How to find out on what lunar day you were born. Lunar birthday

Today it is necessary to be tolerant, tolerant, to learn to perceive the signs that fate sends you. If old friends, people from the past return to you, connections and contacts lost many years ago are renewed, it means that you have not karmically worked out some things in the past, and you need to complete the work you have begun. Treat this with maximum attention, each person needs to free himself from the burden of the past in order to actively move into the future. The 13th lunar day is a period of cleansing from unnecessary things, thoughts, people and the accumulation of new, fresh information. Carefully observe current events and draw the right conclusions from the past .. The day when, with the help of astrology, you can clarify your karmic tasks, understand in relation to whom you have not yet worked off karmic debts. In the flame of a candle, you can symbolically burn the past, the candle should be white, as a symbol of purification. To receive and assimilate information, fumigate the room with pine incense.

The most powerful day of the lunar month. A day of strong, decisive action, today you can dramatically influence events. It is today that you can take a step that will decide the outcome of all projects that have been started earlier. The most important thing is to focus on the main thing, not spraying on the little things. On the 14th lunar day, many things succeed. On this day, you need to listen to advice, even from third-party people - they can be very useful. The period of building castles in the air. It is better to refrain from any promises, you can overestimate your strength .. The 14th lunar day is not suitable for fortune telling. Today it is necessary not to make plans, but to implement them. Only one thing should be asked from Heaven - as much strength as possible. To activate your energy, use a red candle. And to speed up the thought process, fumigate your office or the room where you have the most books with Eucalyptus incense. Jewelry is better to prefer with hyacinth.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

What to wear?

Add bright yellow and tan to your outfit.

Aroma of the day- light mint scent will improve your mood.

Talismans- aventurine, almandine. Metal - brass.

What do we eat?

It is better to follow a vitamin or plant-based diet - vegetables, fruits and greens in all forms.

beauty and health

A visit to the hairdresser, nutrition and hair washing will go well. Apply any fruit masks that nourish the skin with vitamins.

Light exercise with an emphasis on the abdominals. Protect the digestive organs and especially the pancreas from poor-quality food. It is important to protect the nervous system from overwork.

intimate scenario

Moon in Virgo gives boring sex for health. The manifestation of violent passions and sensuality these days will not be characteristic of you, most likely. The initiative will be entirely transferred to the hands of the partner. You will even be ready to play along with him, if only he does not notice your coolness. Moon days in Virgo are not the best for making love.

What to do at home?

You can plant and replant whatever you want.

What was your lunar birthday? Astrologers pay great attention to such a detail as a birthday according to the lunar calendar.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in the past, it will be possible to compare the moment of birth with the position of the night star, to understand the impact that it has on the essence of a person.

Certain features will no longer seem strange. After all lunar birthday has a significant impact even at the level of physiology. Not to mention the character traits. In addition, knowing birthday according to the lunar calendar, you can prepare in advance for life lessons that you will certainly have to endure.

Red color - an unfavorable period for birth.

Orange color - neutral period for birth.

Green color - favorable period for birth.

Find out what Lunar day is today ...

Click on the moon of the lunar day, and find out the details ...

1 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 1st Lunar day gives everyone a rich inner world. Those born today will be energetic and very active people in the future. Most often they choose a creative profession in order to express the energy that overwhelms them, sometimes ...

2 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 2nd Lunar day will give people a gift in the form of a strong will. These people are always leaders. They do not see obstacles and confidently move towards their goal, especially ...

3 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 3rd Lunar day endows a person with powerful internal energy. For the harmony of the inner world with the outer, they need to constantly be in motion, delay will be like death for them, force them ...

4 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 4th Lunar day will give a person an irrepressible craving for knowledge, serious, for many other people this knowledge is simply inaccessible. These are people with a special worldview. They are capable…

5 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 5th Lunar day promises people born today good intuition and special strength. This force does not require development, it exists by itself and sometimes manifests itself in human actions. When around...

6 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 6th Lunar day also gives those born on this day a strong intuition and even the gift of foresight. Sometimes these people are called prophets. They often…

7 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 7th lunar day means that a person endowed with reason was born. People with such a mind are able to master a very large amount of a wide variety of information, so they often become scientists if ...

8 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 8th Lunar day has a whole range of virtues, including honesty, disinterestedness, conscientiousness. Along with external beauty, they also have internal beauty, often ...

