How to successfully pass an interview for a leadership position. Be positive and open. Correct reaction to questions

Before being accepted for any position, a citizen undergoes several degrees of verification. One of the steps is to conduct an interview.

This personal meeting largely determines the professional qualities of a person, his communication skills and the ability to quickly respond to non-standard requests.

Therefore, employers are trying to come up with unusual ways to carry out such a procedure.

How to pass it successfully

Depending on the specialization of the citizen, it is required to take into account the specifics of the interview. Each position has its own positions regarding the requirements for the applicant. These can be norms for communication skills or the presence of skills to lead people.

In order to have more chances to adequately answer all points, both live and by phone, you need to know the position on the issues.

The task of each examiner is to put those positions that appear provocative. At such a moment, it is easier to catch a person on a lie, lack of confidence and ignorance of the necessary stages of work.

For a leading position

The main list is compiled on the basis of a question-answer format within the following limits:

Management style Pay attention to organizational skills, readiness to help subordinates in overcoming difficulties. The main task is to lead the team to the set goals
Does the person consider themselves to be a good leader and why To form a speech is on a questionnaire on the achievements and performance of labor. They also emphasize the skills of good organization, making plans and establishing contacts with all subordinates and superiors
What is valued in subordinates Indicate the presence of skills, initiative. Can include positions for adaptation in team and teamwork skills
Leaving experience It is worth describing one of the situations, with an emphasis on the positive aspects.

Sales manager

When applying for the position of a sales representative, it is imperative to have the qualities of a communicator. The whole conversation will be based on this.

If there is an opportunity to ask the interviewer something, then they use it. In this case, they ask about sales volumes.

This will show that the citizen has the skills to plan, strategize and withdraw his own strength and capabilities.

For an accountant

In this case, the check consists in familiarization with the characteristics of the skills of the person. The most frequently discussed topic is specialized programs.

Such as 1C, therefore it is worth mentioning the configurations in which the applicant can work. Access to and interest in accounting literature is discussed separately.

Due to the constant changes in laws, it is important to stay up to date with all events, just like a lawyer.

It also involves checking for the presence of self-education in a person's professional activity.

When moments about the conduct of black bookkeeping appear in a conversation, you should smoothly move on to other issues. You can excuse yourself with general phrases in this vein.

Correct answers to frequently asked questions

All positions on answers to typical questions are thought out in advance. You need to understand that there are standard points that employers go through.

The more extraordinary the answer follows, the more chances you have to "hook" the head or HR. In this situation, it is worth relying on short guides.

But there is no universal position, since it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of a particular organization.

In fact, you need to understand that interview questions and answers to them can be interrelated at the level of an already set task.

For example, when, at the stage of posing a question, it itself contains an answer that is acceptable to the employer. These points are taken into account when preparing and considering the basic positions on the list.

Interviews can be conducted in several ways, including in English:

  • in the phone call mode;
  • personal meeting with a personnel worker;
  • a conversation with the head of recruiting;
  • personal presence and communication with the chief accountant.

Tell us a little about yourself

You need to build approximate answers on the principles of brevity - the story can take no more than two minutes. You can prepare in advance and calculate how much information fits at a standard pace.

In the very filling of speech, one does not need to use information from distant childhood. All positions should relate to the work orientation - regarding their plans and career development. To form a more coherent story, abstracts are used based on the resume..

Speech should only be a collection of positive qualities. In a literal sense, you need to “sell” yourself. The better the story about the “product”, the more likely it will be “bought”.

This is very important in the modern world, therefore you should not be ashamed to talk about your merits, achievements and undertakings.

Why do you want to work with us

The answer should be based on the principles “from the opposite”. Here you need to talk about what the company needs. Thus, the topic of human qualifications continues.

The fact is emphasized that before submitting the resume, an acquaintance with the company and its activities was carried out in absentia.

They also necessarily mention the advantages of working in this area and the company in particular:

  • the company has its own strengths;
  • a citizen wants to be part of such a well-coordinated work;
  • the applicant has an interest in the tasks that need to be solved in the course of work;
  • the employer and the employee have common goals to achieve.

How did you find out about the vacancy

There is a certain hidden meaning here. There are two options to cope with the task:

Reason for dismissal

There are several ways to use this question effectively. They are all based on telling the truth.

