How to change the gas meter. The cost of replacing a gas meter. Video: Choosing a replacement gas meter

For example, this year it is planned to raise the payment for gas by 40%, without a single hint of a tariff reduction ever. The only solution in this situation will be the ability to control the gas flow, and one cannot do without a meter.

Gas meter - strict controller

A household gas meter is a metering device that measures the amount of gas that is supplied by a gas pipeline. It is used both in apartments and in private houses, and the meter is installed, as a rule, for a long period of operation. And when the period of state verification expires, it is necessary to replace the gas appliance, the procedure of which should be taken with great responsibility.

The principle of operation of the gas meter

An invisible gas with which we cook food or heat a room is a mixture that consists of certain components with certain properties. Therefore, the process of calculating this mixture is impossible without the laws of physics.

There are several groups into which gas meters are divided according to the principle of their operation - turbine, rotary, vortex and membrane. In everyday life, gas meters use a membrane and rotary type.

The principle of counting a rotary gas meter is based on the fact that the volume passed through it is proportional to the number of revolutions of the rotor. A portion of gas is taken as a quantitative unit, which is cut off between the rotor and the measuring chamber. The rotor rotates through a mechanical transmission, and information about the amount of gas that has passed is transmitted to the counting mechanism.

The membrane counter is based on the principle of short-term movement of thin membranes. The counting mechanism drives the movement of the membranes, which occurs when the gas mixture enters the chambers of the device.

Gas meter replacement

As already mentioned, the question of replacing a gas meter may arise after the period for its state verification has expired. In general, the procedure is quite complicated, but there are rules that make replacing a gas meter easier, more efficient and faster.

First of all, you should know that the gas meter is a gas equipment (intra-house), but not a gas-using device.

Only specialized organizations should install, repair or replace a gas meter. The Law of November 23, 2009 “On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” states that only employees of specialized organizations, having received special training, can perform gas hazardous work.

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Therefore, only representatives of the supplier will be able to tell how to replace a gas appliance without violating the rules. Therefore, as soon as the next verification period begins to approach, and it will be necessary to replace the gas meter, you need to contact the organization that provides you with gas and find out the procedure for the procedure.

The procedure for replacing the counter

In order for the gas meter in the apartment to be replaced, it is necessary to submit an application to the organization that controls the in-house gas service. It is necessary to notify in advance the date and time of the replacement of the counter of the one who will perform the services, as well as insist on his mandatory presence during this procedure.

The control of the performer is necessary to write off the readings of the removed and installed gas meters, as well as for further sealing the installed device. The presence of the controller during the replacement of the gas meter will also exclude any possibility of disputes regarding the readings of the removed equipment, its serviceability, as well as the integrity of the seals at the time of its removal. The sealing of a new gas meter is carried out immediately, or no later than 5 working days, the employee performing this service must send his representative to install the seals. Only after that, payment for gas will be made according to the readings of the device.

Each gas equipment, which includes gas meters, has its own period of operation. Most often, the duration of this period is from 8 to 12 years. Thus, meters installed about 10 years ago have already expired and need to be replaced. But there is an option when replacing the gas meter is not necessary, it is enough to remove and send the old device to the laboratory for verification, where a verdict will be issued on the possibility of its further use. Typically, checking an old meter takes no more than three weeks. And payment for the consumed gas during the inspection period will be charged according to the heated area.

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Terms for replacing a gas meter and basic rules

Like any technical equipment, gas meters have a certain service life. It depends on the type and brand of the device. Replacement measures are best taken in advance to avoid delay. We will tell in the article how the gas meter is replaced, when it is changed and what documents you will need.

The procedure for replacing a gas meter in a private house and in an apartment

It is forbidden to change the gas meter on your own. This is done by gas specialists who have the right to carry out work to replace measuring instruments.

Self-replacement of the counter is fraught with serious consequences. This is dangerous!

How to replace a gas meter? The algorithm will be the following.

Step 1. It is necessary to contact the territorial management company that deals with gas networks. You should write an application and provide the required documents.

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Step 2. Gas service specialists evaluate the technical characteristics for installing the meter in the room. At the same time, attention is also drawn to the supply of gas networks to a private house or apartment.

Step 3. Acquisition of a counter in specialized stores. It is better to entrust this to a specialist who knows exactly which counter to buy. There are many nuances that an uninformed person may not know. You need to clarify the cost of replacing a gas meter with the company that will perform the installation. Experts will be able to announce the price for replacing a gas meter after studying the technical data of the gas pipeline in your home.

Step 4 After the gas meter is replaced, everything should be carefully checked. If the owner is satisfied with everything, it is necessary to sign a certificate of completion.

Step 5. The final stage after replacing the gas meter is sealing. Without this procedure, the measuring instrument cannot be put into service.

When dismantling the old gas meter, the owner should record the latest indicators in order to transfer them to the management company in the future.

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The gas measuring device is installed in accordance with the established requirements. It can be located at a distance of 80 cm from other gas equipment. The height above the floor must be at least 1.2 m.

What documents are needed when replacing a gas meter?

To apply for a replacement gas meter, the following documents will be required:

  • owner's passport and its copy;
  • a document confirming ownership and a copy;
  • gas meter passport or certificate with a copy;
  • paper with data on the last verification of gas equipment;
  • a project for installing a gas meter in a residential area with a list of gas consumption points.

In the application sent to the management company, for sealing and putting the meter into operation, you must specify:

  • passport details of the owner;
  • contact details for communication;
  • the estimated date of commencement of the use of the meter;
  • registration number of the measuring device;
  • counter model type;
  • the address where the gas meter needs to be replaced;
  • the name of the gas company that installed the device;
  • meter readings before replacement;
  • date of the next verification.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 established the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of residential premises.

According to this document, the period for replacing a gas meter in a private house and in an apartment cannot exceed 30 days. During this period, the calculation of the utility bill will take place according to the standard established in your region.

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After the replacement of the gas meter, from the moment the application for sealing is submitted, the management company must contact the owner within three days. If this does not happen, you have the right to contact the housing inspectorate and file a complaint.

How much does it cost to replace a gas meter?

According to the decree of the government of the Russian Federation, the replacement of a gas meter is carried out at the expense of the homeowner. This is because all the equipment in your home belongs to you. And, therefore, the operating costs fall on your shoulders.

This fact is established not only for owners of private houses. Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation clearly indicates that the owner of an apartment in an apartment building bears all the costs of maintaining the premises.

Thus, you will have to pay:

  • purchase of a gas meter;
  • the work of specialists in removing the gas meter and installing the jumper pipe;
  • the cost of services for verification and repair of the device;
  • services for the direct replacement of the gas meter.

The cost of meter replacement services will be determined by specialists on site. The price depends on the complexity of the work, the number of devices, the length of the pipe for the output of the gas meter, as well as on the region of residence and the tariffs of the organization.