9 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 9th lunar day promises people a wonderful fate. They will be able to find a language with others, establish excellent relationships with everyone. Another gift for them is the ability to easily forgive even serious offenses, and this ...

10 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 10th lunar day portends a very active person, he is often compared to a perpetual motion machine, he is so active and mobile. The source of recharging is usually known to them from birth, since ...

11 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 11th lunar day will bring a person special generic knowledge, often people suffer from such knowledge, especially ...

12 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 12th lunar day will give a person a strong desire to help others. The path of such people is often thorny and very difficult. All their lives they will strive for spiritual knowledge, and often choose the path of a healer, especially ...

13 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 13th lunar day gives the people of this day a very lively mind, they are able to perceive almost any information and correctly interpret it. Also, these people are active, striving to embrace the immense, and sometimes ...

14 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 14th lunar day promises people leadership qualities and a strong character. These people from childhood try to set goals and achieve them, they have good intuition and often ...

15 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 15th lunar day gives its people great potential, because they have many plans since childhood. For the sake of achieving goals, these people are willing to sacrifice a lot, but ...

16 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 16th lunar day predicts people born today will make mistakes on their life path. But these mistakes are necessary for the development of a mature personality, so their presence in life is mandatory when ...

17 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 17th lunar day brings the gift of sociability. People born today know how and love to communicate a lot. They can be found in crowded places, at parties and other events. Communication for them...

18 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 18th lunar day gives people the degree and desire to know themselves. Often this is their main task in life. Through self-knowledge, they acquire wisdom and comprehend ...

19 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 19th lunar day predicts people a difficult fateful choice. Often this is a choice between good and evil, their whole future life will depend on ...

20 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 20th lunar day promises happiness. But to achieve it, you will have to work hard and endure hardships. In the life of these people, all this will be enough, through sadness, troubles, hard work they will find peace and tranquility, they will be truly happy, but ...

21 lunar day for birth

Birth on the 21st lunar day gives people honesty and openness. Often a person born today has a huge life potential, serious strength. She helps them achieve everything they want. At the same time, they are ambitious people. They will not engage in wicked deeds or "go over the heads" for their own gain. When…

22 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 22nd Lunar day gives people the gift of mentorship. All their lives they have to teach their followers, because the knowledge embedded in them is true. They keep the traditions of their ancestors and know exactly what to do in any situation. If a…

23 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 23rd lunar day promises people a special gift, they know how to bring any business to an end. With a good grip and a strong mind, they often become good politicians, businessmen and leaders. But…

24 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 24th lunar day endows people with great strength, a lively mind, and a slightly wandering consciousness. They say about such people “not of this world”, but besides this, they have many talents and skills that greatly help them out in life. If a…

25 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 25th lunar day gives people the opportunity to be happy. But only if they show consciousness and reason. If they choose a different path, are subjected to emotions or feelings, they will most likely get bogged down in constant squabbles, and will never find the true path. When…

26 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 26th lunar day portends people a comfortable and very easy life. These people are often accompanied by good luck and prosperity. They rarely need anything, since childhood they are surrounded by like-minded people. However…

27 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 27th lunar day predicts a rather unsteady life filled with frequent changes. They need to show a strong will in order to find peace and the right path. These people should study spiritual sciences, it will help them...

28 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 28th lunar day promises those born today a special gift, they will receive all the best qualities of their kind. Therefore, it will be difficult for others to comprehend them, their personality is too multifaceted. In some situations it will help them, in others it will interfere. When…

29 Lunar day for birth

Birth on the 29th lunar day marks people, they have a special fate - they will have to prove and fight for their existence all the time. Their life will be difficult, but ...

30 lunar day for birth

Birth on the 30th lunar day will be a real gift for relatives. People born today have both good luck and a good heart. They never cause trouble to relatives and others. However…

By successfully revealing a lunar birthday, you can even discover a hidden part of your personality. Self-analysis, taking into account such a detail as a birthday according to the lunar calendar, allows you to look at yourself with different eyes, get valuable information. It is a picture of the inner world. He is always in darkness, and only a competent approach allows you to embody the light. Among other things, being able to see hidden potential or weaknesses.

Thus, you can help not only yourself, but also a loved one. For example, to determine its positive aspects, to turn dreams into reality. And what brought only torment will dissolve in darkness.

Are you familiar with the lunar cycles? Do you know how they affect our daily life? Be sure to take a look at the updated lunar calendar for 2019 indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, what phase of the moon is today, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, and also favorable lunar days.

