How to celebrate a birthday tonight. How to celebrate a birthday in an unusual and inexpensive way? Options and ideas for an unusual and budget celebration. birthday alone

It is important to celebrate a birthday in a truly fun, interesting way, to make the holiday bright and memorable. Let every birthday be a wonderful celebration, cause only positive emotions. A person becomes more mature, wiser over the years, for many this is also due to the loss of that magical feeling that accompanied the solemn day in childhood. But the years will not prevent you from enjoying life and making the holiday really happy! Get creative with organizing your birthday, choose unusual options, and don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Assessing the effect of the next celebration, your friends themselves will begin to follow your example! How to celebrate a birthday in an original way, show off your creativity, amaze the imagination of relatives and friends? How to make a holiday amazing and full of magic? After all, it is on this day that it is so important to create a pleasant, relaxing and unique atmosphere! Then no one will remember that a birthday is a serious milestone in a person’s life, he gets older, gradually goes his own way, etc. Meet your day positively and give joy and optimism to everyone around you! Consider several options for the original organization of the birthday. Choose yours, and even better - try different ones.

Celebrating a birthday economically and in an original way
It is generally accepted that it will not work to celebrate a birthday really brightly and in an original way at low cost. However, it is not. It is not at all necessary to buy the most expensive products, order exotic dishes, celebrate a birthday in a club or go to the sea coast to feel happy and have fun from the heart. There is a variant of a quite economical holiday, but no less positive and memorable.

Traditional birthday party at home with an unusual design
Create a unique atmosphere - and your holiday will immediately become original.

  1. Set up an apartment. Hang balloons everywhere, draw bright and colorful posters, decorate the walls with garlands and flags, arrange flowers in vases. Let guests be greeted by a funny banner with drawings and inscriptions. Show your imagination, make accessories with your own hands.
  2. Present. Prepare funny souvenirs for each guest. Magnets, napkin sets, small animals and scented candles are always appropriate. You will be able to supplement them with your drawings, inscriptions. This will instantly lift everyone's spirits. Consider the characteristics of the character, the tastes of your friends.
  3. Games. You can organize a lottery, forfeits, any games of ingenuity. Are you many years old? Moreover, it will be very interesting and pleasant for everyone to plunge into the long-forgotten atmosphere of childishly laid-back fun! You can play Fanta:
    • cooking the next dish;
    • reading a poem for a birthday man;
    • author's toast or anecdote;
    • the most original congratulations.
  4. Menu. You can quite surprise your guests and the holiday menu. Cook only two or three dishes, buy a big cake. It is not worth abandoning the usual table decoration with candles. Let the guests choose the rest! You probably have a grocery, pizza, sushi delivery service nearby. It's great if you just choose the next dish by majority vote. And if the hero of the occasion is a woman, there will be many representatives of the weak half of humanity at the celebration. They can easily prepare simple dishes themselves, online, at the request of the “spectators”!
  5. Contests. Hold competitions, let the toastmaster perform his role. By the way, they can be assigned to any of the guests. Your relatives and friends will be happy to compete in different skills, and the reward should be inexpensive, but cute and original prizes. It's great if you make them yourself, for example:
    • diploma for the most witty;
    • medal for loyalty;
    • award for the most intelligent blonde;
    • a prize for an avid hunter - it should be given to a lover of flirting;
    • the prize for the smartest and most economical housewife - it can be ... an ax, only with a beautiful ribbon, because it is from it that a thrifty woman can easily cook soup!
Invent, invent, open the scope of your imagination. Paint diplomas, cut out medals from gold foil and glue prizes from colored paper, compose funny inscriptions. Your guests will not only receive a charge of positive energy at the holiday, but will also remember your birthday with pleasure all year long. Until next!

We celebrate a birthday in an original way on "neutral territory"
Of course, such a holiday has a lot of advantages. You are relieved of many troubles, you do not have to count the number of dishes and stock up on detergents and sponges in advance. You will rest and relax with the guests one hundred percent. Where to celebrate a birthday in an original way? Everything will depend on the preferences, characteristics of the character of the guests. Choose!