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On average, about 15 thousand rubles will have to be paid for the device, and no more than 7 thousand rubles for the services of replacing a gas meter.

All listed expenses are related to the owners of private houses and apartments. If your housing is owned by the municipality, then they must bear all the costs of replacing the gas meter.

Which is better - checking or replacing a gas meter?

If the verification period of your meter is coming to an end, you will also pay for the verification work yourself. Owners consider verification inappropriate for the following reasons:

  • you have to pay not only for the verification itself, but also for the dismantling, installation and sealing of the meter;
  • delivery of the gas meter to the laboratory for verification is carried out by the owner independently and at his own expense;
  • if the measuring device does not pass the verification, it will have to be replaced, but the cost of verification work is paid anyway;
  • the verification period may take up to three weeks - during this time the owner will pay for gas consumption according to the standard.

Therefore, it is believed that at the end of the calibration period it is much more profitable and faster to replace the gas meter. The interval between verifications depends on the brand and type of measuring instrument. It can vary from 5 to 12 years.

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What is the service life of a gas meter according to the law, and what to do if it is overdue?

Any measuring device has its own service life. This also applies to gas meters.

It is important to follow the rules and terms of their operation, to do verification in a timely manner. Moreover, it will be made entirely at the expense of the owner of the apartment.

Who pays for the replacement of electricity meters? Find out the answer right now.

How to determine?

What is the service life of a household gas meter?

In accordance with Federal Law No. 102 “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, Article 13, all measuring instruments must undergo initial verification before commissioning and periodic verification after a certain period of use of the device.

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Moreover, the time is counted not from the moment of installation, but from the date of release.

Any device has a technical passport, which gives its main characteristics, including service life and verification period. For each meter, these values ​​are set depending on the brand and model.

The table shows the following gas meters:

All measuring instruments listed in the table are used for domestic use: they are intended for installation in apartments of apartment buildings.

When choosing, you should pay attention to how many gas appliances the measuring tool will serve: only a stove or a column and a stove.

The price of counters varies from 1500 rubles to rubles. It depends on the calibration period, the country of manufacture and the throughput of the device.

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Only those measuring instruments that have been verified and have a seal on the body should be allowed to be installed.

Verification interval

The calibration interval is the period during which the manufacturer gives a guarantee for the correct operation of the device.

The length of the verification interval ranges from 8 to 12 years.

If it was not carried out on time or there is no new seal, the readings of this device cannot be taken into account for presentation for payment.

Verification must be carried out by special gas services. This procedure is as follows:

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  1. Call a specialist. It must be from the service with which the contract for the maintenance of gas equipment is concluded.
  2. Dismantling the meter and sending it for verification.
  3. Issuance of a conclusion based on the results of verification. There can be two options: recognition as suitable or unsuitable measuring means. If suitable, the device is installed by a specialist in place and sealed. The date of verification is marked in the passport.

If the measuring instrument is recognized as unsuitable for further operation, an act is issued on it on the impossibility of its use. The owner is informed about this.

You can learn about how the on-site verification of gas meters is carried out from the video:

What to do?

If broke

Devices tend to break.

Gas meters are no exception.

Breakdowns can be expressed in the following:

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  • for electronic measuring instruments - there is no display of digital values ​​on the screen, or they are visible fragmentarily;
  • for all types - the meter is measured in one place or there is a slight gas leak at the attachment point.

If problems are found, there are several options for resolving them.

If the seal is broken, then in the event of a malfunction by a specialist during a routine inspection, and when called by the owner of the apartment, an act is drawn up on its violation.

According to it, the user of the equipment will have to pay for the last six months of operation of the meter according to the standards, which, as a rule, are higher. A similar calculation is carried out in those rooms in which there are no installed devices.

If the integrity of the seal is preserved, but the gasman discovered the malfunction during a scheduled inspection, in this case you will also have to pay according to the standard for six months for hiding the faulty equipment. The company that performed the verification will have to send a notification of the recalculation amount within 30 days.

When a malfunction of the measuring instrument is detected by the owner of the apartment and the integrity of the seal is established, the specialist records the fact of the breakdown. In this case, the calculation will be carried out according to the standards only from the date of detection of a breakdown until the date of installation of a new meter.

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Find out if pensioners have to pay apartment tax in our article.

If overdue

Responsibility for compliance with the calibration intervals for gas appliances lies entirely with its user.

Every six months, gas service specialists should conduct a scheduled inspection of in-house gas equipment, including meters.

If they find a delay in the verification period, then in this case the amount for the use of gas for six months will be recalculated according to the current standards.

There is no penalty for non-compliance with the deadlines. The amount of payment for utilities will only be increased in connection with the recalculation for the last six months.

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Who installs?

Gas meters should only be installed by licensed professionals. To replace the counter, you must:

  1. Submit an application to the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgaz" or the "One Window" service for verification or replacement.
  2. Experts check the condition of gas pipes. Prepare an estimate for the necessary work.
  3. The owner of the apartment purchases the measuring instrument at his own expense.
  4. Gas workers install the device and draw up an act of work performed. Before this, the owner of the apartment must consider the place where to mount the meter. At the same time, the requirements must be met: from the floor, the distance of fixing the device is set at least 120 cm, and from the stove - at least 80 cm.
  5. An application is sent to the management company for sealing the device.
  6. Sealing of the measuring instrument is carried out within three days.

Who pays for the replacement?

If the service life of the device has expired, or verification has shown it to be unsuitable for further use, then all costs associated with its replacement are fully borne by the owner of the apartment.

In addition to the cost of the meter itself, its installation will cost from 3000 dorubles. Everything will depend on the complexity of the work performed.

Free replacement is made only to certain groups of citizens:

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  • WWII veterans;
  • large families;
  • low-income, needy citizens.

If a gas meter is installed in your apartment, then you need to independently monitor the onset of its calibration interval.

It is worth considering that the countdown is made from the moment the device was released.

If the verification is not carried out on time, or the gas company is not notified about the malfunction of the device itself, then the owner of the apartment will be obliged to pay for the last six months for the use of gas according to established standards, which will be much more expensive.

All costs associated with the installation, replacement and verification of the device are borne by the user of the gas.

For information on whether it is necessary to pay for common house needs under Decree 354, read here.

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Watch a video about the procedure and rules for checking and replacing gas meters:

A video about how the car arrives, stands in the yard, everything takes minutes - LIE. They removed the meter from me, took it away, they said they would bring it in 2-3 hours.

The gas meter was previously installed at one subscriber. The verification period did not fit, he replaced it with another one in connection with the reconstruction, and this meter was presented to a neighbor. Does this meter need verification in order to be installed by a neighbor? (Deadline hasn't passed yet)

you sell gas to the consumer, which means that the meter must be yours, because when we buy something in a store, we don’t go to the store with our scales

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Free replacement of gas meters: myth or reality

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a new building without individual gas meters.

