How to lay waterproofing on the roof. Ways of laying stekloizol on a wooden roof. Hydrosol is available in two types

Its comfortable operation depends on the quality of the garage roof. Waterproofing is an obligatory stage of construction work, as it prevents the penetration of precipitation into the premises.

Purpose of garage roof waterproofing

The roof of any design has gaps between sheets of roofing material, sheathing and other elements. Through these gaps, moisture seeps into the garage, damaging the truss system, walls and other load-bearing elements of the structure. At the same time, the interior finish is also damaged, a humid atmosphere arises inside the building, in which mold develops. To prevent these consequences, it is necessary to waterproof the roof, aimed at protecting the structure from moisture.

The layout of the garage roof is largely the same as the roofing pie of a residential building.

Each type of garage construction has its own waterproofing methods:

  • iron garage is a structure of metal parts welded together. If the roof is leaking, then coating waterproofing methods are optimal for repairing or preventing leaks. Technologies involve the application of special compounds, for example, bituminous mastic;
  • the concrete roof of the garage can be equipped with rolled waterproofing materials. This process is carried out after warming. Rolled materials are laid on mastic or bitumen, and welded roofing material is also used;
  • floors of underground garages are best treated with coating or penetrating materials. In the first case, thick compositions are applied to ensure the elimination of cracks. The penetrating technique involves the spraying of special solutions;
  • buildings with a slate roof can be waterproofed with roofing material or other rolled materials. The sheets are laid under a layer of slate, which is attached to the crate through a waterproofing sheet.

Waterproofing methods can be combined with each other depending on the condition of the roof. When building a new structure, it is worthwhile to qualitatively implement any specific insulation option, and if an old roof is being equipped, then several suitable surface treatment methods can be combined.

Video: garage roof waterproofing

Depending on the materials used, there are several types of roofing and other surface treatment in order to isolate from moisture. There is no general technology for all options; in each case, materials with the most suitable structure are used. It is important to note that the treatment is always carried out on a clean, dry and even surface. This allows you to make waterproofing as durable and effective as possible.

Before arranging a new coating, you need to remove the old insulation.

With any method, the material to protect against moisture is placed on a heater or crate. If the roof does not imply the presence of such foundations, then the installation is carried out on a bearing surface, for example, a concrete slab or a metal roof.

For the arrangement of the roof of the garage, the following types of waterproofing can be used:

  • film materials. They are laid under the outer roofing material. The film protects the main structure from precipitation, and also prevents the formation of condensate inside the room. The waterproofing film can be used in the temperature range from -40 to +80 °C. Installation of the film involves its fastening to the crate or insulation using metal brackets. The main varieties of the film are polyethylene, polypropylene, glassine, "breathing" membranes;

    For roof waterproofing, you can use a reinforced film, which is durable and low price.

  • roll materials. The pasting method involves a thorough cleaning of the surface, applying a bituminous emulsion and laying a waterproofing sheet. Surfaced products also belong to this type. For insulation, you can use hydroisol, glassine, vinyl plastic, isoplast and brizol. With this processing method, good adhesion of the web to the main surface is important, which depends on the quality of the bitumen layer or the thoroughness of the deposition;

    When fusing rolled materials, safety regulations must be observed

  • protective dyes. This technique involves applying bitumen, polymer emulsions, paints or varnish to the surface with a brush or spray. The layer thickness should be 3–6 mm. For roofing, polymer-bitumen plasticized compositions are optimal. The service life of such waterproofing is about 5 years;

    Bituminous compounds are applied by sprayer and serve an average of 5 years

  • mastic. Light bituminous mixtures, polymer compositions and products that combine these two options are mainly used. The viscosity of the compositions makes it easy to apply them with a brush or spatula on vertical and horizontal surfaces. The hot application method involves heating the bitumen cubes to 160 ° C and applying by pouring. Cold technology does not require heating;

