How to arrange a live fence in the country and what is better to plant as a hedge? Do-it-yourself hedge in the country house: which plants are better to choose, a step-by-step installation process Green fence

Decorative apple tree

Most of the plants are deciduous. In winter, it is impossible to get through the hedge, but it loses its decorative effect.


The name of the hedge determines the care for them. Trees and bushes are constantly sheared, giving them the most fantastic shapes. Different types of thuja are well tolerated from trees. To create a green miracle in the place where the fence should be, use a small-leaved shrub:

  • euonymus;
  • cotoneaster;
  • privet - wolfberry.

It is necessary to form plants, creating a hedge in the country, constantly, as the branches grow. The first few years are spent on creating a dense, uniform crown. Then curly trimming is done every 2 weeks and the fence is formed, creating an image for it.

Sheared hedges are original. They are admired by neighbors and people passing by, they demonstrate the good taste of the owner and the wonderful abilities of a gardener.


Climbing plants - lianas need support. They will braid it and repeat the size and shape. You can create a fast-growing hedge in the country from vines:

  • girlish grapes;
  • hop;
  • ivy;
  • chinese lemongrass;
  • clematis.

Climbing plants need support

From early spring to late autumn, the decorative view of the curly hedge looks decorative. Leaves change color, flowers and fruits appear. The deciduous vines bloom in early spring and retain their foliage until frost.

Classification of hedges by height

Depending on the purpose, live fences are made of various heights and densities.

Experts divide them into types, and advise, if space is available, to plant a multi-row hedge of different levels or use plants of the same type with different leaf colors.

Living wall

Green fences over 2 meters high are called living walls. Suitable for them:

  • mountain pine;
  • apple tree of Nedzvetsky;
  • juniper;
  • lianas.

There are high hedges along the border of the site, mainly from the street side. Ornamental shrubs can be planted in front of them, which will reliably cover the lower part of the fence, close the gaps in it.

Thuja living wall

Site zoning

It is necessary to divide the site into zones and separate it. To do this, it is enough to make a hedge in the country with a height of 1 to 2 meters. To plant an internal fence, you can buy one or more types of ornamental shrub. The choice is huge:

  • hawthorn;
  • elder;
  • currant;
  • rosehip;
  • honeysuckle;
  • chubushnik;
  • viburnum;
  • karagana;
  • spirea;
  • tea rose;
  • barberry;
  • lilac;
  • euonymus.

There are other types of less popular plants that are easy to buy and solve the question of how to make a fence for a summer residence relatively cheaply.

The photo shows the Thunberg barberry.

This plant is widely used in landscape design.

Fruit and berry shrubs, for example: hawthorn, barberry and currant, in addition to beauty, will be beneficial. They will generously endow with their harvest in the fall. The tea rose blooms for over a month, spreading a magical scent. The jam from its petals is delicious, it cures colds and adds warmth of hot summer to winter tea drinking.

Curbs for lawns and flower beds

Fences less than a meter high are referred to as curbs and are used to frame paths and flower beds. They are often made from flowers - perennials and ornamental shrubs:

  • action;
  • alpine currant;
  • hydrangea;
  • barberry;
  • derain;
  • japanese spirea;
  • hawthorn.

In the curbs, such types of shrubs as barberry, turf, currant, hawthorn should be pruned. They will look good rectangular if the gardener has not yet mastered the cultivation of fences of complex configurations. An example is shown in the photo below.

Such a green border will look good over a wide area.

The main types of plants for fences

A fence grown for a summer residence can reliably protect the site and look beautiful all year round. Plants should be selected and planted correctly. The multi-row well-groomed hedge of several types of bushes and trees looks like a work of art.


Cypress is used for hedges of more than 2 meters in the southern regions. The tree has a dense crown, grows quickly and tolerates cutting well. In regions with cold winters, cypresses should be covered for the winter. This can be done on freestanding trees. Therefore, they are not used in the walls.

Popular conifers for green walls that do not lose their attractiveness in winter:

  • mountain pine;
  • yew berry;
  • juniper.

Thuja are the most popular.

Thuja will serve faithfully as a fence

Thuja is a frost-resistant plant with a long-liver with a dense crown of a pyramidal, columnar or spherical shape. It depends on the variety. The needles have a rich palette of green colors - from lemon to blue. Thuja easily tolerates pruning. Not demanding on soil and fertilizing. Resistant to various diseases.

Mountain pine has long needles on densely spaced branches. Used in free-growing fences. When planted in 2 rows with an interval of 1.5 m, it creates a thick wall from the ground itself. It looks especially beautiful when it begins to bloom. Pruning does not affect the density.

Pine grows slowly, does not like highly fertilized soils. It tolerates frost and drought well. Ideal for a hedge when you don't have time for constant grooming.

Berry yew is a long-lived plant with a columnar crown. It grows slowly. Used in free-growing fences and pruning well. Looks beautiful in spring during flowering and when red berries ripen.
When planting spruce, you have to wait patiently for the first 10 years.

Then the growth of the tree increases dramatically, and the fir trees quickly form a green wall. Trimming is not recommended. Fences with plants with different shades of needles, from bright green to blue, look decorative. For borders, a dwarf variety with a spherical crown specially grown by breeders is used.

Junipers can be planted as shrubs and trees. Grows quickly, easily tolerates pruning. It is recommended to plant biennial plants. The needles have different shades.

The photo below shows a juniper.

Its needles exude a pleasant forest smell

The video below shows the intricacies of a live fence made of coniferous plants.

Deciduous shrubs

A cheap deciduous shrub sheds leaves for the winter and loses its decorative effect, but still serves as a reliable barrier. Fruit plants in winter decorate berries - a delicacy for birds. In landscape design, the most commonly used are:

  • cotoneaster;
  • privet;
  • hawthorn;
  • barberry;
  • rosehip;
  • spirea.

The drought-resistant cotoneaster blooms beautifully, and closer to autumn, clusters of berries appear on it. It grows slowly and retains its shape for a long time after cutting. The plant, which is undemanding to care, easily tolerates a transplant.

Privet tolerates pruning and is used more often than other plants in urban landscape design. It blooms with white small inflorescences. Because of the black inedible fruits, the bush was called "wolfberry" and is rarely planted in summer cottages. The dignity of privet is in its unpretentiousness to the type and fertility of the soil. It grows equally well in the sun and in the shade.

