How to choose a name by date of birth. How to choose a name for a child by date of birth. Male names. Surname combination

Great value for choosing a baby name has the month of his birth. Consider the characteristics of a person’s character depending on the month of birth.


Choose a name for a child born in winter

Choosing a name for those born in December

"December" people are characterized by increased emotionality, unbalanced and quick-tempered over trifles, hardly control themselves when irritated. And although they perfectly see their shortcomings, they understand the motives of a negative attitude towards themselves, but they cannot restrain themselves. Their life is complicated, they often get into unpleasant stories, they cannot and do not know how to live in peace. They urgently need a frequent change of scenery, social circle, do not tolerate a monotonous lifestyle. Subject to nervous breakdowns, depression. Very sexy.

Babies born in December are best named: Sergey, Mikhail, Alexey, Andrey, Artem; Vera, Polina, Natalya, Irina.
Names are least suitable for December: Nikolay, Dmitry, Anatoly, Stanislav; Alla, Alina, Tatyana, Elena.

Choosing a name for those born in January

"January" people are patient and self-possessed. All troubles endure stoically, it is difficult to share the innermost even with the closest. "January" women have a solid, "masculine" character, are secretive and independent. They are proud and value independence most of all. It is difficult with them in family life because of their constant desire for leadership, but they are devoted wives and are always ready to support their spouse. In addition, "January" women are good cooks, but they absolutely do not like to do cleaning, they do it out of necessity. "January" men: courageous and fair people, you can rely on them in difficult times. Decisive in their actions, they often behave imprudently, are prone to unjustified risk. They are condescending to the weaker, respectful and helpful with women, capable of forgiveness. Very proud, have a strong will. Great family people. "January" children are better called "soft" names in order to neutralize their excessive hardness of character and moderate their pride.

Boys names fit: Grigory, Peter, Daniel, Ignat, Evgeny, Ilya, Victor, Vladimir, Vasily;
Girls: Anisya, Anastasia, Asya, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Lily, Zoya, Irina, Natalya.

Choose a name for those born in February

"February" people are stubborn, persistent and rather unbalanced, although, unlike the "December" people, they are able to control themselves better. The character is complex, unpredictable, prone to nervous breakdowns. Very brave, not afraid of difficulties. Quickly make decisions, however, often wrong. Unlike "January", they are difficult to forgive insults, are vindictive and vengeful. They are not inclined to play nobility and generosity, they despise the weak. Too direct and selfish. By nature, careerists are capable of not very plausible deeds in order to achieve a goal, they know how to manipulate people. They tend to rush from one extreme to another. They love children, their families often have more than three children.

They are more suitable names than others: Arsenty, Maxim, George, Ivan, Timofey, Alexander, Vitaly, Valentin, Arkady, Yefim; Anna, Zhanna, Svetlana, Rita, Irina, Natalya, Vera, Alice, Asya, Milena, Emma.
It is undesirable to name "February" children Valery, Igor, Benjamin, Joseph, Vladlen, Rostislav, Naum, Aron; Ekaterina, Zinaida, Veronica, Tamara, Margarita.


Choose a name for a child born in spring

Choosing a name for those born in March

"March" people are very sensitive and impressionable. It is difficult to endure failures, and therefore they are poorly promoted. If they show stubbornness, perseverance, then most often to the detriment of themselves. They are cowardly, indecisive, easily hurt. They think that their life did not work out. It is not for nothing that there are many losers and envious people among the "March" people. All their lives they strive for success, but remain unrecognized. And if they are at the pinnacle of glory, then not for long, and the fall for them means the collapse of all hopes. Such "spring" people are selfish and ambitious. They are irritable, caustic, they perceive the success of others as their own defeat. Very tedious, overwhelm loved ones with endless complaints about fate. Suspicious, believe in prejudices, often turn to various fortune-telling. Men: grouchy, hard to please, overly squeamish. Women spend a lot of time on their toilet, pay great attention to their appearance, spin in front of the mirror for hours before leaving the house. Such children need to be given solid names in order to give the character more determination, firmness, so that the child feels self-confidence.

They are more suitable names: Daniel, Peter, Pavel, Fedor, Bogdan, Philip, Grigory, Taras; Antonina, Evdokia, Ruslana, Seraphim, Stella, Stanislav, Rostislav, Bronislava, Sophia.
It is undesirable to call "March" children Sergei, Mikhail, Alexei, Ilya, Victor, Eugene, Vasily; Tatyana, Elena, Ekaterina, Zinaida, Albina.

