How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: design, installation and useful tips. Concrete blind area around the house - how to do it yourself Step-by-step instructions for building a blind area with your own hands

The blind area is a reinforced concrete belt around the foundation that carries more meanings than one decorative function. This is, first of all, the protection of the base of the object from all kinds of seasonal manifestations and vagaries of the soil. Before installation, it is important to understand its structure, choose the best building materials and start working immediately after the construction of the house is completed, thereby initially extending its life.

What is the function of the blind area

A monolithic base is subject to the destructive effects of natural factors - excess moisture, freezing, mechanical damage as a result of soil swelling. The blind area is designed to reduce manifestations to a minimum - it is impossible to get rid of the consequences at all.

The tasks of a reinforced belt are as follows:

  • Drainage of melt, rain or flood waters from the basement of the house. Short-term interaction will not be able to harm the concrete, unlike stagnation. Without a blind area, constantly wet concrete begins to crumble, exposing itself to the reinforcement, which, in turn, becomes covered with corrosion, respectively, the rigidity of the frame is lost.
  • Preservation of basement temperature without significant drops during peak winter values. The part of the foundation that is underground must remain stable. This is facilitated by the arrangement of the thickness above the ground - the blind area. Even at the stage of filling the main platform, you should take care of its insulation.
  • Stopping ground movements. Depending on the terrain and the type of foundation chosen, the object will experience stresses associated with the vagaries of the soil - a shift in layers, a change in the level of an aquifer, swelling or subsidence. The blind area will reduce negative manifestations.
  • And, of course, the decorative advantage of the blind area. With her, the house looks complete. As a rule, it is faced with decorative stone, tiles, basement siding.

It is not difficult to carry out the work with your own hands, without involving expensive specialists.

Device and calculation of the blind area

The scheme for pouring a reinforced belt around the house is simple and similar to the foundation arrangement. It consists of the following: a ditch with compacted shock-absorbing layers of sand and crushed stone, a reinforcing bar for bonding with the base of the house and the strength of the concrete of the blind area, the actual pouring itself and the subsequent facing.

The technical calculations of the future allotment site are based on the following:

  • The width of the concrete strip extending outside the house is calculated depending on the ledges of the eaves. A minimum of 20 cm is added to their length. By designing the corresponding points, the size of the blind area is obtained.
  • The depth of the ditch is determined by the amortization layers, each of which must be at least 10 cm + 20 cm on the concrete below and above the ground.
  • The angle of inclination of the blind area is 1.5–2 degrees. To navigate without the use of special tools, a point 10 cm high is marked on the foundation and smoothed at 0 to the end of the width of the concrete strip.
  • After the completion of all work, the blind area is equipped with a drainage - a gutter with a drain pipe that goes into a sewer hatch or drain pan.

How to make a blind area with your own hands step by step instructions

An important condition for work is that it is carried out before the start of the first frost + time for setting and hardening.

Tools required:

  • Construction mixer. If it will be used only once, then there is no point in purchasing a factory product. In this case, he is rented. It is undesirable to mix concrete in portions, since intermittent work is fraught with delamination. Besides, it's just overwork.
  • Earthwork tools - shovels, picks, crowbars.
  • Level, trowel, paint brushes, spatulas.
  • Containers for solution and water.

Required materials:

  • Components of cement mortar - amateurs are advised to purchase dry ready-made mixtures, otherwise there is rice to be mistaken with the proportions.
  • Formwork boards, fasteners.
  • Reinforcing bar or finished mesh.
  • Sand and crushed stone.
  • Herbicides may also be required - substances that stop vegetation on the site, it is imperative to rid it of moisture stores.

Soil preparation

A ditch for the blind area is dug manually. Such actions will not damage the basic foundation of the house. If the platform has not yet been properly insulated and waterproofed, now there is a reason to make the necessary protection. In addition, the foundation is rarely left without cladding and the laying of additional layers is a common thing.

Warming and waterproofing

  • Dry the substrate thoroughly after removing the thickness of the soil.
  • The surface of concrete is coated with molten bitumen and, without waiting for it to dry, styrene plates are glued.
  • A thick layer of bitumen is also applied on top, paying particular attention to the seams and joints.
  • At the junction, coating with bitumen should be carried out several times when the previous layer is completely dry. The thickness of the waterproofing agent will form an expansion joint and no fracture of concrete surfaces will occur with possible soil movements.


