How to humidify the air in the apartment - ways without a humidifier and the possibility of devices. Increased air dryness. What is dangerous and how to fight Ways to increase the humidity in the room

In winter, the humidity level in the apartment drops to 15-20%. And that's bad. Why?

Firstly, because dehydrated air dries out the skin and mucous membranes, contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. By the way, young children are especially sensitive to its effects.

The second reason - insufficient humidity harms plants, books, wooden furniture and musical instruments.

The optimal level of humidity in the apartment is about 40-60%.

You can measure the humidity of the air using a special device - a hygrometer. If you don't have it, use the following method. Fill a glass with cold water and leave it in until the temperature of the liquid drops to 3-5 ° C. Then take out the glass and place it in the room away from the batteries. Observe the surface of the glass for five minutes. Evaluate the result like this:

  • If the walls of the glass are foggy at first, and dry after five minutes, the air in the room is dry.
  • If the glass remains foggy after five minutes, the humidity is medium.
  • If streams of water appear on the glass, the humidity is increased.

Is the air dry? Then use one of the following tricks to restore normal moisture levels.

1. Use the bathroom

Probably one of the easiest ways. Leave the door to your room open every time you take a shower or bath. Evaporation will penetrate into the apartment and humidify the air.

You can also not immediately drain the water from the bath, but let it cool first: this will increase the amount of steam.

2. Dry things in the room

Another way that does not require any effort from you. Just put the dryer with the washed things next to the radiator: the clothes will dry faster and the air will be saturated with moisture.

The main thing is that there are no cleaning products left on things. Otherwise you will breathe chemistry.

A similar way to humidify the air is to hang wet towels on a radiator. You can extend the life of this humidifier with a bottle of water.

How to build such a structure is described in detail.

3. Boil

All you need is a stove and a pot or kettle.

  • Option 1. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil and put it on a table or window sill so that the steam humidifies the apartment.
  • Option 2. Boil the kettle and leave it on low heat for longer evaporation. This technique can be used when you are cooking (often the air is dry at this time).

You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil to the water. Their aroma is soothing, and the vapors kill germs and reduce the risk of colds and flu. In addition, cinnamon sticks, herbs or other spices can be thrown into the water to make the air fragrant.

4. Arrange water containers around the apartment

You can do without boiling. Simply fill vases, bottles and other containers with water and place them near heat sources. If you add stones and flowers, you get a beautiful composition - guests, most likely, will not even guess that these are not decorative elements, but homemade humidifiers. Just do not forget to periodically wash the containers and change the water.

5. Get houseplants

Home flowers not only humidify the air, but also ionize it. Some are also excellent and disinfect.

The following plants give especially a lot of moisture:

  • nephrolepis (house fern);
  • fatsia;
  • cyperus;
  • sparmania (room linden);
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • hibiscus.

6. Set up an aquarium or fountain

Both of these decorative elements also humidify the air. Of course, buying them specifically for this purpose is irrational. But if you want to get fish or decorate your house with a small fountain, you should not forget about this additional property.

7. Ventilate and do wet cleaning

Even in winter, it is not superfluous to ventilate the apartment 2-3 times a day in order to maintain a comfortable level of humidity. Well, you probably know yourself that from time to time you need to wipe the dust and wash the floors.

8. Build an Electric Humidifier

Option for owners of crazy hands. This air humidifier cost Lifehacker about 300 rubles. An ultrasonic steam generator can be ordered on AliExpress for 180 rubles, a fan for 50.

Important to remember

High humidity in the apartment (more than 70%) is not better than dry air. It contributes to the appearance and occurrence of allergies. Yes, and it just creates an unpleasant feeling of dampness. So do not overdo it with moisturizing - and the force will be with you!

With the onset of the heating season, the air in the apartments becomes too dry. Dryness has a particularly strong effect on the child's body, leading to the development of frequent respiratory diseases in the child. It is for this reason that many mothers begin to look for ways to increase the humidity in the room.

Dry air is often bad for the health of the child.