You have the opportunity to be aware of the current phase of the moon every day. The calendar for 2019 will help you today to determine the unfavorable and favorable days of each month of 2019, orient you to planning things with the least loss of time and effort.

Find out what lunar day it is today and read what its action and characteristics are. If you want to improve your life even a little, check this page more often.

Thematic lunar calendars

Scientists continue to argue when exactly the lunar calendar appeared, but so far one thing is clear - this is a useful everyday assistant. You will not immediately identify in your life those phenomena that are described in the recommendations of 2019, but this is normal. After all, all people on earth are different, and the influence of the moon manifests itself in different ways for everyone. But observations show that the theme of the sign of the Zodiac, along which the Moon is currently moving, very often manifests itself in our emotions, experiences, and in real events. Try to take on board the tips of cosmic rhythms in your life, find out what lunar day is today, what phase.

We have posted on the site a lot of different calendars, the main ones on the movement of the moon. We propose to briefly review each of them.

Stylish haircuts, creative hairstyles work wonders and transform people beyond recognition. A responsible step helps to achieve success, make a career, find a new companion. All this proves that it is better to give yourself into the hands of a stylist not on any day, but taking into account the lunar calendar of haircuts for 2019. The power of the cosmos favorably affects the hair. By observing the cycles of the moon, it will be possible to achieve life changes and improve hair health. The condition of male and female curls will noticeably change if the procedures are performed on the recommended lunar day.

Many centuries ago, the lunar calendar helped our ancestors achieve their goals. Now it is compiled by astrologers for manicure, haircuts, procedures for the care of appearance, hair, body. The night luminary, being in certain signs of the Zodiac, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its condition. The advice of astrologers, the right lunar day is the extension of youth, the acquisition of beauty. Lunar cycles are taken into account when carrying out procedures for each type of skin, age, gender of a person. You will know which day to urgently go to the salon, and when to stay at home and devote yourself to other things.

Indoor plants, creating comfort in apartments and offices with their gentle charm, are capricious and demanding to care for. The information in the lunar calendar for 2019 is compiled for flower growers, taking into account the position of the celestial body. Knowing the phases of the lunar month, pruning and top dressing, transplanting and propagation of unpretentious flowers and ornamental trees are carried out. If the lunar day favorably affects the plant, its metabolic processes are activated, growth accelerates, and with the opposite effect of celestial bodies, the processes are inhibited. Pets are best left alone, creating maximum comfort.

Using the tips of the lunar calendar 2019, experienced and novice gardeners will be able to get rich harvests. Taking into account the lunar cycle, seedlings are sown in the garden, crops are planted in a permanent place, care and weeding, watering the ridges and harvesting. Not every lunar day will favorably affect the care of plants, so the advice of astrologers is given by months, weeks and even days.

When planning the creation of a family, it is worth studying the calendar of lunar days in 2019. Marriage is a special event. By choosing the right day of the moon, it will be possible to enlist the support of higher powers that have a beneficial effect on the fate of the newlyweds. Not all phases of the moon are suitable for a celebration. Paying attention to the full moon and new moon, it will be possible to strengthen bonds, prolong happiness.

The satellite of the Earth more than other celestial bodies influences its atmosphere. The lunar weather calendar for 2019 is the most accurate prediction of weather changes. All four phases of the Moon and certain signs of the Zodiac make the weather stable or bring cyclones, warming, hurricanes, storms, rains. Meteorological observations have been collected over the years. Each lunar day has its own color and is able to favorably affect the climate or bring unpleasant surprises.

When choosing a day for a surgical operation, surrendering to the hands of doctors, read what is recommended by the lunar calendar 2019. Our fate is also dictated by those invisible forces that exist in nature. Celestial bodies influence the healing of wounds and cuts, stop bleeding and speedy recovery. There are phases of the moon in which surgery is not recommended. Let the advice of an astrologer tell you when intervention is favorable, and at what point it should be abandoned.

A correctly drawn up lunar calendar for 2019 for sowing is a guarantee of the future harvest. It has been noticed that some vegetables and flowers grow, while others wither and dry. This is because knowledgeable people carry out sowing work during the new moon, and in the second case, the lunar cycles were not taken into account. By choosing the lunar phase, you will be able to get a lot of berries, get rid of weeds, have beautiful lawns and get a rich harvest of vegetable crops.

