How to learn English: proven methods and methods for self-study. The best methods for learning English Effective English classes

When people just start learning any foreign language, the first thing they face is the serious question of choosing a method and method of learning. I would like to say right away that there is no universal technique that will suit everyone.

Some of us remember individual words better, some prefer classic teaching methods, while others find it easier to perceive information by ear. This means that you need to choose a method and method of study based on your personal characteristics. The best option is to try several different techniques and see which one is right for you.

In this article we will talk about what methods of learning English there are, which one is right for you, and how to distinguish effective learning of English from ineffective ones.

Methods and ways of learning English

Before talking about what methods there are for learning English on your own, it is impossible not to mention what options generally exist for a person who is determined to learn a new language.

  • Language schools and group lessons

One of the most popular methods all over the world, preferred by most people. These can be either local language schools in your city or schools abroad. In large cities of Russia there is a fairly large selection of offline schools for learning English, including official branches of world-famous schools. You can choose a school based on reviews from other students and take classes with teachers who have proven themselves well. True, sometimes the abundance of choice confuses beginners, and confused students may simply abandon the idea.

In small towns, the choice of schools is much smaller, but even in them you can find a decent option with professional teachers and a convenient schedule.

In addition, language schools abroad are increasingly popular, accepting students all year round. In them you can either prepare for passing international exams or simply take an intensive English course with full immersion and an emphasis on spoken language. This is a rather interesting and unusual experience, because in such schools students from different countries of the world gather, which will allow you to completely immerse yourself in an international environment and develop your listening comprehension of different accents. As a rule, a week or two is the minimum period for which schools in Ireland, Great Britain, the USA, Malta and other countries take students. The maximum duration of study has no restrictions and depends only on your individual goals and financial capabilities.

Like any other, this method has its pros and cons.

Among the advantages are quite reasonable prices for training compared to individual lessons, the opportunity to communicate with other students, healthy competition in the group, a variety of lesson formats and, of course, the opportunity to learn not only from your own, but also from others’ mistakes.

One of the main disadvantages is the lack of an individual approach, personal attention and the ability to analyze your questions in more detail. This is due to the large number of students in the group, and some students may even experience a socio-psychological barrier and be afraid to open up. Also, the class schedule may not always be convenient for the student due to work and other daily activities.

In general, the group method of language learning is suitable for sociable and communicative people, especially children and teenagers. But it will be quite difficult for closed and always busy people with a busy schedule to attend such schools.

  • Private tutor

Those who are not suitable for group classes, but need someone to control and thoroughly analyze incomprehensible material and grammar, should opt for an English tutor.

The main advantage of this method is an individual approach. You analyze in detail only those topics that you do not understand or find difficult. Moreover, you sort it out “to the bitter end.” A tutor can work with you for as long as he wants, if the financial side of the issue allows it. The cost of one academic hour of lessons with a tutor is higher than that of group lessons. But the usefulness of this method is also higher, because the classes will be built on the basis of your level and capabilities, you can choose your own pace or focus on one of the topics. For example, study hard for exams or improve your speaking skills.

One of the disadvantages is the long search for your teacher, who will suit you on all points (location, schedule, cost, program). It is also important to find a tutor who will really be interested in studying with you and will give his all: prepare new material, use different approaches, offer a variety of tasks and, of course, will develop himself.

  • Self-study

Modern technology allows a person to access information anywhere and anytime, and this is great. Those who want to learn English, but do not have the time or opportunity to attend group classes or hire a tutor, prefer independent study.

This includes studying at home using books and manuals, independent work with dictionaries and textbooks, audio lessons, video lessons, watching films and TV series in the original language, memory games and much more.

This method is used today by an increasing number of people, because its advantages are obvious: no need to travel to the other end of the city, the ability to study at any convenient time, and others. The biggest disadvantage of such classes is the need to have a high level of self-organization, because no one from the outside monitors your progress and cannot correct mistakes in pronunciation.

But if a person has motivation and desire, he will find time to devote at least 15-30 minutes a day to learning and constantly develop and improve his level. For example, in Puzzle English you will find a large number of simulators for learning vocabulary, video lessons and materials in the original language with a detailed analysis of sentences and phrases, as well as many other useful ways to learn English on your own.

Remember that you don't have to stick to just one method or method if it doesn't work. If the method of learning English on your own is not suitable for you, because you need motivation from a teacher, it is better to start with language courses. And also, if you want more individual lessons and interesting content, you need a tutor or sites and applications for learning the language. It’s up to you (Only you can decide).

