How to make an ax - step-by-step instructions for making and assembling with your own hands. Your own carpenter: how to make an ax and sharpen it Correct do-it-yourself ax

An ax is a versatile tool that may be needed in the country, on a hike to the forest or just on vacation near a river, in everyday life for household purposes. Despite its simple design, this device has many uses and varies in manufacturing methods and quality.

Main characteristics

All types of axes are divided into three main groups:

  • splitting axes;
  • for felling operations in the forest;
  • universal tools for construction and household use.

Within each selected group, there are varieties that are determined by the purpose and characteristics of the component parts. Taking into account the most important parameters will help you decide which ax is better to choose. It is worth noting the fact that at the summer cottage you simply cannot do without an ax!

Weight parameters

The possibility of its use in woodworking depends on how heavy the tool is. The minimum value is considered to be a mass of 0.9 kg. Lighter models are used only for a limited range of domestic and household purposes when finishing small workpieces, for example, for sharpening wedges.

For standard work with wood, you need a tool of 0.9-1.7 kg. It will be effective both when cutting medium-thick firewood and when carrying out construction work. Heavier cleavers weighing 2.2-2.5 kg are used for splitting large firewood. They have a longer handle.

Blade shape and sharpening

In practice, axes with three types of butts are used:

  • wide, designed for felling;
  • medium, having a universal purpose;
  • narrow - used for neat carpentry work.

Features of the shape of the blade can be estimated from the photo of the ax. Straight sharpening allows for high-quality chopping blows, but curved sharpening is suitable for both chopping and stabbing movements. For example, a rounded blade of small size is oriented towards greater penetration into the tree and cutting fibers in the transverse direction.

At a sharpening angle of up to 40 degrees, an increased penetration into the workpiece is provided, although the bluntness rate will be higher. In cleavers, the degree of sharpening at different edges of the blade will differ.

Blade material

For carpentry axes, the blade is made by stamping low carbon type steel. Great durability of the tool for lumberjacks is provided by forging steel U7 and 60G.

It should be remembered that the use of mild steel will cause the tool to dull quickly. Blades made from hard or hardened steel are prone to crumbling.

Hatchet making

The length of the handle depends on the purpose of the tool. The most comfortable indicator is 50-70 cm. But we must remember that the swing and force of the blow depends on the length. Therefore, for heavier work, a tool over 70 cm is required.

The hatchet for an ax can be made of metal, including with a special rubber pad. This is a more durable design, but it has a big drawback - it does not damp vibration well.

The force of the blow, together with the resistance of the workpiece, is absorbed by the hatchet. Therefore, it is recommended to use wood for its manufacture, in particular birch. But the cheaper and more accessible pine dampens vibration much worse.

For woodcutters, a tool with an oak handle is suitable. The handle itself should be comfortable, without knots and chips. At the end of the handle, a thickening and a hole for fastening are made.

Varieties of axes

Depending on the purpose and purpose of use, you can choose the optimal design of the tool. Various types of axes are on sale.


It is a lighter and more compact tool that can have a rounded blade shape. It is sharp and can be used as a knife. Handle length up to 50 cm. Supplied with a protective cover.

Such an ax is quite expensive, cannot be used for chopping, rust often appears. Popular brands include Geter Gator II and Expedition HB-040.

Household and catering

In everyday life or at catering establishments, axes are used for chopping meat or bones. The design features a wide, tilted steel blade. It is heavy and durable.

The big disadvantage is the need to use physical force for work. Also, the wooden handle can dry out. Known products "Meat grinder" and "Labor" VACH S901.

For firewood

The catalog of axes in this category with the best quality includes products from TUTAHI, KRAFTOOL Rhine and Universal.

For these purposes, models are used with a hardened steel blade with a 40-60 degree sharpening and a wooden hatchet. This ensures simplicity and efficiency in operation.


This tool has two identical high carbon steel blades for excellent balance. The sharpening angle can be different, and the hatchet is replaceable.

However, this is a traumatic and heavy design, which excludes the possibility of using it as a percussion instrument. The experts recommend models such as the SOG F12 and OCHSENKOPF.

For logging

Large ax with a long handle for a strong blow. There is a rounded blade. The specialization of the tool is narrow, it is used only for its intended purpose. Lumberjacks may choose the brands HULKAFORS, SCANDINAVIAN FOREST AX or WETTERLINGS AMERICAN FOREST AX.


