How to install a bathtub on bricks: a step-by-step instruction for installation. Installing a bathtub on bricks: why do it and how to install it correctly How to properly install an acrylic bathtub on bricks

No connoisseur of pleasant and relaxing water treatments will exchange a bath for a modern one. In the latter, it is simply impossible to fully relax and soak up, steam out your bones, plunging into a font filled with hot water and saturated with aromatic oils. There is a lot of pleasure in such procedures, but so that these impressions are not spoiled, the bath must be secure, and most importantly stable. Modern mounts in the form of flimsy legs do not allow this to be achieved. In this article, together with the site site, we will talk about how the installation of a bathtub on bricks is carried out - this is the most reliable and effective way, which is impossible to think of better.

How to install a bath on bricks photo

Installing a bathtub on bricks: why such a global approach is needed

There are several reasons for rigidity, and all of them are certainly related to the stability of this plumbing fixture. In addition, this approach to business allows you to extend the life of some types of baths. Take, for example, which have recently been manufactured with a deviation from the norm, using thinner sheet steel than it should. How do you think it will behave during operation? Constant loads from the water collected in it and the weight of the human body gradually deform it - as a result, the enamel will begin to peel off prematurely. The same can be said about - of course, it is not customary to fully install them on a brick, but still some craftsmen use this approach to business as additional insurance.

Do-it-yourself bathtub installation on bricks photo

In general, creating a brick pillow under the bathroom or fully installing it on bricks, future longevity is laid. A bath on bricks is a guarantee of the integrity of the enamel over a long service life. And I want to note the fact that only a full-fledged installation of a bathtub on bricks allows you to achieve such an effect. If you simply hang this sanitary ware on brick columns laid out along the edges of the bath, then this will be of little use. Both posts and brick supports are needed under the bottom of this sanitary ware.

How to install a bath on bricks, see the video.

Installing a steel bath on bricks: a description of the process

The steel bath is lightweight, which allows it to be installed on legs. But, as mentioned above, permanent deformations from the weight of water and the mass of a person very quickly disable it. To prevent such a turn of events, many masters resort to installing the bathtub on bricks as additional measures - in fact, the bathtub is installed on legs, rises slightly above the required level, a pair of brick supports are made under the bottom, onto which the bathtub is lowered using adjusting screws. This method solves the problem in some way, but something is missing in it, and this something is the support of the sides of the bath. Two additional supports along the edges of the bathtub, made in the form of low walls, solve the problem of rigid installation of the bathtub at 100%.

There is another way to solve the problem of how to put a bathtub on bricks - it is as if cut into, resting the edges of the bathtub not on a brick, but on a two-centimeter layer of glue. This method is only good if the length of the tub clearly matches or slightly exceeds the dimensions of the bathroom. First, two or three rows of tiles are laid out, then, after it dries, a bath is installed. As in the previous case, first the installation is carried out on legs, then a brick pillow is laid out under the bottom. Well, then, in order to ensure a more rigid installation, mounting foam is inflated on top of the pillow, and until it dries, the bath is lowered onto the bricks and filled with water to prevent it from being undermined by the force of the inflated foam.

Installing a steel bath on bricks photo

In general, there are a lot of options for installing a steel bath on bricks, but all of them have in common - several points of support: under the bottom (one large solid or two small ones) and along the edges of the bath in the form of piers or four columns. Only with this approach to business, it is possible to install a steel bath on bricks with high quality and reliability.

How to install a cast-iron bath on bricks: a few nuances

Unlike its steel counterpart, the cast iron bath has a much greater mass, which reduces the number of supports required for its installation. This moment is also favored by the rigidity of the bath, which allows you to abandon the extreme supports in the form of columns or low walls - refusing them, you should understand the importance of pallet brick pillows, on which the entire weight of the bath and the entire load from the liquid in it, as well as the mass of a person, falls .

A cast-iron bathtub on bricks should stand securely, and most importantly, do not sway from side to side. Proceeding from this, the principle of manufacturing pallet supports also emerges - as a rule, in the absence of side racks, these supports are hollows in which the bottom of the bath is comfortably located. If it seems to you that laying bricks in this way is beyond your power, then no one will forbid you to install a cast-iron bathtub on bricks, by analogy with a metal bathtub. A straight brick pillow under its bottom and four columns or two walls along the edges solve the problem of the reliability of installing a bath just as well. The disadvantage of this approach to business is the weight of the bath, which makes the process of mounting it on posts into a very complex and difficult operation.