But what about those people who have been living in their usual place for a long time?

ATTENTION! You can reduce gas bills by 2 TIMES by legal methods right now. Find out the details.

How can they get the meter they want without spending a lot of money, if not for free?

The need for gas meters

Before answering the question - is it possible to install a meter of whose company to use in your home for free, let's consider the very concept of a meter and their types.

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A gas meter is a device for recording the volume of gas passing through a gas pipeline in a house per unit of time.

The volume of gas is measured in cubic meters, and its usage rate varies from region to region. Therefore, companies producing meters are trying to adapt to each region.

Types of gas meters:

The positive aspects of this type of meters are high security, simple design, affordable price from $20 to $100. Negative sides - high noise level, large size, the requirement for frequent rechecking due to the risk of deviation in the readings. This is an excellent budget option for the average citizen of the Russian Federation.

Positive aspects - high accuracy of readings, small size, silent, easy adjustment, repeatability of checks every 10 years, it is convenient to disassemble in case of breakdown or replacement. Price from $35 to $170. Suitable for domestic and industrial use. The negative side is the relatively high price, which will not allow everyone to buy it.

Rotary counters are small in size, affordable in price and low in noise. In Russia, their price ranges from $25 to $105, depending on the characteristics and additional modules for it. There are not very many negative sides, but you can add to them the repeatability of the check every 5 years, plus frequent errors after long-term operation. Such counters are changed only with a special tool, so as not to damage the passing pipes.

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Volume counters are not the most popular in everyday life. This is due to the rather large dimensions and high noise during operation. Positive aspects - high throughput function, reliability, repeatability of checks every 10 years. The price of such a counter is from $20 to $120.

Negative sides - large size, increased noise level. They are not so easy to acquire and are most often installed at enterprises and factories.

The process of installing gas meters in Russia

The installation of a gas meter is carried out at the expense of the services of gas companies that have all the necessary documents, a license and permission to perform such work.

Before installation, the customer must prepare the place where the meter will be installed and purchase it at his own expense. When the meter is already installed, the master who installed it must issue the following documents to the client: an act on the installation and proper operation of the meter, an installation invoice and a settlement document. The settlement document confirms the fact of the work performed in a legal manner and gives the right to warranty and post-warranty service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the replacement, repair and inspection of meters.

Is it possible to get a free installation of a gas meter

To answer this question, you need to look into the law of the Russian Federation.

According to the law, any citizen of Russia can get a free installation, because this process must be paid for by the state.

But in reality, we get slightly different conditions - in order to obtain the installation of a meter at the expense of the state, it is necessary to obtain permission, which can take a long time. An alternative option is to purchase a service from a company that specializes in this issue.

It is worth noting that an individual or legal entity, an entrepreneur who uses gas for their activities is obliged by law to install meters not for free, but at their own expense.

Responsibilities of the meter owner and is it possible to install the meter for free

According to the established law in the Russian Federation, the owner undertakes to comply with the following points:

  • The owner is obliged before installation to purchase a meter suitable for his gas supply system and provide it for installation;
  • The owner is obliged to carry out maintenance of the devices, maintain the integrity and serviceability of the device;
  • If under the contract there is a division of duties between the meter installer and the owner, the division of duties occurs according to the contract;
  • The owner can conclude a maintenance agreement with the state, which will relieve him of the obligation and responsibility in some cases for the meter's performance;
  • If the premises are rented out, the owner monitors the integrity and proper operation, even if this tenant is the state.

Answering the question - is it possible to install a counter for free? Let's answer yes. But here's what you need to do before installing this meter for a fee:

  1. Pay off all debts on utilities, not only on the provision of gas.
  2. Purchase a suitable meter and make sure it is in good condition before installation in order to protect yourself from marriage;
  3. Prepare the necessary place for installing the counter;
  4. Submit an application for a request to install a meter from the Housing Office;
  5. On the day scheduled for free installation, be present at home and provide the master with the necessary tools, a counter and a place for installation.

In case of breakage of the meter, there will be a free replacement or not

The law prohibits the replacement of a gas meter on your own without the knowledge of the relevant authorities. For this action, the violator faces from a fine to imprisonment.

But for a legal replacement, the owner of a broken meter needs to contact a specialist in this field and apply for a replacement (this is usually also free, but with the same nuances as with a free installation). The client pays only the cost of dismantling and equipment, which already makes this process not completely free.

Before proceeding with the replacement, it is necessary to complete the plan and fill out the relevant documents. In case of debt, pay the debt so that the amount in the account is zero.

Before turning on the device, the last readings are recorded on the old counter. Unsealing the old counter and sealing the new one should only be done by the master, who will record these actions in his journal.

How to protect yourself from fraud by the master

In conclusion, I would like to tell you the simplest tips that will help you not to make a mistake in replacing the counter:

  • Make sure there is no gas leak in the new system;
  • Check the meter reading and the amount of gas consumed;
  • Compare the old gas usage readings with the new ones - they shouldn't differ much.
  • Have you tried all the ways to save money, but nothing works?
  • Gas bills keep going up and up.
  • Moreover, these new ovens are consuming more and more gas.
  • And most importantly - if you leave everything as it is, gas bills will soon begin to exceed your salary.

But there is still an effective way to save money. Follow the link and find out how Aleksey Shinkevich saves gas!

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Everything you need to know about energy meters

How often is a gas meter changed?

To find out when to change the gas meter, you need to look into the meter's passport, the service life is written there (for example, on mine it is ten years). Again, depending on the model, verification is carried out (once every five years usually, sometimes every three years, depending on the model of the meter). In general, you don’t have to worry about this, when the time comes, you will be sent a notification that it’s time for the meter to be verified (it comes with a receipt, there is also a phone number to call). When this very notification came to me, I called, the next day specialists came, removed my counter, put their own, exactly the same, and about a month later they changed places back. If the meter has not passed verification, then they draw up an act (I know this for sure, because the neighbor had such a problem), in fact, that's all, after the act you will have to buy a new meter. To summarize, there is no point in worrying about the timing, the gas industry will remind you. Usually the service life is ten years, but if the verification passes, then they can increase it.

There is no need to confuse the verification of a gas meter and its replacement, verification can be once every 5 years and once every 10 years, after as long as it is established by regulatory enactments.

The replacement of the gas meter is carried out in two cases, either its malfunction detected during operation or verification, or by the end of the accrual resource dial - usually, no counters are launched for the second round!

Therefore, we can safely say that the gas meter is not changed at all, since they rarely break, and the dial resource is enough for a very long time.

