How to strengthen the internal muscles of the back. The best exercises to strengthen your back in the gym. Lower back pain: what causes it and what to do

Human health depends on 80% of the state of the spine, or rather, on his health. A man's back is his Achilles' heel. People remember her when she gets sick or stops functioning. By the age of 40, most people feel discomfort in the back and in the spinal area. It causes many diseases.

The human spine is constantly under enormous stress. Due to unnecessary loads, scoliosis, S-shaped curvature, osteochondrosis, pinching of blood vessels and nerve plexuses appear. The consequence of all these violations entails a number of diseases:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pinched muscles;
  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • poor access of blood to the extremities;
  • cardiovascular disease, etc.

If you do not do exercises to strengthen the back muscles at home, they will weaken very quickly. Because of this, certain areas of the spine will shrink too much and, consequently, the intervertebral discs will become inelastic.

The paravertebral zone of the intervertebral discs decreases and the lubricant does not get in the proper amount, the discs wear out and wear out. Often there are congestion due to poor outflow of blood. Growths also appear - osteophytes or salt deposits. Very often, the development of the spinal muscles depends on the lifestyle of a person and worsens from sedentary work, or the presence of excess body weight, lack of abs, and most importantly, it is from laziness to do any exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine.

Those who regularly pay attention to the health of their backs are less vulnerable to diseases. They don't get as tired and feel less back pain even after exertion.

In order to help your back is to understand the muscular structure of our body. On our back are: the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles of the back.

The latissimus dorsi muscle is located from the lower back and ends in the armpits, covering the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back. To train this muscle, one exercise will not be enough. This muscle builds a figure and helps the spine, removing half of the load from it.

The trapezius muscle is located at the top of the back and looks like a trapezoid. It is responsible for the movement of the arms, shoulders, neck and shoulder blades. The development of this muscle improves posture and vision, relieves pain in the neck.

Strengthening these muscles will improve the general condition of a person, prevent diseases, normalize the work of intervertebral discs and facilitate the transfer of heavy loads.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back prevents the appearance of deformation changes in the intervertebral discs. For a more accurate result, you should be examined by a specialist doctor. Check the spine and, if necessary, undergo treatment. Also regularly do exercises at home or go to the gym.

Strengthening back muscles at home

Home exercises are effective, but only if they are performed regularly. Exercise should be done no later than 5 hours before bedtime. During classes, there should be no sensations of pain in the joints and muscles. If they are, then they should gradually subside, and then disappear altogether.

The load should be gradually increased. Before each exercise, you need to do a warm-up to warm up the muscles. It is very useful to do a warm-up before each hard work or other type of load.

Warming up improves blood flow to the muscles, and also enriches with oxygen. The working capacity of the muscles increases, the likelihood of muscle rupture decreases, thus, they become more flexible.

We start with a warm-up

Each exercise should be performed in two sets, five times.

  1. Become even, relaxing all the muscles, and take a deep breath and exhale. This contributes to abstraction from the outside world.
  2. Tilt your head to the left, right, back and forth. Do the exercise slowly and smoothly.
  3. Circular exercises with shoulders forward and backward.
  4. Raise your shoulders up and down.
  5. Wave your arms up and down. Springy swings forward and backward.
  6. Circular movements of the arms forward and backward.
  7. Swinging arms with a rotation of the body by 180º.
  8. Circular movements by reeds to the left and to the right.
  9. Leaning forward. Bend over so that your fingertips touch the floor.
  10. Walking in place.
  11. Run in place.
  12. Tilts back.
  13. Take a deep breath and simultaneously raise both hands up. Exhale and lower your arms down.

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

These exercises can gradually. For their implementation, you need a soft carpet or foam mattress. These exercises should be performed every day for 2 sets and 5 times. This will take approximately 30 minutes. And those 30 minutes will bring a lot of benefits. The implementation of these exercises must be taken as a rule and must be done without fail.