Popular English learning systems

As the famous expression says: “How many people - so many opinions.” But few of these people actually developed their own unique methods for learning English and promoted them to the masses. These techniques are used not only by those who learn the language on their own, but also by teachers in language schools around the world.

In fact, all these methods are full-fledged language teaching systems that can be used not only for English, but also for any other language. But with one important caveat: with any of these methods you can only learn a language to a certain level. To continue to develop comprehensively and master the English language more deeply and completely, it is better to use different methods: independent study, group work, watching films in the original, speaking circles and much more.

  • Pimsleur method

This proprietary technique, developed by Paul Pimsleur, is patented and widely known throughout the world. He has developed a series of audio courses, each consisting of 30 lessons, each lasting 30 minutes. Russian version - Pimsleur English for Russian Speakers. According to Pimsleur's idea, it is during this period of time that the human brain is able to absorb information most effectively.

The training takes place in the form of dialogue, and each lesson is voiced by both a native speaker and our compatriot. In addition, for each lesson there are tasks that are voiced by speakers. This way, you not only listen to the dialogue, but also take part in it and learn to pronounce words and phrases. Thanks to this form, the student is able to quickly master spoken language and remember the maximum number of different expressions.

The advantage of this technique is that it is available at any time and anywhere - you can listen to the audio course on your smartphone, in the car, at home while preparing dinner, and so on.

  • Schechter method

This methodology is based on rethinking the familiar model of teaching “from theory to practice.” In it, Igor Shekhter suggests learning a foreign language the same way we learned Russian in childhood. No one explains the rules of the language to young children; they learn them only later, at school, but by that time they already have a certain vocabulary and can form sentences, although not always correctly.

Training in the Schechter method is divided into three main stages: in the first (the easiest) only lexical units and expressions are given that need to be immediately put into practice, and already in the second and third stages grammar and pronunciation are corrected. At the last stages, the student loses the psychological barrier and fear of speaking, which language learners often encounter. From the point of view of educational psychologists, this technique is one of the most successful and effective in learning English.

  • Dragunkin method

Our compatriot Alexander Dragunkin has developed a unique method for learning English, which has been successfully practiced for many years. According to him, in order for a Russian person to effectively learn English, he first needs to focus on Russian.

In this method, the grammatical part and the rules for constructing sentences are simplified as much as possible, it is not overloaded with unnecessary information in the opinion of a specialist and is focused on quickly learning foreign words and memorizing them.

Dragunkin not only has approaches depending on the student’s level of knowledge, but also his own network of schools. And besides this, it has its own vocabulary, rules, etc., so that English becomes more understandable to Russian people. As Dragunkin himself says, using his method you can easily master English verbs, articles and basic principles of sentence construction.

However, this technique also has many opponents who argue that the amount of theoretical knowledge is insufficient and that the system teaches English from the Russian point of view, and this, in turn, interferes with the correct pronunciation and perception of foreign speech.

  • Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov is the developer of one of the most effective methods of teaching English in Russia, “Polyglot”. According to Petrov's method, English can be learned from scratch in 16 hours. Of course, we are not talking about the fact that in 16 hours you will be able to easily and freely communicate with a resident of the UK on the topic of politics, but about some basic knowledge sufficient for understanding and fluent speaking.

The technique is based on artificial immersion in the English language environment. From the very first lesson, students communicate only in a foreign language, starting with the basics and moving on to more complex vocabulary and rules. To do this, at the beginning of each lesson, the necessary lexical and grammatical minimum is offered for independent study, and the main part of the lesson is aimed at repeated repetition of speech structures and the use of vocabulary “on the spot.”

  • Frank method

It works like this: small excerpts of text are submitted along with the translation in brackets. That is, the text offered for study is not presented entirely in the text-translation format, but is divided into parts and immediately, visually side by side, the translation is given. In this way, the student can compare the original with the translation immediately and learn new words or speech structures from there.

Frank claims that such a learning system is much more effective than simple manuals with English texts, because the way it presents information is similar to a dictionary, where a word and its translation also appear side by side.

One of the disadvantages of this technique is the development of only reading and translation skills and learning new vocabulary, and not spoken English, which is no less important. However, Frank's technique is well suited for those who want to increase their vocabulary.

  • Umin Method

Evgeniy Umin is the developer of a method for learning English based on motor and auditory engrams. This is what Umin calls “memory traces” that help a person assimilate new information and reproduce it later.