The period during which a gas meter is considered "working" is set by the manufacturer of this meter. The so-called product warranty. This period is prescribed in the passport of the technical device (in our case, a gas meter). As a rule, this period varies from 5 to 12 years. However, this does not mean that the counter is necessary. Enough to just check. Of course, not on our own, but by specialists. A full service life with proper operation can reach years.

Have you noticed that a frivolous attitude is often traced to such tasks as replacing a gas meter? Advisers post self-replacement algorithms, find dubious options for saving on devices and materials.

Meanwhile, the replacement rules have a legislative basis, dictated by the service life of the equipment. A person admitted to work must have a proven qualification: even a battery change must be carried out by a gas service employee.

After careful research, we found out the requirements for the procedure, found laws regulating the procedure, frequency and reasons that oblige owners of gas equipment to replace the meter. We also found out what documents you need to provide to replace the gas meter with the service provider.

Replacing the device battery

The need to change the battery is usually signaled by a blank screen. In some cases, it becomes poorly distinguishable or “disappears” part of the numbers. Sometimes users notice screen flickering, which can also be evidence of a faulty battery.

In this case, you will also have to turn to the help of the gas service, since self-opening of the device is prohibited. Moreover, most of the batteries are sealed.

Repair or replacement?

In some situations, equipment replacement may be more cost effective than repair. If the device breaks down, you will have to pay for dismantling, examination and, if it is impossible to restore correct operation, a new flow meter and its installation.

At the same time, all the time spent on these manipulations, the gas fee will be calculated based on regional standards.

Therefore, many users who suspect a cardinal breakdown of the device prefer to immediately install a new counter. The old one is either disposed of or, after a successful repair, kept as a spare until the end of its useful life.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The counter is replaced when it breaks down and at the end of its service life. The initiator may be the owner himself or a representative of the gas service. When choosing a device, it is worth listening to the opinion of a professional, since only he can take into account all the technical subtleties.

Installation should also be entrusted to specialists. This is how their installation visit goes:

After the work is completed, the gas service employee must draw up two acts: on the replacement and on the commissioning of the device. After that, it remains only to put a seal and monitor the condition of the new flow meter.

Any homeowner is interested in the quality work of a gas meter. If you do not replace a faulty device on time, you will not be able to rely on the readings of the device, and paying according to state standards is expensive.

Like all technical devices, gas equipment has a certain period of operation. To avoid delay, it is better to take measures in advance to replace the gas meter.

The legislative framework

It is forbidden to change the gas meter on your own. The procedure should be carried out by specialists who have the right to carry out work to replace gas equipment.

In the safety requirements or in the instructions for labor protection, the performance of gas hazardous work must be entrusted only to workers with special training and proven qualifications. It is also forbidden to replace the battery yourself by the gas service.

If the nutrient element has sat down, then the master removes the seal, after loading the readings into the database before work. After removing the housing cover, the specialist carefully removes the electronic board with the battery and loads a new one in its place.

If you still decide to replace it yourself, then after the procedure you still need to call the wizard to install a new seal.

Equipment life

The life of the meters depends on the manufacturer, on average from 12 to 20 years. The state has set the service life of the device - 20 years.

The need to replace the device may arise if its service life or verification period has expired. The service life of the device depends on the type and brand of the meter.

Types of gas meters:

  1. Electronic. They are characterized by portable size, high reading accuracy, easy adjustment, noiselessness, easy disassembly when replacing, checking once every 10 years. Suitable for domestic and industrial use. Cons - relatively high cost of $ 35-170.
  2. Membrane. Differ in simple design and high safety. It belongs to the budget option, the cost is $ 20-100. The disadvantages include large size, high noise level, deviations in readings and frequent rechecks.
  3. Volumetric. They are distinguished by reliability, high throughput function, check once every 10 years, acceptable cost of $20-120. Among the shortcomings, an increased noise level and large dimensions are noted. Usually installed in factories and enterprises.
  4. Rotary. They have a low noise level and mobile dimensions, as well as an affordable price of $ 25-105. The disadvantages include frequent errors after long-term operation and checks every 5 years.

Rules and procedure for replacing the device

Who pays for the replacement? Replacing a gas meter in an apartment and apartment buildings is at the expense of the owner of the living space, since it belongs to you. Operating costs must also be paid by the owner.

This decision must be carried out not only by the owners of apartments, but also by private houses. According to Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of the house bears all the costs for its maintenance.

If the gas meter is located outside the apartment (for example, in the basement), then all measures to access the device should be carried out by municipal services and completely free of charge, since in this case none of the residents acts as the owner of the device.

The subscriber is responsible for:

  • performance of the gas meter;
  • correctness of indications;
  • verification payment;
  • delivery of the device for verification.

Necessary measures to replace a gas meter in a private house, rules in 2019:

  1. In the territorial management company, you must provide documents and write an application.
  2. It is necessary to order project documentation from the gas supply organization.
  3. Experts evaluate the technical characteristics and supply of gas networks to an apartment or a private house.
  4. The subscriber must independently purchase a gas meter of a certain brand after consultation with a specialized company, as well as pay for the design of its installation.
  5. The owner of the equipment must pay for the dismantling of the old device.
  6. After replacing and checking the gas meter, a certificate of completion should be signed.
  7. Sealing.

When dismantling the old device, the subscriber needs to record the latest indicators and transfer them to the managing organization.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 2011 and the Rules for the provision of public services, the period for replacing a gas meter in an apartment and in a private house should not exceed 30 days.

The calculation of the utility bill for this period will be made according to the standard established by the state. After replacing the device from the moment of filing an application for sealing, the managing organization must contact the subscriber within 3 days.

How much does it cost to install

Many subscribers are interested in whether it is necessary to pay for the replacement of a gas meter? The cost of installing a meter is 900-3000 rubles and depends on:

  • type of work and its complexity;
  • brand of the device;
  • meter installation locations (apartment or private house).

The cost of replacing the device must be clarified with the company that produces the installation.. The cost of the work is announced by specialists after studying the technical data of the gas pipeline.

The price depends on:

  • organization's tariffs;
  • region of residence;
  • number of devices;
  • the complexity of the work;
  • the length of the pipe for the output of the device.

You should pay:

  • purchase of a device;
  • the work of the master to remove the device and install the jumper pipe;
  • meter replacement services;
  • verification and repair of equipment.

The cost of replacement varies from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the region and city. The average price for the service is 3-7 thousand rubles. If you decide to act on your own, then you will be fined for unauthorized connection of gas.

What documents are needed to replace a gas meter:

  • passport of the owner of the property and its copy;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • passport or certificate for the meter and other gas appliances;
  • a document with data on the last verification;
  • house plan;
  • a project for installing a device in a house listing gas consumption points;
  • agreement on technical VDGO.