Consider an approximate set of exercises:

  • Lie on your stomach, put your hands along the body, fold your legs evenly. In this position, raise your head, looking into the distance, and hold for 10 seconds.
  • Pronation. Raise your legs and shoulders as far as your back allows and hold out in this state for 15 seconds.
  • Lying on your stomach, raise your head and legs at the same time.
  • Lie on your back and bend your knees. Stretch your palms towards your knees.
  • The position lying on the back. It is necessary for the right elbows to touch the left knee and vice versa. Second hand on the floor.
  • Lying on your back, simultaneously raise your leg and reach for your knee with your elbow. Change hands alternately.
  • Lie on your stomach, fix your legs, put your hands in the lock behind your head. Make back bends as high as possible.
  • Sit on the floor and cross your legs. Swing your arms up and down to touch the floor with your hands.
  • Kneeling position. Raise your right hand up, and take your left hand to the side and make circular movements. Change hands after 5 times.
  • Sit down, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at chest level. Next, unbend your arms without lowering down. And lean forward. Bend and stretch as deep as possible.
  • Stand straight and raise your arms up. Pull in your stomach. Gradually tilt until your fingertips touch the floor. And also gradually and slowly do the lifting of the body. This exercise stretches the entire spine. The main thing is to keep your stomach pulled in.
  • The standing position is straight with the abdomen drawn in. Make a tilt, arching your back forward like a cat, and relax your arms.
  • Standing on straight legs, do torso bends. When tilting, raise your hands up and head down. When lifting, straighten your arms in front of you.
  • Standing position. Tighten the stomach, legs shoulder-width apart, lower the arms down along with the body and swing the arms in an inclined position so that the arms touch the floor as far as possible behind them. And then, on the contrary, touch the floor with your hands as far as possible in front of you.
  • Get on your knees, lean on the floor with outstretched arms. Raise the pelvis on outstretched legs, transferring body weight to the hands. And then return to the starting position.
  • Lie on your stomach and fold your arms under your head. Bend your forearms inward. Align your legs and do swings alternately.
  • Lie on your back and bend your knees, arms along the body. Raise the pelvis so that the pelvis, knees and torso are in line, and lower it down.

General exercises for the entire back greatly affect posture. They make it stronger and more even. These exercises are often referred to as straightening exercises. They are also very important for people who have a sedentary job.

These exercises help to improve the functioning of the spine, strengthen the muscles of the back, and prevent the occurrence of degeneration of the intervertebral discs. With the help of these exercises, you can adjust the load on certain muscles, so that some are properly relaxed, while others are properly strengthened. Let's consider some of them:

  • Position: kneeling, arms straight. In this position, alternately raise a straight leg and stretch a straight arm forward. The arm, leg and torso with the head should form a straight line. Hold in each position for three seconds. In subsequent times, increase the time of the rack from three seconds to 30 seconds.
  • Stand up straight. Arms at chest level are bent at the elbows. Make turns of the torso with swings of the arm back.
  • Get on the bridge from a prone position. Bend as deeply as your back and spine will allow.
  • Scatter a box of matches on the floor. Stand next to them and do inclinations for each match. Raise with both hands at the same time. Such a simple exercise perfectly strengthens the lower back and sacrum.

Parting word!

To strengthen the muscles of the back, you do not need any special expensive simulators. Everyone can improve their health at home. The main thing is patience and willpower. You should not give in to laziness, you need to fight with it for your beauty and health.

Video with exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

Video with a set of exercises for the back

Video about strengthening the back muscles at home

The most urgent need to strengthen the back muscles appears in the presence of diseases such as scoliosis or osteochondrosis, as well as vertebral hernia. Strengthened muscles "hold" the spine, not allowing the disease to spoil a person's life.

Strengthening the back muscles - general rules

Before starting gymnastics, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications. It is not recommended to start exercising without consulting a doctor if there are health problems.

It is likely that a specialist will advise you to perform and.

Contact the appropriate specialist, and he will prescribe exactly those exercises that will help build muscle corset for you personally.

So what do you need to remember?