Installing a cast iron bath on bricks photo

Installing an acrylic bath on bricks: a description of the installation process

You should not think that if the acrylic bathtub is lightweight, then the requirements for its brick supports are different. It should be understood that the weight of the water taken into it and the mass of a person do not decrease at all depending on the material from which the bath is made. The low weight of the bathtub only greatly facilitates the process of its installation, but does not simplify the supporting structure - you still need the same flat cushion under the bottom and supports along the edges of the bathtub sides. Remember how a metal frame is installed, which is usually completed with an acrylic bathtub by the manufacturer - by analogy with it, brick supports must also be made.

Installing an acrylic bath on bricks photo

There is another approach to installing an acrylic bath on bricks - a built-in installation. By resorting to this method of installation, you create a support for the bath in the form of a wall closed around the perimeter of the bath, on which it fits. Under the bottom of the bath, as in all other cases, a flat brick pillow is laid out. In some cases, the space inside the circular support may be covered with sand, but in such a situation, the solution to the question of how to install the bath on bricks is associated with some inconvenience of access to the drain siphon - in fact, it will be impossible to get to it without a special device.

Bath on bricks photo

And in conclusion of this topic, only one thing can be added - the installation of a bathtub on bricks can be done in any way convenient for you, as long as it is reliable and, as they say, thorough. Imagine visually the weak points of the bath you have purchased and fix it so that these places are strengthened.

A bath has long been an indispensable attribute of every home, but until now, modern shower cabins do not reach the level of comfort and convenience of this traditional plumbing fixture. To guarantee reliability, stability, long service life, you need to take care of the quality installation of the font, especially if this operation is done by yourself.

There are several installation methods, the simplest of which is the installation of a bath on bricks. The brick base evenly distributes the weight and load exerted on the flooring. In this article we will tell you how to make supports yourself and fix the bath on them.

Advantages of the method

Installing bathtubs using brick supports is a reliable method of fixing a steel, acrylic or cast-iron font that you can do yourself. For the manufacture of "legs" from this, only red solid brick is used, which can withstand intense weight loads, exposure to water and harmful microflora.

Despite the fact that each bath is equipped with standard metal legs, craftsmen install plumbing fixtures on a brick base, as it distributes the load more evenly and provides greater stability. This installation method has the following advantages:

  1. Sustainability. When mounting containers for washing on a brick base, greater stability is achieved, this indicator is especially important when installing light weight steel and acrylic products. Models made of these materials with poor-quality fixation sway, stagger, slide, which adversely affects the safety of use.
  2. Prevention of wall deformation. The use of a solid base for mounting, supporting the bottom, prevents deformation of the walls of the product, so that the enamel lasts longer. The fact is that the walls of thin-walled models are deformed under the influence of weight loads, causing the enamel coating to crack and peel off. In addition, this installation method reduces the filling noise associated with metal tubs.
  3. Versatility. With the help of brick legs, all types of baths are installed, regardless of weight, shape or size. In addition, this method allows you to easily raise the font to any height.

Note! Do-it-yourself installation of a font on bricks is more expensive than installation using standard legs supplied in the kit. The cost of work consists of the cost of bricks and the cement-sand mixture used to prepare the mortar. The least material is required to make brick posts, but this method is not much more efficient than the standard one.


Red brick is a versatile building material used to make supports for all types of bathtubs. Depending on the weight, shape and type of product, the installation method is selected. There are the following types of brick supports for fonts:

Important! High-quality installation of a bathtub on bricks minimizes the disadvantages of inexpensive, thin-walled models that are not of high quality. Due to stable and reliable fixation, the product will last longer, since its walls are not deformed during operation. In addition, during installation on a brick base, you can reduce the noise and thermal conductivity of metal models by isolating the bottom with mounting foam.

Installation technology

You can easily install a plumbing fixture made of cast iron, steel or acrylic with your own hands. Before installing the bath on bricks, you need to level and tile the floor, but it is better to wait with the wall decoration. To work, you will need a brick, a moisture-resistant mortar, mounting foam and a building level. The installation technology on a brick base is as follows:

Please note that the joints between the sides of the bathtub and the walls must be waterproofed with sealant or other methods. If the gap between them is more than 1 cm, then it is better to use a moisture-resistant solution for embedding.

