls... Water features are a good solution for any garden. And you can radically transform decorative cascades into an enchanting show, which you will get to know later.

St. Louis Homes presents us with a kind of lighting that colorfully highlights trees, stone steps and water.

The next example is really spectacular. A huge pond with installed lamps that well highlight the boundaries and islets. It is especially breathtaking when fog hangs over the surface.

The fountain is the perfect addition to a well-lit garden. Shrubs and trees are almost literally shrouded in streams of light, and one cannot fail to notice how correctly and harmoniously the illumination intensity is selected and fair prioritization with their potential.

VOLT also has some bold ideas for water bodies, the splendor and splendor of this garden defies description!

In addition to the lights from the front, illuminating the edge of the infinity pool, we see three more levels of cascades. Two of them are backlit, which adds drama to the overall picture. Landscape Archives have gone to great lengths to transform this garden into a fabulous oasis beyond dreams.

Dennis' 7 defies standard landscaping by allowing great lighting to look good enough. As you can see, in the light streams there is not only an artificial waterfall, but also large stones and grasses around them.

Expand imagination and reveal all aspects of non-standard solutions in relation to design and garden lighting possible not only on a large plot, but also on a compact terrace.

As an original way to express your individuality, there will be a variant of creating a pond with carp. This pure pleasure will allow you in the evening, after a hard and eventful day, plunge headlong into an endless world of tranquility and tranquility.

A fountain or waterfall in the yard will play a decorative role to decorate your personal space. They go well with a pool or dining area.

The Garden Environments example is a showcase for an original show featuring the delights of monochromatic paintings interspersed with a green hue.

Ashland Berry Farms has developed a model of an ideal pool with a beautiful shimmering effect on the surface provided by the backlight.

Our garden acts as a quiet and cozy harbor where we prefer to spend time during warm seasons. If you like to spend long evenings outdoors, then you simply cannot do without decorative garden lamps.

In this way, you will not only provide good lighting, but also add an incredibly beautiful effect to the luxurious landscaping with the help of correctly installed spotlights and lanterns. The creative possibilities for you are endless, and you can draw inspiration right from your garden.


A dacha is a kind of outlet for a city dweller, a breath of fresh air, relaxation for body and soul. It is for this simple reason that a city dweller pays so much attention to the design of a summer cottage - he creates beautiful flower beds, lawns, sets various kinds of decor and pays a lot of attention to highlighting all this beauty at night. After all, it is the evening coolness after a hot and sultry day that allows you to fully enjoy the beauty of man-made nature. Garden lighting will be discussed in this article, in which, together with the site, we will talk about the principles of its self-production.

Do-it-yourself garden lighting photo

Garden lighting: five rules for optimal garden lighting

Modern people put forward only two basic requirements for garden lighting - efficiency in operation and efficiency in perception. In order for the backlight to meet these requirements 100%, you should adhere to five basic rules.

To learn how to make your own decorative lighting in the garden, see this video.

And the last, most important rule says that the location of each individual should be reasonable and carefully thought out. It should be understood that decorative lighting of a garden plot is not a disorderly heap of lighting devices, but a full-fledged composition of them, in which, together and separately, the lamps should have a semantic load.

DIY garden lighting: manufacturing principle

As a rule, in the summer cottage there is a lot of all sorts of things that can be illuminated in one way or another - this is the house itself, and, and, and, connecting the whole thing into a single composition, and even trees and so on. All this is illuminated in various ways and using different lighting devices - a lot depends on the correct choice of the light source, and special attention should be paid to this point.

Summing up, we can only say one thing - by and large, except for various kinds of design intrigues, the choice of lighting devices for the garden is very meager. Globally, these are various kinds of network and solar lamps, also fluorescent stones. There is not much to choose from, and that is why it is best to focus your attention on the design of lamps. Naturally, one should not lose sight of the smaller nuances, which we will talk about further.

DIY garden lighting: the choice is everything

In addition to the main nuances of choosing lighting devices for illuminating a garden, there are a lot of small ones, ignoring which does not lead to anything. It should be understood that in such matters there are no trifles, and it is they (minor nuances) in the aggregate that create a complete picture of the garden. When choosing lighting fixtures, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points.

