How to arrange ventilation in the sauna with your own hands? Proper ventilation in the bath: the steam room does not need waste. Consider the schemes in the Russian bath and frame walls Ventilation system in the steam room

The need to organize normal air exchange in rooms of such a specific purpose is obvious to everyone. Since the reader wants to understand the device, typical diagrams and installation features of the ventilation system in the sauna, he knows a priori that its absence negatively affects the efficiency of the procedures and reduces the service life of all structural elements by about 3.5 - 4 times.

How to do all the work on installing ventilation in the sauna with your own hands, and technically competently, is the topic of this article.

Norms and requirements for the ventilation scheme in the sauna

The key to success is not only in the meaningful implementation of technological operations at each stage of its installation. The master needs to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat should happen in the end, whether he can do everything with his own hands, how much time it will take and how much the ventilation system will cost.

Primary requirements

  • Constant supply of air (fresh) from the outside.
  • The invariability of the temperature in the premises, including high - in the steam room.

The ventilation systems in the bath and sauna are similar in many respects, but there is also a fundamental difference. It lies in the method of heating the air. For a sauna it is dry. Therefore, blind copying of circuits without taking into account the peculiarities of their work is a meaningless exercise.

Norms and rules for the device of the ventilation system

  • In the sauna, almost all rooms have modest dimensions. With regard to rooms with small sizes, you need to focus on such a ventilation schemeso that it provides air renewal approximately every quarter of an hour, at least. For a sauna, this is considered the limiting norm.
  • During the design and installation process, it is necessary to think over and eliminate all risks of drafts or, conversely, zones with stagnant air.

Typical diagrams of the ventilation system


It is considered the most effective, but also the most expensive. You will need valves, filters, diffusers, a noise suppression device and a number of other circuit elements. An example is shown in the figure:


For a do-it-yourself device - the easiest ventilation option.

But this applies only to the installation process, since high-quality air exchange can only be ensured with accurate engineering calculations. In addition, there are quite a few disadvantages of such a scheme. For example, dependence on the direction and strength of the wind.

Supply and exhaust

From the point of view of "efficiency + final cost of installation + do-it-yourself" - the best engineering solution.

With the organization of ventilation according to this scheme, we will understand in more detail.

Does it make sense to install ventilation in each room according to the same scheme? If for a steam room a supply and exhaust is the best option, then for a waiting room, a rest room (taking into account costs) it is quite enough to organize natural air exchange.

The device and principle of operation of the circuit

If the reader understands the principle of functioning of ventilation in the sauna, then the author's task is completed. Any owner will cope with the installation of the system with their own hands, without involving specialists. Further, general recommendations will be given on drawing up a scheme and technology of work.

Supply openings

In relation to the steam room, they must be mounted at the bottom of the walls and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stove. Why? Firstly, the cold air coming from the street will heat up faster. Secondly, such a feature of the scheme excludes it from entering the zone where a person takes the procedure.

If a small gap (about 50 mm) is left between the floor covering and the door leaf during the installation of the frame, this will further increase the efficiency of air exchange between the rooms.


The inlet of the air outlet channel, regardless of the chosen scheme, is always arranged strictly opposite the supply, that is, on the opposite wall of the room. Depending on its specifics, there may be two such “receivers” (in the steam room - it is mandatory). The first is at least 100 cm from the level of the floor covering, the second is to remove air from the sauna outside - under the ceiling. Both are connected with a box. To exclude the influence of the wind rose and the height of the fan pipe, a fan should be mounted in the hood.

The peculiarity of the scheme is that in both channels - inflow and outlet - it is necessary to install adjustable dampers. They are also called shutters, gates. It is with the help of such devices that the necessary microclimate is maintained in any of the premises.

The appearance of condensate on surfaces, stale air in rooms are clear signs of improper installation or malfunctioning of the system.

How does the ventilation scheme in the steam room work?


All shutters and doors are fully open, the fan is on. 5-10 minutes are enough, and the air in the sauna is completely renewed.

Warming up

The doors and dampers of the exhaust duct are closed, while the supply duct remains open. This achieves rapid heating of the room to the required temperature with a minimum fuel consumption for the stove.