As in Schechter’s method, Umin took as a basis the principles of a child’s perception of the world around him and conducted additional research into the mechanisms of the human brain during learning.

His method is based on daily sessions lasting 15-30 minutes, during which the main emphasis is on memorization, recitation and repetition. The author claims that if you study not 30 minutes, but 1-1.5 hours a day, then within a year you can achieve a level of English proficiency sufficient for free communication with a native speaker.

  • Zamyatkin method

Nikolai Zamyatkin is the author of the book “It is impossible to teach you a foreign language,” the first publication of which took place back in 2000. He has developed his own manual for those who want to quickly and easily master the English language and offers a method of gradual immersion into the language environment for this.

The learning system consists of several stages, each of which immerses the student deeper and deeper into the English language. At the same time, each stage is worked out as carefully as possible, and it can take several days to analyze one material at a stage. First, the author suggests listening and acting out simple dialogues, the second stage consists of reading books, and the third - watching films in the original language.

This technique is considered quite effective, although it takes a lot of time and requires self-discipline. But real and lasting knowledge is not given without perseverance and regular practice, so the duration of training cannot be considered a minus. In addition, everything is quite individual both in this and in the methods described above.

So is it possible to unambiguously answer the question “What is the best method for learning English”? No you can not. Although all of these methods are quite universal and are suitable for everyone who wants to learn a foreign language, they are based on different principles and simply may not be suitable for a particular student. But this does not mean that you should immediately give up trying even to try the technique on yourself.

The best English course for self-study is the one that suits you one hundred percent. Don't forget that you can combine teaching methods with each other. For example, by registering on the Puzzle English website and getting full access to all our exciting puzzles, you can not only study them yourself for half an hour a day, but also consult with a tutor from time to time or attend conversation clubs at an offline school. By diversifying your training in this way, you will definitely not get bored and will be able to comprehensively develop the necessary skills.

Still, only through trial and error will you find the best method of learning English, which will get you off the ground and allow you to master the most popular language on the planet.

Well, we wish you success in studying, regardless of the method you choose!

There are a lot of non-traditional methods of learning English. “Non-traditional” - in the sense of different from those used in the school curriculum. This does not mean that they are completely new, since we all “grew up” from a traditional school in one way or another. It’s just that the authors of new methods of learning foreign languages, not agreeing with classical techniques, offer other ways of knowledge.

Any caring teacher in a regular school, perhaps without realizing it, works wonders in the classroom. If we talk about personal experience, in the distant 70s, school English teacher Natalya Pavlovna, day after day, led our class to understand the language, using tape recordings, interesting tables, English jokes and disciplined study - and became an example to follow. It is among school teachers, in live work with children, that any advanced techniques, methods, technologies and techniques are born. Only in such daily work can you see the pros and cons of traditional teaching, and then introduce something of your own and test the effectiveness of innovations during lessons.

Recently, thanks to the Internet, new methods of learning English have spread rapidly. Briefly and without value judgments, we will dwell on their features and differences, so that after this review everyone can choose the most suitable alternative based on their temperament, availability of free time and level of training. Most of these techniques are used in one way or another in my lessons - the story about them will go in the order in which I managed to get acquainted with them.

Methodology of Vladislav Milashevich

The first impressive experience was associated with the technique of Vladislav Milashevich. Perhaps also because in the late 80s I knew him personally and learned something directly from the author. Unfortunately, Vladislav Milashevich did not leave behind a full-fledged published educational course, but many recordings of his wonderful lectures have been preserved. I was amazed by his ability to systematize everything and present it in understandable diagrams and tables.

Basic principles of Vladislav Milashevich’s technique

Systematic presentation of the material. All key topics of the language are covered.

Visibility. Very clear, simple picture diagrams are used, which allow you to quickly master many complex sections of grammar (prepositions, tenses, etc.).

Compact material.

Focus on speed of absorption. The technique was “tailored” to train scientists to quickly understand (translate) an English text, so the speed of assimilation is one of the main features of the technique. Just a few lectures - and a graduate student with almost “no” English was able to understand difficult materials in foreign journals and rely on them when writing dissertations and articles.

Courage in presentation. Even today, there are few authors who could approach language so boldly and creatively. In essence, Vladislav Milashevich created a new world into which he involved his students, and through the new rules he created, he simply talked about complex things.