It is a well-balanced tool with a sharp blade and a comfortable grip. You cannot use it for cutting, and after purchasing the product, you need to select the required sharpening characteristic.

You can choose for this purpose Gardena 1000A 08714-48.000.00 or Wetterlings Hjartum Carpenter's Ax. The Izhevsky ax is also popular.


The highest quality, strongest and most durable products. A forged ax is most often made according to individual orders. Popular brands "Taezhny" and products from the "Phoenix" workshop.


This ax has an elongated handle, a steel blade with a 40-60 degree sharpening. It is a highly specialized instrument that is well balanced. It is used for processing thick and dense wood species. Experts recommend VIPUKIRVES or Council Tool Hudson Bay Ax products for use.


Axes "DACHNIK" standart SZAN330, T-03-1 or VOREL 33107 will help to solve everyday problems in a suburban area. Such models are suitable for chopping firewood, used when chopping logs.

They are multifunctional, with a strong steel blade and a wooden handle, which, however, can dry out after 5 years.

Making an ax with your own hands

If you are interested in the question of how to make an ax, then remember that you will not be able to make a blade yourself from scratch. You can only give a regular blade the desired shape by processing with a grinder or emery wheel.

But the hatchet is quite capable of making. For this you need:

  • pick up a workpiece with a diameter of more than 120 mm and a length of 200 mm more than the planned handle;
  • dry for several months at a temperature of 22-24 degrees and a humidity of 15%;
  • using an ax or a large knife, remove the excess part of the wood in accordance with the outlined contour;
  • carry out processing with a chisel and a hammer.

Now it is important to learn how to plant the ax correctly. This is done with gauze and epoxy resin. The wedge provides the best strength. After that, polishing is performed, the handle is varnished. Sharpening is done on a machine or manually.

The ax is a useful helper in the country, and in the hike and when working in the forest. It is only necessary to choose the right model, focusing on the required characteristics and quality of manufacture of a particular specimen.

Ax photo

The ax is actually a very important tool. Of course, if you are a real carpenter, you should definitely know how to make an ax that is perfect for certain tasks. Professional carpenters usually use several axes at once. Nevertheless, this type of tool is also necessary for people living outside the city, or just city dwellers who occasionally leave for their summer cottages. After all, you need to heat the bath with firewood, and you can only chop them with an ax. And so that no misunderstandings arise in the process, and the tool does not let you down, you should know about all the intricacies of how to make an ax with your own hands, as well as how to prepare it for work. The handle itself can be completely different in shape. But it is necessary to correctly fit the ax, wedge it, and it is also necessary to sharpen it at a certain angle.

Choosing the piercing part of the ax

When you are faced with a choice, in the process of acquiring a piercing part, be sure to pay attention to the metal from which it is made. There must be an inscription GOST, confirming the implementation in accordance with the norms and requirements. You should be on your guard if you see a sign like: OST, MRTU, TU. In this case, the metal production technology could be changed by the manufacturer. If we talk about choosing a good Soviet ax, then it is better to buy it on the regular market.

You can check the quality of the ax in the old way by striking the blade of one against the blade of the other. If one of the products is made of poor quality, then it is on it that traces of impact will remain. Also, if you hang the ax, you can knock on it and listen to the sound. It will be characteristic.

Pay attention to the fact that if the blade is good, there should be no dents or flaws; the eyelet must be tapered; also the eyelet and blade must be coaxial; and at least a small thickness of the butt must be present, and its ends must be perpendicular to the blade.

If you could not find a product that would meet all the standards. You can make a good ax yourself. Even if some misunderstandings are found in the purchased product over time, they can be eliminated by sharpening the burrs, bore the lugs, and give the butt a symmetrical shape.

Select a blank. Make an ax

Based on your height and strength, you should choose the length of the ax. The quality of the wood is also very important. For example, for lightweight products, up to one kg in weight, the length of the handles is 40-60 cm. If we talk about a heavy ax - up to one and a half kilograms in weight, the length of the handle will be 55-65 cm.

The approach to the question of how to make a wooden ax should be correct. For example, not every tree is suitable for its handle. The most suitable options are the root part of the birch, as well as its growths; maple or oak, ash and other types of wood. It is very important to dry the preparations well, and it is necessary in natural conditions and for a considerable time.