The ditch is being tamped. To do this, use a special tool or a wide board. The first layer, cushioning the structure, will go sand, it is also thoroughly rammed, pre-moistened with water. Then rubble. It is better to acquire screenings - its small fractions will fit tightly, and the blind area will receive the greatest strength.

Reinforcement of the blind area

Without reinforcement, not a single concrete product can withstand loads. Therefore, a reinforced mesh or a self-cut and connected rod is placed on a crushed stone surface. For reliability, the binder wire is pierced through the thickness of the mineral layers, thus fixing it in the ground.

The section of the formwork rod should not be less than 10 mm. And in the case of a significant height of the blind area to the foundation wall - from 12 mm. For complete unity with a common platform, a strobe is selected in the walls and pieces of reinforcement are inserted inside.

The total amount of reinforcement is determined individually, depending on the width and size of the blind area. If a network is used, then you do not need to be smart with the step of installing the rods - the reinforcement is simply laid over the entire area. Individual rods are located at a distance of 20 cm and more often if the design is impressive.

Formwork device

Since the angle of inclination of the blind area is small, you should not be afraid that the thickness of concrete will go to the outside of the box - the solution is kneaded with plastic, but not liquid. The formwork itself is shields of the same height. They are installed with temporary supports - pegs - supporting the wet mass. The height of the boards must be sufficient so that the solution does not go beyond the contours. In the form of beacons, slats are stuffed on the edges of the formwork - they will help maintain the desired level of filling.

Filling the blind area

Having determined the speed of your own work, you can start mixing in small portions. When the consistency is satisfied, the solution is transferred to the formwork in buckets. Poured out carefully, without disturbing the crushed stone layer and the reinforcing mesh. To make sure that the blind area does not give delamination, the thickness is pierced with a reinforcing bar, expelling the air. Thus, all the work is done.

After full filling, the surface is smoothed and spilled with cold water within a week. The appearance of white foam on the concrete means that the mass has completely subsided. After that, the blind area is left alone until it fully sets.

Drainage device

A ditch is dug along the edge of the blind area and drainage trays are placed in it, so that plastic or metal products are not visible along the horizon. They are covered with lids, and movement on your own site will become safe.

You can also use PVC pipes cut in half, however, factory-made perforated products are convenient and look decent. You do not need to bother about the outlet pipes - you only need one, for the direct descent of waste masses into the sewer or storm drain.

It is worth thinking about electric heating of trays or gutters - during snowfalls and ice melting, blockages from precipitation are not uncommon, which causes flooding of areas and, accordingly, the interaction of the mass of concrete with moisture.

Decorative cladding

When the main work is done, you should think about how to adequately submit the construction of the blind area. Most often, the owners of private houses use paving slabs for this purpose. It is easy to fit, has a rich palette, and is inexpensive. With it, the foundation of the house and the object itself will acquire a presentable and dignified appearance.

It is important to choose the matching of tones. Ceramics, asphalt, decorative stone are also popular. Depending on the financial ability, you choose your own option.

The blind area is a necessary element that performs protective functions and maintains the integrity of the foundation. You can build a reliable blind area yourself, without having special skills and experience. During its construction, it is recommended to provide additional protection to strengthen the foundation of the building. In this article, we will consider step by step instructions for building a blind area.

DIY blind area construction

Blind area: how to build?

When constructing a solid concrete blind area, it is possible to almost completely protect the base of the building from the effects of a humid environment, temperature extremes, mechanical damage, due to the "movement" of the soil. The construction of the blind area smooths out the negative impact of the environment and protects the base of the building from destruction.

It performs the following functions:

  • Drainage of rain and melt water from the base of the house. If we neglect its construction, then the moisture will be close to the foundation for a long time. Because of this, it will begin to collapse, the reinforcement inside it, which serves for strengthening, will corrode.
  • Suspension of soil displacement, namely, displacement of soil layers, swelling, subsidence.
  • Preservation of technical indicators, preventing them from significant fluctuations.

Determination of the parameters of the blind area

For the correct erection of a durable structure, they are guided by specially developed regulatory documents and SNiPs. For example, when constructing a concrete structure, it is necessary to provide that the end point of the protruding overhang of the roof covering is 20 cm less than the width of the slope. The calculation should also include the parameters of the water supply system. In addition, the width of the blind area also depends on the characteristics of the soil, its type. Most often, the width of the structure is about one meter, in which case it will serve not only to protect the foundation, but also as a walkway.