Finding a presentation of Vladislav Milashevich’s methodology on the Internet is not easy: there is interesting material on These are several lessons that outline basic diagrams and formulas.

Vitaly Leventhal's technique

I became acquainted with the works of this author in the early 90s, when his articles appeared on the websites of Russian-speaking communities in America. They made an indelible impression of novelty and freshness, because it was a story about a living American language. It was impossible to learn anything like this either in textbooks or from other teachers. And today his approach is very clear and attractive, despite high competition.

Basic principles of Vitaly Leventhal’s technique

Honest approach. Does not promise anyone either quick success or easy learning. Daily painstaking work and diligence are required - no other impact on the subcortex.

The methodology is aimed at our compatriots who emigrated to the United States, so it uses numerous local idioms, humor, slang - in a word, everything that allows you to quickly “fit” into American life.

Close connection with the Russian language in the process of learning English.

Developing language thinking skills through books, articles and lectures. This is a very rare quality when, through search, emotions and checking the result, an adult develops a “feeling” of language.

Express method by Ilona Davydova

I bought the audio cassette version back in the mid-90s for a lot of money - I couldn’t wait to turn it on and check how, with the help of magical inaudible signals, the English words “themselves” forever flow into my head. In general, this did not happen, but nevertheless, the cassettes themselves and the book attached to them were very much used in further work. So it's a sin to complain.

Features of Ilona Davydova’s method

The material consists of individual words and phrases (dialogues) in audio form. The course was created for listening comprehension, although today computer versions with graphics and color have already appeared.

May be of interest to those who already have some training and want to increase their vocabulary.

Communication technique of Galina Kitaigorodskaya and Igor Shekhter

It was possible to get acquainted with this approach quite late - in the late 90s, since the textbooks of these authors were not bestsellers and were not advertised on the Internet. At the same time, the main principle - learning through communication - is incredibly attractive. For me, Igor Shekhter’s experience is very valuable, because many of his approaches are in tune with mine.

Basic principles of Igor Shekhter’s technique

It is not the language that needs to be taught. It is necessary to create conditions under which a person speaks a foreign language.

Traditional methods of teaching English break a person (tests, exams, rules, etc.), but you can teach anything only without breaking your personality. Therefore, in this method there is no homework or grammar study (at the initial stage).

Living speech is not constructed, but generated. Learning takes place through active, emotionally charged activities.

Each student should have the freedom to choose and convey meaning in words that are appropriate to their life experiences.

The teacher determines only the beginning of the event and - only with a hint - the climax. The outcome is unpredictable. That's why it's so interesting.

The course includes 3 cycles of 100 hours each. Between cycles there is a break of 1-3 months, during which the student reads in English, watches and discusses films, and listens to songs.

This method definitely allows for the development of creativity in both the teacher and his students.

Nikolay Zamyatkin's technique

I became acquainted with this technique quite a long time ago, in the late 90s. It was interesting to try it for myself, and when I was convinced that there was a rational grain here, I began to use it in my work with students. Very often, Nikolai Zamyatkin’s technique is called “matrix”.

Basic principles of Nikolai Zamyatkin’s methodology

Repeated listening to a fragment read by a native speaker (dialogue or just text). This way the material is etched into memory.

Then repeatedly pronounce the same text out loud. The main condition is to do it loudly, as loudly as possible.

All this affects the deepest, unconscious structures of the brain, connecting the micromovements of the speech apparatus with typical phonemes, sound combinations, as well as visual images of the language being studied, making them familiar.

Success is achieved through countless movements of the lips and tongue, contractions of the muscles of the face and throat, the work of ligaments, that is, everything that is responsible for “speaking” a foreign language. It's like learning scales in music or practicing in sports.

All this leads to “not thinking” in the native language, that is, a state when the head becomes free of thoughts in the native language.

Timur Baitukalov's method

Basic principles of Timur Baitukalov’s method (matrix technique)

Regular language classes - at least 1 hour daily.

The main educational material is videos with subtitles in the target language and audio books.

The main way to learn new language material is to model the speech of native speakers in a state of “ignorance.”

The most accurate copying of native speakers. Achieving understanding is not the goal.

You can get acquainted with the meaning of the educational material being studied (read the translation) only after the educational material has been thoroughly learned.

Methodology of Grigory Gromyko

Basic principles of Grigory Gromyko’s technique (matrix technique)

Not using memory to learn English.

Constant training of those organs that are in one way or another responsible for speech (mouth, lips, eyes, ears, etc.) through numerous repetitions of the same phrases/words.