Choose a tool template in advance, and your template should be outlined on the workpiece. The end part of the handle should be thickened so that the master can brake with his hand in the event that the ax slips out. Excess wood (outside the contour) should be removed with a knife, ax with a perfectly sharpened blade or other similar tools. After that, you need to make sure that the actions are correct. Use a mallet to place the ax on the ax for fitting. Make sure these pieces fit very tightly together. After that, you can proceed with further stripping. To cycle, you should use glass, and sand - fine sandpaper. Knowing how to make an ax out of wood is half the battle. But that's not all.

"Landing" the ax on the handle

This process can be done, for example, in this way:

  • The top of the handle is adjusted in accordance with the eyelet. The unnecessary tree should be removed with a knife.

  • The ax should be laid horizontally on a flat, hard surface, and an ax should be placed on top. On the handle, you need to mark with a pencil the place to which it needs to be inserted. Having divided the segment in two, a second mark should be put.

  • With a vise, you should grip the ax so that the wider end is up. With a hacksaw for metal, cut to the 2nd mark right under the wedge.

  • The wedge can be from the store, or made of wood by hand. Its thickness can be 5-10 mm, the length is the same as the cutting depth, the width is equal to the eye of an ax.

  • You need to put a board on the table, and put an ax on it, upside down. The ax should be put on the ax by tapping it on the board. Next, you should turn over and knock with the handle, during the insertion process. This should be turned over and tapped several times in a row. As a result, the handle should go into the eyelet.

  • After that, the ax must be placed vertically, and a wedge must be inserted into the cut and hammered into it with a mallet.

  • Oil should be applied to the handle, the excess will drain off, and the tool will remain dry. After all, using a rag, you need to wipe the ax and the handle.

In addition, you can watch a video on how to make an ax, with the help of which the essence of making a tool will be clearer to you.

Sharpening the ax blade

This issue is very important so that the tool does not cause inconvenience and hassle. In accordance with GOST, the sharpening angle should be from twenty to thirty degrees. If you are a professional carpenter, then sharpening should be done at a thirty-five degree angle.

Upon completion of the work done with an ax, it is recommended to put a cover on the blade. Be careful!

The ax is one of the most famous and affordable tools in the arsenal of most summer residents and professional craftsmen. If used correctly, it can simplify many of your workflows, resulting in great results. An ax can not only be bought ready-made in a specialized store, but also made at home. This will not take a lot of time, effort and money. Today we will take a closer look at how to correctly make an ax with our own hands.

How to select and prepare wood?

Many works are impracticable without a well-sharpened and strong ax. This tool is often needed both in household and in larger-scale works. In retail outlets, you can find many different models of such tools, because there are quite a few types of axes themselves. It is possible to choose the ideal option in accordance with any requirements.

But there are also cases when the consumer could not find a suitable tool for himself. Many people in such situations find an easy way out for themselves - they make an ax on their own. For a tool to be of high quality, reliable and durable, it must consist of good elements. So, to create a hatchet, it is very important to choose the right material.

Not every kind of wood is suitable for creating this part of the ax. It is believed that a true master will go around the entire forest before finding the very tree from which it will be possible to make an ax. In most cases, the specified element of the ax is built from the root section of a birch, and even better, if we use the growths that are present on its trunk. These parts are characterized by a very dense and curled structure.

Birch is not the only tree that can make a good ax. Instead, it is permissible to refer to trees such as oak, maple, acacia, ash and other hardwoods. According to experienced craftsmen, beech, oak, larch, walnut and elm produce the most reliable, comfortable and durable handles of the highest quality. But it is not enough to find the ideal material for making a hatchet. It is also necessary to competently prepare him for the upcoming work.

The workpieces must be dried well. This is done only in natural conditions, and it often takes a lot of time - on average 3-4 years, or even longer (5 years will be quite enough). Wood should be dried exclusively in a dark and dry place where there is good ventilation. Precipitation, moisture and water should not penetrate into the space where natural material will be prepared. Otherwise, there will simply not be any sense from such drying, and you will not be able to make a good hatchet.

How to make a template?

If you have already prepared and dried to the required degree of material, then you should proceed to the next stage of creating a handle for an ax. Next, you need to competently make a convenient template, which will be an excellent assistant in further work.