The deepening of the blind area depends on the depth of freezing of the soil in the winter, and it must be able to move along with the movement of the soil. Otherwise, its purpose will be only in the drainage of water. The minimum thickness of the blind area around the perimeter of the house is at least 10 cm. If there is a built-in garage, then the indicator should be increased to 15 cm so that it can withstand heavy loads (for example, the weight of a car). The length of the protection strip depends on the size of the building. Around the porch, it is usually not built.

Fill rules

The blind area is poured at an angle that is directed from the base, and its value is about 10%. The exact parameters of the angle of inclination depend on the nature of the soil, the amount of precipitation. The most commonly used tilt angle is up to three degrees. The minimum height above the soil level is 5 cm, which allows moisture to drain off and away from the edges. When constructing a rigid blind area, the height of the basement part is at least 50 cm, and at least 30 cm, for soft protection. Depending on the desires of the owners of the site and financial capabilities, a decision is made whether to build a curb or not, since it has a purely decorative value. But, a border is necessary if green spaces (blackberries, raspberries, poplar) grow next to the structure being erected, whose root system is capable of destroying the blind area.

Types of blind area. The concrete structure involves the construction of a reinforced strip along the entire perimeter and the use of two main elements:

  • Underlying layer formed from materials that prevent moisture from penetrating to the foundation. In this capacity, clay, sand, fine gravel and geotextiles have proven themselves well. You can combine the composition of materials.
  • A decorative element that serves as a covering and decoration.

The construction of the blind area is carried out by analogy with the construction of the foundation, namely:

  • ditch preparation;
  • laying layers of sand and gravel, acting as a shock-absorbing cushion;
  • frame construction from reinforcement;
  • directly filling the blind area and finishing.

The blind area is divided into three types: soft, semi-rigid, rigid. They differ among themselves in terms of service life, features of their design and material used for construction. Most often, concrete protection is constructed, which is a monolithic canvas. Asphalt options are of a similar type. If it is supposed to insulate the structure, then it should only be rigid. Otherwise, it is impractical to lay insulation. The monolithic blind area has a long service life, similar to the main structure, but it also has disadvantages:

  • the process is labor intensive and time consuming;
  • considerable financial investments;
  • paving a small area is not worth the investment.

Semi-rigid protection is a multi-layer cushion, the upper part of which is formed from several options: concrete slab, cobblestone, porcelain stoneware, paving slabs. Such a system is less expensive both financially and in terms of resources, but it is not used on heaving soil. Unity in design can be achieved if the blind area is laid out from the same material from which the rest of the tracks are made.

Semi-rigid design advantages:

  1. long service life, subject to the laying technology - up to 30 years;
  2. there are no restrictions on climatic conditions;
  3. low cash costs, it is easy to carry out current repairs.

The most budgetary option is to make a soft blind area. But it also has a shorter service life, about 7 years. During its construction, a cushion of several layers is formed and covered from above with fine gravel or gravel. When constructing a blind area, it is recommended to complete all work before the onset of frost, so that the structure can freeze qualitatively (if it is concrete) and sit down.

Before starting work, prepare the area for the construction. First of all, markup is done, which will facilitate further work. After that, a trench is dug, at least 15 cm deep, and on heaving soil - at least 30 cm.Do not forget about creating a bevel, making for this a different depth at the points of inclination. The bottom of the dug trench is carefully tamped with a log. Before the construction of the blind area, a wooden formwork is installed, fastening the boards from the outside. If in the future its dismantling is not planned, then the boards must first be treated with an antiseptic and wrapped with waterproofing material (roofing material).

After the construction of a house or any other building, the primary task is to build a blind area around the perimeter of the building. This is a protective layer that surrounds the building along its border, and serves to drain water from the house at a certain distance. It performs a number of useful functions that provide foundation protection and long-term operation of the structure as a whole. The purpose of this article is to show how you can make a blind area around the house with your own hands, choosing the most suitable option.

  1. Foundation protection... When properly laid, the blind area prevents rain and melt water from entering the building foundation. This contributes to the preservation of the integrity of the foundation, which can be disturbed by moisture penetrating into the ground and freezing.
  2. Improving the thermal insulation of the foundation and at home in general. The blind area creates an additional insulating layer that reduces the effect of negative temperatures on the soil around the building.
  3. The blind area complements the building, giving the house completeness... Often the appearance of the blind area is selected so that it is in harmony with the structure.
  4. Practical use as a walkway... This makes it possible to move comfortably around the building or between adjacent buildings.

