How to make garden lamps with your own hands. Lamps for giving: bright ideas for handmade lovers. Decoration for the site and at home: photo

Surely, in the country, each person can find a completely unnecessary, old canned jar. But she can find just wonderful and very useful, and besides, decorative use! For example, you can make a garden lamp out of it. In addition, lanterns in summer cottages, and not only in summer cottages, it can be an ordinary residential house with a plot in the city, they are always in demand, and will never be superfluous! And we need lanterns in the evening, and even more so at night! In the summer, the originally designed backlighting of the landscape in the summer cottage will add special warmth.

And, the main thing that is needed to make a very interesting version of a fake, but very useful and beautiful, is to find an unnecessary tin can. Also prepare nails and a hammer, as well as leaves to make designs.

And so, getting started, to make a street garden lamp, the jar should be thoroughly cleaned. When preparing it, remove the entire label, which is very convenient and quick to do with water and soapy water. After that, wipe the jar with a dry towel. Of course, if the jar is too old and has had time to corrode, it is better not to use it right away. To dry the jar as efficiently as possible, pour about three-quarters of the sand into the jar.

Then you need to add water there, while there is sand. Then put the jar in the freezer of the refrigerator. Yes, this way of making a garden lantern will be the most unusual!

You need to wait until the water in the jar is completely frozen and only then you can get it out of the freezer.

Choose in advance, as already mentioned, a leaf for a design that you like more than this with its size and shape. And when you have already taken the jar out of the freezer, now you will need a leaf. Look at the photo of the garden lantern presented on our website. Approximately in the same form, bring your leaf to the bank. Cover the leaf with plain film and look again to make sure the size and shape of the leaf is right for you.

Next, take a nail and a hammer to make the first hole. To prevent the leaf from fidgeting, it is best to seal it with tape. The first carnation should be driven in at the very top of the leaf. So you fix it directly on the bank. But do this procedure carefully so that the sheet is not damaged / or torn.

Then, to create a beautiful symmetrical pattern, you should use the same nail to make holes in the jar along the contour of the entire leaf, as well as along its veins. Holes must be at the same distance from each other.

When you're done, you can take off the sheet and check what you've got. It is important that the drawing of the leaf itself is fully consistent with the original.

Take paint that has a spray bottle in it and paint the can. It is better to do this in a bright, well-lit place so that you get the desired shade.

Approximately a day will be required for the jar to dry completely. And this is very important. Although, in principle, now there are paints that dry much faster. The main thing is that the room is well ventilated and dry.

A large and well-groomed garden has always been the pride of the owners of a summer cottage. But in order for the garden to sparkle with special colors, it is necessary to correctly place accents in it with the help of some design ideas and decorative elements. For example, by placing several original lanterns in the garden, you will not only change its appearance, but also receive certain amenities in the form of lighting at night.

In addition, you can make lanterns on your own and with minimal financial investment. At the same time, your product will be exclusive, thanks to your bold and bright imagination, and you will be pleased to hear compliments addressed to you.

Variety of options and their nuances

First, you should decide what exactly you want to see in your garden kingdom: lanterns or lamps, as these are different things.

Lamps are small lighting devices that often play the role of lighting paths or sidewalks. Lanterns perform a full-fledged lighting function more than a decorative one.

In addition, you need to know what garden lights are. Depending on the signs, they are classified:

By type of installation: wall or ground (floor). In addition, they can be fixed directly to the wall (ground) or suspended, in which case a special support is required.

According to the type of power supply, electrical appliances are mainly used, which are divided into volatile or non-volatile.

In the first case, you will need to lay electrical wiring at 220 volts or 12.24 volts at direct current. The second option is safer to use. Non-volatile ones are powered by solar panels that are built into their body.

According to the functionality of the equipment: non-volatile lights are more profitable to use, they can be controlled, as they are equipped with special motion and light sensors that are triggered when certain conditions occur (they react to moving objects and darkness). The same equipment can be equipped with volatile lighting sources.

Any lamp, including LED, can serve as a source of light emission in garden lamps. But flashlights with LED sources in the event of a burnout of the LEDs are subject to major repairs, and are most likely disposable. But if you are a master with a capital letter, then this will not be a problem for you, and you can easily deal with it.