The need for humidification

Maintaining optimal humidity in the room is necessary not only for the sake of small children. Adult health also deteriorates in dry air conditions. The condition of hair, skin and overall human performance depends on the level of humidity.

Compliance with the desired parameter of moisture content in the apartment has a beneficial effect on the health of all family members. With a lack of moisture in the room may develop:

  1. Allergic attacks. Dry air contains a lot of dust particles that do not settle down, but fly around the room. This condition harms people suffering from bronchial asthma.
  2. Sleep disturbance. A healthy night's rest is possible only with cool and humid air.
  3. Dryness of mucous membranes. It is they who trap all harmful bacteria and microorganisms, acting as a barrier between the human body and the environment. The dryness of the membranes contributes to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body.
  4. The occurrence of friction when wearing lenses. In this case, it is extremely important to moisturize the mucous membranes so as not to injure them.
Allergies are a common symptom of dry room air.

Women look less attractive due to brittle hair and premature aging of the skin. In a stuffy room, the human body is forced to throw out more fluid to cool and preserve life.

Interior items, if these parameters are not observed, also dry out a lot: floors creak, furniture is deformed. But waterlogging of the air leads to dampness. It harms health no less than dryness.

In this video you will learn the dangers of dry air:

Ways to determine the level of humidity

A hygrometer is a device designed specifically to maintain optimal humidity parameters in a room. Its task is to determine the amount of water vapor in the house. Install the device away from radiators and moisture-forming resources- kitchens and bathrooms. If these conditions are not met, the results obtained will be incorrect.

For different types of premises, their own humidity parameters are determined. They are calculated according to the frequency of stay of family members in each room and are consistent with the physiological characteristics of the organism. Normal air humidity should be:

  • in the children's room - up to 70%;
  • in the bedroom in adults - up to 70%;
  • in the living room - up to 60%.
For children, air humidity should be at least 70%;

This is due to the fact that the child has narrow nasal passages, therefore mucous membrane dries out quickly. He spends most of his time in the nursery. In the bedroom, people get a good rest, as a result of which the body must compensate for the lack of oxygen and moisture. Residents of the house use the living room much less, so there are no strict requirements for it.

Not everyone can afford to install a hygrometer at home. It is quite realistic to carry out an approximate analysis of humidity in folk ways. This will require a container filled with water. It is put in the refrigerator for several hours. After the time has passed, they are taken out and installed in the center of the room. Condensation forms on the vessel when the temperature difference.

The indicators are evaluated according to the result seen. With dry air, the walls of the dishes will also dry out. In the case of normal humidity, drops of condensate will drain slowly. High humidity will be manifested by the formation of puddles under the water container.

Based on these indicators, conclusions should be drawn: dry air needs to be humidified, and excessively humid air needs to be dried with special electrical appliances. Otherwise, this condition threatens the development of mold and mildew.

Methods to normalize indicators

It is especially important to increase the humidity of dry rooms if children grow up in the family. The industry produces special devices - humidifiers, which are designed for different areas. Devices differ in cost and principles of operation. They greatly facilitate the fight against dryness, but if you wish, you can do without them.

Apartment aeration

Air exchange in the room contributes to the normalization of the local microclimate. It is permissible to increase the humidity in the child's room by daily ventilation. It is just as necessary to ventilate a children's room as it is for an adult. It is recommended to open windows up to 3 times a day even in winter time.

In the warm season, you can keep the windows open to a minimum width. If it is impossible to constantly ventilate, this should be done in the morning and evening hours. In case of rainy and cool weather, it is recommended to ventilate the apartment more often.

When the windows overlook a busy highway or the apartment is located on a low floor, ventilation can worsen the microclimate of the room. In this case, all the dust from the street will rise and fall into the living space.

It is more relevant for residents of such apartments to purchase a special humidifying system.

Wet room cleaning

You can increase the humidity in the apartment by carrying out daily wet cleaning. This procedure can not only make the room clean, but also prevent the development of allergies due to the inhalation of foreign particles.

You can get rid of excess dust by recycling carpets and floor coverings made of fabric, as well as soft toys.