Taking procedures in the sauna

The hood damper opens slightly, but only at the bottom hole. What does it give? The circulation of flows begins, while the heated air remains in the ceiling area. Therefore, the temperature in the steam room is kept constant. And at the same time, air renewal does not stop. As a result of the operation of the scheme - the most favorable microclimate with significant fuel savings, that is, full compliance with the requirements of paragraph 1.1.

Common mistakes with do-it-yourself ventilation

  • Installation of only one hole for the removal of air from the sauna, albeit with a damper, under the ceiling. Such a drawback of the circuit is fraught with the fact that the heated air will be quickly removed to the outside. Consequently, the process of regulating its temperature in the steam room will become more complicated and fuel consumption will increase sharply.
  • The location of all openings (supply, exhaust) at the same height from the floor. It is difficult to judge the effectiveness of the scheme (although the air exchange will be minimal), but the fact that the draft is provided is unequivocal.
  • The cross section of the exhaust channel is smaller than the inflow. Air exchange in the sauna will be difficult. How to choose the optimal parameter for any ventilation scheme? Recommended ratio: for 1 m3 of the room - 24 cm2 of the air duct section.

The scheme described above is the most convenient for do-it-yourself execution, and its effectiveness in the sauna has been confirmed by practice. Dear reader, there can be no doubt that, taking into account all the features of her device, she will work effectively. Good luck with your design.

The temperature background and the high level of moisture in the bath are favorable conditions for the settlement of all kinds of harmful microorganisms. Among them are bacteria, viruses, mold fungi that destroy wood and the pulmonary system of lovers of bath procedures. Properly made ventilation in the bath will get rid of the listed negativity. How to make it?

We will tell you all about the rules for organizing ventilation systems designed to dry wet rooms. The use of reliable information will help to develop and implement an impeccable ventilation project. The data submitted for consideration are based on building codes and the practical experience of builders.

The article describes in detail the methods of construction of ventilation systems designed to remove water suspended in the air, drying finishes and supporting structures. The materials and components required for their arrangement are described. Effective assistance in mastering a difficult topic will be provided by photo applications and video guides.

The bath needs regular air renewal. This is a safety requirement for people taking bath procedures. Also, proper ventilation can extend the service life to 50 years or more.

The type of ventilation system is selected individually and depends on the location, size of the structure, and materials used in construction.

Bath ventilation schemes

All existing ventilation systems according to the principle of operation are divided into natural, forced and combined. In the first case, ventilation occurs due to the arbitrary entry of street air, its mixing in the room and the displacement of the exhaust air through the holes in a natural way.

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If there is insulation, then a counter-lattice is required to provide ventilation between the insulation and other layers of the roof. It is also used for ventilation of wall structures so that condensation does not form in the thickness of the layers.

To dry the floors, burst ventilation is used or a ventilated floor is equipped. This option should be considered at the construction stage. To do this, they perform a draft floor, carefully pouring concrete at a slope, and finish it with hardwood boards, leaving small gaps between them. Such floor provides fast removal of excess moisture.

It is important to properly organize ventilation in all areas of the bath. Particular attention should be paid to the washing / shower room, where high humidity threatens the formation of fungus and mold

All bath rooms need ventilation, including:

  • washing room;
  • dressing room / rest room;
  • other premises.

To arrange proper ventilation, you have to choose the optimal scheme that fits the requirements and conditions of a particular bath. It is important to remember that fresh air must be supplied to all rooms and also removed from all.

They build ventilation ducts, make supply and exhaust openings in the walls or mount a whole system of air ducts - everything is very individual

Experienced craftsmen do not recommend laying complex ventilation duct systems, preferring to focus on the simplest solution suitable for a particular case. The rule here is the simpler the better. Yes, and at a price a simple option will cost several times cheaper.

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The choice of ventilation scheme depends on the design of the bath (see bath layouts), but the constituent elements will be the same:

  • ventilation holes in the foundation, which should be taken care of at the initial stage of construction;
  • vents with bars and gaps in the floor (see);

    openings in the ceiling and walls, the location of which will be determined by the selected scheme;

    ventilation pipes facing;

    supply and exhaust fans.

Options dislocations ventilation hatches can be different.

Scheme No. 1

An air inflow hole is arranged behind the heater (an article about choosing a heater can be read) at a height of 0.5 m, the hood is on the opposite wall at the very bottom with respect to the floor.

The withdrawal of waste products is carried out by force. The scheme guarantees uniform heating of the incoming air.

Please note that the efficiency of the return of the furnace directly depends on how low the hood is located;

Scheme No. 2

The exhaust and supply openings are opposite the stove, on the same wall. Entrance - 0.3 m from the floor level, exit - 0.3 m from the ceiling level.

A fan is used to blow air. The scheme is suitable if the bath is equipped with only one external wall and the firebox is located inside the steam room;

Scheme No. 3

Supply vent - behind the stove, at a height of 0.3 m above the floor. The hood is near the floor, but on the opposite side.

This scheme is popular due to high-speed work, providing a comfortable stay in the bath;

Scheme No. 4

Ideal for baths with leaky floors. In this case, one inlet is equipped (behind the stove) at a height of 0.2-0.3 m above the floor.

Cold air enters the underground through the cracks and is discharged through the ventilation pipe;

Ventilation systems installation technology

Depending on the location of the firebox, the design of the ventilation system takes place in 2 directions.

In the first case, the firebox is located in an adjacent room, in the second - directly in the steam room.

Bath ventilation with a firebox inside the steam room

      a podium is equipped for the furnace, allowing ventilation ducts to be brought up. Bricks are laid in 3 rows.
      The first row is near the wall, the second is along the edge, the third is between the first and second. Upon reaching the masonry in height 24
      see it is covered with bricks. To ensure unimpeded air blowing, the last pair of bricks in
      the furnace location area is not placed;

      end is formed;

      the second box, into the end of which the blower oven door is inserted, is brought to the end. Thus, the first box should look under the stove, the second - into the steam room;

      on the wall adjacent to the rest room, at the level of masonry, two channel holes are made (for doors). Please note that they should not reach the top of the brick shirt. Then they can be easily opened and closed;

      the stove is placed on the podium and lined with bricks. Do not forget to provide a hole for the fuel channel and a gap (between the brickwork and the stove) that is filled with non-combustible material;

      equip a protective screen with two convection valves;

      the hood is mounted in the same way as for a bath with a firebox from an adjacent room.

Ventilation of a bath with a firebox from an adjacent room

    the furnace tunnel is lined with bricks with a gap of 1 cm. It is necessary for the subsequent flooring of basalt wool, which reduces the risk of masonry deformation when heated;

    Inlet holes can be made in two ways:

    • from the street, a ventilation duct is laid under the floor, which is removed from the pre-furnace sheet that protects the floor from fire. Grids are installed on the channel (inside and outside).

      the second method differs from the first only in that the ventilation duct is carried out on the floor. Otherwise, there are no differences - take it out of the street, bring it to the pre-furnace sheet and install ventilation grilles.

    diagonally from the supply vents, an exhaust hood is set up on the opposite wall. The ventilation duct is pre-lined with clapboard and mounted at a height of 30 cm above the floor.

    The area of ​​the inlet openings must be equal to the area of ​​the exhaust openings. Otherwise, a draft is formed that reduces the amount of fresh air.

How to regulate the ventilation system

If the firebox is outside the steam room

    after warming up the furnace, the exhaust and supply vents are covered;

    when the temperature reaches the planned mark, the openings are adjusted using doors (latches);

    if it is necessary to increase the volume of fresh air, the supply hatches are opened;

    after the completion of the steam procedures, all available flaps must also be opened.

Vapers often determine the temperature and humidity conditions by eye (we read about how to bathe correctly), of course, this method cannot be called unmistakable. Devices will help to objectively assess the situation:

    thermometer (electric, alcohol, but not mercury). When using an electric thermometer in the steam room
    a thermocouple is installed, and the indicator is displayed in the dressing room;

    hygrometer. With this device, you can set the desired humidity mode (dry air or
    highly humid).

If the firebox is inside the steam room

    ventilation ducts are covered only after a thorough heating of the furnace, i.e. during initial warm-up, the lower
    doors do not close;

    the furnace must work with open upper hatches;

    for the period of soaring, only the blower door (on the box) is left open, which provides air flow for

    after soaring, the bath is thoroughly ventilated.
    Vapers often determine the temperature and humidity conditions by eye; of course, this method cannot be called unmistakable. Devices will help to objectively assess the situation:

Properly organized ventilation helps to improve the quality of bath procedures and increases the durability of a hygienic building. How to carry out inexpensive and reliable ventilation of bath rooms and achieve the necessary air exchange, we will describe further.


Bath ventilation is a well-organized exchange of exhaust and fresh air in the premises without prejudice to their temperature regime and the safety of the entire building. It helps to provide comfort from staying in the steam room, eliminates carbon monoxide poisoning of people and contributes to the economical consumption of heating oil. The ventilation device in the bath requires a responsible approach to this issue and is one of the most difficult stages in the construction of such facilities.

Types of ventilation in the bath

Ventilation is needed not only for a hot steam room, but also for other rooms of the bath - locker rooms, showers and rest rooms. For each of them, you can choose an individual type of air exchange.

The three most popular types are:

  • natural ventilation. It is based on the principle of air circulation due to the difference in its pressure inside and outside the room.
  • Forced ventilation. Its effect is achieved through the use of electrical equipment and appliances that blow or extract air in houses.
  • Combined ventilation. Combines the principles of both of the above types.

What type of ventilation is most optimal for a bath, we will consider further.

With mechanical, i.e. forced air exchange a comfortable environment can be created in any room. However, such ventilation, equipped in the steam room, will subsequently lead to considerable financial costs.

In combined air exchange, the outflow of polluted air occurs with the help of an electric exhaust fan, and fresh air flows naturally through a special channel, usually located in the lower part of the wall of the room. Such a ventilation system has the right to life, but its use in a steam room will entail possible inconveniences, namely:

  1. To adjust the intensity of air exchange, the valve on the outlet channel will have to be periodically covered. This action creates an additional load on the fan, which is undesirable.
  2. If the exhaust ventilation in the bath is too intense, then in order to maintain a high temperature in the steam room, you will have to additionally “feed” the sauna stove. But for quick ventilation and drying of the steam room, the exhaust fan is very useful.
If you look at the problem of ventilation through the eyes of a zealous owner, you will notice that any steam room has a tool that can and should be used to organize high-quality air exchange. This is a stone oven. With its help, air flows can move naturally due to the known laws of physics. Warm air is lighter than cold air. Using this truth and a hand-built stove, you can achieve high-quality natural ventilation of the bath without expensive costs.

Important: the selected ventilation scheme in the bath must provide five air exchanges in one hour, regardless of its type.

How to make ventilation in the bath

Consider the organization of natural air exchange in the bath with two options for the location of the furnace firebox: if it is located in a room that is adjacent to the steam room, and when it is present in the steam room.

Ventilation in the bath with the location of the firebox in the room adjacent to the steam room

The conclusion of the firebox of a bath stove in a rest room or dressing room has quite obvious advantages:
  • The absence of burning, smoke, dirt and debris from firewood in the steam room.
  • The steam compartment is not cooled by the open door during oven maintenance.
  • The furnace heats the adjacent room without disturbing the temperature regime of the steam room.
  • There is always a place to store and dry a supply of firewood.
  • Using heat-resistant glass instead of a metal oven door, you can enjoy watching the beautiful play of fire tongues in the relaxation room, which has a beneficial effect on the psyche.
The connection of the furnace with the furnace in this case is carried out using a furnace tunnel. To do this, an opening is made for it in a common wall with a margin of 3-4 cm in the direction of increase. Such a gap is necessary for a thermal insulation device that protects the wall from strong heating and deformation during thermal expansion of the tunnel. Basalt wool is used as insulation.

Then it is necessary to lay an air duct for the influx of fresh air from the street into the bath. The air duct is made in the form of a box or pipe, the end of which is equipped with a mesh that prevents insects and small rodents from entering it. The other end of the air duct is introduced to the bottom of the furnace and is located at a distance of several centimeters from a metal sheet attached to the floor and serving as protection against accidental ignition. The ventilation ducts of the furnace and the supply air duct form a single system that connects the space of the steam room with a natural influx of fresh air.

Depending on the design of the bath and its interior decoration, such an air duct can be located in the space under the floor or along its surface along the wall. The principle of placement of the exhaust duct is no less important. Its design is supplied with windows equipped with special latches. Air quality, temperature and humidity depend on their location. A good place for a ventilation hood is a remote wall located opposite the stove.

At a distance of 30 cm from the ceiling, a ventilation valve can be inserted into the air duct and with its help, the intensity of air exchange can be regulated. Pretty simple, right? But in this case, along with the exhaust air, hot steam will also come out. To reduce its outgoing flow and temperature drop, the valve will need to be closed. As a result, the influx of fresh air will decrease, and shortness of breath will appear. Two valves enclosed in a vertical duct will help eliminate this unpleasant moment. One of them must be placed on the wall under the ceiling, and the other - below the shelves.

