How to make teachers love you. Popular conspiracies so that all teachers love the child at school. Stop deliberately catching his eye

Probably every student wants to have high marks. At the same time, you also want the teacher to love you. Love and trust must be earned. There are many students in the class and it is difficult for the teacher to find a common language with everyone. You need to try to make the teacher love you.

Everything is very simple. You need to study and thoroughly know the subject. Teachers love primarily those children who want to know something and love their subject. Therefore, it is imperative to study, go to every lesson. This is the first step to success.

We take the initiative.

Be sure to raise your hand yourself when the teacher calls someone to the blackboard. There is no need to wait for the teacher to search for a student on the list. You need to take the initiative. This can demonstrate your interest and thirst for knowledge. The teacher will see your persistence, and will even overestimate if you consistently answer all his questions correctly.

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Asking questions.

In addition, one should always ask the teacher questions about each topic. This will show that you want to know more, that you are interested in the subject. The teacher will be greatly pleased by the fact that he is listened to, understood and trusted. The teacher strives to convey his love for the subject to all students. This is his main task. Therefore, you need to constantly show interest and not be afraid to constantly ask questions. The teacher is there to explain and tell everything. It will also automatically improve your knowledge level.

Exemplary behavior.

In addition to craving for knowledge, you also need to show exemplary behavior in the classroom. You need to be attentive and obedient, and also not to disturb the discipline in the class. Teachers love obedient students who do not interfere with teaching the lesson.

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We offer help.

You can also offer help to the teacher for any assignment. For example, you can take the initiative and wipe the board or add some flowerpots in the classroom. As you can see that the teacher needs help, be sure to offer it. Help bring in heavy books or notebooks. Get closer to the teacher. Do not be afraid to be polite and show your good manners. Try to be your teacher's best friend. You can strike up an interesting conversation about the teacher's hobbies or about his subject. This will help you bond, which will have a positive impact on your studies in the future.

Popular conspiracies are used in all spheres of everyday life, including so that all teachers love the child at school. Teachers in general education schools are different, this is an indisputable fact. There are also those, when looking at which, you understand that this individual was mistaken with the choice of profession. It happens that schoolchildren experience panic in front of teachers. With the help of a conspiracy, you can overcome this fear. To do this, before the beginning of the lesson, looking directly at the teacher, mentally say three times: “Whatever I think, whatever I do, it's true. An angel protects me. " There is also a very short but effective conspiracy, the purpose of which is to humble the teacher, or, more simply, so that the teacher is not scolded. Teach this conspiracy to your child. Entering the school door, you need to say: "The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength." When accompanying the child to the first grade, parents and relatives worry about whether their child will find mutual understanding with classmates and a good attitude of the teacher, whether he will be offended at school, and whether the general atmosphere in the class will be favorable for the child.
Here is the text of a strong conspiracy so that the child would be loved by the teachers: “There is an apostolic church, there is a tiny icon hanging in it, there is a great holy power in it. I would ask that icon: as people do not take fire with their hand, so let the servant of God (name) not scold or beat, neither today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday and nor on Thursday. , not on Friday and not on Saturday, not in the morning and not in the afternoon. Not one, and not two, and not three, and not from any number. Power is given to God's icon. Save, the Holy power of the servant of God (name). Amen".
There is another extreme, when popular conspiracies are not needed so that all teachers at the institute love the child, but prevention from the evil eye is needed. If outsiders distribute exaggerated praise, you need to do the following: throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and stir it with a knife, saying: “He who eats salt with spoons, swallows from a knife, that my child snaps away. Amen".
There is one powerful conspiracy for children, it is called "Chameleon". This is not a conspiracy for the love of teachers, but for invisibility. If the teacher at the school is going to call the student to the blackboard at the moment when he is not ready to answer, then the invisibility spell "Chameleon" will come in handy. The spell must be whispered or uttered to oneself: “A clump of fog, a dragon's eye, and a chameleon pattern. I weave, I weave, confuse and reflect. Where the light will be shed now, there is no trace of me. "

How to make the teacher consider you their favorite student. How to make everyone respect and love you in class.
How to make girls stick to you. All answers in this article.

How to memorize words in English?

Memorizing words in English is easy. You just have to make them look like Russian words. For example: the word yoqhurt (yogurt). It turns out two words: yoq and hurt. Let us remember Hurt as hurty (though there is no such word, but you can remember it for yourself). It turns out: yogi hurtivny or hurtivy yogi. I don’t know about you, but this is how I memorize English words.