    The heated mixture is most easily applied by pouring

  • penetrating waterproofing. It is applied to processing of flat concrete roofs. For this purpose, liquid glass, synthetic resins, as well as polymers and molten bitumen are used. Substances fill the porous structure of concrete, preventing the effects of moisture. Application is carried out with a spray gun in several layers;

    It is best to apply penetrating compounds with a spray

  • sheet materials. These include roofing material, bikrost, roofing felt and others. Laying is carried out with an overlap, the width of which must be at least 12 cm. The surface of the base must be as even as possible. The sheet method of waterproofing also includes the laying of copper, lead or aluminum sheets, which are welded together and fastened with self-tapping screws to the roof;

    For sheet waterproofing, materials with a large web width are used.

  • plaster. This technique is suitable for waterproofing flat roofs. It uses a mixture of cement and polymer components that provide insulating properties. The thickness of the layer applied with a spatula can be in the range from 3 mm to several centimeters. Plaster mixes are environmentally friendly and allow for any exterior finish, but such a coating loses its effectiveness after about 2–3 years of operation, becoming covered with cracks and crumbling;

    Plaster mixtures are applied to a pre-treated surface and form an even layer, which can then be finished in any convenient way.

  • tiles. It is used only on certain types of roofing. Flexible bituminous, cement-sand or ceramic tiles are optimal. Bituminous elements are fixed to the crate with galvanized roofing nails, metal tiles or cement-sand material are fixed with self-tapping screws with an overlap.

    Ceramic tiles are attached to the crate with galvanized self-tapping screws or special clamps.

Choosing the type of waterproofing

The variety of methods and materials for waterproofing a garage roof requires careful selection of the appropriate technology in each case. It is necessary to take into account many factors, for example, the type of roof, the features of the truss system, the life of the building, etc. For concrete slabs, coating, pasting, roll, penetrating methods are optimal. A gable roof with a system of wooden rafters is best supplemented with film waterproofing, and a metal garage will become more protected if covered with paint insulation.

For gable and hip roofs, it is best to use film waterproofing

Modern materials for waterproofing roofs are suitable for unheated premises. The choice of method is based, among other things, on the shape of the roof. Tiles are mounted on single or gable roofs with a rafter system, while other options are optimal for concrete slabs. Before choosing a waterproofing, it is important to determine the places most exposed to moisture, for example, the junction of a concrete roof slab and a wall. In this case, you will need a special self-adhesive bitumen-based tape.

Garage roof waterproofing materials

In the construction industry, a variety of means are used to provide a waterproofing effect. There are several popular roofing materials that are suitable for a garage roof.

Waterproofing can be carried out both at the construction stage and during operation to eliminate leaks

For concrete or metal roofs, liquid formulations are most in demand. They allow you to eliminate cracks, level and waterproof the surface. For a system with a sheathing, there is a large selection of film materials that are mounted under the main outer covering of the roof.

Liquid rubber for roofing

A modern solution for waterproofing a concrete garage roof is liquid rubber. The tool is presented in several versions, differing in the method of application. The composition, which has a liquid consistency, is simply poured onto the surface and leveled using the rule. The sprayed version requires special equipment for distribution along the plane of the roof, and the painting liquid rubber is applied with a brush or roller. The choice of a certain type depends on the required thickness of the waterproofing layer, the presence of cracks through which moisture enters the room. In any case, the base must be clean, dry, relatively even.

Liquid rubber is distributed over the roof surface in an even layer, the thickness of which depends on the application option.

For roofing, you can choose one- or two-component liquid rubber. The first option is suitable for sealing and waterproofing the surface, and the two-component composition is suitable for installing a mastic membrane. In any case, a seamless coating is obtained that is resistant to ultraviolet rays, temperature extremes and is an environmentally friendly, durable layer.

Technical characteristics of liquid rubber:

  • the adhesion strength of rubber with the base is 0.8 MPa;
  • layer flexibility is maintained down to -35 °C;
  • the possibility of operating the roof in the temperature range from -45 to +98 ° C;
  • high degree of elasticity.