Lying can cause problems as an experienced and qualified recruiter will quickly spot it. It is worth using the fixation method on the advantageous sides.

For example, when moving from a small company to a large one, it is obvious that you want to improve your level of competence.

It is stupid to refer to the lack of career growth with equal positions of organizations in the market.

In this case, there are assumptions that the employer, for some reason, did not trust the person with complex tasks.

When dismissing under the article, it is better not to indicate information in the resume and not to mention it at the interview unnecessarily.

If a question of this nature has been raised, it is worth telling. But it must be pointed out that conclusions on this situation have been made, advanced training, courses and so on have been completed.

How do you see yourself in 5 years

The main goal in this case is to find out how clearly the applicant is able to form his goals and objectives. To build a story is in line with the moment of adoption.

These tricky points are used to build the narrative by the moments:

  • teamwork;
  • mastering job duties;
  • what points in the functioning of the enterprise will improve.

It is better to prepare all these positions in advance. If possible, you need to make them as detailed as possible.

This will allow assessing organizational skills, the ability to structure processes and work for a result.

Video: on this topic


These tricky questions are also asked in the key of the position “Why should they take you?” You need to focus on several points:


At the end of the interview, people are often asked to describe themselves. Here you need to tell not only about the positive aspects, but also about the disadvantages.

In such conditions, it is important to correctly shift the focus. At the same time that negative moments are voiced, they should be translated into a positive key.

Plus, do not forget about the positive positions - they should definitely overlap all points by minuses.

What salary are you counting on

A few additional questions should be asked:

It is worth clarifying on the basis of which indicators the level of payment is compiled. This includes both the average market coefficients and their own assessment of skills and professionalism.

Registration in the state is associated with the passage of an interview. Based on its results, the question of whether the candidate is suitable for the vacant position is decided.

Therefore, it is worth preparing and having prepared answers to the most common and uncomfortable questions from the inspectors.

When recruiting, many organizations and businesses interview candidates to get to know them better and understand if they are suitable for a specific position. This method is very difficult for those wishing to get a job, since candidates are assessed not only by their qualifications, skills and experience, but also by their personal qualities. But the interview for a managerial position is even more difficult and serious: it is not so easy to be a manager. How to prepare for such an interview and how to behave in a boss meeting in order to get a job.

How to prepare for an interview

In order to successfully interview for a leadership position, you need to cover all factors. It is necessary not only to study the features of the desired position, but also to take the time to learn about the company as a whole. An interview can drastically change the course of events, so you need to be ready for it. Consider the following list of steps required to have a successful meeting with your boss.

  1. Do your research about the company. Look at the information on the Internet and determine what its mission is. Gather as much information as possible so you can answer questions that may arise. You can also list your questions about the company. This way, the employer will know that you have been preparing for the appointment.
  2. Get a complete understanding of the management position that the company is offering. Get to know the ins and outs of this post and make sure you can focus on those points during your interview. If the company mentioned specific qualities and qualifications in the description, then they are important. Therefore, make sure you include these details on your resume.
  3. Try to prepare ahead of time for any questions you may be asked. You should prepare a list of proposed tasks and consider all possible answers. Remember to focus on the important points. On the Internet, you can find a list of frequently asked interview questions. Read them.
  4. Decide what you will wear to your senior management meeting. Choose conservative clothing, ideally a suit. You must be properly dressed and groomed. Make sure your items are clean and ironed and your shoes are polished. Your physical appearance will be an indicator of how high your standards are. So take the time to prepare down to the smallest detail. Refrain from bright makeup and strong fragrances.
  5. The day before the interview, check to see if you have everything prepared. Make sure you have all the required documents in the right amount. It is better to additionally throw all the data onto a USB flash drive or disk.
  6. Get some rest before your interview. Go to bed not too late so as not to look tired and sleepy in the morning. If you find it difficult to wake up early, set a few alarms so you don't oversleep, grab a coffee, and wake up a little.
  7. Try to get to the designated place as early as possible. There is no excuse for being late for an interview. No one will be waiting for you. You should plan your morning time so that you leave the house early and arrive at work on time.
  8. Relax and take a deep breath before heading off to your interview. When talking with an employer, you must be confident in yourself and your behavior. But be sure to learn to be confident without being arrogant.