  • Clubs. Surely many young people are happy to visit nightclubs. You can also celebrate your birthday there! Inviting guests to your home is not a requirement. Just spend the whole holiday in your favorite club. There you can enjoy pleasant company, have fun, relax. It’s great if you bring something of your own to the atmosphere of the institution - after all, you have an original holiday! For example, when guests are ready to have fun and joke, karaoke is a great idea. You can get it in your possession for the whole evening for a fee. Let your guests demonstrate their vocal abilities or their complete absence, the main thing is that everyone should have fun!
  • Fitness and spa salon. Yes, girls will immediately appreciate this opportunity: spend the whole day in the spa, relax, and undergo various pleasant procedures. This will not only please, but also bring certain benefits. The scope of the celebration in the salon depends only on the wishes and financial capabilities. But for men, it is quite appropriate to go to fitness. By the way, all guests should go there too: a wide scope of imagination opens up there, there is an opportunity to run, stretch, play bowling.
  • Paintball. Now this game is gaining popularity, it will be an excellent option for those who decide to celebrate their birthday in an original way and surprise guests. Arrange a real "hunt" for each other! You will get a charge of vivacity, vivid emotions and memorable impressions, while warming up well, benefiting the body as a whole. Celebrate your birthday on the move.
  • Horse rides. This option goes well with a picnic in nature. You will enjoy the landscapes, breathe fresh air, feel real harmony with the surrounding world. Guests will definitely be delighted with the horse ride.
  • Amusement park. Feel like little children, carefree and fearless! Relaxing all day in an amusement park, periodically refreshing yourself with colored cotton candy, cakes, fruits and washing it all down with soda is a great idea! You probably haven't ridden a ferris wheel, giant steps or jumped on a trampoline for a long time. Imagine how many positive emotions you and your friends will get.
  • Limousine order. Rent a limousine for the holiday, invite your best friends or girlfriends to it and drive it around the streets of your city. All participants of this event are guaranteed to receive a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.
There are a lot of options. Choose a place to your liking and financial possibilities!

Extreme and original to celebrate a birthday: in the air and in the water
If you are a fan of extreme sports, the following options are perfect for you.
  • We celebrate in the air. You can celebrate your birthday in the air in an original way. Jump with a parachute, ride a balloon, appreciate the beauty of nature from a hang glider. You will get great photos, and the impressions will remain for a long time!
  • Celebrating a birthday in the water. Professional travelers and amateurs enjoy rafting down the rivers. Why not have a party on the water? If all your guests can swim, you are ready to give up alcohol, it is quite possible to organize a celebration on the island, swim in boats or on a raft. A great option is to book a ticket in advance and celebrate your birthday on the boat.
Celebrating a birthday in nature
Having a birthday in nature has a lot of advantages.
  • The dishes are disposable and do not need to be washed.
  • The setting is laid back and relaxed.
  • Requirements for outfits are the most modest.
  • Comfortable clothes, shoes, women do not need to follow the make-up that can be discarded, and men will not feel uncomfortable in tight ties.
  • Around - air, nature, beauty and naturalness!
In summer, everyone is already used to relaxing in the forest. Of course, it is insanely nice to bask in the sun, fry kebabs and enjoy the warmth. Of course, such a birthday will be a great holiday, where everyone will feel great.

But winter will not become an obstacle: in the cold season, you can also celebrate your birthday perfectly and in an original way. Turn your celebration into a real winter fairy tale!

  • Take a stove with you to heat up your food.
  • Prepare some meals, pack them.
  • Stock up on garlands, light paper and soft toys.
  • Take sparklers.
  • You can bring a brazier with you and fry kebabs right in nature.
Let your winter birthday remind you of the new year - only it will be yours, personal. After all, this is also a milestone that marks another year of your life. Celebrate merrily and heartily, play snowballs, ride impromptu slides, enjoy the frosty air. Blind a whole snow family around the selected Christmas tree. By the way, the figures can be brightly colored, and then captured in the photo. Decorate the trees, light the lanterns. Everything will shine and delight you and your guests. And festive dishes in the cold will seem even more delicious! Celebrate your birthday in an original, fun holiday!

Since childhood, we all love holidays, especially birthdays, especially our own. However, unlike the times of distant childhood, in adulthood, in addition to gifts and treats, we are concerned about another important question: how to celebrate a birthday in an unusual and inexpensive way. After all, when you celebrate your birth for at least 30 years in a row, fantasy, to put it mildly, retires and your holiday turns into another feast with banal toasts and eloquent postcards in the form of obscenely large two-digit numbers. Everything would be fine, but I want to spend this bright day somehow unusual, and even not to spend the entire monthly budget on the celebration. We will help you organize an unforgettable celebration, tell you about the most interesting ways of celebrating and select a cool option just for you.

Birthday is worth celebrating at any age. Whether you are turning 2 or 92, this holiday brings many surprises and fond memories. Practice shows that celebrate your birthday best with friends or with close people: relatives, dads, moms and pets. Of course, you can try to celebrate this holiday in splendid isolation, but these are materials for another article.

What do we know about birthdays? You can celebrate this holiday at home, or outside it. Everyone knows the standard picture of any birthday: guests, gifts, cake, congratulations. Plus a couple more contests, a song from the cartoon about Cheburashka, a round dance and sweets. Maximum balloons. But we will reveal to you a few secrets of a cool birthday for any age and season.

birthday in summer

In fact, there are many options for celebrating a birthday. Especially, if you were lucky enough to be born in the summer. Then you can take a cheerful company of your friends, arm yourself with skewers, grill, blankets, tents, a ball and go on a trip out of town. The option of outing into nature is suitable for both an adult and a teenager who is 11 years old (under adult supervision, of course).

For kids 5 years old, you can also make a picnic:

  • decorate a forest clearing with balls, flags, toys;
  • organize outdoor games;
  • hide treats and invite little guests to find them;
  • invite animators or transform yourself into heroes from your favorite fairy tales.

In general, a birthday in nature is always fun, useful and, most importantly, budget-friendly.

birthday in autumn and winter

Of course, not the best holiday on earth, but still a very good birthday celebration option for rednecks. Or for those who, in principle, do not like their holiday.

But if the weather is not a hindrance for you - there would be a mood, then you can celebrate your birthday in nature at least all year round. Autumn is a bright time for photo shoots.. You can invite a photographer, or you can get by with your own good camera.

If you want to spend this day in an original way, think about the location (park, forest, river bank), choose decor and props, think over costumes and looks. And the birthday will pass, as they say "with a bang" and there is no need to wash the dishes. A girl will especially like this option, and of any age, because most women love to be photographed and publish their photos on social networks.

For a winter birthday, you can arrange a cozy party at home, with board games, homemade sweets and hot drinks. On New Year's Eve, it will also be nice to arrange a joint viewing of Christmas comedies, decorate the Christmas tree, or attend a master class on making New Year's toys. If this pastime seems boring to you, invite friends to the rink, rollerdrome or to the theatre. You can also pay for 1 dance lesson and break away in full. After - a small buffet. Inexpensive, but very memorable holiday is guaranteed to you.

For spring birthdays

If you celebrate your birthday in the spring, you also have unlimited scope for imagination. And the budget can be small.

  1. Spring photo session with friends.
  2. A trip to the country house or to an agro-tourist excursion (to a farm or to an equestrian base).
  3. A popular modern fun is a quest. You can visit a special quest club or come up with an exciting story yourself and solve real puzzles and mysteries together with your friends or find treasures (for example, gifts, movie tickets, etc.)
  4. Extreme fun - such as a rope park, paintball or bungee jumping.
  5. A themed party, such as disco or Harry Potter characters.

How to celebrate a child's birthday at 1 year old

The first birthday of a baby is a great celebration for both him and his parents. Of course, a little birthday boy or birthday girl will remember her first holiday in fragments, so it’s better to give the baby a fairy tale. It can be a costume show with animators, or parents themselves can be reincarnated as fairy-tale characters. So it will be more sincere and cheaper. Here are some tips on how to celebrate your little one's first birthday.

How to have a fun birthday at home: a script for adults

Do you love surprises? Then arrange them for yourself and your guests on your own birthday.

The easiest scenario for a girl who decides to celebrate her birthday with her friends is to have a bachelorette party. You can invite a stripper, or arrange a pajama party, or in general - appoint a day of beauty and style. Of course, it’s better not to do all this at the same time, and so that the neighbors don’t resort to manicures later, but it’s your birthday, so you have the cards in your hands.

Birthday is just around the corner, but you really don’t want to celebrate it in a noisy company, relatives and friends are far away, and you can’t invite strangers to this holiday. How to celebrate a birthday alone and how to cheer yourself up? Here are some ideas:

  1. Remember what you dreamed about as a child, and make your cherished dream come true. For example, if all your life you have dreamed of getting a cat or a dog, then on this day you can afford it;
  2. If you are not in the mood to accept endless congratulations, turn off your mobile phone. Spend this day without phone calls and SMS, so that no one can stop you from enjoying your birthday;
  3. Listen to your favorite music on this day or buy an interesting game and play for your own pleasure;
  4. Do what you love, for example, spend the whole day in the kitchen, prepare "sweets" and enjoy the work done;
  5. Take a stroll through the shops: please yourself with new clothes from the new collection or just buy those things that you have long dreamed of, but could not afford. Don't forget to visit the perfume shop and pick up a new fragrance;
  6. Change the scenery and go on a little trip. It doesn't matter if it's another country or a neighboring city. Bus tours across Europe lasting 4-5 days are very popular now - use one of these offers and visit several countries in one trip.
  7. Go to an exotic or newly opened restaurant and try those dishes that on a normal day you would refuse because of their high cost;
  8. Go to a beauty salon: indulge in spa treatments, book yourself a relaxing massage session, get a new haircut or a chocolate wrap;
  9. Visit the cinema and watch 2-3 interesting films in a row on the big screen;
  10. Take a walk around the city, look at exhibitions or new museum expositions, which you never had enough time to visit;
  11. If you do not have a soul mate, visit a blind date: perhaps on this day you will find your love;
  12. Spend this day actively: jump with a parachute or fly in a balloon, swim on a steamer or boat;
  13. Arrange a photo shoot for yourself: you can take pictures yourself, or you can visit a salon and a professional photographer will take high-quality retouched pictures for you, with which you can decorate your room;
  14. Do a good deed - help the children. If you are volunteering, visit the orphanage, talk to the children and give them small souvenirs. And if you are fond of, for example, singing, you can organize a vocal master class for children;
  15. Interact with animals: ride horses, go to the zoo or visit an ostrich farm and taste delicacies made from ostrich meat or eggs. You can even swim with dolphins!

In any case, whichever option you choose, the most important thing is that this day will remain in your memory for a long time.

Birthday is gifts, numerous congratulations, good mood and positive emotions. On this day, a person was born, and every next year of celebration, the birthday man wants to surprise his guests with new ideas for holding a celebration. Some people like to arrange a celebration in a cafe, water park or bowling alley, someone prefers a calm reception of their loved ones at home. Probably you, on the eve of your name day, are thinking about how to celebrate your birthday in an unusual and inexpensive way.

How unusual to celebrate a birthday?

The main criterion in the process of organizing a birthday party are financial opportunities birthday boy. Consider how unusually and inexpensively you can celebrate your birthday:

  • Winter. If it snows outside, the whole company can go to make snowmen. After a fun "work", you can refresh yourself on the spot with a pie and tea from a thermos. The event ends with a photo shoot with a snowman or a snowball fight.
  • Spring - autumn. And for these times of the year, there are many options for holding a budget birthday. Pizza and watching a good comedy, tea drinking and playing Monopoly will help to have a fun birthday party for both teenagers and adults.
  • Summer. It's warm outside, so a great option would be to hold a birthday outside the city. Fresh air, warm sun, cheerful company - in such situations, even potatoes baked in ashes and sausages fried on the grill will be an excellent treat. The cultural program will be diversified by pre-prepared active games.

How is a birthday celebrated in Russia?

Birthdays were first celebrated in Egypt around 2500 BC. This tradition came to our country much later, in the 19th century - ceremonial receptions were hosted by wealthy merchants and nobles.

Only in the last century did birthdays finally take shape as we see them today.

Note 5 main features, which at all times characterized the holding of name days in our country:

  1. Song "Karavai". Traditional song in honor of the hero of the holiday. Nowadays, mostly songs are performed for children.
  2. Guests. The birthday boy invites relatives and guests. The traditional celebration takes place at the table.
  3. Ear pulling. Usually the parents of the birthday boy do this. Believe - to grow big. After turning 18, the hero of the day is simply kissed on the cheek.
  4. Cake and candles. Candles are stuck on the cake (according to the number of years). The hero of the occasion extinguishes all the candles with one exhalation.
  5. Toast. In turn, all the guests, without exception, congratulate the birthday man and make a toast. First, parents do this, that is, the closest relatives, then godparents, etc.

How fun to celebrate a birthday?

Until recently, birthdays in Russia were considered exclusively family holidays. Invited close relatives and friends gathered at the festive table. The birthday boy sits at the head of the table and receives congratulations during the meal.

Now the situation has changed, and you can mark your date in one of the places:

  • Aquapark. At any time of the year, your guests can have a great time in the water park. Standard water attractions are combined with a visit to a bar or cafe located inside the entertainment complex.
  • Cinema. A banal trip to the cinema can turn into the most fun birthday in the life of a birthday person. As a rule, not only auditoriums, but also all kinds of cafes, attractions and other entertainment facilities are concentrated in one room.
  • Bowling. Sports combined with an entertainment program will give a lot of impressions even to those guests who have never approached the bowling alley.

Alternative celebration: exotic and extreme

If visiting cinemas, cafes and traditional gatherings at the table are tired, you can spend your birthday in an alternative way:

  • shopping. First of all, this method is suitable for the female sex. During the day there are visits to shopping centers, in the evening there is a disco in the festive program, where friends put on new clothes.
  • Rooftop party. Celebrating a birthday on the roof of the house will help get rid of prying eyes and see your city from an unusual angle.
  • Laser tag (Q-Zar). After the active part of the program, which even older guests will enjoy - relaxing with blasters in the labyrinths, get into as many of your guests as possible.
  • Rink. Love to skate? Now this opportunity has appeared not only in winter, but also in summer. In glacial arenas, you can combine the love of sports with a pleasant pastime.

How to celebrate a child's birthday?

A birthday for any child is the most long-awaited holiday, which he is looking forward to with great impatience for a whole year. The main task of parents is to organize a celebration in such a way that so that it will be remembered for a long time by their child.

We want to note that the amount spent on the holiday is not at all important. The main thing is an interesting idea:

The culmination of the holiday is a gift. Let it be insignificant and not expensive, but the child will like it and be sure to be beautifully decorated.

Birthdays in other countries

Interesting facts about how people celebrate birthdays around the world:

  • Vietnam. During the new year, which is called " Tet" Every Vietnamese celebrates his birthday. Age is referred to as the number of such lived years.
  • China. A birthday cake in China is made to order. The dessert comes with: forks, spoons, a spatula and ... a paper crown for the birthday boy.
  • Japan. They celebrate the birthdays of children (under 10 years old), and the elderly (after 60 years old). As such, adults have no celebration: no gifts, no treats.
  • Africa. In the countries of North Africa, name days are held twice in life: the birth itself and at 52 years old, in the southern part of the continent: on the birthday and at 21 years old.
  • Spain. Similar to our traditions of “pulling by the ears”, in Spain the birthday boy is given crackers.
  • Mexico. The hero of the occasion is rolled his eyes, and he beats a toy hanging on a tree with a stick. piñati". Sweets fall out of it, and the birthday boy collects all the sweets.

The original ideas discussed in the article will help the birthday man on the eve of his main holiday, organize an unforgettable celebration.

We considered such a question as how to celebrate a birthday in an unusual and inexpensive way, not such a difficult task, as it turned out. The main thing in this matter is good mood, a little positive and cheerful guests. Everything else, as they say, will follow.

Video ideas: celebrating an original birthday

In this video, the organizer of the holidays Roman Savitsky will tell you how interesting and unusual, and most importantly inexpensive, to celebrate your birthday with friends:

st. Avtozavodskaya. 18, SEC "Riviera", floor 2.


The flight gives adults and children not just bright, but incomparable emotions. In the new trampoline center, you can soar into the sky, do spins and flips, jump into the foam pit and do tricks like your favorite superheroes!

st. 5th Cable, 2

"Pottery Studio No. 1" 0+

The team of the Pottery Studios No. 1 network invites you to develop creatively, take a break from everyday bustle and try your hand at a new business. Under the guidance of attentive, young and positive craftsmen, each guest will be able to create their own work of art!

Staropetrovsky pr-d, 1, building 2, st. Garibaldi, d. 23, Izmailovskoye sh., 73zh, building 9, Avtozavodskaya street, 18

Legion Laser Tag Club 6+

Laser tag is becoming an increasingly popular hobby among both adults and children. In the Legion club, you can fight with friends, split into teams, and have fun in your free time. The club offers services for organizing holidays, away games and corporate events.

1st Bukhvostova street, 12/11k2

Action game Hide and Seek in the Dark 12+

The dark labyrinths of the underground city are teeming with ghosts and traps, and only attentiveness and exceptional caution will help you to remain undetected in this strange place.

st. Lyusinovskaya, d. 53, building. 2

Sports and entertainment arena PointUp ("Point Up") 0+

The Stankolit business park houses a huge unique modern sports center open to the public. Professional athletes and beginners, adults and small children - everyone will find something to their liking at PointUp.

Skladochnaya street, building 1, building 1, business park "Stankolit"

Loft "BANK" 18+

If you are looking for a suitable place for a party, a corporate event, a friendly meeting or a master class, everything you need is waiting for you in the BANK loft. There is also a stylish bar where you can perfectly celebrate any event.

st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36, building 12, entrance 4, floor 3

Restaurant White Rabbit 18+

Huge panorama of Moscow! 16th floor, viewing angle - 360 degrees. You will see the walls of the Moscow Kremlin, the domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the hotel "Ukraine", the skyscrapers of the City and the embankments of the Moscow River. The chef of the restaurant, the famous Vladimir Mukhin, has won dozens of the most prestigious awards in the field of culinary excellence. He prepares gourmet dishes, skillfully combining culinary trends and traditions of Russian cuisine.

Smolenskaya sq., 3

Kalina Bar 18+

The institution is located on the 21st floor, at the sight from the window you feel dizzy, your heart beats with bated breath. Rising in an elevator, at high speed you soar, like a bird, up above the city, watching through the glass how the Garden Ring and Novy Arbat go into the distance. This spectacle feels like it can compete with the rides - a portion of adrenaline is guaranteed to you.

b-r Novinsky, 8

Restaurant "Prisoner of the Caucasus" 18+

Guests of the restaurant will be offered one of four halls to choose from. Each of them, to one degree or another, recreates pictures from the film of the same name. In the Musical Hall, you will see a huge plane tree, around which wooden tables are located. As expected, Gaidai's films are often shown here. As entertainment in the evenings, guests are offered to enjoy Soviet melodies performed live by contemporary artists.

Ave. Mira, 36

Turandot Restaurant 18+

The restaurant is located on the site of an old mansion of the late 18th century. For six years, the building was restored and the interior decoration was organized. The result was so magnificent and rich, which could not have been achieved even two centuries ago. The restaurant has many rooms, each with its own name. The Florentine Yard is the first to welcome guests. The “Central” hall occupies two floors with a lounge area and a classic restaurant.

b-r Tverskoy, 26, building 3

Restaurant-yacht "Chaika" 0+

The interior of "The Seagull" is dominated by the "modest charm of the bourgeoisie": white leather sofas, Murano glass chandeliers, wall panels made of precious wood. There is no vulgar, eye-catching luxury, but a cursory two-minute inspection is enough to understand that this place is very, very expensive.

Krasnopresnenskaya emb., 12, lit. BUT

Cafe "Sea inside" 6+

Here you can not only eat delicious food, but also have a great time. The poster of the cafe pleases with a variety of events - from master classes in kundalini yoga to an evening of piano music and classical music for children.

Pesochnaya alley, 7a

Roof Restaurant 18+

People come to this restaurant to relax and unwind, because it offers a view of Moscow, and here you can sunbathe in the sun. Yes, just sunbathe, because the "Roof" is divided into two zones - restaurant and beach. You can lie down on the real lawn, and when you get tired of the scorching sun, go to another area - here you will find sofas under awnings that will shelter you from the heat.

Altufevskoe sh., 8

Restaurant-bar "Oblaka" 18+

Restaurant-Bar "Oblaka" offers to taste already familiar and favorite dishes in a new and original version, it is also possible to order amazing and interesting inventions of experimental gourmets. There is an excellent children's menu, the restaurant holds special events for the youngest visitors.

Ave. Kutuzovsky, 48

Restaurant Sky Lounge 18+

The Sky Lounge restaurant is suitable for any meeting, whether it's a business lunch, a romantic dinner, a magnificent anniversary or a family celebration. The main feature of the restaurant is that it is located on the 22nd floor in the city center. Here you can spend at least a whole day looking at the panorama from the windows.

Leninsky prospect, 32a, Building of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), 22nd floor

Restaurant Sixty 18+

Chef Carlo Grecu made the local cuisine interesting even for the most fastidious gourmets. It serves Italian, French and Russian cuisines. And performances of DJs and parties of the highest class provided the restaurant with an influx of guests who appreciate high-quality club rest.

Presnenskaya nab., 12, MIBC Moscow City, Federation Tower, 62nd floor

Restaurant "In the Dark?!"

The restaurant was founded by ophthalmologist Igor Medvedev with the aim of helping blind people find their place in life and find a job. The restaurant's profits go to a fund to help the blind and visually impaired people. Here the blind and the sighted change places. People go here for the sake of a dark hall, where there is not a single source of illumination. But you don't get there right away. First, you are invited to choose any of five sets for dinner: red (meat), blue (fish), green (vegetarian), yellow (Japanese) or white (assorted). The meal takes place in complete darkness - this can be an interesting experiment!

st. Oktyabrskaya, 2

Jimmy Poy Karaoke Club

The atmosphere here is conducive to communication and vocal improvisations, and the interior is made in white and gold tones using various materials and textures in the Art Deco style. The interior space of the institution consists of three zones. These are the bar area, the main hall with a mini-stage and a DJ stand, and a hall for VIPs. Every week, Jimmy Poy Karaoke hosts themed parties and concerts by popular artists.

Lubyansky ave., 15

Karaoke club "Tiger" 16+

The system installed in the club allows you to select songs using a specially developed MIDI format. Ultra-modern equipment, professional sound engineers are elements of Tiger's signature style. It is no coincidence that pop stars often drop in here.

st. Kakhovka, d.29A

Karaoke hall "La la fa"

"La la fa" is a place where you can not only sing, but also eat deliciously. The interior of the institution is made in the style of pop art, and the range of songs is extensive. If the exact song you want is not on the list, then it will certainly be found on the Internet.

st. Obraztsova, 30

Forza Karting Indoor Recreational Karting

On the territory of the karting center there is a sports cafe with a view of the track through the panoramic glass. A good view allows fans to follow the racers directly from the café. The bar broadcasts leading sports events from around the world.

Sharikopodshipnikovskaya st., 13, building 3

Le Mans Karting Club 6+
World of Speed

To date, the Le Mans karting club is the largest and safest Moscow karting track. The area of ​​its route is about 3500 meters, and the total length of all tracks is about 550 meters. And since the designers of the track were real racing drivers, its configuration resembles a smaller version of a professional circuit. Safety is provided by experienced instructors and a modern asphalt surface, which is also used on racing roads - riders are guaranteed maximum grip of the car with the track.

st. Molodogvardeiskaya, 54, building 5, 2nd Magistralnaya, 9A

Aquapark "Kva-Kva" 0+

In the "Kva-kva park" there is everything for lovers of water entertainment. More than a dozen different attractions will give children and adults a lot of joy and pleasure. After all, the water park is the best place for a fun family vacation, an unusual birthday celebration or a rich party in a friendly company. Ride the waves or go down the wild curves, spin in the Cyclone or take a ride down the Wild River.

Mytishchi, st. Communist, d. 1

Aquapark "Fantasy" 0+

There are four water slides on the territory of the water park: Tabogan, Barracuda, Fantasy and Kamikaze. There is an artificial wave pool, a quiet "river" for a relaxing swim and various attractions for children. The bar in this water park is located on board a large old ship, which allows you to plunge into a truly fabulous marine atmosphere.

st. Lublinskaya, 100

Water park "UNA Aqua Life"

Country club "UNA-LIFE" is located eight kilometers from Moscow. This is one of the largest water parks in Moscow, with an area of ​​about 3000 sq.m.

There are two aqua zones here: a town for safe and fun children's recreation and an area with slides, water cannons, geysers that will not leave adult visitors indifferent. For surfers, a new attraction "Artificial Wave" has recently opened.

Amusement park "Cosmic European"

In the largest shopping center "European" there is an indoor amusement park "COSMIK", which is equally fun and comfortable in both warm and cold seasons. This is a complete amusement park for the whole family with a wide range of fun activities and attractions for all ages. Magical design from European masters creates a fairy tale for the youngest visitors.

sq. Kievsky railway station, 2

Museum of Illusions 0+

Visitors are invited to turn on their imagination and complete the proposed picture. Museum guests sail on the Titanic and receive an award from the hands of the president, find themselves in the kingdom of Gulliver and among the evil alligators, get into a fairy tale and become the protagonist of a bloody drama, find themselves on a plate of cabbage and find their head on a shelf, walk a lion and swim in the river with crocodiles. The main thing is to catch the right angle and make a good shot.

Maly Nikolopeskovsky lane, 4, Prospekt Mira, 119, VDNKh, pavilion 55

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