How to choose and install a sewer hatch with your own hands. Dimensions of sewer manholes polymer: gost. sewer manholes with a lock

sewer manholes

How many stories are connected with sewer manholes - funny and sad, anecdotal and tragic, real and fictional. But one thing is clear - this is an important and mandatory detail of many communication systems. And it is simply impossible to imagine any street of a city or village without a single cast-iron sewer manhole.


Why sewer manholes deserve such attention?

The huge length of various highways requires their constant maintenance, and, if necessary, repair. At the same time, the only way to get into the underground space was the arrangement of technological wells. Through them you can get to the telephone cable, heating mains, water supply and sewerage.

Wells are located on the main sections of underground engineering highways. They install nodes of shut-off and distribution equipment, as well as mechanisms for controlling and monitoring systems.

Every well must be covered. And not haphazardly, but thorough and reliable, so that neither the wheels of a random car, nor curious and ubiquitous boys could open it.

A tightly closed lid is a guarantee of its protection against theft and entry into the well of various objects and pets. But the main goal for which heavy and massive covers are placed is to prevent accidents and people falling into them. It is almost impossible to see the opening of the well at night, in the grass or in other difficult conditions.

Thus, the main purpose of hatches is to provide access to underground utilities and safe vehicular traffic and the movement of people. The cover should be universal and fit any wells, regardless of the city and region. At the same time, hatches are distinguished by purpose and systems passing through the well.

The manufacture of sewer manholes is a labor-intensive and expensive process, therefore, the theft of cast-iron covers, which has become more frequent in recent years, entails significant costs for their restoration.


Cast iron hatch

Until recently, hatches were exclusively cast iron. Cast iron is a durable, corrosion resistant and very heavy material. Its strength is important for installation on highways, where a heavy sewer manhole must not crack and even move under the influence of the wheels of passing cars. At the same time, the main types of cast-iron hatches are designed for a load of 25 tons.

Cast iron is also ideal in terms of resistance to corrosion, constantly being in conditions of high humidity.

However, in recent years, various cast iron products have become the object of theft, and hatches occupy the first place among all stolen items.

And not only cast iron ...

To prevent theft, well covers began to be made of polymeric materials and rubber. Of course, they cannot be installed on the roadway, as they will not withstand the loads from passing cars. But in pedestrian areas and on unpaved areas, they will last a long time. According to manufacturers, the service life of such hatches is at least 50 years, and they weigh 5 times less than cast-iron counterparts.
At the same time, rubber hatches can be painted in various colors.

Sewer manhole polymer-composite round

Covers made of polymer-composite materials are devoid of many disadvantages of polymer and even cast iron ones. They practically have no restrictions in application, including loads. You can install them on the roadway, footpaths and in green spaces. At the same time, the different coloring of the products makes it possible to make them not only invisible in the grass, but also hardly noticeable on sidewalks and footpaths.

An important advantage of such hatches is the complete elimination of the formation of sparks upon contact of parts, which eliminates the possibility of gas ignition in the well.

In order to combat theft, chemical compounds are added to the material of polymer products, which exclude recycling. In addition, more and more often you can see a sewer hatch with a lock. This virtually eliminates the theft of not only the covers themselves, but also the materials and equipment located in the well.

Types of hatches and their marking

Marking K - sewerage

Although for most people all the manholes on the road or sidewalk are called sewers, under them often there is no sewer at all. You can determine the true purpose of the "sewer manhole" by the markings on the lid. It is applied during casting of the product and is indicated by the letters:

K - sewerage
B - water supply, plumbing
D - rainwater, storm sewer
G - fire water supply, hydrant
TS - heating system
GS - gas pipeline
GTS - telephone network

Special services, of course, do not look for their communications by these letters, since they have detailed diagrams indicating distances to houses and other landmarks. But with a large accumulation of communications in a small area, marking helps.

According to the places of application, all cast-iron and polymer-composite hatches can be divided into:

Heavy - type "T"
Lungs - type "L"

Type "T" hatches are used on highways, highways and roadways of yards. The weight of such a cast-iron product is from 90 to 110 kg, polymer-composite - 45 kg. Polymeric products are not presented in this category.

Light cast iron hatch

Type L hatches, being lighter, are used on footpaths, in green areas and other areas inaccessible to vehicles. Cast iron cover weighs 55-90 kg, polymer-composite - 45 kg and polymer - 12-15 kg.

For special operating conditions, other types of hatches are also produced, for example, main ones. The weight of such products is more than 150 kg, while they can withstand a load of 40 tons. Airfield and drain hatches also belong to special ones.


On personal plots, the installation of a hatch can be associated not only with sewage, but also with water supply or other systems. The criterion for choosing the cover material for a home well is often the price.

Since heavy traffic on the site is unlikely to be expected, in most cases it is enough to install a light hatch with a maximum allowable load of 3000 kg.

How much does a sewer manhole of this type cost? If we talk about cast iron products, then their price ranges from 2.5 to 4 thousand rubles. Polymer analogues cost about 1 thousand rubles.

Hatch installation

The whole structure is designed in such a way that the forces need to be applied only when mounting the support ring. The hatch itself simply fits into the opening of the manhole with guide lugs in the grooves of the support ring. At the same time, the support ring has technological holes for high-quality and reliable concreting.

If the well is a sewer, then it is necessary to install it so that water does not get inside through the cover during precipitation, snow melting or irrigation. Therefore, the upper plane of the cover with openings for operation should rise slightly above the surface of the lawn. If the well is located on a path or a car entrance, it is necessary to provide a slope in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cover for water flow.

Important! Mounting is not allowed when the upper plane of the cover is below the level of the roadbed, soil or footpath.

The well can also be below ground level, for example, when updating the roadbed, raising the ground level, laying paving slabs on top of asphalt, and in other cases.


Operation of the polymer-composite hatch

Despite the outward simplicity of the device of wells, their operation requires compliance with certain rules:

1. Opening the well cover, especially when it is cast iron, must be done very carefully. The heavy weight of the cover can cause serious injury.

2. When opening a well, it is forbidden to use open fire for lighting and heating. Any spark can ignite the gases inside.

3. You can go down into the well only after it has been ventilated. And in sewer manholes it is allowed to carry out work only in personal protective equipment.

4. It is strictly forbidden to work in wells alone.

5. The device for descending into the well (ladder, stepladder) must have an appropriate height, and people working below must be securely fastened with safety devices.

6. The open opening of the well must be fenced off and illuminated at night.

All these rules apply not only to employees of special enterprises for the maintenance of underground engineering networks, but also to any person who is somehow connected with work in wells. In full measure, they apply to the owners of private houses.

The installation of polymeric devices is carried out by analogy with such a design as a lightweight cast-iron sewer manhole. The only difference is that the polymer cover has half the weight, which makes it possible to install by one person.

After you have selected the required device for installation, you must implement the following steps:

  1. First you need to install a ring, which is also called a shell, on the cover of an underground well. But check in advance that a support ring KO6 or KCO1 is installed between the hatch and the well cover. This support ring will reduce the load on the plate itself several times. You can install brickwork instead of the ring, but we warn you that it will collapse over time, which will lead to the failure of the cover.
  2. In order to install the ring, use a level that will help evenly distribute the load. In no case do not install structures on a slope, as this will cause subsidence and destruction of the device.
  3. Use concrete mortar to pour the ring from the outside around the entire perimeter.
  4. Wait until the concrete mortar is completely dry.
  5. Next, mount the installation in the ring itself, after lubricating the upper working surface of the structure with lithol or grease. This will ensure trouble-free opening of the device even at sub-zero temperatures.

sewer manholes

How many stories are connected with sewer manholes - funny and sad, anecdotal and tragic, real and fictional. But one thing is clear - this is an important and mandatory detail of many communication systems. And it is simply impossible to imagine any street of a city or village without a single cast-iron sewer manhole.

Sewer well as part of the system

Why sewer manholes deserve such attention?

The huge length of various highways requires their constant maintenance, and, if necessary, repair. At the same time, the only way to get into the underground space was the arrangement of technological wells. Through them you can get to the telephone cable, heating mains, water supply and sewerage.

Wells are located on the main sections of underground engineering highways. They install nodes of shut-off and distribution equipment, as well as mechanisms for controlling and monitoring systems.

Every well must be covered. And not haphazardly, but thorough and reliable, so that neither the wheels of a random car, nor curious and ubiquitous boys could open it.