Priority of preparation of lessons

Seems like a trifle - what's the difference? But! If you do lessons in a row, which are somewhat the same, for example literature and history, it will be more difficult to memorize the material.

A lot, of course. Depends on what is set and on the school schedule. Therefore, if you find yourself in a situation that you have to do lessons one after another in similar subjects (for example, a foreign language after the Russian language), we will "divide" these subjects by extracurricular reading or solving a problem in mathematics.

You will receive a triple benefit:

  1. Get your "hand" in solving problems;
  2. You'd better complete a foreign language assignment;
  3. You will well remember the information on the grammar of the Russian language.

How to make teaching interesting

Psychological preparation consists of overcoming the reluctance to exert, which is common among most people. That is, overcoming a certain resistance. The whole point here is to want to do at the moment what you have to do one way or another. It is clear that we are postponing this unpleasant moment of starting work, while doing various small things that are more pleasant. More often than not, we are not even aware of it.

The general rule: if you manage to overcome yourself and direct your thoughts and feelings so that immediately, without delay, what you have planned is done.

  1. Try starting with a subject that's lighter. You will complete the work faster when you are interested in it.
  2. Much depends on what you think about the job ahead of you.
  3. You will work faster this way if you rest or are in a good mood.
  4. You need to reward your feelings in order to be listened to, that is, reward yourself after completing the assignment.


If you are in love with one of your teachers, then naturally you want to achieve reciprocity. But remember that the struggle for feeling may not be bad, but you should always know when to stop. You do not want to compromise and humiliate your beloved teacher, it seems that you will not be pleased with his dismissal or, moreover, arrest. In addition, you yourself can get into a ridiculous or even dangerous situation. Remember that your actions and deeds should not destroy either your life or the life of your teacher, otherwise it will be just stupid.


  1. 1 Remember, falling in love is just falling in love. The school or college probably has its own rules, moreover, inappropriate relationships between teachers and students are punishable by law, plus your chosen one may already be married. All you can count on is friendship, not romantic. However, if things have gone too far and a physical connection has developed between you, then your teacher may lose respect, he may be arrested, interrogated, accused, tried, taken into custody, and he may lose the opportunity to teach in the future.
  2. 2 Do your homework regularly, delve into the material covered. Learn to be on top and show your maturity.
    • If the teacher asks a question, try to give a thoughtful, maximally detailed answer. You need to try to know the answers to questions that the rest of the class cannot answer.
  3. 3 Try not to sit in front of the teacher's desk, otherwise, you may be considered too intrusive. On the other hand, if your desks are side by side, you will have an additional opportunity to communicate with your teacher. Although, someone has to sit at the first desk! Moreover, if you, for example, have vision or hearing problems.
  4. 4 Be kind and polite. Follow all the teacher's requests, he will be pleased if you give him a small gift for his birthday or any other holiday. Be sure to greet the teacher not only at school but also outside of it. And smile, but only sincerely!
  5. 5 Make friends with the teacher: if you keep on the sidelines all the time, then he simply will not notice you, will not pay attention to you. Ask the teacher about his hobby or favorite football team, and always show respect and participation in the conversation.
  6. 6 Do not miss the opportunity to prove yourself, but these attempts should not be obvious, obvious to everyone. If you act too actively, you risk being rejected and misunderstood. But no one forbade getting high scores in the classroom - in this way you will recommend yourself to be a good, diligent student.
  7. 7 Talk about real life, about everyday things: so you can seem more mature, adult. But, it is not necessary in a conversation to touch upon "too" mature or personal issues, it is not necessary to forcefully climb into someone else's soul. Obsessiveness is a clear sign of being rude, so don't overdo it.
  8. 8 Find your own style. Clothing should be practical and comfortable, yet classic and attractive. An evening dress and mini-skirt are not suitable for a student's wardrobe, but a skirt above the knee and a not too revealing blouse is what you need. If a school uniform is approved in your alma mater, then wear a uniform - in it you will look more natural and adult. Isn't that what you want?
    • Do not get lost in the crowd, show your individuality everywhere and in everything.
  9. 9 Use personal hygiene products. Watch your hair and nails, use deodorant. You don't want to look sloppy and smell bad, do you? Teachers always expect their students to be clean and tidy. Stains on clothes, oily hair, dirty nails and bad breath not only repel other people, but also indicate complete irresponsibility and disorganization.
  10. 10 Compliment him. Neither officialdom nor outright flattery is needed. But, if you have to on the occasion, you can say something like: "Nice suit, Mr. ...".
  11. 11 Be considerate and caring. You can ask: "How are you?", "How was your weekend?" Be sure to listen to the answer to the end. Thus, you make it clear that you are interested and not indifferent to everything that happens to him.
  12. 12 Respect boundaries. It is not necessary that any of your classmates know about your feelings - otherwise, you risk being ridiculed, and the teacher, because of this, may have problems. Do not let your friendship grow into something more, otherwise you both cannot escape trouble. You ruin good friendships.
    • If the teacher starts to throw up his hands or make obscene proposals, set clear boundaries. If necessary, notify the school administration. Maintain friendships that do not extend outside the school.
  13. 13 Don't show your teacher your romantic feelings. If the teacher starts asking you about your private life, tell him that you prefer not to talk about personal topics.
  • When the teacher speaks, look at him. Visual contact is very important - thereby, you show your interest, involvement. Smile more.
  • Don't interrupt the teacher if he says something.
  • In the presence of a teacher, talk to friends about serious topics, do not slander anyone or gossip.
  • Do not post pictures of the teacher on your social media pages, as your interest will become too obvious.
  • Be open and sincere and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.
  • Talk to your teacher if you are not doing well in his subject, but don't overuse. Respect the teacher's time.
  • Be active in the classroom, speak in the subject, but do not interrupt the teacher. Do not be too intrusive - from the outside you will also look stupid.
  • Don't skip school, try not to be late for classes.
  • Talk about your common interests: books, movies, food, sports. Ask the teacher to talk about his hometown, student years.
    • Keep your back straight, show confidence, but not self-centeredness and pomp.
  • If he is replacing another teacher, help calm the class, distribute the teaching material among the students.