Choose a name for those born in April

"April" people have a more solid character than "March". They are persistent in achieving the goal, bold and decisive. And this despite the fact that they do not always manage to realize themselves fully. They are practical and thoughtful. The material side of life excites them most of all. Easily promoted, they know what they want. Lucky enough, but overly ambitious. In marriage, they rely more on reason than on feelings. It is difficult to give up the usual way of life. For a man, the main thing is stability and material well-being. He would rather agree to endure an unloved wife and live in a family where no one needs him, than to destroy a marriage, to exchange material goods for love. But the "April" woman's attitude to family life is somewhat different. She values ​​​​good relations with her husband, material security is in the background for her. "April" women are cheerful, witty, in every little thing they can find a reason for fun.

It is better to give names to those born in April: Cyril, Gabriel, Jacob, Mark, Konstantin; Alexandra, Lydia, Daria, Maria, Karina, Sabina.

Choosing a name for those born in May

"May" people are principled and uncompromising, domineering and demanding. Women are resolute, vindictive, do not forgive insults. They can instantly break ties, easily go to a divorce, although they later regret it. With women born in May, it is difficult to create a strong family, they strive for leadership, do not tolerate objections. Alla with the patronymic Mikhailovna or Alekseevna is especially distinguished by this. They are only interested in material well-being, and if they have a bad relationship with their spouse, they easily find entertainment on the side. Men, born in May, are good family men, they know how to provide for their families and make them reckon with themselves. Although they are firm in character, they are more compliant in the family than with strangers. Too susceptible to women's tears, complaints, failures. They are always ready to help the weaker sex, and because of this they often get into trouble. People born in May are more suitable than other names: Anatoly, David, Kirill, German, Makar; Evdokia, Faina, Julia, Claudia, Alexandra, Irina, Alex, Alana.


Choose a name for a child born in the summer

"June" people are very vulnerable, suspicious. Be careful in your actions, reinsurers. They are kind and sympathetic, but too cowardly to fight with something or someone. By nature, they have many talents, are practical, enterprising. They are often approached for advice and moral support. With close people they are very restrained in the manifestations of their feelings, but with unfamiliar people they can be more open. They avoid conflicts, while the "June" men are somewhat cowardly, spineless in personal matters. But they are successful in promotion, happy in love, however, more often outside the family. Amorous, fond of, but not for long. They do not tolerate moralizing, and they themselves do not like to teach. Very clean, to the point of disgust. Women know how to create comfort in the house, and men will do everything so that the family does not need materially.

The most suitable names for such people: Konstantin, Dmitry, Roman, Valery, Igor; Maria, Martha, Elena, Zinaida, Stanislav, Simon, Seraphim, Raisa, Tamara.

Choosing a name for those born in June

An unstable nervous system, impatience, selfishness, irritability are the characteristic features of the July people. Too proud and independent. Egoists. They are spineless, they cannot refuse friends, they easily become an inveterate drunkard (more often this applies to men). Women: strive for leadership, try to lead their spouse, often complain to loved ones about their fate, openly talk about troubles in the family. They are hard to please, they are always dissatisfied with something. Men are quite good-natured, reckless, often make mistakes. Trusting, naive towards women. Having been deceived once in their feelings, they become inveterate bachelors. Silently endure all the troubles, do not like to complain about their fate. The only one to whom they can pour out their soul is the mother, she is closest to them in spirit.

Names suitable for those born in July: Anatoly, Andrian, Vyacheslav, George, Ignat, Makar, Nikita, Edward; Antonina, Alla, Alexandra, Daria, Lyudmila, Sophia, Kaleria, Elizabeth, Valeria.

Choosing a name for those born in August

Highly emotional, energetic, stubborn. Swift in action, but imprudent. They do not tolerate slow people, they annoy them. "August" women are confident in their abilities, unforgiving, but suspicious. There are leaders in the family. They are good housewives, but they don't really like to cook. Men: sensitive natures, compliant in family relationships. Rarely are happy in the first marriage. They do not tolerate pressure and criticism, they are very irritable, they are waiting only for praise and universal recognition. They are very jealous, although they themselves are rarely faithful husbands. Vulnerable, require increased attention, like children.

Names best suited for those born in August: Gleb, Moses, Nikolai, Prokhor, Julian, Gury, Evdokim, Ephraim, Zakhar, Elizar, Alexander, Isaac; Anna, Maria, Anfisa, Olympiad, Julia, Margarita, Tamara, Tatyana.


Choose a name for a child born in autumn

Choosing a name for those born in September

People are quick-tempered, emotional, purposeful. They like to give gifts, but they are not too generous in other respects, they will not waste even a penny in vain. They try to look like spenders in the eyes of others, but rarely do this without taking into account their interests. Very prudent. Selfish. Women are more worried about themselves than about their spouse, while men are able to provide for their families, but they will never offend themselves. They are not sorry to lose a large amount, but if the spouse acquires an expensive dress without his knowledge, he will definitely reproach her for excessive spending. "September" people love friendly companies, but they will never miss their benefit, even if it is to the detriment of their closest friends. It is difficult to repay debts, often they are simply forgotten. They do not tolerate jealousy scenes, in such cases they will do everything out of spite. They are very jealous. Women are impatient, very independent. In the morning they like to sleep for a long time, they are often late for work, making this the norm. However, they are wonderful housewives, everything in their house shines. They love and know how to cook delicious food. Men are too amorous, but cautious when it comes to marriage.