What else do you need to know about garden lighting? Undoubtedly, the fact that almost any type of lighting device for a summer residence can be quite simply made with your own hands from scrap materials. Almost anything can be used in the course, but among the most common objects of human life, a special place here is given to various banks, flasks, etc. These are almost ready-made shades that provide reliable protection of the light source from rain. Naturally, you will have to try a little to give such a lighting device a more or less attractive look. In principle, this is the essence of the creative process, without which this business cannot be done.

There are quite a few lighting options and each one has its own effect. The most common are lighting of building facades, illumination of paths and an entrance to the garage and house, children's and playgrounds, alpine slides and ponds, fountains and sculptures, various decorative elements of the garden.

Illumination of buildings can be carried out with various lamps. For facade lighting, you can use spotlights with different angles of the outgoing beam - from a narrow one of several degrees to a wide one. It is beneficial to illuminate architectural details on facades, niches, columns with a narrow beam. A wide beam will help to evaluate the whole complex as a whole and will accentuate the texture of the building.

Such lighting did not reveal the beauty of the house's log structure. When designing the new lighting, it was proposed to emphasize the unusualness of the facade made of tinted rounded logs with a diameter of about 40 cm. Spotlights with halogen lamps were installed in the lower area of ​​the base, and their light was directed upwards. As a result, all the beauty of the building was revealed.

Lighting for garden paths is considered difficult - it requires a special approach. First of all, garden lights must fit into the surrounding landscape, both in size and design. The illumination of the paths should help not to get lost in the area and not go in the wrong direction in the dark. The roadway must be illuminated in such a way as not to blind the eyes and evenly illuminate the entire path of movement, without sudden changes from light to dark, as sometimes happens in the city - it is light under the lantern, and under the crowns of trees it is impenetrable darkness, although the lantern stands a few meters from you.

Using the example of the same project, the track canvas was illuminated by halogen lamps built into the surface and when walking along the track, it was practically not visible - the light from the lanterns hit straight into the eyes. When looking to the side, nothing was visible. When redesigning the system, it was proposed to use the classic scheme - low columns with matte shades at a level of 80 cm from the ground.

Low power energy saving lamps were used. As you can see in the photo, the track is evenly illuminated and the movement along it is a pleasure. By the way, the lamps built into the track can be present, but it is better to choose them with frosted glasses and low-power lamps, the ideal option is 1W LED marker lamps. These lights show the dimensions of the track and indicate the direction of travel. It is better to mount such lamps in the side surface of a curb or retaining wall.

With this arrangement of the lamps, the canvas is illuminated by side light, and the eyes are not blinded by the directional radiation. Now you can find the products of lighting companies in the form of transparent stones or sidewalk tiles, which have LED matrices inside with different shades of light. They are used for insertion into the general road surface as marker lamps. During the day, they are practically indistinguishable from the rest of the stones, and at night they illuminate the path with soft light.

The next type of lighting is the lighting of vegetation - trees, shrubs, alpine hills, etc. This type of lighting can be beneficial to highlight the beauty of plantings in the evening, since during the day you see a familiar landscape in natural light. In the evening and at night, everything changes. By highlighting ornamental plants, you create unusual living sculptures from familiar objects on your site. For festive occasions, there are options for backlighting in color - for example, green, emphasizing the color of foliage or needles.

With a neutral white color, you can highlight the interesting texture of shrubs and other plants.

Another point of our journey is playgrounds and playgrounds. This place requires a special approach. In the evening, after a hot day in summer or early evening in winter, you want to be outside and fool around with your children. With mediocre lighting, this is unlikely to be done. In our project, the evening lighting before the alteration was reduced to several LED rechargeable flashlights, which practically did not give good light, after the alteration the playground was fully illuminated and the safety of the playing children was fully ensured.

As for the illumination of water devices, here you can use many options for equipment - both surface and underwater. In a modern design, LED lights and floodlights are best suited. Most of the assortment is available in multicolor, i.e. with RGB matrices. They are controlled by controllers with remote controls for easy activation and programming. By illuminating moving water, you can get innumerable shades and lighting options. Glare from the water creates completely unique patterns on the surface of the water and on the surrounding landscape, on the walls of buildings and on trees. With the help of controllers, the LED matrix creates a moving picture from a color that flows from one shade to another without a sharp change, smoothly.