It is important to take into account the fact that there are quite strict rules governing the shape of the ax based on the main type of device. So, light tools, the weight of which usually ranges from 0.8 to 1 kg, are usually made with a handle having a length of 0.4-0.6 m. As for more "serious" heavy axes, there is a length of 0.55-0.65 m. We must also take into account the fact that all existing types of axes are divided according to their basic functionality.

So, the following types of these tools are distinguished:

  • carpenter's;
  • lumberjack;
  • knotted;
  • cleaver;
  • butcher's.

Before embarking on an independent design of such a tool, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the detailed drawings of different handle models.

When making a template, you should take into account a number of important features.

  • So that in the process of work the ax does not slip out and does not jump out of the hands at the moment of the swing, its "tail" must be made a little wider than the place of capture.
  • When making an ax for a cleaver, it is necessary to make a part with a length of 0.75-0.95 m. Carpentry tools are made short. Their handle generally reaches the 0.5 m mark.
  • To the parameter of the length of the handle, the will of the butt, it is necessary to add another 8-10 cm for the allowance. It will be possible to cut it off after installing the butt. It is very important to make sure that the tree does not start to split at this moment.

The template with its correct shape and all dimensions will need to be applied to paper or cardboard.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

It is not difficult to prepare an ax with your own hands. To do this, you must adhere to a not very complex technology of work. Let's get acquainted with it:

  • mark the workpiece using a template;
  • after that, it can be carefully cut out with a jigsaw or other similar tool;
  • further, the prepared part will need to be turned on a special machine and polished.

There are a number of important rules that must be followed along the way.

  • The processing of the attachment place of the hatchet must be carried out as carefully and accurately as possible so as not to accidentally remove the excess part of the tree. Otherwise, the butt simply cannot be firmly fixed in place. It is better to periodically try on the handle to the eyelet, so that in the end you get a small margin (no more than 2 cm).
  • Do not use the file in the process of finishing the part. This will lead to the inevitable loosening of the wood. Because of this, it will be more difficult to work with him further. It is better to use fine abrasive sandpaper with a grinder instead of a file. You will need to move the tool along the wood fibers.
  • It is necessary to give the final, correct and beautiful shape to the fixing place of the handle, taking into account the angle of the butt nozzle. As for the cleaver, for him the specified angle should be approximately 85 degrees. For a standard ax, 75 degrees.

When making a hatchet yourself, you need to act very carefully. There is no need to rush. If you wish, you can decorate the tool handle with patterns and carved decorations (for example, you can wrap it with a jute cord - it will also hold the blade more securely). When the hatchet is ready, it will be necessary to correctly install the cutting part on it.

Let's consider how to do this.

  • Adjust the top of the part to fit the eyelet of the blade. Remove the excess wood with a knife. Be careful.
  • On the handle, exposed horizontally, put the cutting part on top. Then you need to put a mark on the handle with a pencil, to which it will be driven in. Divide the line and make another mark.
  • Lock the handle in an upright position using a vise. The wide piece should be at the top. Prepare a hacksaw for metal. Cut exactly to the second wedge mark.

  • At a specialized outlet, pick up a metal wedge or make it yourself from wood.
  • Place the board on a separate countertop. Expose the blade to it. Lay it upside down. Throw the prepared hatchet over this part, tapping it on the board. Now turn the fixture over and knock on the board with the handle. At the same time, the part will continue to fit. These steps should be repeated many times. As a result, it will turn out to drive the ax into the eyelet well.
  • Then set the part upright. Install a wedge in the cut. Hammer him in with a mallet. Saw off excess protruding parts

How to protect against decay?

The wood from which the ax is made, like other similar materials, is subject to decay. Such problems always arise over time or in improper storage conditions of the tool. It is important to take care of a homemade ax in advance, protecting it from decay. It is strongly discouraged to use compounds such as varnishes or paints to protect wooden handles. The ban on the use of such compounds is due to the fact that their presence on the handle can lead to it slipping out of the hands during certain work. The reason for this is the glossy smooth texture.

Other suitable impregnations will be the best solution for protecting the ax from decay. You can cover the handle with linseed oil or good old drying oil. There are other highly effective antiseptics available that will extend the life of natural wood. But we must take into account that they will need to be applied periodically. Don't forget about this procedure.

Some masters add red pigment to antiseptic protective agents. They don't turn to this trick to make the instrument look more interesting. After this coating, the ax will be much easier to find in the grass, because its color will become more vivid.