The photo shows common privet.

Privet is perfect for enclosing the territory

Hawthorn fruits are not only edible, but also used in traditional medicine and are recognized by pharmacists. They decorate frost-resistant bushes from the end of summer. The hawthorn fence and carved leaves give a decorative look. If desired, the hawthorn is trimmed.

Barberry is known for its rich palette of leaf colors. The deciduous plant has thorns that adorn its branches in winter and do not let strangers through the living fence. During the flowering period, it emits a delicate pleasant smell. Easily tolerates haircut and can develop into loose plantings.

A rosehip hedge is more reliable than any artificial one. Thick branches with large thorns look menacing and beautiful at the same time. Delicate pink flowers smell nice. The red-orange fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and others.

Spiraea is popularly called the Bride for her branches bent, like a wreath, covered with white flowers. Spirea begins to bloom in May. Free-growing shrub is grown. Pruning reduces its decorative effect.

Decorative shrub fence


Lianas cannot lift their flexible stems up on their own, so they need support.

To form a hedge, the climbing branches are not cut off, but directed to from various materials:

  1. Lattice from wooden slats.
  2. Plastic mesh.
  3. Artificial.
  4. Decorative forged.

Blooming liana looks better on such fences, it is conveniently located. An artificial fence can be completely covered with greenery or partially peek out from under the leaves.

At the summer cottage, you can build a gazebo from inexpensive materials. Then grow maiden grapes around her and the artificial building will turn into a fairy house. Other options are also possible.

Girlish grapes are able to hide the most unsightly wall under them. With its antennae, it clings to the slightest irregularities and independently covers all the supports located nearby. The vine grows 2 meters per season and gives many side branches.

In early spring, the girlish grapes bloom their light green glossy leaves. They quickly darken and grow. At the end of summer, crimson begins to appear. In order for the curly fence to grow better, it needs to be trimmed a little at the end of each season. Branches that extend beyond the hedges are cut.

The video below tells in detail about vines and other climbing plants.

In the country, it is a good alternative to the usual fence. In addition to the fact that the green screen perfectly protects the site from uninvited guests, it simply attracts admiring gaze with its living beauty, enriching everything around it not only with natural aesthetics, but also with fresh air. How beautiful and durable a living fence will be directly depends on the correct choice of plants for it.

What plants are suitable for a hedge

When choosing plants for planting on your site as a green fence, it is best to rely not only on taste preferences or a comparison of the whimsicality of individual species. The correct guideline in such a matter is the degree of resistance of the selected plant to the climatic conditions of your area. Consider the three main regions of Russia, which include the key natural factors affecting the growth of "street" plants.

A hedge in the Moscow region

There are many types of plants for planting in the Moscow region, it remains to decide what height you prefer the hedge.

Green walls

For those who have decided to literally fence themselves off from the outside world and surround themselves with an impregnable fence more than 2 meters high, you need to pay attention to the types of plants described below.

Serbian spruce is a wonderful evergreen tree for creating a tall hedge. It can reach a height of 5 m. The diameter of the crown of an adult tree is about 8 m. This type of spruce is not whimsical at all and does not need a haircut. The needles have a rich, shiny dark green color. The variety tolerates winter frosts and grows well in urban conditions.

Serbian spruce is a whole group of spruce varieties with radically different appearance. The photo shows a miniature variety of Serbian spruce - Karel.

Fruit trees, namely the Apple tree of Nedzvedsky looks good in any area due to its peculiar crown, the color of which is rich green on top and purple below. The apple tree is especially beautiful during flowering. She has magnificent purple flowers. This variety bears fruit with abundant small red apples. Low tree, rare specimens reach a height of 8 m. But it has a high growth rate, life expectancy, unpretentiousness and good resistance to diseases, pests and frost.

It is a conical tree, reaching a height of 4 m in a fence, and in a free planting up to 20 m.With sufficient watering per year, the crown of a thuja grows no more than 10 cm in width, and an average of 30 cm in height.This tree has a cone-shaped crown is widespread in landscape design because of its rich bright green color and unpretentiousness. If you want to grow a branchy coniferous plant, regular pruning will help.

Thuja western "Brabant" lends itself well to haircut. The photo shows a fairly free version of the hedge from this thuja, but it allows you to set even clearer forms.

Hornbeam has a lot of types that are successfully used in landscape design. But the most popular and more suitable for the Moscow region is the common hornbeam. It not only creates an impenetrable hedge, but also perfectly protects the site from noise and dust. It is this variety that is unpretentious, easy to mold and resistant to winter conditions. In addition, the common hornbeam is not susceptible to diseases and is resistant to the vital activity of pests.

An example of a creative green hornbeam sculpture.

Hawthorn Is a traditional plant in Russia used as a hedge. The most commonly used species is Prickly, which has powerful thorns and an oval crown. The plant reaches a height of 5 meters. The variety blooms in May with five-petal flowers of white or pink color, while the fruits ripen at the end of September and have a purple color with yellow pulp.

An example of a tall hawthorn hedge.

Hawthorn Green Meat... This variety is highly valued in landscape design for its dark dense greenery, delicate white inflorescences and long spines (up to 1.5 cm). It can grow up to 8 m. It got its unusual name due to the dark fruits with green flesh. Begins to bear fruit at the age of 9 years.

Low hedges

To create a small green fence, use any varieties... They are equally unpretentious and resistant to any climatic conditions. It stands out for its decorative qualities barberry Thunberg... Its small leaves can be of different colors: yellow, red, pink and even brown. Another feature is not susceptibility to fungal diseases. But this variety belongs to slow-growing shrubs with inedible fruits, reaching a maximum height of 1.5 m.

Thunberg barberry hedge

It is an unpretentious shrub, growing from 2 to 4 m. Its leaves are distinguished by an oblong shape, a brilliant dark green color. Flowering begins in early July with small creamy flowers with a pleasant aroma. The fruits ripen at the end of September and acquire a small size and glossy black color. In the common people they are called as wolfberry. Privet is easy to mold, but also looks good when grown wild.

A hedge made of common privet.