Work is carried out only with the material that is interesting to the student “here and now”.

Training not one, but at least three foreign languages ​​at the same time is more effective and ultimately leads to more pronounced results.

Methodology of Alexander Dragunkin

I became acquainted with his books in the late 90s. At first it was very unusual, but then it became obvious that Alexander Dragunkin’s ideas are very interesting and can be used for teaching.

Features of Alexander Dragunkin’s technique

Integrity. Almost all major grammar topics are covered.

An alternative grammar has been created that is easy to understand.

High speed of material absorption. 10-20 days are usually enough to complete the entire course. Then independent work is expected.

It is of fundamental importance to develop an understanding of why a phrase needs to be constructed in one way and not another.

From the very first lesson, sentences of any level of complexity are built.

The goal is to lay the foundation. Then there is a build-up: increasing vocabulary, improving grammar, etc.

From observations: if you read the same book by Alexander Dragunkin constantly (for example, read it once a day, this is possible) or at least the same chapter several times, then suddenly a very good effect appears. Some will say that this happens with any educational material. But this is not true: if you read the same chapters of traditional textbooks, the result will not be the best - it all depends on the content.

Methodology of Dmitry Petrov

Relatively recently, Dmitry Petrov’s courses were shown on the Culture channel.

Features of Dmitry Petrov's technique

Accurate presentation of material, well-developed videos and other materials. For example, the “Phrase Generator” allows you to construct the correct sentence and hear the pronunciation.

High speed of course presentation. The standard program includes 16 hours. The maximum period of language learning using this method is 6 weeks.

Using films to immerse yourself in a language environment.

There are no complex grammatical schemes and no need to memorize rules.

The methods discussed in this article are not the “main” ones - there are others, quite interesting and original, which will be discussed next time.

It is important to mention this: no matter how interesting the methods of engaging in learning a foreign language may be, success will be achieved only if one condition is met: you need to do it every day. It is so difficult that even the strongest desire and motivation do not work. I have come up with several ways to weave learning a foreign language into everyday life: you do something familiar, everyday - and at the same time study English or another language. Details are in one of the future articles and in the webinar.

Cover illustration: Greg Shield

Having firmly decided to learn English on your own, you will definitely be faced with the problem of choosing an effective methodology, of which there are a great many. Only you decide which method to choose.

What to focus on when choosing?

  • Firstly, your level of language proficiency
  • Secondly, on personal financial and time capabilities
  • Thirdly, based on your own intuitive desire

Dragunkin method

Dragunkin's method Alexander Dragunkin clearly and intelligibly explains the basics of English. Dragunkin's method for learning English is perfect for quickly learning and memorizing. The grammar is simplified as much as possible, the rules are simplified. There are courses for both beginners and advanced.

Dragunkin has a completely different approach to teaching, his own terminology, his own laws, his own vocabulary. He even remade grammatical rules, systematized exceptions, and resolved the problems of using articles and irregular verbs. Dragunkin identified new classes and groups of words, uniting them according to common characteristics; revealed the relationship between them. The presentation of the material follows a chain, from simple to complex, one follows from the other in a strict logical sequence.

Teaching English is based on the native language. Due to all these factors, the training time is reduced several times, and the perception of educational material is noticeably easier. The technique is aimed at quickly achieving results. The purpose of the program is not to teach, but to teach.

Pimsleur technique

The Pimsleur Method American Conversational English will help you master the audio course “Pimsleur English for Russian Speakers”. See the article Learning English using Dr. Pimsleur's method. The Pimsleur technique also helps you learn to read correctly. Our website has all the audio lessons of spoken American, as well as reading lessons.

The Pimsleur Method is the only form of foreign language learning that includes a unique, patented method of memory training. The course consists of thematic dialogues with detailed explanations and translations. Phrases are voiced by a native speaker.

Students listen to the recording and repeat phrases after the speaker. Then the next speech pattern is announced and its meaning is explained. The student repeats it again many times, then he needs to repeat the previous phrases, at the same time inserting words from the new expression into it. New words are introduced, and old expressions are asked to be repeated after a certain, constantly increasing, interval of time.

A very interesting, and most importantly working, system of 30 audio lessons, half an hour each. The course was created specifically for Russian speakers who want to know the speech of US residents. No textbooks, just listen and repeat. And soon you will be able to carry on a conversation like a real American without any problems.