By using several of these controllers and matrices, you can create a unique color palette, especially if you programmed to turn on time-shifted matrices. Additionally, you can use devices that create artificial fog. They also have LED backlighting with a variable pattern, which additionally creates a variety in the play of light. On a quiet summer evening with the devices turned on, a fairy tale and a horror movie with a moving and illuminated fog can come to life.

The simplest option for illuminating a pond is a set of several sealed lanterns (LED or with low-power halogen bulbs) and a step-down transformer with an illumination sensor connected in a garland. The sensor allows you to start the backlight yourself, without user intervention, with the onset of dusk. The lanterns are supplied with color filters, with which you can choose the desired color of light, or the lanterns can be of one color. In any case, the effect of such backlighting leaves a lot of positive emotions. Evening, water, glare and mysterious light ...

As for the purchase of all these devices, then at your service are large supermarkets and garden centers, where you can find almost the entire arsenal of lighting equipment and control machines. You just have to decide for yourself what you want to get as a result, and plunge into the world of fantasy.

In the daytime, walks in the garden are not difficult, you can freely enjoy the beauty of every corner and easily get to all functional facilities. Well, in the evening, on a site with an ill-conceived system of garden lighting, you have to wander through dark alleys, illuminating the path with a flashlight, and admiring the beauty is out of the question. Therefore, you should take care of high-quality lighting of the garden area.

The main tasks and types of garden lighting

Working with lighting is a pretty important part of the landscape design of any site. All lighting elements of the garden can be divided into two conditional groups - functional and decorative.

Functional or utility lighting

The main lighting is designed to ensure the safety and convenience of walking in the dark, this includes the front and entrance areas, as well as the main paths of the site. There are several aspects to consider when designing utilitarian lighting:

  • select high-quality, durable and frost-resistant equipment, it should be convenient and easy to use;
  • observe the harmony between the lighting of the paths and the rest of the garden: it is extremely inconvenient to move along the path flooded with bright light to the front entrance with dim lighting. It is more comfortable to go from a shaded place to a bright object. The maximum level of illumination is more appropriate for accent elements - a building facade, gazebos, patios or decorative compositions;
  • arrange the lighting devices so that the boundaries of the site are easily visible even in the darkest time, this creates psychological comfort.

Decorative lighting

A night in the garden can be incredibly beautiful - a well-organized, well-thought-out lighting system gives the site a special charm, transforms the unique beauty of nature, creates a unique image of a garden that is absolutely different from the view of a courtyard in the daytime.

The main task of decorative lighting is clear, the rest depends on your desires and the style of the site, but keep the following points in mind:

  • with the help of lighting, you can zone a spacious area, and visually expand the boundaries in a small area. During the planning of power supply and the selection of lighting devices, pay attention to such a nuance - warm light brings the object closer, and cold light moves it away;
  • it is better to provide resting places with soft diffused light, to create an atmosphere of comfort;
  • if you want to use multi-colored lamps in lighting, limit yourself to two or three colors that complement each other. Bright, white light can take the life of your garden; use it sparingly. Red and brown light is also best used in doses;
  • Various garlands and LED strips will help create a festive atmosphere, however, it is advisable to decorate individual objects with them and not oversaturate the space.

Purposes and objects of garden lighting

Why, in general, you need to illuminate the site, we figured it out, now we will note what exactly should be illuminated, and also highlight the options for highlighting various objects.


The house is the starting point for the design of the site, the main building influences the design decision for the entire territory, and a lot depends on how we select it. Nowadays, decorating the facade with light is gaining more and more popularity, because the dark walls with light squares of windows are tired of the order.

A country house does not have to be highlighted with a powerful spotlight; the artistic aspect can be put in the foreground, which is determined by the harmony between point and flood light. Special elements of the facade (columns, front door, stucco, etc.) can be highlighted with accent lighting. Thanks to the correct accentuation, even the smallest and most inconspicuous house will acquire a three-dimensional appearance.

To illuminate the facade, focusing and scattering devices can be used, and the light sources themselves can be visible - wall or ordinary lanterns or hidden - when it is not visible where the light is coming from (from the ground or from under the cornices).

Lighting for garden paths

The accompanying lighting of garden paths, paths, bridges and other paths is one of the main elements of the overall light picture of the site, they should be taken care of first. Decorative and functional aspects are combined here.