The application must indicate:

  • subscriber's passport data;
  • Contact details;
  • address to replace the gas meter;
  • device model type;
  • registration number of the device;
  • the name of the company that installed the meter;
  • date of commencement of use of the equipment;
  • instrument performance before replacement;
  • date of the next verification.

Check or replace?

If the service life of your measuring device is coming to an end, then the verification of the device is also paid by the owner.

Many owners consider this procedure inappropriate because:

  • you have to pay not only for verification, but also for the dismantling and delivery of equipment to the laboratory for verification;
  • the subscriber also pays for the installation and sealing of the device;
  • the verification period lasts up to 3 weeks, gas consumption must be paid according to the standard;
  • if the equipment does not pass verification, then it will have to be replaced, while paying the cost of verification work.

Thus, it is much faster and more profitable to replace the gas meter.

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Rules for replacing a gas meter in 2019

Individual metering devices have a certain service life, so replacing a gas meter is a necessary procedure. The need to install a new device may also arise due to premature failure of the mechanism.

The replacement procedure has clear rules that must be followed. Any violation of the established norms will not allow the commissioning of new equipment, in connection with which the consumer will incur serious costs.

When is a replacement necessary?

The widespread installation of gas meters began from the moment Federal Law No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009 came into force and should end on January 1, 2019.

Over the past period, gas flow meters have appeared in almost every house or apartment that is subject to existing rules.

Exceptions, starting from 2015, were made only for owners of premises in which resource consumption does not exceed 2 cubic meters per hour.

If there is a metering device, due to a number of factors, it may be necessary to dismantle the old mechanism and install a new one. Reasons for replacing the gas meter:

  1. Expiration of the service life limit. For different models, manufacturers allocate a certain time after which the unit must be written off.
  2. Damage during the warranty period. If the meter fails due to a manufacturing defect or due to improper installation by certified specialists, a replacement with a working device is required.
  3. Failure to pass regular or unscheduled verification. Each IPU gas has a fixed time interval, after the expiration of which it is necessary to confirm the suitability of the device for further operation. An examination may be required due to broken seals, reading errors and damage. If it is impossible to verify that the meter is working, a new one is mounted.
  4. Refusal to pass verification. The cost of the procedure and accompanying actions may exceed the price of a new device. It is more economical to install another meter.
  5. Complete failure, identified by the owner or during inspection. Most manufacturers indicate the period during which the device serves flawlessly. Due to various harmful factors, defects and violations, the operation of the meter may be disrupted earlier than the stated period.

It will be necessary to replace the gas meter if the IPU is considered obsolete. The device often fails certified diagnostics, so the resource company insists on installing a new model.

Attention! Changing the technical condition of the facility, installing additional or more powerful gas equipment, switching to individual heating will lead to an increase in resource consumption. This will make it necessary to change the device to a new one with a higher throughput.

Service life of the gas meter

The period of optimal operation of the mechanism is set by the manufacturer, it must be prescribed in the accompanying technical documentation (passport). Devices are produced with the following parameters:

  • The average service life of standard models varies between 12-16 years. An example is the SGMB 1.6 and KG 4 models.
  • Counters with a maximum period of operation - from 20 years and more. The group includes the brands of devices NPM G1,6, UBSG 001 G4, ETK GSM G4.

The service life of individual gas meters is considered a secondary indicator, the main parameter that you should pay attention to is the calibration interval.

Many manufacturers, along with the main service life, indicate an additional indicator - the average uptime. Usually the parameter is 10 years. Often, consumers mistakenly believe that the meter changes every ten years. In fact, the value is approximate, it allows you to get information about the standard period of operation in the absence of reference conditions.

How to replace a gas meter

A new IPU instead of the old one is installed according to a specific instruction, which must be followed in order to avoid problems with the gas supply organization. Any deviation from the rules can lead not only to financial losses, but also to violate safety standards.

Required documents

The gas meter should only be changed by a representative of a specialized company. There is a number of information that needs to be prepared. To avoid difficulties, it is worth entrusting all work to employees of the gas supply organization.

If third-party certified commercial firms are involved in the replacement, it is imperative to coordinate with the sales company. The representative of the utility service provider must record the readings of the old gas meter, and only then is it allowed to remove the seals.

The first to prepare an application for the dismantling of the IPU, which is accompanied by the following documents (copies):

  • certificates or papers equal to them, which confirm the ownership of an apartment or a private house (land);
  • owner's passport;
  • documents accompanying the new and old flowmeters;
  • technical design of the gas system;
  • service contract (provision of a resource).

It is not always necessary to change the old gas meter: if there are no visible malfunctions of the device, then first it is better to check the IPU, which will confirm or refute the feasibility of replacing the device with a new one

If a replacement is made due to an increase in consumption, a specialist is initially called in to evaluate connectivity. If the new IMP is not equivalent to the old one, changes to the project are required.

Separately, an application is being prepared to the utility service provider on the need to put the meter into operation and seal it. A list of documents is being collected, which is prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 824 of September 19, 2013 (supplement to the RF PP No. 354). List:

  1. Data of the consumer of services (owner of the premises): full name, passport, contact information. Basic information of IPU. Be sure to indicate the name of the organization that will do (performed) the installation. Additionally, you need to inform about the estimated installation time.
  2. Technical documentation for a new gas meter.
  3. Contract for the installation of the meter, if the installation was carried out by a third-party company.

On a note! Sealing of the measuring mechanism is carried out free of charge, if the replacement was not caused by violations on the part of the consumer or unauthorized persons.


When work is performed by specialists of a gas supply organization, the process occurs according to the following scheme:

If the installation is carried out by commercial specialized firms, the procedure is not much different. The main thing is to notify the gas supply organization about all operations. The owner does not have the right to independently change the gas meter.

Who should pay

The issue of making a payment for the replacement of a gas flow meter is one of the most important. Misinterpretation of the changes in the acts that took place in 2015 caused the appearance of an erroneous idea that payment for work is not required: incompetent information is found on some Internet sites.

In reality, the following conditions apply earlier and in 2019:

  1. According to the law, installing a meter in an apartment or house is the responsibility of the owner. The work is carried out at the expense of the owner.
  2. Persons living in non-privatized housing can count on a free change of the old IPU to a new one.
  3. Reimbursement of part of the costs can be received by beneficiaries. The list of privileged categories of citizens in each region of Russia is different, so you need to find out the exact list in the department of social protection.

There is a misunderstanding, for a fee or for free they make a seal. Most of the time, there is no charge for the service. If the replacement of the device is carried out at the request of the owner or due to deliberate or unintentional violations of operation, the consumer must pay for the sealing. The procedure is inexpensive.

What to do with the old counter

When the flow meter is read and dismantled, it is recommended to store the mechanism until the new IPU is finally registered. Further, the used device can be used for any personal household purposes.