Liquid rubber is often used to treat metal, wood or concrete surfaces that need to be cleaned and leveled first.

Video: spraying liquid rubber on the roof

Waterproofing coating

A rolled material based on fiberglass coated with a bitumen-polymer composition is called hydroisol. The canvas is optimal for arranging the roof of a garage of any type, for example, a gable or inclined concrete surface. Rolled sheets are laid on a clean, even and dry surface by fusing. This material is ideal for flat roofs or foundations with little pitch.

The hydroisol is installed by fusing and is used on roofs of any type.

Laying waterproofing is possible in two ways. The cold method involves laying the canvases on the base with an overlap of at least 15 cm. The joints of the sheets are fastened with mastic. This technology is simple, but not sufficiently reliable to protect the roof from moisture. Therefore, the hot method is more in demand. For its implementation, it is necessary to gradually unroll the roll, heating the inner surface of the material with a gas burner or a building hair dryer. Each piece is overlapped with an overlap of at least 10 cm.

Video: laying waterproofing

Membrane insulation

One of the types of modern roll materials is a polymer membrane. The canvas has a thickness of up to 3 mm and consists of several layers. The width of the roll can be 1.5 m, and the length - up to 60 m. The technical characteristics of the membrane allow the roof to be operated at temperatures from -60 to +120 ° C, and its service life is about 50 years. Material is steady against an ultraviolet, humidity, mechanical influence.

For laying the membrane, special equipment is required for welding seams

The canvas is spread on the surface and the seams are welded. The concrete roof must first be leveled and the metal base treated with anti-corrosion agents.

Garage roof: do-it-yourself waterproofing

You can improve the condition of the concrete roof of the garage with the help of such a common material as roofing material. For work, you will need a cement-sand mortar that allows you to level the surface, spatulas, brushes, a knife for cutting the canvas and a roofing gas burner. To fix the roll material, a bitumen emulsion is required.

Ruberoid is laid on a flat surface, pre-treated with bituminous emulsion

Before starting work, prepare the base. The concrete surface is cleaned of dust, and the metal roof is cleaned of old paint or a worn-out waterproofing layer.

Further steps for arranging the roof of the garage:

  1. Creating a screed with a slope of up to 4 degrees to ensure free descent from the roof of precipitation. For this, a cement-concrete mortar is made, which is applied to the surface with a spatula, leveling and checking the angle of inclination.

    The cement-concrete mixture must be sloped to naturally remove precipitation from the roof

  2. Surface treatment with bituminous emulsion. A layer of bitumen is applied after the screed has dried, carefully processing all corners and joints. Next, the roofing material is laid, heating the wrong side of the canvas with a gas burner.

    The roofing material is laid with an overlap of 15 cm, heating its inner surface with a gas burner

  3. Ruberoid laying. For flat roofs, 3 layers are required. Each subsequent layer should overlap the joints of the sheets of the previous one.

    Each next layer must be laid with overlapping junctions of previous sheets

Waterproofing the roof of the garage is carried out by a variety of materials, and the key to the durability of the coating is the correct preparation of the base. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of roof and select the best options for protecting it from moisture and precipitation.

Today, a frequent occurrence in holiday villages is the laying of glass isol on the wooden floor of the house. The choice of such material is due to its economic benefits, increased elasticity and ease of use, as well as a relatively long service life. About how to properly lay stekloizol on a wooden roof, and what such material is in general, we analyze in the article below.

Stekloizol is called an elastic roll roofing material, which is similar to roofing material. In professional circles, such a coating is also called euroroofing material. Stekloizol differs from the usual bituminous material in its basis. So, if the standard roofing material is based on cardboard, then glass isol is based on fiberglass (or fiberglass). It is this basis that makes the material absolutely non-combustible, which increases its popularity when carrying out roofing work on a wooden crate.