  • If you want to please the teacher, do not wear other people's masks, be yourself. People don't like falsehood.
  • If your teacher overestimates your grade, don't tell the whole school about it.
  • Do not count on serious flirting: you are still too young to start a relationship with an adult, this can turn into problems for both you and him.
  • If you are passionate about it, you may have some problems and need the help of a psychologist.
  • Don't be arrogant. This is repulsive.
  • Don't write any notes on your desk - you will seem silly, boring and even childish.
  • The teacher, if caught in connection with a minor schoolgirl, will be arrested and convicted under the heading "Pedophilia". Do not let your relationship grow from friendship to love.
  • Don't be banal, don't say that you love him (her).
  • Don't do what you will regret later.
  • Of course, you will want to look as attractive as possible in the eyes of your loved one, so you can tint a little - there will be enough mascara and no evening makeup!
The strongest conspiracies and spells for love, sex, family relations Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich

For a good relationship with teachers

The conspiracy is read when the child has a tense relationship with the teacher or teachers, in order to remove arrogance and bias on the part of the teachers, and on the part of the student to cause a desire to master school subjects

I am the one who has the Power. I am the one who has the right to channel this Power. I am the one who reads the conspiracy that mends the relationship between (name) and his teacher. I have the appropriate dedication and authority for this. My name is (state your name).

I am reading this conspiracy at the right time and place. Nobody bothers me, and I am confident in the action being taken. My conspiracy is aimed at correcting the relationship (name of the child) with his teacher (name). Once a black cat ran between them, a misunderstanding arose that turned into dislike and dislike. Now this relationship has deteriorated and requires my intervention. It's time to fix everything.

I erase-remove the external conflict! I erase-remove the internal conflict! I cleanse the soul of (student's name). I cleanse the soul of (teacher's name). Go to meet each other! Goodbye and respect each other! Understand and appreciate each other!

One gives, the other receives. The other one gives, this one learns. Feedback exists! Make it harmonious! Learn to hold back, learn to be friends, learn to find a compromise!

Direct (student name) to (teacher name). I direct (teacher's name) to (student's name). Apologize and make up. A worthy teacher is a worthy student. One has something to convey, the other has something to take. We are all people - with our desires ...

My conspiracy is strong, reliable, laid down on the ground. Do not move it, do not bury it, do not uproot it. Lies down and works. No trickery, just the truth.

Hantaa ular.

From the book The Strongest Conspiracies and Spells for Love, Sex, Family Relations the author Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich

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Alignment with teachers Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to this topic. The thing is that every adult has its own structure of the body, its own problems and its own speech. The child, even in the womb, absorbed the rhythm, timbre and vocal features of the speech of those people with