  • Monitor your well-being. There should be neither discomfort nor (all the more so) pain in the problem areas of the spine - their appearance may indicate a deterioration in the condition. Only slight inconveniences that do not restrict movement are acceptable.
  • The exercises are carried out as accurately as possible. It is important to ensure that it is the weakened muscles that are strengthened, and the hardened muscles gradually relax.
  • Exercises involving various kinds of "twisting" should be avoided. You should also avoid bouncing, sharp shocks and blows in the back, serious efforts on problem areas of the spine.
  • When and how much? The complex of 2-4 sessions is divided into a series of exercises performed 5-6 times / day in certain portions.
  • We do not break off "right off the bat"! We start calmly - with a minimum of loads and with low amplitudes. Further, as general well-being improves, we gently increase the pace.
  • Get ready for the fact that you will have to do the exercises on an ongoing basis for preventive purposes.
  • In case of exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is impossible to engage in - exercise should be postponed until the inflammation is relieved.
  • The main focus is on the quality of the exercises. Don't chase quantity! Without much strain and heavy shortness of breath, you can perform them in 1-2 sets at a calm pace for 15 exercises. Do them smoothly, without jerks.

These exercises are contraindicated for ...

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Any type of bleeding.
  • Severe pain syndrome.
  • Or the presence of problems in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Video: Exercises for back muscles

We build up the muscle corset - 13 exercises for the muscles of the back

First of all, it is worth noting that most effective complicated exercises are recognized that are distinguished by a serious load with alternating body turns, tilts, straightening movements of the arms with the shoulder blades brought together, and in addition - exercises for training all the dorsal muscles attached to the spine, consisting of direct tilts.

  1. Sit on the floor, cross your legs (Lotus position) and, bending the arms at the elbows, lower the palms to the shoulders. Next - hands up, and we carry out significant swings forward / backward with them. Then we lean forward deeply, with our forearms firmly touching the floor.
  2. We get on our knees. Raise your right hand and move your left hand to the left. We make circular movements in the "back" direction. Next, change hands.
  3. In a standing position we pull ourselves up on toes, pull the top of the arm and pull the stomach in as much as possible. We slowly lean forward (note - at the same time we bend the cervical, then the thoracic, and then the lumbar), grab our ankles with our hands and pull the body tightly to our hips. Then we gradually unbend and calmly return to the starting position.
  4. We spread our legs wide and lower the palms of bent arms to our shoulders. We turn the body to the right, the right hand - as high as possible back (palm up) and, having made a wide swing back with it - again to the original. Next - the same exercise, but in the other direction.
  5. Stand straight, feet together . Bending your arms, place your palms on your shoulders. We lean forward, bending deeply, then back to the starting position. After - stretch your arms forward, make swings, again lean forward deeply and lower your tired hands. Then we slowly straighten up and again lower the palms of bent arms to our shoulders.
  6. We spread our legs to the sides from the "standing" position , we lower our hands “soldier, at the seams”, we squat and back - to the original. Next, you should lean forward deeply, make wide swings with your arms back and make a deep deflection. After - return to the starting position and stretch your arms in front of you.
  7. We get on our knees, arms extended forward. We tilt until we rest our hands on the floor. With a sharp push, we spread our arms in different directions, then swing our arms and return our arms with a push back.
  8. We spread our legs to the sides from the “standing” position, hands “at the seams”. Lean forward deeply and “throw” your arms freely down. In the slope - a wide swing of the arms and touching the floor as far as possible behind you. Next - tilt, stretching your arms forward and touching the floor as far as possible in front of you.
  9. In the "kneeling" position - lean forward, stretching out your arms and resting them on the floor. In an inclination and with swings, without moving the legs, we move our hands to the left, and then back. The same is on the right side.
  10. We get down on our knees, focusing on our outstretched arms. Slowly raise the pelvis up, also slowly stretch the legs, gently “rolling” your weight back and without lifting your feet from the floor. Further - in the tilt max and again on the knees.
  11. We lie down on our stomach, we bring our hands far forward with our palms on the floor. We bend back with palms on the back of the head. Next, stretch your arms forward and return to the starting position.
  12. Lying on the stomach, we connect the bent arms in front of the forehead. Forearms - as much as possible inward. Next, we slowly raise our legs off the floor and, after alternate swings (approx. - with outstretched fingers) up / down, lower our legs to the floor.
  13. Sitting position, legs together. We bend the left leg and with 2 hands press it tightly to the stomach, after which we take our hands back with our palms turned up and swing back without changing the position of the bent leg. Then we lean forward deeply, exhale and stretch our hands to the right toe. After that, we change the leg.