The advantages of glass isol are:

  • Relatively long service life (from 15 years and above);
  • High fire resistance;
  • Elasticity and ease of installation;
  • High tensile strength;
  • Inertness to the reproduction of various microorganisms and to decay;
  • Excellent waterproofing properties;
  • Resistance to temperature changes;
  • High sound-proofing and noise-absorbing properties.

It is worth knowing that the coating is produced in rolls, the width of which reaches 1 m, and the length is 10-15 m. In this case, the weight of the material depends on the thickness of the upper bitumen layer. So, with a thickness of 2 mm, a roll of coating will weigh 25 kg, and already with a layer thickness of 4 mm, the weight of a roll will already be 40 kg. At the same time, one of the edges of the bituminous material remains uncoated, which is very convenient for the formation of overlaps during its laying.

Important: it is best to put stekloizol on those roofs whose slope angle does not exceed 10 degrees.

Types of bituminous material by marking

All types of stekloizol have their own marking, which is performed in the form of an alphanumeric character. In this case, the letters must be interpreted as follows:

  • The letters "T" and "X" mean the type of base coating. That is cloth or canvas.
  • The following characters "K" or "P" indicate the type of topcoat. It can be a coarse-grained dressing or a polymer film.
  • Next is the letter "P". Means the bottom layer of bituminous material - a polymer film.
  • The digital value in the general marking indicates the mass of the roll.

Important: if the material is laid in two or more layers, then for the lower one, a coating with the CCI marking is used, and for the upper layers, the material with the TKP or HKP marking is used.

Options for laying bituminous coating on a wooden roof

It is worth knowing that there are several ways to lay stekloizol on a wooden roof. Each of them is aimed at ultimately strengthening the design of the coating and its waterproofing properties. It is important to remember that the greater the slope angle of the roof slopes, the smaller the number of coating layers can be. And vice versa, the flatter the roof, the more layers of material need to be done (3-5 layers).

  • Method 1. With this method of laying, rolls of stekloizol are rolled out along the slopes of the roof from one of its lower edges to the other. That is, with the transfer of the roll through the ridge beam. As a rule, the length of one roll is enough to cover two slopes at the same time. In this case, the next roll of coating is laid on the previous one with an overlap. If the length of one roll is not enough, then the glass isol is laid in segments, forming an overlap in the region of the ridge 20-30 cm long.

Important: it is worth starting the installation of roofing material in this way from the side of the roof opposite to the prevailing wind direction in the region.

  • Method 2. In this case, the installation of the material to be laid is carried out from the bottom of the slope upwards, laying the transverse layers of the coating. So to speak, they perform herringbone laying, forming overlaps. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge, a layer of glass isol is applied in such a way that it covers the ridge completely along the entire length, and its ends hang down in equal measures on both sides of the ridge beam.

Important: in any of the laying methods, you need to leave 20-30 cm of cover from below to turn it under the cornice overhang. The material in the folded form is fixed with metal or wooden slats.

  • Method 3. In this case, the layers of laying the coating alternate. First, glass isol is laid along the roof slopes, and then the next layer is across. All layers of coating on the edges are additionally fixed with metal aluminum rails.

Installation of bituminous coating on a wooden roof

In order for the glass insulation, the laying of which will be carried out on a wooden roof, to lie securely and firmly, you should, first of all, make a solid wooden crate under it. To do this, you can use plywood panels or chipboard. Thus, the coating material will not begin to sag over time. All cracks and gaps of the crate must be caulked.

Further, the laying of the material is carried out in rolled layers, stuffing special metal slats along the edge. At the same time, it is worth considering that it will be more dangerous to lay the coating on the roof slopes using a gas burner. Since in this case a direct flame directed at the edge of the glass isol can provoke a fire in the crate.

In the cornice plane of the roof, the overhangs of glass isol are tucked up and nailed from the inside with roofing nails. Thus, a continuous waterproofing coating of the roof is formed.

Important: this mechanical laying method is especially relevant if the slope of the roof slopes exceeds 15 degrees. In this case, only two layers of coating can be laid.