Please note that the handle should be made so that its section has a characteristic oval shape. Only by observing this condition, it will be possible to hold it successfully without straining the hand too much. In this case, blows with an ax will be more accurate and light. It is recommended to make wood blanks for creating a hatchet in late autumn. It is during this period that the movement of juices is minimized (practically stops), which means that the tree becomes, as it were, dehydrated.

Many inexperienced craftsmen neglect to dry wood for the construction of an ax. As a result, this ends with the handle changing in size, and the metal part with the butt on it holds very poorly. It is permissible to refer to undried material only in special situations when the handle needs to be built urgently, and this spare part is done as a temporary one.

When making a new hatchet yourself, you need to draw up a detailed drawing / template of the future tool. If you have a very handy old ax in your arsenal, then you can remove all parameters from it. It will be much easier and more convenient. Take your time to turn the cutting edge of the tool. First you need to make sure that the metal is sufficiently hard. If it turns out to be too soft, then it will need to be additionally hardened under the influence of high temperatures.

It is permissible to start sharpening the ax blade only after installing it on the ax.

It is very important to use a ready-made ax (both homemade and purchased in a store) correctly. Experienced craftsmen strongly do not recommend trying to cut various metal parts with such a device. Even if you plan to chop wood, it is best to make sure there are no hard particles inside that could harm the tool.

It is strongly discouraged to throw the finished tool on hard surfaces, especially from a great height. It is not recommended to leave the ax outdoors. Precipitation or aggressive sunlight can negatively affect the quality of the wooden part. Keep such a tool in a dark and dry place. Only under this condition will the ax serve you for many years.

Axes were used with equal efficiency in the carpentry and military craft, but the main field of application was still in the peaceful field of activity. They were intended for felling firewood and felling trees, without them it was impossible to lay down an elementary hut.

An important part of a steel tool is the handle, for which a tree must be selected and processed accordingly. As a toy, you can cut a wooden ax out of plywood. As in popular computer games.

A little about sizes and shapes

Each master made an ax with his own hands, focusing on his height and specific application. It's no secret that a tool designed for chopping wood will be slightly different from a similar product designed for cutting down trees. At the same time, a small carpenter's hatchet for small carpentry work will be the exact opposite of the two categories listed above.

Despite this, a professional ax with a wooden handle always consists of three main parts:

  • working part made of metal with a sharpened front part;
  • a hatchet - a handle made of wood;
  • wedge - a spacer that connects parts of the structure together.

When self-manufacturing, special attention is paid to the metal part, otherwise the tool simply will not cope with its main function. It takes into account not only the shape and material, but also the aspect ratio and the sharpening angle.

Modern axes are usually made from medium alloy tool steel that has been heat treated and quenched.

The shape of the blade is selected depending on the application. For example, products intended for woodcutters are often used for chopping tree trunks and removing large branches. Such work requires a great depth of penetration, so the shape of the ax must be wedge-shaped. The cleavers used to chop wood are similar in shape, but have thicker cheeks and a sharper sharpening angle.

The length and size of the ax is directly related to the impact loads. If a significant impact force is required, the handle is made elongated to provide more swing. The dimensions of 700-900 mm are respected here. The length of the handles of axes for felling (carpentry tools) usually does not exceed 500 mm, a good cleaver is attached to the shaft of about 800 mm.

The shape of the handle should provide a comfortable grip, therefore, the middle part is always made curved, the seat and the shank have thickenings. The seat angle of the blade usually varies between 70-90 degrees.

How to choose the right wood for the handle

Curiously, not all tree species are suitable for making a hatchet. It is recommended to use only hardwood, previously dried in special chambers or cured in a dry place. Failure to comply with these requirements will lead to the fact that during use the handle will dry out and it will be very problematic to securely fix the blade on the ax.

Craftsmen use several types of wood to make wooden handles, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to figure out which wood will make the best handle for an ax.


This is a "come and take" raw material, however the availability of the material does not guarantee high quality. To make a high quality birch hatchet, the wood will have to dry for 10-12 months. Even then, the material remains sensitive to the humid environment.


Also available and common material with a limited area of ​​application. In particular, maple sticks are not suitable for making quality tools for a carpenter or lumberjack. However, the wood has a beautiful texture, so it is ideal for decorative and souvenir wood products.