Muscles are part of the human musculoskeletal system, formed by elastic muscle tissue capable of contracting under the influence of nerve impulses. They are necessary so that a person can move, as well as to convert the chemical energy that enters the body with food into mechanical energy, due to which the functioning of all organs is carried out (including mimic contractions of the facial muscles). It is especially important to monitor the health of the spinal muscles, as they support the spine - the main part of the human axial skeleton - and provide its mobility.

Many people think that only professional athletes need to train their back, but this is not so. It is necessary to think about the health of the spine from early childhood, so the task of parents is to provide the child with the conditions necessary for training the spinal muscles and preventing diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the main of which is scoliosis. is a pathology of the spine, in which there is its deformation, displacement of the vertebrae and their deviation from the central axial line. One of the causes of scoliosis in children is the weakening of the muscles that support the spine, so special gymnastics to strengthen them is shown to infants, starting from the age of two weeks.

In adults, the main cause of spinal pathologies is physical inactivity - a weakening of the force of contraction of the back muscles, which is the result of a sedentary lifestyle. Physical inactivity in some cases can be considered an occupational disorder and be accompanied by circulatory disorders, digestive problems, respiratory failure (in especially severe cases, the curvature of the spine can become a provoking mechanism in the development of asthmatic attacks).

Indications for the appointment of special gymnastics and other methods of strengthening the spinal muscles at any age are:

  • violation of posture, stoop;
  • chronic back or lower back pain;
  • diseases of the spine (out of the stage of exacerbation) or pelvic organs;
  • frequent headaches;
  • feeling of stiffness during a long stay in one position;
  • sedentary work.

Important! With a preventive purpose, to strengthen the muscles of the back, it is recommended that everyone perform it without waiting for the onset of pain. This is especially true for adults: it is easiest to correct pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in childhood, when all tissues are most pliable and are characterized by increased elasticity. To prevent diseases of the spine and maintain normal muscle strength, it is enough to perform the exercises below 3-4 times a week.

Quick result in 30 days

To strengthen the muscles of the back at home, it will take a lot of effort, since in order to achieve a stable result, you need to perform exercises regularly for 1-2 months. For therapeutic purposes, the following complex should be performed 5 times a week, after doing a five-minute warm-up and warming up the muscles. This is necessary to prevent injuries and sprains, as well as to increase the effectiveness of training: when blood is actively circulating in the blood vessels, the muscles work several times more intensively.


Spread your legs to the sides at a distance of 35-40 cm, straighten and raise your arms, connect them above your head, stand on your toes. Slowly reach up for your hands, tearing your socks off the floor to the maximum possible amplitude. While lifting, take a deep breath, while returning to the starting position - exhale. All movements are performed slowly, without jerks. Repeat 8-12 times.

Slopes with maximum amplitude

Stand on the floor, spread your legs and arms to the sides. The palms are facing forward. Tilt forward 90 ° (the body should form a right angle), while turning the palms in the opposite direction, the knees remain straight. Bend in the opposite direction with the same range of motion, the palms return to their original position. Repeat 8-12 times.

Combined workout

Bend your arms at the elbows and place them in front of you at chest level. Rotate the body to the left and right by 180°. Upon reaching the pivot point - double springy movement of the body. This exercise perfectly trains not only the muscles that support the thoracic and lumbar spine, but also the oblique muscles of the abdomen, helping to reduce the volume in the lower abdomen. You need to complete the exercise 20 times.

Lightweight push-ups

Stand facing the wall (distance - about 30-35 cm), stretch your arms forward, rest them against the wall. Bend your arms at the elbows, bringing the body to the wall, and then slowly return to the starting position. It is important to ensure that the shoulders remain straight and form a straight line during execution. After you have mastered wall push-ups, you can perform this exercise already from the floor. The number of repetitions for beginners is 10-20 times, but in the process of training it is necessary to increase this figure to 30-40 times.

Flexibility and stretching exercise

Get on all fours. Simulate walking on your hands, alternately rearranging them forward, and then return to the starting position in the same way. An indicator of correct execution is a feeling of tension in the abdominal muscles. Repeat the exercise should be 8-10 times.