Making lanterns with your own hands

Making a lantern with your own hands is not difficult. The whole process is carried out in three stages:

Support manufacturing. In this case, you can either purchase a finished product, or make it yourself. It can be made from improvised materials of the desired length and suitable diameter, and the bracket can be made from ordinary wire with a cross section of 6 mm. In addition, it will be stylish and modern.

Drawing up an electrical circuit. Everything is simple here: a light bulb holder is connected to the cable, if necessary, you can add a network adapter to the circuit if it is not installed in the house.

Creation of a plafond. This process is the most responsible, since the ceiling should look aesthetically pleasing and protect the bulb holder from moisture. Of course, it's easier than ever to go to the store and buy the finished product. But, as they say, you can save money, besides, there is an opportunity to show your own creativity.

In principle, making a garden lantern with your own hands is not at all difficult. However, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to save your nerves and purchase the option you like on the market.

Step into the past

The first lanterns lit up the streets of London in the 15th century at the behest of the city's mayor. Two centuries later, the French picked up this idea, and by the end of the 17th century, the light of street lamps filled almost all Parisian corners.

In our country, lanterns have settled down in St. Petersburg for a long time. Until 1879, only oil sources of lighting were used, which were later replaced by electric ones.

Lighting plays a significant role in garden landscape design. Lanterns will decorate it not only at night, but also during the day due to various configurations, modern materials used, colors and quality of the emitted light. The photo shows various options for landscape design of the site and garden using garden lights, various models and configurations.


In order to successfully place the lanterns in the garden in the country, it is necessary, first of all, to establish for what functions they are installed:

  • for security. To do this, lanterns are installed near the gate or gate, in the far corners of the yard, along paths, etc.
  • for relax. In this case, it is enough to place them in the play areas, near the gazebo, on the terrace, etc.
  • for garden decoration. As a decoration, lanterns are used near small ponds, benches or pools, on the steps.


As you can see, you can decorate the garden with both homemade lanterns and those purchased ready-made, in addition, they will perform the same function: illuminate the site and the garden.

And do not forget about safety, so the installation of the structure must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. Make your garden beautiful and modern! Good luck!

Photo of garden lights

Garden lamps not only illuminate the area, making it safer in the evening, but also decorate it. Many species are designed to highlight flowers, bushes, trees. In the latter case, pendant lights are more often used, since they do not obscure the tree; they usually have special discreet clothespins. This type is also used to illuminate the house, gazebo, fence.

There are also ground options. These are the ones that are right in the ground. Their advantages:

  • they are invisible;
  • beautifully illuminate the plant from below.


Garden lamps columns, on the contrary, rise above the ground. They are made so diverse that several subspecies need to be distinguished. First of all, they are high and low. Low ones do not attract much attention, allowing the eye to focus primarily on plants. They cost from 500 rubles.

In contrast, the high ones immediately draw attention to themselves. Therefore, they must be beautiful, regardless of the style in which they are made. In shape, they can be either in the form of a luminous pole or box, or in the form of a classic garden lamp.

The last type looks very noble. It costs from 3000 rubles to several tens of thousands. Price depends on design and size. Perfectly illuminates the surrounding area. But there is also a minus - it is almost impossible to do it yourself.

solar powered

Solar powered garden lights are among the most popular. They do not need to be connected to the mains or power supply, as they shine due to the light energy accumulated by them during the day.

Some people think that recharging only happens on a sunny day. However, it is not. The battery will last even a rainy day, then to give energy all night.

If such a lamp has been lying in the room for a long time, at first it may not work. To correct this situation, it only needs to be placed on the street.

But, despite the economy, such an instance has one significant drawback - it does not shine very brightly. Therefore, if you need a bright light, you will have to choose a different type. However, with the decorative role of highlighting the tracks, this type copes perfectly.

How to do it yourself

Some do not want to spend money on a purchase, and they are curious to try their hand. Such people decide to make a lamp with their own hands. This is not difficult. And although the result, most likely, will be far from the ideal forms, functionality and durability of the purchased copy, it will definitely decorate the garden.