Types of blind area

Before starting the manufacture of the blind area, you need to decide which of its types you will use. Let's list the possible options:

Tip: It is not recommended to use porcelain stoneware as a covering for blind areas. When placed in the top layer of concrete, it will have a different coefficient of expansion with temperature fluctuations than concrete. The result may be tearing or cracking of porcelain stoneware.

Construction rules

When the construction of a blind area around the house is carried out, several mandatory rules should be followed:

Tip: Be sure to cover the wooden battens used to make expansion joints with some kind of water-repellent material to prevent them from rotting. It can be bitumen, drying oil, mastic, etc., diluted in kerosene.

We make a blind area from concrete

This is a building classic that is used for most buildings. The concrete blind area around the house must be made in accordance with all the rules applicable to this type of structure. It is a fairly reliable and simple design.

What is required for construction:

  • bayonet shovel, which will remove the soil;
  • cord for marking;
  • building level for the correct setting of the formwork and ensuring the angle of inclination of the pour;
  • Master OK;
  • a rule for smoothing the solution;
  • sand;
  • boards for formwork and the manufacture of expansion joints;
  • crushed stone;
  • water;
  • ready-mixed concrete or cement;
  • roofing material or bitumen for creating expansion joints;
  • a container for mixing the solution, if it will be made independently.

The procedure for making a blind area from concrete

Now let's look at how to fill the blind area around the house with concrete mortar.

1. Marking the construction site. At this stage, pegs are driven along the perimeter of the building, which are at the same distance from the walls of the building. A distance of 1.5-2 m is maintained between the pegs. The cord is pulled, limiting the width of the future formwork.

2. By means of a bayonet shovel, the soil layer is removed to a depth of 30 cm. As a result, a trench should form between the foundation and the stretched cord. To improve the waterproofing properties of the blind area, it is recommended to lay a layer of clay on the bottom of the trench.

3. The bottom of the trench is tamped. For this purpose, it is best to use a rounded log.

Tip: If plant roots remain in the trench, then the bottom of the trench is additionally treated with special chemicals to destroy them. Such processing will not allow plants to destroy the already finished formwork.

4. Formwork is placed along the perimeter of the trench. For its manufacture, you can use boards, pieces of flat slate and other materials. The boards can be fixed to the pegs with self-tapping screws, while other materials are secured with spacers.

5. Provides filling of sand in the trench with a layer of 10 cm, which is desirable to moisten with water and tamp.

6. Crushed stone is laid on the sand, but gravel can also be used. Backfill layer - 6-8 cm.

7. Across the trench, with a step of 2 meters, boards are placed on the edge, which will compensate for the temperature shifts of the concrete layer. In addition, the boards will act as beacons when concreting.

8. A reinforcing mesh is laid on the crushed stone or a frame is made of reinforcement with a cell of 10 cm. If reinforcement is used, then all joints are interconnected by welded joints or wire.

9. Concrete mortar is poured in compliance with the appropriate slope. Using the rule, the solution is smoothed between the wooden beacons.

10. While the solution has not frozen, its surface is ironed. For this, the concrete surface is sprinkled with cement and smoothed with a trowel. This helps to reduce the porosity of the finished surface.

Making a soft blind area

The so-called soft blind area around the house can be independently made using the following materials and tools:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • cord and pegs;
  • crushed stone;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • roll waterproofing material.

The crushed stone blind area around the house is usually done in cases where the owners do not plan to regularly repair this structure, as well as in case of insufficient financial resources. It has a fairly simple design, and the time for its arrangement is minimized.

Manufacturing procedure

1. The area is marked and the cord is pulled on the driven pegs.

2. A trench is dug between the cord and the wall of the house, which has a depth of 30 cm.

3. The trench is lined with a layer of clay of at least 10 cm. The clay is well rammed.

4. A roll-up waterproofing agent is placed on the clay. A thick euroruberoid is best suited. He must necessarily go to the wall by 10-15 centimeters.

Important: Do not lay the waterproofer with an interference fit, as in the cold, expanding water and soil movements can break it. Better to let the material sit freely and has several folds.

5. The waterproofer is covered with a small layer of sand.

6. All the rest of the space to the surface of the trench is covered with rubble.

It is advisable to make such a blind area if water does not get onto it from the roof. Otherwise, the water will form gullies in it.

