How to restore the old kitchen table. Restore the Soviet writing desk by staining and "Provence of Decor. Glass table restoration methods

Everyone dreamed at least once in his life to open art talent and try himself as a restorer or decorator. Restoration of the table is a unique opportunity to combine pleasant with useful. First, this is a good way to save on the purchase of new furniture, and secondly, to restore the old table with your own hands - doubly pleasant. It is noteworthy that the technology of restoration is available to every person, even a non-professional. The result is an exclusive product, which is no analogues. How to renovate and transform an old kitchen table? How to cover the wooden countertop? Tips, recommendations, photos, as well as a unique new workshop on restoration from designers will help to make a real masterpiece from the outdated interior item.

Restoration of furniture - by itself a very exciting process, and with a competent approach, also very useful, allowing to significantly save on the purchase of new furniture

Methods of updates

How to update the worktop in the kitchen with your own hands? What are the plates from the tree in the kitchen? Newcomers have many questions and, as a result, difficulties in the process of restoration, which turn them into a stupor. Of course, any alteration and restoration of kitchen furniture can eventually lead to the result that was planned at the beginning. However, it should be remembered here that it is never too late to get rid of the old table and buy a new one, and it is still worth a try.

Make the restoration of the kitchen table with your own hands or refresh it in the following ways.

  1. Painting through Tulle involves staining the product paint according to the principle of the stencil. For this, the fabric spreads on the table in such a way that there are no tubercles. Next, it is necessary with the help of aerosol paint paint the surface entirely and give it to dry, then remove tulle. As a result, a beautiful lace drawing is formed on the table.
  2. The remake of the table can be in restoration using ceramic tiles. Such a coating is not only attractive, but also practical because it is withstanding various kinds of exposure. These can be whole blocks or multicolored fragments in the form of a mosaic. If there is no tile, you can use glass fragments as a material for restoration.
  3. You can update the old table with a self-adhesive film. Modern manufacturers offer inexpensive models with original drawings. For the restoration, it is enough to glue the surface of the product - and it will be transformed in the eyes.
  4. If the table is made of an array of wood, you can apply the burning technique as an idea for restoration, but for this you need certain skills of work, as well as special equipment in the form of an electron.
  5. Decoupage is a very fashionable way to transform furniture and give it a completely different appearance. To do this, you do not need special artistic skills, because the prepared photos on paper or napkin are taken as the basis, which are attached to the table.

Restoration of the product

The restoration of the table tops involves a return to the initial appearance without visible changes in design. Many private masters and firms offer their restoration services, but due to the high cost, this option is not available to everyone. The process of restoration is long and painstaking, however, if you wish to update the kitchen table with your own hands, you can at home. Before repaired a worktop, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • glasses, respirator, gloves;
  • grinding machine or sandpaper large and small graining paper;
  • art or painting brush, roller;
  • impregnation and putty for wood;
  • joinery glue, liquid nails;
  • acrylic or alkyd paint, braid, varnish for table top or wax;
  • antiseptic and primer.

When the necessary tools are at hand, you can proceed to work.


Before covering a wooden tabletop, you should pay attention to the prestole and the general condition of the table: whether the legs are not loosened, there are no details. The new life of the old table begins first of all with the elimination of these defects, since the functional component is important for any furniture. It must be disassembled, remove the old coating from each part, stick and assemble back by fixing with glue or liquid nails. Many restorers insist that it is not worth disturbing the integrity of the table, as it will quickly come into disrepair.

Here every case is individual. For clutch designs, the assembly can really be destructive. The perforator can destroy the surface or chips may form on it. If the furniture is good and massive, then you should not be afraid. With proper assembly, the product will become more durable and stable. After work, it is important to manage the room, because the accumulated dust can continue to settle on the kitchen table table top. The dust accumulated to the surface after staining will spoil the appearance, so the general cleaning will not hurt.

Primary treatment

Wooden table, like countends from chipboard, needs a mandatory impregnation with an antiseptic that will protect from pests and fungi. This substance will not allow in the future to attack the articles. After processing the table it is recommended to leave to dry at least one day. Next, it is necessary to remove the old coating using the grinding machine. You can also use coarse sandpaper first and fine-grained - at the end of grinding.

Restoration of kitchen countertops

Before covering a wooden tabletop, you should carefully examine the surface for damage and chipping. Small cracks up to 3 mm close up with putty, and then spoiled again so that there are no tubercles. Large chips can be eliminated by veneer. It is necessary to pre-make the stencil of the desired size. In order to make it properly, you should cover the surface of the table part with a scolf paint, then press the paper. Pure, untouched paint place, and is a necessary stencil. Next, it is necessary to cut the veneer along the contour and glue with joinery glue. Tightly pressed the item, leave to dry for 10-12 hours. How to cover the countertop after cosmetic repair? Alkyd or Shellak primer for wood. This will ensure uniform paint coating. The primer should be applied in 2 layers and wait for complete drying after each processing. After that, the surface can be reincarnated again.

Staining tables

Now you can proceed directly to painting. Since the restoration requires the restoration of the initial species, it is necessary to choose the right hue. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of color palette, but it is not always possible to find an absolutely identical option that was used before the restoration. You can purchase several types of paints, mix them and come to the desired color. How to cover a wooden countertop so that she served many more years? Here are a lot of options, but the most common is water-dispersion acrylic paint. It is non-toxic, quickly dries and enough moisture resistant.

With the help of a tassel, you need to apply a thin layer, leave dry, then cover the second - and also give to dry. For dark shades, it is recommended to repeat the procedure three times. If the table is standing outside, you need to take care of the protection of the surface from moisture and precipitation. Alkyd paint is suitable here. Despite the caustic toxic smell, it is successfully used for outdoor decoration. It is moisture resistant and is not afraid of direct sunlight. The most budget option is oil paint based on olifa. This material is suitable for the restoration of the tabletop of coffee tables, which are not actively exposed to mechanical effects. Please note that after staining to further processing, the product will be prepared after 3-4 days.

Protective covering

How to cover wooden countertops in the kitchen for long-term operation? The best matte polyurethane varnish on a water basis. It will ensure reliable protection against external influences and damage. The lacquer is applied in 2-3 layers in one direction, after each, it is necessary to dry the surface for 4 hours and to open it. How to cover a lacquer countertop so that there is no waves? It is necessary to wait for a complete drying, and the small points to determine the emery paper. A white spot may form at the point of cleaning, however, this should not be frightened, because after polishing the surface will be perfectly smooth.

Polyrol should be selected according to the characteristics similar to the previous varnish. After the procedure, you can cover the football tablet. These are special wax sheets with a nice natural aroma. Before working, it should be softened (you can warm or leave or leave it in the sun), and then rub the circular movements with felt. The process is long and painstaking, but it should be paid special attention, because the quality of the coverage depends on a further service life and the presentable type of product.

There is one more option than to cover the wooden countertop is the usual wax that rubs into the surface of a cotton cloth. Such a polished table looks very stylish and exquisite, but more suitable for the living room than for the kitchen.

This is a long restoration process. A little patience, diligence and creative creative approach - and the old interior subject will look like in the photo from the glamorous magazine.

And in conclusion video with a detailed description of the process of restoration of a wooden table top.

Often, this old, who has lost its freight in the kitchen, explicitly falling out of the overall style of the room, is a reason for disputes: it seems to be time to replace, so as not to port the interior - however, it is sorry for it, and the funds do not allow you to "scatter" furniture, Let even a considerable period alone.

Dilemma: Restoration or decoration?

Old, but still a strong dining table, especially if it is made of metal or from a wood massif, could live for a very long time, if the working surface is not affected and long use, or a design that is no longer suitable for the style of a new kitchen.

All work on returning to the life of this important part of the kitchen interior, with the restoration of ordinary functions or their change, can be divided into three categories:

  • Restoration;
  • Restoration with a change in design;
  • Decoration.

At the options, how to update the old kitchen table with your own hands in the best way, you should stop more.

Restoration. This type of work is carried out if the furniture is perfect for the kitchen interior, but lost a presentable type in the course of long exploitation, or the fortress of the structure suffered.

Before proceeding with restoration, you need to stock the following materials and tools:

  • Grinding, emery paper of various grainies;
  • Glue for wood or metal (depending on the material of the podstoly);
  • Putty for a substantial material, primer;
  • Special paint of the desired color (on wood or metal), intended for internal works, as well as a small roller and tassels.

In case the metal frame, the restoration process consists of the following steps:

  1. Dismantling countertops;
  2. Surface cleaning from old coating;
  3. Speeding surface for better staining - a special composition of putty for metal allows you to make a surface smoother, preventing it in the future from oxidation;
  4. Grinding - necessary in order to remove various roughness to prepare a surface for staining;
  5. Priming - can be performed using special compositions, and you can use the basic paint with the addition of the solvent;
  6. The paintwork coating of the frame should consist of at least two layers. Moreover, each new layer of paint is applied to the already referred to the previous layer.
  7. The tabletop for the renovated metal frame can be performed as follows:

When restoration of wooden furniture, the sequence of stages does not change. However, before proceeding to restore such a surface, it is necessary to strengthen the entire design of the product:

  1. Carefully inspect all connections units, if necessary, consolidate them with glue, furniture corners or confirmates (furniture screed). In the presence of moving connections - check their functionality. If the mechanism is damaged: repaired it, replace, and if such a function is not important - to make the node static.
  2. Remove the preserved decorative elements and accessories that may suffer at further work;
  3. Countertop, if it is not planned to be replaced, it is not subject to dismantling.
  4. Next should be rid of the old coating - to carefully sand all surfaces, including internal frame elements;
  5. If there are potholes and chips on the restored planes, the seams in the connection places - you need to sharpen them with a special acrylic putty. The table top is better to level the special composition: in PVA glue or carbon black glue to mix small wood sawdust and this mixture fill the existing excavations. After drying the glue, all design elements are sanding again;
  6. If the surface managed to align so that the defects began to be invisible, and the tree retained its original structure - it is possible to cover the table with toning (transparent acrylic paints that give any shade of wood, and its fibers that do not hide the drawing);
  7. After applying the first layer of paint, all elements of the design should be carefully polished - to remove the ripped fibers of the wood;
  8. The subsequent 2 layers of paint are applied with a gap within a few hours (so that each humor toward each time);
  9. Finish finish - varnishing: for kitchen furniture It is necessary to choose a special varnish, which gives a coating, resistant to mechanical and temperature effects.
  10. After the varnish is dry dry, the working surface of the table should be covered with several layers of wax - it will give it additional water repellent properties.
  1. Clear from all pollution (especially fat spots) with detergents. Carefully dry.
  2. With the help of grinding, clean the surface, getting rid of the old lacquer coating - the paint is bad on it.
  3. Apply primer (preferably protected wood from moisture penetration) - with roller, tassels or aerosols. Be sure to give her to dry well.
  4. Color to the right color 2-3 times, causing layers as evenly possible, giving time to dry each of them. After applying the last layer, leave the product for the final drying at least 24 hours.
  5. Apply a wax paste and, with the help of cotton wipes, circular movements carefully launched in the worktop - repeat the procedure 2-3 times to get a matte not sticky surface.

Your old table in a new guise is ready: you need to give him about a day to stand up without work, and he will serve you for more than one year!

Construction Restoration

Such design is another way, like from the old kitchen table to make a new, more spacious.

In this way, you can go if you purchased a new table in the kitchen, and the old one is still good enough to throw it.

In addition, you can simply renovate it by adding the "highlight" in the design. How to update the old kitchen table with your own hands in a similar way, shown in the photo - the process itself requires a somewhat more detailed description.

To make changes to the design, we will need:

List chipboard, 2 bar for legs, 2 planks from chipboard - all this size to make a table, in dimensions that fit under old kitchen. It is better to fasten the wheels to the legs of a small table - it will be more convenient for them to use, and the floor covering will be preserved better.

For the screed, 6 confirmates and 2 furniture corners will be needed, and to combine two structures - 2 aluminum corners equal to the width of the larger table.

In addition, we will need: Wood putty, enamel 2 combined shades, varnish and wax paste for finishing surface treatment.

Be sure that the "outbound" dining place will be enormous among younger family members - here children will be comfortable due to the smaller difference between the height of the chair and the tabletop.

Decoration - for every taste, style and ... wallet

This method of "resuscitation" of the kitchen table is the most exciting, having a variety of ways using the most unexpected materials. Inventing how to update the old kitchen table with your own hands using decoration, it is necessary to remember the strength of the coating performed - the surface must be resistant to changes in temperature, mechanical effects, and should be easily cleaned.

To decorate, you can apply the decoupage method, drawing up various collages on the tabletop (especially if used as a protective coating glass), painting and screen prints.

We offer you another one, in our opinion, a very interesting option - smalt decoration. Such a solution will be even more original if your masterpiece's work surface will be made of the same mosaic tile as the kitchen apron.

We will need:

  • The remains of the smalt remaining from the apron, or several matrices (in the size of the table). As a rule, matrices with tiles are 300x300 mm, and the size of the squares of the smalt can vary from 10x10 mm to 20x20mm;
  • Tile glue, grout and old waffle towel;
  • Malyary Scotch, spatula and scissors;
  • Paint one of the shades of smalt (on wood); end ribbon (better abs);
  • Varnish and wax paste for finishing table tops;

1st step. Restoration and painting of surfaces - actions are similar to all similar products and are given above.
2nd step. The ends of the countertops are accumulating with painting scotch, and on the tabletop itself, the spatula is applied a thick layer of tiled adhesive, recalling it, and gently put in advance fitted in size and color of the matrix with a mosaic. Carefully press, trying not to shift pieces. It is necessary to carefully monitor the ends of the countertops (including the thickness of the smalt) remained smooth. Leave the tile to dry.
3rd step. We produce grout seams. To do this, diluted to the desired consistency, the grout is applied to the mosaic, align the spatula, removing the excess grout. Let me dry a little, and then remove the grilt with the wet sponge.

People like that houses are surrounded by beautiful things. Over time, the interior of the premises loses the gloss and comes out of fashion. Sometimes it's easy to get rid of the beloved subject, because he witnessed many pleasant events of the past, and the acquisition of new furniture not everyone afford. But you can solve the problem, restoring the old thing. In this case, she does not have to throw out, it will look in the room fresh and creative, and cash on the update will go much less than on the purchase of modern furniture.

Recently, people prefer to restore the old things with their own hands. This process is creative, interesting and completely simple. Especially love the hostess experiment with such interior items as coffee tables, because they can then be shifted to guests. There are many ways to restore these things. How to update the coffee table at home to turn it into a small masterpiece?

Restoration of furniture

People in different ways embellish the old interior items, they are updated by varnishing, painting, processing equipment decoupage, tight leather, tissue, oilcloth, tile cladding.

Thanks to some technicians (cracker, bracking), the tables are artificially aumed, and things whose age does not exceed 10-15 years, look like products of half a century or century ago, giving premises of the spirit of antiquity. Many restoration lovers love to combine several techniques together, for example, combine the decoupage technique with a cracker. By applying these methods for the restoration of the coffee table, the owners will receive an interesting thing that will fit in a new way into the room design.

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Table Update in Decoupage Technique

Since we are talking about the restoration of the coffee table, the most original and beautiful solution will not be covered with its cloth and not a simple varnish coating, but an update in the fashion technique decoupage. Its essence lies in the fact that appliques or whole pictures from special napkins, wallpaper, geographical maps and musical sheets are placed on the surface of the table top, and then cover the products with varnishes. To fulfill this work, you need to take care of the materials and tools you need in advance. In addition to the aforementioned paper and napkins, it will be:

  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper 2 types (finely and coarse);
  • primer;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • watercolor;
  • acrylic contour;
  • pVA glue;
  • cabinch furniture varnish;
  • ordinary or curly scissors;
  • flat brush (flots);
  • watercolor brush.

The coffee table before the update will be better to disassemble, separating the tabletop from the frame and driving the legs. It must be done in order to remove the old varnish or paint even with the most hard-to-reach places. Then it should be well treated with all parts of the table first coarse-grained, and then fine-grained sandpaper, the front side of the tabletop is especially thoroughly polished. After that, the piece of furniture is twisted with bolts. The next stage of the work is the primer of the coffee table with the help of flushing and painting it with white acrylic paint. It is advisable to apply at least 2 layers acrylic on all the surfaces of the thing, while drying each layer for 5 hours. Otherwise, paint under varnish can go spots or crack.

Preparation of the surface to decoupage: 1. Selection of drawing; 2. Alignment of the surface; 3. Applying soil.

Then the aerosol varnish easily falls on the surface of the table top. After drying it, it is embarked on the creative process itself - cutting decorating elements from napkins. Do it better with special scissors. To cut the drawing from wallpaper or trim the edges of the geographic map, conventional scissors will fit.

When applications are ready, they should be moistened with water. Wet napkin elements in accordance with the intention are decompressed on the surface of the tabletop, lubricated PVA glue, and smoothed with a flat tassel. But a tight map or wallpaper drawing is better to soak for a few minutes in the water. The surface of the table in places under the application in this case is lubricated with a mixture of PVA and water adhesive (1: 1 ratio). When glue dries, you can draw some parts of the watercolor appliques. To make the images look at volume, use acrylic contour. Finally, the entire surface of the table is covered alternately with two layers of acrylic varnish.

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Tabletop in machinery cracker

You can, along with a decoupage, be a special crochelle varnish, which forms a crack on the tabletop and, thus, will make it "ancient". For work you will need:

Decor process in the technique of cracker: 1. Applying cracks; 2. Application of crochelle varnish; 3. Application of primary color.

  • acrylic paint of two colors (brown and white);
  • lacquer furniture;
  • tassels.

All stages: Grinding and primer surface, the preparation of applications, their gluing and the final coating of the lacquer will be performed, as in the above method. But in the middle of the workflow, changes will occur. It takes a few layers of dark paint on the primer tabletop and give it to dry. The surface will need to be covered with a crockel varnish. You should not wait for his final drying, the lacquer must remain sticky and only slightly hardening. Then the table top is painted with white acrylic and dries. An hour later, the product will begin to be covered by cracks, through them will peel the dark paint. When acrylic is finally driving, it will be necessary to stick appliques to the surface of the table and at the end to cover it with furniture varnish.

Restoration of the kitchen table allows you to update the design and improve its appearance. Due to this, it is possible to continue to operate the lingerie of the interior, and it is allowed to change the color of the coating, apply the drawing. Table top design options. It can be any image, a variety of equipment are applied, including decoupage, artificial aging of furniture, etc.

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Repair of table designs

To return the product for the previous attractiveness, resort to two ways to restore:

  • simple;
  • with a change in design.

At the next stage, decoration of furniture item is decorated. In this case, the work is performed on the prepared surfaces. Repair of the product without the need to change the structure is carried out taking into account the variety of material. For example, if the kitchen table is made of metal, the following types of work are performed:

  1. Mandatory dismantling of the table top.
  2. The old coating is removed.
  3. It is made with a putty of individual sections or the entire surface of the product, which is necessary in the case when the old table.
  4. Grinding. Performed by emery paper large, medium or fine grain. It is chosen to consider the degree of roughness of the coating. For example, to eliminate essential defects, sandpaper of large graininess is used. However, in any case, before proceeding to the next step, the kitchen table design elements are processed by fine-grained emery paper.
  5. After grinding, priming is performed. Apply special compositions. It is important to choose a means designed to work with the type of material from which the table is made.
  6. Staining is performed using a roller or brush. To this stage, you can go if the decor technique has already been selected. Application after primer varnish will improve adhesion with the surface. To get a uniform coating, staining is performed several times. First, primary processing is performed, then you need to give the first layer to dry. After that, the procedure is repeated 1-2 times.

The restoration of the legs and the surface of the table with a change in the design is performed on the instructions considered, but some items can be added. For example, additional elements of the design are installed: legs, wheels, wooden fringe around the perimeter, carved parts, etc. You can change the shape and size of the table top, its thickness. For comparison, with simple restoration, such works are not performed.

If wooden or metal legs are loosened, you can replace fasteners. In the case when the holes for fastening elements have increased over time, it will be necessary to use a larger screws.

Alternative option - changing the foot mounting places. Old holes in the countertop need to sharpen. These works are performed at the preparatory stage, immediately before finishing staining. It is possible to replace the worktop, choosing another material: glass, chipboard, chipboard.

How to update the kitchen table?

A variety of surface decoration techniques are used. When choosing the material from which the piece of furniture is made, does not always play an important role. The difference in the process of finishing the wooden and metal table is to apply special primer compositions and in processing methods. If you plan to update the kitchen table with your own hands, popular decoration techniques should be considered. Most of them are performed by paintwork materials, but there are also such that are implemented using ceramics, tulles, etc.


This is the most common way to update furniture items. Apply paint and varnish, it all depends on the type of material from which the product is made. For example, a painted kitchen table with a lumpy coating is restored and opened with varnish, which will save the natural wood pattern. Painting will help hide small defects and update the product from metal, plastic, wood.

You need to choose a color. If the color gamut of the interior is bright, you should use muffled tones, and vice versa, make an emphasis in design, highlighting a kitchen table through bright colors. Pattern and coloring techniques are selected individually. You can use alkyd enamel, water-emulsion, oil paint. The choice is made taking into account the type of material. If the question is solved, how to paint the product, you need to remember that all surfaces are covered in several layers. Paintwork materials can be sprayed from a cylinder or applied with roller, brush.


In this case, paper elements with differentty drawings are glued to the surface of the table top. Often, napkins are used for this purpose. Provine special glue for decoupage, the decor will last long, if not applied to the surface of the varnish. Permissible to use and PVA glue. Sequencing:

  • the surface is degreasing;
  • the tabletop is opened by the acrylic primer twice, each layer must be good;
  • grinding;
  • dyeing with a background tint;
  • the pattern is glued on the table, it is sealed from the center to the edges, the napkin is better to leave in vivo;
  • then the acrylic varnish is applied, it is desirable to repeat the procedure 3-4 times, and it is necessary to wait for a complete surface drying.

Decoupage of the kitchen table can be produced not only with the help of napkins - for this purpose, wallpaper and other materials on a paper basis are used.


Use the burning technique. This option is suitable for working with wood. The decor can be any: stickers, stencil, painting. Kitchen tables are decorated differently how to decorate the furniture so that it looks stylish, it is necessary to consider in more detail. The popular method is artificial aging of objects. Wooden kitchen table can also be made like this, the design is executed according to the instructions:

  1. Surfaces are skred. Large area can be treated with grinding, complex areas are cleaned with sandpaper shallow grain.
  2. From the surface, wood dust is removed.
  3. Artificially creates defects on the table top: deepening from heavy items, scratches, etc.
  4. The tabletop is covered with a verse twice.
  5. To preserve the effect of antiquities, tung oil should be applied immediately after processing the product by the vessel. Varnish for this purpose is better not to use, since the glossy coating does not contribute to the maintenance of the style of antiquity. Tung oil must be carefully launched into the surface and leave to dry overnight.
  6. At the last stage, the kitchen stack is treated, polished.

You can use paint of different shades to give an antique effect. The secret is to apply another layer, a sponge, moistened paint, or a thin brush is used to create scuffs. The shade at the same time should differ from the background. Apply a pattern, mimicing cracks or drawing of losing paint.

Tile decoration

Advantages of this technique have a lot:

  • improving the appearance of the old table;
  • the ability to install hot dishes on the worktop;
  • convenience of care;
  • long service period.

Restoration of the kitchen table with their own hands can be performed using a large-sized tile. Still use mosaic. In any case, the mass of the furniture object will increase significantly. A broken tile is suitable for design. The use of different pieces in size will allow the effect of the mosaic as a result.


Did you get into the inheritance furniture headset of the last century, or in the house, they dust with the types of chairs and the chest, with whom to part? Congratulations! You have the opportunity, and most importantly, a suitable texture in order to update the old furniture and interior at minimum cost, thereby transforming your home. You will need a couple of hours and a small set of repair materials. With their help and if there is a desire to create excellent results, you can easily and quickly!

Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary materials. In order to update the old furniture, it is convenient to use paint in cylinders. In this case, you will only have several aerosols of the necessary shades. There is no need to acquire rollers of different sizes, numerous brushes and solvent. So, before proceeding with painting, we carry out preparatory work. This stage cannot be neglected, because the quality of painting and its longevity depends on it.

  1. The first thing we purify the surface that we will paint, from dirt and dust, after which we wipe it dry.
  2. We proceed with sandpaper furniture covered with varnish.
  3. Before painting the surface is desirable to cover with a special soil. Thus, we will achieve the best coating paint clutch.
  4. We are covered with old newspapers or polyethylene film, which does not want to paint, as well as protect the surrounding space from excess paints when spraying it.
  5. We use the greasy tape to make parts of furniture that are not subject to painting, as well as to obtain a flat edge of the stainable zone.
  6. Hands protect gloves.
  7. Before using the cylinder intensively shake it within a few minutes. Spraying is carried out from a distance of 25-30 cm from the surface in the surface.
  8. Designers advise boldly use bright contrasting shades, decorate the surface with drawings, as well as decorative elements, color film and a variety of moldings. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize, creating and implement your most unusual ideas!

Well, take a look at the old furniture in a new way you will help you a selection of our photos!

1. In order for the old Dark Dark Chest to turn into an original dressing table, it is enough to update it using bright paint. You can purchase new handles on the doors and boxes or clean the coating of older using a special means for cleaning metal products.

2. New interior design is not a reason for replacing furniture. With the help of paint, you can change the shade of the table or the chest, ideally writing them into the entourage. Having salary with a painted scotch zone around moldings, you can easily paint them into the desired color. In this case, golden planks and handles perfectly decorated white drawers of the chest.

3. Sad unsightly dresser that wanted to push into the darker corner in the country, can be a real living room decoration. For this, all its elements are painted white paint. Magnifying drawers and will contrast with the main color of gray moldings. The color composition will complement the original silver handles.

4. Tree is an excellent texture to create decorative effects. This chest was painted in white, after which the boxes were sealed with a color film and isolated with moldings. The new fittings gave the composition completed the form, allowing you to update the old furniture and turn it into an ideal addition of the interior decorated in bright colors.

5. Do not rush to get rid of the visiting tables. The white shade will refresh and allow you to update the old furniture. And with the help of painting scotch, you can experiment and create a drawing on the boxes, which will help to enter the table in the surrounding environment. In this case, the color shades of the boxes are perfectly combined with decorative shelves on the table top.

6. An old tube for an hour and a half you can repaint in white and creatively to make her door with black squares. The inner space is processed using an aerosol cylinder with yellow paint. Unusual handles will perfectly complement the new image of your couch, which will decorate the hallway.

7. The old lacquered stand of Soviet times acquires an updated view with two contrasting shades. Their bold combination perfectly complement the thin moldings painted with golden paint. In the same way, handles on the doors are processed.

8. In order to update the old grandmother's chest, you can paint it with white paint frame, and make the boxes with gray. After that, with the help of a stencil and white paint, we create a magnificent openwork effect on them. Finish the image of a new fittings. By the way, boxes can be changed in places, after which your relatives will definitely decide that you have purchased new furniture!

9. From the old couch, you can make a magnificent serving table. Aerosol paint will help create smooth color transitions that look better thanks to the combination of contrasting shades. Minimum work - and such a great result!

10. In the updated dresser, light and dark shades are organically combined. With the help of painting tape on the drawers, an original decorative element is created. Furnitura looks like new after applying golden paint.

11. Using stencils, you can easily update the old furniture, making it fashionable and stylish. This chest with the original drawing of the ship will now decorate the nursery. Here are beautifully looking contrast combinations of colors.

12. Old wooden chairs can easily be restored, painting the frame of bright paint and replacing the coverage of the seats. In this case, the yellow paint perfectly harmonizes with a golden fabric pattern. Original, practical and inexpensive!

13. Make a bright design chair you are quite forces! Prayes the frame of an ancient exhibit bright paint, change the upholstery of the seat and mastwork striped covers to the main shades. A small contrasting pad - and a harmonious image completed!

14. Here is such a creative coffee table with a stencil. Initially, we paint the whole design of white paint, waiting for a complete drying, and then put the stencil on the tabletop and spray a bright blue shade. A new table is ready and perfectly fits into the interior!

15. The shabby wooden dresser is an excellent opportunity to create something special. Bright solar shades, interesting color combinations and new fittings will help update the old furniture and turn it into the original decoration of your bedroom.

16. Excellent solution: Green drawers of the chest are visually highlighted with thin moldings painted in white. Using the greasy tape, easy and easy to paint the thin details of the furniture in the color you need. New handles on drawers complement the attractive image of the chest.

17. The old bedside table has changed beyond recognition using a bright green paint and a decorative film, which was covered with a countertop. Used old fittings - she was removed and painted in black. Stunning ornament of the original interior!

18. Skillful hands turned the old bed in a small sofa, while her headboard became his back! The design is painted in white, the seat is covered with an attractive cloth, and cute pads complement the new image.

19. From the old grandmother's chest, a graceful dressing table for a modern bedroom has been turned out. Delicate pastel colors are supplemented with an original pattern of a decorative film, which are placed doors. Refresh Old Furniture can be very easily, having received a great result with minimal effort!

20. Section of the old Soviet slide turned into an excellent storage bedside table. The base is painted with white, the doors are sealed with a decorative film of pleasant colors and decorated with a new fitness. Simple solutions - and global restoration!

21. If you can draw, you can decorate white drawers of the chest of bright patterns or intricate patterns. To create them, choose colors suitable to the shades of the interior.

22. This folding table was transformed due to the yellow paint and the original drawing on the table top. With the help of stencils, you can create a variety of color compositions that perfectly fit your updated furniture in the surrounding environment.

23. Old shabby writing desk began to look stylish and modern. Unusually decorated legs give it an elegant look, and light tones refresh and updated.

24. Refresh old furniture, or rather this nightstand, you can easily and simply. It is enough to cover it with white paint, and the pattern on the doors draw the usual marker with a thick pen, then fasten the result with a colorless varnish. You can complete the work by installing new fittings. After all, manufacturers today offer a huge variety of handles and loops of any forms, colors and sizes.

25. If the new coffee table stopped you like - soon for paint! With the help of aerosol, changing the painting of the frame - and now the renewed object of the interior pleases the eye.

26. After painting with bright colors, this garden group looks fresh and festive. The combination of contrasting shades is advantageous, as well as bold accents created with the help of multi-colored pads. Such garden furniture is able to decorate any terrace.

27. The surface of the old chest is cleaned with a skin, removing the launched lacquer. After that, we apply primer and cover paint. In our case, old fittings only emphasizes the vintage style of an updated interior object. Fashionable, creative and tasteful!

28. With the help of paint, you can upgrade the old furniture and combine the table and chairs from different groups into a single composition. Mobile table in white, and chairs seats are tightened with white cloth. Fresh furniture pleases the eye!

29. I wanted something new? The kitchen cabinet can be changed beyond recognition, repainting its frame and drawers in one color, and the worktop to another, as well as setting new handles. Boldly experiment with flowers and fittings!

30. Do not rush to send the old table of Soviet times to the landfill. With the help of stencils and paints, you can create a fancy drawing on the furniture, after which it will not even be needed to the tablecloth on this table.

31. Children's furniture should be bright and attractive! You can update the old furniture and create a unique interior along with the child, painting the table and chairs. Add more colors and contrasting combinations, entertaining drawings and patterns. At such a table, your baby will sit with great pleasure.

32. Old chairs will look like new after coloring and replacing upholstery. For a minimum of effort - and an excellent result!

33. This shabby stool began to look bright and fresh. Pleasant contrasting shades allow you to update the old furniture by creating it a new image. The convenient and practical stool will become a real decoration of the kitchen or dining room.

34. And so you can upgrade the stool for the nursery. With the help of bright shades of paint, old and loss furniture became fashionable and creative. Agree, such a beautiful stool is a place in a new nursery!

35. White interior color is one of the new-fashioned modern trends. Light furniture looks easy and elegant. At the same time, there is no need to spend significant funds - you can update the chest with your own hands with high-quality paint, making it a spectacular element of the trendy interior.

36. The vintage mirror frame after painting will look like new. The spectacular shade will help her to return the past chic, and you - to refresh the interior!

37. Color accents are very important for creating a modern interior. You can arrange a room in two main colors, and the third - to emphasize the details. Provide items the desired shade, say golden, help paint in the cans.

38. 39, 40. Bright doors will become a real interior decoration, emphasizing the great taste of its owners. With the help of painting tape and high-quality paint in the canvas, you can give the canvas and the door frame of any, even the most bold shade, as well as create a spectacular combination of contrasting colors.

41. Boldly experiment with contrasting shades! Such furniture will reflect your individuality and creativity.

42, 43, 44. Bright colors, interesting combinations of shades, new fittings - and a shabby chest of drawers. Update the old furniture is easy and simply by paint in the cans. It's small things - choose colors, add fantasies and create the interior of your dreams!

45. The designers do not exist for "outdated furniture" - only vintage, and therefore, the fashionable! Add fresh shades - and create an original interior!

46. Malyary Scotch helps you create creative geometric compositions on your furniture. Add accessories to the selected shades in the tone - and enjoy the new way of your home!

47. Bright bold shades will convert old furniture, which, in turn, refreshes the room and fill it with inspiration. After all, after painting a fever, you will want to change everything around!

48. You can paint the rack outside in one color, and its internal space is different. It turns out bright, boldly and original!

49. With the help of aerosol paint and your imagination, you can easily and simply update the old garden furniture. The most unexpected solution is sometimes the most faithful. Choose a creative path in order to create original garden compositions!

50. Bright fresh shades of renewed furniture fill you with positive and returned a magnificent summer mood. With aerosol paints Motip world around becomes more beautiful!

Taketing for updating furniture, do not be afraid of minor difficulties with whom you may have to face. After all, an excellent result will be a reward for your works and inspires to create a unique original interior of your home!