Welding material

And you can also use the method of fusing the coating on a wooden crate, but provided that the angle of the slopes of the slopes is less than 10 degrees and the careful treatment of all elements of the crate with flame retardants (anti-combustible substances). Although such laying of glass isol is more applicable on concrete foundations of multi-storey high-rise buildings.

  • In this case, one of the flooring methods is also chosen. Then the first piece of material is laid. Its edge is melted with a burner to medium heat.
  • Glue the next piece of coating along the melted edge, and press it well.
  • Thus, it is necessary to glue all layers of the coating.

Tip: no matter what glass insulation technology you choose, all joints of the coating can be additionally treated with bituminous mastic for reliability.

Gidroizol is the most common bituminous roofing and waterproofing material of standard class on the Russian market. For a low cost, you will receive a guaranteed standard class quality. The material is produced by CJSC "Orgkrovlya", Ryazan, on the basis of: fiberglass, combined fiberglass, frame fiberglass. If you need exactly Hydroizol, then you should pay great attention to the manufacturer, as well as to the availability of documentation confirming the quality and safety of products, the appearance and the declared weight of the roll.

Complies with GOST 30547-97, GOST 32805-2014 (EN 13707:2004) TU 5774-019-00289973-2015.

When choosing a material, it is important to know that the abbreviations TKP and HKP indicate the presence of a protective coarse-grained dressing (asbogal) on the top layer of the material, designed to protect the material from ultraviolet radiation, respectively, TKP and HKP materials are used on the roof in the top layer. For the bottom layer of a roofing or waterproofing device, materials with the designation CCI and HPP are used. Numbers 2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5 etc. are not the thickness of Hydroisol for roofing, but indicate the weight of 1m2 of material.

The use of the Gidroizol brand material is extensive, for example: installing a new roofing, repairing an old one, temporary roofing (flat roofing). Waterproofing of the foundation, socle, internal waterproofing of premises.

To work with the material, use a propane torch or adhesive bituminous mastic.

Technical characteristics of hydroisol:

Gidroizol TU 5774-019-00289973-2015

HPP CCI Chamber of Commerce and Industry HKP TCH TCP-framework
Flexibility on the beam R=25mm 0°C 0°C 0°C 0°C 0°C 0°C
Heat resistant for 2 hours +80°c +80°c +80°c +80°c +80°c +80°c
Reinforcing base glass canvas

glass cloth

frame glass fabric glass canvas glass cloth

frame glass fabric

Breaking force at stretching in the longitudinal direction, kgf/50mm, not less. 30 60 80 30 60 80
Binder brittleness temperature -15°c -15°c -15°c -15°c -15°c -15°c
Water resistance for 72 hours, at a pressure of kgf/cm2, not less than absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute
Powder loss, g/per sample, no more 2.0 2.0 2.0
Top coat type film film film baby gray baby gray
baby gray
Type of bottom layer coating film film film film film film

Helpful information.

A well-conducted waterproofing process is rightfully considered one of the most important conditions for making the structure and construction reliable and ensuring a long service life. Recently, for these purposes, it is customary to use hydroisol, which is successfully used when working with almost all types of coatings.

Hydroisol has found wide application in the construction industry, because thanks to it you can not only organize, create a protective anti-corrosion coating for reinforced concrete elements or metal pipes, pools or even bridges.

Since its appearance on the construction market, hydroisol has become indispensable for roofing. This material is biostable, elastic and flexible, and also has excellent strength indicators. Therefore, its use in the creation of roofs can hardly be overestimated, because with its qualities it helps to extend the life of the entire structure.

As a rule, waterproofing is made in two versions:

  • Unilateral waterproofing. Its outer side is supplemented with a sprinkle of mineral or granite chips, which provides additional protection for bitumen from exposure to prolonged solar radiation;
  • Bilateral hydrosol. Both sides of the materials are coated with a protective polymer film, which melts when the roll is heated during its installation. As a rule, this version of the waterproofing is mounted as a lower protective layer, if two layers of waterproofing are provided;
  • Liquid waterproofing. It looks like bituminous mastic, which is poured into a special container. This mastic is used for reliable waterproofing of any type of surface, which was made possible by a combination of polymer fillers and bitumen.