Thuja Western, one of the varieties of which is described above, has high decorative qualities. For hedges, you can use not only the Brabant species. But also, for example, Smaragd. Reaches a height of no more than 2 meters and is well served for processing. This variety of thuja belongs to evergreens with a neat bright green crown. It perfectly tolerates winter and many plant diseases.

Decorative living borders

To create a small hedge up to 1 meter high is perfect alpine currant... She tolerates cold and wind well, but does not like high temperatures. If you are looking for what is better to make garden figurines of varying complexity, then this kind of currant is perfect for this. You can find subspecies with small green or large yellowish toothed foliage.

Attention! Alpine currants are sensitive to aphids, rust and spider mites, so they must be sprayed with fungicide and insecticide. This shrub should also be systematically fertilized in spring and autumn, and the affected branches should be carefully removed.

It is a beautiful shrub with a lush crown and delicate flowers of various colors. The most common are white and pink. This is a very thermophilic plant, so it should be planted in areas well-lit by the sun and protected from the wind, at a distance of about 2 m from each other. She also does not like waterlogging, so in September they stop watering her altogether. Deutia loves fertilized soil, but it is best to feed it during the flowering period.

In the photo - graceful action ‘Nikko’

Spirea Japanese is a slow-growing shrub, no more than 60 cm high. But it is distinguished by a lush dark green crown 1.5 meters in diameter and an exuberant red-pink flowering that occurs in July for no more than 45 days. The shrub is quite frost-resistant and tolerant of growing in the shade.

Japanese Spirea Double Pink

It is known for its beautiful flowering of lush inflorescences of a delicate cream color. It has been going on for over two months. The hydrangea is no more than 1 m high, but it has a very lush crown and large leaves of rich green color. Quite unpretentious and winter-hardy. However, it is susceptible to disease.

A hedge in central Russia

The middle zone of Russia has a very harsh climate, therefore, it is better to choose plants for hedges that are unpretentious and resistant to harsh weather conditions.

High fences

In addition to thuja Western, grows well in this area. spruce Plain and Blue... Both of these species are highly resistant to frost and wind. The first type is distinguished by a conical crown, reaching a height of more than 5 m and crescent needles. Thorny or Blue spruce is known for its interesting color of needles: from bright blue to gray-green. It does not tolerate too fertile soil and a large layer of snow on the branches.

Blue spruce hedge

Red cedar very similar to a coniferous tree, but differs in small needles - no more than 2 mm. It has a pyramidal and dense crown, which thins out over time in a continuous planting. But this can be corrected by planting shade-loving herbs.

Medium height hedge

In such a climatic region, they perfectly take root any kind of barberry, blackberry, raspberry, hawthorn and spirea... Grows especially well juniper Cossack, which is a shrub whose height reaches no more than 1.5 meters. It is usually used in specimen plantations.

A wild-style blackberry hedge, but the bushes can look pretty neat.

Or, as it is often mistakenly referred to as jasmine, it is a lush, deciduous shrub with delicate flowers of white, cream or pale pink in color, with aromas of varying intensity. The leaves are small, matte, light green. This is a fairly winter-hardy shrub with a powerful root system, although it loves sunny places for planting.

"Curly" hedge

Grape Maiden presents with lush dense green foliage of a bizarre shape, which is colored in the autumn period from bright red to lemon yellow. It is very unpretentious, but it is able to fill a huge area with its sprouts. For those who do not know how to make a hedge with their own hands or create it for the first time, then girlish grapes are an excellent solution.

'Veitch Boskoop' five leaf maiden grape

Creates a beautiful decorative liana ivy... He is able to decorate any fence and structure. Refers to slow-growing and shade-tolerant plants, requiring fertile soils. There are many species that are equally resistant to harsh weather, but differ in the shape and color of foliage and inflorescences.

Hedge in Siberia

Siberia is rich in all kinds of vegetation, but not much of it is suitable for a hedge.

Medium and high fences

Besides barberry, hawthorn and all kinds of conifers in the harsh terrain perfectly takes root chokeberry, characterized by high resistance to wind and frost. The dense crown consists of small, glossy, dense green leaves that turn crimson in autumn. The height of the tree can exceed two meters.

Derain white very unpretentious and tall plant. Its leaves are light green with white edging. Due to its simplicity and susceptibility to light haircuts, it is widespread in the northern part of Russia.

Climbing plants

Maiden grapes are well known in the northern countryside. But its popularity does not overshadow a plant like. They are lush with beautiful flowers of various colors. This is a fast-growing and very unpretentious bindweed that gets along with any plants.

It is a wonderful decoration of the indoor area. Its processes die off during the cold season, but grow back very quickly in the spring. The plant is distinguished by large and dark green leaves, densely covering any structure.

Actinidia kolomikta stands out for its increased density of vegetation. Its shade may vary depending on age. In the warm season, it blooms with small white flowers for about three weeks. In winter, the shoots die off, so actinidia must be cut off in the spring.

Actinidia kolomikta

The choice of seedlings for planting hedges is huge, the main thing is to determine which plants are suitable for your climatic zone.

About suitable plants in the video

A detailed story about the crops from which you can make a hedge, in the program "TeleDom".

Hedges never lose their popularity despite the variety of modern fences. Thanks to the green spaces, the site acquires a very cozy look and a special atmosphere. At such a dacha, one even breathes differently, and all negative emotions disappear without a trace. It is not at all difficult to make a hedge in the country on your own, the main thing is to choose the right plants and get acquainted with their agricultural technology.

A wide variety of plants are used as green fences, differing in height, bush shape, color range, density and other criteria. Depending on the height of the plantings, there are three types of hedges:

The shape of the bushes, and hence the entire range of plantings, directly depends on pruning. Here, too, two types of hedges are distinguished - free-growing and molded. The first type does not require special care and shape correction, the bushes grow arbitrarily. This option is best suited for those summer residents who prefer natural landscapes. The second type of plantings requires mandatory regular pruning, with the help of which the bushes are given geometric outlines. Such hedges look very neat, giving an original look to the entire territory.

Another parameter for classification is the row of plantings. The simplest type of hedges is single-row, when all the plants are planted in a row at equal intervals from each other. For small bushes, this interval is 30-40 cm, for bushes with a wide crown - from 50 to 75 cm, for trees - up to 1.5 m, depending on the species.