These simple rules will help you figure out how to prepare for an executive interview. The outcome of your business meeting largely depends on what personal qualities you have. So try to look professional.

How to pass an interview

If you are going to interview for a leadership position, you must show your best side and convince your boss that you yourself are capable of being someone else's boss. If you've worked as a manager in the past and also interviewed, don't be too confident. It is helpful to review likely questions and learn interview tips. Each boss has his own idea of ​​work and his own requirements. The better prepared you are for a business meeting, the more chances you will have of getting the job. The way you conduct yourself in the interview with the manager will give the first impression of you and show the employer if you are the right fit for him.

A manager interview will consist of questions about your experience, management style, accomplishments, and expectations. The boss will ask various questions to determine how well you will fit into the organization and how effectively you will perform in this position.

You must answer questions with confidence, and you can joke or tell jokes, if appropriate, to show that you are not only a professional, but also just an interesting person.

You can use specific examples from your previous work experience to show the interviewer how you skillfully handled situations and worked with the team.

When interviewing candidates, most executives focus on two aspects of management experience - deliverables and working with people. Both are equally important. If you cannot manage in a team environment and in stressful situations, your other professional skills will not matter, especially when you apply for a HR manager position. On the other hand, if you delve into the personal problems of employees, you are unlikely to be able to help the company achieve its goals.

It is also important to prepare for general questions in order to successfully pass a manager interview. Your employers will want to know what problems you have faced in the past, what are your career plans, whether you can fit into the corporate culture. As a leader, you must set the tone for your team. If you do not share the values, goals, and culture of the organization, you will not be able to run your business effectively.

Chief Interview Q&A

The decision on hiring is more often made after a personal meeting with the candidate and communication with him. Knowing how to best answer a particular question will help you interview properly. Below are the most popular questions that employers usually ask and the best possible answers.


Describe how you will deal with the employee's problem.


You need to demonstrate that you can manage all types of people. Anyone can manage a self-motivated, successful employee, but executives who are marginalized are highly regarded for their ability to create great performance for the company.

Take the time to write your thoughts down on paper. Indicate two or three cases in which you encountered an employee problem. Think about how your intervention has led to positive change. For example, your criticism or advice has improved your attitude towards work or increased productivity. It is also important to remember that employers will look for managers with tact, patience and perseverance to deal with chronically lagging employees who are resistant to change. While many employees seek constructive criticism and strive to improve their performance, others do not welcome advice or tolerate boss intervention.


Do you prefer to work independently or in a team?


Most bosses want to hear that you are doing well on your own, but are still open to teamwork and sharing responsibilities with others. Anyone will prefer one way of working over the other, but highlighting the benefits of both approaches will make you a more dynamic, suitable candidate. There is no right answer to this question, some situations in the workplace may require independence, while others may require the efforts of the entire team.

Examples of the best answers:

  1. “I am equally comfortable working both as a team and independently.”
  2. “I really enjoy the variety of opportunities to work independently on some projects and as a team at other times.”
  3. “I have experience working independently and as a team, and I see value in both approaches.”
  4. “In high school, I loved playing football and performing with the orchestra. Each of the activities required a different kind of teamwork, but the overall learning goal was invaluable. "
  5. "Teamwork is energizing for me, although I too have confidence in my ability to work alone when I need it."
  6. “I am very comfortable working in a team, but I can work on my own.”
  7. “I am comfortable working both alone and in a group. It all depends on the situation. If the task is easy, does not require collective brainstorming, I will be happy to work on my own. But if the task is high priority or too difficult for one person, I welcome teamwork to achieve the goal together. "
  8. "Experience in the international field has enhanced my ability to work both alone and with others."
  9. “I feel comfortable communicating with a client face to face, but I also find that having a team behind me gives me confidence that I will have someone to consult with and who to ask for help if I cannot figure something out on my own.”


How do you deal with stress and pressure?


The best way to answer this question is to give an example of how you dealt with stress in your previous job. This will give your boss a clear idea of ​​how well you perform in stressful situations. Avoid mentioning the reasons for the tension if they were your fault (you put off work and reached the deadline). You also shouldn't pay too much attention to how you felt in these situations. Emphasize how you dealt with stress, not how it bothered you.