Video instruction

Connoisseurs of high-class recreation will never exchange a comfortable spacious bath with fragrant, therapeutic fillers and hot water for a shower cabin that is now fashionable. Incomparable bliss can be experienced only in the font. You can completely relax, but only on condition of its stable stability. The method of installing the bath depends on the type of room (combined with a bathroom or autonomous) and its area, the size of the bath itself, the presence of other plumbing fixtures and household appliances, furniture, etc. The installation of the bath on bricks ensures maximum stability. At the very beginning, we want to note that ergonomic requirements require maintaining a distance of about 0.9 m from the bathtub rim.

Installing the bath on legs does not guarantee its stability: the screw fastening loosens over time, reducing static. The most reliable location of the cast-iron bowl is on a solid brickwork. But just placing the bowl on such a “pedestal” is not enough.

It is necessary to do the work with high quality, which means that, slowly, step by step, install it so that there is no gap between the side of the bathtub and the wall where water enters, and then, over time, mold forms. First you need to understand that cast iron products are heavy in themselves, and given the average dimensions of bathtubs 80x160 at a height of 50 cm, it is clear why the installation must be done by at least two people.

The cast iron bath must be installed on a brick base.

Note: despite the seeming archaism of such baths, they are actively used, tk. the heat capacity index of cast iron exceeds all other materials at times!

Brick base for a cast-iron bath

Just a few steps, and the bath will be installed on a solid foundation. For this you need:

  • Measure the room and the bath, consider its location in relation to other household appliances and plumbing equipment.
  • Prepare bricks. They need just enough to lay out a scaffolding 2-3 bricks high across the bath. On average, 20 pieces. To get a notch (bed), another half-brick is laid along the edges. Depending on the length of the product, the number of rows is calculated, given that the optimal distance between them is 50 cm. The height of the bathtub on bricks from the sides to the floor should not be higher than 0.7 m, so that it is convenient to climb into it. The height of the front scaffold is 17 cm, and from the other end it is performed 2 cm higher.
  • Masonry is done on a sand-cement mortar: for one part of cement there are 4 parts of sand with water mixed in. The edges of the container are attached to the wall with tile adhesive. For greater reliability, the side surfaces of the bath adjacent to the wall are processed in the same way, and the wall itself too. This ensures, firstly, a strong “wall-bath” connection, and secondly, the adhesive base creates a seal of the seams. Ideally, for good adhesion of the mortar with bricks, it is necessary to give the masonry time to stand for at least a day.
  • A siphon with overflow is mounted on a bath that has not yet been installed. To do this, turn the bowl on its side and equip the drain hole for the siphon with rubber sealed gaskets that prevent water from leaking. In order not to have to “turn” the container again soon, it is better to immediately take care of a high-quality reliable siphon. The sewer pipe with a drain must necessarily be below the outlet of the siphon.
  • A bathtub is installed on the prepared surface at the level laid on the bottom, horizontally without a slope. But the outer edge is literally half a centimeter higher than the inner one (so that there is no spillage of water over the edge onto the floor).
  • Proper installation of a cast-iron bath on bricks involves connecting the drain to the sewer hose in two ways: a strong and more reliable rigid connection: a plastic pipe and an elbow with an angle of 45 ° and 90 ° are used; a flexible and movable compensating plastic corrugation is connected hermetically with a sealant to the sewer inlet.
  • Free supply of hot and cold water pipes and drainage systems should be ensured. It is important to immediately make sure that the installation is correct. To do this, the container is filled with water and the drain opens. If the liquid does not leave immediately, with delays, then there is a distortion.
  • One more nuance. Before installing the bath, the distance from its rear end to the wall is calculated. If an excess area is expected, it must also be bricked. As an alternative - a support box under the bowl, just below the rim.

The last "touch" is facing the brick base with ceramic tiles or installing a screen. Be sure to leave a working hole for possible access to the siphon.

The bathtub on bricks should be at a height sufficient for a normal siphon device

Brick side for a steel bath

The technology for installing different bathtubs is generally the same. The undoubted advantage of steel sanitary containers - their low weight (about 30 kg) - is one of the reasons for the instability.