In two-row hedges, plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern, taking into account the growth factor. All other multi-row plantations are formed according to the same principle, but with one difference: each subsequent row must be higher than the previous one. With such a stepped arrangement, the plants do not block each other, and the whole composition is perfectly visible.

Multi-row hedges require a lot of free space, so they are not suitable for small areas. Also, beginners should not deal with them, since it will take a lot of experience and skill. It is very important to choose the right plants according to the color scale and density of the bushes so that the overall composition is as harmonious as possible. In addition, all species must have similar requirements for growing conditions and get along well with each other.

Combination of plants for hedges

According to the type of plants, hedges are divided into conifers, deciduous and climbing, and each of these types has its own characteristics.


Coniferous fences remain decorative all year round. They are unpretentious in care, easy to form, saturate the air with a pleasant and healing aroma. Due to the variety of species, conifers can be used both as curbs and as living fences along the boundaries of the site. They have only one drawback - they grow slowly. Although there are certain types of conifers that can grow much faster than their congeners, for example, thuja and juniper.

Type of plantDescription

Evergreen, winter-hardy, long-lived plant. It has many varieties of the most diverse forms - spherical, pyramidal, columnar, spreading and others. The color palette is also wide enough - the bushes are bright green, gray, bluish, yellow, salad. The graceful carved shape of the needles gives a special decorative effect to the thuja. The plant is unpretentious, tolerates pruning well, is widely used in garden design

Evergreen tree and shrub type. In landscape design, shrubs are mainly used, which grow quickly, easily recover after pruning, and tolerate shade well. The bushes are pyramidal, spherical, cone-shaped in all shades of green

Evergreen, frost-resistant trees that form impenetrable living walls. The first 10 years develop very slowly, but they practically do not require care, they easily tolerate the formation. There are also dwarf varieties for planting borders, which are distinguished by a spherical shape. The color of the needles ranges from dark green to blue

Slow-growing long-lived coniferous plant of a columnar shape. Yew is suitable for both curbs and living walls, practically does not require formative pruning, undemanding to maintain

Ideal for hedges. Differs in a wide variety of crown shapes and shades of needles. It tolerates pruning easily, recovers well, undemanding to the soil. The first 5 years develops slowly, then gives a large amount of root growth, which contributes to rapid reproduction

Frost-resistant, unpretentious plant for free-growing hedges. Pruning does not help to increase crown density and is poorly tolerated. It develops very slowly, but it is resistant to drought, pests and diseases. It is most decorative during flowering.

Features of plants suitable for creating a hedge
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Deciduous crops are deciduous and evergreen. They are characterized by rapid growth, a variety of colors and shapes. Many plants bloom beautifully, filling everything around with a pleasant aroma and bright colors. Such plants tolerate pruning well, easily recover after cutting, form a dense screen that reliably hides the area from prying eyes. These species are quite demanding on the composition of the soil and moisture, react poorly to lack of sun. With thickened plantings, decorativeness decreases, individual plants can be drowned out by neighboring plants and dry out.

Type of plantDescription

Evergreen, very ornamental shrub that lends itself well to shaping. Ideal for creating living curbs, blends perfectly with any garden plants. Boxwood is unpretentious to the soil, but needs regular watering

Evergreen flowering shrub up to 1 m high. In cold regions it can freeze out. Poorly tolerates drought, is picky about moisture, but it can grow both in the sun and in dense shade. The plant has decorative not only flowers, but also leaves.

A very graceful deciduous plant. It is valued for its long-lasting abundant flowering and decorative forms of the bush. Rarely grows up to 2 m, most often used for free-growing hedges

An ornamental deciduous plant that forms an impenetrable thorny hedge. Easily tolerates a shaping haircut, retains decorativeness throughout the season, emits a very pleasant smell during the flowering period

Frost-resistant, unpretentious shrub. Most varieties of hawthorn have sharp thorns, so a hedge made of them is a good protection from intruders. The plant has decorative not only flowers, but also leaves, as well as numerous large fruits

Cold-hardy ornamental plant with small white flowers. It perfectly tolerates a haircut and keeps its shape for a long time, therefore it is widely used to create hedges of strict geometric outlines. Privet is unpretentious to soil and watering, grows well in partial shade

Drought-resistant flowering shrub. Ideal for creating living fences, keeps its shape for a long time after cutting, has a dense, neat crown. The plant responds well to transplantation, blooms profusely, is undemanding to care for


For curly hedges, strong supports are needed, the functions of which can be performed by a regular fence. Climbing plants grow very quickly and gradually completely hide the support under them, creating a dense screen of the required height. If you choose flowering varieties, the hedge will look simply magical, especially when varieties of different flowering periods are combined.

Type of plantDescription

Differs in rapid growth, forms a dense continuous carpet of leaves. Hop stalks can be easily guided in the desired direction by attaching them to the trellis. During the flowering period, very decorative salad-colored cones appear. The disadvantage of the plant is the loss of its decorative effect at the end of summer, when the leaves begin to dry and fall off.

Perennial vines of amazing beauty with a pleasant aroma. These plants need proper care and well-prepared soil. They grow quickly enough, forming a dense dark green carpet with graceful flowers.

An unpretentious perennial vine. It tolerates cold well, it is undemanding to soils, it is better to plant in partial shade. The first few years it develops rather slowly, then forms a dense hedge. Needs regular pruning and shaping

Garden climbing perennial with decorative leaves of various shapes and colors. It grows well in the sun and in the shade, it is undemanding to the soil, it grows quickly and creates a dense carpet. Combines well with other plants, ideal for flower beds

Rules for planting plants for hedges

In order for the hedge to look neat, it is necessary to properly prepare the site. The place for planting should be chosen taking into account the growth of bushes, especially if it is planned to plant along the border of the summer cottage with the neighboring one. Many plants grow root shoots, and neighbors are unlikely to enjoy removing it annually from their side. Slate or plastic shields dug into the ground will help to avoid this.

Step 1. The location of the fence is determined and a twine or rope is pulled along this line. They retreat 50 cm to either side of the rope and dig a trench 30 to 60 cm deep, depending on the size of the root system of the seedlings. The top layer of the soil, along with the grass, is laid aside.