Such people are more suitable than other names: Denis, Miron, Zakhar, Roman, Yakov, Hilarion, Pavel, Anatoly, Ivan, Ephraim, Gennady, Gleb; Anna, Ariadne, Raisa, Lyudmila, Vera, Hope, Sophia, Love, Elizabeth.

Choosing a name for those born in October

Mandatory, but only when it comes to work. With friends, they believe, it is not always possible to be obligatory. They love to lie, they are witty. Enterprising. They are disinterested in friendly relations, but in financial matters they are practical and careful. Generous. They do not rush to conclusions, do not make rash decisions, try to listen to as many different opinions as possible, on the basis of which they build their point of view. They always act on their own, the authority for them is a few very close people. Women are principled, objective. They have a good memory, make a career easily. They do not forgive betrayal and betrayal. They try their best to save the family. In the family, they are leaders and rarely rely on the support of a spouse. Men are practical, reasonable, somewhat stingy. They do not tolerate criticism, the family is very economic.

Successfully chosen names for them will be: Alexander, Trofim, Mikhail, Innokenty, Vladislav, German, Sergey, Vyacheslav, Vasily, Mark, Grigory, Vladimir, Gury, Nikita, Kirill, Philip; Zlata, Zoya, Olga, Zinaida, Sophia, Oleg, Vasilisa, Alexandra.

Choose a name for those born in November

Too prudent, for the sake of material gain, they are ready for unseemly acts. They are selfish, envious. These people are stingy for everyone, stingy even for close people. But for themselves they do not regret anything: they can go on vacation with the last money, although then the family will live from hand to mouth for a long time. Women are narcissistic, sloppy, selfish. In the family, they are leaders, they do not take into account the opinion of their spouse, they often cheat on them, without even trying to hide it. Promiscuous in partners, lustful. Husbands are chosen for themselves who are spineless, and they have to endure a lot from their spouses. Men are prone to frequent depression, nervous breakdowns. The choice of a name must be approached very carefully.

It is undesirable to give names: Anatoly, Dmitry, Nikolay; Tatyana, Margarita, Marina, Ekaterina: negative character traits will be aggravated.
Only the names listed below can improve the character of "November": Maxim, Bogdan, Terenty, Konstantin, Artem, Zinovy, Mark, Valery, Gabriel, Victor, Valentin, Grigory, Philip, Lazar, Mikhail; Elena, Cleopatra, Capitolina, Euphrosyne, Claudia, Eugenia, Nastasya, Maria, Elizabeth, Natalia, Irina, Vera.

How to choose a name for those born in winter:

Men - choose a name

Avdey Alexander Alexey Andrey Anzor Aristarkh Arkady Arno Arsen Arseny Artem Afanasy Boleslav Boris Boyan Valentin Valery Valeryan Veniamin Victor Vitaly Gavriil Grigory Guriy Daniil Evgeny Yefim Jean Zakhar Ivan Ivar Ignatius Ilya Brakliy Isai Carl Kirill Klim Lev Leon Leonty Lubomir May Maxim Marat Matvey Miron Miroslav Mikhail Murat Natan Oleg Pavel Petr Semyon Seraphim Sergei Timofey Fedor Erast Yuri

Women - choose a name

Alena Lyubov Alisa Marianna Amira Marina Anna Mirra Ariadna Mikhailina Asya Natalia Bella Natella Bogdana Nika Varvara Nonna Vera Nora Veta Oksana Victoria Olesya Vitalia Pavla Galina Polina Gayane Raisa Gretta Rosa Gemma Svetlana Julia Silvia Dina Snezhana Eva Stella Zoya Faina Ivona Christia Irina Eda Iya Ella Larisa Elmira Lesya Yaroslava Leah

How to choose a name for those born in the spring:

Men - choose a name

Avgustin Rafik Amadeus Rostislav Anzhey Spartak Aristarkh Stanislav Askold Telman Boleslav Timur Bronislav Fidel Vladlen Philemon Harry Christ George Edgar Zakhar Edman Ludwig Julius Max Yakub Merab Janvar Mstislav Jaromir Oscar Yaroslav Radomy

Aza Guzel Anelya Zlata Annetta Ilona Betta Katrina Vanga Miroslava Vladislava Modesta Gabriella Monica Gertrude Nancy Neonilla Rostislava Novella Ruzanna Nora Stanislava Ognessa Florida Odette Frederica Pavlina Evelina Rem Emmanuela Rena Justina