We looked at how to make a soft blind area around the house. . If you wish, you can refine the structure, making it more attractive. A layer of rubble from above can be covered with sand, and paving slabs can be laid on top.

Insulation of the blind area

A warm covering will increase the temperature in the basement, making it more comfortable to stay in them. For work, it is better to use extruded polystyrene foam, which is popular in the construction environment. It has a high density and cuts well.

The insulated blind area around the house is made in the following sequence:

  1. The formwork is installed by analogy with the concrete blind area.
  2. A 15 cm trench is covered with dry sand.
  3. The sand is covered with roofing material, which comes into contact with the wall.
  4. The sheet insulation is cut with a knife according to the specified dimensions and laid on top of the roofing material. The absence of material movement is ensured. Insulation of the same thickness and structure is used.
  5. A reinforcing mesh is placed on top of the insulation.
  6. The final layer is concrete.

Such insulation of the blind area with extruded polystyrene foam does not outwardly differ from ordinary concrete pouring, but it is more desirable for houses with heated basements or with shallow foundations, as well as for heaving soils.

Making a blind area around the house yourself is a great way to relatively inexpensively and efficiently protect your buildings from the harmful effects of moisture. When the work is done independently, there can be no disdain for the subject of construction.


Blind area- a concrete or asphalt strip with a width of 50 to 100 cm, encircling the entire house around the perimeter.

The main purpose of the blind area is to protect the foundation from moisture.

In addition, the design of the blind area allows you to keep the soil, which is located at the base of the house, dry.

This significantly reduces the load on the foundation in winter, with sudden temperature changes. In the article we will talk about the types of materials that can be used for the blind area, and also describe the step-by-step technology for its creation.

Types of blind area and basic requirements for it

Depending on the materials used, the blind areas are divided into the following:

  • Concrete;
  • From;
  • Brick;
  • Asphalt concrete.

Choice material for the blind area is most often determined by the type of soil and the design of the site.

In addition, a blind area made in accordance with all the rules must comply with several requirements:

  • Have good waterproofing properties;
  • Retreat from the plane of the roof overhang by 25 - 30 cm... If this distance is less, then the blind area will not be able to protect the foundation from moisture;
  • The width of the blind area on loose (sandy and sandy loam) and mobile soils should be at least 90 cm, on dense (clayey) - quite enough 60 cm.
  • The angle of inclination of the brick blind area is - 50 degrees, concrete - 30 degrees.

Failure to meet even one of the requirements will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the blind area. This is especially important to know for those who decided to make it. do it yourself.

Creation of a blind area

Very often, after the construction of a house, construction companies neglect the protection for the foundation, and they have to do it on their own.

It is not difficult to make a blind area, especially if you choose the simplest and most common option - concrete... Special skills and tools are not required, you only need the desire and knowledge of some of the nuances.

Tools and materials

For self-production of the blind area, you will need:

  • Edged board 25x100mm;
  • Cement, sand, crushed stone medium-sized (no larger than 20 mm) or ready-mixed concrete;
  • Nylon cord;
  • Ax, hacksaw, hammer;
  • Building level;
  • Shovel and bayonet shovel;
  • Rule- the rail with which the solution is leveled.

If everything is ready, you can proceed to the next stage.


The first step is to mark the future blind area. The easiest way to do this is with plumb line.

This primitive device is a nylon cord with a weight tied to it. It is necessary to fasten one end of the cord to the roof overhang, and lower the load to the soil surface.

At the point of contact of the load with the ground, they hammer peg.

There must be at least such marks 3, along each wall, two at its corners and one between the corners, across the wall. Now you need to move all the pegs from the basement of the building to a distance 25-30 cm.

The new position of the marks and will determine width blind areas. It remains to pull a nylon cord between the pegs and the marking can be considered complete.

After marking the contours of the trench, you can start removing the topsoil. The key is the depth of the trench. It completely depends on the type of soil, but should be at least 15 cm, and for loose soils it can reach 30 cm.

After digging up the soil, the bottom of the trench must be compacted. There are many ways to do this, for example, you can use a homemade rammer. It represents a piece of log with a diameter 10-15 cm and about 1m, with a perpendicular crossbar nailed to its end.

The crossbar acts as a handle, so it is best to use an old shovel handle, up to 50 cm... Grasping the handle with both hands, lift the rammer up by at least 30 cm and force it down onto the compacted soil. This is done many times until the earth at the bottom of the trench is no longer loose.