If the meter is operational and not outdated, you can check and use the meter as a substitute for yourself or relatives. The time until the next examination will be calculated regardless of whether the mechanism is installed or not.

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Replacing a gas meter: rules, deadlines, documents

Like any technical equipment, gas meters have a certain service life. It depends on the type and brand of the device. Replacement measures are best taken in advance to avoid delay. We will tell in the article how the gas meter is replaced, when it is changed and what documents you will need.

The procedure for replacing a gas meter in a private house and in an apartment

It is forbidden to change the gas meter on your own. This is done by gas specialists who have the right to carry out work to replace measuring instruments.

Self-replacement of the counter is fraught with serious consequences. This is dangerous! How to replace a gas meter? The algorithm will be the following.

Step 1. It is necessary to contact the territorial management company that deals with gas networks. You should write an application and provide the required documents.

Step 2 Gas service specialists evaluate the technical characteristics for installing a measuring device in a room. At the same time, attention is also drawn to the supply of gas networks to a private house or apartment.

Step 3. Acquisition of a counter in specialized stores. It is better to entrust this to a specialist who knows exactly which counter to buy.

There are many nuances that an uninformed person may not know. You need to clarify the cost of replacing a gas meter with the company that will perform the installation.

Experts will be able to announce the price for replacing a gas meter after studying the technical data of the gas pipeline in your home.

Step 4 After the gas meter is replaced, everything should be carefully checked. If the owner is satisfied with everything, it is necessary to sign a certificate of completion.

Step 5 The final stage after replacing the gas meter is sealing. Without this procedure, the measuring instrument cannot be put into service.

When dismantling the old gas meter, the owner should record the latest indicators in order to transfer them to the management company in the future.

The gas measuring device is installed in accordance with the established requirements. It can be located at a distance of 80 cm from other gas equipment. The height above the floor must be at least 1.2 m.

What documents are needed when replacing a gas meter?

To apply for a replacement gas meter, the following documents will be required:

  • owner's passport and its copy;
  • a document confirming ownership and a copy;
  • gas meter passport or certificate with a copy;
  • paper with data on the last verification of gas equipment;
  • a project for installing a gas meter in a residential area with a list of gas consumption points.

In the application sent to the management company, for sealing and putting the meter into operation, you must specify:

  • passport details of the owner;
  • contact details for communication;
  • the estimated date of commencement of the use of the meter;
  • registration number of the measuring device;
  • counter model type;
  • the address where the gas meter needs to be replaced;
  • the name of the gas company that installed the device;
  • meter readings before replacement;
  • date of the next verification.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 established the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of residential premises.

According to this document, the period for replacing a gas meter in a private house and in an apartment cannot exceed 30 days. During this period, the calculation of the utility bill will take place according to the standard established in your region.

After the replacement of the gas meter, from the moment the application for sealing is submitted, the management company must contact the owner within three days. If this does not happen, you have the right to contact the housing inspectorate and file a complaint.

How much does it cost to replace a gas meter?

According to the decree of the government of the Russian Federation, the replacement of a gas meter is carried out at the expense of the homeowner. This is because all the equipment in your home belongs to you. And, therefore, the operating costs fall on your shoulders.

This fact is established not only for owners of private houses. Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation clearly indicates that the owner of an apartment in an apartment building bears all the costs of maintaining the premises.

Thus, you will have to pay:

  • purchase of a gas meter;
  • the work of specialists in removing the gas meter and installing the jumper pipe;
  • the cost of services for verification and repair of the device;
  • services for the direct replacement of the gas meter.

The cost of meter replacement services will be determined by specialists on site. The price depends on the complexity of the work, the number of devices, the length of the pipe for the output of the gas meter, as well as on the region of residence and the tariffs of the organization.

On average, about 15 thousand rubles will have to be paid for the device, and no more than 7 thousand rubles for the services of replacing a gas meter.

All listed expenses are related to the owners of private houses and apartments. If your housing is owned by the municipality, then they must bear all the costs of replacing the gas meter.

Which is better - checking or replacing a gas meter?

If the verification period of your meter is coming to an end, you will also pay for the verification work yourself. Owners consider verification inappropriate for the following reasons:

  • you have to pay not only for the verification itself, but also for the dismantling, installation and sealing of the meter;
  • delivery of the gas meter to the laboratory for verification is carried out by the owner independently and at his own expense;
  • if the measuring device does not pass the verification, it will have to be replaced, but the cost of verification work is paid anyway;
  • the verification period may take up to three weeks - during this time the owner will pay for gas consumption according to the standard.

Therefore, it is believed that at the end of the calibration period it is much more profitable and faster to replace the gas meter. The interval between verifications depends on the brand and type of measuring instrument. It can vary from 5 to 12 years.

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Grounds and procedure for replacing a gas meter

Most citizens of the Russian Federation calculate payment for the use of resources based on the readings of gas, electricity and water meters.

Any measuring equipment has its own specific life, after which it must be replaced. In addition, in some cases, when, after the next verification, the device is declared unusable, a new one is also installed to replace it.

The replacement of the gas meter is carried out in accordance with such rules, and is carried out in accordance with the established law.

Grounds for replacement and the need to pay for the operation

According to government decree No. 824 of September 19, 2013, a gas meter can be replaced for the following reasons:

  • After the expiration of the service life (operation) of the device;
  • In the event that the meter has not been verified.

One of the main issues that concern our citizens is whether it is necessary to pay for the verification or replacement of a gas meter. And if the verification of such devices in most cases is practically free, then completely different rules apply to the installation of a new one.

To understand who pays for the installation of a new appliance, you need to pay attention to the type of housing in which it is located:

  • In a private house. In this case, the unequivocal answer to the question, at whose expense the replacement will be made, will be - at the expense of the owner of the property. In the event that the owner of a residential building is an individual or legal entity, the costs are clearly borne by him;
  • In the apartment. If this apartment is privatized, the change of the metering device is carried out for a fee at the expense of its owner. If the premises are municipal, that is, they belong to the state and are provided to a citizen for living, the installation of a gas meter is carried out at the expense of the state.

In addition, for certain categories of citizens, the law establishes a procedure for free replacement. These include:

  • WWII veterans;
  • Large families;
  • Low-income people who have reached retirement age.

Order and cost of replacement

How much does it cost to replace a gas meter? The price for such a procedure will consist of several components:

  • Counter cost. It can vary depending on the type of device and amount to up to 30 thousand rubles;
  • Direct installation procedure. Its value depends on the region (for example, in Moscow it will be about 2500-3000 rubles). In the event that during the replacement process it is necessary to change the gas pipeline system, another 400-5000 rubles will be added, depending on whether gas water heaters and stoves are installed in the house.

What documents are needed to replace the device? Their list is presented as follows:

  • Passport of the owner of the house or apartment;
  • Technical passport of the new device;
  • Documents for the ownership of real estate (state certificate, contract of sale or donation, etc.), house book;
  • Technical plan of the building;
  • Gasification project;
  • Replacement application.

The procedure for taking the necessary steps to change the gas meter is as follows:

  1. Filling out an application and sending it to the gas industry, which is responsible for the territorial area where your house or apartment is located;
  2. Attachment to the application of the necessary documents (property rights, etc.);
  3. A visit by a specialist to your premises and, according to special technical parameters, issuing an opinion on what type of meter can be installed. In addition, the owner is informed of the amount of the replacement service;
  4. Acquisition of the meter itself. A very important point is to buy it in a specialized store. Sometimes, wanting to save money, citizens buy a device from their hands, on the market, but such a procedure is fraught with the possibility of acquiring a faulty meter or with any defects. Particular attention should be paid to the period of its operation indicated in the passport. Since its duration is not considered from the moment the work began, but from the release by the manufacturer;
  5. Installing the meter, signing the act of acceptance of work and making payment;
  6. Putting the device into operation by sealing it.

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Rules for the installation and operation of gas meters

“According to Russian legislation, in the private sector, the installation of gas meters is mandatory, and in apartment buildings - at the discretion of the owner of the apartment. Since 2016, amendments to the federal law "On Energy Saving" have been in force.

When the apartment has only a gas stove, that is, the consumption rate is less than 2 cubic meters per hour, there is no need to set the meter.

In apartments where there is a stove and a gas water heater, that is, the consumption rate is more than 2 cubic meters (you can specify the indicator in the data sheet by adding up the consumption figures of the gas appliances that you have installed), the meter is more profitable for the consumers themselves, ”Krymgazseti explained.

The company added that for the initial installation of a gas meter, you need to take an attorney entered in the Russian register. If the consumer has a Ukrainian-style meter, an attorney and works properly, there is no need to urgently change it. The calibration interval for gas meters is different - from five to ten years. The meter for verification must be handed over after the end of the calibration interval.

If the meter was installed before 2014, but entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation and passed periodic verification, then there is no need to change it. If there is no meter type in the registry, verification must still be carried out according to the verification interval. Such a counter must be replaced before 2020.

The press service emphasized that the dismantling of the meter for verification is carried out by employees of the Krymgazseti State Unitary Enterprise.

To do this, you must submit an application at the place of residence to your gas management department, with which an agreement has been concluded for the supply of gas and the conduct of VDGO. Self-installation of a gas meter is prohibited. Meters installed by non-certified firms are not accepted for operation. To accept the BSG into operation, an application to Krymgazseti and an installation project are required to be included in the executive and technical documentation.

The company recalled that from November 14, prices for the installation, replacement and dismantling of household gas meters were reduced.

Most apartments have metering devices. According to their testimony, tenants pay utility bills. In addition to water meters, electrical meters, gas meters are also installed in dwellings. They, like any other device, serve a limited time. In case of any malfunction, residents need to replace the gas meter. The procedure is carried out in accordance with the law, and only by specialized services, taking into account technical requirements.

Separate provisions are fixed in the government Law of June 26, 2008 under the number 102-FZ. The act refers to the timing of the change of accounting device. The law contains requirements for meters, and also indicates the need for their verification.

There are also Rules under which utilities are provided. They are approved by the Government Decree of 05/06/2011 under the number 354. This document contains instructions on how to properly change the gas meter.

Organizations that carry out the replacement of equipment

The owner of the apartment is not entitled to independently install the gas meter. The owner is prohibited from changing it.

This procedure can only be carried out by special services. In this case, the change of gas meters should be trusted only to organizations with appropriate accreditation.

Only specialists whose qualifications are officially confirmed are entitled to change equipment in houses. Employees of gas companies are required to undergo special training. Only after it they have the right to carry out work on changing gas equipment in apartments.

Organizations with accreditation have the right to change gas meters.

Since gas-hazardous work takes place during the verification of meters, the masters must have a permit. The company itself is required to approve the instruction. This document is compiled according to the instructions of Rostekhnadzor. This department also controls the work of gas services and approves their instructions.

Technical conditions for installing a gas flow meter

When installing the equipment, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. The gas meter is fixed at a distance of 80 cm from other equipment available in the house.
  2. The meter must be at least 1.2 meters above the floor.
  3. The installed metering device must withstand a short-term increase in pressure in the gas pipeline by 1/10.
  4. All work can be carried out only after a preliminary shutdown of gas in the apartments of the entire entrance or house.
  5. Shut-off devices must be closed on all gas supply pipes.
  6. Before fixing the gas meter to the pipe, the disconnection point must be shunted with a cable. It must be flexible, and its cross section must be 16 mm 2.

Separate requirements apply to models of accounting devices. More often, membrane flow meters are installed in apartments. Rotary devices are also popular. Electronic gas meters are the most accurate. Longer and the period of operation of such devices. All flowmeters are required to be certified.

Electronic gas meters have the highest accuracy of readings.

Equipment life

The duration of operation of the device directly depends on its type. Membrane gas meters operate for 12-18 years. The same period is provided for rotational. Electronic ones can last more than 18 years. The State Standard has established a single period for the replacement of gas meters. It averages 20 years.

It is necessary to change the gas meter in cases where the period of operation has ended according to the passport.

Also, the change of equipment is carried out according to the results of verification, if the specialist establishes a malfunction.

Replacing a gas meter: rules and features

The procedure is carried out at the request of the owner, if the flow meter is located in the apartment. For the installation of gas flow meters in private homes, applications from their owners will also be required. The change of common house appliances is carried out at the initiative of gas companies, since they belong to common property.

At whose expense is the replacement of the gas meter

This procedure is carried out at the expense of the apartment owners. It is they who are burdened with the maintenance of property in the house. This requirement is spelled out in Article 158 of the LCD.

At the expense of the owners of the dwellings, the equipment is being replaced. The subscribers themselves are responsible for the maintenance of the flowmeter. They pay for the delivery of the gas meter for verification activities. Apartment owners pay for the dismantling of the device. They also bear the cost of reinstalling the gas meter.

The procedure for replacing a gas meter in a private house

The procedure for replacing a gas meter according to the scheme is provided:

  1. A citizen applies to a specialized company serving the area in which his house is located. They are making a statement. Additional documentation is attached to it.
  2. After submitting an application for installation, the owner of the house orders design documentation for the gas meter. To do this, you must contact the gas supply company (GorGaz).
  3. On the agreed day, experts visit a private house to check the wiring of networks. They also check their compliance with technical requirements.
  4. The subscriber purchases a gas meter at his own expense. He additionally pays for the services of GorGaz for the preparation of project documentation.
  5. On the agreed day, specialists come to the house to dismantle the flow meter. This is also paid by the owner of the house.
  6. Specialists install a new device. After that, they draw up an act. The document is signed by the master and the owner of the house.