Do not forget about wet cleaning in the room

Drying clothes or buying an aquarium

In winter time drying clothes will help to effectively humidify the room. Wet towels and sheets hung around the apartment allow you to increase the amount of moisture. For better evaporation, it is recommended to place them on or near radiators. After drying, it is recommended to moisten the matter again.

Adding an aquarium to the interior helps to increase the humidity in the room. An alternative to this device can be a small fountain. Such devices constantly contain water, which evaporates when the temperature rises, creating a favorable climate in the house.

Purchasing home flowers

Green plants can raise the humidity in a room. Decorative flowers help to increase the concentration of oxygen in the air of the room, clean and moisten it. Among the rich abundance, preference should be given to:

  • dracaena;
  • monstera;
  • broad-leaved ficus;
  • sheffler;
  • fatsia;
  • ferns.

The level of humidity required for the room is achieved through daily spraying and regular watering of flowers. By their condition, you can judge the level of humidity in the apartment. When the air is too dry, the plants dry, and their leaves become soft.

Alternative ways

Achieve the required humidity indicators in different ways. Among the well-known folk methods, the most commonly used are:

  • arrangement near the batteries of vessels with water;
  • spraying from a spray bottle;
  • turning on the garment steamer;
  • periodic boiling of water.

Some of these methods will not work if children grow up in the apartment. Working with electrical appliances requires caution, and keeping track of babies is sometimes very difficult.

In the children's room it is recommended to put an aquarium and arrange several pots of flowers. Some plants contain toxic substances, so it is not recommended to purchase a monster, for example.

Varieties of home humidifiers

If an allergy is found in a child, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of humidity in the apartment. To maintain optimal parameters, it is recommended to buy a special humidifier. Modern industry produces several types of such devices: traditional, ultrasonic and steam. Before buying, it is recommended to consider the advantages of each type. The main parameter is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room to be humidified.

Standard equipment

The natural form of evaporation is produced by cold-type humidifiers. These devices consist of a tank with water, a filter and a fan. Advantages of the device - minimal electricity consumption, maintaining performance in the event of evaporation of all the water, stopping work when the optimum humidity is reached.

Among the minuses, one should highlight the frequent replacement of filters, the use of purified liquid, the inaccessibility of self-regulation of the level of moisture. The device is programmed to receive a humidity of 60%, when this indicator is reached, it turns off.

Steam design

Models of this type release hot steam during operation. Steam humidifiers are characterized by quick humidification, the ability to use tap water, the absence of filters, and automatic shutdown in case of a lack of liquid.

It should not be forgotten that in case of careless handling there is a possibility of burns. This technique consumes a large amount of electricity, which can be attributed to a significant minus. The devices are stable and mobile, but they should not be installed in children's rooms. Pets can also be injured by these devices.

ultrasonic device

The latest developments have made it possible to create a device that operates on high-frequency vibrations of a special film (membrane). It helps to convert water into cold steam. The latest generation devices are in demand due to safety, compactness, efficiency, humidity control, speed of moisturizing and acceptable cost.

Some models of modern air conditioning systems are equipped with humidification devices. Special embedded systems are able to purify and humidify the air according to certain parameters. Usually they are assembled from several devices.

One of the most important indicators of the microclimate in the house is the optimal level of humidity. But when using special devices, the measure should be observed: low humidity threatens to make you feel worse, and high humidity can lead to the formation of mold and fungus.

As soon as the temperature on the street with the onset of autumn falls below 20-21 degrees comfortable for human life, we begin to look forward to the heating season, so that at least in the apartment we can warm up. But the cherished hot batteries also have the other side of the coin: overheated radiators dry the air a lot. And dry air can either lead to diseases or exacerbate existing diseases, such as, for example, asthma. In addition, dry air is bad for the skin and hair.

For human life, as we have already noted, the optimal ambient temperature is in the region of 20-21 degrees Celsius. But it is also important that a certain percentage of moisture is retained in the air. Therefore, in the room where you live, it is best to keep the humidity level between 50% and 70%.