Most often, low (no more than a meter) lamps on posts are used, and it is advisable to select models with matte light diffusers or directing the light downward. By the way, there are special park lamps pathlights, the luminous flux of which is directed downward. The devices should be placed on both sides and preferably staggered.

Trees, shrubs and small architectural forms

You need to approach the lighting of the garden itself with imagination, here various options are possible with almost no restrictions. As always, we remember about harmony and compliance with style. You can install a lantern near any element or place a lighting fixture high on a tree, illuminating several objects with it at once or a volumetric composition. Trees and shrubs are best illuminated from below.

Try to correctly place accents, dream up, highlight those objects that remain inconspicuous during the day, and you will see with what amazing colors the space will play, the night garden will take on an individual look.

Which lighting fixture to choose, where to place it is up to you, but remember, there is a significant difference between how a lamp looks in summer and how it looks in winter: snow reflects light in a completely different way, so take care of the modifiability of the lighting system in advance.

Water bodies and functional areas

The easiest way to highlight a pond is to illuminate it with sealed halogen lamps equipped with green or blue filters to color the water.

The requirements for lighting the reservoir itself and the surrounding area are simple, they relate to safety and comfort. Guests are often gathered here, and garden lighting is festive in nature, and instead of the usual lamps, it is better to use fiber-optic and LED lighting systems, which make it possible to create unique light compositions.

LED and fiber-optic lighting systems do an excellent job of dividing the site into functional zones, a big plus of such systems is simple control of the degree of lighting and color. In general, new technologies give a lot of opportunities and options in terms of lighting the site, so think about several options at once, harmonize them with the general style of the site.

Types of street lamps

As mentioned, of course, you can choose any lighting fixture based on your taste. But, for example, ordinary park lights look great during the day, and at night they lose sight a little. Professional work with landscape lighting involves the use of special lighting equipment, which can be divided into three conditional groups.

  • Lighting of stairs and various fences. Ordinary matte lamps are quite suitable, but nowadays you can find hidden backlighting more and more often.
  • Underwater lights. All of them have protection, which enables the device to stay under water for a long time.
  • Accompanying lighting and object selection. This includes spotlights for directional illumination of objects. They are of two types - downlight (upper lighting) and uplight (lower lighting).
    • Top illumination is mounted on heights, most often used as emergency lighting or as a highlight for facade elements. Downlights should be used carefully, set so as not to create a dazzling effect, select medium or low power, soft light is always perceived more easily.
    • Uplights ideal for illuminating roofs, façade elements and highlighting key garden objects - bushes, trees, gazebos, platforms, etc. By illuminating an object from the bottom up, uplights make it stand out. You can install such lamps directly into the ground, the position and direction are easily adjustable.

Original garden lamps

Human fantasy has no boundaries, you can endlessly list the unique, original options for lighting devices, we will single out the two most popular types.

  • Floor lamps mounted vertically and supplied with matt light diffusers. High-tech and retro floor lamps are very popular.
  • Spherical lamps made of carbonate or polycarbonate give a subdued light, fit perfectly into almost any style of landscape design, and in areas of different sizes.

  • From the huge variety of solar-powered luminaires, choosing the right option is not easy, rely on the specific requirements for it and the function that it will perform. Basically, all solar-powered luminaires are mobile, they can be moved from one place to another.
  • Due to the peculiarities of the climate, the use of luminaires recessed into the ground is difficult, in some places they will have to be abandoned.
  • Motion sensors are useful devices for saving energy, but if there are animals in the yard, the sensors should be positioned higher than the height of the animal.
  • If design is in the first place, give up ordinary lamps, come up with something on your own, look for interesting options in different stores, now you can find truly unique pieces, or order what you need from specialists in this field.
  • For the realization of compositions from colored illumination, use LEDs, they allow you to create original lighting effects.
  • To illuminate the garden in winter, an overhead light or lighting fixtures towering over the snow cover are suitable.

It is advisable to think about the lighting system for the garden area at the initial stage of the design of the site, then it will be more difficult, but not so much as to refuse to supply the site with light decor. Look at the proposed photos, mentally transfer some options to your garden, how can you refuse such beauty?