The main advantages of hydroisol

This material is characterized by the following set of positive properties:

  • Ease of installation and subsequent operation, which greatly reduces the time for work;
  • Resistance to changes in air temperature;
  • High strength to mechanical and atmospheric influences;
  • Elastic structure;
  • Long term of use without loss of its technical characteristics.

In addition, hydroisol does not cause problems during transportation and has a low cost. The laying of the material can be safely carried out even at sub-zero temperatures. In addition, hydroisol is not afraid of heat, therefore, it will not melt in direct sunlight.

Features of laying waterproofing

To carry out reliable roof waterproofing with waterproofing, it is important to adhere to the main points when working with this material.

Nevertheless, regardless of the chosen laying technology, it is first of all important to prepare the base:

  • Accumulated debris and dust are removed from the roof;
  • If there are defects, such as deep cavities, cracks, chips and other problem areas, they must be eliminated. Taking into account on which surface the work is to be carried out (concrete, metal or wood), you can use putty or bituminous coating materials;
  • Then a layer of primer and primer is applied to make the surface as smooth as possible. In principle, in the absence of a primer, the use of ordinary bitumen is allowed, the liquid state of which is achieved by introducing gasoline. As for the primer, it is applied to the roof surface with a roller.

Waterproofing can be installed in several ways:

  • mechanical;
  • hot;
  • Using mastic.

Let's consider each of the proposed options in more detail.

The simplest, but at the same time far from the most reliable method of laying waterproofing is considered to be the mechanical method of installation. It lies in the fact that a roll of material is rolled out on a pre-prepared base, adhering to a minimum overlap of 15 cm. The use of this technology is allowed only if the roof has a slight slope, due to which water will drain from it unhindered.

Laying of rolled material starts from the bottom edge, gradually rising up. After the waterproofing is laid, it is recommended that all formed seams be treated with resin or mastic.

With the hot laying method, the rolled waterproofing sheet is gradually rolled out over the roof, while simultaneously heating its lower layer with a gas burner. As a result of thermal exposure, a reliable fixation of the bitumen layer and the underlying surface occurs.

It is quite obvious that this installation method is somewhat problematic for one person, and therefore it is better to have an assistant with you who will press the waterproofing sheet to the roof surface.

It should be noted that when mounting each subsequent layer on the already rolled material, it is necessary to make an overlap of 10 cm, due to which a reliable fixation of two layers of material will be created.

When laying waterproofing on bituminous mastic, the roof surface is initially treated with mastic (the layer is applied in such a way that it slightly extends beyond the edges of the roll). After that, the rolled material is rolled out on the mastic base and it is crimped using a heavy roller. A distinctive feature of this material is the absence of a gas burner. However, the budget allocated for repairs must include an item for the purchase of mastic.

Those who prefer the hot laying option should understand that waterproofing belongs to the category of flammable materials, and therefore it should not be allowed to overheat during installation. In the case when work is to be done on waterproofing the roof at fire hazardous facilities, it is strongly recommended to use a mechanical method or a variant using mastic.

If all recommendations on the technology of installing the waterproofing layer of the roof are followed, then the service life of the waterproofing can be at least 15 years. During this time, both the insulation layer (if any), and the truss system, and the building itself will be distinguished by reliable protection against moisture.

Gidroizol is a modern waterproofing material that goes on sale in two forms - in the form of liquid and roll insulation. Absolute waterproofness, biostability and resistance to high and low temperatures are the main, but not the only advantages of insulation. Is it worth using waterproofing for roofing and how to apply different types of insulating coating?

All the main performance properties that matter when choosing roofing insulation are present in the waterproofing, these are: strength, moisture resistance, elasticity, temperature range of operation, durability.