The lunar pregnancy calendar will help those who are planning the birth of an heir. Carrying a child is a pleasant moment, but it should be remembered that, even while in the mother's womb, the fetus is influenced from outside. Knowing the phases of the moon that favorably affect conception, the formation of an embryo, it will be possible to save the emerging life from difficulties. Let 9 months pass in harmony with nature, and the baby will appear on the day when the Earth is ready to give him her care.

Massage is the best doctor for many diseases. The lunar calendar for 2019 recommends that the first sessions be carried out when the moon is waning, so that the disease leaves the person. The phases of the moon are taken into account when performing different types of massage on the whole body or individual areas: relaxation is faster achieved with a waning moon, the foot zones are also massaged during this period. Correctly calculated lunar period for the procedure has a beneficial effect on overall recovery.

If you do not want to gain weight or urgently need to add a few kilograms, pay attention to the lunar calendar. There are phases of the moon that beneficially help fight gluttony. It is on such a lunar day that one should go on a diet that will transform forms, improve health, and relieve many ailments. Taking products according to a strictly established schedule, relying not only on their own strength, but also on the help of nature, seriously ill patients overcame oncology, cravings for excesses in nutrition.

Night is the most pleasant time for the birth of love and new acquaintances. And all because the Moon has a beneficial effect on people striving for rapprochement. With the help of the lunar calendar, you can increase the number of friends. Remember: when growing, love intensifies. Follow the advice of astrologers, do not miss your best lunar day, and loneliness will recede forever.

For many years, the lunar calendar helps to maintain skin elasticity. Following his advice, choosing the phases of the moon for masks, cleansing the face, it will be possible to prolong youth. It has a beneficial effect on our body and the timely conduct of caring procedures at home or in the salon. Having chosen a successful day on the Moon, try to relax as much as possible and breathe in the forces sent to you from above by nature.

The lunar calendar for 2019 provides invaluable tips on nail care. The knowledge collected over the centuries represents a layer of science that allows you to make your hands beautiful. Being in Capricorn, the night luminary has a beneficial effect on the nail plates. These lunar days are used for cutting nails, manicures, pedicures, ingrown nail plates should be fought on the waning moon.

Plants help to defeat serious diseases. This has been proven by centuries of experience. Medicinal roots and leaves are not collected in any period. The lunar calendar indicates the dates of collection. It defines the phases of the moon, in which the plant gives its full strength to the person, and it works beneficially for us and our health. On these lunar days, raw materials are being harvested.

Not every night is ideal for conceiving a child if you want to have a healthy, smart, happy heir. The 2019 lunar calendar helps you choose the time of intercourse. An interesting life with good luck and great prospects is promised to those whose life in the womb began in the 2nd half of the 1st lunar day. The 2nd day has a beneficial effect on the birth of girls, but on the third day you should not even try, because children are born with a quick temper. The attention of future parents is also drawn to the phases of the moon in order to avoid restrictions in the development of children.

In this lunar calendar there is a warning about how a disease that comes to him suddenly will affect a person. The disease will last a long time if its onset coincided with the new moon. The forces of nature will beneficially help the patient if the illness occurred on the 7th, 12th, 15th, 27th, 19th lunar day. There are periods when the disease will become fatal or dangerous, so you should immediately seek emergency help.

The bath heals, heals, tones the organs. With the help of the lunar calendar, you will be able to choose for lovers of the steam room those days when the effectiveness of steam and a broom will have the most beneficial effect on well-being. No one calls for canceling the approach to the bath or sauna, but choosing the best lunar day and combining it with water procedures will not only be pleasant, but also useful. Given the phases of the moon, try treating your back, making face masks, drinking medicinal teas. Everything will work out and health will come.

It is not bad to carry out medical and wellness procedures prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the phases of the moon. You will find hints in the lunar calendar for 2019, where the influence of the planets on the body is described according to the signs of the Zodiac. Choose in which cycle to cleanse the kidneys of toxins, and in which one you can beneficially help yourself to heal the genitals, stomach, and intestines. Even for taking herbal teas and carrying out masks, compresses, inhalations, there is a certain time.

Delicious food allows the hostess to win the respect and favor of the family and guests. But sometimes your favorite pies and borscht don't work out. It's not just like that. In the lunar calendar for 2019 for cooking, it tells you which cycle of the moon is best to work with meat, and when to focus on cooking vegetables that have a beneficial effect on any body. Do not forget about the phases of the moon in 2019: then the dough will fit, and the porridge will not burn, and the sauce will turn out great.

