How to choose a name like God. Name day. Christian names

The name Ruslan, popular in Russia, is of Turkic origin and means the word "lion". In the Turkic version, it sounds like Aslan or Arslan. This name was widely spread in Russia after Pushkin's poem Ruslan and Lyudmila. After all, the name Ruslan is very consonant with "Russia". In the folk epic there is even a legend about the hero Eruslan Lazarevich. But, despite this, under this name no. And you cannot baptize a child under the name Ruslan.

Parents can choose any other name for the child, which will be given to him at baptism. How best to do it. You can choose a name for your child according to the calendar for his birthday and the next day. For example, a baby was born on September 3rd. You can see in the Orthodox calendar which saints are revered on September 3 and 4. And having chosen the name you like, give it to the child at baptism.

You can find the name directly on the day of the baptism. Let's say the baptism is scheduled for October 19th. On this day, the holy righteous John of Kronstadt is honored. You can call the boy John, in common parlance - Ivan.

Among the saints with a name close to Ruslan is the Great Martyr Rustic (in the last syllable). He is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church, in the St. Daniel Monastery there is an icon of St. Martyr Rustic of Paris. Most often, it is this name that the priests propose to call the child, if parents turn to them.

It is important to remember that you can only pray for Ruslan by the name under which he was baptized. Our ancestors believed that the more names a child has, the more likely it is to mislead the dark forces. In Catholicism, for example, children are given several names at once.

The sacrament of baptism is a ceremony in which a person seems to be born again into a new spiritual life and with a new Orthodox name. This name is given to him for the glory of one of the saints, it is contained in the Saints and is "written in heaven." The saint, whose name a person will be named, will protect him, being for him a heavenly patron. People who are completely ignorant of religious issues may wonder what name to choose when baptizing their child and themselves.

You will need

  • Saints.


Moreover, it used to be customary at birth to name a child after the saint on whose day he was born. For a small "shift" when choosing a name was allowed. This was done because the days of commemoration of holy women are somewhat less frequent than holy men. But at baptism, a person received a different name.

Some names, for example, Georgian or Serbian saints, are not in our Saints. Despite this, their names can be given at baptism, because they are versions of the names available in the Holy Calendar adapted for another language. If your name or your child's name is that, take it at baptism.

In addition to the presence of the name in the Holy Calendar, the day of remembrance of the saint who bore it should be celebrated in the interval from the birth of the child to the eighth day of his life. Today, the “seven-day rule” is no longer required when choosing an Orthodox name, so observe it only if you wish.

A person receives a new name after going through the rite of baptism, during which the priest reads a prayer three times, invokes the Holy Spirit three times, blesses the water and immerses the baby there. Adults are simply sprayed with blessed water. On the forehead of the receiving person, the priest applies a drop of myrrh oil. It is when immersed in water that a person is, as it were, and then is born to a new spiritual life, while receiving a new Orthodox name. The anointing is the blessing of the Lord.

If a person has forgotten the name that he was given at baptism, he cannot be baptized again, but he must repent, take communion and ask to take another Orthodox name for himself. It can be chosen from the names present in the Holy Calendar, so that it is consonant with the passport version. You can also ask for a blessing to take the name of that saint, whose deeds and lives have left a mark on your soul.


Throughout the year, the days of remembrance of many saints are repeated. The birthday of the child will be considered the next day of commemoration of the saint after the birthday.

Helpful advice

Nowadays, adults who are baptized have the opportunity to take the name of the saint, whom he considers himself to be close in spirit.


  • Baptismal name in 2019
  • how the names were given in 2019

Tip 3: What name to give a child if he was born in September

When the ultrasound has already shown the sex of the child, one of the most important questions arises for expectant mothers and fathers: the future child. After all, the future of the beloved child also depends to some extent on him. Many people choose a name depending on the month of the expected birth of the baby.

You will need

  • Holy calendar, horoscope, family tree


Of course, the birth of a child is a gift from God. However, in order to fully present the baby before the Lord and allow the child to be reborn not in the earthly, but in the spiritual world, you need to baptize him and give him a name by which he will be known to God.

What is baptism

The baptism of a child is a sacrament, his first acquaintance with God and spiritual birth. This is not just a ceremony or a beautiful tradition, as it is often perceived in modern society, it is something more and more profound. At baptism, a child is cleansed of original sin, presented to God, and a patron is named who will accompany him and protect all earthly life. At baptism, a person is given God's good, which he undertakes not only to preserve and protect, but also to increase it and share it with others.

Modern tendencies are such that many parents who are not fully religious baptize their children only to pay tribute to traditions or so that the child is not "jinxed". Although their motives are not entirely correct, the very fact that children are nevertheless betrayed to the rite of baptism is already positive.

When to baptize a child

When to baptize a child, in infancy or conscious age, it is a matter of choice for his parents. However, the church recommends not delaying this and christening the child after 40 days from the date of his birth, because it is after 40 days that the original sin is removed from the mother of the child and she is allowed to enter the church.

Until the child reaches 7 years of age, the baptism ceremony takes place only with the help of godparents, who accept the blessing of God and renounce Satan for the baby and undertake to be his guides to the world of God and the church.

What name to baptize a child

Which name to choose for depends on how and on what basis the child was named at birth. If a child was given a name at birth in honor of a particular saint, then there is no need to choose a name for baptism either, his own name will be ideal.

As a rule, the name for the ceremony is chosen according to the calendar, according to, most often, similar or close in sound to his name in documents. But this is not entirely correct. If parents chose a name for a child, starting simply from the beauty of the sound or in honor of relatives, then for baptism it must be chosen based on the saint whose life is close to the parents and somehow delighted them. The euphony and similarity of the saint's name to the alias are, of course, also important. It often happens that there are several saints with the same names, and parents have the opportunity to choose who they would like to see as the patron saint of their child.

You can also take advantage of the practice and traditions of your ancestors, using the name of the saint whose holy calendar is held on the day of the sacrament of baptism. It is not at all necessary that it should repeat its own name or be close to it, the main thing is that this saint should be close to a person.

When considering names in the Russian cultural tradition, it is possible to single out a historically established group of names closely related to Russian religion and culture. This group of names is usually called church, Orthodox or canonical names. Most of these names are inscribed in the church calendar, which, in addition to names, mentions the dates of the memory of the saints who glorified each name. Some of the church names are of Greek origin; there are also Hebrew, Latin and Slavic names.

In past centuries, church names included only those names that were named for children at baptism, and those that were taken by monks during tonsure. Over time, the group of church names supplanted the group of non-canonical names from frequent use. Orthodox names have become very popular when parents choose personal names for children. Church names, which gradually entered into wide use, began to acquire a pronunciation that was more convenient for the Russian people.

"Rejoice, for your names are written in Heaven!" These are words from Holy Scripture related to. The names given during the sacrament were once chosen by Jesus himself.

Thus he named all Christians. This is how one of the prophecies of the Bible came true. All the names commanded by Christ are in the calendar - the list of saints. Let's take a closer look at the essence of the church naming.

What does the name given at baptism mean?

Baptismal name it is not accidentally taken from the calendar. The saints in heaven must recognize the ward from among the millions. To help a person, you need to see him, to distinguish. In the old days, they named it once during the sacrament.

In the modern tradition, it is allowed to have two names - secular and ecclesiastical. The first can be anything - Aigul, Semiramis, Palmyr. The second title always coincides with how they call some ascetic, healer, great martyr. By the way, the names of the great martyrs are not given to repeat their fate.

The goal is to glorify the deeds of the saint. In addition, it is believed that the canonized gain access to the throne of the Lord. That is, the souls of the great martyrs can personally ask God for the good for their wards.

What is the baptismal name to choose, the father decides. He checks with the calendar. They have their own saint for every day. Therefore, how a person is named depends on the date. This makes it possible to study the list of Slavic names in advance and appoint a ceremony for a specific day.

By the way, the connection of given names with dates dates back to the 16th century. Then the Pope approved the Gregorian calendar. The head of the church was called Gregory, hence the name of the system.

It is worth noting that the list of names commanded by Jesus was replenished by the 16th century. Now there are even more references in the calendar. On one day, sometimes, there are several people. Among them are the martyrs who were glorified in the 20th century.

Does not matter, what names are given at baptism- from the original set, or from the updated one. The main thing is that they are all "written in heaven", because the souls of the owners of these names are there.

The moment of giving a Christian name

Baptismal middle name give after three times dipping in water. It is a symbol of death and rebirth together with Jesus. At the moment of immersion, a person dies to the fleshly, sinful world and opens up to the spiritual realm. The ceremony is considered the second birth. After him, the priest names him as a newcomer to the world who has come to church.

“He who entered the church” is a figurative expression that means adherence to the camp of Christians. The ceremony itself is not necessarily performed in a temple. You can do it in an open reservoir, or at home. Calling a priest in a dwelling allows, for example, an illness. The priest will come to the one on his deathbed himself.

Nuances when giving a name to someone who is baptized

Not everyone looks through the calendar in advance. Cases of urgent baptism during serious illness also do not imply a correlation between the ceremony and a specific date. Therefore, the clergy are ready to name the believer by the name of the saint revered on another day.

This is sometimes necessary, for example, if baptismal name of the child male, and the ceremony is a girl. There are few women among the saints. Therefore, the calendar is leafed through until they open a page with a suitable name.

Baptism by another name, sometimes, does not suit the family of the baby because of dissonance, or not modernity. In this case, the priests also listen to the opinion of the parishioners. An option is taken from another part of the calendar.

Often, the name remains civil. After all, the list includes saints Mary, Irene, Elizabeth. Is in the list and Anna. it baptismal name causes awe, since the righteous Anna gave life to the Most Holy Theotokos herself.

Suitable names for christening girls: Svetlana, Tamara, Militsa, Marina, Nina, Efrosinya. The last old Russian version gained popularity due to the TV series aired on Channel 2. By the way, the saint with a rare name possessed the gift of clairvoyance and foresight.

The calendar contains Genevieve, Matrona and Julianne, but no Alice. it baptismal name it is customary to change to Alexandra. So once did the daughter of the English Queen Victoria. Princess Alice, having married the Russian Tsar, became Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

What is the name given at baptism? The list includes dozens of attractive options and deeds created by their carriers. Saint Leo fought against heresy. Alexander Nevsky is a well-known diplomat and military leader.

Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko baptized domestic people. Since the name of the prince, the baptism of Rus are displayed not only in textbooks, but also in the calendar. Let's pay special attention to this.

The history of the baptism of Russia

Having visited different lands, choosing faith, Krasno Solnyshko settled on Christianity. The ruler dissolved his harem, announcing to the wives that his new religion allows only one spouse. They lost their husbands overnight: Adele, Julia, Olofi, Manfred. Such are the ones that have come down to us names spouse of Vladimir before the baptism of Russia.

Vladimir set an example of faith by personal example. Having renounced polygamy, the prince baptized his sons. Then, the ruler began to personally preach sermons, preparing baptism the whole Rus. Associated with the name Red Sun conversion of warriors to Orthodoxy. The prince's host was considerable. The soldiers carried out propaganda in their families, increasing the number of Christians.

By 988, when the official baptism of Kievan Rus was announced, the new faith had almost no opponents left. Scientists estimate that only about 10% of the population opposed it. For them, compulsion was a disaster. But, in terms of history, the event turned out to be successful.


Choosing a name for baptism - step by step instructions

From time immemorial, the name has been of great importance. This is not just a person's personalization, it tells about its owner, gives a small but capacious characteristic. Take, for example, Adam - the first person whose name means "ancestor of humanity"... His wife, Eve, is "the giver of life."

The tradition of taking a name at baptism

With the spread of Christianity, the names inherent in the Israelites became widespread. This can be clearly seen in the New Testament: God gave people new names, giving precise designations to each and determining their place in this life. For example, the Israeli name Simon means: "He (God) heard."

As it is written in the Bible, God called Simon Keith, which means - a stone (Peter). This is how the apostle Peter got his name.

Since then, it has become customary to take an Orthodox name - after the sacrament has been performed, a person begins a new life with God.

Choosing a name in accordance with Orthodox traditions

Orthodox names are given in honor of the saints. This is not just a beautiful, euphonic name, it is a heavenly patron who is an intercessor before God. Somehow there is a spiritual personality and a destiny that will influence the life of the child.

In order to choose a name, it is enough to check with the church name - perhaps the birthday or the nearest date is the day of remembrance of the saint. For example, the feast day of the Martyr Irene of Egypt falls on September 18. Thus, a girl born on this day or the nearest one is given a name in her honor, in accordance with the month. By the way, it is for this reason that they began to call a person celebrating his birthday a birthday man - while he is celebrating his birthday, Christians are celebrating a name day in honor of the saint. This is firmly rooted in the mind and now people who celebrate their birthday are called birthday people. Although, in fact, the name day (also called the day of the Angel) is the day of remembrance of the saint.

In Russia, there were no strict rules for choosing a name for a baby... Usually it was chosen on the birthday, not on the eighth day when the baptism is performed. There was also a tradition to name a child in honor of a saint to whom a vow was made - the future patron was chosen in advance. As a rule, the birthday and the day of remembrance did not coincide in such cases, so the day (if there are several of them in a year) was chosen, which is the closest to the birth of the child.

However, the calendar does not always have the desired names. In this case, you can choose a consonant or having a similar designation. For example, Yegor, Yuri and George have one patron - George the Victorious. The saint is especially revered in the Orthodox and Catholic churches and is the patron saint of warriors, farmers and pastoralists.

Exceptions are the names of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God - out of deep respect. However, the name Mary can be named after one of the saints.

Choosing or changing a name as an adult

In modern society, the fashion for names changes as often as other trends. Often, parents, trying to stand out, give their child a rare name, without thinking about how it will be combined with the last name and patronymic, as well as what impact it will have on the baby's life. Therefore, even if the birth falls on the commemoration day of a saint with a rare, for our time, name, you should not give it to a newborn. It is better to choose consonant or not so unusual... So, the names Anempodistus or Akaki, although they are a reminder of the saints, have nevertheless gone out of widespread use. For example, on May 20, there are several saints in the calendar at once: Aviv, Zeno, Thaddeus, Isidore, Stephen, Michael, Joseph. Of all the above, the names Joseph and Michael are familiar. Therefore, they are the preferred choice. It is also recommended to pay attention to the names of the apostles - Peter, Paul, John. They were in demand both at the dawn of Christianity and remain popular today.

There are times when a person, as an adult, wants to be baptized and change their name. Here you can offer two options: an independent choice according to the month or the help of a priest. In the second case, the minister translates the name into the Church Slavonic form: Oksana - Xenia, Marta - Martha, Leon - Lev.

Double names

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One of the most common questions at a conversation before baptism is the question of choosing a name for a future little Christian. It is relevant not only because now many Lilians and Snezhan are being baptized, but also Rustemov and Airatov in Tatarstan. The point is not only in the imagination of parents when choosing a name "according to their passport", but also in superstitious ideas that one needs to choose a middle name so that they do not "jinx it". How to choose a name for baptism, what you need to know about it and how not to go to superstitious extremes - we will talk about this below. To begin with, let's figure out what is the meaning of the Christian name.

Holy example

The Orthodox Church venerates saints - people whose life path and whose loyalty and service to the Church should be an example for us. There are many saints in the Church and they served God in different capacities. Someone was a great missionary and baptized entire nations. The Church called them Equal to the Apostles. Another was a monk and spent his whole life in ascetic exploits. The Church calls such saints saints. The third served God in the episcopal rank and was called by the Church a saint, and so on. The example of each of the saints is important to us, and we can and should follow it.

The saint after whom the child is named is primarily an example. Therefore, it is necessary to know the life of your saint! Unfortunately, nowadays many parents call their children simply by the principle “I like it”, without referring to any particular saint. Probably, this is because they themselves do not live a church life, and do not know the biographies of the saints.

Quite often I baptize adults and tell them that they have an amazing opportunity - to choose themselves as a patron saint. If an adult comes with a desire to be baptized, then I ask him to read the lives of the saints and choose the one whose life and whose feat will be closer to him. After all, a saint is an example!

According to the calendar

In Russia, there was a pious tradition - to name children according to the calendar, that is, in honor of the saints, whose memory falls on the nearest dates to the child's birthday. It is quite possible to name the child in this way. But one thing must be remembered: a name is a practical thing. We baptize in order to further implement our faith in practice: go to church, take Communion, confess. Imagine the situation. It is a great holiday, there are many sacraments in the church. A man comes up to the Chalice and says that he is a “servant of God, Polyeuctus,” or Philogony, or some other complicated name. All of them are in the calendar. But not every priest knows the holy calendar by heart. And there is a long queue to the Chalice! Most likely, he will ask in which temple he was baptized with that name, or whether he was baptized at all. Still, it is difficult to explain every time that he was baptized with a name in honor of the saint, whose memory is in the calendar of such and such a date.

The practice of naming children according to the calendar is undoubtedly good. But even here it is worth treating everything with restraint: choosing names is easier. After all, children with these names will then have to go to church, participate in the Sacraments of the Church.

Baptize as it is

The simplest and, at the same time, the most ideal case is baptism with the name that is written on the birth certificate. Nikolai remains Nikolai, Alexander Alexander. Artem bows to the Church Slavonic Artemia, and Svetlana to Fotinya. Everything is simple and clear here.

Exotic name

Often, parents are jealous beyond reason and call their child some exotic name. In this case, there are two options. The first is to choose something consonant. For example, Snezhana may well become Anna, Liana - Leah, and so on. The second option is to choose an absolutely incongruous name, just the one that the person likes. It may well turn out that the parents were choosing for a long time between Jeanne, as the child was eventually named, and the usual Russian Maria.

From damage

Unfortunately, we often have to deal with a situation when parents want to baptize their child with a different name "so as not to be jinxed." According to their version, the name received in baptism cannot be told to anyone, it must be secret and then no one can damage it. As a rule, such parents can almost always be identified during a conversation before baptism. They ask about the second name and when asked “why do you need it,” they start to hesitate, get embarrassed, or directly say that it is necessary to fight corruption. I definitely refuse such people and baptize only with the name that is written in the birth certificate.

Let's summarize

The saints are examples. Naming a child in honor of this or that saint, we kind of encourage him to follow the path of his saint, to imitate him. You can choose a name according to the calendar, you can choose any other, but it is best to focus on the biographies of the saints and do not forget that they are examples for us.

If you named your child “exotic name”, then you can choose either a consonant name, or a name in honor of some saint.

And the most important thing. The name is needed in order to participate in church life, and not in order to "fight corruption."