Examples of the best answers:

  1. “Pressure is very important to me. Good pressure, such as a lot of work to do or an impending deadline. It helps me stay motivated and productive. Although there are times when too much pressure can lead to stress. However, I am very competent in balancing multiple projects and meeting deadlines, which makes it difficult for me to get stressed often. "
  2. “I react to situations, not stress. It helps relieve tension. For example, when I am dealing with a dissatisfied customer, I focus on the task at hand. I think my ability to communicate effectively with clients in these moments helps to reduce my stress and also reduces any stress the client may be experiencing. "
  3. “I really work better under pressure, I like working in difficult conditions. In such an environment, I can do many different tasks. "


Tell us about yourself.


Try to start with some personal interests that are not directly related to your job. Tell us about your hobbies: astronomy, chess, choir singing, golf, skiing, tennis, etc. If you play sports it is worth mentioning it. Telling you that you are an avid reader or love solving crosswords or puzzles will help demonstrate your intellectual approach. Interests such as golf, tennis, and gourmet food can be of value if you have to entertain clients in your new job. Volunteering will demonstrate your serious character.

An interview is a responsible event, both for the applicant and for the head of the company: the first one needs a job, and the second one needs a good employee. How the interview will be conducted and what questions the applicant will hear depends on the vacancy for which position there is in the organization. Let's take a look at the executive interview process.

Preparing for an interview

Of course, every applicant, before going to an interview, tries to prepare for it as best as possible. And this is correct, because it is there that you can make a good impression on the leader and show your merits and qualities that the company needs so much.

When an organization considers candidates for a leadership position, the most outstanding of them are taken into account. Each position requires certain skills and abilities. But this is not enough for a candidate for the position of leader, because, in addition to this, he must also show what personal qualities, experience and achievements he possesses.

When interviewing for a leadership position, the manager will want to thoroughly examine the applicant from all sides. He will be asked all sorts of questions that may affect several areas. Particular attention is paid to:

  • intelligence;
  • leadership qualities;
  • innovative thinking;
  • influence;
  • views and judgments;
  • commercial savvy;
  • strategic vision;
  • attracting resources from outside;
  • effectiveness;
  • the ability to build relationships with a third party;
  • the ability to motivate and manage relationships;
  • experience in the international field.

A job seeker who wants to take a leadership position must be well prepared. He needs to know the answer to each of the listed points. In addition, it is not necessary to bring theoretical knowledge, here you should talk about practice, personal experience.

As a rule, the interview takes place as follows: first, the employer must tell about the position itself, responsibilities, possible prospects and career growth. Clarifies details and details. Further, the applicant can already ask the manager or the employer the questions that interest him. Here we will clarify: the candidate not only can, but must also ask them! If the applicant does not have any questions during the conversation with the manager, then he looks absolutely uninterested in the work. It is not necessary to prepare a whole list of counter questions; it is quite enough to ask about three or four.

Do not forget that the interview is conducted with the aim of getting to know the candidates as best as possible, "probing" them, to check their abilities and qualities. After you have been offered to take a vacant position, you can ask all your questions.

Sometimes the interview begins with a request from the employer to the candidate to tell him about his life position, goals, plans for the future, difficulties and prospects. The answers should be comprehensive and clear, so you should prepare your answers in advance.

Questions asked in a management interview

In addition to the standard interview questions for all (tell us about yourself, the company, your positive and negative sides, etc.), it is acceptable to ask questions typical for future leaders. These include:

  • What are your leadership qualities?
  • Tell us about your past professional mistakes and lessons learned from them?
  • Do you know how to influence employees?

In addition, the manager may invite the applicant to present a specific situation and ask him to find a way out of it. Since the interview is held with the aim of finding a leader, the following question is quite possible: "What qualities should an excellent leader have?" Your task is to list them.

Most importantly, remember that in order to competently manage personnel, a leader must have the following qualities:

  • self-confidence;
  • courage;
  • worldview;
  • communication skills;
  • a tendency to self-analysis;
  • the ability to create and manage a cohesive team;
  • the ability to support their subordinates.