The steel bath can be installed on metal profiles, and then the structure is completed with brickwork

Installation work is carried out even before the walls are tiled. Bricks under the bath before installation are pre-pasted with a rolled plastic gerlen, and the walls are treated with a moisture-proof composition. A layer of fabric at its base serves as a separating element (compensator) between the cement mortar and the body, changing its geometric parameters and shape depending on heating or cooling with water. For better adhesion and elimination of air zones between surfaces, tile adhesive is applied to the layer.

A “shirt” made of the same guerlain, in which the entire iron bath is completely packed, not only increases strength, but also serves as an excellent sound insulator, drowning out the noise of falling water.

Between the red brick columns, with a bathtub filled with water, polyurethane foam is blown from below. As the foam expands as it solidifies, it can lift the light container off the racks. The weight of the water keeps the tub on the bricks. Foam heat insulator is also a good sound absorber. Finishing work is carried out with the provided hatches for the revision of plumbing units.

It is important to note that a steel sanitary ware needs to be grounded. The best way to do this is to use an industrial tested grounding device.

A comfortable, spacious, well-installed bath will help you enjoy taking water procedures. This is easy to do if you follow the sequence of work on its installation.

No matter how marketers praise modern showers with a lot of “bells and whistles”, the good old bath does not lose its relevance. Only in a fragrant foam bath you can relieve fatigue after a difficult, eventful day. And it is not so important what kind of product it is - cast iron, acrylic or steel. It is important that the bathtub withstands loads well and does not sag. Unfortunately, the legs that come with the product cannot please with great stability, so you have to make a more reliable support yourself. Article topic: how to install a bath on bricks. If you do everything right, the problem of bath instability will cease to be relevant for you forever.

Cast iron bath

Despite the fact that there is a wide range of composite products on sale, cast iron bathtubs, due to their quality factor and durability, are still popular. Of course, one cannot discount such disadvantages as the large mass of the bath and the difficulties associated with installation. In addition, if you mount the bath on complete legs, the design is rather shaky. We have to additionally build brick supports. For insurance.

Important! A cast iron bath can be installed by constructing brick supports around the perimeter of the product, at the corners or edges of the tank. To save bricks, most often they make 2 supports under the bottom of the bowl. This is enough. No support is needed in the middle of the bowl, as cast iron is a hard material. Therefore, under the bathroom it will be possible to equip an economic niche.

To prevent the bath from shifting during operation, the bricks are laid in such a way that a kind of bed is formed in the center. Sometimes on the Internet you can find advice that the rear support should have an excess of 10-20 mm over the front in order to create a slope towards the drain. In fact, this is redundant, since the design of the bowl provides for this slope. Drainage of water into the sewer will occur freely. In addition, horizontal installation of the bath will help you avoid the difficulties of installing tiles.

Important! If you do not plan to use complete legs, but install the bathtub only on bricks, then it is recommended to lay the bathtub on a brick bed under the entire bottom.

Installing a cast-iron bath on bricks - procedure

First of all, free the room from objects that may interfere with work. Before you put the bath on the bricks, make all the necessary measurements. To prevent the cast-iron product from damaging the door jambs, first wrap them with a soft material.

You will need for work:

  • Red bricks — 20 pcs.
  • Cement brand 400.
  • Sand.
  • Tile adhesive.
  • Mounting foam to provide sound insulation.

From the tools you will need an ordinary construction trowel and a container for preparing mortar.

Important! The work must be done carefully and accurately, since any alterations are associated with considerable difficulties.

So, the algorithm of actions:

  • Bring the bath into the room and install it on the complete legs.
  • Assemble and mount the siphon with overflow. It's better to do it right away. After the bath is installed, this work is much more difficult.
  • Cover the bottom of the bowl with soundproofing material or blow it with polyurethane construction foam. It is important that the foam does not protrude beyond the perimeter of the product. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to install the bath close to the wall.
  • Measure from the base of the tub legs to the bottom of the bowl. This is the height of the support. Another distance - between the complete bath supports along the length, corresponds to the length of the bed. In addition, approximately 10 mm tolerances must be taken into account.
  • Install the bath close to the wall with a slight slope towards the tailgate. Mark with a marker.
  • Prepare the mortar: 1 part cement is 4 parts sand. After that, dilute the mixture with the required amount of water.

Important! If half of the volume of cement is replaced with tile adhesive, a plastic solution is obtained, which is much more convenient to work with. This makes the construction quite solid.