A tightly closed lid is a guarantee of its protection against theft and entry into the well of various objects and pets. But the main goal for which heavy and massive covers are placed is to prevent accidents and people falling into them. It is almost impossible to see the opening of the well at night, in the grass or in other difficult conditions.

Thus, the main purpose of hatches is to provide access to underground utilities and safe vehicular traffic and the movement of people. The cover should be universal and fit any wells, regardless of the city and region. At the same time, hatches are distinguished by purpose and systems passing through the well.

The manufacture of sewer manholes is a labor-intensive and expensive process, therefore, the theft of cast-iron covers, which has become more frequent in recent years, entails significant costs for their restoration.

Types of hatches and materials for them

Cast iron hatch

Until recently, hatches were exclusively cast iron. Cast iron is a durable, corrosion resistant and very heavy material. Its strength is important for installation on highways, where a heavy sewer manhole must not crack and even move under the influence of the wheels of passing cars. At the same time, the main types of cast-iron hatches are designed for a load of 25 tons.

Cast iron is also ideal in terms of resistance to corrosion, constantly being in conditions of high humidity.

However, in recent years, various cast iron products have become the object of theft, and hatches occupy the first place among all stolen items.

And not only cast iron ...

To prevent theft, well covers began to be made of polymeric materials and rubber. Of course, they cannot be installed on the roadway, as they will not withstand the loads from passing cars. But in pedestrian areas and on unpaved areas, they will last a long time. According to manufacturers, the service life of such hatches is at least 50 years, and they weigh 5 times less than cast-iron counterparts.
At the same time, rubber hatches can be painted in various colors.

Sewer manhole polymer-composite round

Covers made of polymer-composite materials are devoid of many disadvantages of polymer and even cast iron ones. They practically have no restrictions in application, including loads. You can install them on the roadway, footpaths and in green spaces. At the same time, the different coloring of the products makes it possible to make them not only invisible in the grass, but also hardly noticeable on sidewalks and footpaths.

An important advantage of such hatches is the complete elimination of the formation of sparks upon contact of parts, which eliminates the possibility of gas ignition in the well.

In order to combat theft, chemical compounds are added to the material of polymer products, which exclude recycling. In addition, more and more often you can see a sewer hatch with a lock. This virtually eliminates the theft of not only the covers themselves, but also the materials and equipment located in the well.

Types of hatches and their marking

Marking K - sewerage

Although for most people all the manholes on the road or sidewalk are called sewers, under them often there is no sewer at all. You can determine the true purpose of the "sewer manhole" by the markings on the lid. It is applied during casting of the product and is indicated by the letters:

  • K - sewerage
  • B - water supply, plumbing
  • D - rainwater, storm sewer
  • G - fire water supply, hydrant
  • TS - heating system
  • GS - gas pipeline
  • GTS - telephone network

Special services, of course, do not look for their communications by these letters, since they have detailed diagrams indicating distances to houses and other landmarks. But with a large accumulation of communications in a small area, marking helps.

According to the places of application, all cast-iron and polymer-composite hatches can be divided into:

  • Heavy - type "T"
  • Lungs - type "L"

Type "T" hatches are used on highways, highways and roadways of yards. The weight of such a cast-iron product is from 90 to 110 kg, polymer-composite - 45 kg. Polymeric products are not presented in this category.

Light cast iron hatch

Type L hatches, being lighter, are used on footpaths, in green areas and other areas inaccessible to vehicles. Cast iron cover weighs 55-90 kg, polymer-composite - 45 kg and polymer - 12-15 kg.

For special operating conditions, other types of hatches are also produced, for example, main ones. The weight of such products is more than 150 kg, while they can withstand a load of 40 tons. Airfield and drain hatches also belong to special ones.

A few words about installation

On personal plots, the installation of a hatch can be associated not only with sewage, but also with water supply or other systems. The criterion for choosing the cover material for a home well is often the price.

Since heavy traffic on the site is unlikely to be expected, in most cases it is enough to install a light hatch with a maximum allowable load of 3000 kg.

How much does a sewer manhole of this type cost? If we talk about cast iron products, then their price ranges from 2.5 to 4 thousand rubles. Polymer analogues cost about 1 thousand rubles.

Hatch installation

The whole structure is designed in such a way that the forces need to be applied only when mounting the support ring. The hatch itself simply fits into the opening of the manhole with guide lugs in the grooves of the support ring. At the same time, the support ring has technological holes for high-quality and reliable concreting.

If the well is a sewer, then it is necessary to install it so that water does not get inside through the cover during precipitation, snow melting or irrigation. Therefore, the upper plane of the cover with openings for operation should rise slightly above the surface of the lawn. If the well is located on a path or a car entrance, it is necessary to provide a slope in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cover for water flow.

Important! Mounting is not allowed when the upper plane of the cover is below the level of the roadbed, soil or footpath.

The well can also be below ground level, for example, when updating the roadbed, raising the ground level, laying paving slabs on top of asphalt, and in other cases.

Operation features

Operation of the polymer-composite hatch

Despite the outward simplicity of the device of wells, their operation requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. Opening the well cover, especially when it is cast iron, must be done very carefully. The heavy weight of the cover can cause serious injury.
  2. When opening a well, it is forbidden to use open fire for lighting and heating. Any spark can ignite the gases inside.
  3. You can go down into the well only after it has been ventilated. And in sewer manholes it is allowed to carry out work only in personal protective equipment.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to work in wells alone.
  5. The device for descending into the well (ladder, stepladder) must have an appropriate height, and people working below must be securely fastened with safety devices.
  6. The open opening of the well must be fenced off and illuminated at night.

All these rules apply not only to employees of special enterprises for the maintenance of underground engineering networks, but also to any person who is somehow connected with work in wells. In full measure, they apply to the owners of private houses.

The construction of any building involves the arrangement of engineering communications, most often special wells are used in their design. Such designs make it easy and quick to service systems as needed, ensuring operational safety and reducing the risk of accidents. The design of such systems involves the use of polymer hatches, which are installed on

general description

Until recently, products made of cast iron were most often used. Polymer hatches are elements made from a number of components, among them composite ingredients. In the production process, hot pressing technology is used. The manhole sewer polymeric and sand is one of versions of the mentioned products. Among other things, the classification is carried out according to the intensity of the load on the surface of the product. According to this principle, some groups of goods should be distinguished, namely heavy and light.

Hatch markings

Polymer-composite sewer manholes are produced with the indication of the corresponding marking, which determines the direction of application. When buying, you need to pay attention to the abbreviation located on the front surface of the structure. The letters G and PG indicate that the product is intended for ground and underground protection of a fire hydrant. "B" indicates the possibility of using hatches in water mains, while the letter "D" indicates that the sewer hatch is used as a storm drain.

Main positive characteristics

Square and round polymer sewer hatches have significant advantages when compared with analogues made of other materials, such as wood, steel or cast iron. The positive features include a long service life, which lasts more than 50 years. Among other things, the products are sufficiently resistant to corrosion and destruction, which could occur when exposed to any kind of aggressive environment. Installing products is quite simple, since they are light in weight, the mass of one unit of production can vary from 10 to 35 kilograms. This fact contributes to the simplification of the transportation process. The long lifespan is also due to the high resistance to solar radiation. On sale you can find a large assortment of models that have various decorative features, as well as shades. The structures perfectly withstand high temperatures, they can be operated in a wide temperature range from -10 to +50 degrees. Due to the fact that there are no toxic substances in the composition, the described products can be called environmentally friendly. A polymeric sewer hatch, the technical characteristics of which are presented in the article, can be used instead of cast iron products, which indicates interchangeability. Consumers note a high level of protection, which indicates that the products are equipped with special locks that exclude the possibility of theft.

Varieties in form

Manholes sewer cast iron, plastic, polymer, plastic are produced in the factory, taking into account different shapes. Thus, round structures are required for private or repair work. This form is used most often compared to others due to the fact that the inspection shaft requires the installation of just such products. When choosing a particular model, it is necessary to be guided not only by performance, but also by dimensions. If we talk about a general-purpose hatch, then we should consider the main qualitative characteristics of the structure, including the inner and outer diameters of the shell. It should be mounted on the upper end of the well, while its parameters should correspond as much as possible to the dimensions of the neck. If you are interested in the dimensions of polymer sewer manholes, then you need to know that on sale you can find designs with an internal opening diameter ranging from 315 millimeters to one meter. If there is a need, then square products can also be preferred; there are no restrictions on the typical dimensions of such hatches. Manufacturers make them with a certain step, which is equal to 50 millimeters. The smallest dimension is 300 millimeters, while the maximum is 800 millimeters. When choosing the dimensions of polymer sewer manholes, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the cover can be sealed or have special slots. The latter option is used for arranging both in private and industrial construction.

Not only the dimensions of the polymer sewer manholes are important, but also the observance of the technology during their installation. The master will have to put a gasket, install the hatch itself, then level the surface. A number of professionals recommend additionally mounting hinges on the hatch and the rim of the well, on which the lock is hung. If there is a locking hatch, check every year for gaps and cracks. They can affect the performance of the system. If any damage is noticed, it is recommended to replace the product. If the sunroof was installed in a northern region or an area with a high level of precipitation, then additional protection of the hatch should be made using a special panel. It can be made from a variety of membrane materials, but traditional foam can be used as an alternative. Thermal panels, as well as other similar coatings, are also suitable. This will protect the product from the negative effects of the environment and extend its life. Regardless of condition, it is recommended that the cover be replaced every seven years.

Installation of a polymer hatch

Whatever sizes of polymer sewer manholes you choose, installation work is carried out using the same technology, the process will not be complicated. Initially, a ring is installed on the ceiling, which is made of reinforced concrete. Next, the ring is poured with concrete of a suitable grade. At the next stage, the master must install the manhole cover into the ring. However, these manipulations should be done only after the concrete has hardened. The product must be located strictly horizontally with respect to the surface of the earth. Raise it above the soil level by 5 cm.

It is important to equip the blind area, which is located around the polymer hatch. It should have a slope to remove excess moisture. It should be given a width ranging from 1 to 1.5 meters. If you want to simplify the work, then you need to choose models that have special mounting grooves.


If you decide to use a sewer polymer manhole, the price of this product should certainly interest you. By visiting the store of relevant goods, you can purchase a hatch by paying 800 rubles for one unit.


Recently, when arranging engineering systems, a polymer sewer hatch is most often used, the price of such a product is affordable, which is why structures of this kind have become widespread both in industry and among private consumers. Perhaps you should pay attention to such a decision.

Sewer hatches are a mandatory component for any underground communications. Along with protective functions, they perform a number of other equally important tasks.

Models for outdoor sewerage are distinguished by a variety of types and shapes. In order to choose the right hatch, you need to know its operational properties.

The installation of sewer manholes is mandatory - correct without them is impossible.

If the line has one or more inspection (revision) wells, then the operation of such systems is prohibited without isolation of their neck. Are applied to arrangement of the independent sewerage, storm, drainage system.

Structurally, hatches consist of a mounting rim (shell), which is installed on the mouth of the well and the cover.

The main purpose is to provide access and protection from external factors for manholes.

But in addition to that, they also serve the following purposes:

  • security. Their installation eliminates the accidental entry of a person into the well;
  • pollution protection. Prevent contamination of the structure and blockage of the inspection shaft;
  • providing normal access for transport. If the well is located on the roadway, then it is necessary to install a special hatch model with the appropriate strength indicators.

The selection of a certain type of protective structure directly depends on the parameters of the system and the performance of the well - diameter, material of manufacture, functional purpose.

These parameters are determined at the design stage and are strictly observed.

Types by material of manufacture

One of the determining factors in choosing a sewer manhole model is the material of manufacture. It is he who directly affects the further characteristics of the design and scope.

Currently, several types of materials are used, which must meet the following requirements:

  • mechanical strength. Depending on the expected loads, the product must withstand the maximum mechanical impact without damage;
  • not change its characteristics under the influence of external weather factors;
  • during operation, do not affect the material of manufacture and the structure of the well in a negative (destructive) way.

These conditions are met by several types of materials. Before that, it is necessary to decide on the choice of material of manufacture.

Cast iron manhole

Cast iron is a traditional material for the manufacture of protective structures for outdoor sewers. The material for their manufacture is an alloy of cast iron with the addition of lamellar graphite. Often, a brand not lower than SCh20 is used for this.

Such models are installed in case of the likelihood of heavy loads on them - on highways, access roads.

They are characterized by good strength and long service life. In some cases, it can reach 100 years.

Cast iron structures have characteristic features:

  • the ability to withstand heavy loads (up to 90 tons) without damaging the surface;
  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity makes it possible to use them in heating mains. Even in the event of a gust, the hatch will be able to serve as a protective screen for a long time;
  • durability;
  • great weight. It is an advantage and at the same time a disadvantage. Dismantling the cast-iron structure requires significant physical effort. But at the same time, the possibility of theft is indirectly prevented.

For cast-iron hatches are installed only in the places where the car passes. In other cases, it is recommended to use less heavy models from other materials.


Appeared relatively recently, polymer manholes have become a worthy alternative to cast-iron models.

If the site does not provide for the passage of large trucks, then the best way to isolate the neck of the sewer well is to install polymer manholes.

Photo: polymer manholes

Despite the apparent unreliability of the material of manufacture, some models are able to withstand loads up to 5 tons.

In addition, they have a number of unique advantages:

  • small specific gravity. Because of this, in some cases, it is recommended to install a locking lock. It will prevent the sunroof from being blown off by a strong wind or a car shift;
  • small cost. Compared to cast iron models, the price of polymer hatches is an order of magnitude lower;
  • wide range of colors. It is possible to choose a design of the appropriate color to create a landscape design on the site.

This is the best option for arranging external sewerage in a private house. In addition to polymer, there is another variety - polymer-composite hatches.

In addition to plastic, polyester resins and fiberglass are used for their manufacture. They are stronger than polymer models, but have a higher cost.


A rare type of protective structures, which can only be used in extremely rare cases, are often non-standard sizes of sewer wells.

Photo: concrete sewer manholes

In the sewer networks of a private house, they can be used to seal a septic tank from concrete rings. Since the mounting rim is also made of concrete, mounting and dimensional conformity make it possible to install hatches made of this material on almost all reinforced concrete rings.

In large networks, concrete hatches are also mounted in the case of non-standard sizes of manholes. At the same time, the manufacture of the desired design is made to order, according to the data of a specific project.

Types by shape

The shape of the sewer hatch depends on the geometric dimensions of the neck of the revision wells. Traditionally, round structures are installed, but recently a choice of several options has appeared.


The installation of round structures is necessary for repair or cleaning work in the sewer well. This form is used more often than others because of the structure of the inspection shaft.

In order to work safely and improve air exchange, the well shaft is made in a cylindrical shape.

As a result, the best solution would be to install a round protective hatch on its upper part.

Important! When choosing a particular model, one should start not only from its operational characteristics, but also from the dimensions.

Manhole diameter

Round structures have basic dimensional characteristics, according to which the optimal design option is selected.

Photo: hatch device

It is possible to consider the main overall characteristics of the structure using the example of a general-purpose hatch.

They are defined by:

  • outer and inner diameters of the shell. It should be installed on the upper end of the manhole, and its parameters should correspond as much as possible to the size of the neck - the base area and the inner diameter;
  • cover size. It slightly exceeds the inner diameter of the shell.

There are standard sizes according to which round sewer manholes are made. GOST 3634 99 contains data on standard overall characteristics, depending on the scope of the hatch.

Photo: standard sizes of round hatches

These data regulate the dimensions for standard hatches. In practice, cast-iron structures are produced with an internal opening diameter of 380 to 810 mm. The range of plastic models is much larger - from 315 mm to 1 m.


If the repair well has a rectangular shape, then it is impossible to install a round model on it.

These are rare cases that are typical for autonomous sewage in private homes. GOST 3634-99 describes rectangular models for storm sewers (storm water inlets) and sealed structures.

Photo: square hatches

The size

There are no restrictions on the standard dimensions of square sewer manholes. Manufacturers make them with a certain step - 50 mm. The minimum size can be 300 mm, and the maximum 800 mm.

The mounting area of ​​the mounting rim has the same overall dimensions as for round structures. Covers can be solid (tight) and with special slots, the latter are used for storm sewers, both in civil engineering and in private.

The weight

The material of manufacture determines not only the operational properties of sewer manholes, but also their weight.

A complete description of the characteristics in the regulatory documents is given only for cast iron structures. According to them, the recommended weight should correspond to the data in the table:

Photo: sewer manhole weight

Concrete structures can weigh up to a ton, depending on the overall dimensions. Unlike them, plastic models have a maximum weight of about 20 kg, which is an undoubted advantage when installing them in a summer cottage or a country house.


The main factor in choosing a hatch is its further scope.

For this, a special nomenclature marking was developed that displays this parameter:

  • B - installed in water mains;
  • PG, G - serves to protect a fire hydrant (underground or ground);
  • K - sewer structures for domestic and industrial purposes;
  • D - rain (storm) sewerage;
  • TS - arrangement of the heating network;
  • GS - mounted for gas networks;
  • T, MTS, GTS - telephone underground communications;
  • MG - main gas pipeline.

This marking is applied to the front of the structure and further helps the employees of the relevant services. But besides this, there is a division into classes of loads.

The summary table shows all the characteristics of sewer manholes, according to GOST:

Photo: marking of manholes

Hatches with a lock

To protect the structure from theft and restrict access to the inspection well, hatches can be equipped with special locking mechanisms - locks. Since the shell is rigidly attached to the outer end of the shaft, it acts as a kind of frame.

Photo: sewer manholes with a lock

The main mechanism is located on the cover and can be of various designs.

The simplest and most reliable are:

  • flag connection. With the help of a rotary mechanism, the locking element enters the groove on the shell body;
  • threaded connection of the cover and body;
  • various types of spacer mechanisms;

Such devices are installed in public places (prevention of theft). In private homes, they serve as protection against accidental opening.


Installation of sewer hatches can be done independently. The technology depends on the material of manufacture of the well and the protective structure.

For plastic models, special mounting grooves are usually provided in which the shell is placed. Additional fastening can be carried out using screws or adhesive bonding.

Photo: installation of a sewer manhole

Cast iron structures are mounted on concrete or plastic wells.

The technology of their installation is somewhat more complicated:

  • installation of the ring on the overlap of the well. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the correspondence of the inner diameter of the hatch and the shaft;
  • pouring concrete;
  • installation of the cover and verification of the entire structure.

It is not recommended to remove the cover until the solution dries (from 2 to 7 days).


The cost of sewer manholes depends on their material of manufacture and load class. The table shows prices depending on these parameters:

Photo: price table

The most expensive are cast iron. Their price is determined by the complexity of production and the cost of the material. Plastic models are considered affordable.

Important! Pig-iron are necessary only in the case when a do-it-yourself sewer installation is carried out, passing through the access roads (arrival to the garage).

manhole cover

The main component of the design of the sewer manhole is its cover. It is she who serves as a protective element for the trunk of the inspection shaft. Its dimensions must fully match the dimensions of the mounting ring.

The lid should fit snugly against the shell, not protrude in height. There are several types of construction, ranging from standard sewer to special ones, which provide a container for filling with concrete.

This is necessary to ensure the proper level of stability of the structure to external influences. During the movement of a large freight transport, the weighted cover fits snugly against the ring, and the concrete layer gives it additional mass.

Decorative covers

Sewer manholes as design elements have been used for a long time. Even during the time of the Roman Empire, each city had its own individual models, which were the same “calling card” as the architecture of buildings.

Nowadays, a common way is its unusual shape or pattern. The latter is used most often, as it does not require special costs.

How can you hide the sunroof

The installation of standard sewer manholes can adversely affect the appearance of the infield.

Even modern plastic models can not always fit well into the landscape of the garden. For hiding use special decorative covers.

Photo: hiding a sewer hatch

Most often it is an imitation of natural stone. But there may also be more exotic models - large decorative stumps, sculptural elements, and even the famous signpost stones from fairy tales.

The choice depends on landscape design and personal preferences. The main condition for the installation of such structures is to provide quick access to the sewer manhole.

Cover price

Separate covers from sewer manholes are extremely rare for sale. Their cost differs from the price of the assembled structure by 10-15%. Therefore, in case of loss (theft) of the hatch, you have to purchase a finished structure.

The price of decorative covers is also different. A simple stone imitation can cost from 2 500 to 5 000 rubles. The price of models larger and more complex can reach 20,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Important! For arranging external sewage in a private house, it is best to use standard plastic hatches. If the maximum possible load does not allow this, then cast-iron models are installed.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the diameters of the manholes and their location.