Sit on the floor with your legs crossed and stacked on top of each other (Lotus position). Raise your straightened arms up and bend alternately to the right and left side. After this exercise is easy for the patient, you can add back and forth tilts. In total, you need to do 10 slopes in each direction.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

Get on all fours, arms relaxed, head looking straight. Round the back, lifting its top, while lowering the head so that the gaze rests on the floor. It is important that during execution the neck muscles are completely relaxed, and there are no unpleasant sensations in this area. After that, bend the back as much as possible down in the lumbar region, the head looks up. Repeat 8-12 times.


Lying on the stomach, the head looks forward, the chin is raised. Spread your legs to the sides, stretch your arms forward. Raise your chest and shoulders, while lifting your hands off the floor and lingering in this position for 5-10 seconds. For those who have mastered the basic program, the exercise is complicated: together with the hands, it is necessary to tear off the legs spread apart from the floor along with the hands. The number of repetitions is at least 10.

This exercise is well known to many as the "Boat"

The best choice for strengthening the back muscles in children are horizontal bars. They can be sold separately or included in children's sports complexes along with bars, rings and a rope. Classes on such complexes help to increase endurance, strengthen the muscles of the back, abs and arms, and develop coordination. Hanging on the horizontal bar stretches the muscles that support the spine, which has a positive effect on their elasticity and contributes to the proper support of the spine. Muscles that are in a compressed state can provoke muscle spasms and various pathologies of the spine, so it is necessary to deal with children on the horizontal bar daily. You can do this from the age of one.

Therapeutic exercise for children

These exercises can be performed by children over 3 years of age in the absence of individual contraindications.

Exercise 1

Lie face down on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees and grab your shin or ankle with your hands, pull your chin up. In this position, you need to be at least 20-30 seconds. After the child is able to hold this position for 1 minute or more, you can add back and forth swaying (do not let go of your legs).

Exercise 2

Get on your knees, put your hands on your waist. Bend the back as far back as possible, while the arms are retracted in the direction of the spine (that is, they follow the back). Return to starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 3

It helps to strengthen the muscles of the back in childhood, torsion of the hoop. When choosing a projectile, it is necessary to take into account age-related features: children are not allowed to use heavy, wide hoops, as well as products with magnetic inserts. It is best to purchase a thin metal hoop that matches the age of the child. You need to twist it with a straightened back for about 1-2 minutes.

Exercise 4

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed and lowered along the body. Raise your arms up, stretch your spine, take your right leg back, while bending in your back and putting your hands behind your head. Return to starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg. The total number of repetitions is 10-20 times.

Exercises with a gymnastic ball

is a sports inflatable ball that is great for strengthening your back at home. The optimal diameter for a woman weighing 65-80 kg is 65 cm. For homework, you can buy a ball with pimples or spikes: they provide additional massage and improve blood circulation. Exercises that can be performed at home with a fitball are shown in the picture below.

Table. Approximate cost of balls depending on the diameter.

Prevention during pregnancy

It is especially important for pregnant women to maintain back health, since the load on the spine during this period is maximum. This is due to the rapid increase in the volume of the uterus and rapid weight gain. A weak muscular frame will not be able to adapt to such a load, therefore, in the absence of contraindications and the normal course of pregnancy, it is necessary for all women to perform exercises for the back muscles.

Absolute contraindications for performing gymnastic exercises during pregnancy are:

  • the threat of placental abruption;
  • bleeding during pregnancy;
  • increased risk of premature onset of labor or miscarriage;
  • any complications of pregnancy (high blood pressure, proteinuria, convulsions, etc.).

Additional Methods

To increase the effectiveness of home workouts, it is recommended to use additional methods to strengthen the spinal muscles. Massage works well for this. It is better if it is carried out by a specially trained person, but if it is not possible to invite a professional massage therapist to your home, you can use a rough mitten or washcloth with a wooden handle. Massage should be done 10-15 minutes after taking a bath or shower.

Useful for the muscles of the back are also baths with the addition of bergamot oil, contrast showers, dancing. Do not forget about nutrition: vegetable oils, cottage cheese, lean meat, eggs, and fish will help maintain muscle strength and maintain a healthy back. These foods are high in protein, vitamins, and essential fatty acids, which are essential for the growth of myocytes (the cells that make up muscle tissue) and increase the elasticity of muscle fibers. It is necessary to include these products in the menu daily, taking into account the norm of protein intake for a particular age (for an adult, it can be from 60 to 80 g per day).