In order not to get lost in your own garden, when it is already dark outside and nothing is visible, you need to create artificial lighting and illuminate your entire suburban area with it. If earlier all the lighting of the territory in front of the house was reduced to only one single lamp, today more and more attention is paid to the lighting of the garden and vegetable garden, as well as the territory of the site. Suburban area lighting. 50 photo options for your summer cottage, garden, personal plot.

Artificial lighting of the backyard area in front of the house can be conditionally divided into two types. The first is functional lighting and the second is decorative lighting.

Functional lighting

The first type is designed for functional lighting, that is, it directly opposes darkness, and for this reason this type of lighting is installed right next to the entrance to the house, garage, bathhouse and other buildings on the site. Suburban lighting photo:

In addition, those lighting fixtures are considered functional if they distribute light along all garden alleys and entrance paths. With all this, designers, or home owners, use lanterns that are located at a height of 1/2 meter to 3 meters. This will already depend on the type of lighting for the summer cottage, since you can create it yourself. In addition, an important role is played by what kind of lighting fixture you install in each particular location.

Lighting fixtures, which have a basement orientation, illuminate only certain areas, and very often can have a cutting effect on the eyes. Their main purpose is to illuminate the most important part of the territory. For example, it can be an entrance to a house or another building, a staircase, or other dangerous areas. It is for this reason that it is important to competently and correctly, sometimes with the help of specialists, to fully and completely think over the lighting of the country house site, what, how and where to place it.

As mentioned earlier, there is such a special concept as functional lighting in garden lighting. This type of lighting uses such types of lighting fixtures as: pole lights, sidewalk lights, and the like. Suburban lighting photo:

Let's now look at what a functional pole lamp is. This type of device for artificial lighting of the site does not hurt the eyes and evenly scatters the light over the surrounding area. Being located in the light zone of such lamps, you can easily see the surrounding area.

Watch the video: Lighting of a summer cottage - how to organize

Lanterns or pole lights will fit perfectly into your garden design when they illuminate alleys, lawns near a house or a pond, or a fountain in a circle. Such a path will look very attractive from the side when small lanterns are illuminated on both sides of it. They can be either 50 cm or 150 cm high.Lighting a suburban area photo:

With regard to sidewalk lighting, this type of lighting is used for orientation in the garden. Such lamps are installed in places where bright light is not required. Recently, it is very common to install such sidewalk lamps directly into a stone slab, which is a road surface, although they can already be attributed to recessed lamps.

The switching on of such luminaires, both sidewalk and mast ones, can be performed both independently, that is, manually, or automatically, using a control panel or a computer program. In addition, such a light in the garden can be turned on using a conventional switch. To use automatic light on, it is important to install touch sensors that will turn the lights on and off in response to your appearance in the garden and movement. Suburban area lighting - see photo:

Decorative lighting in the garden

Devices for providing lighting can be very diverse, because with the help of them you can beat any design and make an excellent decor. Lighting technology perfectly decorates any garden. After all, it is known that in garden lighting there is such a thing as decorative lighting. Decorative lighting for each individual garden is a great opportunity to make any fantasy come true. It is there that you can show your talent in the design art of decorative lighting for a summer cottage. Where, if not at home, it can still be manifested.

In this kind of lighting, you can use a wide variety of types of backlights and forms of lighting devices, from the most common spotlights to a garland with LEDs. After all, it is the decorative landscape lighting of the site that will help create that unique beauty, mystery and mystery, which almost all owners of country houses strive for.

Decorative lighting of a country house site is most often used to highlight the most beautiful and unique places in the garden, such as usually waterfalls, sculptures, fountains, trees and other architectural and natural forms. With all this, experts do not advise using a large number of paints, colors, so as not to violate the ideal harmony of nature and its natural environment.

Designers, lighting specialists, say that only two or three colors are enough to create beautiful decorative lighting for a summer cottage, they just need to be correctly placed. In this direction, special design studios offer their services, which usually first create a garden lighting project on a computer, and only then, taking into account all the wishes of customers, they will bring it to life.

Designing and selecting lighting for decorating any garden is a rather difficult and tedious task that requires a professional and responsible approach. But even if you do not have the skills or funds to use the services of professional designers, do not be discouraged. You can always experiment with lighting in your garden yourself. Even simple illumination of a stone-paved path along its entire length will already create a pleasant atmosphere in your area with the onset of dark. Go for it and everything will work out. See the lighting of the suburban area photo: