How to sew a decorative pillow with your own hands: patterns, photos, diagrams. Ideas for craftswomen, how to sew pillow toys with your own hands Patterns of different pillow toys

There is nothing easier than sewing cat pillows with your own hands. Pillows in the house perform several functions: they make the house cozier, decorate it and serve as armrests and headrests. Now you won’t surprise anyone with store-bought ones, but cat pillows sewn with your own hands are quite likely. Sew or knit interesting pillows and stencils to your taste, it’s quite within your power.

It is very pleasant to lie on the couch, relax, soak up with your pet. And when he is not around (someone must hunt), then a beautiful pillow with cat symbols will be a pleasant reminder. Probably the easiest way is to draw a cat on the fabric.

Although, there are other ways to make a bright pillow, for example, deliberately choose a colorful fabric and cut out details from it.

Or choose a material and take it to a workshop that specializes in thermal transfer printing - they will “draw” what you want, and you will also cut out details from this canvas and make something unusual, creative.

Still, it's nice to do something on your own. Stencils are perfect for this type of pillow. The drawing can be done with acrylic paints or special ones for textiles.

Stencils can also be made independently from scratch, or a complex drawing with some details on thick paper, or you can take a finished drawing. For cutting, it is worth using a clerical knife, carry out the process itself by placing a sheet with a pattern on a wooden cutting board or a sheet of plywood specially designated for this.

To get the desired drawing, you can do without printing it. Just transfer it to paper or tracing paper directly from the monitor.


We will need: a small piece of fleece of the desired color, a piece of light beige or milky felt, sewing threads to match the main fabric, holofiber, brown iris (or floss) threads, a fabric marker, needles, pins, scissors, lace, ribbons, buttons, beads to decorate your cat or kitty. Pattern with centimeter scale:

We sew two cats at once, so we have more details in the photo. We fold the fleece in half, transfer the pattern to the fabric, it is very convenient to do this with a disappearing fabric marker.

We sew our details on a sewing machine along the contour, cut out with an allowance of 0.5 cm.

We make an incision on one layer in the area and turn the body inside out. We also cut one layer of the tail in the upper part and turn it inside out.

We stuff the body and tail with holofiber.

We sew up the holes through which the cat and tail were stuffed with matching threads.

We mark it with a disappearing marker, embroider the muzzle with iris or floss threads.

We try on our muzzle on the cat's body, closing the sewn incision, fix it with pins. With a seam over the edge, we sew the muzzle with threads to match the felt.

We try on and sew a tail with a hidden seam so that the cat can lean on it and stand on its own.

That's it, the cat is ready.

It remains to decorate it according to your desire - with bows, braid, flowers, skirts, buttons - with everything your imagination tells you! See how different cats can be:

sleeping cat

A cat in the house can most often be found on a sofa or in an armchair. She loves to sleep. Let's try to sew a decorative pillow with a sleeping cat's face. It looks so much like her.
For work we need:

  1. A piece of fabric (color optional).
  2. Threads, scissors.
  3. Pattern.
  4. Disappearing marker for fabric.
  5. Interlining.

We select fabric for the future pillow, the choice of which is unlimited. It all depends on what exactly you have on hand at the moment. For living rooms, any kind of fabric is suitable; for a children's room, a pillow can be made from old children's things with a funny pattern.

We transfer the pattern of the main part to the fabric using a disappearing marker.

We cut out the part, while leaving about one centimeter for allowances. Now we transfer the pattern of the main part to the interlining, trace and cut along the contour. We do the same with the second part of the part, we make it from fleece. We make a pattern of legs, tail and ears and cut it out. It is also necessary to duplicate the details.

Using an iron, we glue one part of the main part with interlining. Now we take all the small details: paws, tail and ears, fold them in pairs with the front side. After that, we grind each part on a typewriter along the edge, leaving a small hole for stuffing. We process all the edges of each part with zigzag scissors or we do it with ordinary scissors. After that, we turn it on the front side and stuff it with any filler, and sew the holes with a zigzag stitch.

All the details are ready, which means we need to sew them to the main part. To do this, use pins and fix each detail in the right place. With the help of a disappearing marker, draw a muzzle on the pillow. We turn over and put a fleece piece on top, sew it together, leaving room for filling. Turn right side out, smooth out all seams. The pillow can now be stuffed to the desired density with any stuffing, we sew up the hole. Now we sew the paws, for this we use buttons. We embroider the muzzle with dark-colored floss threads. The cat pillow is ready, you can decorate it with a bow, heart and other applique if you wish. On such things, a drawing made with acrylic paint looks good enough.

Give your kitty a gift - a sleeping cat pillow. It looks on the sofa - just great, but guests like this one, so it can be a great hand-made gift.

You can decorate the neck with a bow or hang a medallion on it - there will be a cat with decoration. The pillow will look great on your sofa!

Description of the work process:


Cute do-it-yourself sofa cushions can be knitted on knitting needles. All over the world, things made by hands are valued. Things keep the warmth of the hands of the person who made them.

These are original sofa cushions in the form of knitting needles.

For work we need:

  1. Needles of medium thickness.
  2. Any threads, the remains of threads (you can take threads of two colors and connect).
  3. White thread for paws.
  4. Synthetic winterizer for stuffing pillows, hands and feet.
  5. Two buttons for the eyes, a piece of fabric for the nose.

We knit either two squares, or a rectangle, which, when we fold it, will turn into a square. The size of the pillow can be any, the smallest is 35/35 centimeters, you can make more. Paws about 28 centimeters. How many loops to cast on: knit a little on the needles and look at the number of loops in 1 cm. Multiply by 35 cm.

Knitting pattern

Option 1: front surface.

  • 1 row - one facial,
  • 2 row - one purl.

Option 2: confusion.

  • 1 row - front - purl - front - purl, etc.
  • 2 row - purl - front - purl - front, so that all the time above the purl was the front, and vice versa.

The front and back legs and tail are knit in stockinette stitch. We knit the desired length, first we make reductions (we knit two loops together and tighten the rest with a thread).

On the other hand, we knit the paws: with white threads we knit three from each loop to get a white foot. You can not fill the length, but we fill the brush and foot with synthetic winterizer, embroider fingers. We decorate the muzzle with an application. We sew the pillow, leaving a slot for the padding polyester. We sew the ears, stuff with padding polyester. The cat is ready.


With such a toy, you can even sleep, which is so loved by children. The cat pillow is sewn very easily. The pattern is elementary. You can do this craft with your child.

Necessary materials:

  1. Fabric in two colors (you can use more if you want to make the cat pillow even more original).
  2. Threads.
  3. Needles.
  4. Sintepon, cotton wool or granules for stuffing.
  5. Patchwork for eyes, nose and mustache.


Those elements that are cut in duplicate are made by folding the fabric in half, face to face. Cut out, making seam allowances. We sew the parts, leaving small holes for stuffing. First of all, we sew the body, head, then we sew paws, tail, ears to it. With the help of colored patches, we make eyes, a nose and a mustache using the applique method.

In the video you will learn how to pillow-cat.

cat muzzle

From the materials we need:

  1. Fabric in different colors, choose them by looking at our photos, but you can also improvise.
  2. Threads.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Filler.

Eyes and nose can be embroidered, or you can make an applique.

  • We cut out two parts of the head, hearts for a smile, eyelids, an eye, and one part each - the lower part of the muzzle and nose.
  • Let's make a smile.
  • We stretch it.
  • Sew the top of the muzzle to the bottom.
  • We sew in the form of an application the nose, eyes, cheeks, eyelids - we make out the face.
  • You can do it in the form of embroidery.
  • Draw with white paint or corrector pupils.
  • We do the same with the nose.
  • Sew the two parts of the head, leaving a hole for the filler.
  • We fill the cat with synthetic winterizer or other filler.
  • Our unusual handmade gift is ready! We think it will bring a lot of joy!

Beautiful decorative pillows can revive even the most restrained interior. They bring an atmosphere of comfort, home warmth and allow you to relax. To decorate your home with them, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money, because you can create these cute decor elements yourself.

We have selected themed workshops for you, from which you will learn how to sew the pillow of your dreams. Thanks to step-by-step photographs and a detailed description, even a beginner can cope with this.

A handmade pillow can be a wonderful gift. Armed with fantasy and a thread with a needle, it can even be turned into a unique Valentine. We offer you a step-by-step master class for making an unusual pillow with a voluminous heart.

For work you will need:

  • finished pillow of the desired size;
  • fabric for roses, which does not require overcasting;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.

Cut out circles with a diameter of about 8 cm from the fabric, they may be slightly crooked and slightly different in size. This will only add volume and realism to the flowers.

Take a circle of fabric by the middle, gather it up, forming folds as in the photo. Fix the workpiece in the desired position with a couple of stitches.

Sew another circle of fabric on the bottom, forming a voluminous bud.

Continue sewing the circles onto the rosette until you have the size you want.

Prepare the rest of the roses in the same way. Their number depends on the size of the flower heart.

Sew the flowers to the pillow starting from the outline of the heart.

Arrange the blanks close to each other so that there are no gaps between them. A magnificent heart is ready to conquer and win hearts.

Such a designer pillow will decorate the room of a capricious fashionista or will become a highlight of your living room. And she will cheer you up just by looking at her.

fluffy pillow

The original pillow with a fringe will successfully fit into any interior. Pleasant to the touch fleece will make it a favorite thing not only in the children's room.

For work you will need:

  • fleece for the base of the pillow and fringe;
  • filler;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • sewing machine.

From the fleece, cut two squares 40 by 40 cm.

For fringe, it is better to choose a fabric several colors of the same range- get a stylish transition between them. In our case, 10 strips of 37 * 10 cm in three shades of brown are used.

Fold each strip in half and cut the fringe.

Sew the first strip to the base of the pillow, stepping back 1 cm from the edges. This is the result you should get.

Sew next to the second strip at a distance of about 1.5 cm from the first.

Continue sewing on the fringe in the same way. Alternate dark stripes with light stripes in several rows, achieving a beautiful and smooth transition of colors.

Put a second square on top of the fringed blank and pin it around the edges with pins. Sew the pillow around the perimeter, leaving a small opening for stuffing.

Turn pillow inside out and stuff with filling. It is better to use a synthetic winterizer or holofiber. Natural materials such as cotton wool and fluff can clump over time and the product will lose its neat appearance.

Sew up the opening with a blind stitch.

It turns out a very beautiful sofa cushion, which will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home.

Pillow "Butterfly Wings"

We present you a detailed photo lesson on decorating an interior pillow. Even if sewing is not your forte, you can easily master it: you will need a ready-made pillow for work. Following the step-by-step instructions, you will turn an ordinary pillowcase into a masterpiece of art design.

Pillow-toy "Owl"

A funny and bright owl is a win-win gift option for both an adult and a child. When such a cute bird settles in your baby's bedroom, he will not only sleep with her, but also play with her.

For work you will need:

  • cotton in two colors;
  • felt for eyes and beak;
  • black buttons or beads for pupils;
  • bow ribbon;
  • crayon;
  • threads;
  • needle and pins for sewing;
  • scissors;
  • lace;
  • filler.

Transfer the owl pattern to paper in the desired size (click on the image to enlarge and download).

Attach the pattern to the fabric and cut out the necessary details, make an allowance of 1 centimeter for the body and wings.

To decorate the toy, lace, bows and a wooden flower button are used. If you are using a full-size pattern, then cut out an 8 * 16 cm rectangle and a 4.5 cm square for the bow, or change the size of these parts in proportion to the owl.

Sew on the beak and lace with a zigzag stitch. Lace is placed in the center of the body, between the wings.

Sew wings and eyes with the same seam. Attach the black pupil buttons by hand.

Fold the body parts of the owl right side inward, secure with pins and sew. Leave a hole at the bottom between the wings for further manipulations.

Turn the toy inside out, iron it and stuff it with stuffing. If you used ordinary scissors to cut out the details, before turning out, make neat notches near the ears and in all convex places so that the fabric does not shrink.

Sew up the opening with a blind stitch.

You can do decor. Fold the square for the bow into a strip and iron it.

Fold the rectangle in half right side inward and sew, leaving a 1 cm allowance.

Turn it inside out, gather in the middle and sew on the prepared strip, forming a bow. Sew it on the owl's ear.

Tie a bow from a small piece of ribbon, sew it and a wooden button to the body of the toy.

Such a cute owl will reliably guard your sleep.

Another idea for implementation is to sew a solid owl according to this pattern. It is enough just to show imagination and choose the appropriate color scheme and design for the toy.

Pillow with application "Cat in love"

An elegant pillow with a cool application is a wonderful gift for any occasion. With its help, you can confess your feelings or just cheer up your loved one.

For work you will need:

  • thick white pillowcase 35*35cm;
  • shreds of cotton 4 colors;
  • white interlining;
  • iron;
  • 3 green beads for the eyes;
  • threads to match the fabric;
  • decorative braid.

Cut out two rectangles 17*13cm- clouds around the cat and the fish. In our case, they are white with orange polka dots. You can choose the color of your choice.

The cat's body is a rectangle 16*12 cm, orange with small white polka dots.

Cut a rectangle out of white fabric 20*11 cm. It will make the eyes and thoughts of a cat.

Cut out the rectangle 10*5cm from green fabric for the body of the fish.

Fold the interlining adhesive side with the wrong side of the rectangles and iron them so that they stick together. So it will be easier to cut small parts and they will not crumble.

Cut out blanks for the appliqué. You can use cardboard templates or immediately cut out the details from the fabric.

Arrange the elements on the pillowcase and achieve the desired picture. Mark the ground line with decorative tape. Choose the expression of the cat's loving eyes.

When you decide on the location of all the elements of the application, you can proceed to the last step. It remains to sew them to the pillowcase.

Sew with a small white zigzag the outline of a white cloud to a polka dot cloud.

Sew the contour of the fish to the prepared two-layer cloud with a green zigzag. Embroider the fish's fins and outline of the head. Attach an eye bead.

Sew the details of the cat with a small zigzag thread to match the fabric. Lastly, attach the eyes and embroider his mustache.

Embroidered paws will give the animal even more charm. You can add small flowers to the application to make the composition more expressive.

The finished pillow will definitely take the crown place on the sofa in the living room and will become the star of your interior.

Cushion-spyushka "Sleeping Kitten"

Want even more cats? We offer you an interesting idea for creativity: sew a charming kitten, which, with its very appearance, evokes drowsiness and peace.

For work you will need:

  • cotton fabric 3 colors;
  • fleece;
  • interlining;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • filler;
  • chalk or a special marker for fabric;
  • floss threads;
  • 2 buttons;
  • pins;
  • pattern.

First of all, print on paper or manually redraw the kitten pattern (click on the picture to enlarge it and download). Cut out all elements.

Attach the patterns of the torso to the fabric, circle and cut it with an allowance of 1 cm. Place the piece with the wrong side on the adhesive side of the interlining, secure with pins and cut it out. Prepare the second part of the fleece body in the same way.

Cut out the paws, ears and tail of the kitten.

Remove the pins and iron the two-layer parts of the body with an iron so that the cotton sticks to the interlining.

Fold the parts of the ears, paws and tail in pairs right side in and sew them on the machine, leaving holes for eversion. Cut the stitched blanks with curly scissors or make the notches normal.

Turn the parts inside out and iron them, fill with filler. Sew the holes in a zigzag pattern. Attach the resulting parts with pins to the front side of the front of the cat. Sew them to the body of the kitten in a zigzag.

Draw the face of the cat with chalk.

Put the fleece part (back) on top and fix it with pins. Sew the blanks, leaving a small opening at the bottom for eversion. Trim the seam allowances with curly scissors or cut the notches normally.

Turn the piece right side out and iron it. Stuff the toy with filler and sew up the opening left earlier with a blind seam.

Sew upper legs and buttons to the body for decoration.

Embroider the nose and closed eyes with floss threads.

The soft splyushka cat is looking for its loving owner. Everyone will be happy with such a pet. He will be happy to settle both in the baby's crib and in the cozy living room.

Do you feel the strength and desire to create, but still consider yourself a beginner? We bring to your attention an informative video from which you will learn how to sew a funny cat pillow from a regular pillowcase. An original pattern, a minimum of action, a little decor and imagination - and you will get an elegant cat or a mischievous cat.

By the same principle, a cheerful hare will turn out, it is enough just to make the ears longer.

Download even more funny cat patterns to bring your wildest creative ideas to life. Such cute little animals will become a wonderful decor for your home or cottage, as well as an original present for your dear people.


Do you think that animals do not belong in the house? And here you are wrong. You can always get yourself an adorable pillow dog. A cheerful dachshund will gladly take its place on the couch and will not cause you any trouble.

A detailed description is presented in our step-by-step master class.

According to this scheme, you will get both a small toy puppy and a solid adult dog. It all depends on the amount of materials at hand and your desire.

And if you have a lot of unclaimed pieces and shreds of fabric left, then you can sew a bright dog pillow out of them. This patchwork toy with a cute face, made in the technique of patchwork, will become a favorite character in the children's room.

This toy can be made together with children and have a fun and useful time. And your child will receive the first lessons of cutting and sewing.

Piggy bank of master classes on pillows + interesting ideas

Heart valentine pillow:

Original circles:

Checkered dog:

Romantic option:

In the form of a star:

Children's territory in the space of a house or apartment is always a special area, to which more stringent requirements are imposed, since it affects both the mood of the child and his health. Soft toys - pillows for a children's room occupy not the last place in the improvement and interior design. They can become not only a convenient decoration, but also good friends for your children.

Actually, it's a great idea to combine two products and create one that will be both useful and interesting for a child. There are ordinary ones, there are soft toys, and now there are toys - pillows. They can be used for both sleeping and playing. Convenient and practical.


1. First of all, they must be made of materials that are safe for the child. Do not have a strong smell, do not have painted surfaces, do not irritate the skin of the child and be hypoallergenic.

2. When decorating such pillows, various elements are sometimes used, such as: buttons, beads, buttons and other accessories. It is necessary to choose a product on which all these elements will be tightly fixed or absent altogether.

All toy pillows look a little primitive compared to real toys that are fully consistent with their character. The pillow is made much simpler, but it looks no less decorative and interesting.

Currently, many needlewomen have become interested in this direction, since, in fact, there is nothing complicated in making such pillows, but in return the master gets a lot of pleasure from the very process of creating such original beauty. It is enough to turn on the fantasy and you can come up with a lot of wonderful characters that the baby will like, especially if he already has his favorite characters.

I propose to plunge into the pillow-toy world together and see what you can choose from this variety. It so happened that among these decorative products there were several areas in which the largest number of options were created. The most popular are pillows in the form of animals.


There are a huge number of them from a variety of materials. They can be textile and knitted. Everyone has different outlines, but, undoubtedly, everyone recognizes in them the image of a cat or a cat. Some of them are serious, and there are such humorous ones that it is impossible to look at them without a smile. You look, and the bad mood will disappear in a moment).

Pillows - cats are divided into two camps: daytime active cats and cats - scops. You can have both at home. Active use for games, and spy for sleep.

You can even put a whole cat family in the house. To each come up with a name and take care of them as if they were real.


Unlike real live owls, pillow toy owls are very bright, which makes them even more attractive. Inconspicuous in nature, they turn into bright fabulous creatures.

And some, more trained, can become the keepers of various gadgets, remotes and phones.


Soft toys - pillows for a children's room can also have educational value. These include pillows - letters. This is a very interesting topic, because the child will constantly see not only a pillow, but also educational material in front of his eyes every day. How quickly and easily do you think he can learn these letters? Especially if his own name consists of them.

The collection of pillows - letters can be replenished and, in the end, the whole alphabet can be assembled. For a child, these will no longer be just strange hieroglyphs in a book, but very real objects that are always nearby, each of which has its own name and can be touched.

All family members will have their own letters, and they will be enough for the whole house.


In size, they often exceed the rest of the characters. They are, after all, elephants.) Moreover, as befits decorative heroes, they come in a variety of colors: from pink to green.


Sofa cushions come in different types, some of them are in the form of rollers, in an oriental manner. Toy pillows can also have this shape. For this, a character suitable in appearance is chosen as a prototype. As a rule, these are dachshunds, cats, mice, crocodiles, caterpillars and other animals.

How to sew a pillow with your own hands? Every needlewoman thought about this. A pillow is needed not only for sleeping, with it you can make the design of the apartment complete and original.

After looking at photos of homemade pillows on the Internet, you might think that sewing requires experience and talent. But having understood the very process of creating a pillow, it turns out that it is not at all difficult.

Let's see how to make a pillow with your own hands?

The most important thing to know before you get started

Before you start sewing a decorative pillow with your own hands, you need to decide exactly how it will look. But more important than this is to choose the fabric and filler.

If you want to make a multifunctional pillow, it is important to choose a fabric that can be easily cleaned. The filler should not fall into dense lumps for as long as possible, losing its elasticity.

Materials. Textile

To make a durable, practical and beautiful pillow, you need to choose the right fabric.

Firstly, it should not be strongly electrified and attract any dust to itself, it can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Secondly, the material must prevent dust from entering the packing. Suitable fabrics:

  • Atlas
  • Crepe satin
  • Upholstery fabrics
  • bike
  • linen fabrics

You can use other fabrics, except for propylene matting. It is slippery, rough and hard, so it is not suitable for a soft pillow.


The pillow can be stuffed with many materials. It can be cotton wool, bird fluff or feathers, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, holofiber and many others.

Let's deal with each filler:

Cotton wool and synthetic winterizer fall into lumps at great speed. At the same time, it is almost impossible to evenly fill the product with cotton wool.

Feathers and down are not suitable not only because of the difficult accessibility, but also because of insufficient elasticity. No one will beat up a decorative pillow like a sleeping pillow, so as not to spoil the beautiful finish.

Hollofiber is readily available, available in two forms: sheets and fluffy granules. Sheet is more expensive, it can be replaced with cheaper foam rubber. Hollofiber is well suited for a pillow. It serves for about 10 years without rolling.

Another filler option is round silicone granules. They are best for baby pillows because they are hypoallergenic and can be easily poured out, rinsed, dried and put back in through a small hole.

Decoration. Colors

The easiest way to decorate the interior is to do it with pillows of different colors. Of course, they should match the colors of the interior items: furniture, curtains or even walls.

This is sometimes a difficult task - to achieve a combination - but very popular. From pillows of different colors, you can make an ensemble that will emphasize all the advantages of the interior.

The most interesting thing is that the idea with colorful pillows is not only easy to implement, but also financially affordable.


Do not stop the choice only on plain fabrics, materials with patterns and ornaments will look advantageous.


Recently, printing on fabrics has become more and more popular. Why not print on the pillow? This is an affordable option for decorating your product: printing prices are not very high, the pattern is stable and clear.

With the help of numerous computer programs, you can make a design in advance and even see how the ensemble will look in the interior.

Shape and Fragment

Pillows can be made in absolutely any shape. There are no restrictions in this, the main thing is to show imagination. You can use the technique of modular sewing. To do this, several simple parts are made, which are subsequently sewn in place into a complex product.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is quite difficult to clean. You must either completely disassemble the product, or use a furniture vacuum cleaner.


Patchwork or patchwork is also used. Most often, they take a key fragment and place it in the center. The fragments combined with it are located along the periphery. Simple but very effective!

key element

The compact key element adds a touch of sophistication to the throw pillow. Such an element can be a button, tassels, bows and much more. There are also no restrictions.

You can ennoble a product from a modest fabric with the help of a key element. With it, the finished product will look richer and more expensive, so you can use technical or furniture upholstery fabrics that do not differ in bright colors.

Knitting, embroidery, lace

Knitted sofa cushions are more difficult to make than just sewn from fabric. You must be able to knit or crochet - this is a laborious craft that requires care.

However, so is embroidery. On the pillow, you can embroider any plot with satin stitch, cross or ribbons. Here, too, everything depends on your skill, imagination and perseverance.

You can also decorate the product with lace. Of course, it is easier to buy ready-made lace in a store, but it will be much more expressive if you make the lace yourself.


Just imagine the faces of guests who saw pillows completely made by you.

To make a pillow, you can use, for example, an old sweater. The effect will be the same as from a self-bonded cover. Optionally, it can be decorated with various beads, buttons, and so on.

Cushion embroidery

As mentioned earlier, you can decorate the pillow with any embroidered plots, but you can not do them in any technique that you own.

Therefore, do not embroider with beads on the pillow. Why? It's just unhygienic. It will be problematic to wash out all the dirt from under the beads, but what got into the beads itself will remain there forever. Yes, and think about whether it will be comfortable to lie on such a pillow?

Cross stitch is best because it is the most durable. You can wash such a product without worrying that the threads will come out. You can use the smooth surface, but when washing the threads weaken, and the pattern loses its attractiveness.

From old clothes

So, you can make a pillow out of old sweaters, but what else can I use? Yes, whatever! Old T-shirts, sweaters, T-shirts - everything that is lying around in your closet and waiting in line for a landfill.

You can even use jeans. The product will turn out not so soft, but it will look very original.


These pillows are perfect for a child's room. They can simply stand on a bed or even a shelf, pleasing to the eye and finishing the nursery design. They can serve as toys or serve their intended purpose.

The figurine pillow can be of absolutely any shape, the main thing is that you and your kids like it.

Funny letters

With the help of such pillows, the child will quickly learn the letters. Often letters or numbers are sewn for the holidays. Letters can also serve as toys too.

Sleeping on them is sometimes not very comfortable, but they look great in the interior.

For the manufacture of large letters, it is better to use foam rubber, and fill only the edges with holofiber. In this way, you can stuff any large pillows.


Every mother of a baby knows the problem: how to protect the child from bumps while sleeping in a crib? The child has already been saved from falling from the crib, but what to do with these hard sides that the child constantly hits in his sleep?

For these purposes, you can also sew a pillow! Foam rubber is best for boards. It is dense and will not allow the child to feel the fences upon impact.

You can sheathe the foam rubber with any soft fabric that the child will not be allergic to. In order for the side pillow to hold, it is necessary to sew on fabric ties with which the pillow will stay in the crib.

Any pillow, regardless of its shape, size and design, will fit perfectly into any interior.

Easy to manufacture, not requiring special talent and skills, these products will turn a boring and dull apartment into an original and cozy place to relax.

DIY pillow photo

This pillow can also be a toy for your baby.

Creating beautiful, unique, sweet little things is the most pleasant and exciting experience. Making a pillow toy, among other things, is a manifestation of love and care for your child.

In order to make a pillow toy with your own hands, you will need: patterns, threads, needles, fabric, filler, a little work and imagination. Your efforts will certainly be rewarded with genuine delight of the baby.

Ideas for pillow toys

By the way, why does the pillow toy seem to us only for children? After all, it can be a wonderful gift for a loved one, friend or close relative.

Beautiful crib pillows, suitable for both boy and girl's room decoration

Such a thing will always evoke warm and tender memories of you in them. A huge plus is that it is functional, you can take it on the road, put it under your tired back. In addition, such a pillow will certainly become a beautiful interior decoration.

Toy Pillow Ideas

Sewing pillow toys for children is a win-win idea. For a child, it can become a favorite toy with which he will fall asleep with pleasure.

At the same time, pillows can be very diverse. Before sewing a pillow, remember the child's preferences, his favorite cartoon characters. Remember where he likes to spend his time, the more interested he is.

We sew a cat pillow

Based on this, choose the type of toy:

  • In the form of animals, objects and cartoon images, i.e. in the form of a toy.
  • Classical form, i.e. rectangular, round or square, but with appliqué, pattern or embroidery. The multi-layered and multi-colored looks beautiful. In this way, you can create colorful animals or fabulous landscapes, funny collages.
  • Educational pillows in the form of geometric shapes, numbers, letters, puzzles.
  • Splyushki. These are such cute toys with closed eyes that soothe and call the baby to sleep.
  • Floor. Children love to play on the floor, read, draw or play computer games. Such a pillow will never be superfluous in a house where there is a child. It can be small for sitting, or larger than the child himself, so that you can lie freely on it.
  • Hugs. These funny pillows with long arms will help warm and dispel sadness not only for a child, but also for an adult.
  • Under the neck. Very comfortable type of pillow to support the head. And this species can also be diversified by making it in the form of a funny animal.
  • Mnushki. Such a little thing can lead anyone into the world of relaxation for a long time. It is filled with silicone balls, the touch of which is very soothing.
  • Decorative pillows can also be in the form of toys that will become an original interior decoration. For example, rollers in the form of animals or objects. Or flat pillows with a small amount of filling, which are also suitable for decorating any room.

Baby pillows

To sew a pillow with your own hands, it is not necessary to run to the store for fabric, you can make everything from improvised materials. Children grow out of old clothes, so why not use them. Pieces of fabric, bows, frills, cuffs - everything is suitable for the details of a future creation. Not to mention the fact that only multi-colored patches can be used to sew a beautiful thing using the fashionable patchwork technique.

Pillow pattern is not difficult. You can draw it with your own hands, without having artistic talent, any flaws and inaccuracies that you notice, the children's mind perceives with humor. In addition, the child can, even need to be involved in production. A toy image made with his participation will become his favorite friend.

How to make a pillow comfortable

How to sew toy pillows with your own hands, so as not to cause discomfort to the child? To do this, you need to take into account some important points.

In fact, these are soft toys on which you can sleep. Therefore, first of all, nothing should interfere with the sweet sleep of the baby.

Pillows - toys made from natural materials

Materials should be soft and delicate to the touch, such as flannel, fleece, velvet, cotton. It is advisable to sew a pillow with a pillowcase that can be easily removed and washed frequently. If without a pillowcase, it should also easily withstand washing, not shed or stray.

Safe do-it-yourself cat pillow

Do not use buttons, rough stripes, any decor that can be imprinted on the face. Also parts that a child can chew off or scratch with them.

Considering that the child will carry it with him, throw it and wallow on it, the pillow should be light. The ideal materials for filling are synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer and holofiber, which do not cause allergies and are easy to care for.

Pillow for a child without decor

Floor cushions can be firmer and moderately padded. To do this, you can fill them with padding polyester, fur, pieces of fabric.

Pillow elephant

We hope our master class will inspire you to create a cute pillow that will be warmed by the warmth of your hands, threads of kindness and sincerity. This is what will make it a valuable gift for anyone to whom it is intended.