How to make a real magic wand with your own hands? Sorcerers' Secrets: How to Make a Magic Wand

Our world is amazing in itself, but sometimes you want to bring a little more magic and magic into it! Few people know that you can make a real magic wand yourself !!! So how? Do you want to learn how to make a magic wand, observing all the magic rules and secrets, how to handle and store it? Follow our instructions exactly, and you will have a personal magic wand that will certainly cheer you up, will serve as wonderful and will make you feel like Harry Potter or an excellent student Hermione.

A real magic wand must be exclusive and individual! Since she herself chooses her own, so to speak, owner and copyright holder. It acts as a conduit for the energy of magic and wonder.

Choice of materials

There are few rules, but they are. Mr. Ollivander confirms!

First, the stick must be natural, i.e. made of wood. It must be chosen in the forest, as city trees are weak in terms of the vitality of the tree. Such trees have a broken connection with the elements.

It is necessary to go to the forest or park for a twig with a positive attitude and complete harmony in the soul. At this moment, you should have a desire to merge with nature. Also time your hike and wand making with the waxing moon phase.

In addition, the tree must itself give you a twig. To do this, you must mentally sincerely make a request to the tree.

Then you have to take a twig in your hand and feel exactly your wand. Close your eyes and listen to your feelings: has the twig become, as it were, an extension of your hand ...

Do not forget to thank the tree and give it some of your positive energy. In this way, the wand will maintain its connection with the forest and generate its energy in itself.

Since ancient times it was believed that elder and hazel are endowed with magical qualities

Cut the twig carefully and quickly with a sharp knife. The stick size should be the same length as your middle finger on your hand to your elbow. It is better to hide the selected twig from prying eyes and bring it home. In the house, she should be saturated with your energy.

Manufacturing technology

Making a stick is a whole sacrament, so it should be hidden from prying eyes.

Remove bark and twigs of your choice. Sand gently with sandpaper to make your stick feel smooth. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce magic words to yourself:

“I conjure you, O almighty branch (oak, maple, etc.) by the forces of four elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire! Take in their strength and power. Be my faithful assistant! "

Further, a hole must be made at the base of the branch. It can be done with a screwdriver, screw, nail, or drill. Do it especially carefully so that the stick does not crack. It is necessary to place a magic core in the hole made. But what kind of core it will be, you need to determine yourself.

If you want someone to help you AIR energy, then you can put in a stick bird feather but not a black crow or rooster.

Crystal or pebble will bestow your wand energy of the EARTH... Perhaps you will choose a stone that has certain properties or suits your horoscope.

You can also use field herbs... For example, rosemary symbolizes long memory, sage wisdom, lavender dedication, laurel glory.

Attention! In no case should you use curry powder when making sticks.

Little coal fill the stick energy of FIRE.

WATER the most complex element, it is unchanging in its variability, therefore it can be symbolized wire, spring washed ashore amber or small sealed flask with water from the source of your choice.

After you have placed the core in the stick, you need to seal the hole in the stick. It is necessary to seal the stick in consecrated water. On the seal, draw the initial letter of the chosen element. Different schools of occultism have different spelling options for the four great elements, choose the one that is closest to you.


Some mages varnish the wand. This is not prohibited, but it is not encouraged either. Better to cover it with natural, pleasantly smelling oil, wrap it in a scarf and leave it there until the next full moon.

However, it all depends on the magician, so you can decorate the stick with beads, stones, or give it the required shape using hot glue and paint it with paint. This is more clearly presented in the master class. igrateshka for novice wizards:

You can also decorate the stick with feathers.

Wrap with a magic twine and add a magic crystal.

Acorns, elements of marine fauna - all this can come in handy in the decor of your stick.

Copper wire will also help in this.

If you own the art, then perhaps you can create a magical masterpiece.

Rite of passage

This is the final stage in the creation of the wand, one might say, the launch of its magic in life. It is recommended to dedicate the wand on Beltane or Walpurgis Night (May 1) or you Saiman (October 31). To do this, at midnight, place the magic wand on a clean white cloth. A lighted candle is placed nearby.