It is these qualities of a good leader that should be highlighted when answering the question posed. Of course, when talking with a manager or leader, you should not breed demagoguery. This will only tire the interlocutor and appear in the form of a chatterbox. But the "bare" facts of your life and experience will also be inappropriate, because an applicant for a leading position must be able to speak competently and beautifully, observing the golden mean.

Using an example from personal experience, tell us about how you were able to get out of this situation, what tasks you solved, what result you achieved. Maintain consistency in your story. But you shouldn't constantly “Yakat”. You may seem like an upstart to the boss, which you absolutely don't need.

How to answer the manager's questions correctly?

So, you came for an interview because you want to take up the vacant position of the manager. An employer is sitting in front of you, and your future career depends on how you show yourself. But how to properly build a dialogue and answer the employer's questions?

First, listen carefully to the interlocutor, do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. When you hear a question, quickly analyze: what does the employer want to hear from you? If suddenly you did not understand something in the question or did not hear it, ask again. It will be better than an incomprehensible or incorrect answer.

Secondly, remember that the answers must be correctly structured. They must have a beginning, a middle and, accordingly, an end. First, briefly describe the situation, the problem you encountered. Then, mention the tasks you have set for yourself to solve the problem.

In the middle of the answer, it is worth talking about the problems that you had to face in this situation, and how exactly you solved them. In the end, draw conclusions, describe the indicators by which you measure your success.

Try to prove to the employer that you are always focused on results in your work.

Qualities for hiring

What qualities should an applicant have? Of course, each employer sets for itself certain criteria for selecting candidates. But there are those qualities that are necessary for a candidate in any interview:

  • Confidence in your strength;
  • neat appearance;
  • work experience and professionalism;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • demeanor;
  • sociability.

In addition to these qualities that are standard for all job seekers, there are those that every manager should have, namely:

  • the ability to manage, organize the work of the team;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • to be an initiator, to achieve results;
  • be able to cope with several tasks at the same time;
  • with all responsibility and seriousness, have a good sense of humor.

Study and memorize the listed qualities well before going on with an employer. But what if the applicant believes that he does not possess all these qualities at all? Give up a leadership position? Not at all. Very often we are able to show certain advantages and capabilities directly during work. You just have to remember these characteristics and strive for them. That's when you will definitely succeed!

Etiquette: hiring

To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, we can say: who owns the information, he owns the situation at the interview.

Before heading to the office, find out:

  • with whom you will talk: with the head, the head of the personnel department or his ordinary employee;
  • interview format (group or individual, question-answer or self-presentation);
  • dress code and things you need to have with you (documents, gadgets, etc.);
  • how to get there (it is unacceptable to be late).

It will help to find out whether the company's website or a call to the office.

Make a map of answers to common questions

Job interviews are of the same type and at the same time they are not similar to each other. Many have heard of stressful job interviews where they may suddenly start yelling at a job seeker to unsettle them. There are also so-called case interviews: the applicant is placed in some circumstances (for example, a conversation with an unhappy client) and observed how he solves the problem.

It is not always possible to find out what type of interview is preferred in a particular company, so you need to be ready for everything.

To do this, make a map with answers to typical questions and requests (they are asked in 99.9% of cases):

  • top 5 of your main strengths;
  • what are you good at;
  • strategic directions of self-development;
  • proposals for the work of the company;
  • your life and work philosophy;
  • your short and long term goals;
  • unusual tasks that you had to solve.

You should also prepare in advance a list of topics that you would like to discuss with your HR manager.

Interpret the employer's questions

"A" does not always mean "A", and twice two does not always mean four. Recruiters sometimes ask tricky questions, where behind a simple wording lies a cunning plan - to get the applicant to say more than they should.

A simple question: "What salary would you like to receive?" But the answer helps the interviewer understand your motivation: money, social guarantees, work schedule, etc. If you are asked if you had any conflicts with management and how you resolved them, then most likely the HR manager wants to know if you are inclined to take responsibility or are used to shifting it onto others.

There are many tricky questions. You need to be able to see the "double bottom" (without fanaticism!).

Consider your non-verbal behavior

HR managers are people, not automata. They, like everyone else, pay attention to non-verbal signs: appearance, facial expressions, gait, gestures, etc. An experienced professional can only be turned down because he has misbehaved.