If you want to know, as well as learn detailed step-by-step descriptions of exercises, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Video - How to strengthen back muscles at home

The complex of morning exercises for the back and spine contributes to the excellent study of the main muscle groups and gives the body cheerfulness and energy, in just 15 minutes without leaving home!

The exercises in this article are borrowed from yoga practice and are included in many different sets of exercises for the spine. Performing these movements, you literally from the first time will feel their positive effect on the body.

Charging complex of 7 exercises for the spine

Performing this set of exercises will help improve or even restore the health of the spine. The charging system is focused on gentle stretching and strengthening the muscles of the back, spine and neck. An important part of it is the relaxation of the back and the relaxation of the body, which has a beneficial effect on the health and general condition of the human body.

The relaxation stage cannot be neglected - it is better to do fewer exercises, but with complete relaxation in accordance with the execution technique! Properly performed workouts can improve the blood supply to the muscles of the spine, correct posture, reduce the curvature of the spinal column, and. This therapeutic exercise in the morning has no age restrictions- Even older people can do it. It is highly recommended for sedentary work.

Carefully! It is strictly forbidden to perform the complex in the stage of exacerbation of any diseases of the spine. First of all, consult a doctor.

1. "Cat"

Stretch the muscles of the back and neck. Muscle stretching training is recommended to be included in the morning exercise complex as one of the first. "Cat" makes it possible to awaken the body and perform the rest of the exercises with pleasure. It allows you to stretch the muscles of the spine and prepare them for stress, get rid of stoop.

  1. We get on all fours and both palms. Legs shoulder width apart.
  2. While inhaling, raise the buttocks, straightening the legs. Feet should be firmly planted on the floor.
  3. The exercise at the end point is a triangle, the top of which is the buttocks. This position should be held for about a minute, while breathing is free and measured.

We rest, completely relaxing the muscles, for one minute. We repeat three times. This pose is an excellent back exercise for pregnant women, even in the 8th month.

3. "Dog face up"

Morning exercise, including this movement, contributes to a good stretch of the muscles, back, hips and abdomen. Activates the work of internal organs.

  1. We lie down on the stomach, bend our arms at the elbows and place them under the shoulders with palms down, straighten our legs.
  2. On the exhale, we take our shoulders back, straightening the chest.
  3. We raise our head, then, bending in the back, we raise the upper part of the body up. In this position hold the body for about one minute. Then slowly lie down on the floor.

Rest one minute, repeat three times.

4. "Crocodile"

This exercise is extremely effective for spinal health and pain relief. It can be learned and performed at any age. from Dr. E.A. Antipko consists of 12 steps and can be used as an independent system of back healing. We will consider one of the movements.

  1. Lie on your back on the floor, arms at your sides. The palms should be turned up.
  2. Next, you need to spirally turn the spine - head to the right, hips and feet to the left
  3. Repeat the movement for the other side
  4. It is very important to move symmetrically

You need to perform 10 such twists in both directions.

5. "Boat"

Forms a muscular corset, reduces the volume of the waist, works out the latissimus dorsi. Loads the gluteus maximus, thighs and calves. The “boat” can be performed lying on your back, as well as lying on your stomach. We will use the option “lying on your stomach”.

  1. We lay down on the floor on our stomach, legs together, arms extended forward.
  2. On the exhale, we bend, trying to raise straightened arms and legs as high as possible.
  3. We linger in this position, lie down on the stomach and relax the muscles, we breathe freely.

6. "Bridge"

Such a movement, performed in the morning, strengthens the lower and works out the extensors of the back, increases the flexibility of the spine. Promotes the formation of a "royal" posture. "Bridge" loads the small muscles of the body, which is not available to all exercises. You can perform a bridge, resting against it with your lower back.

  1. Lie back on the floor, arms extended up.
  2. Leaning on the hands and feet, we begin gently lift the body lifting it off the floor.
  3. When you get into a bridge, your back should be in an arc and your buttocks should be above your head. Not everyone gets such an ideal bridge the first time. But with perseverance and some effort, it can be mastered by developing stretching and flexibility.
  4. When performing a movement breath cannot be held.