In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the following words: "Become a guide, helper and keeper!" Next, the candle must be extinguished in water and buried in the ground. The ritual must be done completely.

In this case, the owner of the magic wand must remember:

Wishing and doing evil - the wizard will lose his strength. It will happen suddenly and irrevocably!

Do not damage anyone with your wand. Better wish well-being, health, prosperity and joy to your relatives and friends!

Do not drop it anywhere and do not point it at anyone! These are important rules when using it!

Magic wand for the little fairy

Little fairies also need a real magic wand. You don't need to do it according to all the rules, because children have the power to change the world with the help of fantasies, so the wand should only help to feel like a fairy tale!

Take a piece of tape or fabric and cut it into narrow strips. It will look more interesting if the stripes are of different colors. The more there are, the more magnificent the magic wand will be, or rather its top. Collect the cut strips into a fluffy pompom. It can be complemented with beads and satin or silk ribbons. We wrap the stick itself with tape or paint it in the desired color. We collect our stick by attaching our pompom to it! The wand is ready, even a child can make this!

Watch the master class TullnieShtuchki how to make a chic magic wand:

In the same way, you can make a stargazer wand:

In the company of a stick, you can make a small or, with or.

Lace is also relevant in a magical theme!

Beads, rhinestones and feathers are also useful.

Don't forget, the wand may belong to a flower fairy.

We turn a simple pencil into a real magic wand!

This is the easiest way to make a wand out of handy tools at home. First, there is no need to look for a twig on a tree. Secondly, it is easy and simple, and there is a pencil in every home.

We take a pencil, it is better to pick it up with a stiffness index "T" or "T2" and sharpen it, and then decorate the stick with a satin ribbon or other dense fabric.

You can combine ribbons of different colors. Secure the ends of the tapes neatly with glue.

We cut out stars from felt or felt paper that match the color of our stick.

We attach all this to our stick.

The wand is ready, you can go and conjure!

The simplest magic wand is made of paper

The magic wand can also be made from a simple A4 sheet of paper. In addition to this, you will need: PVA glue, a glue gun, scissors, acrylic paints, a brush and glitter.

We take an A4 album sheet, coat about 2/3 of it with PVA glue and begin to carefully twist it into a tube diagonally. In this case, the tube should acquire a conical shape, tapering towards the bottom. We give our future stick to dry and cut off the excess edges with scissors.

Take a glue gun and fill in the void of the stick from the wider edge. Instead of glue, you can fill it with cotton or paper, which is more convenient for you to work with.

After the glue has frozen, you can start decorating the stick. To do this, we use a glue gun to make monograms and intricate patterns on a stick. We are waiting for the pattern to dry.

We cover the stick on top with acrylic paint, decorate the protuberances of the pattern with sparkles.

The magic paper wand is ready!

In more detail and clearly you can see this process in the master class Lusciousbus:

How to make different magic sticks from sushi sticks and old brushes, see the master class Children's channel Veta and Harry:

A wish-fulfilling amulet will help make your wildest dreams come true. A do-it-yourself magic item is capable of performing real miracles.

An amulet that grants any wish

You will need lavender, more precisely, its crushed flowers, a blue shred, candles, honey, rope and a small piece of paper. When creating an amulet, we will turn to an ancient ritual that helps in achieving any goals.

The experts of the site advise the site to attract positive streams to the growing moon. Four candles - four sides of the world. Place them on the floor, at a short distance from each other. Now the most important task: on a piece of paper you need to describe in detail your dream or several desires. Use a piece of cloth to make a small pouch to hold the lavender flowers and your handwritten dream.

Light the candles, stand in the middle, squeeze the bag tightly, and repeat your wish until you feel overwhelmed with positive energy. The bag can be carried with you, or you can hide it in the house. However, after your dream comes true, do not forget to burn the amulet.

Fire amulet

A dream implies not only fulfillment, but also getting rid of all the interfering factors that put a spoke in the wheel. The element of fire will help to rid space of energy blocks. You will need a white rope and a regular candle.