To measure the humidity of the air will allow special and inexpensive devices that can be purchased at a hardware store. But how to humidify the air if the level has fallen below normal? gives useful tips that will allow our readers to feel comfortable even with the hottest batteries in the coldest weather.


Today on the shelves of electronics stores there is a huge selection of special humidifiers. Therefore, if you are not constrained by funds, you can buy a device that, without your help, will maintain the optimal balance of air humidity in your apartment. It will automatically take the necessary measurements and adjust the mode of operation so as to achieve the desired results.

But there are relatively inexpensive models on the market that are not equipped with so many functions. By purchasing a regular humidifier, you will also get the desired result, but you will have to switch the operating modes of the device manually, based either on your feelings or on the indicators of additional devices.


If you don't want to buy a humidifier, there are a number of other ways to saturate the air with moisture. One of them is regular ventilation. And do not be afraid, you will not have to leave the windows open for several hours in winter and cool your apartment. It is enough just for 5-10 minutes to open the window three times a day. This will make the air in the apartment wetter, and the influx of oxygen from the street will be useful in winter, when everyone is sitting in “amoured” apartments.

Flowers and plants

Another, very beautiful, by the way, way to humidify the air in your own apartment is to organize a greenhouse in it: plant flowers and other plants. Just as forests are the “lungs” of our planet, the green spaces in your home will be a source of oxygen. They will retain a large amount of liquid, moistening the air. An additional source of moisture is the evaporation of the water that you will water them with.

Dry laundry

There is another way that will help you kill two birds with one stone. But this time, our improvised humidifier will not be decorative, but a useful function. Agree, no matter what modern washing machine you have, its centrifuge cannot bring things to a dry state - they have to be hung either on the balcony or in the bathroom. In winter, the dryer for clothes and linen can be moved to the room. Your clothes will dry, and the evaporated water will humidify the air.

Wet towels

If the clothes dryer can't be moved from the bathroom, or if you don't wash as often to keep the air humidified on a regular basis, ordinary towels will help you. It remains only to wet them, squeeze them out so that water does not drip onto the floor, and place them on the radiator. The towel will dry quickly, releasing enough steam to bring the room to the right level of humidity.

Water in a basin

An excellent way to humidify the air in the room would be a regular bowl of water. It is enough just to collect the required amount of water and put the basin in a convenient place: under the table, under the sofa, next to the radiator or behind the cabinet. Not only basins can go into battle, but also any container into which you can draw water, with the exception of bottles with a narrow neck. In a warm room, the water will evaporate quickly, significantly increasing the humidity in the apartment.

Aquarium and fountain

For many, basins of water placed throughout the apartment may not be to their liking. But here there is also a way out: in place of an ordinary basin of water, there can be any element of decor that contains moisture and allows it to evaporate in a warm room. An ideal option, for example, would be an ordinary aquarium. It will perform both a decorative function and a moisturizer. Also popular today are small apartment fountains with or without lighting. They are also able to create a pleasant atmosphere and saturate the air with much-needed moisture for the human body.


One of the reasons for the high level of respiratory diseases in the cold season is excessively dry indoor air. In addition to health problems, it affects our condition and appearance. Drowsiness, brittle hair, dull skin - a consequence of a lack of moisture in the environment.

It is very important to humidify the air in an apartment where there are small children, because of the structure of the respiratory system, they react to dryness more acutely than adults.

It is necessary to maintain a certain humidity in the room, since this indicator affects the health of all residents. Lack of moisture provokes:

  • drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, which leads to the creation of favorable conditions for viruses and bacteria;
  • sleep disturbance at night;
  • attacks of allergies, bronchial asthma due to dust and other particles in the air (with sufficient humidity, they settle);
  • contact lens wearers notice that their eyes become very dry and feel rubbing after a few hours.

Women need to know about the importance of preventing dry indoor air. It is this characteristic that leads to the loss of skin fluid, the destruction of elastin and premature aging of the skin of the face and body. In dry rooms, even natural hair becomes brittle and loses its beautiful shine.

In addition, in dry rooms, floors begin to creak, furniture is deformed, objects can be shocked when touched.

How to determine the humidity of the air at home?

A hygrometer is used to measure humidity. It shows the amount of water vapor in the room.

In order for the hygrometer readings to be reliable, it must be installed at a distance from heating radiators and sources of moisture. For example, a device located near a heater or in a bathroom will give false information.

The criteria for normal humidity for different types of premises are defined:

  • children's room - from 60 to 70%;
  • adult bedroom - from 50 to 70%;
  • living room - from 40 to 60.

The child's room should have the highest level of humidity, since their nasal passages are narrow and the mucous membrane dries out quickly. We rarely visit the living room, there may be books and other things, so the requirements for it are less.

Not every home has a hygrometer, but you can determine the humidity (approximately) on your own. To do this, you only need a container of water. The vessel is placed in a refrigerator for several hours, then placed in the center of the room and detected for 5 minutes. Condensation will form on the container due to the temperature difference.

Deciphering indicators:

  • the outer walls of the container are dry - the air is too dry;
  • drops slowly flow down - normal humidity;
  • a puddle appeared under the tank - the humidity is too high.

In the first case, it is necessary to humidify the air. In the third, you need to normalize the indicator to prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

Ways to quickly humidify the air in children's rooms

Especially for maintaining humidity in residential premises, humidifiers of various principles of operation, cost and modification have been developed. You can cope with dryness without their help.


You need to open windows 2-3 times a day, even in the winter season for 10-15 minutes. The flow of fresh air will improve circulation in the room and normalize the local microclimate.

In summer, during a drought, it is better to ventilate the apartment in the morning and evening hours, in cool weather and during rain, you can open windows at any time as often as possible.

Sometimes airing can aggravate the microclimate in the apartment:

  • if the dwelling is on the ground floor and the street is dry and dusty;
  • if the windows face a gassed highway.

In this case, it is better to purchase a special system that will purify and humidify the air.

Wet cleaning

To eliminate dryness in the premises, it is recommended to wipe the dust and mop the floors daily. This will not only maintain the level of humidity in the apartment, but also remove settled particles, hairs and dead cells that can provoke allergies. When doing wet cleaning, it is undesirable to use bleach and detergents (especially if there are small children in the house).

To prevent the accumulation of dust, it is recommended to remove carpets from the rooms, reduce the number of soft toys and all sorts of souvenirs.

Wet cloth

One of the easiest ways to humidify a room is to dry the laundry in it after washing.

An alternative to this is the placement of wet towels, sheets or thick fabrics in the rooms. It is advisable to place the cloth moistened with water near heat sources for better evaporation. For example, you can throw a towel over a heating radiator, while throwing back the curtains.

As soon as the fabric dries, it must be wetted again.

Useful interior items

Humidification of the air in the room can be made an element of the design of the apartment.

An aquarium in the room or a decorative waterfall will do the job perfectly. They constantly contain and evaporate water, which creates a favorable microclimate. The larger the evaporation area, the more efficiently the humidity increases.

Ornamental plants in the room perform 3 functions at once: moisturize, release oxygen ions and purify the air.

These abilities are:

  • monstera;
  • dracaena;
  • ficuses (especially broad-leaved);
  • sheffler;
  • fatsia;
  • house ferns.

Regular spraying and watering will keep indoor humidity high.

Plants are a natural hygrometer. With a lack of moisture, their leaves become soft and dry.

Other ways to increase humidity

There are several other methods that will help increase humidity and maintain the microclimate in the room:

  • place wide containers with water (preferably near radiators);
  • spray from a spray bottle;
  • turn on the steamer in the room;
  • put several containers of boiling water;
  • throw a wet cloth over the fan.

Care must be taken when using hot water or electrical appliances. Such methods are not suitable for children's rooms, since it can be very difficult to keep track of a child.

Near the baby's bed, you can put an aquarium, hang a damp towel or place indoor plants. When choosing flora, you need to be careful and avoid poisonous plants (monsters, for example).

The most important rule for children is daily wet cleaning and airing.

Types of humidifiers for the home

If the problem of humidifying the room is acute, for example, one of the tenants of the apartment suffers from allergies (especially a child), you can purchase a special humidifier for the home.

There are several varieties:

  • traditional;
  • steam;
  • ultrasonic.

Before buying, you need to consider the advantages of each type. An important selection criterion is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room to be moistened.


Cold type humidifiers work on the principle of natural evaporation. The design is uncomplicated:

  • container with water;
  • fan;
  • filter (from which the liquid evaporates).

Advantages of the device:

  • minimum power consumption;
  • when all the liquid evaporates, it will not break;
  • cessation of evaporation at optimum humidity.

Disadvantages of a cold type humidifier:

  • frequent replacement of filter elements;
  • use only purified or distilled water;
  • impossibility of humidity control (upon reaching 60%, the device ceases to perform its function).


The principle of operation of this type of humidifier is to release hot steam into the air.

Its advantages:

  • fast hydration;
  • it is permissible to use tap water;
  • no need to change filters;
  • automatic shutdown when the liquid boils away.

Cons of hot humidifiers:

  • the possibility of burns in case of careless use is not excluded;
  • high consumption of electricity.

Such devices should not be used in rooms where there are children or animals. The main selection criteria: stability and mobility.


The new generation humidifier works thanks to the high-frequency vibrations of a special membrane that breaks water into cold vapor.

Such devices are very popular due to their advantages:

  • compactness;
  • safety;
  • profitability;
  • the ability to control humidity;
  • fast hydration;
  • low price.

The device has only one drawback: traces appear on the surface when using tap water.

All types of devices are quite compact. There are special embedded systems consisting of several devices that purify and humidify the air according to the specified parameters.

Humidifiers are equipped with some models of modern air conditioners.

When humidifying the room, you need to follow the measure. When the indicator rises above 70% in a warm room, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of bacteria and mold.

The video reveals the secrets of how to humidify the air in the room.

Dry air in the house is a small problem at first glance. But it is she who is fraught with a huge number of accompanying troubles that require an immediate solution. Climatic devices are not always able to cope with such a task. How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier, and why they are not always effective - today's article will be devoted to these issues.

    Show all

    In winter, centralized heating systems, heaters, batteries are actively working. As a result, there is very little fresh air in the apartment, the skin dries up, and it becomes difficult to breathe. A lack of moisture in oxygen can provoke a string of allergic reactions and serious diseases; this “enemy” should not be underestimated.

    A number of symptoms indicate a lack of humidity in the room, dry air:

    • causeless attacks of headache;
    • dry skin of the lips, fingers;
    • low labor productivity;
    • sleep problems;
    • dry eyes, inflammatory processes are activated;
    • the plants in the room quickly turn yellow;
    • dryness in the nasopharynx.

    These problems indicate that it is necessary to increase the humidity in the house. Wooden furniture often cracks. In the case of musical instruments, the consequences can become simply irreversible. More details in the video below.

    What is dangerous dry air in the apartment?

    Determining the humidity level

    The norm of humidity for residential premises is from 40 to 60-70%, and the specified range is considered optimal not only for people, but also for technical equipment. Answering the question, the air in the room, experts give these values. There are several ways to determine the real value in a particular room.

    For those who for some reason do not want to purchase a hygrometer, we offer watching a video that describes the method for determining humidity using a simple thermometer.

    Relative humidity. The oldest and easiest way to measure humidity with a thermometer.

    Climate control: to buy or not to buy?


    If, according to the data received, a moisture deficiency has formed in the room, the easiest way to eliminate it is to buy it. In this case, this is a small device that sprays water particles in the surrounding space, due to which the humidity in the room increases. Such a device perfectly copes with the tasks assigned to it, even a child can use it, but there are also disadvantages:

    • the device is powered by the mains, therefore, it increases the amount of energy consumed. In the case of continuous operation, the "growth" can be very tangible;
    • price;
    • During operation, most models of climate equipment create noise.

    However, there are more affordable and simple methods to humidify the air in an apartment with minimal discomfort, and besides, they are completely free.

    The main ways to increase the humidity in the room

    decorative fountain

    In winter, it is effective to humidify the air with the help of decorative waterfalls or fountains. They easily eliminate the need for any humidifiers, emphasize the design of the room. For a person who owns a home, this is a great opportunity to fill the surrounding space with freshness.

    Control is carried out automatically. Decorative fountains operate on a simple principle - water moves in a closed "circle". All that is required is to pour liquid into a special container after a few days. Depending on the model, its volume can vary widely. When answering the question of how to humidify the air at home, professionals are increasingly recommending the option with decorative hydro solutions.

    Drying wet clothes

    An increase in moisture in the air is also recorded in cases where there is hanging wet laundry in it. For people who have small children, the problem of moisture deficiency due to this effect is often leveled by itself. However, hanging wet laundry in a room is a radical way to get rid of dry air, since there is a possibility of mold and condensation.

    Advice! How to increase the humidity in the room with minimal risks? – Wet a towel and wring it out lightly, then hang it on the radiator. In winter, this is one of the most effective ways to saturate the air masses with moisture due to its evaporation during the heating process.

    Optimal humidity in the apartment can be provided by another simple "folk recipe". It is simple and accessible, like all ingenious. Pour water into a small container and dip a bandage into it. After that, it is hung on the battery in such a way that one of the ends is on a hot metal surface, and the other remains in the water. Air humidification is achieved by constantly evaporating moisture into the room.

    Options for humidification in the apartment

    More plants and greenery!

    Green vegetation is able not only to synthesize oxygen, but also to saturate it with moisture. At the same time, the air is ionized, it is cleaned from dust, bacteria, dangerous and invisible particles. So, how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier and saturate it with oxygen? - It is necessary to plant the “right” plants at home, ideally those species that grow in a tropical climate, since they produce the maximum amount of moisture.

    Plants for humidification in the interior of the house

    Moisturizing greens:

    • hypoesthesia;
    • phytonia;
    • fern;
    • orchid.

    note! The listed types of plants give the same amount of “precipitation” into space as they absorb them. They require regular and intensive watering.

    • dracaena;
    • ficus;
    • fern (dom.);
    • cyperus;
    • indoor linden;
    • hibiscus.

    You have no idea how much these "neighbors" can transform the environment in your home, not to mention the purification and production of oxygen.

    Aquarium is our everything

    Caring parents often do not wonder how to increase the humidity in the apartment, because they purchase an aquarium for their children in advance. Wet will be the room in which there is a source of water and the area of ​​​​its evaporation is maximum. As a result, the larger the aquarium is installed in the nursery, the more efficiently it will be able to saturate dry air with useful moisture.

    note! If, in addition to fish, green plants are planted inside the glass tank, then oxygen synthesis will accelerate.

    For rooms where it is not possible to install an aquarium, glass decorative plates or other types of vessels filled with water will be the best solutions. There should be as many of them as possible so that the area of ​​​​evaporation of the liquid is sufficient to maintain the humidity regime. You can throw a few beautiful stones into the plate and decorate them with decorative lighting. The atmosphere will become much more comfortable.

    Regular ventilation of the room

    Advice! Combine different methods with each other to increase their effectiveness.

    In parallel, you can carry out wet cleaning, spray water on plants with a spray bottle. If you turn on the fan and point it in the direction of spraying the liquid, you can process the entire room in a few minutes, regardless of its area. The optimal humidity in the living room will be “held” for several hours. But if there is no desire to regularly engage in the described "water procedures", it is better to stop at the option of buying a specialized household device.


    Now you know not only how to humidify the air in the room, but also why it is needed in principle. It is not at all necessary to purchase expensive climate solutions, folk remedies are also perfect, besides, no one forbids doing it by hand, since there is nothing complicated about it. Do not forget about plants, some of their species are faithful helpers in the fight against dryness, both in the tropics and in your apartment.