This unusual name hides an American nut that grows in Canadian forests. For the manufacture of an ax handle, this is the best option, successfully combining indicators of strength, elasticity and durability. However, only American and Canadian lumberjacks can truly appreciate these benefits.


It is a species of wood, unique in its properties, which is used for the manufacture of sports equipment and furniture. Jatoba is easy to process and has a presentable appearance. At the same time, in terms of strength, such an array is not inferior to oak, so the handles for an ax made of it are very reliable.


Among the listed options, ash is considered the optimal balance of availability and quality. At the same time, the wood has an interesting texture, therefore, after appropriate processing, the wooden ax will have a presentable appearance without losing its strength and elasticity.

Important nuances

The strength and durability of the ax is determined by the resistance of the wood to dynamic impact loads. The reasons for the premature breakage of the handle are as follows:

It is necessary to clarify that a properly made handle can serve for several years without requiring repair.

How to carve a toy ax

A homemade plywood ax can be an interesting toy for a child or a great addition to a New Year's costume. Often young children, adolescents and even adults want to make wooden axes, like in computer games like Minecraft. Such a product can be made in 1.5-2 hours with minimal financial costs.

It will take longer to make an ax from solid wood, since wood will be more difficult to process than plywood. The parts are cut with a special cutter or a sharp knife, removing the chips layer by layer, observing the observance of the dimensions and proportions.

With plywood, everything is easier. First you need to find a ready-made template or draw it yourself in full size. The drawing is transferred to a plywood sheet. Separately, the blade and the handle are cut out with a jigsaw.

To make the wooden toy look more natural, it is better to glue the blade from two halves, after cutting the groove for the handle.

Then both halves of the plywood ax blade are placed on the handle, fixed with pins and glued with PVA wood glue. After drying, the wood blade is given a sharpening angle. You can perform this operation with an ordinary file. At the final stage, all surfaces are processed with sandpaper, the blade is covered with several layers of silver paint. You can custom-design or stick a sticker. The finished wooden toy looks very nice.

An ax is one of the tools that you need to have on the farm. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but if you want to have a reliable and convenient thing, it is better to make the tool yourself. The article will talk about how to make an ax at home with your skillful hands and how to properly plant a metal cloth.

How to select and prepare wood

The hatchet is the handle of the working tool. Labor productivity depends entirely on how easy it will be to work with it. Therefore, the usual straight stick will not work in this case. A real haft is a curved bar with an oval cross-section and straight sections. The tail should be widened and bent downwards. Only with this option will the hand of the person performing the work be able to securely hold the tool, while not experiencing fatigue for a long time.

The following types of wood are best suited for making an ax:

  • maple;
  • Birch tree;
  • acacia;
  • ash.

You need to harvest wood in the fall. Birch is perfect for carpentry tools, and maple is more often used for the field version. Its toughness is less than that of birch. The ideal option is considered to be a very durable and rarely shape-shifting ash. It is better to make a hatchet from a section of a tree located near the root, and the workpiece should be 15 cm wider and longer than the future product.

Attention! Before the prepared beams are used for making the hatchet, they must dry for at least a year in a dry, dark place, for example, in the attic. This is necessary so that when finished, the handle does not dry out and does not begin to dangle in the eyelet.

It is possible to use fresh wood only in the event of a handle breakage as a temporary option to be replaced as soon as possible.

How to make an ax

In order to make an ax you will need:

  • piece of wood;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • pencil;
  • file;
  • a hammer.

The manufacturing process itself takes place in the following order:

Attention! You need to make the hatchet so that the cross section is oval. In this case, it will be possible to hold it without particularly straining the hand and produce very accurate blows.

Hatchet impregnation and ax attachment

The upper part of the finished handle must be impregnated with a water-repellent compound. Two options will do:

  • drying oil;
  • linseed oil;
  • ski resin.

The selected agent is lubricated with wood and left to dry. The processing is repeated several more times until the fat is absorbed. Ski resin is able to penetrate deeper layers of the workpiece, but it is difficult to find it in stores. Therefore, they often use the first two options.

Advice. A bright dye can be added to the impregnation agent. So the finished tool will be difficult to lose.

The attachment of the ax to the handle is made as follows:

Watching video and photographs will help you better understand the manufacturing method. Making an ax with your own hands is more difficult than buying it ready-made. However, with the desire and some skills, it is quite possible to get a high-quality tool of labor.

How to make an ax: video