We open the lower valve in the process of taking paired procedures. The fresh air heated by the stove rises up to the ceiling. Encountering an obstacle, it changes direction and gets to the bottom valve. Here, one part of it enters the duct for the exhaust, and the other part of the steam continues to circulate. The resulting vacuum compensates for the supply ventilation box, supplying a certain amount of fresh air. As a result of the “circulation”, we get a healthy air exchange with the preservation of precious heat in the steam room. If it is necessary to heat the bath, the supply valves are closed, and when the steam room is ventilated for drying, they open.

When calculating air exchange, it is important to determine the cross-sectional areas of the ducts. The transverse dimensions of the supply ventilation ducts are usually taken to be 20% larger than the dimensions of the chimney and 10% smaller than the cross-sectional dimensions of the exhaust ventilation ducts. The exhaust duct must be connected to the ventilation riser, which is displayed on the roof of the building and is supplied with a diffuser. The height of the riser above the roof determines the traction force in the furnace: the higher, the stronger.

Ventilation in the bath with the location of the firebox inside the steam room

The principle of operation of air exchange with the furnace furnace inside the steam room does not differ much from the previous one. Here, fresh air is also supplied and exhaust air is extracted, the rules for the minimum loss of heat leaving through the hood are observed. But the main difference still exists. Namely, the flow pattern of clean air is changing. It is supplemented by the installation of a supply ventilation channel, which is necessary to maintain the process of fuel combustion in the furnace.

The process of heating the steam room in this case is controlled by two doors located one above the other. At the beginning of the heating of the oven, only the lower door opens, while the upper one is tightly closed. This position prevents the intake of cold air from the street. After the initial heating of the sauna stove with the upper door open, part of the steam room air will enter through the hole from below, heat up again and exit into the steam room through the door located at the top of the box.

After sufficient heating of the steam room, the lower door should be closed, and the upper one should be left open. During the subsequent heating of the room, cold air from the supply air duct enters from below into the ventilation ducts of the furnace, heats up there and exits through the upper hole into the steam room.

After complete heating of the air in the steam room, both doors are covered. Heating of the room adjacent to the steam room can be done by opening the door located on the corresponding wall.

Video about ventilation in the bath is presented below:

So, we have studied the main points of the proper organization of healthy air exchange in the bath. With a strong desire, you can do the ventilation in the bath with your own hands, but you can’t do without the help of an experienced stove master in this matter. The construction of a furnace is a process that requires solid knowledge and significant skills. After all, not only the heating of the steam room depends on its quality, but also the efficiency of ventilation, which means our health.

Is ventilation necessary in a sauna? After all, precious heat is removed outside along with the air flow. This is the speculation of an ignorant person.

In fact, it is difficult to breathe hot air, it becomes a little easier if the air is dry. But in the closed room of the sauna, an abundance of moisture is released by sweating people. If you take a bath broom in your hands, then the humidity rises instantly and significantly. It is simply impossible to breathe, and you can’t even call such a wellness procedure. First of all, the heart and blood vessels suffer, so ventilation is needed in every sauna to regulate humidity and supply oxygen.

Most often, a shower room and a rest room are adjacent to the steam room. These sauna rooms need ventilation. With high humidity it is difficult to breathe, it is impossible to dry and wipe off. In the absence of air exchange, the walls of the room will eventually become covered with mold, an unpleasant odor will appear. Wooden structures will rot, instead of 20 years, the sauna will last four times less.

The fact that the ventilation is not in order is indicated by a musty atmosphere and condensation on the walls or ceiling. Read on to learn how to properly ventilate any sauna.

Basic rules for arranging ventilation in the sauna

Maintaining a high temperature and the presence of clean air. Here are the main requirements for the operation of ventilation in the sauna. In just 1 hour, the air in a small room must quietly exchange at least 4 times, so the ventilation system in the sauna is created according to special rules. Portions of fresh air should be mixed with the hot air of the room. The slightest errors in calculations or installation threaten with “draughts” or stuffiness. We will talk about the most effective and frequently used schemes, show how ventilation is done in the sauna with our own hands.