The signing of the act implies the commissioning of the flowmeter, after which it is necessary to contact the service again for its sealing. Only after that the information on the gas meter will be transferred to GorGaz for calculations. To seal the device, the subscriber must submit an application to the gas service. On the agreed day, the specialist will come to a private house to carry out this procedure.

Verification or replacement

If the device expires, the owner of the apartment should contact the service to carry out its verification. This procedure incurs more costs for subscribers and is considered unprofitable. The owner of the apartment will not only have to pay for the very fact of verification, but also incur expenses for dismantling the flow meter and delivering it to the master. You will also have to pay for the installation of a gas meter, its sealing. If the verification reveals a malfunction, then the subscriber will be forced to purchase a new device with his own money.

The procedure itself can take several weeks. During this period, due to the removed meter, the tenant will be forced to pay for gas according to the standard. In this regard, it is financially more profitable for subscribers to immediately purchase new gas meters.

At the end of the life of the device, the owner should contact the service for verification.

How much does it cost to install

The subscriber purchases a gas meter at his own expense. Its cost fluctuates in the range of 2-8 thousand rubles. The work of the master can be estimated at 3-7 thousand rubles. The total costs can be 5-15 thousand rubles or more. The cost of installation is determined taking into account the complexity of the procedure, the tariffs in force in the region and the number of devices.

Who should pay for the procedure

Everything is fully paid by subscribers. This is only part of the amount that the tenant will have to pay. He purchases a new gas meter at his own expense. In addition to the work on changing the device, the subscriber pays for its dismantling. He also personally bears the costs of preparing design documentation for the meter.

Documents required for verification, installation, replacement of a gas meter

To replace a gas meter in a private house, apartment, documentation is sent to the service:

  • internal Russian passport of the owner of the dwelling;
  • extract from the USRN for an apartment, a private building;
  • passport for the flowmeter;
  • project for the installation of a gas meter;
  • information about the available verification of equipment.

Along with the indicated papers, an application for replacing the gas meter is also transmitted to the service. It has separate requirements.

Application for gas meter replacement

The application submitted by the subscriber must contain the following information:

  • the name of the service to which the appeal is addressed;
  • data from the applicant's passport;
  • date when the old device began to be used;
  • flow meter number;
  • the type of his model;
  • the address where the subscriber wants to make a replacement;
  • The gas service must consider the citizen's application and send him, within a month, a specialist to change the meter. If the organization does not comply with the deadlines, a citizen can apply to its management with a claim. If necessary, you should file a complaint with the Rospotrebnadzor. If this body cannot resolve the disputed situation, then the subscriber needs to go to court.

Should there be a paid and free replacement of a gas meter in an apartment? This question is perhaps one of the most popular in discussions. Most often, the topic arises when the equipment breaks down or approaches the verification period.

Periodically, a gas meter may require verification. on ensuring the verification of metering devices by citizens using devices in an apartment or private type building, entered into force in 1993 (as amended in 2008).

Therefore, the obligation for the reliability of the data of the metering device, the integrity of the device rests entirely on the shoulders of the owner. You, as private owners, are responsible for maintaining the account. Accordingly, the question: “is it free or paid to replace the gas meter in the apartment?” Is removed from the discussion. Payment for verification, as well as delivery of the unit for verification, is considered the responsibility of the subscriber.

Gas meters are installed free of charge only if the housing is owned by the municipality. It is he who must establish this accounting tool.

Is it free or paid to install a gas meter?

Today, often, gas meters are installed free of charge, the law makes its own adjustments. So, for example, it became mandatory to install gas metering devices in all types of structures. If the owner did not show concern for the installation of the device, representatives of the public utilities will carry out such work on their own. The fee will be calculated in installment receipts, while it is better to calculate in advance whether it is profitable to install a gas meter.

  1. In a private house, replacing a gas meter always falls on the owner.
  2. In an apartment, everything is somewhat different: if it is privatized, then you pay, and if it belongs to the state, then the payment falls on it.

The exceptions that do not pay for installation are:

  • WWII veterans;
  • large families;
  • low-income people who have reached retirement age.

Advantages of measuring instruments:

  • constructive simplicity;
  • acceptable price;
  • accurate information about the amount of gas burned;
  • lower rates.

Rules for replacing a gas meter in a private house

In order to install a means of measuring the gas entering the dwelling, you will have to draw up an application. It is transferred to the regional gas service. Service representatives will require additional documents to accompany the application. For example, the rules for replacing a gas meter in a private house require the provision of documents that confirm the ownership of housing.

The gas meter is installed according to the technical features of the room. Together with the technical capabilities, specialists determine the quality of the gas pipeline. This work is considered projection. In terms of cost, project preparation can vary from 10,000 to 20,000 depending on the region.

The question often arises: who pays for the replacement of a gas meter, what are the rules? , promulgated at the end of 2014, states that residents of the Moscow Railway are not at all obliged to establish accounting means of gas consumption if the consumed gas resources in the house do not exceed two cubic meters.

In fact, experts themselves offer units of certain companies and certain technical features, without taking into account the nuances. If the class of the meter you have chosen does not match, you will be forced to change the device. If the selected and purchased device complies with the technical parameters of the gas pipeline, the gas workers do not have the right to demand the replacement of the purchased device.

To avoid nuances, write in the document that is submitted to the gas service dispatchers, information about the purchased device. In your appeal, also indicate the readings of the metering device that may be present before the installation of the device.

Rules for replacing a gas meter in an apartment

Utilities work according to the terms, which are established in the legislative document. For example, the rules for replacing a gas meter in an apartment require consideration of your application within three days. In any case, the specialist usually calls up the indicated communication numbers and agrees on a convenient connection time.

In the absence of a specialist within three days, you have the right to file a complaint with the State Housing Inspectorate.

Some suggest that the installation of gas meters can be done independently. Craftsmen only buy the necessary equipment and tools. However, the rules for installing the metering tool provide that only a person with the necessary knowledge, experience and license can carry out work.

In addition, professionals must take precautions. For example, the location of the meter must be accurately measured - at least 80 cm from gas devices. According to regulatory documents and, the device must be at a height of at least 120 cm from the floor.

How much to pay for installing a meter

Any metering devices are usually attributed to the property of the owner of the home. Therefore, it does not matter: a device is installed in a house or apartment. You, as the owner, will pay for the services and the device with your own savings.

However, the cost of the measuring instrument may vary. For example, the cost of the device itself, the gas service, the installation of a metering device, as well as the number of actions performed by the employee can be taken into account.

If only a gas stove is used, you can install the device for 3000-4000 thousand rubles. If, in addition to the stove, the house also has gas heating, then you will have to pay from 6,000 to 7,000 rubles.