How to choose a name for those born in the summer

Men - choose a name

Avgustin Gleb Avtondil Gordey Adam Gordon Allan Guram Alfred Demyan Anatoly Dmitry Andrian Jean Arnold Georges Aron Ignat Bogdan Kazimir Bohumir Kim Vazha Konstantin Valdemar Makar Walter Mark Willy Mstislav Vyacheslav Murat Georgy Nikita Gerald Nukzar Herman Oscar Radomir Telman Ratmir Tigran Rafail Faddey Renat Felix Robert Christian Rodion Caesar Rollan Ewald Roman Eduard Rostislav Emil Ruslan Emmanuil Svyatoslav Ernest Solomon Yuzef Stanislav Yulian Taras Yakov

Women - choose a name

Alexandra Elena Alla Elizabeth Angelina Yesenin Antonina Jeanne Borislav Josephine Valeria Zemfira Gelena Isabella Georgina Isolde Hera Ilona Gretta Inara Daria Inessa Juliet Kaleria Diana Camilla Evgenia Karina Ekaterina Karolina Katrin Roxana Christina Rostislava Xenia Ruzana Laura Sabina Leonilla Santa Lydia Sarra Ludmila Sophia Maria Luciena Stanislava Olga Florentina Rebecca Françoise Renata Julia Rimma Juno

How to choose a name for those born in the fall

Avdey Veniamin Azat Viktor Akim Vladimir Alexander Vyacheslav Aleksey Gennady Andrey Gerasim Anton German Arseniy Gleb Bezhan Grigory Bogdan Daniil Boris Dmitry Emelyan Nikita Yermolai Pavel Ibragim Rodion Ignat Samuil Hilarion Svyatoslav Joseph Sergei Isai Simon Claudius Stakhey Leon Timofey Leonty Felix Makary Cheslav Miron Ernest Mikhail Yuri Mikhey Yakim Mstislav Yan

Women - choose a name

Augustine Juliet Aurora Dora Adelia Elizaveta Alina Zlata Alisa Yvonne Anna Ila Anfisa Ilania Ariadna Iya Wanda Kira Vasilisa Louise Vera Lubov Vilena Ludwiga Vladlena Ludmila Damira Maya Medea Santa Miroslava Serafima Nadezhda Susanna Natalia Taisiya Nonna Tamila Nora Teresa Olga Fatima Pavlina Christiana Patricia Evelina Yuze Rima Emilia Rosalia Julia Rufima Yaroslava Sabina

Characteristics of names

"Catchy" or "cat" names: Katya, Vasya, Galya, Oksana. People with names ending in a consonant are more self-contained. The letter "w" in the name indicates quiet, prudent, hard of hearing, accurate. Pure-hearted people are named Anastasia, Vera, Hope, Love. Sophia is a name that has absorbed "pure" names. Neutral names Sergey, Svetlana. Similar in character (adequate) male and female names: Elena, Ivan give, accept gifts (since the opposite sex gives the most, Ivan loves to communicate with women more, and vice versa). There are names (male and female) that most "sympathize" with each other: Seryozha - Natasha, Oleg - Nina, Vladimir - Irina, Ivan - Maria, that is, of the opposite sound, with a complete or partial absence of identical letters. In other words, it can be argued that in friendship, marriage, people are the more sympathetic to each other, the less common consonants in their names. However, a certain pattern should be noted: the greater the sympathy between such people arises, the shorter their marital relationship, especially when one of the spouses is much older than the other. Exception: Ivan - Maria.

Appropriate names:

Inna / Gennady noble.

Sophia / Mikhail economic.

Irina/Aleksey/Vasily are prudent.

Olga / Oleg / Kolya are talkative, open.

Masha / Pasha are quiet, accurate in business.

Vera / Zina / Peter / Nina slow-witted, stubborn, cheerful.

Valentine / Valentina / Victor are sensitive, cordial.

Benjamin / Vitaliy / Vitaliy / Anatoly / Valeria / Valery / Valerian are reckless adventurers.

Yuri / Lyudmila / Julian / Yulia prone to variability in words, deeds, deeds.

People with adequate names, as a rule, do not have much sympathy for each other. The more vowels in the root of the name, the more likely it is that a person with that name will become famous. People who have the sound "m" in their name often experience some kind of mental confusion, anxiety in business. For example, women named Marina, Maria, Tamara; men Dmitry, Vladimir, Artem.

When the first thing parents think about is what it should be called. Some call the child the first that comes to mind, others try to come up with something interesting, and still others refer to church holidays. Today we’ll talk about what the name means for, why it’s so important not to follow fashion, and whether you should pay attention to the patronymic and surname.

The influence of the name on the fate of the child

Almost all parents come up with a name for the child before his birth, or immediately after him, but this does not allow you to name the baby so that his nickname suits him. Since there is a belief that it is dangerous to reveal the name of a newborn up to a certain age, you can take advantage of this and wait a bit. If the baby does not have a nickname, then it is impossible to jinx him, no matter how strange it may sound.

After a while, the character of the child will appear, on the basis of which you can come up with a suitable nickname that will definitely suit him.

Separately, it should be said about fashion, which puts a stigma on children. For example, you like the sensational series, and you decided to name your daughter Daenerys after the main character. Now think about how her peers and teachers will call her at school, what the name will be in the abbreviated version and how it will be combined with the patronymic and surname. In a decade, everyone will forget about the series, and the nickname will not go anywhere, so before you name your daughter or son in honor of the movie character, try it on yourself.

Important! Remember that father and son or mother and daughter should not have the same name.

We name the child by date of birth

There are couples who want to give their baby a name that corresponds to a certain time of the year, so next we will talk about how to name a child born in summer, winter, autumn, or spring.

Winter. Children born in winter are distinguished by their persistent character and determination, but they suffer from problems associated with finding a soul mate. Soft options are suitable for winter children (Ilya, Svetlana).

Spring. Spring children are quite selfish, and their main problem is indecision. They do not differ in firmness and perseverance, therefore they require a solid nickname in order to harmonize the inner world. These include Diana, Igor, Dmitry, Daria.

Summer. Summer children are distinguished by purposefulness and an active position. They are always in harmony with the inner world, so they can be called by any nickname.

Autumn. Autumn children are stingy with emotions, they are practical and prone to quick decision-making. To add softness to the character, long romantic names should be used, such as Vladislav,.

Separately, it should be said that many parents are concerned about the question of whether children are named after the months of the year. This was practiced in the days of the USSR, but at the moment such nicknames have completely disappeared, so if you call a girl September or a boy August, this will lead to ridicule and excessive attention.

Did you know? The longest name consists of 1478 letters, representing one huge word, which contains the names of historical places, famous personalities, as well as scientists. To read it, you need to spend at least 10 minutes.

Name according to the church calendar

Many mothers are interested in what names of children can be used to name a child who was born on a particular church holiday. This practice is not something new, but it should be understood that most of the names are Old Slavonic, therefore they are not often used.

To choose a church name for the baby, you should look into the collection of saints. The church celebrates the memory of several saints every day, so you can choose from several options. However, it happens that a child is born during a big holiday, for example, on St. Andrew the First-Called, then it is better to give preference to this particular name, especially since it is common.

Important! Even if the baby is born before or after the holiday, the name of the saint can be used.

It is worth remembering that the church name should not conflict with the above principles of choice, that is, it is impossible for the son and father to have the same name, otherwise they will constantly swear.

Name for the child according to the horoscope

Astrologers believe that the correct name, which corresponds to the sign of the zodiac, can protect a person, give him the strength to overcome obstacles. However, the problem is that most of the proposed options are Old Slavonic, respectively, outdated. For example, if you have a girl who is Sagittarius according to the horoscope, then you will be offered inappropriate options, such as: Aza, Alevtina, Louise, Seraphim, etc.

Also, many now popular names are repeated in many signs of the zodiac. For example, Victoria can be used for girls who were born under the zodiac sign of Virgo, Libra, or Scorpio. It turns out that the most common names are simply universal, so they are worn by many children and adults.

Separately, it should be said that there are a huge number of such tables of names compiled according to the horoscope. Anyone can write their own unique list, which will not be supported by anything. For this reason, you should not think that the strange nickname that the zodiac sign offers you can really help the baby succeed in life.

Now you know why you can’t call a child strange names, as well as nicknames of people who have some popularity in our time. Remember that the name can break a person's life, so direct your creativity in a different direction. Do not forget that complex names are often misspelled, so your son or daughter may have problems with documents in the future. Listen to common sense, not to the words of acquaintances and friends.

The book provides comprehensive information to give the child the "right" name that will attract health, wealth and success to him. Everything is important: the meaning of the name; namesake saint who will become your baby's guardian angel; numerological aspect; "good" and "bad" diminutives and household nicknames. Do you want your child to be happy from the cradle to old age? Then use the advice of Sister Stephanie when calculating his name. Do not let such an important process as the naming of a baby go by itself! It's not about what name you like, but how much it will help your baby find himself in life, become rich, successful, everyone's favorite PERSON!

A series: Parent's master ledger

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by the LitRes company.

We are counting the lucky name of the baby. Numerology of numbers of names and birthdays

Dear Parents! In the previous sections of the book, we talked about what considerations you need to use when choosing a name for a child. But following the rules I have listed does not mean doing everything to attract happiness to your baby. Now you and I have to learn how to calculate the desired name.

Note! If it was possible to generate a list of names for the baby before his birth, and then, when he was born, show them to him and see his reaction, then you can and should only calculate the very one and only name that will become a guiding star for your child. after the birth of the little man. Why? Yes, because no most experienced obstetrician will tell you with a 100% guarantee when the baby will be born. He can rush and be late, so no one knows for sure when exactly he will appear, we always talk only about approximate dates. But very, very much depends on the correspondence of the number of birth and the number of the name. A boy was born today, the name Ignat will suit him; and a day later, no more. That's what a thing! So you need to be very careful and calculate everything well.