Important! If during compaction the soil gives a large subsidence, the trench should be deepened.

Waterproofing and formwork

Sand is poured at the bottom of the trench, this will be the so-called sand cushion. Its thickness must be at least 5 cm, with compulsory compaction.

Then a layer is put waterproofing... As it can be used as traditional materials, polyethylene and roofing felt, and modern, for example, waterproofing.

The main thing is to ensure that there are no gaps at the joints of the waterproof material. From above it is poured again 5 cm sand. The last layer will be crushed stone, they fill the trench to the soil surface.

The formwork is a wooden frame, into which, subsequently, concrete will be poured. For its manufacture, edged boards with a thickness of 25 mm and width 100 mm... They are installed along the outer edge of the trench and fastened with self-tapping screws.

Please note that the formwork cannot be poured in one large slab of concrete. After drying, it is necessary cracks... Therefore, the entire formwork is divided into several parts.

Most often this is done using slats, thick 15 mm, which on one side are attached to the basement of the building, and on the other to the formwork boards, at a distance 1.5 - 2.5 m apart. This will provide the structure with additional strength.

You may be interested in the article: "Do-it-yourself paving area":

Pouring with concrete

The quality of the upper part of the blind area is almost completely determined concrete.

Violation of production technology or non-observance of proportions significantly affect its strength. Better, of course, to use ready concrete delivered directly from the factory.

But not everyone can afford it, so most often the solution is made independently. Given the large amount of work with concrete, it is advisable to use concrete mixer.

The weight ratio of the components for the preparation of concrete mixture is approximately as follows: 1 part cement, 2 parts sand and 3 parts crushed stone... For example, for 100 kg of cement we need 200 kg of sand and 300 kg of crushed stone.

The concrete is poured in 2 stages. The thickness of the first concrete layer should be approximately 5 cm, after which the blind area is reinforced, i.e. reinforced by metal. This is to prevent cracking. As a metal structure, most often, a wire mesh with a diameter of 3 mm.

It is laid directly on the grout. The top layer of concrete must provide the required angle of inclination, for a concrete blind area it is 30 degrees... This is done with the help of the rule, with which the solution is leveled. Do not forget about the appearance of the blind area, you need to smooth it as quickly as possible, until the solution begins to set.

Work continues until the entire blind area is flooded. It is advisable to do this within one day, which will be an additional guarantee of quality.

Attention! Drying of concrete should take place at a certain humidity, therefore, until the maximum set of strength, it must be watered with water 2-3 times a day and protected from sunlight with wet rags.

A few words in conclusion. The house is being built for more than one decade and it is quite natural that over time, the blind area will have to be repaired or changed completely. To make this happen as little as possible, you need finish the base building waterproofing materials and think over drainage from the roof.

You can see detailed information on the construction of a blind area with your own hands in this video.

27.03.2016 0 comments

During operation, the blind area of ​​the house performs several functions - it protects the foundation from external influences, reduces wear on the main structure. Do-it-yourself blind area around the house is not as difficult as it might seem. It must be done at the last stages of construction, this will preserve the structural integrity of the foundation after the construction work is completed.

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Features of technology and functional tasks of the blind area

A properly organized blind area will be a durable structure, and the installation process will not be too complicated and time-consuming. When all the nuances have been studied, it is very simple to correctly make a blind area around the house - it will not take much time, it will be possible to save on construction work. For a residential building, it is necessary for the following reasons:

  • Reliable protection of the foundation from precipitation (rain, snow) and other external climatic influences.
  • Water disposal through a drainage system. In the blind area, drainage gutters are organized, with the help of which reliable protection of the foundation and basement from moisture is ensured.
  • Improved thermal insulation performance. If all layers are arranged correctly, if materials intended for thermal insulation are used, not only the basement will become warmer - it is possible to reduce the degree of soil freezing near the house.
  • Aesthetics - have excellent decorative properties. The exterior of the building will be completed architecturally.
  • It is possible for the blind area to perform practical functions - it will be used as a small path that surrounds the house along the entire perimeter. If there are plantations next to the building, such a structure will allow you to move around the house without harming the plants.
Almost all private houses are now being built with a blind area. It has become an indispensable architectural element, especially since it is not at all difficult to make a blind area with your own hands. The structure, size and appearance are individually selected for each building to effectively protect the foundation and basement.

What could be the design?