The ventilation device in the sauna can be mechanical, natural or combined. The first option for ventilating a sauna in a cottage is quite expensive, so forced outflow of exhaust air is more popular. Fresh air from the outside is drawn into the sauna when the pressure drops due to the operation of the exhaust fan.

The combined ventilation scheme in the sauna is good because it does not require cross-position of exhaust grilles, and this is a necessary condition for the operation of natural ventilation in the sauna. The video highlights the process of placing vents in convenient places. The system must ensure thorough mixing of cold and hot air streams. Otherwise, the temperature difference in the room will be too noticeable.

The laws of the ventilation device in saunas:

  • The diameter of the exhaust pipe must not be less than the diameter of the supply pipe, this is the norm;
  • The pipe sections are selected in proportion to the volume: 1 cubic meter of the room accounts for 24 centimeters of the cross-sectional area;
  • It is forbidden to install outflow and inflow strictly opposite each other;
  • Sauna vents are equipped with vent valves that allow you to reduce or increase the air flow.

Neglect of any of the rules will lead to a violation of the movement of air flows and inefficient operation of the system. How to make ventilation in the sauna with your own hands correctly?

Natural sauna ventilation

Natural ventilation of the sauna room is provided by the pressure difference between the outdoors and indoors. The advantage of this scheme is the low cost of installation and the absence of operating costs. Such ventilation in the sauna can be equipped with your own hands.

Natural ventilation can be achieved through:

  • aeration;
  • wind pressure.

The principle of aeration is the penetration of air from the street through the vents in the lower part of the room. Rising up, it “squeezes out” the hot masses through the duct. This is a good ventilation method for very hot saunas with a lot of steam. In such conditions, air exchange occurs quite intensively. Schemes and photographs of ventilation in the sauna clearly demonstrate the process of movement of cold and hot air masses.

Wind pressure is possible only in log buildings. The air pressure in the room is provided by strong gusts of wind, creating a rarefaction of air on the leeward side. Through the gaps between the logs, air exits on one side and enters on the other.

It is impossible to regulate the intensity of ventilation in such a room: with strong winds there may be a draft, and sufficient temperature is not maintained. A photo-scheme of natural ventilation in the sauna is attached.

Mechanical ventilation in the sauna

Mechanical, it is also forced ventilation in the sauna is installed when there is no way to organize a natural inflow or blowing out. Equipment for forced ventilation of the sauna is quite complex and expensive: fans, air filters, heaters, coolers.

Forced air outflow

With a forced sauna ventilation system, exhaust air is blown out by exhaust fans. The air is filtered before being released to the outside.

There is an urgent need for forced air evacuation in saunas with large pools, public institutions that receive many visitors, and washing rooms.

The system removes gases, steam, odors, providing visitors with clean and fresh air.

Forced air supply

The inflow with mechanical ventilation of a wooden sauna is carried out forcibly. In some cases, it is not possible to provide a natural supply of fresh air from outside. Then use the supply system. It is quite complex and contains a noise suppression mechanism, an inlet chamber, check valves, diffusers and distribution grilles.

As a rule, before supplying the air is heated and filtered.

Simple and effective sauna combined ventilation schemes

The diagrams we have given clearly explain how to properly ventilate the sauna with your own hands.

Scheme No. 1

The supply opening is equipped directly behind the firebox 0.2 m above the floor. The exhaust is planned on the wall opposite, at the same height. Air from the street passes through a hot stove, rushes up to the ceiling. As the temperature decreases, the airflow descends and reaches the exhaust vent.

With such a ventilation device in any sauna, a high temperature and excellent heating are ensured.

Scheme No. 2

This ventilation is good for a sauna in a cottage, when only one wall of the room goes outside.

Both blowing and inflow are located on the outer wall directly opposite the firebox. At a height of 0.2 m from the floor, the supply air, 0.2 m from the ceiling - exhaust with a built-in fan.

A stream of cold air crashes into the hottest part of the stove, makes a cycle around the room and exits through the hood to the outside.

Scheme No. 3

Provides gentle heating of the room. The air inlet is equipped behind the firebox at a level of 0.5 meters from the floor. A hood with a fan on the wall opposite - 0.2 m from the floor.

Air masses move in a circle: heated up from the stove, rose, fell and hit the exhaust fan. The air movement in this scheme is not so intense, so the temperature in the room is uniform, gradual, uniform heating is guaranteed.