I have already said earlier that numerology will help in this. This, of course, is a real science, which is far from easy to master. To become a good numerologist, you need to practice long and hard, invest a lot of time, energy and diligence in mastering the amazing laws of numbers. Fortunately, in order to calculate the optimal value of a name for a child, you do not need fundamental knowledge. The technique that I present to you in this book will suffice.

But still, you will have to get into something, so please be patient. The knowledge that you will receive now will be useful to you more than once in your life, you will see.

What is numerology

Numerology is the science of numbers that surround a person everywhere, even if you don’t notice them at first glance. It has deep historical roots, and our ancient ancestors successfully used it. And numerology was founded by the great mathematician Pythagoras, who lived before our era, who proved that numbers form their own language. In the 16th century, another philosopher, Cornelius Agrippa, unraveled the secret of this language. It is thanks to him that she became known to us.

Modern numerology allows you to understand the numerical values ​​of dates, events, names, and most importantly - birthdays and names. After all, it is they who largely determine the fate of a person. The numerical value of the birthday reveals to us the secrets of the natural inclinations of the baby and is the number of the personality. Translating into the language of numbers the name that you intend to give your child, you can understand whether it will answer your ideas about his character and abilities, and most importantly about his happy fate - after all, each of us understands happiness in our own way. By analyzing the numerical values ​​of various names, you will find exactly what will bring good luck to the child.

Meanings of numbers and numbers

I give you the basic values ​​​​of prime and two "majority" numbers. You need to have an idea about these values ​​\u200b\u200bin order to figure out what date something is worth starting and what not; how much to buy certain items; how many guests to invite; what could mean the number of flowers presented to you; what salary to ask for when applying for a job, etc. And of course, these values ​​will be needed when calculating the “correct” name for the child. However, there will be some nuances. I will definitely tell you about them.

Elementary numbers and their corresponding digits

The initial numbers in numerology are prime, denoted by numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive. Each number has a special meaning.

1 - the number of the goal, which manifests itself in the form of aggressiveness and ambition, everything that begins with the first letter of the alphabet

2 - a number expressing a balance between such extremes as day and night. It defines the contrast and chooses something between positive and negative qualities.

3 - means instability and is symbolized by a triangle that represents the past, present and future. It combines talent and gaiety and symbolizes adaptability.

4 - means stability and strength. Its reliability is represented by a square - the sides of the cosmos, the seasons and the elements of "fire", "earth", "air" and "water". This is the most primitive number.

5 - symbolizes risk, reaching its final result through travel and experience. The lack of stability in it, on the one hand, can lead to uncertainty, but, on the other hand, this number is the happiest and most unpredictable.

6 - a symbol of reliability. It is an ideal number that is divisible by both an even number (2) and an odd number (3), thus uniting the elements of each.

7 - symbolizes mystery, as well as study and knowledge as a way of exploring the unknown and invisible. These are the seven ruling planets, the seven days of the week, the seven notes of the scale. Seven unites the integrity of 1 with the ideality of 6 and forms its own symmetry, making it a truly psychic number.

8 is the number of material success. It signifies reliability perfected as it is represented by a double square. Divided in half, it has equal parts (4 and 4). If it is further divided, then the parts will also be equal (2, 2, 2, 2), showing a fourfold equilibrium.

9 - a symbol of universal success, the largest of all elementary numbers. It combines the traits of the whole group, which makes it a controlling factor if it is developed to its full extent. As the triple number 3, the number 9 turns instability into aspiration.

Any large number can be reduced to an elementary one. To do this, you need to add all the digits of this number. If this again turns out to be a complex number, that is, 10 or more, then these numbers should also be added again. This process is continued until an elementary number from 1 to 9 is obtained.

"Majority", or "dominant" numbers

In addition to elementary numbers, there are two more complex numbers that have a special meaning. Since these are very strong numbers in terms of energy, they are called "majority", "dominant". These are 11 and 22. These numbers must be considered both separately and in a simplified form, comparing both values. For example, 11 has its own meaning, and simplified 2 (1 + 1) has its own. We also consider the number 22 and 4 (2+2).

11 - symbolizes super-comprehension, the ability to see the root causes and hidden consequences, what is hidden from the rest of the world. This is the number of insight and the number of madness at the same time.

22 is a special number, twice 11, which has twice the potential of 11. On the other hand, 22 is the second number after 11, so it is somewhat inferior in strength to this number.

On the one hand, the number 22 is considered the embodiment of the divine mind on earth, on the other hand, it is catastrophically divorced from reality, which is symbolized by the sequence of prime numbers.

What numbers affect the fate of a person

Each person is greatly influenced by two numbers: the number of birth and the number of the name. Both one and the other can be expressed as a prime number from 1 to 9 or a majority 11 or 22.

Since the number of the birthday is constant, its influence is also constant. But not only it determines the character and fate of your child, otherwise all people born on the same day would have the same fate. To a much greater extent, the development and future of the child depends on the name, the numerical value of which should be in harmony with the number of the birthday. In other words, the natural capabilities of a person (expressed in the number of birth) should get on the right track and receive the necessary support from the name (the number of the name), and not be suppressed by it.

If the number of a birthday is a given, then the number of a name is an indicator of a person in the process of development or has already reached certain heights. Therefore, various diminutive names in childhood, which we call our children, are of particular importance for their development. And the already established specific name, which is most often used in adolescence or youth, has a different influence. All numerical values ​​​​of various names and nicknames must be taken into account in order not to harm, but to help your child grow up healthy and happy.

Sometimes, already in adulthood, a person realizes that the name does not play a very good role in his fate, and takes on another one (pseudonym), which he selects according to the laws of numerology. But we will talk about this later. Not all at once. While we are just getting ready to calculate the name of our baby.

So we have come to our main goal - the calculation of the name that will bring the child a happy fate. Following my recommendations step by step, you will perfectly cope with the task set for yourself - you will attract good luck to your child. You don't have to deal with super complicated calculations, don't worry. But it's better to keep a calculator handy. A single mistake here can ruin the whole thing. So we stock up on patience, and it is better to double-check each result just in case, so that there is no mistake. All people make mistakes, there is nothing like that here. The main thing is that in the final version everything goes right and your baby grows up healthy and happy. So now let's play some magic with the numbers so that he lives better.

Step one. We calculate the number of birth, or the number of personality

The birth number reveals the natural characteristic of a person, it, as we have already said, remains unchanged for life. Unless we are talking about the numbers 11 and 22, which can "simplify" to 2 and 4, respectively. The birth number is also called the personality number, and we will start from it in the search for a happy name. The personality number is obtained from the digits of the date of birth.

For example, your son was born on January 6, 2007. We consider the number of his birth (personality): 6+1+2+7=16, we simplify to a simple number: 1+6=7. This is your child's personality number.

And now we look at its meaning, in which you will find not only what is already determined by nature, but also tips on how to maintain the positive influence of the number or neutralize its negative characteristics with the next step - choosing a name.

Number 1

This is a very strong number, which is a symbol of one's own person, glory and power, action and ambition. A child with a birthday number of 1 should follow it, never changing its course and reaching new heights in a direct and progressive way, without jerks and accidents. This number implies a high development, if you follow his advice, namely: avoid selfishness and selfishness, self-will and self-will, be careful, balance your interests with the interests of other people so that they do not come into a conflict state, otherwise you can lose friends and gain enemies.

Your child with a personality number of 1 can become a very famous person. He can lead a company or enterprise, people will recognize his authority and obey him, he is a born leader. Do not try to extinguish leadership qualities in him, do not urge him to “keep a low profile” and behave more modestly. Teach him to be humane and wise, to treat people with care. And then everything will turn out as it should. Explain to him that what is his will not get away from him; explain that in some situations it is more appropriate to be patient rather than assertive.

Number 2

It symbolizes balance in mood, behavior, actions, softness and tact of character, the search for compromises, smoothing sharp corners, acute problems. But internal contradictions, excessive rationality, eternal advice to friends and others often prevent these people from sorting out their own affairs. The number 2 is balance and contrast. It is, as it were, between light and darkness, good and evil, heat and cold, wealth and poverty, life and death. A child with this personality number accepts all circumstances as they are, adapting and reconciling with them.

Advice: avoid extremes, any uncertainty and excessive generosity, think and care not only about others, but also about yourself, reason should prevail over feelings. Teach your child to look for the golden mean. "Deuce" may show a tendency to maximalism, especially in childhood and adolescence. Many tears will be shed and many bumps will be filled until the child learns gentleness and tact.

In the future, your child may become a good designer and consultant, but not a performer. In his work, he will need a co-author and companion, since he is adapted to collective work.

Number 3

A child with this number very quickly reveals his features, has a sharp mind and intuition, the ability to quickly and easily acquire knowledge, and at a very early age. This child is talented, but alone he will not be able to fully realize his talent, so he needs support. To achieve the goal, he chooses the easiest ways and means, adapting to everything that promises immediate benefit. He is quite careless about life. He needs interesting people, an easy, pleasant environment, constant entertainment. He only lives for one day. He doesn't care about the future. With the right start, he can go far, as he does not doubt his abilities. However, natural impatience, the desire for easy activities can prevent him from achieving high results.

End of introductory segment.

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The following excerpt from the book How to name a child so that he is happy (Sister Stephanie, 2007) provided by our book partner -

Almost immediately after learning that a baby will be born soon, young parents are trying to pick up a special and unique name for your child. How to name a child, because it is known that the name can greatly affect the fate of a person. Therefore, it must be selected very carefully and having previously studied what it means.

When choosing a name, you need to take into account the time of the year in which he was or will be born.

  • So children born in winter, you need to give soft and sonorous names in order to avoid the severity and so bestowed by nature based on the time of year. Such names as Cyril, Anton, Maxim, Prokhor, Trafim, Ulyana, Evgenia, Tatiana are suitable for them.
  • But babies born in spring, you need to give strong names that will give them self-confidence and fortitude. It can be such names: Philip, Ivan, Makar, Bogdan, Tamara, Ulyana, Daria.
  • Proud and brave summer kids who always achieve their goal, such names as: Alexander, Konstantin, Fedor, Ignat, Inna, Zhanna, Elena are suitable.
  • autumn kids usually realistic and distrustful, very smart and calm. Such children in adulthood are very thrifty and thrifty. Here are some names for them: Demyan, Tikhan, Mark, Vyacheslav, Marianna, Veronica, Nelly.

When choosing a name, consider the patronymic

It is also very important to try on a name for a patronymic, you can pick up a beautiful name that does not fit him at all.

Is it possible to give a name to a baby in honor of something

  1. You can not give a name to a child in honor of someone, especially if this person has already died.
  2. You should not give a name in honor of some significant date, important for a family or a holiday.

The child should receive the name that will give him a happy fate and make him unique.

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First of all, I would like to note that the very POSSIBILITY to choose a birthday for your child appeared, by the standards of bazi, not so long ago. And the influence of such a bazi card chosen by the parents on the life of this child has not yet been studied.
Here you can give the opinion of a specialist - an ideologist feng shui studio U-Sin Ekaterina Khrenova :
"The very value of Chinese metaphysics and feng shui for those who use them as a practice lies in the fact that they have accumulated the experience of millennia. And artificial labor induction techniques have been used by force for several decades. And it is not yet possible to say how much it works. From the point of energy, which we constantly talk about, a person who was supposed to be born later or earlier gets good natal charts in his hands, but these natal charts will not be his. in cards, and they give him chips for roulette at the entrance. Maybe he will win at roulette, but he would be better at playing cards. Now, if future parents aim for a good moment in 9 months, then this would be good luck At the same time, it is quite possible that in a couple of hundred years it will turn out that the intervention at the time of birth is just the intervention of fate, which in fact does not distort anything. But we will find out about this later. "

And yet, since the opportunity to choose a good date for birth has appeared, it is a sin not to use it, because this is what bazi and feng shui teach us - to use the luck that is in our power.

When choosing a date of birth, it is important to consider not only the usefulness of the chosen date for the child, but also the safety of the chosen date for the mother (after all, childbirth is not the safest process).

Choosing a date for delivery on time, taking into account additional stimulation of labor activity.

Sometimes it happens that the day for childbirth is appointed, a caesarean section is not provided, but labor does not begin. In this case, the doctor may suggest to stimulate labor activity. Here the choice of the day is not great - it will be either the same day, or 1-2 days ahead, but you can choose an hour, or rather two hours. In this case, the choice is rather needed in order to exclude unfavorable days and hours. If the birth is the first and they are going to stimulate in the evening, then it is better to look at the next day, because if the child is born the next day, then he will receive a card for this next day.

Choosing a date for delivery by caesarean section.

It is important to note that caesarean section is most often prescribed for problematic pregnancies or contraindications for labor activity (i.e. when natural childbirth can harm the life and health of the mother and / or baby). In this case, since this is a full-fledged abdominal operation, you can choose the day and hour (although again, the choice is not endless).

Consultations on choosing a date of birth are quite complicated, since it is necessary to review several options for fate, check whether luck will accompany a person during a conscious life, do not forget to check whether a child is suitable for parents, and whether it will badly affect their fate and much more. What can a simple layman? In both cases, when choosing a date, you need to:

1. Exclude days bearing Sha (collisions of year and day or month and day, Sha of misfortune of year and month).
2. Days with Qi phase "Danger", "Closing"
3. Day with the "Star of Disease"
these days are unfavorable for both the woman in labor (i.e. for childbirth) and for the birth of a child (i.e. for the bazi card).

Taking into account the mother's bazi card:
1. Eliminate days when the energy of the day collides with the day and year of the mother's birth.

It is good if the date contains all five wu-sin elements. Harmony and balance in a person's life is very important, so it is good to choose cards that contain all 5 elements. Power and money are needed both in the boy's card and in the girl's card.

If you have the opportunity to choose the hour, then cross out the “unused” hours - i.e. hours when the energy of the hour goes against the energy of the day. This watch is also better not to be used for surgery!