Schechter method

This is a completely new emotional and semantic approach, which states that learning a foreign language should be similar to learning your native speech. This method refers to direct game-based interactive methods of active learning. Politicians, astronauts, and famous people studied using this method. Even Western private linguistic schools paid attention to Schechter's method.

His methodology is built on a person-oriented approach, where it is important to pay attention not to what to do with English, but what to do with the person in order to make the learning process easier for him. A positive atmosphere, goodwill, learning without fatigue and stress - these are the main and mandatory components of each lesson.

The goal of each individual lesson and of teaching as a whole is to encourage the student to express opinions in his own words, rather than repeat memorized patterns and phrases from textbooks. Therefore, lectures are organized in the form of active human participation in the changing events of business and city life.

Also of great importance is the correction of speech and grammar, which students study in the higher cycles of the course. This technology is also used to memorize new material without memorization and rote repetition.

BERLITZ English learning method Another popular method is the BERLITZ method, which polyglots have been using for 200 years. It is based on studying a foreign language abroad. There are more than 400 BERLITZ language schools around the world. You can choose both group classes and individual training. Read the article How to study English abroad.

This method requires strict adherence to the basic principles:

  • First you need to learn to speak, and then master reading and writing skills
  • Grammar and vocabulary should be learned through natural, entertaining conversation, in a conversational context
  • Only native speakers should teach the language
  • The student must take an active part in the learning process
  • Native speech is not used at all and is excluded from training
  • Such a concept as translation is also excluded

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone's English learning method The Rosetta Stone method is also recognized as one of the best - a convenient program for those who are planning to emigrate. Language learning from scratch. The user follows the same path as when learning their native language: words and images, pronunciation, grammar and syntax. The difficulty level increases gradually.

The Flash method allows you to learn English the same way you learned your native language from infancy - without rules. Mastering English occurs through repeated repetition, immersion in the language environment, and the formation of associations. This program teaches you to automatically perceive and reproduce the most common conversational structures.

The course completely lacks translation, instead there is an associative series. Vocabulary, syntax and grammar are learned through modeling of various life situations. The main emphasis is on visual memory. As a supplement, I advise you to read a lot on your own

The non-translation method means:

  • No rules or translation
  • Words are given immediately in context
  • Memorization is achieved through numerous repetitions

An excellent program for those who want to learn the basics of the language on their own without going too deep into the details. Pictures make the technique interesting, and learning occurs without stress.


Lex program! - a well-known way to enrich vocabulary. Sitting at the computer, the user memorizes words, phrases, speech patterns that periodically appear on the screen. It supports the ability to delete and add vocabulary, edit it, change training intensity levels and time parameters. The characteristics of human memory, attention and perception are taken into account.

The user can install and separately configure various translation modes: direct, reverse, written translation, and their random alternation. The student independently determines the number of correct translations, which is an indicator that the word has been learned. Lex! — is accompanied by a detailed reference book that will allow you to quickly find answers to all your questions.

Muller method

Stanislav Müller's technique consists in the harmonious interaction of conscious and subconscious thinking. To increase learning and memory, the latest developments of Russian and Western science are used - superlearning and holographic memory:

  • Super learning ability - helps you master any skill several times faster. At the same time, you get tired much less and maintain a high level of performance
  • Holographic memory - helps to systematize life experiences, increases memory capabilities, and allows you to restore the ability to master language

During the course, exercises are performed to improve imagination, which helps memorize lexical material. The course solves the problems of understanding spoken language, fluent reading, writing and speaking.

Frank method

I recommend Ilya Frank’s method, which is based on learning English through reading special texts. With constant reading in this way over the course of a year, you can learn to speak fluently, thanks to the special arrangement of the original text and the translation. At the same time, memorizing words and phrases does not occur through cramming, but through their constant repetition in the text.

Still the same non-translation method. In Ilya Frank's books, the text is broken down into more than a few passages - an adapted passage with a literal translation and lexical and grammatical commentary, then the same text, but without hints. You just read a book and learn a language at the same time.

The manager wrote up the sales slip (the manager filled out the form with the price). The crook looked at the slip and said, “This is a little more than I intended to spend.” Can you show me something less expensive? (could you show me something less expensive).”

The manager agreed and wrote up the sales slip. The crook looked at the slip and said, “This is a little more than I intended to spend. Can you show me something less expensive?”

The meaning of the unadapted text is that the reader, even for a short time, “swims without a board.” After reading an unadapted paragraph, you can move on to the next adapted one. There is no need to go back and repeat. You just have to read the following text.