The first thing to do is choose a design. On the Internet you can find photos of a garden lamp in the form of butterflies and flowers, integrated into a tree trunk, hinged, in a classic and modern style, fabulous. As a material for manufacturing, you can use old cans, glass jars, used chandeliers, twigs, hemp.

Secondly, you need to decide what exactly will produce light. It can be a discharge lamp, an LED strip, a solar-powered light bulb, or just a candle. In the latter case, the lamp, of course, will play an exclusively decorative role, but sometimes this is enough.

But in order to attach, for example, an LED, you will need minimal knowledge in electrics. If there is no such knowledge, you can make the “shell” of the device yourself, and ask someone who understands this to connect the wires.

The easiest option for self-manufacturing a full-fledged lamp is a solar-powered lamp. It must be purchased at a household goods store and mounted in a pre-prepared form.

If it is, for example, a glass jar, then you need to cut a hole in the lid, insert the lamp there with the battery up (so that it receives solar energy), with the lamp down. Also, a similar lamp can be installed in old chandeliers, but in this case you will have to sweat a little.

What materials are suitable

When choosing a purchased copy, you should pay attention to the material. It is important that it is moisture resistant, so the tree is not suitable in this case. It can only be used in summer varieties and must be well processed. The same goes for ceramics. The best option is metal, but impact-resistant plastic will also work.

Not very good reviews are collected by silumin, which, according to many, is destroyed too quickly. If this is a lamp for a pond or pool, then, of course, it must be waterproof.

Photo of garden lamps

How nice it is to have a house with a garden! After all, in the morning, throwing on a bathrobe, you can go out to your yard and take a breath of fresh air.

It is also nice to have a cup of tea or fragrant coffee, enjoying the view of a beautiful garden, or sit comfortably in an armchair on the terrace, reading the morning newspaper.

In the evening, as soon as the shadows begin to lurk in different parts of the garden, you can add light fairy-tale lighting with the help of lamps, which will help create a relaxed, calm and romantic atmosphere. Today we will tell you how to make an original garden lamp with your own hands using improvised materials, and also show 50 photos with their various options.

DIY garden lamp - lighting options

Do you want your garden to be beautiful not only during the day, but also in the evening? Then take care of its lighting. After all, it will help you see the beauty of trees and flowers hidden in the dark, give them unexpected bewitching forms, and also help you move around your possessions without obstacles.

Alternatively, you can purchase a lamp in a store, but if you are a creative person with a good imagination, then the best solution would be to make a garden lamp with your own hands. Firstly, it will help you save your budget, and secondly, you yourself choose the shape, color, material and lighting option. DIY garden lighting fixtures can be:

  • garden lamps and lanterns from tin cans;
  • garden lamps and lanterns made of glass jars;
  • solar powered garden lamp;
  • wooden garden lamp;
  • concrete garden lamps;
  • garden lamps made of thick thread;
  • other possible options for garden lamps.

Do-it-yourself garden lamp from a tin can

And so, how to make a garden lamp with your own hands from a tin can? To do this, you will need jars, nails, a hammer, fastening clips, two rectangular wooden beams fastened together, small candles.

At the first stage, prepare the work surface: fasten the beams and, using the clamps for fastening, fix them. This is necessary in order to protect the tin from deformation during drawing.

The second step is to select and apply a pattern to the paper that will decorate the jar. Attach it to the tin (or you can use a felt-tip pen to dot the pattern directly on the jar) and put it on a piece of wood. Then, using a hammer and nails, transfer it to the lamp. The third step is to place the candles inside the tin. It will help to gently scatter light through the holes.

Experiment with different nail sizes to create your own pattern. Note that making a lantern out of such a garden lamp is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to attach a simple metal wire to the bank.

DIY street lamp from glass jars

If you have unnecessary ordinary glass or Masonic jars at home, then with their help you can make an original street lamp with your own hands. To do this, you will need candles that you need to install inside these jars, light bulbs or LEDs. As a decoration, you can use beads, ribbons, flowers and other decorative elements.

Note that with the help of glass jars you can create street lighting with your own hands in the form of a chandelier. To do this, you will need to place them in pre-made holes in a wooden board, or, having made lanterns out of them (attaching a metal wire), hang them with hooks on the planks.

