How to find out who is connected to my Wi-Fi network. Did a neighbor join her? How to check connection status or what to do when there is no internet

The international company MTS is constantly expanding the range of services provided and improving their quality. Today, MTS is not only a leader in the cellular communications market, but also a major Internet provider offering residents of all regions of the Russian Federation full-fledged unlimited access to the network at favorable and promotional rates. Moreover, you can connect home Internet from MTS almost within one day - for this you just need to go to the website, leave and confirm an application for ordering a service. If the house is connected to the provider, after agreeing on the time for the work, the masters will visit the client to bring a cable to his apartment, install a router and open access to the network.

You can check whether the house is connected to the MTS Internet on your own, in two ways at once. To do this, there is no need to find out from neighbors or housing and communal services whether the provider's equipment is installed in the house - you can see the necessary information on the MTS website or find out in a telephone conversation with the operator. Let's consider in more detail how to check the house for connection to the MTS provider in these ways.

How to check if a house is connected online

The MTS website has the ability to check the fact that the house is connected to the provider online. To use this feature, you do not need to go through the authorization procedure, or even be the owner of an MTS SIM card. You can check any address - both your own home and a rented apartment.

The way to find out if the house is connected to MTS using the official website of the company is as follows:

Modern wireless networks are encrypted using two protocols - WPA and WPA2, which are considered extremely secure. Therefore, it is enough to come up with a password more secure than "11111111", "qwerty123" and the like, in order to be sure that no one will invade the active network.

However, hackers are on the alert, so today there are already methods for cracking this protection. For example, special sites that, for a certain amount, will help crack any password. Therefore, every Wi-Fi user can become a victim of intruders. So, the question that is on the agenda: how to find out who is connected to a Wi-Fi network?

The owners of unlimited tariffs can be the least worried, since they do not lose absolutely anything if someone decides to download a "heavy" file or just surf the Internet using someone else's Wi-Fi. Owners of tariff plans, the cost of which depends on the amount of traffic spent, can go into a huge loss.

But if an attacker connects to someone else's network in order to perform actions that are contrary to the laws, then his goal is not just anonymity, but shifting the blame to another, innocent user. This is where it is worth thinking about protecting both categories of users.

Atlant-Video LLC provides various services in Moscow: installation of video surveillance systems, burglar alarms, fire alarms, fire extinguishing systems, etc. Installed video surveillance at the enterprise will help to avoid trouble, it is Prestige Kit, Classic Kit. It is also possible to install the "Spy" Kit. Learn more on the website at

You can understand that someone else is using the Internet in parallel with you by paying attention to the wifi speed. As a rule, any speed (opening web pages, downloading and uploading files) is reduced and complicates access to all resources.

Some providers provide daily statistics that show the amount of incoming and outgoing traffic. If it's very large and you're pretty sure you couldn't use that much of it, then there's a good chance your Wi-Fi is being used by someone else.

So, you can find out that someone is using your Wi-Fi network in the following ways:

Wireless Network Watcher

A small free program that scans networks and displays a list of connected devices. It helps to find out the IP and MAC addresses, the name and name of the PC. The program can run in the background and notify the user with a signal that someone has connected to his network.

SoftPerfect WiFi Guard

An analogue of the first program, which is also free. The principle of operation is the same. There is a whitelist. Devices added there will connect to the user's Wi-Fi network, and the program will not notify you about it.

Manual check

You can check third-party connections and manually - open a browser and enter or in the address bar, enter the requested login and password. You will be taken to the router settings menu. It is worth remembering that the menu for all routers is different, depending on the manufacturer. However, everywhere there is a tab like Wireless (Wireless Settings, etc.). By clicking on it, you can see the item Wireless Statistics (Station List, etc.). Clicking will display a list of all devices connected to this network.

So, to protect your Wi-Fi after an unauthorized connection, you need to:

1. Change your password.
2. Set the encryption type. WEP is an old and insecure type of encryption, so it's best to use the already mentioned WPA and WPA2.
3. Enable the MAC address filter (if available in the router settings). You can set a list of MAC addresses that will have access to the Wi-Fi network, while all the rest will not be able to connect just like that.
4. Turn on the firewall. This function is not available in all routers, but if it is present, then it is a sin not to use it.
5. Change SSID (connection identifier) ​​and make Wi-Fi invisible. For security reasons, it is best to come up with a more complex name for the connection identifier. The invisibility of a Wi-Fi network will further complicate unauthorized access, since only someone who knows the exact name will be able to connect to the network.

Use these methods to catch resourceful neighbors in time and block their access.

We quickly determine the number of devices connected to the WiFi network (in two different ways), set up rules for limited and secure access to the wireless network, and also understand programs that facilitate the implementation of the above actions.


Signs of unauthorized connections

First sign Quite often, you can encounter sharp drops in connection throughput. Most often, the problem lies in the work of providers of various levels between you and a remote server, but it is quite possible that your channel's traffic is consumed by unauthorized persons. Second sign, which makes you think about controlling access to your Wi-Fi channel - these are suddenly arising access restrictions for your ip-address for any sites. In addition, pay attention to the behavior of the wireless connection indicator on the router case - when all devices are disconnected from the network, it should not blink, much less stay on almost constantly.

How to find out how many devices are connected to my wifi?

How to know who is connected to my wifi? The easiest way to do this is in the control panel of your router.

To enter it, type in the address bar of your web browser the ip-address of your router on the local network (if no one has changed it, it will correspond to the one specified in the instructions and on the router case; usually it is ) and enter the credentials in the request window (according to the default on many routers is admin/admin). Further actions depend on the manufacturer of your router, but there are no fundamental differences, so let's consider the actions using the example of the shell of Asus routers.

In the control panel of your router - you will see the number of all devices connected to the router in the "Clients" section. Clicking on it opens a detailed list of devices. For example, in the screenshot below we see two connected devices: a laptop and a phone.

For detailed information, you can refer to the "System Log-Wireless" menu, it does not display the network names of devices, but only the MAC addresses of their network interfaces. Since they (MAC addresses) were also indicated in the list of clients (which we looked at earlier), it will not be difficult to figure out who is who. In our example, we see that the phone has been connected to the network for a long time, while the laptop has just been connected.

If for some reason you do not have access to the router, you can get by with third-party programs. The simplest option is a program posted by the developer for free access. After pressing the F5 button (or selecting the corresponding item in the menu), the program will scan the entire range of addresses on the local network and display a list of detected devices.

How to see who is connected to a wifi router

More precisely, this question should have been formulated not “how to see who is connected to my wifi”, but “how to see which devices are not mine”. With phones and tablets, everything is simple: temporarily disable the wireless radio on them, and they will disappear from the list of connected devices. You can find out the network name and MAC address of the computer by pressing the Win + R keys on the keyboard and in the window that appears, typing the cmd command to open the command console, in which you need to enter the following: ipconfig / all

In our example, the Notebook device found earlier turned out to be our own laptop. Simply put, all devices found in the example earlier belong to us, and there are no extraneous connections.

How to disconnect unknown users from your wifi

Through the control panel of the router, you can disable wireless data transmission for any of the devices on the network. Since they are identified by unique MAC addresses, in fact, by the serial numbers of their network interfaces, turning on the “Reject” filter for the device will mean that it cannot work on your Wi-Fi network, no matter how its owner tries to connect.

How to secure your Wi-Fi? We prohibit connection to wi-fi unknown devices.

From the previous example, you can also understand how to protect yourself from connecting unknown devices: turn on the MAC address filter "Accept" and add to the list all gadgets and computers that will be allowed to access the network. Also, don't forget about security settings: use password protection of sufficient length with the WPA2 authentication method (unlike the outdated WEP, which is quite easy to break with a wifi sniffer, this will make an intruder spend quite a lot of time to break into your network).

Programs to control everyone who is connected to wi-fi

As you have already seen, it is most convenient to monitor the status of your network through the control panel of the router - this way you can quickly identify an intruder and close his access to the network. However, the router cannot alert the host when new devices appear on the network. For this purpose, you can use third-party programs, for example, the one already described above: set the frequency of network scanning and the appropriate type of notification about a new device in its settings, and you can always find out about new connections in your wireless network.

Another program has similar functionality - . But, unlike the previous program, it can automatically start in the system tray along with Windows.

Today, Wi-Fi is available in almost every home, office, shopping and entertainment center. Thanks to Wi-Fi networks, people easily connect to the Internet when needed. Free wireless access is, of course, convenient, but at the same time, router owners often worry and ask themselves: “How can I find out who connected to my WIFI?” This problem is quite relevant today, so it is important to understand all the nuances.

Depending on the model, the router may keep a log of work. But finding useful information there is quite problematic. The easiest way is to look at the current status and determine how many devices are connected. But this method is not entirely reliable, as it displays information in a given period of time.

What should alert the owners of the router?

Users who access the Internet via a Wi-Fi connection should be alert if they encounter situations like this:

  • Decreased data transfer rate. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, but it is more advisable to make sure that the low speed is not caused by connected foreign devices.
  • Active flickering of the indicator. This usually happens while information is being exchanged with the Internet. If all "legal" devices are not working at the moment, and the light is still on, the user should be alert.

Table of connected equipment

Some users use the following method to help answer the question: "How can I find out who is connected to my WIFI?" To quickly check if unscrupulous users have connected to Wi-Fi, you can use the technique table view method. To do this, enter the IP address into the browser line, and then launch the command interpreter. You can do this like this: go to the "Start" menu, then select "Search", type "cmd" and enter "Enter". Then you need to run the "ipconfig" command. The router address will be displayed next to the Default Gateway label.

After entering the login and password in the window that opens, you can see a list of devices that connect to the router. If the IP and MAC addresses are unfamiliar, these users should be blocked. If necessary, you can limit their priority to a certain time.

How to find out who is connected to Wi-Fi using

This method is quite simple. When the owner of the router is overwhelmed with thoughts on how to check if someone has connected to my WIFI, you need to go to the settings and select the appropriate tab. All information will be displayed there.

To enter the settings panel, you need to enter the numbers that are indicated on the back of the router in the address bar of the browser. They may differ depending on the device model, but most often it is or Also, numbers, login and password can be found in the technical documentation.

When all the data is entered, you must click OK and go to First you need to enter the "Basic Settings" section, then the "Wireless Mode" menu and select the "Wireless Statistics" item there. On the right side of the window that opens, you can see the number of stations connected to Wi-Fi. In this statistics, you can see the MAC address of devices, the total number of packets and the type of encryption.

Experienced router owners know that you can solve the problem: “Check if someone has connected to my wifi” using a cable. To do this, there is a tab "DHCP", there you need to find the item "List of DHCP clients". If there are connected devices, not only their MAC address will be displayed, but also their IP address.

How to block someone else's MAC address?

If, in search of an answer to the question: "Who connected to my WIFI?" the owner has detected other people's connections, the MAC address must be blocked. It is not difficult to do this, it is enough to filter out foreign devices. To do this, go to the "MAC Address Filtering" section and select the "Enable" item. Next, you should set the button on the first parameter. After that, you can add someone else's address and save all changes. This measure will block access to the Internet, and third-party devices will no longer be able to use Wi-Fi.

You need to choose a password with great responsibility so that it is difficult to guess it. A simple and predictable cipher is unlikely to become an obstacle for connecting unscrupulous third-party users.

It is desirable to combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation marks in the password. It is advisable to make it as long as possible.

Scanning the local network

There is another way, It is to scan the local network. You must enter the IP address of the laptop or computer and select the closest range. After checking, two addresses should be displayed: the connected device and the modem. If there are more of them, this indicates that other people's devices are connected to Wi-Fi.

Some users set up WEP encryption, but this method is unreliable. There are programs that allow you to crack the protection and connect to the Internet. WPA is a stronger barrier, but not all older router models support this protocol.

Wireless Network Watcher

It will be useful for users to know that there is a program to check. Who is connected to my WIFI can be determined using the Wireless Network Watcher. It is better to download the utility from the official website in order to avoid various fakes.

You need to run the program from the device that will be connected to the router. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from Wireless Network Watcher. After scanning, you can see not only the number of connected devices, but also their MAC addresses, and even the name of the manufacturer.

But it will not work to disable unscrupulous users through the program. To do this, go to the router settings and block addresses. Professionals use a special utility that allows you to determine the location of the connected device with an accuracy of several meters.

There are quite a few ways to find out who connected to my WIFI, and each user can choose the one that suits him.

Find out how to check if there is Internet on your MTS phone. Here you will find comments and advice from experts on how to find out if roaming is connected to MTS.


The Russian mobile operator MTS has two concepts of roaming. One is within the country when you leave your "home region". In this case, your phone will automatically switch to roaming mode. This process does not require additional manipulations by the subscriber. But it should be remembered that the tariffs for calls in a foreign (or with a foreign) region are significantly increased. If you need to travel frequently around the country or constantly communicate with other regions, you should activate the service "Everywhere at home". This is a service with daily payment and paid connection, but it is possible to disable it at any time.

International roaming is also connected automatically. But how to find out if MTS roaming is connected, if in doubt? It is very easy to do this, just send an SMS message with the number zero to 8111. In response, you will receive the service activity status.

If you want to protect yourself from accidental charges due to mobile communications abroad (random dialing, automatic application updates via the Internet). You can completely disable the roaming service. This can be done using the command *111*2150#, which must be dialed on the call keypad.

In the current digital age, it is difficult to imagine everyday life without the Internet. Modern mobile technologies allow us to stay online almost everywhere. Now home Internet is almost always unlimited, with mobile the situation is different. Unlimited packages are still too expensive for widespread use, and in other cases, you need to keep an eye on the remaining megabytes.

There are several ways to find out if there is Internet on MTS. If you have optional Internet services connected, then the balance can be checked using the *217# command (do not forget to press the call button). Alternatively, you can send an SMS message with a question mark to 5340.

An alternative option is to use the "Internet Assistant" service. This option will work if you still have a couple of megabytes left on your phone to go to a special site. By the way, you must first register on it. After registration, you will be able to check the balance in your personal account. The assistant is provided free of charge and, in addition to checking the balance, provides additional “usefulness” - tariff change, account detailing, service management, and others.