Think ahead of your body language. If you habitually twitch your leg out of excitement, then sit cross-legged. If you bump your fingers on the table, try keeping your hands busy with something like a ballpoint pen.

HR managers are people, not automata. They understand that you are worried. But being natural in non-verbal communication will increase your credibility.

Establish taboos on certain topics

“Tell us about yourself,” the interviewer asks. “I was born on April 2, 1980 (according to the Taurus horoscope). In his youth he played football, was the captain of the city team. Then he graduated from the institute ... "- if the story of the applicant is approximately the same, he will not see the position as his own ears.

There are things that are absolutely uninteresting to the employer and which in no way characterize you as a professional. In the given example, this is the year of birth (you can read it in the resume), the sign of the zodiac and sports achievements.

There are topics that need to be tabooed for yourself:

  • retelling the summary;
  • personal life goals (buy a house, have children, etc.);
  • reputation of the company and its employees;
  • skills and experience that are not related to future work (I cook well, understand plumbing, and the like);
  • failures demonstrating incompetence.

Just as you made a plan for what to talk about, write down and memorize the topics to ignore. Also, think about how to correctly answer if you are still asked about it.

Contemplate to calm down

Interviewing is a nerve-racking affair. You can forget your name, not to mention the demonstration of business qualities.

To calm yourself down, take a look around. Inspect the office, equipment, employees. The details will tell you a lot about the company where you are going to work, and their analysis will help to bring the nervous system back to normal.

Looking critically at the firm and future colleagues can heighten self-importance. Remember, the company needs a good employee as much as you need a good job.

Take the initiative

In an interview, as a rule, there comes a moment when the interviewer and the interviewee change places and the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions of interest.

Do not waste time on useless "Will you call me yourself or should I call you back?", "Why is this position open?" etc. Show yourself as a proactive employee. Ask:

  • Does the company have any urgent problem? How do you think I can help you?
  • Could you describe how you envision the ideal candidate for this position?
  • What advice would you give to someone who starts working for your company?

There are also a number of questions that are not recommended to be asked. Which - will tell you by clicking on the button below.

Following these tips will prepare you for your interview and increase your chances of getting a job.

Are there any additions? Write them in the comments.

What to say in an interview

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

When answering the candidate's question, pay attention to the following: - Formally sets out biographical data or immediately lays out "trump cards", emphasizing his desire and opportunity to take this position; - sets out only the main thing, that is, speaks about his qualifications, experience, responsibility, interest, hard work and decency, or gives irrelevant facts; - speaks briefly, accurately, clearly or mumbles for a long time and expresses his thoughts poorly; - holds or speaks calmly, confidently or unsure of himself.

2. How do you look at life: what difficulties do you see in it and how do you cope with them?

Some people speak in the sense that life is difficult, there are a lot of problems, most of which are insoluble, that people are evil and unfriendly, that there are few joys in life and everything is decided by fate, chance or other people, but not himself. This means that you are a person who is passive, insecure, distrustful of others, pessimistic and unhappy (a loser). Other people speak positively about life: there is no life without problems, difficulties are surmountable, the fate and career of a person is in his hands, people are benevolent and ready to cooperate, a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. So says a person who takes an active life position, aimed at success, ready to take responsibility, successfully interacting with people and able to enjoy life.

3. What attracts you to work with us in this position?

It is bad if they answer with common phrases: "I am attracted by growth prospects, an interesting job, a solid company ...". I must give serious and concrete arguments: the desire to apply my qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated at their true worth, the attractiveness of working in a strong team of professionals.

4. Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?

This is the best question for a candidate to name his main advantages over other applicants without false modesty. In doing so, he must demonstrate his ability to persuade, emphasizing his advantages. It is bad if the candidate answers this question with weak arguments and gives his formal biographical characteristics.

5. What are your strengths?

The candidate must emphasize, first of all, the qualities that are required for this job, and give convincing evidence on specific facts. But you can hear clichés repeated thousands of times: “I am sociable, neat, executive,” and so on. Ask to clarify in what his sociability, accuracy, diligence is manifested, what is his manner of listening to the client, what he achieved thanks to his strong qualities.