It is possible to combine forced ventilation in a wood-burning sauna with natural outflow. The supply air creates an increased pressure in the room, which accelerates the removal of the exhaust air through the ventilation grilles. The air flow is controlled by means of the sauna vents. It is quite possible to construct such a sauna ventilation system with your own hands, having some building skills.

Sauna ventilation scheme, taking into account utility rooms and calculations

This scheme takes into account not only the steam room, but also the washing department and the rest room. Below we provide an explanatory video of ventilation in the sauna.

  • steam room - equipped with natural ventilation;
  • washing - mechanical hood;
  • rest room - natural inflow and blowing;
  • utility room - a mechanical hood, triggered by a light switch.

Calculation of air exchange and diameter of air ducts in the sauna

Make ventilation in the sauna "like a neighbor" will not work. Accurate calculations are required. At the design stage of forced ventilation, air exchange is determined. This is the volume of air that must be replaced in a given room in 1 hour.

Air exchange = Oh x K,

where ABOUT- volume of air in the room, TO- air exchange rate.

The air exchange rate is a value determined for each type of premises:

  • steam room – 5;
  • shower room – 50;
  • restroom – 3;
  • massage – 5.

The calculated figure is rounded up to 0 or 5 after the decimal point.

A balance must be maintained between the value of inflow and blowout. Therefore, when, according to the calculations, the inflow is greater, the extraction rate also increases.

Given the obtained values, the diameters of the air channels are calculated.

The cross-sectional shape of the ducts depends on the design and type of ventilation, but round ducts are easier to install. The knees are connected to each other with sauna connection fittings. Ventilation valves are purchased at any large building supermarket along with all the necessary consumables.

When choosing the power of fans, be sure to leave a supply of air exchange. The total power of the supply fans should actually be 6-10% less than the power of the exhaust fans. This ensures the complete "pulling" of the used air from the room.

The difference in performance is compensated by the natural inflow through the gaps in the walls and doors.

The role of the stove in sauna ventilation

Specialized equipment ensures optimal ventilation parameters in the sauna. Allows you to set the desired temperature and humidity, power supply and heating. However, you cannot install such ventilation in the sauna with your own hands, and high-tech equipment is very expensive. Therefore, most owners use traditional methods that have worked well for more than one century.

And with such technologies, air flow is provided by the stove. Most often, the firebox is equipped in the steam room itself or in an adjacent room. In the second case, heating is carried out by a furnace tunnel. As a rule, metal fireboxes are installed in saunas, which are lined with stone or brick. Facing, you should leave gaps that provide a small flow of air. The gap between the brick and the stove is up to 1 cm. The front surface of the firebox is lined with brick in three rows.

Air flow in the sauna

The air supply to the furnace is provided by a special air duct located under the floor. The outlet is made as close to the firebox as possible. The box for the ventilation duct is equipped with a diameter of 1/5 more than the cross section of the chimney. The air supply must be directly from the street so that it is really fresh, without additional basement smells.

You can assemble such ventilation in the sauna with your own hands. A box with access to the street is installed along the plinth. The inner section is closed with a grate, and the outer one with a mesh so that insects or rodents do not get into it.

When the firebox enters the steam room, one channel should be equipped for inflow, the other for convection. Many hide the bottom box under the podium on the floor. The stove is installed on it, a metal sheet is preliminarily placed to prevent fire. The furnace is faced with brick, after which a screen with two doors for convection is erected. Through them, heat spreads from the furnace around the room, and fresh air also penetrates.

Ensuring the outflow of air in the sauna

The outflow of air is carried out by an exhaust ventilation duct located diagonally relative to the supply air. This design ensures excellent ventilation of the steam room. If the wall of the stove cladding opens into an adjacent room, it is necessary to equip a convection door here as well.

The outlet of the outlet channel is equipped 20 - 25 cm from the floor. Next, the pipe goes up to the ceiling and is brought out. It is most convenient to use plastic ventilation pipes. For beauty, they are covered from above with boxes of wooden lining. The most commonly used boxes with a diameter of 125 square meters. cm.

The lower doors do not close during heating. Through the upper warm air will be drawn out, partially falling back into the furnace and warming up again. This phenomenon is referred to as kiln run-up. Having achieved intense combustion, the lower doors are closed, while the upper ones are left open.