Do-it-yourself solar-powered garden lamp - do it yourself

To make a garden lamp with a solar battery with your own hands, you need:

  • purchase storage lamps on a solar battery;
  • remove its upper part;
  • cut a hole in the lid of the jar;
  • wrap with adhesive tape around the lamp;
  • put it in the hole in the lid;
  • spin.

If desired, you can make an attractive decoration of the lamp. For example, in the form of a mushroom or a house in a marine style.

To make a DIY street lamp, you will need an old chandelier and the top of a light bulb that uses solar energy. Below you can view 10 amazing photos.

How to make a DIY garden lantern out of wood

There are many options for wooden garden lamps that you can make yourself. For example, from a stump and an LED strip. To do this, you need to make 4-5 small vertical cuts around the circumference of the stump and clean them. Then insert LED strips into them.

Alternatively, you can cut a hole in the center of the stump and insert a storage lamp or candle into it.

A do-it-yourself garden lantern can be made from branches or small boards hammered together in the form of a standard lantern. Optionally, you can make a lantern with carved funny faces. Candles are installed inside such lanterns.

DIY concrete garden lantern - spectacular garden lighting

You can make a lot of things out of concrete, including spectacular garden lighting fixtures. For this you will need a balloon, concrete, paint and candles. The following photo shows the manufacturing process of this instance.

garden lamp thick filament lamp

Lamps made of thick thread look simple, but original. They can transform the exterior of the house and bring a certain zest to the design of the garden. The photo below shows the manufacturing options for such lamps.

We decorate the garden and yard with handmade lamps - 7 photos

In this section, your attention is provided with 7 photos of other (not discussed above) options for making garden and street lamps with your own hands.

Save so you don't lose!

How to make a beautiful street lamp yourself? We will show you unusual and simple ways to decorate your yard with beautiful street lighting.

Street lamps made from natural materials.

An unusual and stylish street lamp can be made in autumn from a grapevine. As a template, we need an inflatable beach ball. We wrap the vine around the ball, securing the intersections with wire for structural rigidity.

After our improvised vine ball is ready, we blow off the ball and carefully pull it out.

Inside such a ball, you can place it as a solar lamp, and wrap it with an LED strip for outdoor lighting. Such tapes often have a color switch, then with the help of a remote control you can change the color of your street lighting.

Beautiful street lamp with your own hands.

A beautiful street lamp in the form of a stream of light can also be made using LED strip.

For more convenience in the garden, it is better to use a solar-powered LED strip.

We fold the light cord in half - this is how we form “the jets of our stream”. We fix a bunch of light cord inside the teapot using a large metal washer and threading the cord through the spout of the teapot.

Here is such a wonderful outdoor lamp that can decorate your entrance to the house or gazebo in the garden.

How to make a street lamp from a log.

Natural material such as logs is one of the most harmonious materials for garden decor.

Cut the log into rings, making a hole in the middle. Inside we install a transparent plastic pipe or a plexiglass pipe. Add an LED strip and a stylish garden street lamp is ready to decorate your garden.

And from hemp you can make a chandelier for a gazebo.

This is what its simple design looks like.

A small tip - in order to accurately select the middle of the stump, you can cut it in half, and then carefully glue it.

Just a wonderful option for a street lamp - simple and effective.

Here is an option on how to use street lamps from saw cut logs to illuminate garden paths

By installing an LED lamp inside a hollow split log, you will get an unexpectedly spectacular result.

Unusual street lamp "Drop".

A glass flask for watering flowers plus an old water tap - and you are the happy owner of an unusual street lamp in the form of an amazing drop of light.

You can buy a glass flask at a houseplant store. We will also need a crane stand and metal wire for the solar powered LED strip.

We wrap the LED strip around the wire and fill the flask with it.

We install our design on a flower bed.

And admire our wonderful street lamp!

Rope street lamp.

A stylish round lampshade made of jute rope can decorate an ordinary street lamp.

We moisten the rope well with PVA glue, immersing it in a bath of glue, then wrap it around the ball.

Let dry and blow off the ball.

We paint the lampshade with paint.

We raise a standard solar-powered street lamp to the desired height using a metal pipe.

We install lampshades on the lamp. When the flowers rise in the flower bed, our lamps will look very cute.

Or you can take care of a beautiful support for our lamp.