6. What are your weaknesses?

From a smart candidate, you are unlikely to hear repentance of sins and a long list of his shortcomings. He will try to twist the answer in such a way as to further increase his chances. For example, he will say: "Many consider me a workaholic" or "I do not know how to rest, I feel good only when I work" or "Too demanding of myself and others." If the candidate boasts too much and you want to lead him to frankly admit his shortcomings, you can tell him such a joke. In such a situation, the candidate characterizes himself: “Conscientious, hardworking, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke ...” Then they ask him in surprise: “You don’t have a single flaw?” "There is one - the candidate admits - I like to lie."

7. Why did you leave your previous job?

It is bad if the reason for leaving was a conflict, if the candidate scolds the order that was there and his former leader. Leaving work due to conflict is an escape from difficulties, an admission of one's own defeat, which leaves an imprint on a person's self-esteem. A negative attitude towards people, the habit of conflict with employees, and especially with management, is a stable characteristic of a person and will certainly manifest itself in one form or another in a new job. A good candidate will emphasize the positive that was in his previous work and relationships with people, and name such worthy reasons as the desire for more interesting (high-paying, professional growth opportunities) work and the desire to fully realize their potential.

8. Why did you decide to change your place of work?

This question is asked to the person who is working at the time of the interview. As in the answer to the previous question, the story of the conflict will not characterize the candidate from the best side. While the desire for professional growth, expanding the scope of their knowledge and skills, raising wages is respected and welcomed in all developed countries.

9. Have you received any other job offers?

A candidate's credibility will increase if he talks about other job offers, but notes a particular interest in this particular one. It is good if he expresses a desire to get maximum satisfaction from his work. His mood not only affects his health and moral climate in the team, but is also the most important prerequisite for high performance, the most reliable guarantee against mistakes, negligence and marriage, and ultimately the main guarantee of the company's prosperity.

10. How well have you been interviewed elsewhere?

It is important to find out for what reasons the interview did not pass in some places and was successfully passed in others. If he convinces that he is interested in your competitors, then you try to keep him.

11. Would your personal life interfere with this work associated with additional loads (irregular working hours, long or distant business trips, constant travel)?

This question is often asked of women. In some companies, trying to circumvent the law, they impose strict conditions, such as not having children for a certain time, not issuing sick leave certificates for childcare, not issuing unpaid leave, etc.

12. How do you imagine your position in five (ten) years?

Many people with no initiative, who do not plan their careers and lives, answer that they do not imagine such long-term prospects. And a person focused on personal success will readily talk about his planned professional growth, and, possibly, personal goals. Max Eggert, in his book A Brilliant Career, discussed the importance of career planning. At a famous business school, on the first day of class, students were asked who had written the milestones and goals for their personal careers. Only 3% of them raised their hands. After 10 years, these 3% have achieved more financial success than all the others combined.

13. What changes would you make in your new job?

It is good if he shows his initiative, familiarity with the situation of innovations and reorganization. However, this is permissible only with a deep knowledge of the problems at the firm. It is bad if the state of affairs does not know too well, but strive to redo everything in its own way.

14. Who can I contact for feedback on your work?

I must readily provide phone numbers and addresses of former colleagues and managers. Withholding such information will immediately reveal the lack of positive references or inexperience of the applicant.

15. What salary do you expect?

A Russian proverb says: "He who does not know his own worth will always be cheap." A good specialist always knows his own worth and counts on a high salary. It is better for the candidate to overestimate the expected salary than to underestimate it. If the salary is offered, do not forget to "increase the pie" and list the benefits available in the organization: bonuses, medical insurance, preschool institutions, free travel and meals, free professional development and other manifestations of care for the staff. [...] If the candidate is clearly bluffing, you can "knock him out of the role", cool his ardor by a sharp understatement of the proposed salary and benefits. Remember this joke? The arrogant young artist in a demanding tone puts forward his conditions for the chief director of the theater when applying for a job: "Salary of $ 500, leading roles, 8 performances per month and the provision of a separate apartment." On what the chief director calmly puts forward his own: "50 dollars, daily performances, extras and a room in the hostel." - "Agree".

Five more questions can be added to the main ones.

16. What can you tell us about your professional connections that you could use in your new job?

17. How do you improve your professional qualifications?

18. What do you like to do in your free time?

19. In what time frame could you start your new job?

20. What questions do you have?

V. Polyakov
an excerpt from the book "Career Technology"