Release form and labeling

The term hydroisol means a group of materials for roof waterproofing. It is commercially available in two forms:

  • roll coating, the width, length and thickness of which varies depending on the brand and manufacturer;
  • bitumen-based hydroisol in the form of a ready-to-use solution.

Important! The solution can also be used in diluted form as a primer for roof finishing. To do this, it must be diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 with one of the solvents - solvent, kerosene or gasoline.

For the manufacture of roll coatings, different types of bases are used, which determine the final properties of the material. It is easy to find out these parameters from the marking indicated by the manufacturer:

  1. HPP and CCI are two types of roofing waterproofing, differing in the base material. The first is made on the basis of canvas, the second - fiberglass.
  2. GI-K - roof waterproofing, which is a modern analogue of roofing material.
  3. The presence of the letter P in the marking indicates the presence of a polymeric protective film, under which there is an adhesive composition. Depending on whether the coating is intended to create an internal lining carpet, waterproofing, or for the finishing layer, the adhesive and film will be respectively on two or on one side.
  4. The upper part of the finishing rolled waterproofing agent can additionally have a mineral protective dressing, which also serves as a decor. Such material can be recognized by the presence of the letter K in the marking, for example, HKP and TKP.

The appearance of the rolled waterproofing

Mastic includes an oil base - bitumen, as well as various plasticizers, polymer resins, the action of which improves the initial moisture-resistant properties of the mixture.

Technical data in facts and figures

By all criteria, waterproofing is an excellent option for a roof, as it has the following characteristics:

  1. Stretching of roll insulation without rupture, which determines elasticity and strength - 37-60 kgf, depends on the brand of material.
  2. Moisture resistance is absolute, the water absorption rate is less than 0.2%.
  3. Temperature operating range - -15 ... +95 degrees.
  4. The R-factor (flexibility at the rod) is 25 mm at 0 degrees.
  5. The durability of the finished coating is from 15 to 30 years, it varies depending on the technology of laying on the roof and the form of material used.

Important! Full setting of the coating after laying occurs within 12-48 hours.

Varieties of waterproofing from different manufacturers

One of the first and most pressing issues of any construction is the price. Therefore, before giving preference to hydroisol, you need to understand why it differs.

The formation of the price is determined by the following characteristics of the material:

  • coverage width;
  • roll length;
  • material thickness;
  • component composition of the coating or solution;
  • the volume of the outlet container is for the liquid mixture.

Roof waterproofing is produced by various companies under different brand names. These manufacturers include:

  • "ICT" - supplies products "Rubemast"
  • "Filikrovlya" - produces "Hydrokrovlya";
  • "Bikrost" - represented by the company "TechnoNIKOL".

Advantages of using the material in construction

All varieties of hydroisol are universal, except for roofing, they can be used for anti-corrosion and moisture-proof effect when arranging:

  • pools;
  • pipes;
  • foundations;
  • walls;
  • floors;
  • cellars.

Important! Hydroisol on bituminous mastic has proven itself well when working with various types of building materials: metal, concrete, wood.

Covering the roof with hydroisol is very beneficial from a technical and financial point of view. Based on the technical characteristics, as well as practical experience in the use of such material, we can conclude:

  • Flexibility and elasticity make it easy to equip any building structures, even complex configurations and large sizes, with a high degree of tightness.
  • The same properties, combined with strength, make it possible to smooth out surface irregularities and remove defects without time-consuming preparatory work.
  • The simplicity of the laying technology and the possibility of choosing a more acceptable method of covering the roof ensures that the allocated budget and construction time are strictly observed.
  • Temperature operational capabilities exclude restrictions on the choice of season and time of laying the material - construction and repair work can be carried out even in winter, when the temperature is below zero.
  • During the period of long-term operation, an inexpensive local repair of the coating with your own hands is possible, without the involvement of professional specialists and the use of expensive equipment and tools.
  • When laid on roofs, waterproofing provides a soundproofing effect, which makes it possible to save on additional consumables and reduce discomfort during the operation of the entire building.