We get rid of everything unnecessary only during the waning moon. Your amulet, which will get rid of all stoppers and obstacles, needs to be charged first. To do this, the rope must be stretched in different directions, thinking about the hated objects that stand in the way of the dream. The more you vent your anger, the better.

After that, rewind the candle with rope from beginning to end. Light the wick and let the candle burn completely. After that, you will receive an amulet that exterminates danger and blocks when wishes come true. Put it in a secret place so that no one will find it and accidentally get it.

For you, we have selected the most effective and time-tested amulets that perfectly fulfill your wishes. As mentioned earlier, you can choose absolutely any assistant for yourself. Even an ordinary bracelet can be turned into a personal amulet by properly charging it. We wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, success and good luck. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and


Find the base for your magic wand. It can be a young tree or a thin stick. It is very important to choose the right type of wood. Going in search of a stick, try to fill your head with bright, positive thoughts, put on light, clean clothes. Do not speak to anyone. To find the stick, you can walk through the forest or park and listen to the trees. Perhaps one of them will attract you to itself. If the walk does not work, sit down near the trees and try to clear your mind with help. You can choose a tree for a magic wand using the horoscope directions. For example, in the Celtic horoscope, a certain sacred tree is assigned to each person. It is not necessary to use any specific methods - trust your intuition, show your imagination. If you concentrate correctly, then you will be visited by a feeling that will tell you where your future magical instrument is. The search process can take a long time, so don't despair right away. There is an opinion that the wand itself should choose you. It is believed that sound woody species will become a strong and reliable base for the stick. When meeting with your future magic wand, say some words to her, make a request, state your desires. What exactly to say is up to you, the main thing is that the words should come from the depths of the soul.

The time to create the stick does not really matter - in winter, and the most important thing is to correctly direct your own in the right direction. When you decide on the right tree, break off the branch. Do not put too much force into this movement: the branch should almost fall into your hands by itself. After that, you need to establish a connection with your wand. To do this, keep it with you at all times, it is better if you come into contact with it as often as possible. When you sleep, the wand should lie next to you.

Immediately after arriving home, immerse the stick base in salt water for 24 hours. Press it down with natural stone to keep it from floating. This process will help clear the branch of negative or just extraneous energy. Then dry it well in the fresh air (preferably in a bright one).

After the connection with the base for the stick is established, you need to process it. To do this, level the cut site, clean the stick of shoots and irregularities. You can adjust the stick to the size you want. Better to do this with a wooden knife.

It is better to remove the bark from the stick without any available means, using only your own hands and nails. Brush the twig until it is pure white. Sand its surface with sandpaper. Try to concentrate on your work. If you have the skill to work with energy, then put it in a stick to charge it. Then cover it with varnish and let it dry. You can decorate it with crystals and other paraphernalia, but if you are new to, then leave it until the times. When creating the wand, keep in mind a rough image of the finished magic attribute. The shape, in principle, can be any - wavy, swirling, and so on.

After that, you need to wait until the stick dries up - about 10-15 days.

The next step is a process called smoothing. To do this, you need a fine-grained pumice stone. You can take a suitable stone. In general, the best choice is a natural stone with a suitable texture. In principle, you can also use a cloth-skin, or a completely simplified version - sanded with a nail file. Try to align the stick as carefully as possible, put your efforts and soul into this process. Ideally, you should have a cylindrical stick. If you feel that such a stick will not work for you, make it taper towards the end. To make the wand more convenient to carry with you, you can make a small hole at its end to thread a string through it. Try to make this hole by hand, an electric drill can damage the delicate wood, and after a while, cracks and scratches will appear on it. When working on a real magic wand, avoid artificial materials. If you wish, you can decorate the stick handle with plastic, rhinestones using glue. The base of the stick should only be made from natural materials.

The processing of the stick is completely completed in 1-2 days after the completion of smoothing. By this time, the tree will be completely dry. After that, you need to carry the wand with you, transfer your energy to it, feed it with the strength of your own.

Now the most important stage is initiation. First you need to carry out preliminary procedures. Transfer the wand, place it where the moonlight is falling. At the same time, place it on natural matter. Place two lighted candles near each end of the stick. Close your eyes and promise the wand as hard as you can not to use it for evil purposes. In order for your wand to be a working instrument, it must be consecrated. To do this, at midnight you need to put it on a cloth, and place a prayer at the ends of the candlesticks. You can come up with words yourself, the main thing is to tune in correctly, concentrate and direct all your will to this action. Depending on you, you can conduct consecration in water, fire, air and earth.

Making a stick is not worth a person with weakened energy. This process requires a lot of inner strength. Therefore, after, for example, a long illness, it will be useful to first recuperate with the help of meditations, quiet relaxation in nature alone.

It is quite possible to make a real magic wand with magic at home. It often takes a lot of time to make a magic attribute.

People with strong energy usually have one year... The energetically weak have a few years. But the manufacturing and training process can be drastically shortened to a few weeks or days.

This will require a lot of work and a huge amount of effort. And no matter how skeptics joke about this, it is quite possible to make a magic wand with magic - the main thing is to believe.

note! An important step in the manufacture of a magic wand is the choice of material and the method of making the attribute.

The easiest way to make a wish-fulfilling stick is for children. First, children have a strong, clean energy. Second, they believe in miracles. Third, they are easy to learn and educate.

In real life, in adults, these qualities are dulled or completely absent, which aggravates the process of filling the wand with magic.

Children are attracted primarily by the appearance of the product.... Often times, little ones want the same wand as Harry Potter.

At home, such a stick can be made from real wood, but another option is also possible, which will quickly and efficiently repeat all the same contours and shapes.

In addition to the material basis for full functioning, a spell and preparation are required.

DIY methods of making a magic wand:

Material for making Manufacturing features
Wood, wood varnish, paint, decorative ornaments The wood stick is made for a long time. First you need to choose the type of wood that suits your personality. It is best if it is a young seedling.

The branch is stripped until it takes the desired shape. All defects are removed with sandpaper.

The finished product is first coated with paint, then with varnish on wood, and only at the end is decorated. Ornaments can be natural stones, beads, textile ribbons, feathers

Several sheets of white paper, PVA glue, gouache, decorations It will not work to make a full-fledged wand out of paper, since paper does not carry the same energy as a plant. But external qualities will not be inferior to anything if everything is done carefully.

A stick is formed from slightly damp sheets of white paper. The paper must be tightly compressed, otherwise the product will be fragile.

You should first add clerical glue to the water to fix the result. After that, staining and decoration is done

Pencil, paint, decor, knife, sandpaper A chopped base is formed from a pencil using a knife. The base is processed with sandpaper. The next steps are painting and decorating.

If you have no experience with wood, you can simply repaint the pencil, and then decorate it additionally

Where and how to store it?

The magic wand must be stored under appropriate conditions so that it does not lose its properties.

Some magicians leave the object of magic in secluded secret places. that only they know about. But you can leave a magic item at home.

Leaving a real wand in a conspicuous place is not worth it - you need to prepare a special place for it, where the magical properties of the object will be preserved.

To store a real magic wand, you need the following storage conditions:

  1. Keep out of the reach of other people... It is best if it is protected by a magic amulet or spell.
  2. The stick itself is placed in a chest or a special handbag.
  3. The casket must be large and reliable... It is good if it is locked.
  4. In order for it to conjure, you need to periodically use magical properties, performing at least elementary spells.

Many magicians, for the full protection of their magical weapons, give birth to special animals. Such a companion will help in preserving the wand and other magical affairs.

How to use it correctly?

A wand that grants wishes requires an appropriate attitude towards itself. It is completely impossible to master a magic subject in 5 minutes.

Some people learn wisdom for years. related to use. The help of more experienced magicians is often needed.

You can also learn how to use a stick on your own, follow the basic rules quite clearly.

How to learn to use correctly yourself:

  • The spell requires maximum concentration of energy.
  • All forces are as accurate as possible aimed at fulfilling desires.
  • The spell must be pronounced clearly and correctly.
  • In the process of witchcraft, you should definitely think about the result. that can work out.
  • Desire must be spoken to oneself at the moment of witchcraft... At the same time, it is stipulated as what is desired at the present time.
  • The attitude should only be positive not only during the spell, but also after the action.
  • You should definitely thank the "Universe", even if the conceived is too incredible and may not come true in the future.
  • After magical actions, you must definitely turn gray for everything that happens to you. The wish will not come true on its own - a program will be sent with the help of which the action itself will be performed.
  • It may take a lot of time to make a wish come true. so it is worth exercising maximum patience.
  • Positive interaction with others will strengthen the magic.

A working magic wand should first be charged with positive energy by doing some good deeds.

Important! Don't pretend if you're in a bad mood or if an unpleasant event has happened recently. Better to postpone magical work.

It is easy to conjure especially on clear days, when there are no magnetic storms and natural disasters.

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People grossly underestimate the power of a simple word spoken in joy or sorrow, mercy or anger. But it can become both a deadly weapon (poison) and a great boon (a healing elixir). This is the essence of the magic of words, which can be used by anyone who wants to comprehend the ancient art of sorcery. About magic in general and the power of witchcraft formulas in particular - below.

Magic words are the essence of the concept spell, which can be denoted as :

A specially created combination of words, phrases or texts, capable of invoking a specific power to achieve the set goals.

A beginner in the world of wizardry and magic usually starts with the magic of words. This is primarily due to its simplicity. To master it, you will not need to walk around churchyards and crossroads with wax candles at the ready. Moreover, you don't even need to leave the house. The whole the ritual can be performed at home, which is extremely attractive for people who do not want to plunge into the seamy part of the witchcraft world.

Spells play an important role in many witchcraft rituals, so it is very important to understand what their meaning and deep meaning is. In no case do not take up the ritual without figuring out how to use the spell correctly. The consequences can be irreparable - both for you and for those close to you.

We will not give specific magic formulas and spells, since they will not serve an inexperienced young magician or sorceress. It's more important to get to know conditions for the successful implementation of a magical ritual... There are three of them. This:

  • Relaxation(the ability to free your head from all unnecessary and weedy).
  • Concentration(the ability to fully focus on the object of magical influence).
  • Visualization(the ability in all details to represent the ultimate goal of the witchcraft ritual).

As soon as you succumb to these three elements, any spell that inadvertently escaped your lips will hit the target. Be diligent in mastering the magic words, and you will start to succeed!

Being, in essence, the next stage in mastering this terrible and at the same time attractive witchcraft reality, the magic of gestures can succumb to a beginner.

Such magic is not necessarily the passes grotesquely sung in literature by the hands of some magician, magician or hypnotist. The movement may be barely noticeable, elusive, but meanwhile, in strength it is unlikely to yield to any obvious witchcraft waving of hands.

As a rule, the magician's energy transmitter is:

The grimace of the magician is not a way to throw someone off balance. Likewise, skilled and skilled sorcerers use gesture magic. Be extremely careful both in using this magic and in contemplating its manifestations. This can be very dangerous.

  • Head.
  • Other limbs.

The most common and desirable in terms of mastering is witchcraft with the help of hands. Small children and even adults, after watching various films, after reading fantastic books, think about how to conjure with their hands. By and large, you can quickly learn that it is easy for fairies, witches, sorcerers, sorcerers and wizards to learn. But from a person it will be required:

Then no obstacles will stop a person on the path of mastering the magic of hands!

The hands of any person are the most powerful instrument of witchcraft. Therefore, in order to learn how to transfer magical energy with their help, you should resort to a number of fairly simple exercises that both children and adults can handle.

Exercise 1. Book between palms

Very easy to learn.

A person will need:

Exercising daily, at some point you will feel a tingling sensation in your fingertips, a general feeling of tension between warmed palms. This is a clear sign of the accumulation of magical powers. Do not give up this business, and witchcraft with the help of the power of the hands will cease to be impossible for you!

Exercise 2. Streams of magical energy

It is a little more difficult, requires more concentration and visualization of the target. Its essence is as follows:

Try to channel your energy for impact on the water, and not on the glass itself. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting burned, injured by glass fragments, etc. Therefore, be more careful about what you want to achieve.

After 5-10 minutes of magical effect on the water, try to check whether it has warmed up, whether it has become warm. If your manipulations have had an effect, then you can proceed to the next exercise. Well, if all your attempts have not been crowned with success - do not grieve! Patience and labor in magic will lead to all benefits. Do not even doubt it.

Exercise 3. Remote exposure

Once you have succeeded in influencing the glass, squeezed in your palms, you need to move on to remote exposure. This is the final step towards mastering the essence of hand magic.

For the exercise you will need the following:

And then the fun begins. You need to concentrate in the same way and direct the magical currents to the glass. When you start to get it right heat the glass without touching, you can increase the distance - one meter, two, ten, etc.

You are now ready to cast with your hands!

And now you have a mute string of questions in your eyes: what to do with all this knowledge? how to force an object to jump around the room with the power of thought? What magic wand spells should a newbie use? I still can't do anything ?! And so on, and so on.

A number of these incoherent, sometimes chaotic and extravagant questions occupy the head of every person who zealously strives to learn levitation in a minute, the ability to move in time, space, etc.

We hasten to upset you - you can do everything, you just don't know about it. After all, the main thing in witchcraft is not spells, ritualization and other crap. The main thing - the power of your thoughts... Direct through your hands (if you like - with the help of a magic knotty stick carved from wood) the power of your desires, and everything that was conceived will surely come true.

Now you definitely don't have to wonder, "How to learn to conjure with real hands"... After all, now nothing is impossible for you: even now, thanks to unpretentious hand passes, you can force even a pencil to rise into the air!

Just do not harm your neighbor, since any magical interference has consequences. After all, they can overtake you if you are not careful.

The magic of thought

The most difficult stage in the comprehension of magical science. Learning to conjure with the help of thought, mental image, oh, how difficult it is! But at the same time it opens up to the magician new opportunities:

Such power raises an ordinary person (albeit endowed with some sacred knowledge) to the rank of a god capable of creating everything out of nothing.

Very few people can achieve such a level, since an applicant for such knowledge is required simply to be inhuman perseverance and diligence. It is unlikely that even one in a million will be able to resort to the magic of thought. But the perseverance is worth it as any initiate can:

As you can imagine, the list of possibilities is endless. Another thing is that only a few can achieve this. And, what is important, only with the assistance of initiates with similar knowledge. True, they very rarely allow themselves to condescend to mere mortals. But, in any case, do not succumb to despondency and set yourself only the most ambitious goals and objectives!

Magic arsenal

Let's summarize some intermediate result. What does a newly-minted magician need in order to comprehend witchcraft, to enter from the ordinary world into the special world?

First you need:

These four areas are very important, so one should not be given preference. You need to move and develop in each position and celebrate the results. Only then will you notice how much your witchcraft abilities have increased.

A few words about magic formulas

If you still have questions about how to learn to conjure, and you urgently need spells for beginners, then do not despair. Next we will give universal magic formula of treatment... Thanks to the intricacies of magic words, you can conjure yourself money, power, luck, etc.

Chthonic forces, the forces of earth and sky, I appeal to you, for I thirst (the reason for conversion) more than the light and joys of life. I conjure by the strength of my spirit! Give me what I ask, I thirst with all my soul and body. Three times to fail me in place (to spit over my left shoulder), if my impulses are unclean. Three times! (beat yourself in the chest, quieter and quieter pronouncing the last witchcraft word of the formula)

But this is just one of the options for a magic phrase. You can create your own as soon as you feel ready. The main thing when creating spells is to be guided by the following rules:

If you follow these rules, then there will be no problems with creating a quality spell.

The magic of words, gestures and thoughts is part of that incomparably powerful force that is called witchcraft. And it only depends on the person how he will use it: for good or, conversely, for evil. It is hoped that you will make the right choice for yourself. Otherwise, there is a risk of feeling all the destructive power of those forces that are on the other side. And they extremely severely punish those who choose the wrong path of atrocities for themselves ...

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