The process of building a blind area around the house begins with determining its structure, specific parameters, as well as external cladding. Most often it is made from the following materials:

  • crushed stone;
  • monolithic reinforced concrete structure;
  • natural stone, paving stones, paving slabs.

How to make a blind area with your own hands if the foundation is columnar or floating? For them, the use of a combined drainage system is allowed. Whatever the materials and construction of the blind area, it will be multi-layer, and a long service life can only be ensured if the relevant construction standards are observed. In most cases, the design will consist of the following parts:

  • base (bottom layer used as bedding for the rest);
  • materials with good waterproofing properties to protect against moisture;
  • a layer with drainage structures for drainage;
  • two outer layers, the first of which is protective and the second decorative.

Preparation for construction

When a blind area is being erected with your own hands, step-by-step instructions will help you carry out all the stages of construction correctly. The first stage is preparatory, when all design parameters are determined, including material and dimensions. The main indicator is the width of the strip - according to the recommendations, it should be at least 60 centimeters. Before the final choice of the project, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that can affect its overall dimensions:

  • Features of the roof, cornices, removal range. Make the blind area 20-30 centimeters longer than the roof removal.
  • Architectural and design features of the building. If the structure of the house contains architectural elements with a broken or rounded shape, the execution of the blind area can be made appropriate by organizing a bundle with other buildings and design elements of the adjacent area.
  • Type of soil at the construction site of the blind area. If the soil is characterized by a significant degree of subsidence, the optimal width is at least 90 centimeters or even 1 meter. More than a meter wide - high drainage efficiency and the ability to use it as a circular path.

The main condition is that the arrangement of the blind area should be such that the foundation of the house and the basement receive reliable protection from moisture (continuous construction).

Determination of the slope

A high-quality and reliable design is obtained while observing the requirements for the slope, as this will ensure reliable water drainage. The slope of the blind area of ​​the house to the ground, according to the recommendations, is from 1.5 to 5 degrees... The exact value is determined based on the climate in the region and the decorative coating used. If the main material is crushed stone, the structure will require a greater slope of the blind area than when using paving stones or paving slabs. You can form the corner initially (by placing the base with a slope), or already when working with a decorative coating - the last outer layer.

Construction Materials

When all the features of the project are determined, you can begin to calculate the amount of building materials, as well as select the appropriate tool and other construction equipment. In all cases, sand and gravel should be present in the litter layer. For certain types of soil, it is recommended to use clay in the litter, which at the same time acts as a waterproofing agent. Most often, the blind area is made in the form of a one-piece monolithic structure of concrete; for effective preparation of the solution, one cannot do without a concrete mixer, containers for it, as well as reinforcing metal reinforcement.

Concrete preparation

To make the blind area strong and reliable, it is necessary to use concrete grades M250 - M350, but sometimes a higher class is chosen. The classic composition for filling the blind area is 8.5 parts, of which 3 is sand, 4 is crushed stone, 1 is cement and 0.5 is water. Cement and water are mixed in a concrete mixer until a homogeneous mixture is obtained - a connector for crushed stone and sand. The remaining components of the mixture are poured into the concrete mixer in portions, the materials in this case are distributed evenly.

It is required to control the moisture content so that the mixture does not turn out to be too liquid. The water should saturate the cement well, but it is poured exactly as much as needed for soaking. The larger the crushed stone, the lower the ratio of the amount of water and other components (optimal crushed stone fractions are from 0.5 to 2 centimeters). The sand is sieved and washed before being added to the solution to eliminate impurities.

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of a concrete blind area

The monolithic structure is reliable and durable, well protects the main structures of the house from the destructive action of moisture. It is not difficult to make such a blind area with your own hands, and therefore it is considered the most common. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Final stages of work

The laying of all inner layers is completed with the drying of the concrete mortar. To make the blind area of ​​high quality, it is necessary to ensure a uniform drying rate of the solution without additional funds. Drying too quickly can lead to the formation of cracks, which will disrupt the waterproofing properties of the blind area, making them less quality and durable.

To prevent the concrete from drying out quickly, cover it with a film or wet cloth. The structure will be fully ready for use only after 15-20 days, and it is then that you need to start finishing. The most common materials for decorating blind areas are ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. You can use special compounds that will combine protective and decorative properties.

The arrangement of the blind area is not one of the types of work that can only be trusted by professionals. Do-it-yourself blind area according to the step-by-step instructions given above is done quickly and without additional costs. The total cost will include only the price of materials and tools.

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