We repeat three times. Rest time between sets is one minute.

7. "Child Pose"

Such a morning exercise stretches the muscles of the hips and relieves fatigue in the back after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, relaxes the muscles of the back and neck. It relieves tension, promotes the development of mobility of the hip, knee and shoulder joints.


  1. Get down on your knees, feet together.
  2. We place the buttocks on the heels.
  3. As you exhale, lean forward, stretch your arms along the body with palms up. We rest on the floor with our forehead.
  4. We focus on how the spine is stretched.
  5. You can be in this relaxed position. from one minute to three minutes.

A variant of the exercise is stretching the arms forward. This allows you to stretch your back muscles even more.

Attention!“Child Pose” is recommended to be performed last in the morning exercise system, as it promotes rest and relaxation.

Advantages and benefits of this complex


  • This set of physical therapy exercises for the back includes movements borrowed from the practice of yoga. They are a great way to bring all body systems into a state of harmony.
  • It is not recommended to include active exercises in morning exercises, since the body has not yet fully woken up. This complex gives a gentle load and at the same time contributes to a thorough study and stretching of the muscles.
  • To overcome a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended that you follow this system. She does not take much time performed without significant loads, and at the same time heals the body and charges you with a good mood.
  • Choice of movements. From the entire morning complex, you can choose from three to five exercises that are most suitable for you and perform them. After doing morning exercises, you feel cheerfulness and pleasant sensations in the muscles and throughout the body.

An indicator that you have correctly observed the technique of performing morning exercises will be pleasant sensations in the muscles and cheerfulness. Morning exercises are necessary for everyone - both those who have active physical work and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Without physical exertion, adverse changes occur in the body: this applies to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the musculoskeletal system, and the work of internal organs.

Do not forget that in addition to training, there is also

Attention! If, for some reason, you did not have time to complete the complex in the morning, you can complete it in the evening. The only condition is that two and a half hours must pass after eating.

Fast charging while sitting at the workplace for the back (in pictures)

If you cannot afford to perform the above complex, we present you with express exercises while sitting on a chair.

Do this quick system at least once a day. But if possible, do it more often. Ideally, every hour or two.

Is it possible to perform these movements with various diseases of the back?

A common cause of spinal diseases is weakness and underdevelopment of the muscles of the spinal column. Perform a complex for diseases of the back is a must. This is a good way to treat and prevent exacerbations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In this case, certain recommendations must be observed:

  • When the acute process subsides, you need to perform exercises, but at a very slow pace gently stretching the muscles. Gradually, you can proceed to the implementation of the entire set of exercises.
  • From this system you need choose the movements that suit you the most. They must be performed smoothly and measuredly, at a slow pace. After each movement, give the back muscles time to relax to prevent spasm.
  • For hernias and scoliosis it is necessary consult a doctor physiotherapy exercises, which will be able to choose the most effective exercises from this complex for you.
  • With hernias and varying degrees of severity of scoliosis, different workouts with different loads can be recommended. Properly selected exercises for each patient individually evenly distribute the load on the spine, relieve muscle spasm and release the pinched nerve root.
  • , and .

This system, despite its apparent lightness and simplicity, gives a good study of the main muscle groups and energizes the body! Performing these exercises regularly in the morning, you will feel a positive effect on the body and, once you get used to it, you will no longer be able to refuse them.

Keep your feet warm, your head cold, and your back… even. That is how I would like to add this statement. Hello everyone who is currently on my blog. And, as you understand, we will talk about the back, more precisely, how to strengthen the back muscles at home. In the following material, you will learn: exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, habits necessary for strengthening the back, and additional tips for improving the mobility of the spine.

A spine that has weaknesses, some kind of disease or damage is a disaster for the whole organism. Many nerve threads pass through the spine, connecting the upper part of the body with the lower one, and blood vessels. The entire body rests on the spine. Therefore, the initial strengthening of the back should be a priority for everyone. I repeat, everyone.

Real life example

I have a friend who has a pinched nerve in the lumbar due to a slight inward displacement of one of the vertebrae. But he didn't know about it right away. Naturally, I did not go to the doctor. His good friend helped - she is a nurse and a massage therapist all rolled into one.