Gunnemark's technique

You can try Eric Gunnemark's method. The Swedish polyglot recommends starting to learn the language by mastering an active minimum of words and grammatical rules. Why did he create a list of “speech cliches” that, in his opinion, you need to learn by heart yourself. Gunnemark called these collections “Minilex”, “Minifraz” and “Minigram”. All material is illustrated and voiced by native speakers. The course is recommended for beginners. Gunnemark's Method These “mini-collections” should not be neglected, because they provide guidance on what to focus on from the very beginning. Mastering a “mini-repertoire” will give a beginner self-confidence. The lists included in this collection are structured in such a way that the student masters the essentials on his own. After all, when you have well-mastered material and basic knowledge behind you, you inevitably begin to feel much more confident in any environment.

For Gunnemark, all teaching is subject to the following principles:

  • Particular attention is paid to the “central words”, that is, to those words that most often “roll off the tongue”
  • You need to learn not individual words, but entire expressions. You don't need to learn everything. For each typical situation, memorize 1-2 expressions, but “by heart”
  • It is better to learn one word perfectly than to learn several words poorly. No synonyms needed. Learn the main word
  • Try to use the learned expressions as often as possible
  • It is necessary to learn the basics of good correct pronunciation as quickly as possible.
  • Master the required minimum grammar
  • The most useful thing is reading

The linguist considers labor, time, teachers and material to be external factors for successful learning. That is, how quickly you will progress in learning depends directly on your ability to organize your work and time, on the chosen methodology and teacher.

As you can see, there are many ways and they are all different. Which one is better is up to you to decide. But having studied their basic principles, we can come to the conclusion that the main thing is communication and reading. To which I also join.

Do you know any other interesting techniques? Tell us about them in the comments. I wish you success and sustainable results!

Or personal communication. It is important to have an idea of ​​the possible training options - this will help you choose the method that is most convenient for you. Consider the following methods and their advantages:

Classroom activities

Depending on personal preference, some may prefer a traditional learning environment. Classes in a traditional setting provide the opportunity to actively interact with the teacher and can be useful for those who want to gain additional training. Classroom activities also allow you to interact with other students and work in groups.

Audio lessons

This method is gradually becoming outdated, as many people come to the conclusion that it is difficult to master the language using this method alone. However, good ones often offer audio materials to give a better understanding of pronunciation and dialects.

Audio recordings are often used to supplement the curriculum, however, there are also full audio lessons for those who find it easier to learn a language by ear.


Books are often used as additional material to become more familiar with the language. For those who are learning a language on their own, they can be an excellent means of mastering the English language at an acceptable pace, without the restrictions and commitments that are present in other forms of learning.


DVD training programs are a very popular tool and can be effective if followed regularly and correctly. Those who will appreciate the flexibility and freedom that DVD courses provide.

However, not being able to communicate with the teacher or other students can create problems. If studying is difficult and it is difficult to move forward. DVD courses can be great for those who already know the basic material but want to brush up on their knowledge.

Online training

The online teaching method has proven itself well among both teachers and language learners. With flexibility and convenience, it is well suited for those who cannot maintain a classroom schedule but can. However, this method assumes that the student has basic Internet skills.

Having an understanding of the different methods of learning English will help you choose the one that suits you best. What study methods have you tried? Tell us about your experience in the comments to this article.

Friends, many of you probably had a desire to start learn English for free without outside help or any paid educational courses.

And that's great! After all, learning a foreign language expands human consciousness, opens up opportunities for travel and communication with people from other parts of the world. Believe me Having mastered another language, you will begin to think and perceive the world around you differently!

However, judging by the experience of most students, some people give up trying to learn English due to a lack of self-discipline and simple laziness! Indeed, the abundance of all kinds of rules and bad memories from the school curriculum discourage all desire to learn!

We decided to help everyone learn English on your own and prepared the 7 best ways to master it. These methods significantly save time and simplify understanding of grammar, and most importantly, they are free!

Using these methods and devoting at least 1 hour a day to studying, in a few months you will master the basic principles, expand your vocabulary and be able to speak freely on general/simple topics with native speakers.

1. Dmitry Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov is a famous linguist, translator and public figure who speaks more than 15 languages. He developed a course of 16 video lessons that can be found on the Internet in the public domain (episodes of the “Polyglot” program on the Russia TV channel). You can watch video tutorials.