Step 2... At the bottom of the trench, first a layer of turf is laid, which was on top, and it is lightly tamped. The soil taken out of the trench is mixed with organic fertilizers and poured back, leveling the surface well. Having filled the trench to half, the soil is watered abundantly, after which the remaining soil is poured.

Step 3. In the soft and moist prepared soil, grooves are prepared for the seedlings. In a single-row planting, the pits are located in a straight line in increments of 30 to 70 cm, depending on the type of plant. If the landing is multi-row, the holes are staggered at appropriate intervals.

Step 4. Water is poured into the pits, they are allowed to soak, then the seedlings are carefully transferred from the pots to the holes, leveled and sprinkled with earth. Carefully monitor the density of the backfill - there should be no voids at the roots. It is also not necessary to tamp strongly, so you can damage the still weak roots.

Immediately after planting, it is recommended to mulch the soil, and cut the seedlings themselves a little to facilitate rooting. Then it remains only to periodically water the plants and remove the weeds in a timely manner. The best time for planting is the second half of September: the root system has time to take root well enough, less moisture is required. Formative pruning is recommended after a year or two, when the bush begins to branch well. The first pruning is in early spring, then in the middle of summer, and again before wintering.

First of all, the damaged branches are removed, and then all those that are knocked out of the general shape. A simple pruner is suitable for cutting small hedges, but if the plantings are large, it is more convenient to purchase a special electric pruner, which will save time and provide a better result.

Video - DIY hedge in the country: what plants

Video - DIY hedge

Land owners always strive to delineate their boundaries, while trying to make the fence neat and beautiful. Using vegetation to form a defensive structure is an excellent choice. This is due to the high decorative qualities, as well as the environmental friendliness of the material used.

What is a green hedge, into which groups it is divided

Is a protective structure that is entirely composed of vegetation.

Trees, shrubs or grasses are used as planting raw materials. The choice of which to give preference, first of all, depends on the purpose of the fence.

There are several options for using the fence:

  • designation of the boundaries of the site;
  • section of adjacent territories;
  • subdivision allotted to functional areas;
  • framing flower beds, paths, paths;
  • protection against the entry of animals or strangers;
  • hiding minor flaws in buildings.

The advantages of living fencing are:

  1. No need for additional finishing. Plants do not need to be plastered, painted, varnished.
  2. Masking flaws. Green spaces perfectly attract all the attention, and curly and tall varieties completely hide flaws.
  3. Luring pollinating insects. Flowering, fruiting breeds attract many insects, which will also pollinate other plantings in the area, which significantly increases yields.

The disadvantages can be called:

  1. Time consuming. Trees and shrubs grow long enough, most subspecies need at least 5 years for a hedge to form.
  2. Fruiting. Although many berries are edible, they often fall on paths and grass within the plot. On the ground, the process of decay soon begins, which is accompanied by unpleasant odors, and also attracts flies, midges, beetles.

Three main groups are distinguished along the length of the trunk:

  1. Stunted. This includes plant varieties that grow about 50 centimeters from the ground. Saplings are used to decorate the edges of paths, flower beds. Also called curb plants.
  2. Medium-sized. Trees and shrubs from 0.5 to 2 meters in height create medium-sized green protection. Planting of thorny subspecies, such as blackthorn, is allowed, which will only increase the protective functions of the fence. But planting near the aisles is not recommended: there is a high risk of injury, damage to clothing. Fruiting varieties should also be planted slightly away from the paths so that the berries do not stain clothes.
  3. Tall. Bushes and trees from 2 meters long create real living walls. Dense crowns that completely cover the trunks create an impenetrable natural defense.

If the owner of the land plot wants to preserve the decorative appearance of the plot throughout the year, then it is necessary to pay attention to evergreen species. Some deciduous and coniferous varieties are able to maintain their greenery for 12 months without exposing the trunks.

Deciduous vegetation looks decorative only in the warm season, and in the fall it sheds its foliage, which will be renewed only in spring.

When the owner of the territory cannot choose only one variety of greenery, the option of annual plantings is perfect for him. The green protection will bloom all season, after which it will fade. Further, the remains of the fence are removed, and next spring it is possible to plant a new protection.

It is possible to create a combined hedge. For these purposes, seedlings are selected taking into account the flowering time, fruiting, the ability to hold leaves: it is best if they match as much as possible.

It is allowed to plant in several rows, but then the seedlings should be staggered to provide each tree and bush with enough light, moisture, fresh air.

You can also make a multi-tiered protective structure. For example, the first tier will consist of trees, the second - of shrubs, and the border vegetation will complete the fence.

There are varieties that keep their shape perfectly, do not get sick, look beautiful without mechanical treatment. But most of the subspecies need to be cut regularly in order to control height and maintain health. Also, a living fence can be given almost any shape.

It is necessary to take into account how much time the owner of the allotment can devote to caring for the vegetation. If it is not possible to regularly care for the plantings, the most unpretentious species are chosen.

Light-loving vegetation should not be planted in shady places, only a light shade is permissible. Varieties that grow better in shade are not placed under the sun: direct light can cause enormous damage to the seedlings.

Plants for green hedges

Low-growing vegetation, with the help of which they form the edges of the paths, make the edging of flower beds.

"Bagatelle" Is a deciduous shrub with a low growth rate. The crown is formed from leaves of purple or brown color in the shape of a ball, the foliage grows very densely, but in 12 months it grows by no more than 2-3 centimeters. Flowering begins in June-July and is accompanied by small inflorescences consisting of flowers of a delicate pink hue. Sometimes the flowers do not form inflorescences, but grow separately. Barberry bears fruit already in October with bright red berries of an elongated appearance, which can be eaten. The light-loving shrub develops well in places with partial shade. It survives frost, drought perfectly, and is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. Adults are thinned out in early spring, and the young are properly pruned. Watering is done moderately, due to the fact that the bush does not tolerate stagnant water. Young seedlings are covered with spruce branches for the winter.

"Golden princesses" is a deciduous variety that grows about 50 centimeters above the ground. The foliage is collected in a lush cannon-shaped crown that grows up to 100 centimeters in diameter. Initially, the leaves grow in a bright yellow hue, but as they develop, their color becomes calmer, more saturated, during autumn it changes the color scheme to orange or red. Spirea blooms with pinkish flowers up to 5 centimeters in diameter, collected in corymbose inflorescences. Spirea is planted in well-lit parts of the territory. Frost-resistant rock, unpretentious to the composition of the soil. It grows best in moderate moisture, loose, fertile soil. A haircut is carried out in the spring, cutting the bush almost to the root, leaving literally 15-20 centimeters from ground level. To maintain the decorative appearance of the shrub throughout the summer period, it is necessary to dry out the withering, drying parts in a timely manner.

is a creeping evergreen breed of low-growing shrubs. The foliage has the shape of an elongated oval, and the color is difficult: a green middle part with a yellow edging. It can grow up to 30-200 centimeters, but the height is controlled by machining. Grows quickly in areas with light shadow or diffused light. But if the euonymus is planted in the shade, then the leaves will quickly lose their appearance. Quite unpretentious vegetation of average growth rate, which needs to be fed every spring. If the owner regularly and carefully looks after the euonymus, then the bush will look the most decorative. It can get sick under conditions of high humidity, so watering is carried out only in moderation. Also, in order to protect against excess water, it will be necessary to drain the soil at the planting stage.

otherwise called undersized acacia. The shrub is very frost-resistant, survives dry times well, grows well even in urban conditions. Prefers well-lit places, reaches a length of 30 to 250 centimeters, which is perfectly regulated by a haircut. Flowering occurs throughout the summer, consists of small flowers of bright yellow color. Later, a lot of berries are tied, which are not edible for humans, and birds consume them with great pleasure. Kargan is propagated by means of seeds, but this must be done immediately after collecting the seeds. When everything is done correctly and on time, the first shoots can be expected this fall or next spring. The tops of the bush easily freeze over, so you need to cover them for the winter, and place the seedlings where there are no through cold winds.

Shrubs and trees of medium height are used to create a hedge.

belongs to the heather family. Different subspecies grow to different heights from 30 to 300 centimeters. It is recommended to plant on those parts of the land where there is no direct sunlight, but it grows well with a small shade, does not lose flowering. Poorly tolerates open places with gusts of wind, stagnant moisture. For planting rhododendron, you can drain the soil from expanded clay or crushed stone, and water it moderately as it grows. The shrub is planted in early spring to increase the seedlings' chances of survival. It is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, it grows in almost any territory. The root system of this breed is distinguished by its sensitivity, therefore it is better to maintain its condition in a mound of mulching material.

Is a shrub member of the barberry family. A rather undersized bush with very leathery foliage, which, during blooming, has a red tint, which changes to green in the summer, and by autumn it is painted with bronze flowers. With the onset of frost, the stems of Mahonia turn purple. The shrub tends to grow vigorously in the area through its many root processes. The bush blooms very magnificently, effectively, while a pleasant aroma spreads. Yellow flowers create small inflorescences. The fruits are tied sweet and sour, holding on to the branches for a long time. It is not demanding on the composition of the soil, the level of acidity of the soil, but it is recommended to carry out systematic watering and fertilize every spring.

On the land plot, it will maximally protect it from the penetration of an animal or an outsider due to the multiple thorns on its branches. Spiky growths can not only damage clothing, but also cause significant damage to the skin. Blackthorn is a very highly branched shrub, but most subspecies lend themselves well to mechanical processing. Sloe breeds that tend to grow widely are allowed to control growth by pruning. It holds back gusts of wind well, bears fruit with edible berries, looks the most decorative looks during flowering.

It grows up to 2.5-3 meters and creates dense growth. The flowering time falls on June-July and is accompanied by flowers of white or pink hue. Fruits with edible berries, which contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which makes it possible to use the fruits for medicinal purposes and preservation of products. Aronia easily survives frosts, does not require particularly careful care, is susceptible to pruning, there is no need to water or feed frequently. Looks most beautiful during flowering, without machining. Even with free growth, chokeberry does not lose its decorative qualities.

Is an evergreen shrub reaching a height of 3 to 5 meters. The crown consists of an oblong, pointed foliage, about 15 centimeters long. The beginning of flowering is April or May. Small white flowers grow, collected in racemose inflorescences. It grows rapidly even on the shady parts of the land plot, and is frost-resistant. Berries of laurel are ranked among medicinal fruits that are edible, and are also used to create energy drinks. You need to plant cherry laurel either in early spring, or already only in October. It has no special requirements for the soil, reacts very well to feeding. Differs in increased resistance to influences from pests.

It responds well to mechanical processing, perfectly keeps the look given by a haircut. A plant with a low growth rate, thrives well in shady areas. An evergreen shrub, very durable. The needles of the yew tree have a flat appearance, soft texture, a green tint, and the bark is brownish red. During planting, it is better to pre-fertilize. Yew is undemanding to the composition and acidity of the soil, but does not tolerate excess moisture. The grown bushes need to be planted in the spring, it is possible to start already in April, keeping a distance of 50 to 200 centimeters from each other, and propagated by cuttings or seedlings. It is not necessary to systematically prune the bushes, since even with free growth, the yew will not get sick and will not lose its external characteristics. Young plants do not tolerate freezing temperatures and frosts, so it is better to cover them for the winter.

Is a shrub species that tolerates moderate frost well, but will not survive the strong icy winter winds and the rays of the early spring sun. Slow growing variety with a shiny, dense crown. It is very malleable to mechanical processing, perfectly keeps the shape that was given to it. It blooms very decoratively and bears fruit with black seeds. Grows best in shaded areas, but can thrive in full shade or full light. Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, the level of acidity, loves moderate watering.

Real living walls are created from tall species of bushes and trees.

It is a tall tree, reaching a length of 15 to 70 meters. The evergreen plant retains its decorative characteristics all year round. Spruce does not require particularly careful care, is unassuming to the composition, the level of acidity of the soil. Breeders have bred subspecies of spruce, differing in the color of the needles, the shape of the paws, the number of cones, and their size.

- This is a representative of conifers that looks spectacular as part of a living wall. There are about 70 subspecies of juniper, differing in height, density and splendor of the crown. The least demanding varieties are: Virginian, Cossack, ordinary, Chinese, scaly. Juniper is highly resistant to pest attacks, weather changes, wind gusts, and diseases. It does not have special requirements for the land where it will be planted, but it grows noticeably worse on heavier soils. In such a situation, it is recommended to drain the soil. Planting material should be taken at the age of 3-4 years so that the seedling takes root better. Prefers sunlight, but develops well with little shade. Planted in spring, but allowed in autumn.

For hedges, it must be very resistant to cold and frost. An unpretentious tree to care for with branches that do not push. Mountain, common and Weymouth pines look the most decorative. You can't buy pine seedlings anywhere: there are many very similar subspecies that sellers provide for the purpose of deception or unknowingly. The difference in the development of the root system, that is, within the same breed, different subspecies will either take root on the site, or they will often get sick, or even die altogether. Only varieties with well-developed roots are used to create green walls.

Grows disgustingly poorly in urban conditions, but is an excellent option for planting outside the city or at their summer cottage. The tree takes root well, grows well, tolerates bad weather well if it is located far from the city. The cone-shaped crown, strong root system, flat shape of the needles are the distinctive characteristics of the fir. It looks very beautiful, neat still due to vertically growing bumps, which ripen in the first year of growth. Fertilizers are applied inside the soil first when planting a tree, and the next top dressing is carried out after 2-3 years of growth. It is necessary to water the fir very abundantly, but enough 3 times a season. But you should not overdo it: excess moisture can lead to plant disease.

It is a very popular type of vegetation for creating green hedges. Thuja's distinctive features are:

  • frost resistance;
  • drought tolerance;
  • experiencing negative temperatures;
  • lends itself well to mechanical processing.

Undemanding to the type of soil, but grows best on loam, sandy loam or sandy soil. It is very resistant to diseases, gusts of wind, attacks of pests. It develops well in sunny places, parts of the site with light shade. Cleans the surrounding air space, ionizes it, saturates it with useful phytoncides. It can reach a height of 4-15 meters, and for a living fencing they can withstand a length of no more than 1.5 to 3.5 meters

Step-by-step instructions for planting a green hedge, further care

Before starting planting work, a detailed layout of the future living fence is drawn up. The drawing takes into account the planting line, step width, digging depth, the amount of material required, the estimated waiting time.

After all the calculations have been made, you can start preparing the territory. To do this, they carry out garbage collection, weeding, marking. You can make the markings as follows: pegs are driven into the ground along the planting line, onto which a rope is wound. This rope will be used for digging.

It is generally permissible to dig individual holes or a common trench. But experienced gardeners recommend digging a trench, as this will make the depth the same. The absence of drops will not only allow you to make the hedge neat, but also prevent the seedlings from sinking too deeply into the soil.

Next, a layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the excavated space and the soil is drained. Drainage will prevent moisture from accumulating strongly, as stagnant water kills most plants. Expanded clay or crushed stone can be used as drainage raw materials. The average height of the drainage layer is 10 to 20 centimeters.

It is important to carefully spread the root system before immersing the seedlings. When a seedling is grown elsewhere, it is planted along with the clod of earth on which it developed.

The free space between the vegetation and the edge of the trench is filled with local soil or enriched soil is purchased.

The soil around the seedlings is lightly tamped and watered at the root.

The seedling digging width is calculated based on the number of planting rows. They dig into the depth of 0.5-0.6 meters.

At the stage of purchasing planting material, one should not pursue savings. The acquisition of young stock in untested places may entail substitution of similar species. You should buy seedlings in specialized stores and nurseries.

If the owner wants to save a construction budget, he is better off choosing shrubs. It is allowed to purchase one lush grown bush with its subsequent division into several small bushes, which will take root well on the land plot.

Planting of vegetation is carried out, almost always, in the spring after the first frost. To increase the chances of a plant for survival, you should treat the root system with a nutritious talker made of clay and mullein solution.

Plants that grow well in shady places, with a low growth rate, are allowed to be planted tightly to each other. If the greens prefer sunlight, make the planting freer.

It is imperative to fertilize the soil during the planting of the young to ensure sufficient nutrient levels. Fed trees, bushes, grasses grow better, bloom more luxuriantly, bear fruit more abundantly if they were initially fed. Further, fertilizers are applied inside the earth every spring.

The first 2-3 years of growth are not machined. Further, in accordance with the breed, greens. It is possible to do only a sanitary haircut: to dry out withered flowers, dried branches, diseased shoots. Free growing varieties retain their decorative characteristics perfectly even without cutting. The rest of the types of pruning are for decoration. can be shaped into almost any shape - the green protection will hold it perfectly.

Crown shaping should be manipulated in the evenings so that bare branches do not receive sunburn. Immediately after cutting, the plant must be abundantly moistened and the planting site must be covered with straw.

Young bushes are cut off as much as possible, that is, they literally leave 5-10 centimeters from the ground, but the vegetation will be completely rejuvenated, the crown will become thicker and denser.

It is not at all necessary to delve into the specifics of construction to fencing your territory. An excellent alternative for many has become a hedge, which can not only hide the property of the owners from prying eyes, but also complement the landscape design. In addition, all zones can be distributed with the help of evergreen perennials. It is quite simple to create a fast-growing perennial hedge in the country. If you regularly take care of it, then it will not lose its decorative qualities for several decades.

Almost any plant can be chosen to form a living fence, but not all of them will grow rapidly. Some require a lot of attention, constant feeding, frequent watering and certain climatic conditions. In addition, their annual growth rate is rather small, so the "live" fence will grow for many years. You can also go the other way - pick up fast-growing plants that develop quickly enough and from them you can simply form a fence of any shape and height.

Among the advantages of a hedge are:

  • climbing plants quickly entwine walls and supports;
  • if necessary, they will hide the flaws in the structure;
  • even with a modest landscape design, you can transform the entire territory for little money;
  • can be planted even in narrow places;
  • the formation of shape and height as the plants grow;
  • the minimum amount of space.

There are drawbacks in almost everything, so the hedge is no exception. These include regular care. If climbing plants were chosen for the fence, then in winter the fence will shine through, since the leaves will fall off in the fall.

When growing a green fence, it is worth remembering that it can be in the form:

  • curb (up to 1 m);
  • hedge (1-3 m);
  • living wall (3-6 m).

The successful formation of a perennial hedge depends on the correct selection of the plant, planting and caring for it.

As you know, with the help of flowers, you can create flower beds and break alpine slides. But if it is necessary to perform zoning or to grow a high hedge, then other types must be used:

  • climbing plants;
  • shrubs;
  • decorative trees.