  • Lay the brickwork, not forgetting the slope towards the rear side. To form a bed from the sides, lay half the bricks. The masonry will harden for one to two days.
  • Lay a layer of mortar 20 mm thick on top of the brickwork.
  • Apply a layer of tile adhesive to the vertical surfaces of the sides of the bathtub at the junction with the walls.
  • Set the bathtub on a brick bed, pressing it against the wall as hard as possible.
  • Check slope. If necessary, adjust it with legs or pieces of bricks.
  • Fill the cracks with mortar in places where the bottom adjoins the brick base.
  • Connect the siphon and check the operation of the bath. Fill the bowl with water and then open the drain hole. It is necessary that the water leaves completely.
  • Blow out the front of the bottom with construction foam.

Important! The height of the side of the bath, installed on bricks, should not exceed 700 mm. Otherwise, the use of the bathroom will not be comfortable.

Steel baths

The procedure for installing a steel bath on bricks is the same as for a cast iron product, but there are some nuances:

  1. The steel product has thinner walls, it is much lighter than cast iron. Over time, this advantage can turn into a disadvantage. With a large length of the bath, it can be deformed in the middle. Therefore, an additional support is made in the center of the product.
  2. The second point is the additional fastening of the steel bowl to the adjacent walls using anchors or dowels with a diameter of up to 8 mm.
  3. If you definitely want to equip a utility niche under the bathroom, you can use the “bed” for the bowl, welded from steel pipes up to 25 mm in diameter.
  4. For better stability of the structure, place the steel product on a layer of mounting foam.

Important! When installing a metal bath, do not forget about the ground connection.

Installing a bathtub on bricks: acrylic

The light weight of the acrylic product is a kind of nice bonus during installation. However, to think that such a bowl does not need additional supports is at least naive.

How to install an acrylic bathtub on bricks?

  1. The best option for an acrylic product is a brick bed around the entire perimeter of the bottom. Saving bricks in this case is rather doubtful, since the bowl can crack.
  2. It is necessary to provide a niche to provide access to the siphon so as not to disassemble the structure for repair work.


Knowing how to put a bath on bricks, you will make the operation of this product much more comfortable. The work, as you can see, is simple, it can be done independently.

The traditional scheme of installing a bathtub on legs is not always able to guarantee the stability of the structure. The screw fastening under the action of loads begins to loosen over time, thereby reducing the statics. Therefore, the most reliable installation of a cast-iron or steel bowl is on strong supports made by means of brickwork.

If you decide to replace the bathing bowl, but don’t know where to start and how to implement everything correctly, we will tell you how the bathtub is installed on bricks and whether it can be done by hand.

Also, in the article you will find step-by-step instructions for mounting supports for various types of plumbing. To facilitate perception, the material contains thematic photos and videos.

Used everywhere in Soviet times, they do not lose popularity today. And the secret of popularity is easily explained by the high heat capacity of the iron-carbon alloy.

The heavy weight of the product itself, plus the weight of the person in it, with an unreliable support, can provoke a skew of plumbing during operation. And this will entail a violation of the angle, the likelihood of depressurization of nodal connections and the difficulty of normal draining of waste water into the sewer.

For all their merits, cast iron structures are very heavy; the same bath with dimensions of 160x80 cm with a bowl depth of 50 cm will weigh about 100-120 kg

A cast-iron bathtub installed on bricks can be freely used for taking water procedures by a person with almost any physique, without fear that the walls will bend and the bowl will warp.

As a supporting structure, you can build:

  • two separate platforms;
  • several pillars on the sides and corners of the bowl;
  • solid brickwork around the perimeter of the product.

Due to the heaviness of the structure, bricks are only made by two people. The work is carried out in several successive stages.

The specific moments of installing a cast iron bath on a brick base are demonstrated by a selection of photos:

Image gallery

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for constructing supports and installing a bathtub:

Video review of the option of installing a bath on bricks:

How to foam the bath before installation can be found in the following video:

There is nothing complicated in the device of brick racks and frame. Therefore, when installing a bath on bricks, you can use any of the methods described. The main thing is to strengthen the weak points of the bath, while creating a strong and durable supporting structure.

If you have any questions about installing a bathtub on bricks or know another reliable and durable installation method, please share your knowledge with our readers. Leave comments and ask questions in the block below.