In addition to the course of video lessons, there is a free mobile application for learning English using the method of Dmitry Petrov.

The effectiveness of Dmitry Petrov's method: the material is presented in a very simple and understandable form, thanks to which the fear of tenses, verb forms, etc. is quickly dispelled. In a short time you will gain communication skills, plus you will practice basic language algorithms until they become automatic.

2. platform

A free international language learning platform without premium packages, advertising or webinars, which was launched in 2011. The training system is built in the form of interesting lessons based on gamification, during which students help translate websites, articles, etc.

The basis of training is Dualingo skill tree, through which users advance by completing tasks and earning experience points. The platform has many functions, such as completing tasks against time, etc. In addition to the web project, Duolingo has a mobile application. On Dualingo you can learn not only English, but also German and French, and soon Spanish and Swedish will also be available.

Duolingo efficiency: According to research, 34 hours of Duolingo training provides the same amount of reading and writing skills as a semester of study (130 hours) in higher education. Currently, many teachers in schools use the Dualingo program. The project provides excellent skills for speech recognition and translations.

3. Movie mania with subtitles

The method is based on watching your favorite films and TV series with double subtitles, but in English dubbing. It turns out that you simultaneously hear English speech and see the writing and translation.

The main nuance is the right choice of TV series and films. Beginners need to watch films that have simple dialogues and do not use specific words. Many people call the famous TV series “Friends” ideal for watching with double subtitles.

Efficiency of the method: quickly remember new words and phrases, master pronunciation. However, to feel the effect, you need to watch quite a lot of episodes or films.

4. Ilya Frank method

This method involves learning a language by reading books in English without a dictionary. You read and remember due to the repetition of words in the text of books.

In addition, for interesting reading, it offers explanations with translations of each sentence. Just download Ilya Frank’s books and read them at any time convenient for you. You can see what the text in the book looks like in the picture below.

The effectiveness of Ilya Frank's method: Frank's learning is ideal for memorizing words. You read a book and as you learn, you begin to skip the explanatory inserts. According to reviews it is said that if you read 1-2 hours a day, then in a year you will be able to read English books in the original without any problems.

5. Alexander Dragunkin method

Alexander Dragunkin developed his own method of teaching English, in which he abandoned the traditional classical study of the rules of reading words, replacing it with Russified transcription.

In his method he also developed 53 “golden” grammar formulas, which differ from the classic ones. Dragunkin offers his vision of language learning and an understanding of grammar that will be simple and understandable for beginners.

To get started, we recommend watching the 3-hour video tutorial, under which you will find a link to many teaching materials and Dragunkin tables that help with learning.

The effectiveness of the Dragunkin Method: the main advantage of Dragunkin’s method is that the material is presented in a very accessible form for “dummies.” All the material (tables, rules) by Dragunkin is systematized, making it easy to remember.

6. Dr. Pimsleur Method

Dr. Pimsleur's method is based on listening, when the student listens to dialogues, constructs phrases and reproduces them from memory. Course of Study consists of 3 parts, each of which contains 30 lessons(audio material + text).

The important point is that learning using the Pimsleur method requires great concentration. In particular, it is impossible, for example, to combine training with being in public places, because Often, as part of training, it is necessary to repeat after the speaker.

The effectiveness of Dr. Pimsleur's method: training using this method is perfect for those who have poor pronunciation. The course using Dr. Pimsleur's method perfectly develops memory and promotes good recognition of English speech (especially dialects).

7. YouTube training

In addition to the above methods, we will leave for you several excellent YouTube channels for learning English. Each of them has its own training program that will help you master English.

Puzzle English- an excellent channel with a wide variety of grammar lessons, language learning tips, lessons on correct pronunciation, etc.

English like clockwork is an entertaining channel where language learning is carried out through jokes, games, music, films, etc.

OXANA DOLINKA— a channel of the user of the same name, on which a girl teaches English and emphasizes the living modern language, as well as the nuances of spoken English when traveling.

English at Steve Jobs School- a channel where short lessons touch on certain topics of the English language, as well as dialogues in films, talk about metaphors in English, etc.

Albert Kakhnovskiy- a channel where English is taught by the famous Raymond Murphy.

Efficiency of the method: Learning English on YouTube channels is easy and fun. Studying does not oblige you to anything and you can devote as much time to studying as you wish.

Learn English on your own not easy! Most people note that it is often difficult to overcome their laziness, remember this! Do not succumb to the provocations of your consciousness to abandon your studies!