In short, he had back pain. I thought it was the cost of exercising in the gym. I started having problems with the liver (cholecystitis), my knees began to swell and get tired quickly (usually when I stood still for a long time). And he fought not with the cause of these “disorders”, but with the consequences: he drank “Hofitol” for the gallbladder (liver), smeared his knees with various ointments so that they would not get so tired and swell. Of course, it was all in vain.

As an additional recovery after the training, he went for a massage, where his friend spoke about displacement, pinching and consequences. Everything turned out to be banally simple: you need to pay more attention to the lower back, strengthen the muscles that he neglected. Indeed, who needs lumbar muscles when you can’t gain a lot of mass on their height? It turns out they are needed.

Back muscle training

Strengthening the back muscles at home can be both dynamic (exercises where you move) and statically (exercises where you are stationary). Moreover, it is not always possible to train muscles in a separate allotted time, such as I have a training plan now, so I will only work on it on my back. No, you can strengthen your back muscles at any time.

Are you sitting at the computer? Sit up straight! Are you reading a book? Take a sitting position and straighten your back: sit without back support for at least 15 minutes - this is already training in parallel with some business. You look, and you will form the habit of sitting straight, because of which the load from the spine will fall on the muscles that hold it.

So, dynamic muscle strengthening. Among the variety of exercises, I would like to highlight the following for you:

  • Hyperextension - at the same time tear off straight arms and legs from the floor while lying on it.
  • "Airplane" - similar to the previous exercise, but the hands are not in front of you, but spread out like wings to the sides.
  • "Grasshopper" - arms along the body, now bend them at the elbows and rest your palms on the floor, from the resulting position lift straight legs up, leaning on your chest and arms.
  • Reverse hyperextensions - putting your hands on the floor like push-ups, only you lie completely on the floor; from the resulting position, you raise the upper body to the maximum, helping your arms just a little.
  • "Kitty" - standing on all fours, you should lower your chest almost to the floor and bend your back, and then smoothly crawl under an imaginary obstacle with an arched back. Have you seen how cats stretch?
  • Flexion and extension of the back ("cat and camel") - the starting position on all fours, but now you need to bend (as if you are hunchbacked) and unbend (as if a large weight is pressing on your back) back, including the neck and head.
  • Twisting on the floor is any exercise for the press, it perfectly works out the muscles of the lower back, although the main working muscles are the abdominal muscles.
  • Opposite raising of the limbs ("crossroads") - again stand on all fours, only now you raise your right arm and left leg (straight), then vice versa - the left arm and right leg.

Additional exercises for the back. If you have at least a pair of dumbbells weighing 5-10 kg, then you are lucky. With their help, you can do deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells, which simply incredibly involves the muscles of the lower back. You can also do forward bends with dumbbells and squats with dumbbells. Do these exercises for at least 3 sets of 15 reps each.

Static reinforcement. If possible, hang on horizontal bars or wall bars in 4 sets of 30 seconds. Moreover, there is a stretching of the intervertebral space (less chance of pinching the nerve).

Remember the first exercise on the list? Well, hyperextensions? It can be done differently. Do not rise and fall, but rise and freeze for 10 seconds, rest and repeat three more times.

Now remember how we stretched the muscles of our legs in schools, clasping our shins with our hands and pressing ourselves to our legs? Remember? So, this exercise perfectly stretches the muscles along the spine (extensors of the back).

Back strengthening habits

Upright posture will help strengthen your back muscles. No, I know that a man is an upright creature, unlike a monkey, but judging by the way people walk hunched... In short, get used to walking straight, with your head up, and not your eyes down to the ground. Do not leave the same habit when you are sitting in line, at home for some business.

Five-minute exercise in the morning. Various turns, tilts, sips - all this favorably affects the activation of the back muscles, especially after sleep and an uncomfortable mattress. Add a dozen rewinds on your back to your daily exercise and you will be happy.

Optionally, but you can use chonroprotectors for joints (and the spine is one large and complex joint). Personally, I prefer Glucosamine-chondroitin-MSM from Ultimate Nutririon. It does not affect the muscles in any way, but the mobility of the spine improves significantly.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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