Ways of laying insulation depending on the type of material

Depending on whether you gave preference to waterproofing on bituminous mastic or roll coating, the laying methods will also differ.

Option 1: coating technology

This method is suitable if you took a bitumen-based waterproofing for the arrangement of the roof. The method of using a liquid agent is extremely simple - the solution is applied with a uniform thickness in several layers.

For convenience, based on the estimated area of ​​processing, use:

  • paint roller;
  • brush;
  • special equipment that sprays the solution.

To get a quality result, before applying liquid waterproofing, familiarize yourself with the following features of the process:

  1. The solution is sold ready-to-use. The only thing that needs to be done immediately before application is to thoroughly mix the mixture directly in the storage container.
  2. To increase adhesion, a primer is applied as the first layer. It can be bought separately or prepared independently, as indicated above, from the same tool.
  3. Each layer is dried for at least two hours. Optimally - withstand 5-10 hours.

Applying the liquid formulation by hand

Option 2: self-adhesive roll material

For laying roll waterproofing with an adhesive layer, no auxiliary solutions and devices are required, except for a skating rink. During operation, the following sequence of actions is maintained:

  1. Immediately before laying the material, the protective polymer film is removed from the inside.
  2. The strips are overlapped with a gap of up to 10 cm.
  3. The roller presses the material tightly against the base of the roof.
  4. A technical pause is expected for the final setting.

Important! In order for the laying of rolled insulation to be carried out correctly and reliably, it is necessary to carry out work only in sunny warm weather. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the adhesive mass on the inside of the material will melt naturally, providing high-quality adhesion.

Option 3: fastening without full fixation

This technology is the simplest when laying a roll coating. All roofing works with this approach take a minimum of time.

Important! Roll covering can also be laid in several layers. The determining factor in this case, according to current building codes, is the angle of inclination of the roof slopes.

The rules here are:

  • 2 layers - for slopes over 15°;
  • 3 layers - if the slope corresponds to 5-15 °;
  • more than 3 layers - for a flat roof with an angle of 0-5 °.

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. Strips of material are laid with an overlap of 8-15 cm.
  2. The joints are coated with cold bituminous mastic and pressed tightly to the base for secure fixation.

This technology of laying waterproofing on the roof will be profitable and safe in the case of finishing a pitched roof with a small angle of inclination.

Fast stacking of roll material

Option 4: laying with full fixation

The essence of this method is the same as in the previous technology. The only difference is that not only the seams and joints are coated with bituminous mastic, but also the entire surface under the rolled roof. The process will take a little more time, but there are no difficulties and additional costs.

Due to the complete fixation of the canvas on the roof surface, a more reliable result and absolute tightness of the structure are obtained. As a result, the service life of the entire building in general and the roof in particular will be much longer.

To further improve the quality characteristics of the finished coating, you can use hot applied mastic. But it is necessary to take into account the working framework of the solution after heating in order to use it in time. Accordingly, the laying pace must be appropriate.

Option 5: preheated insulation

The most complex and unsafe technology, but the only true option for laying a waterproofing on the roof, if you need to perform work in the cold season or get an ideally high-quality result.

As an auxiliary heating tool, a building hair dryer or a gas burner is used.

Application technology:

  1. One craftsman sequentially very carefully rolls the rolled coating over the surface and, after laying it, presses it to the surface with a special club.
  2. The second, simultaneously with the rolling of the canvas, heats up its inner surface with the available tool.

Important! It is necessary to be as careful and careful as possible when laying in this way, since the material based on petroleum products is combustible. The main task is to achieve rapid melting of the adhesive mass, seal the strips on the roof with high quality and at the same time prevent fire.

As you have already seen, neither the application, nor the cost of the waterproofing, nor its characteristics raise doubts about the advisability of using such a coating for roofing. Choose the right material, using the professional advice of the store's specialists, and you will definitely be able to create a reliable roof that will serve as an excellent protection for the house for a long time.

Video: roof hydrosol