Shrubs are especially popular, from which amateurs and professionals create whole compositions:

  • fences;
  • curbs;
  • geometric figures;
  • animals.

Another option for decorating the site is willow. However, you can choose not only the usual varieties. If you have children, then with the help of a hedge, you can fence off the children's area and calmly go about your business. At the same time, parents will be completely calm for their kids, since they will not be able to escape anywhere. Even a small child will not be able to get through the dense thickets.

Using simple shrubs will allow you to implement absolutely any idea. In addition, there is no need to resort to the help of designers, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the tips and thematic articles that are available on our website.

Considering all the options, you need to plan and present your hedge. To narrow the range of choice, you must use some criteria:

  1. Height.
  2. Width.
  3. Sheared or molded shape.
  4. Free growing.
  5. Care requirements.
  6. Climatic conditions.

Thanks to this, you can quickly determine which plants are suitable for forming a hedge. Undoubtedly, flowers are among the benefits of deciduous plants. Many of them can bloom for a fairly long period of time, be honey plants, be used for traditional medicine, and also bear fruit.

These include:

  • acacia;
  • chokeberry;
  • elder;
  • derain;
  • honeysuckle;
  • viburnum;
  • jasmine chubushnik;
  • currant;
  • lilac;
  • maple and others.

When choosing plants in favor of deciduous trees, there is one important point to consider. The hedge should bloom in early spring and shed its leaves in late fall.

When choosing a single-tier height, you can significantly save on the required area for the formation of a hedge. In this case, it is worth giving preference to those types of trees in which branches can grow from the base of the trunk: linden, poplar and maple. If the area allows, then it is better to make a multi-tiered green fence. He not only can become a fence, but also shelter a large area of \u200b\u200bland from the winds.

  1. For a hedge up to 3 m high, you can choose - ligature, poplar, linden, willow, mountain ash.
  2. For a hedge with a height of 1.5 to 2.5 m, the most often chosen are cotoneaster, barberry, golden currant, alpine honeysuckle.
  3. For a hedge from 70 cm to 1.5 m suitable - chubushnik, Bessey cherry, steppe almond, Japanese spirea.
  4. For curbs, you must choose dwarf plants of the above varieties.

If you choose the right trees and shrubs, you can create an original multi-tiered green fence. They will not close each other, but at the same time, a beautiful combination of colors and the sequence of flowering will constantly delight you.

Shrubs have many benefits. They grow fast enough, have a dense crown, and are easy to care for. It should be noted that their main advantage is their flexibility to form. In addition, a wide variety of species allows you to solve several problems at once. If you need to additionally protect your property, choose specimens with thorns. They must be planted on the outside of a living fence. You can also consider fruiting options, the fruits of which can be used for food.

Among the simplest and most affordable shrubs, there are 3 most common:

  1. Dogwood. An unpretentious shrub that can be planted even in the shade. For forming an external hedge, this is a great option. In addition to beautiful leaves, dogwood bears fruit. Its fruits can be eaten or used in traditional medicine. Dogwood can be planted both in spring and autumn, but no less than a month before frost.
  2. Barberry. It grows in absolutely any soil. Thanks to the thorns, it will serve as additional protection for the fence. There are both undersized and tall varieties, which allows the formation of both curbs and high fences. Blooms beautifully. As in the case of dogwood, the fruits are suitable for home harvesting.
  3. Tern. Does not require special care and careful trimming. An impenetrable dense crown will not miss a single person. Fruits can be picked even after frost and used for harvesting. The hedge has an unusually beautiful appearance in the spring, during the flowering period. A pleasant almond aroma will spread throughout the area.

Some specimens do not tolerate tip removal well. This should be considered if the hedge will be trimmed and shaped.

A significant advantage of conifers is the green crown all year round. Undoubtedly, this is ideal for forming the main fence. Also, tall trees can be used for the main part, and shrubs can give protection and decorative properties in the foreground. To date, planning landscape design, the following options are used:

  1. Thuja western. The most widespread and unpretentious plant that suits almost any climate in our country. Minimal grooming and no annual haircuts can also be included in the list of benefits.
  2. Norway spruce. Most often chosen for the formation of a free growing hedge. Professionals, on the other hand, prefer to form various shapes and forms from it.
  3. Juniper. The plant has a bluish shade of needles that are pleasant to the touch. For the hedge to be strong, it is important to use seedlings at least 5 years old.

To grow a fence, especially a high one, from conifers, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. In most cases, they are chosen in combination with other, fast-growing options.

Among the fairly large assortment of shrubs and trees, there are those that should not be included in the list of "favorites". So, some breeds will not be able to form a dense crown, which is very important for hedges. These include varietal lilacs. Its lower part will be exposed every year. Despite the fact that viburnum is among the suitable options, due to improper care it can die very quickly. Therefore, it is not suitable for giving.

Quite often, a rosehip is chosen to form a hedge. Only experienced gardeners know that its root system will grow in different directions. Because of this, in a few years the entire territory will be filled with root suckers. Another erroneous option would be the weigela shrub. It is not suitable for every climate, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with its features.

These options should not be completely ruled out. They can be a great option for forming a tiered hedge.

A carefully thought out and developed layout of a hedge is a guarantee of beauty for years to come. Next, the markup is done. For accuracy, use:

  • roulette;
  • cord;
  • pegs.

The depth of the grooves should be at least 40 cm.It is also worth considering the number of rows: when forming one row, an area of \u200b\u200bup to 60 cm is involved, for two rows - 1 m.No less important is the width between the bushes, which should be about 25 cm.

Despite the fact that many plants grow quickly, 4 years is considered the optimal time to form a hedge. Plants need to be shaped only in summer, thanks to this the fence will not go bald from below. With the right combination of plants, cutting can be avoided altogether. In this case, there will be a "creative mess".

If you plan to grow a hedge in several rows, you must use the square-nesting method with an offset.

It is quite easy to plan and form a fast-growing perennial hedge in your dacha. To do this, you need to choose the right plants. In order for the hedge to be beautiful, it is necessary to take particular care of it in the first 2 years. It is during this period that the root system is fixed.


From the provided videos, you can find out how to make do-it-yourself hedges: