How to choose an apron for the kitchen: practical advice, photo examples. How to make an apron in the kitchen with your own hands: choose what to make an apron in the kitchen from What kind of apron to make in the kitchen

A working apron in the kitchen reliably protects the wall from moisture and dirt, with which it is constantly “bombarded”. Thanks to the smooth surface of most aprons, they are easy to care for - wipe and wash. And some materials of the kitchen apron can also serve as additional heat and sound insulation of the wall.

What about the dimensions of the working area?

The size of the working wall in the kitchen is a rather extensive question. As a rule, its dimensions are selected based on individual preferences and financial capabilities. A working apron in the kitchen can occupy both the whole wall and part of it (for example, only the sink / sink area).

The standard option is to install an apron from the top of the countertop to the bottom of the wall cabinets, from the stove to the hood. More reliable, there will be an apron that will protect the wall under the sink, stove and in places where moisture can accumulate.

You can make an apron on the entire wall. This approach will be more expensive financially, but more practical in everyday life:

  • The wall is protected from moisture (especially under the sink / sink, near the washing machine or dishwasher);
  • The wall surface is easy to clean;
  • In the case of rearranging furniture in the kitchen, you do not have to shift the tiles.

Popular materials for a kitchen apron

With today's variety of materials, the choice of protection options for your kitchen will not leave indifferent both the ultra-modern person and the inveterate conservative. Here are the most popular variations of materials for kitchen aprons.

Tile kitchen apron

Ceramics / porcelain stoneware is perhaps the most popular material for finishing the work area. Basically, it is presented as a ceramic tile. The size and shape of tiles can vary greatly, ranging from square (10x10cm, 15x15cm) or rectangular (20x30cm, 25x40cm) to non-standard shapes, such as six or octagonal honeycombs of any size.

Apron tiles are popular for a number of reasons - they have high mechanical strength, a wide variety of colors and patterns are on the market, different textures (such a wood-like kitchen apron is especially popular), roughness (with or without glaze), tiles are not afraid of moisture. Such a working apron in the kitchen is easily wiped from dirt and grease, resistant to household chemicals.

Among the disadvantages of a tile kitchen apron are the high cost of material and work. Moreover, the work can be much more expensive than the material itself in terms of a square meter (for example, normal tiles from 120 - 150 UAH, laying from 150 UAH). Also, without experience, it is difficult to make an apron from ceramic tiles with your own hands, although if you set a goal, you can.

Stone kitchen apron

Mostly use various types of marble or granite. Due to its beautiful natural texture and strength characteristics, the material is very popular in designer "expensive" repairs.

A working apron in a kitchen made of stone is a solid slab or separate parts (tiles) about 2 cm thick. The stone is resistant to high temperatures and their differences, inert to household chemicals, alkalis and acids, and the service life is unlimited.

The main disadvantage of a stone apron is its high market price.

Kitchen apron fromMDF

A social option for arranging the kitchen area. For such aprons, MDF with increased moisture resistance is used. The material is easy to attach to the wall, it is lightweight, and its price is quite acceptable. The wooden texture of the surface looks quite harmonious in any combination and will suit most ideas for decorating the kitchen. But, do not forget that this is a tree, albeit in the form of chips. And like any tree, it can rot, be a site of fungus/mold growth, and burn.

Glass kitchen apron

A glass work apron in the kitchen is often used in modern or high-tech repairs. It is made of heat-resistant, impact-resistant or plain glass (budget option). The surface can be transparent, matte or have a pattern on the glass (for example, sandblasted). Such an apron looks very impressive in combination with LED lighting and high quality photographs / drawings behind glass (skinali).

The surface does not absorb odors and is easy to clean. The panel is easy to install on your own, without much experience (the main thing is to have tools), so you can save on the services of an installer.

The disadvantage of such a working apron is the fragility of the material (except for impact-resistant, reinforced). If you accidentally damage the surface, you will have to change the entire section of the apron, which is almost equivalent to buying a new apron. The high price is another drawback.

Kitchen apron from metalla

Working areas are made of stainless steel, chrome-plated steel or galvanized. It can be polished or matte, with a print, engraving and similar decor. The surface is hard to damage (scratch, break), it is not afraid of moisture and high temperature. You can attach a metal panel or a series of panels without any special skills, just on point mounts to the wall.

The disadvantage of such a surface is the limited choice of color palette and patterns. On the polished surface, stains and dried drops are very noticeable, therefore, it must be carefully looked after and wiped regularly.

There is also a variant of a metal apron made of copper.

Plastic kitchen apron

Plastic panels are another great way to save on renovations. The low cost and relative practicality of the material (moisture resistance, durability, resistance to chemistry) are the undeniable advantages of such aprons. The panels are easy and quick to install yourself.

The appearance of such a working area, as they say, is not for everyone, since even the “under the tree” structure looks very unnatural. Do not forget about the combustibility of plastic, so it is better to combine it with a fire-resistant material.

The best apron for the kitchen

It does not matter what material of the apron you choose. If the work is done to the conscience, and the interior design is in harmony with the work area, you would hardly notice the difference between the various options. Just find your style.

Photos of Shutterstock (6) and interior design studio Zooi (1) were used in preparing the material

Water, dust and other negative influences. To work wall there are a number of requirements, incl. high strength and practicality, ease of care, the ability to withstand moisture and high temperatures. In addition, the apron should have good external data, as it occupies a significant part of the kitchen. What materials can be used to finish the work wall in the kitchen, what are their main advantages, and what else should be considered when choosing a finishing material?

No. 1. What materials can be used to finish the apron?

To all the requirements for the material of the kitchen apron described above, it is worth adding that it must have the smoothest possible surface and be low-porous. Due to this, the ability of the material to absorb moisture decreases, and ease of maintenance, on the contrary, increases.

Today to organize the apron use the following materials:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic;
  • glass;
  • PVC panels;
  • natural and decorative stone;
  • MDF panels;
  • metal;
  • plaster, paint and other materials.

Each of these materials has its own advantages, disadvantages and features, and then we will dwell on the characteristics of each of them.

No. 2. Ceramic tiles: timeless classics

Most of us still choose to finish the backsplash, and for good reason. This one of the best and most practical options, a it has a lot of advantages:

  • high strength;
  • heat resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • a huge assortment: you can choose a tile of any size, color and with any pattern;
  • , which, with a certain skill, can even be performed independently.

With the help of tiles, you can create a variety of effects, for example, using a material of a certain color: you can select a zone near the stove or sink with decorative tiles, and lay out the rest with simpler tiles. It is worth noting that dirt can accumulate in embossed ceramic tiles and in tile joints, so it is better to choose the most smooth material, and make the joints thin or varnish them. When combining tiles above the work area and other types of finishes in the rest of the kitchen, it is better not to stop at one color. It is better to separate the working area with color from the dining area in the kitchen, thus performing spectacular zoning.

No. 3. Mosaic: room for imagination

These are all the general characteristics of the mosaic, because it can be of different types and made of different materials:

  • ceramic mosaic repeats all the characteristics of ceramic tiles, only from tiles 2 * 2 cm in size you can lay out any patterns you like;
  • glass mosaic perfectly shows itself in operation, as it is completely inert to moisture and fire. In addition, this material may slightly change color depending on the lighting conditions, which makes it even more unique;
  • stone mosaic it is quite rare due to the high price, and caring for it is difficult;
  • metal mosaic quite durable and practical, but you can’t hope for a variety of shades and colors.

Of the minuses of the mosaic can be noted the complexity of the installation process and, in some cases, the cost. A perfectly flat surface is needed, and it should be treated very carefully so that dirt does not accumulate in them. Otherwise, it is an excellent material for finishing an apron in the kitchen.

No. 4. Glass: unusual and spectacular

Glass has been used to finish kitchen aprons not so long ago, but in vain. This is an excellent material that meets all the requirements put forward for this area. Glass panels with a pattern printed on them are also called. They are made of thick tempered glass and decorated in various ways: sandblasted, placed inside a 3D polycarbonate material or using UV printing. Sandblasting involves the impact on the surface of the glass of small abrasive particles under high pressure, as a result of which it is possible to obtain a relief three-dimensional pattern, and for an even more effective result, some areas can be painted with colored enamels. With the help of UV printing, you can also get realistic beautiful images, and apply any ornaments and colors to glass.

The main advantages of this finishing method:

  • high strength, because tempered glass is used, which is difficult to break, and even with a strong blow it cannot hurt anyone, because it shatters into fragments with blunt edges;
  • practicality and ease of maintenance, resistance to aggressive detergents, while the appearance of the surface remains unchanged for many years;
  • absolute seamlessness of the coating, which ensures excellent hygiene, because dirt will not accumulate in the seams and microorganisms will not develop;
  • a unique appearance, because you can apply absolutely any image: even fruits, even a picture, even your own photo.

As we see, glass panels, or skinali, differ in high performance and external characteristics, but are not used so often due to high material cost and work on organizing the apron in this way. Although the glass apron is easy to wash, it will have to be done regularly, because all splashes and stains are clearly visible on its surface. It will be very difficult to change the image if desired, and you will have to completely think over the interior in advance, because if it later turns out that you need to organize the railing in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working area, then this will not work. But the glass apron can be very effectively illuminated, and it will acquire a 3D effect.

No. 5. PVC panels: cheap and practical

Use for finishing a kitchen apron is one of the cheapest ways organize the working area. In addition to the price, this material has many other benefits:

  • ease of installation, because almost everyone can handle it;
  • ease of care, the panels are very easy to clean and withstand even the effects of aggressive chemicals;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability, and plastic does not lose its original appearance over time;
  • ability withstand temperatures up to 115 0 С, but before buying it is important to inquire about the fire resistance of the material;
  • seams between panels can be decorated with special corners, which can even be matched to the railing or kitchen furniture.

Plastic panels do not shine with a variety of colors: you can choose the right material for the interior of the kitchen, but it will be far from unique, and it is quite possible that you will find exactly the same in the neighboring kitchen. But it's not so scary. Much worse than plastic panels scratch easily so you have to be careful when handling them.

No. 6. PVC film - a temporary solution

If you need to make a quick and inexpensive temporary repair, then it makes sense to look at the PVC film. For a while, just before you do a normal repair, it can last just fine. Her main advantage is low cost. In addition, the range of colors of such films is simply huge: natural materials, landscapes, ornaments, etc. You can cope with the gluing of such material on your own, the film is resistant to mechanical damage, but on this it pros are running out.

This material is able to gradually fade under the influence of sunlight, it is afraid of high temperatures, and if damaged, it cannot be restored. It can be used as a temporary kitchen finish, but it is not suitable for permanent use.

No. 7. MDF panels: a budget and practical option

No. 8. Natural and artificial stone

A natural stone it is extremely rarely used to organize an apron, but if it is used, it is often granite. Although the material is moisture resistant, withstands high temperatures, it is heavy and expensive, and requires special care. Often a stone apron is created in continuation to.

Alternative to natural stone artificial analogue, which is inferior only in terms of strength, but wins in all other characteristics. Artificial stone can imitate any kind of natural, it looks great in the interior. In addition, it is moisture resistant, withstands high temperatures, stains of grease and various products will not leave a trace on it, and in terms of care, it is quite simple. At the same time, its price and weight are much lower than that of natural stone, therefore the working wall can be safely finished in this way.

No. 9. Mirror: original but troublesome

The minuses of a mirror apron are probably more than pluses although the issue must be considered on a case-by-case basis. The ability to reflect and double the area of ​​​​a room can play a cruel joke: the amount of dirty dishes will also be doubled. There is often high humidity in the kitchen, so the mirror may fog up, and its appearance deteriorates. But the mirror will look much worse when splashed with water and grease. Of course, it is not difficult to wipe it and put it in order, but such a procedure with active cooking will have to be carried out constantly.

No. 10. Metal: ideal for high-tech style

The metal apron will only fit into interior in. There are many advantages to such a solution: durability, resistance to fire and water, chemicals. At the same time, you have to put up with the fact that on the metal all splashes are clearly visible, streaks, spots. They will need to be wiped down regularly to keep the coating looking its best, but it's not that difficult, especially since you can get rid of dirt pretty quickly.

Main disadvantage such a finish lies in its cold appearance, and there are very few possible colors. It is important to think over the interior of the kitchen very well so that such an apron looks really organic and stylish. Moreover, this material reflects light very well, so you need to think over the lighting system so as not to get a room with an abundance of glare and sunbeams.

No. 11. How to organize a kitchen apron in an original way?

Kitchen apron can paint or, of course, with maximum water resistance, but if you cook something more or less often, then this option is not suitable, especially when it comes to light colors of finishes.

In addition to all the methods described above to organize a working wall, there is also lots of unusual, creative options that will emphasize your individuality and make the kitchen unique. Here are just a few of them:

  • use broken and whole pieces of ceramic tiles and dishes. First you will need to lay out all the fragments on the floor or on the table, and then carefully mount them on the wall. It comes out stylish and original;
  • remnants of parquet may also come in handy. It is fixed on a sheet of moisture-resistant chipboard, for example, with a herringbone, and near the hob, a panel of transparent tempered glass is additionally mounted on top to secure the material in the most critical zone;
  • wine corks- an excellent option for organizing the space of a kitchen apron, however, you will need a lot of them - about 1000 for an apron, 2 meters long. They can be cut in half lengthwise to be used more economically, and it will be easier to attach them in this way. You can cut the cork across, and also get the original effect. It is better to glue them not on the wall, but on a sheet of moisture-resistant chipboard, in order to further facilitate the dismantling process. Such an apron is covered with tempered glass in order to maintain the performance necessary for the working area with its original appearance. Finding so many traffic jams is not as difficult as it seems: you can ask around in bars and restaurants or even search on bulletin boards; seems wild, but if you cover them with a glass panel, then everything falls into place. You can use any

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 14 minutes


The kitchen in the house is like a home. All family members spend a lot of time there, but especially women. At the same time, any housewife dreams of a cozy and beautiful kitchen, which, moreover, should in no case take a lot of time to wash. Therefore, everyone thinks not only about that, but also about the design of the apron. After all, it can be functional and aesthetic at the same time.

Why do you need an apron in the kitchen?

An apron for the kitchen is called the space of the wall above the countertop, sink and stove. It tends to get dirty very actively during cooking and washing dishes. Therefore, not only the beauty of the design of the apron is considered important, but also convenience in his cleaning. After all, few people want to spend time on constant cleaning after cooking, which could be devoted to family or recreation.

The apron protects the wall from splashes of grease and oil from hot pans, from food particles that can fly apart during the preparation of various dishes, which is not at all uncommon.

Kitchen apron material - what to choose? Pros and cons.

Ceramic apron for the kitchen - a cheap and practical option for thrifty housewives



  • Relatively intricate styling, taking up a lot of time.
  • Not everyone can handle styling on their own and with high quality. Usually requires a hand masters .
  • The cost of such an apron is higher costs for an apron made of plastic or MDF.
  • Difficulty of removal after a certain service life.

MDF apron - great kitchen design for little money



  • negative reaction to water and cleaning products , which over time spoil such an apron both externally and in shape.
  • Weak fire resistance and the release of toxic substances during combustion.
  • Low degree of aesthetics .

Glass apron - for kitchens with good ventilation


  • Doesn't have versatility in combination with interiors.
  • Easy to get dirty and requires frequent washing.
  • Hardened will not save from scratches with time.
  • high cost .

Mosaic - an exclusive and stylish apron for your home


  • Difficulty in cleaning due to the large number of seams and joints.
  • Craftsman required for wall surface preparation and high-quality laying of mosaic elements.
  • High costs for the purchase of all materials and payment for laying work.
  • The need to use the best moisture resistant grout for seams, in order to prevent their darkening.
  • Difficult removal when changing an apron.

Savings and ease of installation - plastic apron for the kitchen


  • May stay indelible stains .
  • Weak stability to scratches and deformation due to exposure to water and cleaning agents.
  • The most less aesthetic .
  • Release of harmful substances some types of plastic.
  • High fire hazard upon contact with fire.
  • Isolation of poisonous poisons when burning.

Mirror apron - an exquisite decoration for a well-ventilated kitchen


  • Visually increases space small kitchens.
  • Uniqueness and attractiveness such a design.


  • Low practicality .
  • Mirrors prone to sweating when exposed to hot air.
  • Difficulty keeping clean .

Metal apron - modern high-tech monochrome

  • Originality in high-tech style.
  • Fortitude before the fire.
  • Enough acceptable price .


  • clear visibility which requires regular cleaning.
  • Weak combination with different interiors.
  • Required correct addition of individual elements from other material to give home comfort.
  • Some types of metal hard enough to wash leaving no streaks.

Apron color in the kitchen

There is no unique recommended color. Here everything depends on personal desires . But still, you should not choose a very bright color if it is not supported by the presence of other details in the interior of the same color. And in the event that there are difficulties in choosing the desired color, then the designers are advised to give preference white as appropriate to any other color and design of the kitchen. In practicality, this color shows itself from the good side.

Thus, when choosing an apron, it is best to be guided by your own needs and opportunities, and not the desire to follow the trend or be "on the wave." Sometimes completely impractical things created for beauty and admiration turn out to be in fashion. At the same time, you should not prefer cheap materials if you want to get a long service life from the apron, given that it occupies only a few square meters, but at the same time, it plays an important role in giving beauty, personality and comfort to your kitchen.

What kind of apron do you have in the kitchen?

What kitchen apron do you have? What to choose? Need feedback!

We have a mosaic apron. Something has bothered me for 9 years. Comfort is average. Such a pattern that drops and dirt are not visible much, but washing is not very convenient. Now we decided to put a decorative stone to the new kitchen. True, at first you need to at least somehow roughly imagine, then it will come out of it.

Three years ago we made our own kitchen. We decided on a black countertop and wall panel. At first, it was somehow scary that it would be ugly in the end or impractical, but I liked everything.

And you can immediately buy a ready-made apron, and not assemble it yourself. We did just that. We bought a ready-made gray wall panel. By the way, it's really convenient.

When my husband persuaded me to get a glass apron, I was not very happy. I was getting ready for the upcoming regular cleaning, everyday you can say. After some time, I had to admit that I was pleasantly surprised. For 3.5 months, I have never made a big marafet. So I just clean it sometimes. Although water splashes constantly from the sink, when. But for some reason, the drops are not visible after drying.

How to protect the walls in the kitchen from various pollution and at the same time create a unique interior? A kitchen apron does an excellent job with this task. In the work area, it is simply necessary! If you approach its design with sense and placement, you have no idea what an incredible effect can be achieved. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how it is better to choose an apron for the kitchen, what can it be made of?

Why do you need an apron in the kitchen?

A kitchen backsplash is a part of the wall located between the hanging cabinets and the countertop, as well as near the stove. This finish borders the work area, in which the housewives are engaged in direct cooking. The purpose of this coating is to protect the wall from a variety of contaminants, traces of which are sometimes quite difficult to remove.

Important! Wallpaper or plaster is not intended for a kitchen backsplash, as soot, grease, and various odors easily eat into these finishing materials.

The surface of the kitchen apron should be as suitable as possible for the conditions of the kitchen, which come from its purpose. In addition, the finishing of the working area is an excellent field for design solutions, ideas that can transform the room, make it unique. Cooking in a beautiful, stylish environment will be very pleasant for any hostess.

Finishing requirements: how to choose a practical and beautiful kitchen apron?

Which apron for the kitchen is better to choose - they will be able to suggest the criteria that it must meet. In addition to its aesthetic, interior function in the room, the apron must cope with a practical role, and therefore be useful.

We list the main requirements for this kitchen finish:

  1. Resistant to various temperature conditions. The differences can be quite noticeable. So, the wall at the stove is exposed to high temperatures as a result of heating. And in the area near the sink, for example, a lower temperature is characteristic due to the use of cold water.
  2. Waterproof. Another important point, as the kitchen is always a high level of humidity. Steam, the constant use of cold, hot water have a strong influence on the finishing materials.
  3. Unpretentiousness in care, cleaning. The cooking process is regular and daily, so the surface of the kitchen apron gets dirty pretty quickly. In order not to increase the time spent in the kitchen due to long cleaning, the materials should be easy to wash and clean.
  4. Hygiene. In conditions of high humidity, temperature changes, it is necessary to avoid the appearance and reproduction of bacteria and fungi. Therefore, finishing materials must be of high quality and be hygienic.
  5. Resistance to mechanical damage. Systematic cleaning of the kitchen apron should not spoil or scratch its surface. In addition, the kitchen uses a large number of small household appliances, sharp and cutting objects, their contact with the wall should not leave marks.
  6. Harmonious design. The design should be in tune with the overall interior of the kitchen, combined with furniture, textiles. Stylish decor will make the room beautiful and spectacular.

Having considered the important requirements for this coating, let's find out what is better to make an apron in the kitchen, what are the pros and cons of this or that material.

Varieties of kitchen aprons

A variety of materials are used to finish the wall in the working area, which allows you to choose the most successful option based on the desired result and financial capabilities. Manufacturers offer both traditional building materials and quite innovative and non-standard solutions. For example, bamboo corks. How to choose an apron for the kitchen and what varieties can be distinguished?

Ceramic tile

This is the most popular finishing material for a kitchen apron. What is the reason for this widespread use? Everything is explained by a huge number of advantages:

  • High hygiene tiles. There are practically no pores in it, and therefore harmful bacteria and fungi have no opportunity to multiply.
  • Moisture resistance and heat resistance. Steam, water - are not terrible for ceramic finishes. And it is also fire resistant, which is important in conditions of open fire near a gas stove.
  • Easy care. Grease and dirt are not absorbed into the ceramic surface and are simply removed with a sponge. You can not be afraid and use various detergents.
  • Durable material with a long service life. The tile is very difficult to spoil, it practically does not scratch and does not give in to mechanical damage.
  • A variety of styles and types of this building material. You can easily choose ceramics for the design of your kitchen - from the exquisite Vintage style to the ultra-modern Hi-tech.
  • The color scheme is also not inferior in a variety of options. Tiles can be decorated with beautiful ornaments and patterns on a kitchen theme, or have a neutral design.
  • The texture can be smooth and glossy, or matte and rough. Ceramics can perfectly imitate natural stone or wood.
  • The tile has an affordable price and its wide range. Thus, you can purchase tiles according to your budget.

Ceramic cladding allows you to diversify and decorate the interior of the kitchen. Along the perimeter of the apron, you can install a decorative frieze - these are narrow strips of tiles that complement the composition of the finish. This solution allows you to visually expand the plane of the apron, and the contrast will add volume.

The work surface area is small and you can afford to use more expensive materials and design ideas. Manufacturers are ready to offer a variety of panel tiles, sockets, combined ideas, imitation of natural materials, etc.

Important! The use of ceramic tiles allows you to give the interior an original image due to the laying method itself.

There are also disadvantages, however, there are very few of them:

  • Before facing the surface of the walls must be carefully leveled and prepared.
  • Installation of ceramics is a rather complicated process, and it is best to entrust it to a specialist in this field.
  • The presence of tile joints, which can be prone to the accumulation of dirt and harmful microbes. However, this issue can be solved by selecting a high-quality moisture-resistant grout.

Mosaic - a stylish option

What is the best apron to make in the kitchen? A very effective and original way to decorate the work area is a mosaic. The beauty and incredible design will make your kitchen truly excellent.

In addition to the beautiful aesthetic appearance, the mosaic has a number of advantages:

  1. material hygiene.
  2. Moisture resistance, heat resistance and wear resistance. These indicators are no worse than those of ceramics, or porcelain stoneware.
  3. Design. A huge assortment and variations of the execution of the mosaic canvas. The ability to lay out the most unthinkable patterns, ornaments and drawings. Create a whole composition from pieces.

Important! Graceful mosaic elements can be made of ceramics, glass, metal or mirror. The most recommended tile size: 5x5 or 7x7 cm.

Glass mosaic is most optimally combined with modern-style kitchens, and for matte or “wood-like” facades, ceramic tiles are recommended.

What are the disadvantages of this method of finishing a kitchen apron?

  • Expensive finishing material.
  • Laborious and painstaking installation. Laying a mosaic is a very meticulous process. In order for the work to be done efficiently, only the services of a professional will be required, which is also quite expensive.
  • Care. Since the mosaic consists of many small tiles, this will entail a large number of butt joints. This complicates the maintenance of the surface.

Important! Professionals advise sealing the seams, as well as periodically updating the grout.

Currently, there is an alternative to piece mosaic masonry, manufacturers offer ready-made sheets of various sizes. They are easy to cut to the required size, and they are attached to the wall with a special mortar.

MDF panels

How to choose the most suitable apron for the kitchen set? Here, MDF panels will be the best helper.

Important! MDF is a fibreboard with an average density of 4-10 mm. Its surface is covered with a matte furniture film, and since such panels are most often produced by manufacturers of kitchen worktops, this material goes well with furniture.

Due to MDF panels, the effect of a single holistic coating is achieved. The tabletop blends seamlessly into the wall, and the corner profile makes this transition barely noticeable, as it is installed between them and designed in the same style.

What are the advantages of using such panels?

  • Low price.
  • Easy installation. The panel is attached to the wall with liquid nails or metal staples. Since the process is quite simple, such panels are easy to dismantle if necessary.
  • The absence of tile joints, like ceramics or mosaics, which does not require special care. Washes easily.
  • They do not require a perfectly flat wall surface - on the contrary, they contribute to hiding flaws.
  • Waterproof material, resistant to various temperatures.
  • Resistant to mechanical damage.

Let's denote a few disadvantages of this design of a kitchen apron:

  1. Short-lived material with a short service life.
  2. It is not recommended to use such panels near open flames, as the material may ignite. This is especially true for the area around the gas stove.
  3. Limited range. The design style of such panels is quite narrow and is distinguished by its simplicity. Most often, manufacturers imitate marble and granite, much less often wood or bamboo.

Plastic panels

You can also choose an apron for the kitchen from plastic panels. They began to be in demand due to their budget and simple installation using profiles.

What are the characteristics of this finishing material:

  • The smooth surface is easy to maintain and clean.
  • Very inexpensive material, has various colors and ornaments.
  • Easy installation that you can do yourself.

But the disadvantages of plastic panels are enough:

  • Under the influence of sunlight, it can turn yellow, the ingress of fat also contributes to a deterioration in appearance.
  • From high temperature it is deformed, which categorically does not allow the possibility of their installation near a gas stove.
  • Reacts to dampness and changes in volume, so the part of the working area near the sink is also unfavorable for plastic panels.

Important! If you decide to decorate the kitchen apron with plastic panels, choose a transparent material that is made from polycarbonate and acrylic. Also, this finish is most suitable for a kitchen with an electric stove or induction.

glass panels

If you still have not decided what is better to make an apron in the kitchen, this option will be a win-win. Glass panels are a practical and very stylish design of the work area.

Important! The panels are not made from ordinary glass, but from a special shock-resistant and hardened material.

Let's move on to the advantages of such a finish:

  • High level of moisture resistance and heat resistance. The panels are not afraid of high temperature and water - feel free to install them near the stove or sink.
  • No seams.
  • material hygiene. Does not absorb moisture, odors, dirt. At the same time, it is easy to clean.

Important! When caring for glass surfaces, do not use abrasive detergents to avoid scratching them.

  • Incredible design delights and solutions. Glass is a multifaceted material for the most incredible and exclusive ideas in the kitchen interior. It can be transparent or colored, glossy or matte, smooth or corrugated. For decoration, you can use any ornaments, drawings and even photo prints.

Making a wall with a photo is very fashionable and unusual. There are two ways to do this:

  • Photo panels are placed between two glass sheets.
  • Photo printing over glass.

This panel looks amazing! You can display whatever you want on the panel, limited only by your imagination and financial capabilities.

Important! It is necessary to carry out installation only with the help of specialists, since installation is complicated by the weight of a single piece of glass.

There are only a couple of disadvantages to such a finish:

  1. High price. An individual approach is always an expensive pleasure. And glass panels are made only to order, using special technologies, strictly according to the individual parameters of the kitchen.
  2. The need for diligent polishing of the glass surface.

Natural and artificial stone

What apron is better to make in the kitchen if you want to give the room solidity and presentability? Of course, natural stone or its artificial counterpart will make the room luxurious, especially if your kitchen is large.

The choice is limited to several types of finishes:

  1. Porcelain tile. High-quality material, not affected by water, temperature, has a high degree of hygiene. Particularly strong and durable lining.
  2. Clinker tiles are stylized as brickwork. Ideally combined with the interior in Loft or Country style.
  3. Marble is characterized by increased porosity of the material, which in the kitchen leads to a noticeable effect of moisture, poor hygiene and dirt absorption.
  4. Basalt and granite. Quite practical materials, but require careful processing with special means, as they absorb coloring pigments.

Regardless of the material chosen, natural finishes have a number of advantages:

  • Strength, moisture resistance and heat resistance.
  • Long service life.
  • Combines spectacularly with a natural stone-style countertop.
  • A small number of joints.
  • A wide range of colors and textures of the material. You can choose from: marble, granite, onyx, malachite.

And the disadvantages include:

  • High price, since such a finish is made only for an individual order.
  • Stone is a very difficult material to work with. Correcting the size is quite difficult, the plates cannot be repaired, and installation is a laborious and expensive process. Only highly qualified specialists can carry out the installation.
  • Heavy weight, so you need to decide in advance on the permissible load on the walls.

Important! Artificial finish differs from natural at a lower price, but is in no way inferior in terms of performance and external aesthetic appearance.

Steel aprons

Which apron for the kitchen is better to choose if the furnishings and interior of the room are designed in the modern style of Hi-tech, Minimalism or Techno? To emphasize this design design as best as possible, use a metal apron. Materials such as copper, brass, steel or stainless steel are suitable.

Important! The options for using steel in the design are different - it can be solid sheets, tiles, even mosaics are found.

The advantages of such a kitchen apron:

  • Relatively low price.
  • Easy installation.
  • Excellent performance characteristics: moisture resistance, wear resistance, not affected by temperature, absolutely hygienic.
  • Durability.
  • Original appearance.

Important! But the only drawback of the steel surface is cleaning and caring for it. Various dirt and stains instantly become noticeable, so it is necessary to thoroughly wash the coating with the help of special equipment and be sure to wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

Color scheme for a kitchen apron

When choosing a color for decorating a kitchen apron, follow these simple rules:

  1. The shade of the wall should be in perfect harmony with the overall interior.
  2. Be guided by your taste and pay attention to the overall organization of the space.

Color solutions in the interior are always possible in several ways: contrast or consonance of colors, horizontal borders.


It is especially good to play in contrast in the kitchen, decorated in the style of Hi-tech, Avant-garde and Minimalism. Choose the brightest color in relation to the front of the kitchen furniture. For example: a white set - a red apron, blue and white, etc. This creates a bright accent, attracts attention and makes the interior much more colorful.

Important! Complement a bright kitchen apron with additional decor elements of the same color. Various vases, dishes and kitchen utensils give the kitchen a complete look.

Monochrome interior

In this situation, the shade of the apron is matched to the color of the furniture. Thus, monochrome design of the kitchen is obtained. It is recommended to design the color of the apron in one color if you want to make the interior of a neutral pastel color: light beige, cream, light gray, etc.

Important! You can combine kitchen furniture and walls that are different in color with an apron. It is necessary to arrange it in the tone of the wallpaper.

horizontal border

An original way to give the room a unique look, and at the same time visually enlarge the space. The method of this design is to clearly distinguish between the lower part of the furniture set, the apron and the upper part, the cabinets. The color solution can be made in shades of one color, or in a contrasting combination of tones. As a result, smooth horizontal lines are obtained, which gives the interior spectacularity and individuality.

We examined in detail how to choose a kitchen apron, what you need to focus on and what fashion trends exist in modern design. With the help of this information, you can easily create an original and stylish surface in the kitchen in the work area, which will delight you with its practicality and pleasant design.

If you do not know what is better to make an apron in the kitchen, then this article is for you. This room is one of the most important. It is used for cooking and eating, so the space should be decorated accordingly. Cleanliness, order, and, of course, beauty - all these are mandatory attributes of the kitchen.

The part of the wall near the work surface, sink and stove gets dirty the fastest, so it is recommended to install a so-called apron here. If you choose the right material for its decoration, then it will not only be practical, but will also become a kind of stylish highlight of the space. Let's find out what professional designers advise.

apron and what requirements it must meet

Before you decide what is better to make an apron in the kitchen, you need to study what requirements are placed on it and what it is.

As a rule, such a room is equipped in compliance with parallel lines, that is, the horizontal lower and upper row of cabinets are taken into account. Between them, a free wall space is formed, which is called a kitchen apron.

There are certain requirements for its decoration.

  • Strength. Do not exclude the possibility of accidental damage to the surface of the apron.
  • Moisture resistance. The kitchen space during cooking is filled with steam, which significantly humidifies the air.
  • Environmental friendliness. Harmful substances have no place in the premises where people live.
  • hygienic properties. Due to the high level of moisture on the surface of the apron, fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms can multiply. To avoid this, it is better to choose resistant materials with a special coating.
  • Resistant to temperature fluctuations. In the kitchen, the air either heats up, for example, while using the stove, then it cools, so it will not be possible to avoid drops.
  • Ease of maintenance. It is important that the surface of the apron is easily washed from contaminants such as soot, grease, water splashes and others.
  • Design. This criterion plays a purely aesthetic role, but its importance should not be underestimated. Surface design (drawing, colors) should harmoniously fit into the overall concept.

Material selection

For those who are going to make the kitchen space beautiful and functional, it is important to understand that it must also be practical. This can be achieved only by choosing the right materials for finishing the main surfaces. So what is the best way to make an apron in the kitchen? First of all, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the entire assortment currently presented in specialized stores. There you can find excellent options that will meet all your requirements. If the buyer is not limited in funds, then preference can be given to natural stone, mosaic or mirror tiles with facet. For an average person, glass panels are suitable. They are presented in a wide variety of colors and are decorated with all acceptable patterns. If the room is quite spacious, then artificial stone is perfect, which is an alternative to expensive natural materials. And finally, the budget option is ceramic tiles and PVC panels.

In order to decide what is better to make an apron in the kitchen, it is necessary to consider each material in detail.

natural or artificial stone

Stone trim is ideal for decorating a kitchen backsplash in large rooms. Its rough uneven surface will give a certain chic. For installation, square or rectangular plates are suitable. Their dimensions will directly depend on the height of the kitchen apron. Laying stone on the walls is carried out according to the same principle as laying ceramic tiles.

Let's highlight the features of this material.

  • High level of moisture and heat resistance.
  • Does not emit harmful substances.
  • The maximum level of strength of natural stone.
  • An artificial analogue made on the basis of gypsum is quite fragile.
  • Complicated surface care. The uneven front panel is difficult to clean from dirt.


Mosaic kitchen apron is currently one of the most popular finishing methods. This was facilitated by the original design. Each drawing has no analogues, it is unique in its own way. Mosaic slabs can be made up of small pieces of glass, ceramics, mirrors, metal, smalt. There are combined options. As a rule, they combine several different colors - from three or more.

Let's highlight the advantages of this material. In addition to strength, resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations, the mosaic allows you to create not only a wide variety of ornaments, but even a memorable photo. Also, this finish is in harmony with many interior styles.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then you should pay attention to the complexity of installing a mosaic of pieces of different sizes. To cope with this on your own, without having certain knowledge and skills, is unlikely to succeed. You will have to incur additional costs by paying for the work of qualified specialists. It is a little easier to lay the mosaic attached to the base. It is glued to the wall, and after drying, the seams are processed with a special grout.

mirror apron

If you need to visually increase the volume of the room, you can use a mirror to finish the apron. Before installation, you will need to carry out preparatory work. This material is rather capricious: even the slightest unevenness can deform it. The interiors of kitchens look great, where mirror and glass aprons are combined. This allows you to give the room originality. For wall decoration, mirrors in the form of panels, small tiles or mosaics are used. All of these options look equally impressive.

He has a lot of indisputable merits. These include the following:

  • Visually enlarges the space.
  • Not afraid of moisture.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Fits perfectly with any decor style.
  • Doubles the amount of light entering the room.
  • Wide choice of forms for finishing.

Unfortunately, against the background of these advantages, disadvantages also stand out. To them, first of all, it is necessary to attribute the complexity of caring for the surface. There are traces of any pollution on the mirror, so the hostess will have to not only wash it every day, but also rub it to a shine. Also complicating cleaning is the fact that you can not use abrasive substances. This material is sold at a fairly high price, which makes it available only to a certain category of buyers.

glass panels

Glass apron for the kitchen has been used relatively recently. For finishing, a material with a thickness of about 8 mm is selected. It must be shock and heat resistant. The popularity of this finish is due to the wide choice of design. On sale there are options with photo printing, plain, matte and transparent, with a 3D pattern. Screen printing or sandblasting is used to apply the image. Often, in order to complement the interior, LED lighting is carried out under the glass surface of the apron.

Consider the advantages of this type of finish:

  • When heated, it does not emit harmful substances.
  • It has a long service life if handled carefully.
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes, does not absorb moisture.
  • Does not deform over time.
  • Installation does not take much time. If desired, it is easy to dismantle without damaging the panel.
  • Possibility of partial replacement.

It is worth noting that this material also has weaknesses. Many housewives claim that they often have to wash it in order to maintain a neat look in the kitchen. The surface is easily scratched if not handled carelessly. When cleaning a glass apron from dirt, in no case should brushes with hard bristles be used.

Installing a glass kitchen apron

Installation of glass panels is carried out in two ways:

  • bolt fastening;
  • gluing to the wall with a special solution.

Before installation, you will need to carefully level the surface. Any difference, even the smallest one, can lead to distortion, and the glass will simply crack. Masters do not recommend using canvases more than two meters. It is better to compose compositions from several panels. If the installation is carried out according to the rules, then their docking will not cause problems.

PVC panels

If you want to give the kitchen originality, but there is not enough money for expensive finishing options, then they make an apron made of plastic. Reviews about this material can be found different. The reason for this is the insufficient level of resistance to mechanical damage. However, there are no restrictions in the design design. On sale there are all possible options: plain, colored, with a pattern. Also, the benefits include:

  • Easy installation.
  • Great for rooms with high levels of humidity.
  • All contaminants are easily washed off.
  • Relatively low cost.

For wall decoration, you can choose panels of different sizes. For example, PVC lining is sold in strips. Their minimum width is 100 mm. Decorated with a pattern imitating the surface of a tree. Such material resembles an apron made of MDF, only it comes out much cheaper.

You can buy a wall sheet. Its minimum dimensions are 2.6 m - length, 150 mm - width. The panels look pretty nice too. They vaguely resemble skinali. You can choose different sizes - from 80 cm.

Ceramic tile

A wall kitchen apron is often laid out from ceramic tiles. This material has long been used in rooms with high humidity. It has a high level of strength, is easy to clean, does not ignite when heated, and grease does not eat into the surface. To finish the apron, you can choose any color scheme and sizes. On sale are options for square and rectangular tiles.

This material has practically no disadvantages. Only the complexity of installation can be attributed to them. The process itself is quite laborious and time consuming. Let's take a closer look at how ceramic tiles are laid.

Preparing for installation

Before making out an apron, it is necessary to prepare the wall. Step-by-step description of actions:

  • The height of the kitchen apron is determined.
  • Removed the old lining.
  • If there are differences, they level out.
  • A shallow notch is applied with a perforator.
  • The surface of the wall is treated with a primer.

How to post

  • Tiles are laid only in the direction from the bottom up.
  • The surface of the wall is treated with adhesive.
  • It is better to start from an open corner.
  • Apply glue to the tiles. Furrows are made with a spatula.
  • Attached to the wall, aligned parallel.
  • Repeat steps with another tile.
  • A special cross is inserted at the joints to maintain the same distance.

It is important to choose the right not only material, but also the design of the kitchen apron. Professionals recommend paying attention to some details.

  • A stone apron is complemented by a countertop made of the same material.
  • For connoisseurs of bright accents, a finish of three or more colors is suitable. However, for the main background, it is better to use a solid color design.
  • Skinali look modern and original in the interior of the kitchen. They are ideal for rooms of all sizes.
  • The unique design of the apron is created using mosaics.
  • If the kitchen is large, then you can combine vertical and horizontal stripes.
  • Do not be afraid to show your imagination by combining different materials, for example, a mirror mosaic with plain or colored tiles.