A note about the moon

The lunar calendar is a cyclic change of 4 phases of the night star. The lunar month consists of 29-30 lunar days based on the length of the 1st day, moreover, determined by the proximity of the earth's satellite to the horizon at the time of the new moon. Lunar days (days) are not always equal in magnitude to each other.

This is due to the fact that the true cycle of the moon is approximately 29.5 solar days. The lunar day, like the solar day, consists of four parts: lunar morning, lunar day, lunar evening and lunar night.

  1. Lunar morning continues from the rising of the satellite of the earth to its upper culmination, when the Moon passes through the MC. This period of the lunar day can coincide with the beginning of the solar day only in the first days of the lunar month, then it comes later and later, and in the fourth phase of the lunar month of the calendar, the lunar morning comes late at night. This part of the lunar day is the most unstable, a person at this time is excitable, changeable, it is difficult for him to control his emotions. The lunar calendar for 2019 advises people born on a lunar morning to learn how to manage their emotions.
  2. The lunar day continues from the upper culmination to the sunset of the moon. This period of the lunar day may coincide with the solar day. This lunar period brings high excitability, hidden negative emotions, the peak of emotionality falls on the lunar day, and emotional breakdowns can occur due to excessive waste of energy. Lunar day is the most favorable time to work on yourself. The lunar calendar recommends during this period to engage in the prevention of diseases, take medications. In a person born in the light, the lunar qualities are more clearly manifested.
  3. The lunar evening continues from the sunset of the night star until the moment of the lower climax. This period brings emotional maturity; At this time, it is easier to control your emotions. Lunar evening in the third phase of the lunar month often coincides with the solar day. At this time, a person strives more for emotional harmony. The lunar calendar reports that a person born in the evening is somewhat inhibited, capable of immersing himself; it is easier for such a person than for other people to abstract from the problems of the outside world.
  4. The lunar night continues from the lower culmination of the moon to its rising. During the moonlit night, a person becomes more withdrawn and seeks solitude, this is especially evident in people with a strong moon. On a moonlit night, it is recommended to limit contacts. According to the lunar calendar, a person born on a moonlit night, as it were, sums up the emotional cycle. The emotions of such a person are hidden deep inside, which can cause depression.

There will be difficulties with the distribution of forces. Direct them to current affairs and pre-set goals. Undertakings, especially financial ones, will turn into failure. Move communication to the background: it will be difficult for you to contain your aggression. Reschedule trips to another date.

Influence of the Moon March 23, 2019

17 lunar day

On the 17th lunar day, it is undesirable to start new large-scale business. At this time, small current tasks, planning for future projects and business negotiations succeed. It is better not to communicate with the authorities. You can change jobs. This is an unfavorable time for household chores. A good day for financial transactions. The energies of the 17th lunar day give the joy of communication, love and intimacy. This is the perfect time to travel. If possible, it is recommended to go on a one-day vacation.

Waning Moon (Phase 3)

The third phase of the moon is a favorable time for solving important issues, changing the type of activity. In its last days, it is better to devote yourself to summing up the work done, building plans for the near future. It is desirable to complete the fulfillment of responsible tasks before the start of the fourth phase of the moon.

The third phase is a suitable period for taking love relationships to a new level, resuming broken ties, serious conversations. These days it is advisable to limit communication with strangers, suspicious people. This is a good time to fulfill the promises made earlier, to distribute debts. The most effective household chores at this time are laundry and wet cleaning.

Moon in Scorpio

The Moon in Scorpio is not the best time for new beginnings. Current tasks during this period are solved relatively easily. This is an unfavorable time for talking with superiors and changing jobs. Suitable days for laundry, general cleaning and small repairs. It is undesirable to carry out large cash transactions during this period. This is not the best time for dates and any communication. Unfavorable days for travel.


Saturday is an unfavorable period for new beginnings. The monotonous current work is good. The day is suitable for independent activities. This is not the best time to communicate with superiors and change jobs. A suitable day of the week for household chores, shopping, self-development.

The lunar calendar for today helps to find out what lunar day, the phase of the moon, in which sign of the zodiac the moon is. It indicates the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon, the degree of its illumination.

It contains the general characteristics of the day. The lunar horoscope for today takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in relation to the zodiac constellations, the day of the week. He will tell you what things are better to do on this day, whether it is worth planning a serious conversation with the boss, sorting out relationships with people, making large purchases, starting cleaning or repairing the house, going on a trip.

A lunar birthday is another way to find out the characteristics inherent in a person born on a particular lunar day. The moon is the subconscious of a person, his hidden abilities, instincts, intuition. Knowledge of the day of his birth according to the lunar calendar enables a person to better build his path, to understand the nature of the patterns that repeat in his life. The lunar birth number will show what to pay attention to, what to avoid and what to strive for. To calculate your lunar birthday, zodiac sign and phase of the moon, fill out the form below.

Select date, time and place of birth:

Date/time of birth:
day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 month January February March April May June July August September October November December 2022 2022 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2010 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 2002 2002 2001 2000 1998 1998 1996 1995 1994 1994 1993 1991 1990 1989 1988 1985 1985 1984 1982 1981 1981 1979 1978 1978 1976 1974 1974 1972 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1964 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1955 1954 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1947 1947 1946 1944 1943 1942 1940 1939 1935 1935 1933 1931 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1927 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 192AL 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1914 1914 1913 1911 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 16 16 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 minutes 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Place of Birth:

Not selected - Russia Abkhazia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Anguilla Angola Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Afghanistan Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Bahrain Belarus Belize Belgium Benin Bermuda Bulgaria Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Burkina Faso Burundi Bhutan Vanuatu Vatican City United Kingdom Hungary Venezuela Virgin Islands (British) Virgin Islands (US) East Timor Vietnam Gabon Haiti Guyana Gambia Ghana Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Germany Gibraltar Honduras Hong Kong Grenada Greenland Greece Georgia Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Egypt Zambia Zimbabwe Israel India Indonesia Jordan Iraq Iran Ireland Iceland Spain Italy Yemen Cape Verde Kazakhstan Cayman Islands Cambodia Cameroon Canada Qatar Kenya Cyprus Kyrgyzstan Kiribati China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Cuba Kuwait Laos Latvia Lesotho Liberia Lebanon Libya Lithuania Liechtenstein Luxembourg Mavri Madagascar Mayotte Macedonia Malawi Malaysia Mali Maldives Malta Mariana Islands Morocco Martinique Marshall Islands Mexico Mozambique Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Niger Nigeria Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Nicaragua Niue New Zealand New Caledonia Norway Norfolk Island United Arab Emirates Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Peru Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Rwanda Romania El Salvador Samoa (Western) San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Swaziland Seychelles Senegal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Serbia Singapore Syria Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia Sudan Suriname USA Sierra Leone Tajikistan Thailand Taiwan Tanzania Turks and Caicos Islands Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Tunisia Turkmenistan Turkey Uganda Uzbekistan Ukraine Wallis and Futuna Uruguay Faroe Islands Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Philippines Finland France French Polynesia Croatia Central African Republic Public Chad Montenegro Czech Republic Chile Switzerland Sweden Sri Lanka Ecuador Estonia Ethiopia South Africa South Georgia South Korea Jamaica Japan - not selected - Moscow St. Petersburg Vologda Oblast Voronezh Oblast Dagestan Jewish Autonomous Okrug Trans-Baikal Territory Ivanovo Oblast Ingushetia Irkutsk Oblast Kabardino-Balkaria Kaliningrad Oblast Kalmykia Kaluga Oblast Kamchatka Oblast Karachay-Cherkessia Karelia Kemerovo Oblast Kirov Oblast Komi Kostroma Oblast Krasnodar Territory Krasnoyarsk Territory Crimea Kurgan Oblast Kursk Oblast Leningrad Oblast Lipetsk Oblast Magadan Oblast Mari El Mordovia Moscow Region Murmansk Region Nenets Autonomous Okrug Nizhny Novgorod Region Novgorod Region Novosibirsk Region Omsk Region Orenburg Region Oryol Region Penza Region Perm Territory Primorsky Territory Pskov Region Rostov Region Ryazan Region Samara Region Saratov Region Sakhalin Region Sverdlovsk Region North Ossetia Smolensk Region Stavropol Territory Tambov Region Tatarstan Tver Region Tomsk Region Tula Region Tyva Tyumen Region Udmurtia Ulyanovsk Region Khabarovsk Territory Khakassia Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Chelyabinsk Region region Chechen Republic Chuvashia Chukotka Autonomous District Yakutia Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District Yaroslavl Region


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Determine lunar birthday

The duration of one lunar day is from one moonrise to another, and the total lunar days in the lunar cycle are 29 or 30, depending on the speed of the moon. Since the lunar day does not coincide with the solar days, the lunar day can begin at any time - morning, afternoon, evening or night. It is important to bear in mind that the lunar day, as a rule, has a different duration, sometimes it can last only a few hours. The lunar cycle goes through four main lunar phases: new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter. These phases of the moon have been celebrated in all lunar calendars since ancient times. The first lunar day is counted from the moment of the new moon. The following is a conditional division of the lunar month according to the lunar phases. The following is a description of people by their lunar birthday.

Days of the first lunar phase - new moon:

On this day, emotional people are born who have great internal energy, and therefore long-livers. The fantasies of these people are able to come true. Creative activities are successful and bring pleasure ...

Those born on the 2nd lunar day can succeed in business, including their own. These people easily get a job, but do not like to work under the command of someone. They solve all problems easily, often use ..

The great activity of those born on this day is their trump card, since in many life situations these people are saved by determination, the ability to act actively, and the ability to make decisions. Endowed with great willpower, ..

There is some secret in people born on this day, there are a lot of rumors about them, not everyone can understand them. The main danger of the people of this day is the power of melancholy, a little apathy. They often delve into...

Those born on the 5th lunar day have a pronounced magical power. And even if you do not develop abilities, it is natural for a person to help people. You need to avoid negative emotions, do not provoke others. In the life of these people..

Those born on the 6th lunar day can foresee some events, much of what they say comes true. These people should be listened to. And they themselves cannot scatter words, say out loud something that is better ..

People born on the 7th lunar day have a good memory, good health and a developed sense of humor. Often they do not have their own opinion, they are not capable of deep understanding, serious feelings. They have strong..

Days of the second lunar phase - first quarter:

Those born on this day are extremely attractive in their inner qualities. They are smart, quick-witted, decent, hardworking and friendly. They are distinguished by an extraordinary vision of life, ingenuity. Interested in..

If you were born on this day, avoid critical situations, learn to bypass "sharp corners". Most situations, one way or another, a person creates himself. Do not provoke conflicts and do not participate in them. In the people of the 9th..

People born on this day are strongly connected with their ancestors and their family. Endowed with an excess of energy, they are energy donors for other people, and this benefits them. These people are charming, have a lot of power over..

These people have excellent mental abilities, extraordinary thinking. They are very strong and almost unpredictable, bold judgments and unexpected actions can be expected from them. People of this day can..

These are good, bright people, called to help everyone in word and deed, to bring good to the world. They are trusting, modest, merciful, charming. People on the 12th lunar day have well-developed heart, emotional chakras. They are..

On the 13th lunar day, restless, very sensitive people are born. They are easy-going, sociable, receptive to information. They have an excellent memory, so they learn everything “playfully”. Can do multiple things..

People born on the 14th lunar day are considered "chosen ones". Even in childhood, they realize their calling in life, find the only right path and begin to follow it early. They tend to: intuition, insight, ..

People of this day are able to achieve success in trade. They are helped by remarkable performance and a highly developed intellect. In study and work, they highlight the main thing and are only interested in this, without exchanging it for trifles. AT..

Days of the third lunar phase - full moon:

Born in the 16th l.d. are distinguished by a high spiritual level, endowed with optimism and love of life. These qualities help to find a way out of any difficulties. These people are peaceful, modest and benevolent, no one..

A person born on the 17th lunar day is endowed with a very emotional nature. Feeling for him is in the 1st place. He never suffers from confrontations between the mind and the heart, since the voice of the heart is much louder. In that..

People born on this day are hardworking and efficient, stubborn and persistent, patient. They know how to achieve their goals, often achieve an enviable position in society and material well-being. Able to teach and...

People born on the 19th (critical) lunar day have 2 radically different paths in front of them. These are the paths of Good and Evil. The chances are equal. Which way to go is the choice of the individual. But education also has an impact.

People on the 20th lunar day can live with a constant expectation of a miracle and with a feeling of flight in their souls. Given contact, the ability to stand up for themselves and for those who are dear to them. Natures are creative and active. They don't get anything for nothing...

People born on the 21st lunar day are noble in nature, thirsting for justice. Given strength, energy, activity, efficiency. They can be outwardly restrained, but inside they are very passionate. It is important to develop spiritually...